1940) The Biological Field Trip 147

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1940] The Biological Field Trip 147

The Biological Field Trip

Botany Department, Oklahoma A. and M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma

A successful field trip is similar in left on its stalk may perpetuate itself and
many respects to a well-executed narra- be admired by numerous people who may
tive. It is a succession of events, and chance to pass that way in the future.
the method of handling them as they

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naturally arise, or are created by the KINDS OF FIELD TRIPS
instructor, determines the degree of suc- The purpose of a field trip may be
cess of the trip. A field trip may have either specific or general. There may be
a preconceived object which may or may a certain phenomenon which you wish
not be known to the class, or it may be the class to see, such as an outbreak of
more or less of an exploring expedition insects or blooming of certain plants, etc.,
in which the instructor is an inconspicu- in which you go for a definite purpose.
ous but efficient leader; but whether it The general field trip is more common
was preconceived or not, the field trip is and offers a wider range of interest, al-
its own excuse for being. Sometimes an though each serves its respective purpose
unexpected event mnaychange the entire equally well. Since the general field trip
course of the trip. Some surprise that requires more skill, most of this discus-
you have not even suspected may profit- sion will be devoted to it.
ably be investigated. The drama of
nature presents a continuous show and A SHORT FIELD TRIP
you may chance by just as it is putting
on a choice act. The length of a field trip should be
governed by time, purpose, and desire.
THE INSTRUCTOR These trips may be made with profit
The personality and qualifications of within walking distance of almost any
the instructor are most important in the school. An interesting trip may be made
success or failure of a trip. A pleasing to a shade tree on the lawn. Let us sup-
personality, neat appearance, and a pose that we make such a trip in late
sympathetic understanding of the stu- spring. The following questions and
dents of the class are of inestimable value many others may present themselves con-
-second only to his qualifications as a cerning this tree and the many little
biologist. The instructor should have a creatures that are living in it, on it, or
considerable knowledge of both field under it.
zoology and field botany so that he can What kind of tree is it? Where is its
call attention to or take advantage of native home? What is its distribution?
phenomena in either field and emphasize Is it growing in its natural habitat?
the relationship of one to the other. The What are the distinguishing characteris-
conservation of wildlife and natural ties which separate it from other trees?
beauty should be kept before the students Of what importance is the tree econom-
at all times. They should be led to ically? What kind of flowers and fruits
realize that a plucked flower soon wilts does it bear? What living creatures are
and produces no seed, while one that is found in the tree?
148 The American Biology Teacher [Mar.

Are there ants on the tree ? If so, almost any tree, and illustrates in a brief
what are they doing there? Is their way a procedure that might be followed
home in the tree? If not, where is it? where space and time are limited.
Are they seeking food? If so, are they Where facilities are adequate for more
eating the tree, or is it something on the extended trips, the instructor must ad-
tree? If so, what? What other insects just his questions and observations to
are in the tree? What are they doing? suit the occasion. Be able to call atten-
Can you find cases of symbiosis, para- tion to something interesting wherever
sitism, ephiphytism, or predator and you stop.

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Is there a bird nesting in the tree ? When transportation by automobile is
If so, what is it? What are its distin- necessary to convey the class to some
guishing characteristies? What do you distant point, it is well to assign students
know of its habits? Does it build an to the respective cars, otherwise they may
elaborate or simple nest? What mate- all try to ride in the best-looking car.
rials has it used in the nest? Is the nest This also gives the instructor a chance to
high up in the top or low? Is it in a discourage cliquishness and prevent the
crotch or swinging from a twig? Is it obtrusion of romantic interests among
reasonably safe from predators? Does students. Assign cars to a certain posi-
this species always build its nest in a tion in the procession, in order to prevent
similar location? What food does the racing and lessen the possibility of acci-
bird eat? Is it a summer resident, a dent in transit. The instructor should
winter resident, or a permanent resi- lead the procession and inform the
dent? Is it considered harmful, neutral, drivers not to get out of sight of the car
or beneficial ? behind them. This will keep the proces-
Is there a hole in the tree? If so, what sion together and if a car develops
caused it? Is there anything such as a trouble it will have help andcnot be lost.
woodpecker, screech owl, squirrel or per- One car should carry a "first aid" kit.
haps a spider living in it? If it is a
spider what sort of web has it spun? TO OUR MEMBERS
Does the web have any special device for You can assist in improving the
catching its prey? Is the spider a journal by renewing your membership
poisonous species? How can you iden-
tify the poisonous species? What poison- LIVING
ous species are found in this locality? INS T
eCrP Demonstrate Nature's Balance.
Now let us see what is of interest INSECT
I Breeding methods adapted for
school laboratories and biol-
under the tree. What kind of grass is PARASITES
|vogy clubs. New illus. Cat.
this? How do you distinguish grasses lOc, free to Biology Teachers.
from other groups of plants? How many 1612 W. Glenoaks Blvd. Glendale, Calif.
little creatures can you find living in the
grass? Are they the same kinds as those
living in the tree? How do you account MARINE BIOLOGICAL
for the difference? Can you say that this Complete stock of living and preserved
biotic community is made up of hori- materials for Zoology, Botany, and Em-
zontal layers ? bryology, including Marine Aquaria sets,
Protozoan and Drosophila cultures, and
The above are some of the possible Slides. Catalogues sent on request.
questionis that might arise in relation to Supply Dept. Woods Hole, Mass.

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