Chapter: Behavioural Therapy Total Marks: 15 10 Marks For MCQS (0.5 Mark For Each) 5 Marks For Matching (0.5 Mark For Each)

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QUIZ 1 disorders and phobias.

Using this
Chapter: Behavioural Therapy method, the person is engaged in
NOTE: some type of relaxation exercise and
Total Marks: 15 gradually exposed to an anxiety-
producing stimulus, like an object or
 10 Marks for MCQS (0.5 Mark for
place in hierarchy.
each) A. Imaginal Exposure (Implosion)
 5 Marks for Matching (0.5 Mark for B. In Vivo Exposure (Flooding)
each) C. Systematic desensitization
D. Classical conditioning
5. When operant behavior that has been
1. A _____is a form of behavior previously reinforced no longer
modification designed to increase produces reinforcing consequences
desirable behavior and decrease the behavior gradually stops
undesirable behavior with the use of occurring is called ________
tokens. Individuals receive tokens A. Extinction
immediately after displaying B. Shaping
desirable behavior. The tokens are C. Token Economy
collected and later exchanged for a D. Modeling
meaningful object or privilege.
A. Token economy 6. ________________ is defined as the
B. Response cost procedure that involves reinforcing
C. Systematic desensitization behaviors that are closer to the target
D. Classical conditioning behavior.
A. Shaping
B. Token Economy
2. A rat receives a food pellet if it C. Modeling
makes the response every minute. D. Aversion Therapy
This is example of _____
A. Fixed Interval
B. Variable interval 7. _______________therapy is a type
C. Fixed Response of behavioral therapy that involves
D. Variable Response repeating pairing an unwanted
behavior with discomfort.
3. A teacher uses surprise "pop" A. Modeling
quizzes to encourage students to B. Aversion Therapy
study. This is example of ____ C. Extinction
A. Fixed Interval D. Shaping
B. Variable interval
C. Fixed Response
D. Variable Response 8. A child might stop throwing
tantrums after his favorite toy is
taken away after each tantrum is
4. __________is a behavioral technique example of __________ in operant
commonly used to treat fear, anxiety conditioning.
A. Positive punishment
B. Negative punishment
C. Positive reinforcement
D. Negative reinforcement 13. Which theory of learning best
explains why you might feel
frightened sitting in the dentist´s
9. A student's cell phone is taken away chair even before you have felt any
and he is given a scolding, after the pain?
cell phone starts ringing in the
middle of a lecture (where the A. Operant conditioning
shouting becomes the negative B. Classical conditioning
stimuli). The student will learn either C. Instrumental learning
to put the phone on silent mode or D. Social learning
never to get it in class. is example of
_____in operant conditioning 14. According to Bandura, virtually all
A. Positive punishment behavioral, cognitive, and affective
B. Negative punishment learning from direct experience can
C. Positive reinforcement be achieved
D. Negative reinforcement
A. Through forgetting
B. Vicariously
10. Rational Emotive Behavior C. Latently
Therapy (REBT was created and D. Through reinforcement
developed by ________
A. Albert Allis 15. Shaping is brought about by
B. Geroge A Miller
C. Aeorn Beck A. Negative reinforcement
D. Sigmund Freud
B. Latent learning
11. What is the correct term for a
situation where a stimulus no longer C. successive approximations to target
evokes the conditioned response? behavior

A. Generalization D. Rewarding
B. Discrimination
C. Extinction 16. According to Bandura, rather than
D. Spontaneous Recovery learning by performing responses
that are rewarded, much of human
12. Learning by trial and error is called learning comes about by
A. Making mistakes
A. Classical Conditioning B. Observing others
B. Operant Conditioning C. Seeing the consequences of ones
C. Positive Reinforcement actions
D. Shaping D. Habituation
17. Response cost is started on __day of
token economy.
A. 5th
B. 4th
C. 1st
D. 3rd
18. Response cost is __
A. Positive punishment MATCHING
B. Negative punishment Colum A Colum B
C. Positive reinforcement 1. Assertive A. Smoking
D. Negative reinforcement Training
2. Fixed B. Better Self-
19. ------- has been found to be effective Interval Expression
for the treatment 3. Aversion C. Class
of headaches and migraines Therapy Schedule
4. Time Out D. Response
A. Modeling Cost
B. Aversion Therapy
5. Token E. Negative
C. Biofeedback
Economy Punishment
D. Token Economy
6. Self- F. Joseph
Efficacy Wolpe
20. Nodding on correct answer given by
7. REBT G. Albert
student is __
A. Positive Punishment
8. CBT H. Learned
B. Negative Punishment
C. Positive Reinforcement Helplessness
D. Negative Reinforcement 9. Reciprocal I. Irrational
Inhibition Belief

10. Martin J. Current

Seligman Behavior
Name: Ayesha Kamal
Class & Section: 6A
Date: 24/12/2020
Quiz 1
15 marks

1 A
2 A
3 D
4 C
5 A
6 A
7 B
8 B
9 A
10 A
11 C
12 B
13 B
14 B
15 C
16 C
17 B
18 B
19 C
20 C


1 B
2 C
3 A
4 E
5 D
QUIZ 2 6 G
Chapter: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 7 I cognitive
Total Marks: 20 9 F
10 H
 5 Marks for MCQS(0.5 Mark for
behavioral therapy?
 15 Marks for identification of
examples (1 Mark for each) A. Analyzing a client's thoughts
MCQS B. Reversing maladaptive behaviors
1. Which of the following is NOT a main C. Analyzing a client's childhood
component of the therapy process using traumas
D. Looking at the connection between A. 6. What is a goal of cognitive
thinking patterns and feelings behavioral therapy?
to vent
B. control other people's thoughts
2. What is the role of the therapist in CBT? 
C. to change behaviors to fit one's
D. change your thoughts to lead to
A. Reflective and client-centered healthier behaviors and more stable
B. Reflective and insight-oriented emotions and physiological states
C. Active and directive
D. Active and non-directive 7. Which of the following is not a technique
used in CBT?
3. What clients benefit most from the time-
A. Downward Arrow
limited CBT? B. Graduated Task And Activity
C. Empty Chair
D. Thought Stopping
A. Clients who are ambivalent and unsure
whether they can commit to treatment  
B. Clients with high levels of stress who
have little to no social support
C. Clients who present with a serious 8. Thought Stopping Technique has
concurrent drug or alcohol addiction  ___Phases.
D. Clients who are motivated and play
an active part in changing their A. 3
behavior B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
4. CBT Is _ form of Therapy
9. In order for a therapy to be "cognitive-
A. Supportive behavioral," it must be based on which ONE
B. Re-Educative of the following ideas?
C. Re- Constructive
D. Analytical A. That cognitions lead to behavioral
B. That the unconscious leads to
5. What do cognitive therapists believe is the realizations that lead to behavioral
leading cause of depression? change
C. That behavioral change leads to
A. Difficulties for several years of life cognitive change
B. Distorted thinking about the self, the D. That cognitions lead to insight that
world, and the future leads to behavioral change
C. Negative experiences that prevent
engagement in activities 10.In CBT Appraisal means
D. Distorted thinking of the self, the A. The meaning the client gives to
experience, and the past situations, expressed in the client’s
negative thoughts
B. Clients past experiences 9. After failing the test she said to her “I’m
C. Client’s social support
D. How therapy is going
10. My mother is unhappy because of me.
11. Love me or Hate me both are in my
IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING favor if you love me i will always be in your
heart if you hate me i will be always in your
1. People are all good or all bad
12. I am a horrible mom to my son.
2. I won’t be able to speak in public
13. My daughter didn’t make the soccer
because I once had a panic attack before
team. I’m sure it’s because I didn’t practice
giving a speech.
enough with her.
3. I passed the exam this time, nothing new
14. My husband hit me because I’m a bad
it was in my fate.
4. The man/woman I am interested in never
15. My son’s teacher thinks I am stupid
called me back because he thinks I’m stupid.
because I forget to sign his permission slip.
5. I know that person thinks I’m a loser.
6. I’m going to fail this test.
7. I am worthless because I feel worthless.
8. I should never make mistakes

Name: Ayesha Kamal

Class & Section: 6A
Date: 24/12/2020
Quiz 2
20 marks ANSWER KEY

1 All-or-Nothing Thinking
2 Fortune Telling
3 Disqualifying the Positive
4 Mind Reading
5 Mind Reading
6 Fortune Telling
7 Emotional Reasoning
8 Should Statements
9 Selective Abstraction
10 Personalization
11 Tunnel Vision
12 Labelling
13 Personalization
14 Personalization
15 Mind Reading


1 C
2 B
3 D
4 B
5 B
6 D
7 C
8 B
9 D
10 A

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