The Orion Line Key Reptilian

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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...


I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them

“There is only one way to save our future, together.” #UNITEHUMANITY

The Orion Lines

Posted on September 14, 2019September 15, 2019 by Ryushin Malone

What are the Nazca Lines? The Nazca Lines were discovered in 1920 and have been puzzling scientist
for the past 100 years. They are hundreds of straight lines that stretch for a hundred miles drawn thou-
sands of years ago across the Nazca desert in Nazca, Peru. In 1994 a historical society publish The
Nazca Lines where I took it upon myself to examine in March of 2018. I printed out a copy and circled
the 3 main points. A minute later I knew they were the constellation of Orion. What I didn’t know at
the time is that it would take me a year and a week to get the correct configuration of the Orion constel-
lation. I went through about seven different versions until I found that one that perfectly aligned. The
trick that threw me off was that someone had taken the Nazca Lines and cut the bo om of the lines off to
make it difficult to figure out the correct configuration. Why would someone do this? Because the big
secret has been where “they” come from. Aliens come from Orion.

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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...

What the Orion Lines are, are a 3 dimensional star map, their territory markings, where they come from
and what systems are theirs. The only way to draw these lines is to be behind the Orion constellation,
looking through Orion to our sun Sol and then the other 12 constellations behind Sol, Scorpio, Libra and
Virgo. They are territory marking of The Orion Group to ward off other aliens to who’s planet this is,
theirs. They are known as a satanic force who take over star system throughout the galaxy. Basically,
the lines say, “Not Welcome,” “stay away,” or “don’t fuck with us,” “ours.” It makes sense considering
the Egyptian pyramids aligns perfectly to Orion as well as Stonehenge, also Orion. The lines could have
only been drawn by someone with extraordinary technology. No aborigines would ever say, hey let
draw Orion in the sand but imagine being behind Orion and looking through to our sun. The Orion
Lines are absolute proof, without a doubt that aliens are real, here and that they come from Orion.

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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...

This also means that there is a correct orientation of The Milkyway Galaxy.

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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...

The truth is they knew it was Orion this whole time.

In 2017 a tv show by the name of Gaia TV presented The Nazca Aliens Mummies. Two different spices
of alien beings, not Human, aliens. DNA test revealed they were 32% Human. A fruit fly has 98% hu-
man DNA, this means for sure they are not human. But even before the test results came in, I knew they
were real by the complexity of their x-rays revealing none other than nature. Nature made these things
not some sculptor. A week after the release of the mummies in the summer of 2017, I was watching a
program on Egypt culture when I realized that “they” were in Egypt depicted siting in King
Akhenaten’s lap. Which meant to me, they are real and they were not only in Nazca but in Egypt as

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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...

I have shown the imagine to as many people as possible to no avail. None in the ufo community shared
it because they cannot tell the difference between real or fake because this whole time we’ve been lied to.
I have shown Ancient Aliens to the point of them blocking me. I have shown NASA, The entire US
Government, all the very best scientist, all of the major news outlet, journalist, anyone I could think of
and nothing. Not even a hello. I sent 100,000 tweets all over twi er with only one response, The
Bilderberg Group meeting to discuss the “weaponization of social media.” After that li le meeting, they
blocked me on twi er and restricted my sharing of information in facebook groups.

When I found out that some of these beings have been eating Human Beings, I realized what they were
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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...

adrenalin meets oxygen creating Adrenochrome. They drink it and it gets them higher than any known
substance. This allowed me to solved Stonehenge. Stonehenge was an Adrenochrome Harvest clock
used to worship Orion by the Elite.

The practice never stopped. This is why they shut me down because The Elite have been secretly wor-
shipping and feeding these beings Humans. It’s true. It made me realize that Agenda 21 was real and
that the people from Orion were planning on a hostile takeover of the human race and the elite who
worship these beings were actually helping them. This is why I made a suit of armor and blades that
will cut through steel. Why am I not dead yet? Why am I allowed to tell the truth?

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I have solved The Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines – T...


Published by Ryushin Malone

I have solved the Nazca Lines and renamed them The Orion Lines. It’s “their” territory markings, their
mark, where they are from. It’s to show other aliens that this is their world. Please go to or h ps://
/videos?disable_polymer=1 For more information. Like and share, follow and together we will change
our world. View all posts by Ryushin Malone



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