Travelcare Medical: Single Trip
Travelcare Medical: Single Trip
Travelcare Medical: Single Trip
Single Trip
Please call 1-800-387-2487 toll-free from the U.S. ¡ in consultation with your physician, arrange
and Canada or (905) 816-2561 collect from emergency medical transportation to a
anywhere in the world. (Note: If international suitable facility if it is determined that existing
operator assistance is required; please confirm facilities are inadequate in order to treat or
how to call collect to Canada from your stabilize your medical condition;
destination before leaving.)
¡ provide confirmation of coverage and pay
Get the PATH App. Download the free RBC Insurance your eligible medical expenses directly to the
PATH app for quick, easy access to emergency recommended medical service provider;
medical assistance anywhere you travel.
¡ consult with your attending physician to
Get it from the Apple Store or Google Play. monitor your care; and
What Assistance Services are available? ¡ monitor the appropriateness, necessity and
reasonableness of that care to ensure that
AAI provides Emergency Assistance leveraging
your resulting eligible expenses will be
our travel assistance coordinators, travel
covered by this insurance.
professionals and call centre infrastructure
teams. Behind the scenes our medical assistance
team is ready to provide their expertise when
In addition, for:
Bedside Companion’s travel to bedside Economy Airfare & $500 out of pocket expenses
One-way Economy airfare, or stretcher, or qualified
Emergency Transportation
medical attendant or air ambulance
Emergency Dental Treatment2 $300 and/or accidental blow (emergency expenses)
Return of Vehicle Reasonable and customary costs
Return of children One-way economy Airfare & escort if necessary
Return of one travelling companion One-way economy airfare
Return of dog or cat $500
Return of Excess Baggage $500
Domestic Services $250
Physician visit to replace lost, stolen or
One visit to a physician to obtain a written prescription
damaged prescription medication
This insurance is subject to a maximum of $20,000 if you do not have valid government health insurance plan coverage.
Benefit is emergency dental expenses to repair or replace natural or permanently attached artificial teeth incurred during the trip and up to a maximum
of $1500 for continued necessary treatment after returning to Canada.
¡ 905-813-4719 (fax)
Please call us: ¡ This benefit can only be used once during your
1-800-387-2487 (toll-free call from the USA
or Canada) ¡ Once you return to your trip destination, a
recurrence of the initial medical condition or
905-816-2561 (collect call from anywhere related condition will not be covered under
through a local operator) this insurance.
¡ the cost of a return economy air fare on a ¡ the transportation of your remains in the
commercial flight via the most cost effective common carrier’s standard transportation
route; container to your province or territory of
residence, and up to $5,000 for the preparation
¡ up to $500 for commercial accommodations
of your remains and for the cost of the
and meals for the bedside companion; and
common carrier’s standard transportation
¡ your bedside companion is insured under the container; or
terms of your insurance during the period in
¡ the transportation of your remains to your
which this person is required as your bedside
province or territory of residence and up to
$5,000 for the cremation of your remains at
If you are over age 20 and physically or mentally the location where your death occurred; or
disabled, or under age 21 and dependant on your
¡ up to $5,000 for the preparation of your
bedside companion for support, this insurance
remains and the cost of a standard burial
provides this benefit to you as soon as you are
container and up to $5,000 for the burial of
admitted to a hospital.
your remains at the location where your death
Domestic Services occurred.
¡ If you return to your province or territory of
If someone is legally required to identify your
residence by air ambulance because of your
remains, this insurance covers the cost of a return
emergency medical condition, and your
economy air fare on a commercial flight via the
medical condition restricts your ability to
most cost effective route and up to $500 for
perform domestic services, this insurance
commercial accommodations and meals for that
covers the cost of reasonable and customary
person. That person is covered under the terms of
domestic services provided by a registered
your insurance during the period in which he/she
domestic service business up to a maximum of
is required to identify your remains, but for no
$250. Benefit must be used within 30 days of
longer than 3 business days.
your return to your province or territory of
residence. Note: this benefit is applicable to
your primary residence.
If it is medically impossible for you to call prior to 2 This insurance is subject to the “Terrorism
obtaining emergency treatment, we ask you to Coverage”, “General Conditions” and “How Do
call or have someone call on your behalf as soon You Submit a Claim?” sections outlined in this
as possible. Otherwise, if you do not call us before insurance.
you obtain emergency treatment, you will be
responsible for 30% of your medical expenses
What is Not Covered
covered under this insurance. Pre-existing Medical Condition Exclusions:
3 This insurance does not cover expenses TravelCare – Gold Coverage Exclusion 1
incurred within your home province or
territory of residence. TravelCare – Silver Coverage Exclusion 2
4 We will not pay a benefit if you are not TravelCare – Bronze Coverage Exclusion 3
covered under the government health
insurance plan (GHIP) of your province or EXCLUSION 1 – TRAVELCARE GOLD
territory of residence for the entire duration of This insurance does not pay for any expenses
the trip. It is your responsibility to check that incurred directly or indirectly as a result of:
you do have this coverage. If GHIP is not in 1 Your medical condition or related condition
force, this insurance is subject to a maximum (whether or not the diagnosis has been
of $20,000. determined) if, at any time in the 90 days
before you depart on your trip, your medical
condition or related condition has not been
3 Your lung condition (whether or not the 1 Your medical condition or related condition
diagnosis has been determined) if, at any time (whether or not the diagnosis has been
in the 90 days before you depart on your trip: determined) if, at any time in the 365 days
before you depart on your trip, your medical
a Any lung condition has not been stable; or
condition or related condition has not been
b You have been treated with or prescribed stable.
home oxygen (on a regular basis or on
2 Your heart condition (whether or not the
an as-needed basis) or treated with or
diagnosis has been determined) if, at any time
prescribed oral steroids (prednisone or
in the 365 days before you depart on your trip:
prednisolone) for any lung condition.
a Any heart condition has not been stable; or
This insurance does not pay for any expenses b You have taken nitroglycerin more than
incurred directly or indirectly as a result of: once per week specifically for the relief of
angina pain.
1 Your medical condition or related condition
(whether or not the diagnosis has been 3 Your lung condition (whether or not the
determined) if, at any time in the 180 days diagnosis has been determined) if, at any time
before you depart on your trip, your medical in the 365 days before you depart on your trip:
condition or related condition has not been
a Any lung condition has not been stable; or
b You have been treated with or prescribed
2 Your heart condition (whether or not the
home oxygen (on a regular basis or on
diagnosis has been determined) if, at any time
an as-needed basis) or treated with or
in the 180 days before you depart on your trip:
prescribed oral steroids (prednisone or
a Any heart condition has not been stable; or prednisolone) for any lung condition.
a Any lung condition has not been stable; or 1 The continued treatment, recurrence or
complication of a medical condition or
b You have been treated with or prescribed
related condition, following emergency
home oxygen (on a regular basis or on
treatment during your trip, if our medical
an as-needed basis) or treated with or
advisors determine that your emergency has
prescribed oral steroids (prednisone or
prednisolone) for any lung condition.
2 The treatment of any heart or lung condition,
following emergency treatment for a related
or unrelated heart or lung condition during
your trip, if our medical advisors determine
that you were medically able to return to your
home country and you chose not to return.
4 Your self-inflicted injury, suicide or attempt to 16 a Any claim related to routine pre-natal or
commit suicide. post-natal care; or
5 Any claim that results from or is related to b Any claim related to your child born during
your involvement in the commission or the trip; or
attempted commission of a criminal offence
c Any claim related to pregnancy, delivery, or
or illegal act.
complications of either, arising 9 weeks
6 Any medical condition arising during your before the expected date of delivery or 9
trip from, or in any way related to, the abuse weeks after.
of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicants.
17 Symptoms which would have caused an
7 Any medical condition, including symptoms ordinarily prudent person to seek treatment
of withdrawal, arising from, or in any way or medication in the 90 days before your
related to, your chronic use of alcohol, drugs effective date.
or other intoxicants whether prior to or during
18 Any claim incurred after a physician advised
your trip.
you not to travel.
8 Any medical condition that is the result of
19 Any expenses incurred if the reason for your
you not following treatment as prescribed to
emergency is associated in any way with an
you, including prescribed or over-the-counter
official travel advisory issued by the Canadian
government stating “Avoid all non-essential
9 We will not pay a benefit with respect to travel” or “Avoid all travel” regarding the
non-emergency, experimental or elective country, region or city of your destination
treatment (e.g. cosmetic surgery, chronic before your effective date.
care, rehabilitation including any expenses for
**To view the travel advisories, visit the
directly or indirectly related complications).
Government of Canada Travel site.
10 Your participation as a professional athlete in
This exclusion does not apply to claims for an
a sporting event including training or practice
emergency or a medical condition unrelated
for the same.
to the travel advisory.
11 Your participation in rock climbing or
20 If our medical advisors determine that you
mountain climbing.
should transfer to another facility or return to
12 Your participation in a motorized race or your home province/territory of residence for
motorized speed contest including training or treatment, and you choose not to, benefits
practice for the same. will not be paid for further medical treatment
and contract will be terminated.
13 A trip made for the purpose of obtaining a
diagnosis, treatment, surgery, investigation,
palliative care, or any alternative therapy, as
2 If you return to your departure point before 4 This contract is void if a trip is made for the
your return date, the premium you paid for purpose of obtaining a diagnosis, treatment,
the unused days can be refunded, if you: surgery, investigation, palliative care, or any
alternative therapy, as well as any directly or
¡ provide proof of your date of return; and indirectly related complication.
¡ do not have a claim under the insurance.
No refund of premium will be made in the
event that a claim has been paid, incurred or
reported, or if you have already departed on
your trip.
Call 1-888-728-6666
Fax 1-888-844-3331
Departure point – the place you depart from on Immediate family – spouse, parent, legal
the first day of your intended travel period, as guardian, legal ward, step-parent, grandparent,
shown on your trip itinerary insured by us. grandchild, in-law, natural or adopted child,
step-child, brother, sister, step-brother, step-
Effective date – your effective date is shown on sister, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew.
your insurance application/confirmation of
coverage: Insurance application/confirmation of coverage
– the document provided by us or through your
TravelCare Medical coverage: online application which confirms the insurance
¡ the date on which you are scheduled to leave coverage you have purchased. The insurance
your departure point. This date cannot be application/confirmation of coverage forms part
more than 120 days from the date of your of the insurance contract.
insurance application/confirmation of
coverage. Medical condition – any disease, illness or injury
(including symptoms of undiagnosed conditions).
Top-up coverage:
¡ 12:01 a.m. on the day following the date of Medical questionnaire – the form that contains
expiry of your prior coverage; or questions that must be answered correctly at the
time of insurance application/confirmation of
¡ if you purchase top-up coverage for the coverage, and that, once completed and signed,
beginning portion of your intended travel forms part of the insurance contract. Your
period, your effective date is set out above medical condition at the time of completion of
based on the coverage you purchase as top- the medical questionnaire determines the terms
up. of coverage and/or the premium that apply to
Emergency – a sudden and unforeseen medical you.
condition that requires immediate treatment. An
emergency no longer exists when the evidence
reviewed by Assured Assistance Inc. indicates that
no further treatment is required at destination or
you are able to return to your province/territory
of residence for further treatment.
Underwritten by RBC Insurance Company of Canada. 23
You must complete the medical questionnaire if b If you purchase top-up coverage for the
you are applying for: beginning portion of your intended travel
period, your return date is 11:59 p.m. on the
a any TravelCare-, Gold, Silver or Bronze
day before the effective date of your
coverages; or
subsequent coverage.
b TravelCare-Gold Medical if your trip exceeds
Spouse – the person who is legally married to
183 days.
you, or has been living in a conjugal relationship
Mountain climbing – the ascent or descent of with you for a continuous period of at least one
a mountain requiring the use of specialized year and who resides in the same household as
equipment, including crampons, pick-axes, you.
anchors, bolts, carabiners and lead-rope or
Stable – a medical condition is considered
top-rope anchoring equipment.
stable when all of the following statements are
Network – the hospitals, physicians and other true:
medical service providers recognized by us at
¡ there has not been any new treatment
the time of the emergency.
prescribed or recommended, or change(s) to
Period of insurance – the period of time between existing treatment (including a stoppage in
your effective date and your return date. treatment), and
Physician – a person who is not you or a member ¡ there has not been any change to any existing
of your immediate family or your traveling prescribed drug (including an increase,
companion, licensed in the jurisdiction where the decrease, or stoppage to prescribed dosage),
services are provided, to prescribe and administer or any recommendation or starting of a new
medical treatment. prescription drug, and
Pre-existing medical condition – any medical ¡ the medical condition has not become worse,
condition that exists prior to your effective date. and
Prescription drug – drug or medicine that can ¡ there has not been any new, more frequent or
only be issued upon the prescription of a licensed more severe symptoms, and
physician or dentist and is dispensed by a
¡ there has been no hospitalization or referral to
licensed pharmacist. Prescription drug does not
a specialist, and
mean such drug or medicine when you need (or
renew) them to continue to stabilize a condition ¡ there have not been any tests, investigation
which you had before your trip, or a chronic or treatment recommended, but not yet
condition. completed, nor any outstanding test results,
Professional – engaged in a specified activity as
your main paid occupation. ¡ there is no planned or pending treatment.
Reasonable and customary – charges incurred All of the above conditions must be met for a
for goods and services that are comparable to medical condition to be considered stable.
what other providers charge for similar goods and
Terrorism or act of terrorism – an act, including
services in the same geographical area.
but not limited to the use of force or violence
Return date – and/or the threat thereof, including hijacking or
kidnapping, of an individual or group in order to
a The date on which you are scheduled to return
intimidate or terrorize any government, group,
to your departure point. This date is shown
association or the general public for religious,
on your insurance application/confirmation
political or ideological reasons or ends, and does
of coverage;
not include any act of war (whether declared or
not), act of foreign enemies or rebellion.