1940) The Biological Field Trip 147
1940) The Biological Field Trip 147
1940) The Biological Field Trip 147
A successful field trip is similar in left on its stalk may perpetuate itself and
many respects to a well-executed narra- be admired by numerous people who may
tive. It is a succession of events, and chance to pass that way in the future.
the method of handling them as they
Are there ants on the tree ? If so, almost any tree, and illustrates in a brief
what are they doing there? Is their way a procedure that might be followed
home in the tree? If not, where is it? where space and time are limited.
Are they seeking food? If so, are they Where facilities are adequate for more
eating the tree, or is it something on the extended trips, the instructor must ad-
tree? If so, what? What other insects just his questions and observations to
are in the tree? What are they doing? suit the occasion. Be able to call atten-
Can you find cases of symbiosis, para- tion to something interesting wherever
sitism, ephiphytism, or predator and you stop.