Power Electronics in Microgrid
Power Electronics in Microgrid
Power Electronics in Microgrid
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1. Introduction
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
Figure 1.
Power electronic converters in microgrids.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
2. Converter topologies
The buck converter is shown in Figure 2. creates an output voltage that is lower
than the input voltage Vin. The average output voltage Vo is a function of the duty
ratio according to the expression:
V o ¼ D V in (1)
The voltage Vo is controlled by varying the duty ratio D of the switch S. This is a
linear relationship for ideal conditions. When the switch is on, the diode is reverse
biased and so the input current flows through the inductor L. When the switch is
off, the diode conducts so the energy stored in the inductor passes through the
diode supplying part of this stored energy to the load. The capacitor at the output is
used to keep the average value of the output voltage constant [20].
The boost converter in Figure 3 shows the circuit topology, where the main
function is to obtain a higher DC voltage at the output than its input DC voltage. It
contains at least one semiconductor switch and elements to store energy.
L +
+ V S
- in C R Vo
Figure 2.
Buck converter.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
L +
+ Vin S C R Vo
Figure 3.
Boost converter.
When the switch S is closed, the inductor stores energy from the source, at the
same time the load R is fed by the capacitor (C). When the switch is open, the only
path of the current is through the diode, and current flows to the capacitor and the
load [21].
V in
Vo ¼ (2)
1 D
Since the output voltage is inversely proportional to (1 D), a higher duty ratio
gives a higher output voltage.
Vo D
¼ (3)
V in 1 D
When the switch is closed, the input provides power to the inductance and the
diode is reverse biased. When the switch is open, the energy stored in the induc-
tance is transferred to the output while the input does not provide power to the
load. As in the previous converters, in steady-state the capacity of the output
capacitor is large enough so that the output voltage Vo is constant [22]. The output
voltage is reversed inside.
+ Vin S L C
- R Vo
Figure 4.
Buck-boost converter.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
S1 S3
iL L ig
Vin CDC C vg
S2 S4
Figure 5.
Singe-phase DC/AC inverter.
systems, which are able of accumulating energy for later use when there is not enough
solar resource to cover the load demand, using a single-phase inverter to obtain the
voltage level and the frequency necessary to be connected to the main grid [24, 25].
Single-phase inverters when connected to the grid under unbalanced conditions,
can propagate second-order harmonics from AC to DC side. The power for the grid
side Pg is defined as:
VI ð1 þ cos 2ωtÞ VI VI
Pg ¼ V g Ig ¼ VI cos 2 ωt ¼ ¼ þ cos 2ωt (4)
2 2 2
V g and Ig represent the grid voltage and current respectively, meanwhile, the
angular grid frequency f is defined as ω ¼ 2πf . As second-harmonics are present in
the DC side, large DC capacitance is required to support second-order ripples [26].
S1 S3 S5
iLa La
iL b Lb
iL c Lc
S2 S4 S6 Ca Cb Cc
Figure 6.
Three-phase two-level DC/AC inverter.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
S1 S5 S9
S3 S7 S11 Ca Cb Cc
Vin /2 CDC-
S4 S8 S12
Figure 7.
Three-phase three-level DC/AC neutral-point-clamped inverter.
This basic typology consists of only six switches S1-S6 as seen in Figure 8.
containing a neutral point being clamped to the DC bus inverter, resulting in two
voltage levels through the DC-link capacitors.
Zero-sequence current causes voltage ripple at the midpoint of the inverter,
therefore large capacitors are required to reduce the voltage ripples. To share the
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
S1 S3 S5
C+ iLa La Loada
iLb Lb Loadb
iL c Lc Loadc
S2 S4 S6 Ca Cb Cc
Figure 8.
Three-phase four-wire DC/AC inverter with split DC-link capacitors.
input DC voltage evenly, the voltages of the two divided DC link capacitors must be
controlled [31].
One of the disadvantages of this typology is that large neutral currents, are
reflected in voltage ripple in the capacitors.
Figure 9 shows the configuration of this inverter, where switches S1-S6 feed the
ABC phases, while switches SN1 and SN2 provide the neutral current line. An
advantage of this converter is that the capacitor does not need to be bulky to reduce
the second-order ripples in the DC-link, but its control strategy is more complex
than the previous converter. Additionally, there is a 15% gain in AC output voltage
with respect to the DC voltage. As the additional leg cannot be controlled indepen-
dently, the control complexity of maintaining balanced voltages on the AC lines as
well as maintaining the neutral point can be experienced great stress on the DC
terminals causing electromagnetic interference (EMI) [32].
SN1 S1 S3 S5
iLa La Loada
LN iLb Lb Loadb
iLc Lc Loadc
SN2 S2 S4 S6 Ca Cb Cc
Figure 9.
Three-phase four-wire DC/AC inverter with the neutral leg.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
SN1 S1 S3 S5
C+ iLa La Loada
LN iLb Lb Loadb
iLc Lc Loadc
SN2 S2 S4 S6 Ca Cb Cc
Figure 10.
Three-phase four-wire DC/AC inverter with an independently-controlled neutral leg.
Its control strategy also allows the phases to be controlled independently as well
as the neutral leg, avoiding stress on the DC link and other interferences. Another
aspect is that by not presenting neutral current through the DC link capacitors;
small capacitors can be used and power density will be increased [32].
Figure 11.
The properties (and implications for operation) of Si, SiC, and GaN.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
applications that require high voltage operation, high temperature, and high
switching frequency.
Figure 12.
The trade-off between design and performance parameters.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
developed using two bidirectional DC/DC buck converters. In this study, the objec-
tives are to optimize the efficiency and power density of a DC/AC buck inverter. To
start with, the efficiency and power density of four major components within an
inverter are modeled including the power GaN FETs, inductors, capacitors, and heat
sinks. Their efficiency and power density are further determined by the variables
including switching frequency f sw , the inductor ripple ∆iL , the switch area Asw , and
the junction temperature ∆T j . Therefore, it is of great importance to model the
efficiency and power density based on these variables for each component.
The power loss models of the GaN FETs are based on the on-state resistance
RDS,on , the output capacitance Coss and the thermal junction-to-case resistance RθJC
of the switches. The output capacitance Coss represents the parasitic capacitance of
the power GaN FETs. The value of Coss is provided in the datasheet of GaN FETs.
When the energy is stored into the output capacitor, current discharges through the
body diode causes power loss [33]. These variables are scaled by their reference
values with respect to the area of the switch. The switching loss of the inverter is the
sum of the turn-on and turn-off loss of all the switches [33]. The switching loss of the
higher side switches PSH ,sw ðH ¼ 1, 3Þ (see Figure 13) is obtained as,
V in f sw ΔiLa
PSH ,sw ¼ Iout sin ðωtÞ þ icomp ðtCR þ tVF Þ
2 2
þ Iout sin ðωtÞ þ icomp þ ðtVR þ tCF Þ
Where, icomp is the second-order current component and ΔiLa is the inductor
current ripple. tCR and tCF are the rise and fall times for the current in the switch. tVR
and tVF are the rise and fall times for the voltage in the switch.
The switching loss of the lower side switch PSL ,sw ðL ¼ 2, 4Þ can be derived as:
V SD f sw ΔiLa
PSL ,sw ¼ Iout sin ðωtÞ þ icomp þ ðtCR þ tVF Þ
2 2
þ Iout sin ðωtÞ þ icomp ðtVR þ tCF Þ
converter 1 converter 2
+ idc
S1 S3
Cascode La
structure va
Vin vb
Lb Ca Cb
S2 S4
DC-link capacitor Power decoupling
Figure 13.
Structure of a differential DC/AC buck inverter.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
From (5) and (6), the total switching losses Ptot,sw of the inverter are calculated
as the sum of PSH ,sw and PSL ,sw . The switching losses of higher side switches depend
on the input voltage V in , and lower side switches depend on the diode voltage V SD .
Hence, the lower side switches produced lesser switching losses compared to the
higher side switches as V SD is much smaller than V in .
The conduction loss depends on the RMS current flowing through the switch
I RMS,sw , the on-state resistance RDS,on and the change in junction temperature ∆T j .
It will be varied according to the duty cycle of the switches S1 S4 . After
applying the mathematical simplifications, the total conduction loss Ptot,cond can be
written as:
( !
RDS,on ∗
Asw Δi2La
I2out sin 2 ðωtÞ þ i2comp þ
Ptot,cond ¼ 1 þ ΔT j
Asw 12
!) (7)
Δi Lb
þ I2out sin 2 ðωt þ π Þ þ i2comp þ
The power losses of the output capacitance Coss, depend on the input voltage and
the switching frequency as:
Coss Asw
Ptot,Coss ¼2 ∗ V 2in f sw (8)
The reverse recovery loss of the lower side switches is not negligible for cascode
devices. The total reverse recovery loss Ptot,rr is calculated as:
Q rr Asw
Ptot,rr ¼2 ∗ V in f sw (9)
The gate losses depend on the switching frequency, the gate-source voltage V GS
and the gate charge Q g . The total gate loss of four switches Ptot,g is calculated as:
Q g Asw
Ptot,g ¼4 ∗ V GS f sw (10)
In cascode GaN FETs, the current flowing through the body diodes of the lower
side switches incur the conduction loss during the reverse recovery time trr [32].
The total power loss Ptot,bd of the body diodes can be written as,
Ptot,bd ¼ 2V SD f sw trr Iout ð sin ðωtÞ þ sin ðωt þ π ÞÞ þ 2icomp (11)
The inductor power loss consists of the core loss and the AC and DC resistance
loss which can be expressed as [34].
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
Pind ¼ aL1 f αsw ΔiβL þ aL2 f sw ΔiγL þ aL3 I2out ΔiλL
AC_loss DC_loss
Where, aL1 , α, and β are the Steinmetz coefficients; aL2 and aL3 are the constants
which are used to approximate the values of DC winding resistance; γ and λ are the
real values used to reduce the non-linearity. The approximated inductor volume is
calculated as:
Where, aL4 , aL5 , and aL6 are the polynomial coefficients of the inductor which
must be a positive value. L is the inductor value. Ipeak is the peak current of the
I2RMS,C tan δ
Pcap ¼ (15)
2π f 2ω C
Where, IRMS,C is the RMS current flow through the capacitor, tan δ is the loss
factor, f 2ω is the frequency of second-order ripple power and C is the value of the
capacitance. The total volume of the capacitors volcap is calculated as:
Where, aC1 , aC2 and aC3 are the polynomial coefficients of the capacitors which
must be positive values. The voltage V C is the voltage across the capacitor.
Where, V θSA is the volumetric resistance, PD is the power dissipated by the GaN
FETs, ΔTj is the temperature difference between the junction and the ambient, RθJC
is the thermal resistance from junction to the case of the semiconductor, and RθCS is
the thermal resistance from the case to the mounting surface of the semiconductor.
To formulate the multi-objective model, the total power loss Ptot,loss and volume
voltot are calculated as:
Ptot,loss ¼ Ptot,sw þ Ptot,cond þ Ptot,Coss þ Ptot,rr þ Ptot,g þ Ptot,bd þ Pind þ Pcap (18)
Using (18) and (19), the objective function and inequality constraints can be
obtained as:
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
From (20), the optimal value of the power loss and volume of the inverters is
determined following the iterative process shown in Figure 14. The optimized
efficiency and power density of the design are then calculated. The outcome of the
multi-objective design is the Pareto-front showing the optimized efficiency and
power density of the designed inverter.
Figure 14.
Flow chart of multi-objective design.
Table 1.
Design constraints of the inverter.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
was used. The values of the maximum output current Iout,max, and reference
switching area A*sw are 6.15 A and 45.6 mm2. The values of the inductor are
L = 390 μH, the capacitor is C = 48 μF and the switching frequency is fsw = 100 kHz.
These are selected according to the outcome of the multi-objective design approach.
A prototype of the inverter was built using the components sized using the
multi-objective design. The prototype is shown in Figure 17(a). The prototype was
Figure 15.
Efficiency vs. power density.
Figure 16.
Power loss and volume.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
Figure 17.
(a) Hardware prototype, and (b) efficiency and power loss.
operated at different output power levels to obtain the efficiency and power loss
and the result is given in Figure 17(b). The efficiency was measured by a Yokogawa
WT1806E precision power analyzer. It was observed that the maximum efficiency
of the prototype is 98.02%. The power density was 4.54 kW/dm3 from the volume
of the inverter which is given in Figure 17(a). Therefore, the efficiency and power
density match the results obtained by the proposed design approach in Section
3.4.1. The errors of efficiency and power density obtained from both are only 0.38%
and 0.06 kW/dm3 respectively.
4. Converter control
For the converter system, an important question is how to design a good con-
troller for the system so that the system can run stably while meeting the required
performance indicators. In this section, typical approaches to the control of both
DC/DC and DC/AC power electronic converters used in microgrids are presented.
The control of converters usually has a hierarchical control structure (see
Figure 18). The switching-level, converter-level, and application-level control
are introduced in this section. For the switching-level control, typical pulse-width
modulation (PWM) methods are introduced. For the converter-level control, the
1) Status Monitoring 2) Operation mode selection 3)Optimal reference settings
Current control PLL, αβ ↔ dq Current control
(PI Control) Transformations (PI+Resonance control)
Modulator Modulator
Switching logic Switching logic
& Dead time & Dead time
control Gate drives & device protection
Figure 18.
Hierarchical control of power electronic converters.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
PWM is the most used technique to control switching power devices in DC/DC
converters. For example, to control a conventional buck DC/DC converter, a mod-
ulation wave vm is generated from the control loop and compared with the
sawtooth-wave carrier vc as shown in Figure 19. The driving signal s (0 or 1) is sent
to the driver according to (21).
If vm > vc , s ¼ 1
If vm < vc , s ¼ 0 (21)
The larger the modulation wave, the larger the duty cycle, and thus the higher
the output voltage. For other types of DC/DC converters such as the Dual-active-
bridge (DAB) converter, the phase-shift PWM is favored to achieve zero-voltage-
switching (ZVS) to reduce the losses [35].
The DC/DC converters are used in the field of DG integration such as solar PV
systems [36]. They transfer the power from DGs to DC microgrids. Types of
DC/DC converters include buck, boost, and buck-boost converters.
Figure 20 shows a general control schematic for controlling the output
voltage of a DC/DC converter. A double-loop controller is used for the DC/DC
Figure 19.
PWM modulation scheme.
DG Converter idco
vdco Load
Vm idco vdco
– *
+ Vdco
controller controller
Figure 20.
Output DC voltage control.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
converter. The control mode is to control the output DC voltage. The output
from the voltage controller is the reference for the current controller. The modula-
tion wave V m is calculated from the current PI controller. Then, the PWM signal
can be generated by the modulator as discussed in 4.1.1 to drive the power
electronic switches.
For parallel-connected DC/DC converters in low-voltage DC microgrid. Droop
control is also popular for DC/DC converters to achieve autonomous equal power-
sharing. A virtual resistance RV can be used to automatically distribute the power
among the parallel converters. The droop curve and the control scheme are shown
in Figures 21 and 22.
For PV energy integration, the DC/DC converter can be used for the MPPT
control [37] as shown in Figure 23. A DC/DC converter is connected between the
PV array and the load to trace the maximum powerpoint. In this case, the controller
controls the input power through an MPPT algorithm. The output of the MPPT
algorithm is a DC voltage reference. The input DC voltage of the DC/DC is then
controlled according to this reference.
The load at the output side can be the passive load or the active load such as an
AC/DC converter for connecting the PV system to an AC grid. In this case, the grid
side AC/DC converter is responsible for regulating the DC link voltage.
I dco idco
Figure 21.
Droop cure for virtual resistance-based control.
DG Converter idco
vdco Load
idco vdco
PI PI Vdco
controller controller
Virtual resistance based droop control
Figure 22.
Virtual resistance-based control schematic.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
PV arrayy
vPV vdc Passive load
or active load
algorithm vPV
* controller
Figure 23.
Input DC voltage control for MPPT application.
+ ix iPN+
x o
ix iPN-
x Udc
- -
2 4
(a) (b)
Figure 24.
SPWM for 2 L-converters, (a) a 2 L-converter, and (b) waveform of SPWM.
upper carrier
2 3 4
0 0 wct
1 wct 1 2
-1 -1
lower carrier
(a) (b)
Figure 25.
SPWM for 3 L-converters, (a) a 3 L converter, and (b) waveform of SPWM.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
id* PI
+- -
id dq ma*
* mb*
i wL
+ abc mc*
iq +-
eq θe
Figure 26.
Decoupled current controller at dq frames.
cos(· )
ω θe
vabc × +
PI ¶
abc ×
sin(· )
Figure 27.
PLL for grid synchronization.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
will exist. Dual current controller regulating both positive-sequence and negative-
sequence currents will be needed as shown in Figure 28.
The ultimate objective of using such dual current control to regulate currents of
both sequences is to either i) achieve balanced output current [38], or ii) cancel the
2nd order power ripple caused by the interaction of positive-sequence current and
negative-sequence voltage [39]. For i), balanced three-phase currents can be
obtained by setting negative-sequence current references to zero. However, the
interaction of positive-sequence current and negative-sequence voltage will result
in a 2nd order power ripple at the grid side although the currents are controlled
balanced through i):
This power ripple could increase odd AC harmonics to the grid. Thus, the
approach for ii) is injecting proper negative-sequence current to counteract such a
power ripple. The expected injecting currents are expressed as:
p∗ p p 3 12
id vnsd vnsq P0∗
2 3 2 3
vsd vsq
6 p∗
6 iq 7 2 6 vpsq p
vnsq vnsd 7
7 6 7 6 ∗7
vsd 6Q 7
6 07
7¼ 6 n
6 7 6 7
p p 7
7 3 6 vsq vnsd
6 n∗ 6 ∗7
4 d 5 4 vsq vsd 75
6 P 7
4 s2 5
p p
inq ∗ vnsd vnsq vsd vsq ∗
p p 3 12
vnsd vnsq P0∗
2 3
vsd vsq
6 p p
vnsq vnsd 7
7 6 ∗7
6 vsq vsd
26 6Q 7
6 07
¼ 6 n (23)
p p 7
3 6 vsq vnsd
6 7
4 vsq vsd 75
6 07
4 5
p p
vnsd vnsq vsd vsq 0
Where, Ps2∗ and Pc2∗ are the sine and cosine terms of the 2nd order power ripples.
h i
p p p
In this scheme, the positive-sequence components Fαβ ¼ V αβ Iαβ and the
negative-sequence components Fnαβ ¼ V nαβ Inαβ need to be extracted from F αβ ¼
½ V αβ Iαβ . Fαβ and Fnαβ can be obtained by misplaced subtraction as:
Positive-sequence edp
idp* PI
+- - ma*
i p
wL dq ++
i wL ++
+ abc mc*
i p +- ++
q PI
eqp θep
Negative-sequence ed
i n* ++
+- PI
wL dq
iqn* wL
- abc
iqn +-
eqn θen
Figure 28.
Dual current controller for positive and negative sequence control.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
p 1
Fαβ ðtÞ ¼ Fαβ ðtÞ þ jFαβ ðt T=4Þ
Fnαβ ðtÞ ¼ Fαβ ðtÞ jFαβ ðt
T=4Þ (24)
Thus, the phase angles θpe and θne in Figure 28 can be obtained by phase locking
the Vαβ and Vnαβ separately.
In addition to the current controller in Figure 26, more control blocks can be
added to reduce the harmonics that are generated by the nonlinear characteristics of
converters. For example, carrier-based PWM methods can introduce the odd har-
monics (i.e. 5th, 7th, 11th, and 13th), and the DC drift of neutral point voltage can
cause even harmonics (i.e. 2nd and 4th). Therefore, the reduction of harmonics is
required for converters. This can be achieved using the resonant (RES) controller
[40]. The combined PI-RES controller at dq frames is shown in Figure 29.
A Nth order RES controller tuned at dq frames can compensate the (1-n)th and
(1 + n)th harmonics in the stationary frame. For example, a 6th order RES controller
can compensate the 5th and 7th harmonics. More RES controllers can be paralleled
with the PI controller according to the compensating requirements.
Resonant controller
kn s
s + (nω ) 2
+ +
id* PI + +
+- -
id dq ma*
iq* wL
+ abc mc*
iq +-
+ ++
+ θe
kn s
s + (nω ) 2
Resonant controller
Figure 29.
PI-RES current controller.
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
Figure 30.
Characteristics of three types of converter control.
methods to share the burden to each DG are preferred for the distribution networks
integrated with renewable energies. To this end, the converters can work under
grid-supporting mode and have a joint contribution to the voltage and frequency
support. The basic power-sharing methods include centralized methods, master–
slave methods, and distribution methods such as the droop methods [42]. The
droop methods can automatically distribute the power to the DGs according to the
droop curves, thus, communication is not required. Droop control for the grid-
supporting converters is a promising power control strategy in the distribution
For the grid-forming converter control in Figure 31, the reference frequency f 0∗
is given for the synchronization. The control is performed at dq frames. Feedback
control is used to guarantee that the output voltage is equal to the given value. The
outputs from the voltage PI controllers are the references for the current controller
as mentioned in the previous section. The grid-forming mode is normally not used
when being connected to the main grid, in which condition the grid-forming func-
tion is always performed by the synchronous generator of the power plants.
The control schematic for the grid-feeding converter is shown in Figure 32. The
outer loop is the PI-based active and reactive power control loop. The active power
and reactive power are calculated by the measured Iabc and V abc . The outputs of the
power control loops are the given values of the current control loops. Synchroniza-
tion is required in this scheme, which is achieved using the PLL. The obtained phase
angle θe is used for the transformation of voltage and current. The grid-feeding
DG Converter PCC
Figure 31.
Grid-forming control schematic.
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
DG Converter PCC
iabc vabc
abc abc
dq dq
vd vq
id calculation
iq P
– P*
Decoupling Q +
mabc –
PWM dq current PI + Q*
Figure 32.
Grid-feeding control schematic.
Converter PCC
abc abc
dq dq
Vs = vd2 + vq2
id iq calculation
Vs P
Decoupling cos(θe ) – – P*
mabc –
PWM dq current PI kp
sin(θe ) + *
controller Vs Q
θe + Q*
2π ³ – kq
Figure 33.
Grid-supporting control schematic.
converter is always fed by the DGs which have more stochastic characteristics such
as the PV and wind farms [41].
For the grid-supporting converter shown in Figure 33, the control scheme is the
combination of the grid-forming and grid-feeding control methods. The kp,q is used
to adjust the droop slope. The converter behaves more like a voltage source if kp,q
increases. Otherwise, if kp,q decreases, the converter has more characteristics of the
current source. The operation points ( f ∗, P ∗ ) and (V ∗, Q ∗ ) in Figure 33 are
regulated by the secondary controller (system-level controller) [41].
5. Conclusion
Renewable energy resources, energy storage systems, and electric vehicles (EVs)
are emerging in microgrids. A great many of the new energies are not naturally AC
Microgrids and Local Energy Systems
sources and cannot be connected to the grid. Power electronic converters build a
bridge for the connection between renewable energies and microgrid.
Converter types include DC/DC and DC/AC converters. For the DC/DC con-
verters, typical topologies are a buck, boost, and buck-boost converters. For the DC/
AC converters, three-phase two-level and three-level converters are most widely
used. In particular, the three-phase four-leg converters are used for the unbalanced
load conditions. The neutral leg and current are independently controlled so that
the dc capacitors can be choosed smaller to achieve lower cost and volume.
WBG devices have been used in the power converters. The design of WBG
power converters should consider efficiency, volume, and weight, cost, and failure
rate. To maximum these performance indices, the multi-optimization method is
utilized. The optimized design solution is found according to the Pareto-front curve.
To illustrate the design method, the optimization of efficiency and power density is
particularly analyzed and validated through a prototype.
Control is an essential part of the power conversion. The typical control methods
are discussed from the switching-level layer to the application-level layer following
a hierarchical structure. PWM is a common modulation method. The current con-
trollers are performed on the dq frame to achieve independent control of active and
reactive power. Also, different control modes, such as grid-feeding, grid-forming,
and grid-supporting control, are presented to accommodate different applications.
Author details
Wenlong Ming
The School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. Distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/
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non-commercial purposes, provided the original is properly cited. –NC
Power Electronic Converters for Microgrids
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101019
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