FL - Technology For Teaching and Learning 1
FL - Technology For Teaching and Learning 1
FL - Technology For Teaching and Learning 1
City of Lapu-Lapu
Lapu-Lapu City College
Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City
Lapu-Lapu City College shall be well known globally as a model institution of excellent academic, technological, and entrepreneurial programs that prepare students for lifelong learning.
Propelled by its vision, the College commits itself to:
(1) Provide less expensive tertiary education to the poor but deserving students;
(2) Promote a culture of excellence in the delivery of higher education services; and
(3) To foster the acquisition and creation of new knowledge for the advancement of the society it serves.
Love Leadership Courage Competence
1. Globally Competent The ability to execute the wide range of discipline-related methods and techniques accurately and to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the fundamental
knowledge and specialized skills
2. Lifelong Learners The ability to pursue knowledge and skills advancement consistently to improve quality of life through effective communication
3. Innovative Professionals The ability to develop new concepts and strategies and transforms lives through research-based outputs
4. Values Driven Citizens The ability to manifest upright moral virtues, work ethics, and values to promote ideal holistic life and to address and uphold the college core values
Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3 Domain 4 Domain 5 Domain 6 Domain 7
Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Learning Environment Diversity of Learners Curriculum and Planning Assessment and Reporting Community Linkages and Personal Growth and Professional
Professional Engagement Development
1.1.1 Demonstrate content knowledge 2.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and 4.1.1 Prepare developmentally 5.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge of the 6.1.1 Demonstrate an understanding 7.1.1 Articulate a personal philosophy
and its application within and/or policies, guidelines and procedures understanding of differentiated sequenced teaching and learning design, selection, organization and of knowledge of learning of teaching that is learner-centered.
across curriculum teaching areas. that provide safe and secure learning teaching to suit the learners’ gender, process to meet curriculum use of diagnostic, formative and environments that are responsive to
environments. needs, strengths, interests and requirements. summative assessment strategies community contexts.
experiences. consistent with curriculum
1.2.1 Demonstrate an understanding 2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding of 3.2.1 Implement teaching strategies 4.2.1 Identify learning outcomes that 5.2.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 6.2.1 Seek advice concerning 7.2.1 Demonstrate behaviors that
of research-based knowledge and learning environments that promote that are responsive to the learners’ are aligned with learning monitoring and evaluation of learner strategies that build relationships with uphold the dignity of teaching as a
principles of teaching and learning. fairness, respect and care to linguistic, cultural, socio-economic competencies. progress and achievement using parents/guardians and the wider profession by exhibiting qualities
encourage learning. and religious backgrounds. learner attainment data. community. such as caring attitude, respect and
1.3.1 Show skills in the positive use 2.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 3.3.1 Use strategies responsive to 4.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge in the 5.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 6.3.1 Demonstrate awareness of 7.3.1 Seek opportunities to establish
of ICT to facilitate the teaching and managing classroom structure that learners with disabilities, giftedness implementation of relevant and providing timely, accurate and existing laws and regulations that professional links with colleagues.
learning process. engages learners, individually or in and talents. responsive learning programs. constructive feedback to improve apply to the teaching profession, and
groups, in meaningful exploration, learner performance. become familiar with the
discovery and hands-on activities responsibilities specified in the Code
within the available physical learning of Ethics for Professional Teachers.
1.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 2.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of 3.4.1 Demonstrate understanding of 4.4.1 Seek advice concerning 5.4.1 Demonstrate familiarity with a 6.4.1 Demonstrate knowledge and 7.4.1 Demonstrate an understanding
teaching strategies that promote supportive learning environments that the special educational needs of strategies that can enrich teaching range of strategies for communicating understanding of school policies and of how professional reflection and
literacy and numeracy skills. nurture and inspire learner learners in difficult circumstances, practice. learner needs, progress and procedures to foster harmonious learning can be used to improve
participation including geographic isolation; achievement. relationship with the wider school practice.
chronic illness; displacement due to community.
armed conflict, urban resettlement or
disasters; child abuse and child labor
1.5.1 Apply teaching strategies 2.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 3.5.1 Demonstrate knowledge of 4.5.1 Show skills in the selection, 5.5.1 Demonstrate an understanding 7.5.1 Demonstrate motivation to
that develop critical and learning environments that motivate teaching strategies that are inclusive development and use of a variety of of the role of assessment data as realize professional development
creative thinking, and/or other learners to work productively by of learners from indigenous groups. teaching and learning resources, feedback in teaching and learning goals based on the Philippine
higher-order thinking skills assuming responsibility for their own including ICT, to address learning practices and programs. Professional Standards for Teachers.
learning. goals.
1.6.1 Use Mother Tongue, 2.6.1 Demonstrate knowledge of
Filipino and English to facilitate positive and non-violent discipline in
teaching and learning the management of learner behavior.
1.7.1 Demonstrate an understanding
of the range of verbal and non-verbal
classroom communication strategies
that support learner understanding,
participation, engagement and
PROGRAM OUTCOMES (covers the following minimum standards for Teacher Education programs as stipulated in the PSGs)
A Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological and political contexts
B Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline
C Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments
D Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners
E Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality relevant, and sustainable educational practices
F Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing and reporting learning processes and outcomes
G Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national and global realities
H Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities
This is an introductory course that explores and teaches basic knowledge, skills and values in the positive use of technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. It shall 1.1.1, 1.3.1, 2.1.1,
include ICT laws, policies and regulations, safety issues, media and technology in various content areas, learning theories and principles in the use and design of a 4.5.1, 5.5.1, 6.3.1
variety of learning lessons, teaching-learning experiences, creating a safe and secure learning environment, assessment tasks that utilize appropriate traditional and
innovative technologies, and reflection on the use of ICT to improve the teaching and learning process. Social, ethical and legal responsibility in the use of technology
tools and resources shall also be addressed.
These Course Outcomes (COs) are designed to support the Program Outcomes (POs)
Program Outcomes (POs)
Upon completion of the course, the pre-service teachers (PST) must have: BTIs
(Obtained from Philippine National RCTQ Prototype
CO 1 Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, principles, theories of ICT systems and policies as they apply to and affect 1.1.1 L
the teaching and learning process in various content areas;
CO 2 Show skills in the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning process; 1.2.1 P
CO 3 Demonstrate awareness of existing laws, regulations and policies that apply to the teaching and use of ICT; 1.6.1 L
CO 4 Show skills in the selection, development and use of a variety of teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to 1.3.1 P
address learning goals;
CO 5 Demonstrate knowledge of ICT policies, guidelines and procedures that provide safe and secure learning environments; 5.1.1 L
CO 6 Reflect on the use of technology in facilitating and improving the teaching and learning process; 5.3.1 L
CO 7 Design and evaluate assessment tasks using appropriate and innovative technologies. P
L – Learned P – Practiced O – Opportunity to Learn
Descriptors facilitates learning of the competencies where allow students to practice competencies where opportunity for development where
(CMO 75, s. 2017) input is provided and competency is evaluated no input is provided but competency is evaluated only an opportunity is present to practice the competencies
(DLOs) (TLAs) (Async/
WEEKS 1-9 (27 HOURS)
Week At the end of the unit, the pre-service 1.1.1 [1] Unit 1 – Introduction to
1-2 teacher (PST) can: Technology
a. define basic concepts in for Teaching and Learning
understanding ICT in education. A. Basic Concepts to be
defined: Brief Lecture: With the aid of a Use rating scale for the ✓ OHP/
1. Technology PowerPoint presentation, concept map developed by Async Multimedia
2. Information and provide an each group. Projector
Communication overview of Technology for
3. Educational Technology Teaching and Learning 1. Computer
4. Technology, Media, and Laptop
Learning Small Group Discussion: Give Pen and Paper test on the ✓
5. Instructional System and graphic organizers of the basic concepts of ICT in Async Graphic
Instructional Technology different concepts to be education Organizers
6. Technology Tools defined through the use of
concept mapping
B. Roles of ICT in
Teaching and Learning Individual Research: ✓
Encourage pre-service teachers Async
to validate the
concept map and conceptual
Week At the end of the unit, the pre- Unit 2 – ICT Policies and
3-5 service teacher (PST) can: Safety Issues in Teaching
and Learning
a. enumerate the national ICT laws, 1.1.1 [1] A. National and Group Interviews: Organize ✓ Freedom Wall
policies and regulations affecting 6.3.1 [4] International ICT Laws, small group to conduct Async in the
classroom practices; Policies and Regulations interviews and Classroom/Blo
that are Applicable to observations on practices that g created and
b. describe the implementation of 1.1.1 [1] Teaching and Learning address safety issues in ICT for administered
ICT laws, policies and 6.3.1 [4] teaching and by the teacher
regulations in teaching-learning; learning.
B. Safety Issues in ICT:
and Policies, Guidelines and
Individual Research:
c. identify ICT laws, policies and 1.1.1 [1] Encourage pre-service teachers
regulations that are incorporated 6.3.1 [4] C. Uses of ICT Policies in to research on the
into the design and school ICT policies and best Accomplished
Teaching and Learning
implementation of teaching practices. checklist
in Basic Education
learning activities to promote
learner achievement and provide Create ICT Policies: Facilitate
safe and secure learning the creation the Classroom ICT Powerpoint
environments Policies agreed upon all Presentations
learners. The policies should
highlight, among other things,
the positive use of ICT to
promote learner achievement
and provide a
safe and secure learning
Week 10 = 3 hours
WEEKS 11-17 (21 HOURS)
Week At the end of the unit, the pre- Unit 4 – ICT in Various
11-12 service teacher (PST) can: Content Areas
a. show skills in the positive use of 1.3.1 [2] A. 21st Century Literacy Brief Lecture: Explain 21st Oral examination on the 21st ✓ Multimedia
media and technology in various 4.5.1 [3] Skills Century literacy skills with Century-Digital Literacy Sync Projector
content areas; 1. Digital Literacy Skills emphasis on digital skills
- Media literacy skills. Laptop
b. introduce sample technology 4.5.1 [3] - Information Research on Instructional Lesson exemplar analysis ✓
enhanced lessons to support - ICT literacy Design models and output Async Teacher made/
learning; collaborative work on Teacher
B. Instructional Design designing an infographic or a After analyzing a lesson prepared
c. select ICT and conventional 4.5.1 [3] Models visual image of the assigned exemplar, the pre-service samples of
learning materials designed to 1. Gagne’s Nine Events Instructional Design model to teachers will demonstrate a infographic
enhance teaching-learning; be presented in class. sample technology-enhanced
2. Bloom’s Revised lesson showing skills in the
d. describe flexible learning 1.1.1 [1] Taxonomy positive use of technology in
environments that enhance 1.3.1 [2] 3. ADDIE teaching and learning resources
collaboration with the positive 4. Merill’s Principles of to achieve learning goals.
use of technology tools; Instruction Inquiry-Based Approach: Demonstration guide will be A lesson plan
Introduce a technology- used. exemplar
e. reflect on the use of technology in C. Technology Enhanced enhanced teaching lesson
7.4.1 [6]
facilitating and improving the Teaching Lesson exemplar Presentation of selected ✓
teaching and learning process, Exemplars instructional media Async Teacher made
and on its relevance and Analysis of a teaching plan appropriate for teaching and class site
appropriateness exemplar—identifying the learning context. (google site;
elements in designing a lesson weebly etc.)
and discussing the possibilities KWL CHART
of technology integration in • What I Know Skype
accordance with ICT laws, • What I Want to Know
policies, regulations and • What I Learned KWL chart
procedures to promote the template
positive use of ICT
Paper and Pencil Test on the Checlist
types and use of technology focusing on
D. ICT and Conventional tools in a collaborative how
Learning Materials to classroom environment. technology is
Enhance Teaching integrated in
and Learning Demonstration: Demonstrate ✓ the lesson
1. Digital Learning a sample technology-enhanced Sync
Resources lesson in accordance with ICT
- Google docs laws, policies, regulations and Multimedia
- Survey Monkey procedures to promote the equipment
- Others positive use of ICT
2. Conventional Learning
Resources Group research and
- Flip cards presentation of
the digital learning materials
- Realia identified as appropriate and
- Others feasible in a given teaching-
learning context.
10 | P a g e
Week At the end of the unit, the pre- Responsibilities in the Use
15-17 service teacher (PST) can: of Technology Tools and
a. show, give examples, observe 1.1.1 [1] A. Digital Citizenship Lecture-discussion on the nine Written exam on the Computer
and demonstrate social, ethical 1.3.1 [2] 1. Nine Elements of Digital elements of digital citizenship elements of digital Laptop
and legal responsibility in the use Citizenship citizenship
of technology tools and Multimedia
resources; B. Social, Ethical and Legal Group research on the social, Projector
Responsibilities in the Use ethical and legal
b. identify examples of compliance of Technology Tools and responsibilities in the Worksheets for
of Intellectual Property Rights 1.1.1 [1] Resources by Teachers positive use of technology Talk it Out
(IPR) in the educational setting; 6.3.1 [4] tools and resources by teachers Scenarios
Talk it Out (from Global Digital
c. enumerate digital safety policies, Citizen Foundation) An
guidelines and procedures that Activity on taking a stance on
ensure child online safety and 1.1.1 [1] an issue and defending it
prevent cyberbullying; 2.1.1 [5] Pre-service teachers are given
a scenario primarily focusing
d. discuss safety rules in obtaining on social, ethical and legal
resource materials from local area responsibilities in the use of
network-based and the internet; technology. Analysis of the
1.1.1 [1] different cases involving
e. describe the community of 1.3.1 [2] social, ethical and legal issues
learners as netizens who share C. Intellectual Property on technology use.
and utilize digital materials; and Rights (IPR) Applicable to
the Educational Setting: Group research on the Rubrics assessing research
f. practice standard netiquette to 1.1.1 [1] Copyright and related Intellectual property Rights in outputs on social, ethical and
share and utilize digital materials Rights Copyright Law Educational Setting legal responsibilities in the
as a positive use of technology use of technology
Class presentation of research
outputs (e.g. poster,
1.3.1 [2] infographic, HootBoard,
D. Digital Safety Rules etc.)
11 | P a g e
1. Rule 1: Research before 4As (Abstraction, Analysis and
you register Application) Activity: You
2. Rule 2: Discriminate know the Rules (from Global
3. Rule 3: Think before Digital Citizenship
typing Foundation) Learners imagine
4. Rule 4: Require ID that they can draft three rules
5. Rule 5: Trust your gut that every digital citizen must
follow. What would they be
and why?
E. Cyber bullying
Forum Discussion on the Class formulated Guide on
digital safety rules Digital Safety Rules
F. Netizens in Cyberspace:
Active Debates on Cyber bullying Making of Posters and
Citizenship digital
Brief Lecture campaign materials
G. Netiquette (social
conventions online) Forum: The class will have a Role playing on how to
forum on Netiquette Joining support school learners as
social media sites part of a learning community
H. Educational Sites and
Portals Group Research to identify Rubrics assessing behavior in
educational sites and portals social media sites
12 | P a g e
J. Online Resources e.g.
1. Opensource Practicum on sample strategies Rating scales on the
2. Multimedia resources; on how to join experts’ practicum
video sites learning communities accomplished
3. Finding images Reflection on joining expert
4. Music and audio; learning communities
5. Locate web sources by
6. Others
WEEK 18 = 3 hours
13 | P a g e
• Bilbao,P., Dayagbil, F., & Corpuz, B. (2014). Curriculum Development for Teachers. LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
• Biggs, J. (2014). Constructive Alignment in University
• Bitter, G.G, & J.M. legacy. (2008). Using Technology in the Classroom
• Byun, J.N., Kwon, D.Y., & Lee, W.G (2014). Development of ill-structured problems for elementary learners to learn by computer-based modelling tools. International Journal
of Computer Theory and Engineering, 6(4), 292-296
• CAST (2011). University designed for learning guidelines version 2.0. Wake_eld, MA: Author
• Cindy E. H. (2004). Problem-Based learning: What and How Do students learn? Educational Psychology Review, 16, 3.
• Constructivism and CALL: Evaluating some interactive features of network-based authoring tools. ReCALL: The Journal of EUROCALL, 13(1), 32-46.
Raw Score Grade Equivalent Raw Score Grade Equivalent Raw Score Grade Equivalent
99 100 1.0 80 2.0 63 69 3.1
97 98 1.1 79 2.1 56 62 3.2
95 96 1.2 78 2.2 49 55 3.3
93 94 1.3 77 2.3 42 48 3.4
91 92 1.4 76 2.4 35 41 3.5
89 90 1.5 75 2.5 28 34 3.6
87 88 1.6 74 2.6 21 27 3.7
85 86 1.7 73 2.7 14 20 3.8
83 84 1.8 72 2.8 7 13 3.9
81 82 1.9 71 2.9 0 6 4.0
70 3.0
14 | P a g e
Students must have obtained 70% passing score or higher to pass the score. Course work will be weighted as follows:
• Major Exams – 30 %
• Performance Outputs – 50 %
• Quizzes – 10 %
TOTAL 100%
15 | P a g e
Course Instructor
Dean, College of Education
Vice President, Academics
College President
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