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Tong Ren Healing

Accessing the Collective Unconscious to Heal Body, Mind and Spirit

A healing modality that combines the knowledge of western anatomy and physiology with the knowledge
of ‘chi’ or ‘life force’ from Traditional Chinese Medicine, to facilitate the body’s natural ability to heal
psychological and physical illness.
Janice Goldman Cambridge, MA
[email protected]
A system of healing created by Tom Tam [email protected]

Acupuncturist and Chi Gong Master Tong Ren Websites
© Randy H. Goodman photography
The acupuncture doll is used as a device in the class, as a symbol, as a way to focus attention, to open
blockages to heal mind, body and spirit.

Fundamental Principles Fundamental Principles Explained Innovations In Tong Ren: Piezoelectricity Published Research and Science Articles (Selections)
• Chi follows the physiological pathways of the body (endocrine, circulatory central & Synchronicity and the Collective Unconscious • Types: glasses, headsets, wires, probes The Tong Ren Healing Method: A Survey Study
peripheral nervous systems) Sullivan, Amy EdD, Bauer-Wu, Susan, PhD, RN, Miovac, Michael, MD (2009)
One of the latest innovations in Tong Ren is the use of piezoelectricity for healing cancer and
• Illness is related to interruptions, or blockages in the body’s natural flow of other illness. Sage Publications: Complimentary Health Practice Review (2009) 1-15, Sage Publications
Birds in a flock move in perfect harmony; each
bioelectricity, blood, oxygen and hormones connect with the brainwave entrainment and
patterns of the group. The human brain has The word “piezo” is a Greek word meaning “to squeeze or press.”
• The unconscious mind (Jung’s collective unconscious) can facilitate the release of a Frequency Following Response tending to A multi-site, cross-sectional study in Northeast, USA
blockages through collective intention and attention change its dominant EEG patterns toward the
Piezoelectricity is when some type of solid material gets mechanically
pressed and as a result can generate electricity. There are many materials (n=265). Results indicate anxiety, depression,cancer,
frequency of external stimuli.
that have piezoelectric property, such as crystals, certain ceramics, and autoimmune disorders had greatest response.
How It Works minerals and biological matter such as bone, DNA, and various proteins. Respectively, 63.8%, 61.0%, and 58.1% of participants
Dr. Carl Jung and others have described the evolving development of an unconscious human When they are compressed or stretched they produce an electrical field. reported substantial improvements.
In Tong Ren Therapy we tap into this vast reserve of healthy bioelectrical patterns and connectedness, like a global spirit or brain. Carl Jung theorized that in addition to our Also, when this material connects with electricity, it can transfer to
health-sustaining energy. By directing energy to specific areas of the brain and central immediate consciousness there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal and mechanical force, and the reverse is also true.
nervous system, Tong Ren restores the flow of bioelectricity by opening the blockages that impersonal nature, which is identical in all individuals. The collective unconscious is the
have impeded the neural release and flow of biochemistry in the brain. repository of archetypal symbols common to all cultures. Autonomic Nerve Development Contributes to Prostate Cancer Progression, Science,
The Tong Ren device acts as a transducer to transform the piezoelectricity to send it to the
bone. Piezoelectricity ceramic can transform the energy from the mechanical stimulation into Vol. 341 no. 6142, July 12, 2013, Magnon, Claire, Frenette, Paul, et al.
Tong Ren has been especially effective in treating cancer, Parkinson’s, immune disorders, Dr. Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ervin Laszlo, Gary Zukav and others have described electrical stimulation, or the other way around from the electrical stimulation to mechanical
PTSD, depression, anxiety and other psychological issues. the evolving development of a subconscious human connectedness, like a global spirit or stimulation. The device of piezoelectricity is very tiny, but our Tong Ren basic theory is based Summary:
brain. As an anthropologist, Teilhard traced the natural evolution of life on earth from the on the brainwave entrainment and the collective unconscious. The density of the collective Here, studying mouse models and human tumor samples, we examined the role of the
development of cells, then plants, through animal and finally human form. This visible
Theory and Practice for Healing Physical and biologic evolution then progressed to internal intellectual development, and now finally to
unconscious and brainwave entrainment is infinitesimal. The piezoceramic can pick up the autonomic nervous system in prostate cancer growth and dissemination. The autonomic
nervous system appears to exert dual functions in prostate cancer: Sympathetic neonerves
tiny signal just as the sonar wave can find the fish.
Psychological Illness globally evolving organization on the level of spirit-energy. We are all part of this upward promote early stages of tumorigenesis, whereas parasympathetic nerve fibers promote
spiral of organization, regardless of our awareness. cancer dissemination.
• An inductive, hands on approach to building a theory of healing
Benefits of Tong Ren
• An iterative process – back and forth – between the empirical data and the traditions of Bioelectricity Levin, M. Bioelectricity in Cancer, NIH Presentation: Bioelectrical Gradients –
East and West Regulators of Pattern Formation that Reveal, Mediate and Normalize Cancer.
• Bioelectricity is an aspect of all living things, including plants and animals Complementary bioelectricity plays a role in embryo development, wound healing and even affects the signals
• The acupuncture doll is used as a device in the class, as a symbol, as a way to focus that prevent tumor formation.
• Every cell, tissue and organism has bioelectricity or electromagnetic fields • Complementary, rather than alternative, can be conducted in conjunction with other
attention, to open blockages to heal mind, body and spirit
medical, pharmaceutical, or psychological therapies
• Cells use bioelectricity to store metabolic energy, to trigger internal changes and signal
Annotation of the Huatuojiaji Points: East Meets West Levin, M. (2011), Endogenous bioelectrical signals in development, regeneration, and
one another • Used to treat all types of illness
neoplasm; in Topical Talks: The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart
In 1999, Tam extends the orignal Huatuojiaji If a patient has a biochemical problem, • Can be used with animals Talks Ltd, London.
points to show that each internal organ has a treatment consists of herbs, drugs, or diet
nerve that can be found at a corresponding
(biochemical agents). If there is a problem Replicability Lan J. Y., Williams C., Levin M., and Black L.D. III, (2014), Depolarization of Cellular Resting
with bioelectrical function, biochemical
point along the spinal cord . For example: agents are still prescribed. WHY? • Use of acupuncture doll and cross referenced tapping points standardizes modality for Membrane Potential Promotes Neonatal Cardiomyocyte Proliferation In Vitro, Cellular
easy replication and Molecular Bioengineering, doi: 10.1007/s12195-014-0346-7
• Breast cancer – T4
The Autonomic Nervous System is a Central Physical Pathway for • Cost effective, no-cost or low cost group settings
• Pancreatic Cancer – T8
Bioelectricity • Easily learned; accessible trainings Selected Publications by Tom Tam
• Ovarian Cancer - L3
• Autonomic Nervous System – Unconscious Mind • Can be taught to individuals for self treatment
• Metamorphosis Emerging from Darkness Healing Stories from Tom Tam, 1998, 2008
• Sympathetic nerve points along spine correspond to internal • A Lazy Bums Healing Tong Ren Therapy Cross Reference, 2012
organs, C1-8, T1-12, L1-5, S1-5 Tong Ren Organization
• Healing Cancer with the Nervous System: A New Concept to Understand Cancer, 2012
• Parasympathetic Nerve : Vagus nerve, kidney meridian • 100 Tong Ren Classes in New England • Tong Ren Wave Healing: The Time for Medical Evolution, June, 2012
• Phrenic Nerve - Conscious, Unconscious, Subconscious; An independent system, • OCI Healing Foundation: promote research and education of Tong Ren
belongs to peripheral system but does not connect to the autonomic nervous system; • Tom Tam Healing System, 7th Edition 2012
motor fibers contract the diaphragm; oxygenation of cells • Tam Center affiliated practitioners (accupuncturists, tui na massage, chi gong, t’ai chi)
• International Tong Ren Network:18 countries Italy, Canada, China , Thailand, France,etc.
Design by © Mish McIntyre 2014 All Rights Reserved

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