The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History
Project Management
The History
of Project Management
By Mark Kozak-Holland
First Edition
Oshawa, Ontario
The History of Project Management
by Mark Kozak-Holland
Published by:
Multi-Media Publications Inc.
Box 58043, Rosslynn RPO
Oshawa, ON, Canada, L1J 8L6
Why this Book?................................................... 19
Why the history of Project Management
is Important?...................................................... 20
What Will This Book Help you Do?................ 20
What We Can Learn from the Past?.............. 21
In Summary......................................................... 21
Project Management.......................................27
The Evolution of Project Management......... 28
The Term Project Management...................... 29
What is Project Management?........................ 29
What Makes up a Modern Project?................ 29
Different Types of Projects............................. 30
Examples of these Types of Projects............. 30
Projects driven by Institutions versus
Commerce............................................................ 31
Different Views of Projects............................. 32
Program vs. Project ......................................... 33
The Evolution of Project Management in
Civilizations........................................................ 33
The Role of Knowledge in the Evolution
of Projects............................................................ 34
The Uneven Adoption of Technology............ 34
Basic Essentials to Projects............................ 35
Ability to Measure a Catalyst for Projects.. 35
Modern Terms in a Historical Context......... 37
Engineers versus Builders versus Project
Managers............................................................. 37
Evolution of Materials...................................... 39
The Main Branches of Engineering ............. 40
Commonality across Projects......................... 41
Structure of the Book....................................... 41
Structure of Chapters....................................... 42
Trends and Changes......................................... 42
Impact of Changes............................................. 43
Major Events....................................................... 44
New Tools Techniques and
Breakthroughs .................................................. 44
Regions Significant to the Historical
Period................................................................... 45
Significant Projects........................................... 45
Determining Significant Projects.................. 45
Key players.......................................................... 46
Chapter Wrap-up............................................... 47
Other..................................................................... 47
Evolution of PMBoK® Guide Knowledge
What are the PMBoK® Guide Knowledge
Areas..................................................................... 51
Significance of PMBoK® Guide Areas .......... 52
Integration Management................................. 53
Scope Management........................................... 53
Time Management............................................. 54
Cost Management.............................................. 55
Quality Management........................................ 55
Human Resource Management...................... 56
Communications Management....................... 57
Risk Management.............................................. 57
Procurement Management.............................. 58
Conclusion to PMBoK® Guide Knowledge
Areas..................................................................... 58
Other Notable Projects..................................... 79
Key Players ........................................................ 85
Chapter Wrap-up............................................... 85
Regions............................................................... 134
Significant Projects......................................... 134
Other Notable Projects................................... 153
Key Players ...................................................... 158
Chapter Wrap-up............................................. 158
Regions............................................................... 204
Significant projects......................................... 204
Other Notable Projects................................... 217
Key Players ...................................................... 223
Chapter Wrap-up............................................. 224
New Tools Techniques and
Breakthroughs ................................................ 272
Regions............................................................... 276
Significant projects......................................... 276
Key Players ...................................................... 289
Chapter Wrap-up............................................. 291
New Tools Techniques and
Breakthroughs ................................................ 330
Regions............................................................... 333
Significant Projects......................................... 333
Other Notable Projects................................... 348
Key Players ...................................................... 350
Chapter Wrap-up............................................. 350
In this Historical Period................................ 398
Trends and Changes ...................................... 400
Impact of Changes........................................... 401
Major Events . .................................................. 401
New Tools Techniques and
Breakthroughs ................................................ 402
Regions............................................................... 406
Significant Projects......................................... 406
Other Notable Projects................................... 418
Key Players....................................................... 431
Chapter Wrap-up............................................. 432
Brief Summary of Projects..........................491
Comparing Projects........................................ 491
The Influence and Evolution of
Selected Projects............................................. 497
Great Project Managers through History.. 498
Advent of Knowledge Areas.......................... 500
Appendix B: Bibliography..........................531
Appendix C: Measurement
Conversions ...................................................533
Appendix D: Mapping the Projects to
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas..............537
End Notes........................................................545
The History of Project Management
his book is part of a series that has taken many years to
complete. I would like to thank Kevin Aguanno for helping
pull this book together and for driving the initiative. I
would also like to thank Glenn Le Clair and John Byrne, from
the Lessons from History team, for their early reviews.
Overall, I am indebted to my wife and family who have been
so gracious in allowing me to continue with this writing project
at the expense of our valuable time together. I would like to
mention that the design and layout of front cover was completed
with the help of Jamie and Evie Kozak-Holland.
The History of Project Management
Why this Book?
roject management is one of the fastest growing profes-
sions worldwide in the 21st Century. The perception held
by many people is that project management started in
the 20th Century - after all, the major project management or-
ganizations were founded in the sixties.1 Yet how were all the
great projects of the past delivered, like the Giza Pyramid, the
Parthenon, the Colosseum, the Gothic Cathedrals of Europe,
the Taj Mahal, and the Transcontinental Railroad? Was project
management used? Were the concepts of project management
understood? Answering these questions is the fundamental rea-
son for this book. If project management has been around for
thousands of years, why has no one attempted to quantify histor-
ical examples, and link them back to today’s concepts of project
This type of book is somewhat unique probably because of
the broad scope of the subject (the different types of projects)
and the lack of readily-available material. The writing of this
book has not been easy, taking over four years. My publisher
suggested it as a natural fit to the Lessons from History series.
But the turning point and the reason why it was finally written
came through two things: first, the
website, where the most popular pages were those related to
the History of Project Management; and second, in writing the
The History of Project Management
and show how relevant these were in every selected project from
the past millennia and centuries.
In Summary
If project management is as old as the beginning of civilization
then we might consider changing our definition of it so it better
reflects this. I believe that project management has been a
continuous evolution. It has absorbed the best practices from
every field that it has come in contact with. This book aims to be
the first in linking the project management of the past with the
The challenge of managing projects today is to combine the
technology of the near-future with the lessons from the past.
This is a principal objective of the Lessons from History series.
Hence the research in this book establishes a baseline by which
historical projects can be used for comparative purposes to
today’s projects, and with that a wealth of lessons learned. But
if nothing else I hope the journey through the book entertains as
much as it educates.
The History of Project Management
tudies in the history of project management are rarely seen
which is somewhat surprising considering the mega proj-
ects of the last 4,500 years. These were not anomalies in
history but projects delivered in a systematic way with similar
characteristics to today’s projects. Typically, they had what we
would call today a project charter, and a business justification.
They followed a life-cycle of phases, and they incorporated the
equivalent of the Project Management Process Groups (initiat-
ing, planning, executing, and closing), and the nine PMBoK®
Guide knowledge areas (or PRINCE2® as identified in the map-
ping to PMBoK® Guide in Appendix E).
For most people, the starting point of reference in the his-
tory of Project Management is the project constructing the Great
Pyramid at Giza. This is a monumental structure for its time,
2550 BCE (Before the Common Era), and conjures up images of
thousands of slaves serving a merciless pharaoh and toiling in
inhospitable conditions. In reality, labor was not an inexhaust-
ible supply but came at a higher price. There is little evidence to
suggest the use of slave labor in any of the projects presented,
with the exception of peasant labor. For the next 2,700 years,
most significant projects, highlighted by the architectural mas-
terpieces of the Greek and Roman eras, were in the construction
of edifices and structures. Over time subtle changes were being
made in the use of ever-improving materials like brick, concrete,
and iron which provided the project architects with more design
options and greater flexibility in these structures.
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
Chapter 1
Project Management
roject management has existed in some form for thousands
of years. After all, anything that requires an approach
where humans organize effectively to a plan and achieve
specific objectives can be loosely defined as a project. How
else would have humans achieved its stunning wonders and
achievements? Here are some examples: the Great Pyramid of
Giza (2550 BCE) and the Great Wall of China (221-206 BCE).
But, how were things done before today’s “essential tools”
existed such as laptops, spreadsheets, and cell phones? People
had much different tools then, but the approach was the same
namely planning and executing. Today, we have a deep scientific
knowledge of the world around us that is essential for today’s
projects; however, the ancients could manage without this
Abraham Maslow1 eloquently pointed out that for man
to complete certain functions and achievements requires a
hierarchy of needs to be in place, represented through a pyramid
consisting of five levels. In examining significant projects across
history there are a number of assumptions that can be made. For
example, for a society to carry out major projects it must have a
number of factors, similar to Maslow’s model; a specific purpose
for the project with an objective, the right skills available, a
level of societal stability, maturity of process and organization,
equipment (tools) and techniques, and the availability of
finances and resources.
The History of Project Management
personal growth
and fulfillment
achievement, status,
responsibility, reputation
Safety needs
protection, security, order,
law, limits, stability
Physiological needs
air, water, food, clothing,
shelter, warmth, sleep, sex
1 - Project Management
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
Taj Mahal
Palace of Versailles,
17th Blue Mosque,
Canal Du Midi
Hardwick Hall,
Industrial The Iron Bridge,
Menai Suspension Bridge, James Cook’s
Revolution First Railway (Stockton and Circumnavigation
1750-1840 Darlington)
Phase 1
1ST Transcontinental Railroad,
SS Great Britain,
Industrial Suez Canal London Sewers,
Revolution Crystal Palace Transatlantic Cable,
1840-1890 Hollerith’s Mechanical
Phase 2
Second Panama Canal,
Industrial Empire State Building, Titanic, Hoover Dam, Golden Race to North Pole
Revolution Gate, Race to South Pole
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
was good enough to cut through the loose, dry top soil. In
Northern Europe only a steel blade could cut through the
heavy wet soils.
• In the 16th Century, the Japanese acquired firearms and
then abandoned them for 300 years. Their preference was
for precisely crafted steel Samurai swords.
• The Chinese had gunpowder, the compass, and lateen
sails centuries before the Europeans. Yet they did not
put these together to aggressively explore new lands and
conquer native populations.
• The steam shovel was developed in the UK, but only
adopted in the U.S., as cheap labor was available for
digging canals in the UK (through the Navigators). The
U.S. Panama Canal project could not have been built
without this technology.
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
Evolution of Materials
One factor that has affected the history of projects has been
the transition from natural to man-made materials, and then
the subsequent evolution of those man-made materials. For
example, building with stone and timber materials reached a
plateau, that is a maximum in height and stability of structures,
until other man-made materials were developed like brick
and concrete. Significant Roman projects benefited from these
new materials, like the large viaducts and Colosseum. The
development of these materials was driven by several factors;
primarily, a better scientific understanding and the ability to
measure things accurately. To make concrete and bricks strong
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
The History of Project Management
Structure of Chapters
The sections include:
• Brief synopsis of trends/changes (societal, economic,
ecological, technological).
• Impact of changes on society.
• Major events - natural disasters, wars, epidemics.
• New tools, techniques and breakthroughs.
• Regions significant to the historical period.
• Significant projects that arose (1 or 2) and notable
• Key players of the historical period.
• Chapter Wrap-up.
a. Conclusions.
b. Key Lessons.
c. Tips for educators.
1 - Project Management
Impact of Changes
Typically, there is a reaction to any trend/change which has an
impact on the civilization or culture. For example, the Medieval
Ice Age (1400 to 1750) had a long term impact to only a small
shift in temperature. Likewise, a dramatic fall in the population
during the 14th Century was a reaction to the bubonic plague.
The History of Project Management
Major Events
During the outlined historical period, what major events
happened? For example, the collapse of Empires like the Roman
or Mayan, and the birth of something new, or a discovery, or the
development of a new technology.
The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire and the
closure of the trade route to Asia were catalysts for the 15th
Century voyages of discovery and exploration; Most notably,
Columbus’ voyage west to establish a trade route to the Far
The 20th Century Space Race became a reality when
President Kennedy made a commitment to complete the U.S.
project and adequate funding was made available. NASA got a
substantial 4% of the national budget. Looking back, Kennedy’s
speeches were a major catalyst in securing the funding and
changing the history of modern space projects.
1 - Project Management
Significant Projects
So, how were the significant projects identified for the book? A
project had to be discernable as a project with a clear objective,
was predefined by a degree of planning, and was led by a
recognized leader (project manager). It had to be completed in
a specific time frame, or was just faced with many challenges
along the way like the lack of key resources, or physical
A significant project is one that is successful beyond all
expectations, a ground breaker, a catalyst for change, and will
have other projects following in its footsteps. These significant
projects are generally recognized as great achievements.
The output of a project has to be significant. With the Giza
Pyramid or the Gothic cathedrals, this is very obvious. But
successful project management brings together a combination
of scope, resources and time, often shown in a triangle. For
example, the Great Escape from Stalag Luft III15 was significant
not just in its output but for the hostile environment and the
perceived lack of resources that surrounded the project. The
Colosseum had a significant output, aggressive time frame, and
large project workforce.
The History of Project Management
Key players
This section discusses some of the key players of the historical
period. Some were not necessarily related to specific projects,
but who influenced the era; for example, Vitruvius or Villard de
1 - Project Management
Chapter Wrap-up
This section will list the conclusions for each chapter with a
focus on the significant projects of the era.
Key Lessons
This is a close examination of the nine PMBoK® Guide
Knowledge Areas against the significant projects to determine
their usage and importance to the project.
• Discussions in the context of today’s projects, impor-
tant aspects of project management, designed to help
The History of Project Management
1 - Project Management
The History of Project Management
Chapter 2
n today’s projects, each project phase is completed by the
delivery of one or more deliverables. The PMBoK® Guide™1
advocates that not only phases and deliverables but also
knowledge areas need to be used through the course of a project
(see Table 2.1 below).
Integrates all eight knowledge areas and includes project
plan development, integrated change control, and project
Scope Plans and defines the scope, identifies major deliverables
Management and the work breakdown structure (WBS)
Time Defines the activities in the project, completes the
Management activity sequencing, and develops the schedule
Defines estimates, develops a budget, and controls cost
Plans the approach to quality in a project, identifies
the required quality characteristics, and builds
the quality assignments into the schedule
The History of Project Management
Table 2.1: The nine knowledge areas that are essential to a project as
Advocated by PMBoK® Guide.
2 - Evolution of PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas
Integration Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Integrates all eight knowledge areas
and includes project charter and plan development, project
execution, monitors and controls the project, integrated change
control, and closing the project. The integration management
processes are useful for project managers to start, control and
shutdown the project.
Integration management is important as it acts as the glue
for the other knowledge areas. The written project plan was
probably not developed until the 20th Century although through
history the chief architect or master-builder would have been
very familiar with the sequence of activities. Most projects
were targeting a project end date, often for political reasons, so
the concept of the schedule and plan has always been in place.
Like today’s project most projects had a significant return on
investment whether through indirect revenue, like the Gothic
cathedral projects which drew in pilgrims into the towns and
boosted the economy; or like the Parthenon project which
stimulated the local economy, small businesses, and reduced
Scope Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition – collects requirements, plans and
defines the scope, identifies major deliverables and the work
breakdown structure, and verifies and controls scope. The project
scope management processes are useful for project managers to
determine what is, and is not, included in projects, and to control
project/product scope during the project life cycle.
The History of Project Management
Scope management is fundamental to project management in
that it is hard to imagine how any project can move forward
without this element. There is strong evidence that the master-
builders on ancient projects had a comprehensive grasp of the
totality of their projects, the entire building operation, including
all the major activities and the concept of a work breakdown
structure. From the earliest ancient projects scope had to have
been understood and used then as it is used today with very
little difference. Otherwise projects like the Giza Pyramid and
the Colosseum would have been very difficult to manage and
deliver in the required time frames. The main exceptions to this
were projects that were clearly out of control.
Time Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Defines the activities in the project,
completes the activity sequencing, estimates the activity
resources and durations, and develops and controls the schedule.
The project time management processes are useful for project
managers to apply and explain the steps needed to create the
project schedule, and the ability to plan and finish the project in
a timely manner.
The ancient building projects of the past, as do projects today,
required effective administration and management of many
activities in a complex schedule. The master-builders had to
have a comprehensive grasp of the totality of building operations
and all their ramifying complexities so they could sequence the
activities most efficiently. The projects did not only consist of
assembly and erection activities but also the preparation of the
site and the logistics for the project. Logistics scheduling evolved
in the military. In 2000 BCE, Sun Tzu wrote about strategy and
scheduling from a military perspective. This is one of the earliest
descriptions of a project management function.
2 - Evolution of PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas
Cost Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Defines estimates, develops a
budget, and controls costs. The project cost management
processes are useful for project managers to apply and explain
cost management and cost control, including earned value.
Cost management has played a significant role in all projects
since the development of money, and its origins are in the
development of banking. Ancient projects relied on investments
and loans as do projects today. The workforce required some
sort of a regular payment. The Gothic cathedral projects
are an excellent example of very effective cost management.
These projects ran for decades if not centuries and they had to
successfully manage and control their budgets. This was done
through very effective governance structures, that consisted of
chapters (boards) and overseers of works, and their priority was
to keep the project going.
Quality Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Plans the approach to quality in a
project, identifies the required quality characteristics, and builds
the quality assignments into the schedule. It performs quality
assurance, and control. The project quality management
processes are useful for project managers to apply required
quality to projects, and to apply metrics to improve project
A major feature of quality control is the establishment of self
control where a party producing a product has the means
and knowledge to determine compliance with specifications
and, furthermore, is empowered to initiate corrective actions
when needed. An individual performing the work conducts an
inspection of his product. Implementing self control implies a
comparison of actual results to specifications.
Within ancient projects a non-empirical approach to the
project was the only option available as science and mathemat-
The History of Project Management
Human resource management addresses both the theoretical
and practical techniques of managing a workforce who
individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of
the objectives of an organization. Within the PMBoK® Guide, it
is not just acquiring but developing and maintaining a qualified
Human resource management has always been critical to
projects. A common perception today is that projects of ancient
times relied on an almost inexhaustible, low cost labor pool.
This is not the case. The reality is the labor pool was limited
and composed of skilled and unskilled labor, the former being
considerably smaller and much more valued. As far back as
3000 BCE in the early Empires of the Nile, Euphrates, Tigris,
and Indus valleys there were separate classes of craftsmen
concentrated in the cities, skillful in metallurgy and working
with wood and stone. A strong central government was required
to coordinate the labor pool for projects.
2 - Evolution of PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas
Communications Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Identifies stakeholders, plans
communications, distributes information, manages stake-
holder’s expectations, and reports performance. The Project
Communications Management processes are useful for project
managers in continuously managing all project communications
with stakeholders.
Ancient projects with an extremely large workforce (in excess
of 10,000 and vast by today’s standards) needed very effective
communications management. On an ancient project the
communications had to exist between all the places of work
including the offices, construction site, workshops, quarries
and workers villages. One aspect of communication was rapidly
transferring design ideas to all areas of the project team. This
was done through simple templates and miniature models,
reducing the need for lots of documentation.
Risk Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Makes initial assumptions that
affect the project, develops the risk management plan, identifies
and analyses risk (qualitative and quantitative), plans response
and implementation of the risk and contingency plans, and
monitors and controls risk. The Project Risk Management
processes are useful for project managers to manage and track
all the project risks holistically, and to be better prepared for the
Risk management is probably the oldest of the PMBoK® Guide
areas. A simple examination of ancient projects shows that over
time civilizations took on projects knowingly with increasing
amounts of risk. The project architects were getting more
comfortable with the increased level of risk and more effective in
managing it. For example, Romans pushed concrete technology
in their buildings to the limit, with extensive arches, barrel
vaults, and domes as seen in the Colosseum and Pantheon.
The History of Project Management
The Romans like the Greeks had a trial and error approach to
construction based on experimental construction knowledge
that was not theoretical. For example, they did not know the
exact structural strength of stone. This non-empirical approach
would qualify for a qualitative risk analysis based on experience,
rather than a quantitative risk analysis based on metrics.
Procurement Management
PMBoK® Guide Definition - Plans and conducts procurements,
soliciting bids for products and services, assesses make-or-
buy decisions, and negotiates a contract. It also administers,
and closes-out the procurements. The Project Procurement
Management processes are useful for project managers to take
a more comprehensive approach to procurement in tracking the
various activities, and ensuring contracts are fully delivered.
Procurement management has its roots in trading and can be
traced back to very early civilizations. It has been constantly
critical from ancient to more recent projects, unsurprising
with the volume of materials required for some of the projects
like the Giza Pyramid and the Colosseum. Both had extensive
supply chains moving many millions of tons of materials. The
Colosseum project was delivered by four contractors through
contracts with requirements for guarantees. More recent projects
like the Hoover Dam were completely tendered out and the
contract was driven by bonuses and penalties, attached to the
2 - Evolution of PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas
The History of Project Management
Chapter 3
his historical period was dominated by the very early
civilizations that were forming.
“The city is almost the most defining characteristic of
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Agricultural Revolution
10,000 years ago man went from hunting and food-gathering
to raising crops and taming animals based on discoveries that
enabled a square mile of fertile land to support 20 to 200 times
as many people, through the control of water through irrigation
channels. This revolution first took place in the hills around the
north of Iraq and Syria and spread to the valleys of the Nile and
the Indus to become centers of cultural radiation.
The History of Project Management
Early Communities
A community can be defined as a group of interacting people,
united by ties of descent from a common ancestor, living in a
common location with common customs and traditions.
Impact of Changes
The agriculture revolution led to several major changes simul-
taneously. First, it created, and allowed for, the storage of food
surpluses that could support people not directly involved in food
production. This allowed for far larger population densities, up
by a hundred fold. This in turn allowed for the creation and de-
velopment of the first cities which led to civilization.
The earliest surviving business records can be traced back
more than 7,000 years ago to the Chaldean-Babylonians,
Assyrians, and Sumerians.3
Food surpluses freed people for other specialized occupations
and features of civilizations. This led to the creation of large
hierarchical societies ran by large-scale government, ruled from
the top. Autocratic societies evolved in Egypt and China where
priests held and controlled knowledge and held a high position
in society. Skilled and unskilled labor was used for monumental
large scale projects. These large hierarchical societies had
surplus resources and materials. They could therefore afford
to explore and develop sciences to create new materials (like
metals), tools, and writing.
Major Events
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Simple Machines
The development of simple machines4 like the lever, inclined
plane, and wedge around 3000 BCE was a catalyst for early
simple construction projects. For example, the diversion of water
using dams and channels. The wheel evolved from the potter's
wheel but the two shared no common geographical origin, 3200-
3500 BCE. These helped man move from a hunter/gatherer, to a
farmer/city dweller.
Metal Tools
The forging of materials, specifically bronze around 3000 BCE,
and then iron around 1200 BCE, impacted the farmer/city
dweller by providing metal tools. Bronze immediately improved
the durability and efficiency of hand tools. The first metal tools
were knives, important for hunting and survival, and weapons
(swords) for warfare.
Improvements in Agriculture
Farming revolved around planting seeds which requires
breaking up the ground. In the early days this was achieved by
scraping with a pointed implement, like a deer antler, or a sharp
stick. But to grow a surplus required a useful furrowed field. The
first ploughs consisted of sharp pointed timber, hardened in a
flame or tipped with flint, projecting downwards at the end of a
long handle. This type of plough was sufficient to break up the
earth and form a shallow trench in the light soil of Egypt and
Mesopotamia. The plough could be dragged by a couple of men
but the process was greatly sped up by the harnessing of plough
and draught animals, which first appeared from 3000 BCE. In
Egypt the centralization of harvests in state warehouses also led
to the development of a system of banking.
The harnessing of animal labor in carrying materials had a
significant effect on construction projects as it reduced the size of
the workforce significantly.
The History of Project Management
Ability to Measure
It was not until the discovery of Geometry, and the ability to
measure, in ancient Babylonia in 3000 BCE that heralded con-
struction projects of edifices, temples, and civilian buildings.
Early geometry was a collection of empirically discovered princi-
ples concerning lengths, angles, areas, and volumes. These were
used to meet practical needs in surveying, and construction.
Ability to Write
The Egyptian papyrus, an aquatic plant, appeared in 3000 BCE
and has remained in regular use longer than any other material
in the history of written documents. Writing transferred from
clay tablets to papyrus. Lightweight papyrus could be easily
carried, in volume, made records less cumbersome and permitted
a wider use of supporting documents.5 This catalyzed the
development of the earliest recorded postal system in Egypt 2000
BCE. Egyptian authorities required that records of transactions
be kept by two different scribes, whose records had to agree. This
was an example of early internal control procedures.
The oldest record of writing in China was on bones around
1400 BCE. The first encyclopedia was written in Syria 1270
BCE, and the Greeks started the very first library in 530 BCE.
Keeping Time
The invention of the sundial provided a crude mechanism for
breaking the day up into morning and afternoon. As early as
1500 BCE, the Egyptians had developed an advanced sundial. A
T-shaped bar placed in the ground and was calibrated to divide
the interval between sunrise and sunset into 12 parts. Although
the hours within a given day were approximately equal, their
lengths varied during the year, with summer hours being much
longer than winter hours. This didn’t get around the problem of
time variation. In projects, scheduling was done using the day
as the basic unit of measure, although the day length varied
through the calendar.
The next major breakthrough arose around 1400 BCE, when
Egyptians used a simple water clock to break down the day into
hours. A simple stone vessel with sloping sides allowed water
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The pace of development started and continued in and around
the Fertile Crescent (Levant (Eastern Mediterranean) and
Mesopotamia, and Egypt).
Significant Projects
All were civil construction projects based on large labor pools,
that required vast resources and materials, and spanned across
decades. Simple machines were used predominantly.
The Nile, the heart of Egypt, with its yearly floods provided
an abundance of food that helped establish a wealthy society.
Egyptian society was dominated by a rigid class system with
little social mobility - although it was possible to move based
on merit, luck or patronage. Women worked and were valued
individually, but held subservient. Overall labor was the
property of the community who at different times contributed
to the construction of the pyramids, the building of temples,
cities, roads, the banks of the Nile, and other public works. Some
people were exempt as they were required in areas of support
for social and state interests. Egypt’s foundation was the poorest
class. Although slaves were common in Egypt, for the most part,
they were the property of rich and not the state.
The excess food of Egypt could readily feed the population of
one million and it allowed Egypt to have a standing professional
army. War was part of the Egyptian economy, and with this
The History of Project Management
Prior to the Giza Pyramid (2550 BCE) there was a succession of
pyramids that progressed over a few centuries. The first pyramid
ever built, was Djoser’s Step Pyramid (2668 BCE) in Saqqara,
by Mahnud Hotep (Imhotep). Imhotep was a royal architect and
physician, but more importantly he was the top government
administrator (equivalent to a prime minister) of Egypt. He was
in a unique position as he had all the money he needed, and
he didn’t have to worry about approval from committees. If the
Pharaoh Djoser (2668–2649 BCE) wanted something it would be
Imhotep had a very clear project charter. He was going to
build a very unique tomb out of stone as he wanted a tomb that
would stand for all of time. It was the largest stone building
ever constructed and impressive in that there were no smaller
structures first. It was a 70 meter (240 foot) pyramid that used
blocks of stone less than 100 pounds (45 Kilograms). It was
surrounded by a stone city of houses, chapels and statues.
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Figure 3.1: The Step Pyramid of Djoser (Zoser) was an early attempt
of Pyramid building. Painting by Johann Frey (19th Century).7
The History of Project Management
slope. The reason for the disaster was one of the corners was
built on a layer of gravel rather than bedrock. As the pyramid
grew the mass increased and there was a problem with stability
and subsidence as the angle proved too steep. The inner burial
chamber cracked and the pyramid was stabilized by adjusting
the angle. The reduced angle brought increased stability.
Figure 3.2: the Bent Pyramid of Sneferu showing the two build cycles
in the project.8
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Planning for the Pharaoh Khufu‘s pyramid started as Sneferu’s
body was being embalmed. Khufu was 40 years old so there was
not a lot of time to complete the project.10 Hemienu’s first task
was to select the building site, so together with the overseers of
quarries and transport, they sailed along the Nile. They could
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
million blocks, that are believed to have gone into the Great
The project faced a series of technical challenges that dictated the
scope and schedule. The first technical challenge, to create a per-
fectly level base, was addressed by digging a thin trench around
the perimeter and filling it with water. A base line was then
traced on the water mark and the perimeter leveled with this line.
The quarry gangs formed a production line as a steady
stream of 2 ton blocks was hacked out of the on-site quarry, and
transported to site and placed in position. The process demanded
backbreaking efforts and considerable endurance and patience
on the part of the gangs working in harmony and unison. It is
likely the gangs competed between themselves as to how many
blocks were pulled up in a day. The gangs from the off-site
quarries rowed stone-carrying boats across the Nile River, and
then pulled the blocks overland to their destination.
After ten years the first of the 43 granite blocks (30 to 60
tons) arrived from Aswan, for setting up the king’s burial cham-
ber. The team had to address the second technical challenge.
Nine of these large blocks would make up the roof. They had to
be raised 42 meters (140 feet) onto the pyramid, and then ma-
neuvered and positioned with a very high degree of accuracy.
The third technical challenge, required ramps so as the ma-
terial was moved to the correct height. An external ramp up to
the 61 meters (200 feet) level was sufficient and relatively easy
to build. Beyond 61 meters (200 feet) and up to a height of 146
meters (480 feet) the ramp would reach an 8% grade, too steep
to pull blocks. It would also stretch out at least a 1.6 kilometers
(1 mile) beyond the pyramid. This would not have been feasible
as the volume of material for the ramp would be equal to the
pyramid. It would have added years to the project in terms of
the ramp construction time, and added considerable time in the
transportation. An external corkscrew ramp was more feasible
but the one flaw with this theory is it would have been difficult
to make repeated measurements along the edges to make sure
the pyramid angles were constant. The ramp would have ob-
scured this. An alternative is the internal ramp theory which is
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Figure 3.5: Giza in the 19th Century. The height used was 201 steps
high, or 146 meters (480 feet).19
The History of Project Management
The output of the project was significant, the only one of the
seven wonders of world to have survived to today. The scale
of a 40 story building has inspired generations, and remained
the tallest building for 4,000 years until the Eiffel Tower was
erected in 1870. It was completed within a specified time frame
of twenty years, remarkable when considering that it required
81 two ton blocks to be laid per day.
There was a remarkable and efficient use of resources
within the budget to support the project. It was a limited project
workforce which required a high degree of organization. It had
to work in a very constrained and complex environment for
example, the maneuvering of mammoth blocks up small ramps.
The project was remarkable in the simplicity of the equipment
used like wooden mallets and wedges, copper saws and chisels,
ropes, and wooden sledges. The masons would have used very
simple tools to finish the shaping of the blocks namely, set
squares for right angles, plum-bobs and a-frames for leveling.
The Giza Pyramid was constructed over a twenty year
period in a hostile desert environment. The project highlighted
how careful planning could create a highly effective social
organization. The work was so broad it touched almost everyone
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
With the threat of “barbarian” invasions or raids, the Great
Wall of China was built to serve as a site for lookout posts, and
to provide the armies a swift warning system, and to create an
elevated military roadway through rugged terrain. The Wall
safeguarded the trade routes like the Silk Road, and facilitated
safe transmission of information and transportation. The
Great Wall also provided a protection to the overall economic
development and cultural progress.
The wall was part of a rigorous defense project composed of
countless passes, watchtowers, garrison towns, beacon towers
and blockhouses. It would assume the shape of a horseshoe and
be built on an unprecedented scale.21
The History of Project Management
Qin Shi Huang conquered all opposing states and unified China
in 221 BCE, when he established the Qin Dynasty. He was the
first Emperor of a united China and connected a number of
existing defensive walls, from the disparate border fortifications
and castles of individual Chinese kingdoms, into a single system.
He ordered the building of a new wall to connect the remaining
fortifications along the empire’s new northern frontier, that
terminated at the shores of the Yellow Sea.
During the Qin Dynasty (221BCE - 206BCE), 300,000 soldiers
were redirected to build the wall, and fight if necessary, after
General Meng Tian conquered the Huns. It took nine years to
finish the work.
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Transporting the large quantity of materials required for
construction was difficult, so the projects always tried to use
local resources. Stones from the mountains were used over
mountain ranges, while rammed earth was used for construction
in the plains. In the deserts, sanded reeds and juniper tamarisks
were put to use. The mortar in the wall used a rice adhesive to
better hold it together.
The project was completed in a hostile environment, under
attack by the Xiongnu people from the north. The regime was
brutal and hundreds of thousands were killed in its creation,
mainly by the cold. It had a very high death rate of 25%, mainly
in the winter. These bodies were just added to the wall. After Shi
Huang’s death and the fall of the Qin dynasty, the wall was left
largely ungarrisoned and fell into disrepair.
The great wall produced something that was very significant. It
was built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 6th Century BCE
and the 16th Century. Initially it was not planned as one wall,
The History of Project Management
but different sections built over time. The total length reached
6,700 kilometers (4,160 miles). Today remaining sections of the
wall rise to a height of 10 meters (33 feet) and are 4.5 meters (15
feet) wide with a paved road running along the top.
It could be argued that the Great Wall had a negative
influence on technological development as the enormous project
consumed vast numbers of people, resources, materials, and
equipment, but without stimulating innovation.24 It is the only
man made structure seen that can be seen from space.
Stonehenge Project
Stonehenge, in England, means hanging stone and was a
formidable technological achievement. A high level of precision
was involved, not just in the construction but the positioning
itself. The output was significant, a huge calendar, and the
stones had to line up precisely with celestial events. The
architects laid out the monument in a true circle using practical
geometry and a standard measure the megalithic yard.
The workforce was likely seasonal and required surplus stores
of food to feed it. A centralized authority would have distributed
food and supervised the project. The labor requirements are
estimated to range to 30 million man-hours,25 equivalent to an
annual productive workforce of 10,000 people (8 hours x 300
days). The 100 meter (330 foot) circular ditch produced 3,200
cubic meters (3,500 cubic yards) of dirt.
A good deal of planning had to go into the project particularly
with scheduling the delivery of the stones, specifically the larger
25 ton blue stones that had to be quarried and transported
a great distance. The site itself had to be very carefully laid
out with a high degree of precision, to achieve the objective of
creating a celestial calendar where the stones had to line up
precisely with celestial events.
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Stonehenge consists of an outer circle of 30 upright sacred
“blue” stones, 4.1 meters (13.5 feet), each weighing 25 tons were
transported 438 kilometers (300 miles). The 30 lintels weighed
7 tons each. An inner circle of Standing Stones up to 7 meters
(22 feet) high, weighing up to 45 tons each, were moved about 40
kilometers (25 miles) using sledges and ropes as transportation
by water would have been very difficult. Altogether it needed
1000 tons of stones. Today’s calculations show that it would have
taken 500 men, using leather ropes, to quarry and pull one large
stone, with an extra 100 men needed to lay the huge rollers in
front of the sledge.
One of the most challenging aspects was aligning the
massive stone structure so that on various calendar days, the
sun would shine precisely from the outer ring openings to the
central point on main days, such as equinoxes and solstices. The
principal alignments are on the midsummer solstice sunrise and
the midwinter solstice sunset.
Stonehenge is an example of a project that was planned and
executed, over a long time frame. The output of the Stonehenge
project was significant as it was used as a calendar to help
measure the seasonal cycles and plan agricultural and religious
The overall project was completed over 1,600 years in three
phases with specific outputs for each phase. What we can learn
from this project is not that different from Giza, there are many
parallels, with the quarrying, transportation, and placement
of stones. A society that puts resources to an end goal,
surplus food, and takes care of its workforce by rotating
seasonally can achieve astounding results.
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
Key Players
Chapter Wrap-up
The technical challenges of the Giza Pyramid project were
enormous, from creating a perfectly level base, to building the
burial chambers, to completing the last third and mounting
the cap stone. The history of pyramid building shows a clear
evolution in learning, and this was applied to the Giza Pyramid
project. The Egyptians had such a comprehensive grasp of the
whole project, work breakdown structure and schedule, that
The History of Project Management
at the project start they sent teams 800 kilometers (500 miles)
to Aswan to quarry granite. They understood the difference in
properties between granite and limestone, and the use for each.
They knew it would take 10 years to hack out the 62 tons granite
beams needed for the roof of the king’s burial chamber. This
was scheduled accordingly to stay within time-lines as they had
calculated that within this 10 year span the pyramid would be
48 meters (150 feet) high and ready for the granite beams.30
In contrast the Great Wall of China was a completely
different project, punitive in nature. It really was a protracted
building program that improved and extended an existing
infrastructure. This was done in spurts as the pressure of
external invasion mounted. As a result, the project pressed
groups into forced labor notably soldiers, and criminals. A point
of note is this project had the greatest number of laborers ever
used (1,800,000) in a single period.
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ The Giza Pyramid project had a very clear charter
and deadline to deliver the project before the pharaoh
died which was approximately 20 years. The project
was pushing the limits of technologies, materials, and
resources in terms of the heights and stability of the
evolving structures, and the ability to organize a vast
workforce in a confined environment.
◦◦ The project had a well defined governance structure.
It also had a mechanism for course adjustment and
controlling change. Lessons from the Bent Pyramid
demonstrated how these were used to rectify design
problems and deliver the project.
◦◦ There was less consideration for a business
justification as the project was built for the pharaoh
the all powerful ruler. However, there was not
unlimited state funding available for the project.
There was a significant payback in the way the
project helped to unify the nation and provided a
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
3 - From Village to City (2550 - 510BCE)
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the importance
of what the Giza Pyramid project achieved?
• Did the project have any benefits beyond its main
objective, a grandiose tomb for the pharaohs?
• Discuss which of the nine PMBoK® Guide Knowledge
Areas were most significant to the project?
Chapter 4
Roman Republic
(510 - 100 BCE)
his historical period was dominated by the Greek and
Roman empires in Europe and those of Mauryas in
India, and Han in China. From a project management
perspective construction projects continued to be driven by a
temple economy (grain silos held in religious structures) where
the ruler initiated communal work projects. These were typically
construction projects using stone, brick, and new materials
like concrete. There was an increased scientific knowledge
specifically with geometry, and a more sophisticated use of
equipment such as lifts and cranes.
The History of Project Management
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
Impact of Changes
Change in Thinking
The Greeks through the Greek city-states were instrumental in
the development of reason, inquiry, and rational thought. They
were the first Europeans capable of analyzing and explaining
political institutions, and considering alternatives.
Path to Democracy
To prevent Athens from becoming a Spartan puppet state, an
Athenian noble Cleisthenes proposed to the citizens of Athens
to share power regardless of status and create a democracy. The
democracy solved many problems for Athens, and helped repel a
Spartan-led invasion. Magistrates were elected by all freemen,
and jurors in trials were paid fees, so democracy wasn’t just
The History of Project Management
for the rich. The democracy did not include women, slaves, or
Growth in Buildings
This was a golden period for Greece and then Rome, a classical
era with the construction of magnificent formal buildings.
Today’s sense of an ideal city is derived to a great extent from
Athens around 450 BCE.1
Professional Armies
The city-state armies were made of citizen soldiers and each
time war broke out raising an army was inefficient, and for
Rome this was disruptive to the economy. It was also harder to
keep the levels of discipline in a citizen army. By the 1st Century
BCE Rome had a standing professional army of career soldiers,
recruited from the poor and equipped by the state. This allowed
for the development of military skills, guaranteeing further
Roman conquests as the republic became an empire.2 These
were based on the Assyrians who were the first to organize a
professional army (745-727 BCE).
The foremost features of this Assyrian army were its logistics
arrangements, supply depots, columns, and bridging trains.
Central supply depots held war materials of all sorts, with
chariots and horses. This was the first long range army that
could campaign 300 miles (500 kilometers) from base and move
at advanced speeds of up to 30 miles a day. It was paid regularly
and supplied with weapons. The army was organized into units
led by professional generals. The recruits were multi-ethnic
with foreign mercenaries and prisoners of war making up the
major elements of the ranks. The Syrians were experts in siege:
attacking foundation walls, digging mine shafts, building siege
ramps, and working on siege engines. Many successor armies of
other empires were modeled on this army including the Roman
The Persians took the concept of specialization further as
they assembled specific ethnic groups like Greek mercenaries for
infantry, Medes and Scythians as horsemen, and Phoenicians
as sailors. Strict training welded these forces into disciplined
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
Major Events
Greek wars
The city-states of ancient Greece fought one another. This was
done to prevent any one city-state from dominating, like Athens
or Sparta. They also contested external threats like the Persians
which they united into a democratic military alliance to push
back these invaders. Athens was determined to maintain its
democratic society
Roman Wars
Similar to the Greeks, the Romans fought to preserve a fledgling
democracy - a republican form of government. Rome survived a
series of civil wars and wars against its neighbors, notably the
Etruscans in the 5th Century BCE.
Simple Machines
The Greeks were renowned inventors and over a thousand years
of empire they contributed the screw, the ratchet, the water
wheel and the aeolipile (Hero’s turbine).
The History of Project Management
In the 4th Century BCE the pulley was developed. This was
a very useful device in construction projects for lifting heavier
objects. A major mechanical advantage was achieved when two
or more wheels were used together. This explains their use in
machines like yardarms (pulleys with ropes) for sailing vessels
and for moving moderate weights.
In 200 BCE the Greeks evolved cement as a structural material,
to replace weaker mortars such as gypsum plaster or bitumen.
The use of lime, a new material, could bind sand, water and clay.
In 140 BCE Hipparchus, a leading Greek astronomer, created
the astrolabe (meaning star taker) to measure the angle of the
sun or a star above the horizon and provide a chart showing
the heavens at differing latitudes and times. The altitude of
the Pole Star revealed the observer’s latitude, in relation to the
position of sun and stars at the time of day or night. It is the
world’s oldest scientific instrument and was to become critical
for navigation.
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
Athens in the 5th Century BCE was a city run by its citizens
as they “possessed real authority over government finance and
the official bureaucracy.”5 There were 10 publicly chosen state
accountants, who recorded all revenues as they came into the
city and compiled lists of government debtors. The fact that
Athens was run by popular sovereignty introduced the idea
of financial disclosure for the first time in history. “To ensure
maximum publicity, certain accounts were even engraved in
stone and placed on public view.”6 Fraud was common and this
created a requirement for the records of government officials to
be examined by auditors at the end of the official’s term.
Origination of Risk
The term risk can be traced back to classical Greek where the
word risk, meant root, stone, cut from firm land (later used in
Latin for cliff). The original term was used in Homer’s Rhapsody
M of Odyssey “Sirens, Scylla, Charybdee and the bulls of Helios
(Sun).” Odysseus tried to save himself from Charybdee at the
cliffs of Scylla, where his ship was destroyed by heavy seas
generated by Zeus.
Coined Money
The Greeks began issuing coined money in about 630 BCE.
Records were kept in money form and this medium of exchange
also guaranteed consistency. Although they could record
business transactions in money terms often they did not. At
times they represented property in physical quantities and
monetary assets in money terms with inventory and the cash
equivalent of assets on the books of any company.
The History of Project Management
Banking System
Athens in the 5th Century BCE was the first state to make finan-
cial disclosures to create transparency with public projects. The
Greeks had a highly developed banking system8 that changed
and loaned money, accepted deposits, acted as intermediaries
and trustees, and arranged cash transfers for clients through
correspondents in distant cities. Bankers kept account books
that had to be produced as evidence in court.
There was significant prosperity in Greece and Rome that saw
growth in thriving cultures around the Mediterranean. In the
East, China started to emerge as a significant power when the
first Emperor of China harnessed the resources of the nation and
started to pull it together.
Significant Projects
All the significant projects in this historical period were civil con-
struction projects that had an increasingly more sophisticated
architecture, delivered by a smaller and more skilled labor pools.
These projects spanned years and sometimes across decades.
Greece was devastated by the Persian invasion of 481 BCE,
where the Persian forces sacked Athens and demolished the
buildings on the Acropolis. Under the leadership of Athens,
one hundred Greek city-states joined forces to form the
Delian League, a democratic military alliance to push back
the invaders. Following victory Pericles, the military leader
victorious at the Battle of Mycale, took the initiative to restore
the destroyed parts of the city.
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
The primary objective for Pericles, the principal stakeholder,
was to rebuild the ancient shrines destroyed by the Persians and
to architecturally adorn the Acropolis with a magnificent temple
dedicated to the goddess Athena, known as the Parthenon. The
Acropolis is a limestone hill that rises 150 meters (about 500
feet) above sea level. The agora beneath the Acropolis was the
commercial and administrative center of the city.
The Athenians had notions of perfection that they called
Symmetria, the harmonious relationship of part to part and
of the part to the whole. As part of the project charter the
Parthenon was to be an expression of these ideas, a perfectly
symmetrical building, where the harmony depended on a certain
mathematical system of proportions.10
Pericles initiated the building program. He proposed to the
Assembly (primary stakeholders) that the project financing
came from a war chest (the treasure of the Delian League) from
any part that was not used for the common defense. He argued
it should be used to beautify what he deemed the legitimate
capital of a magnificent empire. For the Athenians this was
The History of Project Management
The Acropolis and other public buildings were part of this
public works program. Pericles devised a plan to rebuild
ancient shrines, and his human resource plan would utilize
the flourishing artistic talent along with the unemployed12
Athenians, so that every Athenian had food on his table. It would
keep the unemployed workers off the streets, and stimulate the
Athenian economy by creating a number of important feeder
industries13 by putting the whole city into state-pay. This was
an important part of the project charter and it helped get buy-
in to the project on a broad scale. The population of Athens was
around 250,000–300,000 people in this period.
The workforce consisted of artisans and tradesmen including
smiths and carpenters, molders, founders and braziers, stone-
cutters and stonemasons,14 dyers, goldsmiths, ivory-workers,
painters, embroiderers, turners. The workforce was organized on
military lines. Where a captain had a company of soldiers, every
trade had its own hired company of journeymen and laborers
belonging to it, and banded together as in an array.15
A driving and critical requirement was the esthetic qualities
of the building. It was to be an object of beauty and inspiration.
But this had to be incorporated into the project without
increasing the scope or the cost.
The plans laid out a perfectly symmetrical building where
symmetry was a 9:4 ratio present in various dimensions like the
length of the stylobate (the base of the building) to its width, and
to the height of the column (see figure 4.3).
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
Figure 4.3: Floor plan of the Parthenon showing the Doric columns.16
The temple measures over 7,000 meters2 (23,000 feet2) at the level of
its top step.
Work began on the Parthenon in 447 BCE. The Athenian Empire
was at the height of its power. The project team is known today.
Phidias had the oversight of all the works, and was the surveyor-
general, though other great masters were employed upon the
various portions. The main architect was Iktinos, and the master
The History of Project Management
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
The History of Project Management
(2½ feet) thick) into the columns. Near perfect alignment was
not just there for esthetic purposes. Accuracy of structural
judgment was integral were thrust had to be balanced by
opposing thrust. The quality requirements were continually
audited at a local level to assure the quality.
The most complex part of the project was the completion
of the Doric columns which measured 1.9 meters (6.2 feet) in
diameter and were 10.4 meters (34.1 feet) high. The corner
columns were slightly larger in diameter. The Parthenon had 46
outer pillars and 19 inner pillars in total.
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
The Parthenon became the glory of the city and the legacy of
this building is its contribution to Western architecture and the
many buildings that have followed in its influence. In particular,
the harmonious and integrated way it is architected, the steps
curve upward, the columns tilt inward, the metopes (marble
panels) tilt outward, the columns swell, the corner columns of
the building are slightly thicker than the other columns of the
building. All of these refinements are combined masterfully.
“Greek Architecture (and by this I mean the architecture of
the sixth and fifth centuries BCE) remains one of the great
outstanding facts in the history of the Architecture of the Western
—By Sir Reginald Blomfield, F.S.A., R.A.
The History of Project Management
Figure 4.7: El Deir Petra (6th BCE). Picture by David Roberts created
8th of March 1839.
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
The History of Project Management
Key Players
Chapter Wrap-up
The Parthenon set the pattern for future large-scale projects,
or public works, where the objective was to stimulate the local
economy and help the unemployed. What Pericles achieved
though went much further as he created one of the most
stunning buildings ever built, a massive contribution to Western
architecture which was copied for millennia to come. This set
the notion it was possible to deliver in a short time frame
(9 years) esthetically pleasing buildings within the scope
of a modest project budget.
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ Although the Parthenon project costs were high,
the business justification was based on stimulating
the local economy and helping the local population.
The project charter stated that the project would
incorporate local small businesses, and unemployed
workers in its vast workforce.
◦◦ The project charter was voted upon by the Ekklesia
(the assembly of the citizens of Athens), so that
the final deliverable would be a monument of the
democracy and not of one man.
◦◦ The building was larger and more opulent than
any temple that had been constructed on the Greek
mainland before. The building was to become a
showcase to the world and a symbol of the culture
and sophistication of Athenian society. Sophisticated
public buildings were important as they underpinned
the Greek public institutions and commitment to
democracy. Today it is one of the most representative
symbols of the ancient Greeks. This was an intangible
benefit but very important to the business case. Many
of Seven Ancient Wonders of the World followed a
similar kind of logic.
◦◦ The project was run on the principals of freedom of
information and financial disclosures. These were
traits of Athens, and the project had a well defined
governance structure.
• Scope Management
◦◦ A driving requirement for the project was the esthet-
ics of the building. It required a lasting beauty pleas-
ing to the eye and an enduring legacy. The project
had to follow this requirement which typically would
add tremendous scope to any project. This was built
into the project and stemmed from a design of perfect
proportions, but importantly it was kept within a
budget and time frame.
The History of Project Management
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
The History of Project Management
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
The History of Project Management
4 - Roman Republic (510 - 100BCE)
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects how quality
management was incorporated into the Parthenon
• Discuss the challenges of public works projects and
comment on the perceived differences of today’s projects
versus those of the past, like the Parthenon project?
• Discuss the impact of Pericles in sponsoring, initiating,
and leading the project. Did a war time record help him?
The History of Project Management
Chapter 5
his period saw the Roman Empire reach its zenith were
25% of the world’s population was part of it. From a project
management perspective construction projects were
driven primarily by the state of the Rome. New architectural
forms like the arch reduced the volume of materials, and
increased the strength of the structure. New materials primarily
concrete, with a veneer of stone, provided flexibility. There was
an increased usage of draft animals and more sophisticated
equipment for lifting, and moving materials.
The History of Project Management
• Major events
a. Birth of Jesus Christ in 0.
b. Mount Vesuvius erupts in 79 and destroys the cities
of Herculaneum, Stabiae, and Pompeii. It kills thou-
sands of residents.
c. Split of the Roman Empire (the collapse is covered in
the next chapter).
• New tools, techniques and breakthroughs
a. Roman Law and the legal system.
b. Roman Financial System.
i. Money economy emerges.
c. Treatise on architecture1 written by the Roman
architect Vitruvius.
d. Roman Army Specialists (Immunes).
e. Roman Construction Materials and Techniques.
i. Organizational ability based on the militar.
ii. Scientific (concrete).
iii. Roman roads.
iv. Arch, barrel and tunnel vaults, and coffered roofs.
v. Viaducts.
vi. Baths.
f. Chinese developments – paper, the wheelbarrow, the
rotary fan, and the stern post rudder for junks.
g. Stirrup.
h. Plough.
• Regions
a. Mediterranean, Western Europe.
b. Middle East.
• Significant projects
a. The Colosseum (70–82) in Rome.
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
Impact of Changes
As the Roman Empire reached its zenith the Romans undertook
a massive construction program of infrastructure (roads, towns,
fortifications, civic buildings) to underpin the Empire.
Major Events
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
Treatise on Architecture
This treatise on architecture7 was written as a guide for building
projects by the Roman architect Vitruvius and dedicated to his
patron, the Emperor Caesar Augustus. The work is one of the
most important sources of modern knowledge of Roman build-
ing methods as well as the planning and design of structures,
both large (aqueducts, buildings, baths, harbors) and small (ma-
chines, measuring devices, instruments).
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
Chinese Developments
The Chinese developed the wheelbarrow, the rotary fan, the
stern post rudder for junks. They also created gunpowder.
The discovery of paper in 105 was attributed to a eunuch Cai
Lun at the Chinese imperial court who presented the emperor
with a report on the new material paper. In the 2nd Century
it was produced in quantity in China from rags, the fibers of
mulberry, laurel and Chinese grass. Its significance was its
relatively low cost as a writing material. Overtime paper spread
reaching Europe in the 13th Century.
The stirrup was developed as early as the 2nd Century BCE and
was widely spread until the 7th Century. It was probable that
early nomadic horsemen, such as the Scythians, used some form
of looped fabric to support their feet. But the first direct evidence
of a stirrup was a loop for the big toe as used by Indian cavalry
from the 2nd Century BCE. Suitable only for use by barefoot war-
riors in warm climates, this device spreads gradually through
The History of Project Management
Southeast Asia. At some time before the 5th Century the Chinese,
who needed to keep their boots on, transformed the toe loop into
a metal stirrup for the whole foot. From China this crucial device
moved westwards, through Iran to the Muslim world in the 7th
Century, and then through the Byzantine empire to Western
Europe. Coupled with the saddle in 365, the two devices were in-
strumental in harnessing animal power for projects.
In northern Europe a machine was developed, probably by the
Celts in the 1st Century BCE, in which a sharp steel blade cut
into the wet earth and an angled board turned it over to form
a furrow. With heavier soil in Northern Europe, this type of
plough was effective and was a major factor in the agricultural
The Roman Empire dominated the Mediterranean, Western
Europe, and the Middle East.
Significant Projects
In this period there was a quantum leap in the number of large
scale construction projects based on Julius Caesar’s financial
initiatives. The projects took a very systematic approach,
through better organization of teams (based on the military) and
a wider spread of knowledge, and specialists (Immune’s). This
led to two projects that defined Roman project management:
• The Roman Colosseum project (70–80) in Rome.
• The Pantheon project (118–125) in Rome.
The project was initiated in the aftermath of Nero’s rule who
after the great fire of Rome in 64 had built himself a huge
pleasure palace. A much hated figure for his excesses Nero
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The Emperor Vespasian conceived the idea of a Colosseum on
the site of the lake in the gardens of Nero’s palace. He needed a
pleasure palace for the people, capable of holding some 50,000
spectators, to host gladiator contests and other public events.
It was a political project, a gift to principal stakeholders to
highlight the generosity of the government and to give back
something to the people. The project shored up the emperor’s
shaky regime as the Empire was close to ruin. So, there was
a strong business case and rationale for moving forward. The
project funding came from booty captured in the Jewish War by
Vespasian. Roman political propaganda required these buildings
to be showcases and also to emphasize that Rome was at the
center of a vast empire.
The project was part of a continuum of projects delivering
these types of structures that was a gradual development, and
not merely one original design. The Romans had mastered
several technologies that made the project possible. First, the
use of concrete and bricks: both of these were strong and flexible.
They used concrete for the core with a veneer of costly materials
applied to the outside of the core. This material technology had
been perfected over 300 years. Second, the extensive use of
arches and vaults which allowed for vast structures to be built
with only a fraction of the materials. Third, the increased use of
sophisticated mathematics and geometry in the design process.
With this combination it was possible to deliver a stadium
capable of seating around 50,000 spectators in a relatively short
time frame.
The History of Project Management
For the project vast quantities of essential equipment had to be
planned for including capstans, windlasses, gins, cranes, as well
as sleds and wagons. Some equipment had to be manufactured
at the site like the centering for large arches or heavy shoring for
a structure.13
Figure 5.5: On the left three counter weights. On the right a simple
pulling device. Source: Colosseum Museum of Rome.
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
Construction work on the Colosseum began with a complex
drainage network, the ring drain running 8m (28 feet) below the
ground into Nero’s lake, and then into the Tiber river. A heavy
storm could deliver 175 liters of water a second.
The next activity was to build an enormous 14 meter (45
foot) foundation extending beyond the perimeter of the building
by 6 meters (20 feet). This was in the shape of a donut, 32
meters (105 feet) wide, or 200 by 168 by 6.5 meters (656 by 553
by 22 feet). This hole of 100,000 cubic meters, 220,000 tons, was
excavated using ox and cart (half ton load). Two great perimeter
retaining walls were built (inner and outer) within the oval
hole, 3 meters (10 feet) thick and to a height of 12.5 meters (40
feet). The inner gap (a volume of 250,000 cubic meters (850,000
cubic feet)) was then filled with concrete, lime, mortar, and sand
mixed with volcanic rock and water.24 A concrete foundation
ring was capped with travertine (heavy limestone), upon which
was built a skeleton of travertine concentric rings. These were
in-filled with tufa (blocks), and roofed with opus caementicium
(roofing concrete). The use of tufa, recommended by Vitruvius,
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
Figure 5.10: The Colosseum in the 20th Century. The outer wall is
estimated to have required over 1,000,000 cubic meters (3,531,466
cubic feet) of travertine stone which were set, and held together by
300 tons of iron clamps.26
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
system of small sewers led from all parts of the Colosseum to one
great circular drain which surrounded the amphitheater which
connected to the Cloaca Maxima, the main sewerage system of
The structure was covered with a retractable roof called a
Velarium based on the principle of mast and sails.
It was the tallest Roman structure ever built. The Colosseum
was the pinnacle of the Roman Empire when it was completed in 80.
The History of Project Management
Figure 5.12: The Colosseum today, most of the outer wall is gone
due to earthquakes over the years, but much of the inner walls still
The Colosseum opened with 100 days of festivities. Some of the
features that are worth mentioning include:
• The sand-covered floor was built of wood supported by
deep substructures, from which elevators brought up
animals from dens using elevators to the trap doors.
• Aqueducts supplied water, stored in three reservoirs, to
flood the floor of the Colosseum for the extravagant naval
fights using large galleys.
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
In 120, Hadrian was looking to rebuild the Pantheon which was
burned in 110. He initiated a project to create a building on the
lines of a Greek temple.
Figure 5.13: Plan of the Pantheon showing the drum and the ground
entrance portico.30
The History of Project Management
The most striking design feature was the dome on the drum. The
architect designed the structure so that it would fully enclose
an imaginary sphere, 43.3 meters (143 feet) in diameter. The
mathematics that were required to locate the construction points
on the inside of this ball-like structure were a challenge. To date
the architect is still unknown.
The practice of giving large sums of money to embellish the
city, and to please the public, had grown up under the Republic.
The people of Rome had come to regard it as the duty of their
distinguished fellow citizens to beautify the city and minister
to their needs and pleasures by generous private contributions.
It was common for all the Roman emperors in varying degrees
to follow this, as well as gifts from generals, from distinguished
citizens, and from candidates for office.31 The project funding in
this case would come from the Emperor Hadrian.
My intentions had been that this sanctuary of All Gods should
reproduce the likeness of the terrestrial globe and of the stellar
sphere... The cupola revealed the sky through a great hole at
the center, showing alternately dark and blue. This temple, both
open and mysteriously enclosed, was conceived as a solar
quadrant. The hours would make their round on that caissoned
ceiling so carefully polished by Greek artisans; the disk of
daylight would rest suspended there like a shield of gold; rain
would form its clear pool on the pavement below, prayers would
rise like smoke toward that void where we place the gods.
—Emperor Hadrian
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
Hadrian’s project workforce cleared the site and prepared the
foundations by digging a circular trench 8 meters (26 feet)
wide and 4.5 meters (15 feet) deep for the rotunda’s foundation
and rectangular trenches for the pronaos and the connector.
The trenches were lined with timber forms and layered with
pozzolana cement. The Romans had been building with concrete
and brick since about 200 BCE.
The work on the Pantheon was difficult and graduated.
Because other buildings surrounded the site, the laborers lacked
space in which to work. They also lacked machinery. Vitruvius
(20 BCE), a noted Roman architect (see page 136), recorded
the process followed by the Pantheon’s project. Wet lime and
volcanic ash were hand mixed in a mortar box with very little
water so that the composition was nearly dry. The mixture was
carried to the job site in baskets and poured over a prepared
layer of rock pieces. The mortar was then tamped into the rock
layer reducing the need for excess water and stimulating the
Eventually, work began on the drum. The workforce built
extremely thick 20 foot (6 meters) footings and drum walls. The
load-bearing walls of the drum, without reinforcing rods, had
to be built upward with progressively changing concrete. The
workforce reduced the weight of the concrete by using aggregate
of different weights. The foundation had an aggregate of lava
or travertine, a heavy rock. In the higher parts of the walls, the
aggregate was lighter with. The drum itself was strengthened
by huge brick arches and piers set above one another inside the
masonry walls. Hidden voids and the interior recesses hollowed
out this construction, so that it worked less as a solid mass and
more like three continuous arcades which corresponded to the
3 tiers of relieving arches visible on the building exterior (see
figure 5.10). Originally, these exterior walls were faced with col-
ored marbles.
The History of Project Management
Figure 5.14: Outside the Pantheon and the entrance portico visible
with massive granite columns, it is the most intact Roman building
to have survived.32
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
Figure 5.15: Inside the entrance of the Pantheon showing the dome
and the opening or oculus.
Figure 5.16: Inside the Pantheon showing the stepped rings of the
dome, and the cornice lines around the dome. The roof was recessed
with panels or “coffers.”35
The History of Project Management
Figure 5.17: The interior of the Pantheon in the 18th Century, painted
by Giovanni Paolo Panini, showing its usage. The height of the drum
to the top of its dome matched the diameter of 43.30 meters (142 feet)
enclosing a perfect sphere.36
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
Figure 5.20: The Pantheon and the 16 granite columns in the grand
entrance portico shipped from Egypt.
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
Figure 5.21: The Pantheon in the 20th Century, with its grand
entrance portico.37
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
Figure 5.24: Hadrian’s Wall (19th Century map) built for 117
kilometers (73 miles) across the width of northern England between
two river estuaries.41
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
Key Players
Chapter Wrap-up
The Roman projects were remarkable because the Romans were
able to deliver solidly built structures in a very short time frame
(decades), when compared to the medieval cathedral builders
that required centuries. The interior of the Pantheon is a tes-
tament to the quality of the project, and the fact it is the most
intact structure of that age. The Romans also built with limited
mechanization in the ox and cart, and treadmills, winches, and
The Colosseum project established a public works program
to employ a large unskilled project workforce that has the char-
acteristics of a modern project. When the Emperor Vespasian
was presented a labor saving device, he rewarded the inventor
but rejected the device, so he did not deprive laborers from their
work. The availability of capital, through financial reforms, gave
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
• Cost Management
◦◦ A history of amphitheater project experience was
critical to the estimates although this was a consider-
ably larger project.
◦◦ The arch was so fundamental to projects the Romans
were able to estimate it parametrically.
◦◦ Managing a project budget came from a Roman
tradition and requirement of managing household
accounts, and preparing statements of property and
debt for taxes.
◦◦ The Romans, in their public building projects like the
Pantheon and Colosseum, controlled costs by using
concrete for the core with only a veneer of costly
materials applied to the outside. The structural core
was constructed in a single building campaign, thus
lowering the costs. For the Romans the raw materials
for concrete were in abundance where volcanic sand
lay just below the surface, and great quantities of
large aggregate came from the stonecutter’s yards,
and discarded pottery from community waste heaps.
◦◦ Costs were also reduced by the use of:
• Unskilled labor enabled, with the use of concrete,
and the arch.
• Construction equipment like lifting towers
reduced costs by reducing the project workforce.
• Standardized interchangeable pieces which were
made in workshops and then brought to site for
• Quality Management
◦◦ Construction blocks were imported in great quantities
from marble quarries right across the empire and
from distant provinces. For example, marble slabs
in the Colosseum were transported by sea from the
Greek island of Paros in the Cyclades. Each block was
carefully marked with the quarry, the section it came
from (locus), the owner (Emperor Vespasian), and
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the importance
of understanding the properties of building materials,
like the Romans did with concrete?
5 - The Roman Empire (1st Century BCE - 500)
The History of Project Management
Chapter 6
he last two centuries of the Roman Empire were spent in a
losing battle, where the will for supporting the behemoth
empire was waning with the Roman citizens that were
burdened with its upkeep. From 450 to 476 the Roman Empire
gradually collapsed. By 750 the Roman world had given way to
three heirs: the Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire, see
page 181), Islam, and the West. In European historiography (the
West), the period 350 to 1050 (4th to 11th Century) was known
as the Dark Ages, a period of stifled growth. From a project
management perspective, the Byzantine Empire and Islam
are where construction projects continued driven primarily by
religion, but nowhere close to the construction boom under the
Roman’s at the height of their Empire. There was an increased
in the use of natural materials like stone and wood.
The History of Project Management
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
Impact of Changes
The History of Project Management
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
Major Events
The History of Project Management
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
• China continues to innovate and come up with new
• The Byzantine Empire grew from the Roman Empire and
adopts its mantle.
• Islamic culture continues to thrive and evolve unlike
Western Europe that stagnates under the collapse of the
Roman Empire.
Significant projects
The collapse of the Roman Empire (single largest in the world) in
the West saw a demise in large scale projects.
Under the stability of the Eastern Roman Empire, under
the Emperor Constantine, large scale projects continued. In
January 532, there was a revolt by partisans of the chariot
racing factions, known as the Nika riots, against Justinian
in Constantinople. He was forced to dismiss some of his
ministers, but then it turned against him. He ordered the brutal
suppression of the riots which resulted in the death of 30,000
unarmed civilians. During the riots many fires were started
which destroyed large parts of the city including a predominant
church, the Church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia).
Its destruction provided Justinian an opportunity to create
spectacular new buildings.
The Emperor Justinian ordered the construction of a cathedral
at Hagia Sophia. As the principal stakeholder he set the project
charter that the cathedral was to be a showpiece and surpass in
magnificence all earlier cathedrals. It was to be a spectacle of
marvelous beauty. The building heavily drew on the Pantheon in
its design. He made full use of all his Empire could offer as his
ambition was to make the cathedral unique which spurred him
The History of Project Management
Justinian as the patron personally took care of the project fund-
ing and supervised the construction. He became very involved di-
rectly. The project would establish himself and the empire as the
successor to the might of Rome and showcase its capability.
The time line for the project was set to complete in an
extremely aggressive five year period to gratify the Emperor
Justinian so he could realize the benefits in his reign. This could
only be achieved with experienced architects and a very large
workforce that was very well organized.
The two most famous architects of the age; Anthemius of
Tralles (Aydin) and Isidorus of Miletus, were entrusted with
the construction of the building. Anthemius was the best
military engineer that Justinian had and was not merely a
master-builder but a geometrician of the first order. They were
both academics of considerable status, equivalent of university
professors with strong theoretical backgrounds. The architects
located it on a hill it so it would adorn and dominate the City of
Constantinople like a watchtower.
Justinian wanted a very symbolic building that would
incorporate the round dome of state power on the square base
of a Christian church. The Romans had tried this before and
failed, believing only a cylinder could support a dome like the
The main ground plan consisted of a rectangle, 70 meters
(230 feet) in width and 75 meters (246 feet) in length. This shape
was carefully proportioned so it was harmonious in length and
This was the first structure to combine the rectangular plan of
traditional basilicas with the central dome of imperial buildings
such as the Pantheon in Rome.3
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
Figure 6.2: Hagia Sophia plan shows how the dome rests upon four
arches bounding a square, into two of which open the half-domes of
semicircular apses that are equal in diameter to the central dome.
The whole vast nave, measuring 60 x 30 meters (200 x 100 feet), is
flanked by 128 enormously wide aisles.4
The History of Project Management
The architects had direct access to the Emperor Justinian,6
the project stakeholder, at any time. The project hierarchy was
run on the lines of the Roman guilds and included one hundred
master-builders supervised by the architects, and ten thousand
laborers. Either of the architects could have directed the project.
The large workforce also presented a challenge in that it had to
work in a relatively confined environment.
An extensive supply chain was set up as materials used in
the construction were brought in from Rome and Delphi. The
whole interior was built of brick and lined with costly marble.
The design allowed a flood of light into building which was
reflected off the marble interior to create a very well illuminated
To add to its splendor columns were plundered from the
temples of the ancient gods (at Heliopolis, Ephesus, Delos,
Baalbec, Athens, and Cyzicus). This further underlined the
importance this project carried at the time for the Emperor
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
The History of Project Management
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
The History of Project Management
The forty arched windows around the base of the dome formed
a crown of light, an effect almost as striking as the Pantheon
oculus. The dome seems rendered weightless by the unbroken
arcade of windows, with no supporting walls.
The cathedral was shook by an earthquake in 558 and ma-
jor cracks appeared in the dome and a portion of it collapsed. It
was repaired by the son of Isidorus over a four year period who
rebuilt the dome, changing its shape to an elliptical dome so its
weight was more evenly distributed down. He also strengthened
the interior walls so that they were vertical changing the shape
from a square to a rectangle.
The cathedral became a prototype for many churches, for
example, domed architecture spread throughout the Byzantine
Empire. The most famous copy was St. Mark’s, Venice (1063-
1071). The cathedral is considered today to be an embodiment
of Byzantine architecture and of great beauty. It also had the
distinction of remaining the largest cathedral in the world until
1520. The Cathedral was damaged many times by earthquakes
and fires, and had to be repaired and reinforced. In 989, workers
replaced the great dome damaged through earthquakes.
In 1453 when Constantinople was conquered by the Ottoman
Turks the Sultan Mehmed II ordered the building to be changed
into the Ayasofya Mosque.
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
The History of Project Management
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
Key Players
Isidorus of Miletus
Isidorus was a Greek professor of physics in Alexandria and then
Constantinople. He wrote a commentary on earlier published
building books. Furthermore, he may have been responsible for
the T-square and string construction of a parabola.12
Chapter Wrap-up
Emperor Justinian was determined to see the success of the
cathedral project. It was a project of personal prestige as the
leader of the remnants of the Roman Empire. He set up the core
project team with two renowned architects of the age, and a
massive skilled workforce with a disproportionally high ratio of
master craftsmen.
The complexities of the cathedral included the floating
domes pushing the architecture and geometry to its limits. The
use of materials as light as possible, pumice stone and Rhodian
hollow bricks, indicate the architects fully understood the risks
of the design. The use of a cement with earthquake-resistant
properties and no wood to prevent fires indicate how cautious
and risk adverse the workforce was. The speed of construction,
just under six years, was remarkable when compared with the
elongated time-lines of the Gothic cathedrals to follow in the 11th
and 12th Centuries.
The project design goal of Emperor Justinian of surpassing
earlier cathedrals was reached as it certainly was a larger
structure than the Pantheon, and the interior had a greater
space, although the dome was not as large.
The History of Project Management
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ With a high-profile stakeholder like the Emperor
Justinian, taking a hands-on-approach in the project,
there was a high chance of the project scope changing.
Therefore, the project required tight change control.
However, the aggressive schedule constrained change
and the Emperor’s role may have helped to keep the
project on track.
◦◦ The project was politically motivated and under-
pinned the Emperor’s personal prestige. Even though
the project’s business justification was a minor factor
the cathedral was significant to the city. Like future
medieval cathedrals, it would attract visitors and
◦◦ The project had to find a balance where the design
was focused on the esthetics, beauty, and quality,
versus the schedule and delivery (within a 6 year
period), and to a lesser extent costs.
• Scope Management
◦◦ The direct involvement of the emperor and the
desire for the project to finish in his life time better
controlled the scope of the project.
◦◦ The scope in terms of materials, and equipment was
dictated by:
• The location in the middle of an earthquake zone.
• The height, diameter and thickness of the dome
• The availability of materials, mortar and brick
production (imported from Rhodes).
◦◦ The work breakdown structure laid out the project
with the following:
• Site preparation.
• Assembly of scaffolding, delivery of bricks.
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
The History of Project Management
6 - The Early Middle Ages (350 - 1050)
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the impact of
the fall of the Roman Empire on the ability to continue
projects of scale?
• How well was risk managed with the Hagia Sophia
• Discuss the pros and cons of having two renowned
• Discuss why the pressure of the project sponsor, Emperor
Justine, actually helped the project.
Chapter 7
his historical period was known as the Early Gothic Era
and brought to an end the Dark Ages in Europe which was
a period of stifled growth. The period saw the urbanization
of Europe, military expansion (Crusades), and intellectual
revival. China was undoubtedly the most technically advanced
region in the world, particularly with regard to the use of coke
in iron smelting, canal transportation, and farm implements.
Bridge design and textile machinery had also been developing
rapidly.1 From a project management perspective in Europe,
there was a rediscovery of lost ancient knowledge that inspired a
period of learning and growth. It also provided a new confidence
for the master-builders when examining the past, for example,
the architectural achievements of ancient Rome. The period
was dominated by the construction projects for the Gothic
cathedrals driven by the Christian church and the towns’ vision
for economic prosperity. There was also a boom in castle building
that extended through the period.
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
b. Angkor Wat.
c. Grand Canal of China.
d. Viking voyages to Greenland and Vineland.
• Key players
a. William of Normandy.
b. Villard de Honnecourt.
• Chapter Wrap-up
The History of Project Management
Impact of Changes
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Major Events
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Indian Technologies
In the 12th Century Indian blacksmiths created iron girders and
beams of a scale not seen anywhere else in the world at the time.
The temple of Puri contained 239 iron beams and the temple
of Konarak had one beam that was 14 meters (35 feet) long.
Similar to the Delhi iron pillar, the beams were 99.64% iron.
The History of Project Management
Chinese Technologies
In about 1040 a Chinese manual on warfare was issued under
the title Compendium of Military Technology. It was the first
document to describe gunpowder. The earliest reference to the
compass is in a Chinese manuscript of the late 11th Century;
within the next 150 years it was referenced in Arabic and
European texts. Around the 10th Century paper money (a
promise to pay gold or silver or bronze in exchange for this piece
of paper) was first used in China during the Sung Dynasty.
Moveable printing using wooden and ceramic moveable type was
developed in China in 1045. Another remarkable technology was
Su Song’s astronomical clock tower completed in 1088. It had
a clepsydra tank (measured time by marking regulated flow of
water), waterwheel, escapement mechanism, and a chain driven
armillary sphere with 113 striking clock hammers for sound and
displaying plaques.
The centre of technological innovation was China where
iron production became a state enterprise under the guidance
of metallurgists. Production rose from 13,500 tons in 806 to
125,000 in 1078 because of limited resources of copper and
tin for bronze. In contrast England produced 68,000 in 1788.
Chinese iron industry used a water powered bellows to provide a
blast and smelted the ore with coke.4
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
Keeping Time
During the Early Medieval Era or the Dark Ages in Europe had
virtually no calendars, clocks, or written records. The world
moved at the pace of nature. Units of less than one hour were
rarely used. In some towns, where sundials were available,
watchmen called the time on the hour. It was the monasteries
that drove the mechanization of time in the 10th Century, using
water clocks to support the routine of daily monastic life. The
monks adhered to a rigorous schedule of prayer and work. Time
was divided into hours and minutes10 for the first time in 1345.
Pointed Arch
An improvement over the Roman arch was the Pointed Arch
which was introduced into Europe from Moorish Spain. The
Islamic pointed arch was made by forming each side of the arch
from a different centre point, the greater the distance between
the two points the sharper the point. The center line was more
closely aligned to the forces of compression and much stronger.11
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Flying Buttress
Many of the medieval cathedrals did not have solid stone walls.
Even though the walls appeared to be 2 meters (6-8 feet) thick
of solid stone, they were actually constructed in 3 parts. The
inner and outer surfaces were of stone blocks, while the centre
cavity, using wood and chain as reinforcement, was filled with a
mixture of mortar and small stones. The Romans had used arch
buttresses, at the Baths of Diocletian13, to control the outward
thrust of a wall of a building. These evolved into Flying Buttress
which supported thinner walls and allowed for more stained
glass in the walls.
The History of Project Management
China was the predominant world power in terms of technology.
Islam’s empire stretched from China across India and the Middle
East, into Africa and Europe. Europe comes out of the Dark
Significant projects
This medieval period in Europe was dominated by Gothic cathe-
dral projects. From 1050 to 1350 in France alone, 80 cathedrals
and 500 churches were built.
Through a period of several hundred years cities in Western
Europe strived to out do each other in creating the ultimate
cathedral in splendor and height. In these years more stone was
excavated than at any time in ancient Egypt.16
The cathedral boom was spurred by the competition for
pilgrims between cities. The cathedrals had a major impact
on the prosperity and importance of the city as they attracted
thousands of pilgrims. The merchants in a city recognized the
value a cathedral could bring. In this period world record fever
gripped the cities as they poured in resources for their own
cathedral projects. It was broken five times within 62 years.
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
6 Income from collection boxes designated for the fabric 10 pds 17 sous
Additional item deducted from the collections at Autun
7 42 pds 13 sous
Total = 400 pds 9 sous
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
11 To the carpenters for the cask wood cut in the chapter’s forest 8 pds 16 sous
A very important feature of medieval society were the trade-
guilds which embraced both the guilds-merchant and the craft-
guilds. The latter were associations of workmen, for maintaining
the customs of their craft, each with a master, or alderman,
and other officers. The trade-guilds had their provisions for
mutual help for themselves and for their widows and orphans,
and they had their religious observances. Each had its patron
saint, its festivals, and its treasury. They kept in their hands
the monopoly of the branch of industry which belonged to them.
They had their rules in respect to apprenticeship, etc. Almost all
professions and occupations were fenced in by guilds.17
Each craft was a separate guild where the skills were secret
and closely guarded, a "closed shop", which you could marry
into or entered through an apprenticeship under a Guild Master
(Craftsman). The apprentice would learn the craft in one place
and then later spend time as a "Journeyman" gaining experience
from job to job. They were highly mobile traveling from town
to town. Eventually, they became a guild master member
when their work was considered to be the equal of a master
craftsman and they could train their own craft apprentices.
Master craftsmen had no technical education but were of wide
experience. Knowledge that was gained was not written down
but passed aurally. Each workshop had specific tools. All metal
tools were made by the blacksmith and wooden pieces by the
The History of Project Management
Figure 7.7: Wood engravers in Germany during the latter half of the
16th Century.19
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The master-builder would draw out the design on a parchment
or two pieces of plaster that would then be approved by the
bishop and chapter. One would have the floor plan and the other
the wall elevation. The master worked in the tracing house set
up with trestle tables and a slab of plaster of Paris on the floor
on which the large drawings would be scratched out.
At the core of the design the master-builder would use three
shapes namely, a circle, square, and equilateral triangle. Every
element of the design incorporated these shapes. Starting with
a base line a small scale design would be set up. Using the
methods of rule of proportions and counting units the rest of the
plan would follow.21
One of the main challenges in planning the Gothic cathedral
was to consider how the slender walls with their massive stained
glass windows, would support the weight of the massive roof
Trenches were dug for the wall lines and pits for the columns
by the laborers. Rough stone would be tipped in and flooded with
lime mortar to make a concrete foundation. A ceremony marked
the laying of the “foundation stone” usually by the bishop or
notable person, or major contributor to the project. Hewn stone
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
Skills of a Master-builder
One of the most important traits of the master-builders was
that they had to have a comprehensive grasp of the totality of
building operations, and all their ramifying complexities, so that
they could sequence the activities most efficiently. They needed
a thorough knowledge of all related building trades.27 They
carried the simplest of tools a measuring stick or rod, a straight-
edge and ruler, a pair of calipers, compass, square, angles,
proportional divider and string. What they lacked in technology
they made up in ingenuity and personal skill. Overall they had
to read and write, understand building operations and geometry,
and manage the project workforce on site. At Amiens there were
over 50 sculptors working at one time.28
The breaks in construction due to a lack of funds meant that
the master-builder had no option but to move to another project
and then be replaced when construction resumed. Without one
single master-builder responsible for a project, from beginning to
end, new masters would have to adapt their plans to what was
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Sophisticated Technologies
The master-builder of Chartres outlined new principles, through
sophisticated technologies like flying buttresses that supported
the slender walls and allowed more stained glass to be incorpo-
rated. The walls appeared to be made of glass and were the star
The History of Project Management
The Pointed arch also evolved from the Roman arch. The
point on the arch further helped distribute the weight through
the sides of the arch making it stronger and better able to take
more weight. The cathedral at Chartres would inspire all the
great architects of the 13th Century.
The workforce also used sophisticated technologies for a wide
range of equipment like a human powered (treadmill) crane as
a hoisting device that could raise loads of considerable weight of
stone masonry to heights of 60 meters (200 feet).
The use of beasts of burden was common were the medieval
workforce would have used an ox and cart to transport stone
to the cathedral site. In Laon (in the Picardy region of France)
oxen were considered so important they were immortalized as
sculptures in the towers.
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
May 26 – June 1
April 28 – May 4
Feb 1 – April 18
June 16 - 22
June 16 - 22
May 12 – 18
May 19 – 25
June 9 - 15
May 5 – 12
June 2 – 8
The History of Project Management
His estimates are on the basis of a day’s work and include the
materials needed, taking into account the season in which the
work is done.
The end results of the project were stunning. The spire at
Strasbourg Cathedral reached 142 meters (almost 500 feet). The
nave at Beauvais Cathedral reached 48 meters (150 feet) and
could hold a fourteen floor building. When a Gothic cathedral
was completed it was by far the largest indoor space in the town.
The buildings were vast caverns of space, through pointed arches
and vaulting for a high roof. At Amiens the cathedral floor space
of 7,700 meters2 (8,500 yards2) could hold the entire population
of the city some 10,000 people. The buildings were used for
numerous purposes not just religious, for example, public or civic
meetings, magistrates or heads of guilds meetings, or fairs with
stalls. The Gothic cathedral allowed men from all social classes
to meet from kings, to noblemen, to peasants.
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Figure 7.15: Angkor Wat, the highest tower (in shape of the Lotus
flower) is taller 43 meters (141 feet) or 65 meters (213 feet) above the
ground) than the tallest Gothic cathedral in Europe.39
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Key Players
The History of Project Management
Chapter Wrap-up
The most striking thing about the Gothic cathedral project was
the commitment to keep the project going and finishing it off,
even if it ran into decades, and centuries. Many projects were
built in parallel competitively across cities and towns in specific
regions. The projects did not have the resources of a nation, or
a city-state but those of a small town and community, for which
they were incredibly important. The scale of the building at 13
stories dwarfed the surrounding 2 story town. The engineering
complexities of the cathedrals were in several areas like for
example in the ratio of glass to stone over the height and length
of the building, for the painstaking precision required, and the
incredibly complex detail. The construction sites were dangerous
places and the workforce had to be very adept in such an
This period also saw a boom in building projects as Great
castles were built across Europe, similar projects to the Gothic
cathedrals but more labor intensive. They did not have the same
constraints of man power availability as the master-builders,
under the king’s authority particularly in England, had the
power to recruit or conscript up to 40 men within a radius of
several hundred miles.
In Asia the Grand Canal of China was very significant to
economic development but, tragically it was built at a huge cost
in human lives. Angkor Wat was a stunning construction but
little is known about the project itself.
The Viking Voyages to Vineland were incredible
achievements, yet they were unsustainable, and didn’t have
the lasting impact they should have had. As projects they were
somewhat opportunistic in their approach, land hoping, and
their technology advantage was not significant enough against a
hostile local population.
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
Key Lessons
Lessons Learned
Many of the Gothic cathedral projects took up to one hundred
years to complete:
• They depended on a governance framework to carry
them through this period. The project funding was levied
through taxes, collections and indulgences.
• Typically, each time a master-builder took over they
would use different standards of measurement, and
therefore had to continually adjust calculations, based
on what was done before. For the chapter a sequence of
different master-builders was inevitable and acceptable.
• The chapter (project team) depended on “true blinding
faith” to carry the project through.
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ In medieval construction projects the master-builder
needed the most complete knowledge and grasp
of every phase of the project, and a structural and
constructional understanding from the planning to
the execution of the project. A great number of trade
guilds and master craftsmen had to be integrated into
the project. At Chartres there were over 43 trades
◦◦ The projects had chapters who oversaw the project,
and an overseer of works who monitored the project
on a daily basis and managed change control tightly.
Significant changes had to be submitted to the chap-
ter for approval. The chapter controlled the finances.
◦◦ With Gothic cathedral projects the issue of losing key
staff due to breaks in construction was real (most
often owing to a lack of funds). It almost certainly
meant the master-builder had no option but to move
to another project. When construction resumed he
had to be replaced. This risk was very real but there
is not much evidence that contingencies were put in
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
• Quality management
◦◦ The mason’s marks were used in the Gothic cathedral
projects, with requirements for accurately cut and
closely fitting blocks. These marks helped the stone
setters more accurately set individually “hewn to
shape” blocks into place without errors. The marks
also introduced “traceability” so if a block didn’t pass
an inspection these would identify the stonecutter so
he could be held accountable for its craftsmanship.46
◦◦ The guilds brought their own organizational
standards for work completed and templates.
◦◦ The responsibility of the master-builder was to
ensure the designed structure would work and
not collapse of its own weight or from inadequate
bracing.47 The master-builder was aware of jerry
building and shoddy practices.
◦◦ Even though a few projects failed, notably the
collapse of Beauvais in 1284, most cathedrals have
lasted until today. This is a testament to how the
approach to quality was built right into the project
plan and quality control was used continually in
the project. The quality assignments were part of
the schedule so as these cathedrals were built in
sections the choir, transept, and nave were rigorously
inspected by the master-builder.
◦◦ As the ratio of glass to stone increased in the walls
and the choir rose to stunning heights (48 meters
(160 feet)), the threat of building collapse was a
continuous and real risk. To transfer the weight off
the walls support was provided by flying buttresses.
Quality control became a priority as these supports
had to be built with great accuracy.
• Human Resource Management
◦◦ There was an expectation that the project would
have several generations of architect/master-builders
◦◦ There was a constant acquisition of apprentices
into the medieval trade-guilds to be developed and
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
7 - The Central Middle Ages (1050 - 1300)
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the importance
of the role of the Gothic cathedral project chapter?
• Discuss the continuum of the Gothic cathedral project
over decades and the challenges involved?
• Discuss the voyages to Vineland and whether the North
American settlements had a chance of success?
Chapter 8
he historical period was dominated by the cataclysmic
epidemic of the Black Death which had a massive impact
on China, Europe in terms of the population, economy, and
trade. The latter part was dominated by the start of Renaissance
period which changed many aspects of medieval life. From a
project management perspective the cathedral boom continued
because of its economic impact on towns. The Black Death had
an enormous negative impact by stopping and closing projects.
However, at the start of Renaissance, there was a resurgence in
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
In Europe major projects were still controlled by the church
and state. The state (kings) could second key master-builders
and architects to their projects.
Impact of Changes
The History of Project Management
Financial Revolution
The period saw the emergence of the money economy and
banks in parts of Italy. The first income taxes were levied in
Europe since Roman times. In Florence, the revival of guilds
and extensive commerce and trade gave rise to institutions for
commercial credit and banking. Over 80 banks were created in
1338 and by 1400 there were over a hundred. These banks kept
detailed records of the debts owed as their business depended
on the accuracy of records. The publication of Pacioli’s 5th book
in 1494, Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proporioni et
Proportinalita covers the topics of algebra and arithmetic, their
application in business, bookkeeping, money, and exchange,
and pure and applied geometry, and proportion. The Italians
became the leading merchants of the Middle Ages and nearly
monopolized international banking. They sent agents to other
countries to trade but carried letters of credit instead of cash
which allowed parties to transfer large amounts of money across
Europe without carrying cash. Of course there was a charge fee
for this service.
Influence of Architect/Engineer
The growth in projects (commercial and military) saw the whole
period come under the influence of the architect/engineer. They
built cathedrals and other large buildings, whilst the military
engineer built castles and other fortifications.
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
Major Events
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
At the beginning of this period China still led the world in
technology but, by 1450 Europe had caught up. The Mongol
invaders had been invading parts of China and subjugating it.
It was not until 1356 under the Ming dynasty that a coherent
campaign coalesced that succeeded expelling the Mongol
Emperor in 1368.
Significant projects
The History of Project Management
The project was driven by a rapid population expansion, and a
financial revolution which drove the emergence of the money
economy and banks. The prosperous city of Florence wanted to
match or exceed in size the much larger cathedrals that were
being built. For Florence this project was all about prestige. The
Consuls of the Guild of Wool made up the project sponsors who
sat on the executive board.
Initiating (1417-1420)
In 1348 the project was halted for a number of years because
of the Black Plague. By 1407 only the dome was uncompleted,
although this was the most complex part of the project. A brick
model of the planned octagonal dome had existed from 1367. The
design was unprecedented for the time as it called for a massive
dome, up to 30 meters (100 feet) in height, to be built above
the 40 meters (133 feet) wide space above the church’s chancel.
It was the height of the Pantheon (43.30 meters (142 feet),
matching the diameter) built 1,000 years earlier. It would weigh
over 35,000 tons.
In 1407 the project sponsors and the Wardens of Works of
the cathedral, summoned a congress of architects and engineers
from around the country to discuss methods for constructing the
dome and to find a candidate to lead it. The use of buttresses to
support the dome, as in northern Gothic cathedrals, was ruled
out by the building’s design. Among the congress was Filippo
Brunelleschi, a renowned master-builder. He advised not to
build directly from the roof, according to the original design of
the architect Arnolfo, but to build from the roof a frieze (drum)
fifteen braccia7 (9 meters or 30 feet) high (see figure 8.1). The
drum would not only take the weight off the supports of the
tribunes, but it would be easier to build the dome. Surprisingly,
the congress did not end up appointing a project manager.
Brunelleschi who was looking for this appointment made a
number of models and machines in secret, and stayed on in
Florence for many months to continue this work.
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
Planning (1417-1420)
On May 26, 1417 the Wardens decreed Brunelleschi a financial
retainer, entered in the books of the Office of Works, and made
drawings for the dome. In 1420, as Brunelleschi suggested, the
most prominent architects and masters, from all over Europe
were finally assembled in Florence for a competition. They all
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
Figure 8.2: Florence Cathedral Duomo9 section of the dome shows the
distinctive octagonal design of the double-walled dome. It followed
a rigorously geometrical design. The total height of the dome and
lantern is 114.5 meters (375 feet) from the pavement. This was the
first large, self-supporting dome ever to be built without centering.10
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The bricks were laid on sloping beds. Before closing each ring of
bricks, the workmen placed a row of bricks whose longer sides
protruded with respect to the bricks resting on the conic surface.
This arrangement, known as a herring-bone, displayed a spiral
profile. This also helped shift the weight through the bricks
outwards to the dome’s support. The inward slope increased
continually from the base to the dome’s closing stone ring,
called the oculus or the eye. This ensured better stability of the
brickwork courses. These two parallel shells were connected by
brick spurs.
The ties were now finished right around the eight sides.
The masons were laboring vigorously but were harried more
than usual by Brunelleschi and were getting aggrieved by his
daily reprimands with regard to the project to the point that
they conceived a grievance against him. Moved by this and
by envy, the foremen banded together and declared that the
work was laborious and dangerous, and that they would not
complete the dome without an increase in pay, even though
their pay was higher than normal. This angered the Wardens
and Brunelleschi, and they decided to dismiss them all. On the
following Monday Brunelleschi set ten Lombards (apprentices)
to work, and by standing over and directing them, he taught
them so much in one day that they were able to work forward for
many weeks. The masons could not find as well paid work and
sent mediators to Brunelleschi, saying that they would willingly
return. Brunelleschi kept them guessing for many days and then
reinstated them at lower wages.
The execution of the project went so smoothly Brunelleschi
was fully recognized and the project critics were silenced. Those
not biased before maintained he had shown such boldness and
daring in his design that it was unmatched by no other architect
ancient or modern. When he brought out his model everyone
could see how much thought he had put into the planning of
the staircases and of the lights both inside and out so that no
one would be injured, and how many iron railing he had placed
for the stairways. He had even thought of the irons for fixing
scaffoldings within.
The History of Project Management
Figure 8.4: The view from inside the dome provides a sense of the
height and why the project workforce was worried about constructing
the dome. Workers were paid according to the height they worked
Figure 8.5: The stairs between the two vaults of the dome are 1 meter
(3 feet) wide, highlighting the complexity of the structure. The walls
slightly curve to the right. The internal wall is two meters (6 feet)
thick and the external one just 80 centimeters (2.5 feet) thick.14
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
The project was completed in 1436 and the cathedral was
consecrated by Pope Eugene IV on March 25, 1436. It was the
first ‘octagonal’ dome in history to be built without a wooden
supporting frame and was the largest dome built at the time.
The Roman Pantheon, a circular dome, was built in 117–128
with support structures. Brunelleschi’s solutions were ingenious
and unprecedented. His ability to transcribe a circle on a cone
face within the innermost double-vaulted wall makes the
self-sustaining “horizontal” arch construction possible, since
geometrically, a circular plan is needed for such an erection.
The work was completed in 16 years. It is still the largest
masonry dome in the world and has been one of the most
impressive projects of the Renaissance. For Brunelleschi this
was very difficult because not only had he to keep proving
himself but he had to also drive the project to completion.
He was hampered by his project sponsors, the stakeholders
(citizens) and his appointed assistant Ghiberti, which he
skillfully got rid of. In the end Brunelleschi proved to be a great
success. His ingenuity and skill resulted in the construction of
the first dome since the time of the Romans, but much must be
attributed to the way he managed the project overall, managing
his stakeholders, and his communication management.
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
and all along the Silk Road to China. They traveled overland for
3.5 years and covered 9,000 kilometers (5,600 miles). The Polos
spent the next 17 years in China and the Kublai Khan liked
Marco that he sent him on many diplomatic missions throughout
his empire. He also entertained the Khan with his stories and
about the lands traveled.
The Travels of Marco Polo, written in 1298, were very
important as they influenced both future explorers Columbus
and Magellan in finding these same places but by sailing west
rather than traveling east by foot.
The History of Project Management
Key Players
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
Chapter Wrap-up
Cathedral projects in this period continued in the style of the
Gothic period as towns pushed for the world height record. With
experience the designs became more elaborate and ambitious. As
trade and commerce grew so did the banking system and more
loans were available so it became easier to fund large projects.
The approach to construction projects changed little only in that
the designs got more ambition. Styles changed as Gothic became
the Tudor style of architecture around 1485.
The most ambitious project of the time was the completion of
the dome of Florence cathedral. The scale of the project was the
largest since Roman times, a 42 meters diameter, close to the
Pantheon 43.3 meters (143 feet). For the architect Brunelleschi
this was a very difficult project were he had to keep proving him-
self to his project sponsors, and the stakeholders (citizens) who
hampered him by their meddling. In the end Brunelleschi proved
to be successful where his ingenuity and skill carried through
the construction, but much must be attributed to the way he
managed the project overall, managing his stakeholders, and his
communication management. He was able to deliver a project
against the limitations of the technology of his time. As an exam-
ple, he was able to build a 29,000 ton structure without no cen-
tering, initially thought impossible and to radical an idea to base
his appointment on. The solution was to create a self-supporting
structure which gradually got acceptance with the sponsors.
The History of Project Management
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ The design of the Florence Cathedral Duomo was
unique, innovative, extremely ambitious, and pushing
what was feasible in this era with the available
materials and technologies.
◦◦ The project had a very protective chapter over its
interests. Brunelleschi ran into numerous conflicts
with it as they were concerned over how the work was
to be sequenced and delivered, so they could tightly
manage it and any changes.
◦◦ The project governance was very influenced by
commercial interests (Consuls of the Guild of Wool)
even though this project created a religious structure.
◦◦ Brunelleschi had a very clear vision of how to
complete the project. The complexity of the design
required an almost total control over the delivery.
◦◦ Brunelleschi assumed that without total control of
the project he would not be able to supply such a
complex final deliverable.
◦◦ The business justification was driven by prestige. The
cathedral, with a spectacular dome, would reinforce
Florence as the main financial center in Europe.
◦◦ Change control existed within the project and
was used. For example, in March 1422 the project
committee met and reduced the weight of the dome
by replacing stonework by brick at a height of 12
braccia instead of 24.
• Scope Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
8 - The Late Middle Ages (1300 - 1450)
The History of Project Management
• Procurement Management
◦◦ The project had secured advantageous arrangements
for obtaining materials, especially timber and marble.
It even supplied these materials to other builders in
public or private sectors as they had been granted
rights to forests of the Casentino, and the quarries of
◦◦ The mainstay and core material was brick (over four
million). Although bricks were supplied with a local
brick maker the vast quantities required supplies
from non local producers. Eventually, in 1418 a
contract was signed with the local brick maker for
the supply of 200,000 bricks over a two year period.
The order was placed well in advance because of the
limited capacity of this sector in the local economy.
This kind of volume would have kept factories busy
for years.28
◦◦ Iron was needed in large quantities for the chains,
bars, nails, brackets, etc. It was sourced from
deposits around the Elba but had to be transferred
to foundries in the Tuscan Appenines were there was
plenty of wood fuel. So critical was iron to the project
numerous contracts were set up with Appenine
◦◦ The scale of the supply chain and the materials
pouring into the site required a number of subsidiary
building sites to be set up around the Cathedral.
These had roofs to protect the materials from the
elements, and were also used to house the tools and
• Discuss the impact of the Black Death on projects at the
• Discuss Brunelleschi’s strategy with his project sponsors
and stakeholders?
• Discuss whether Brunelleschi’s desire to lead the project
compromised his approach to risk management?
Chapter 9
he period was dominated by the Renaissance. The closure
of the trade routes east by the fall of Constantinople
spurred the age of exploration driven by Spain and
Portugal. From a project management perspective the
development of new tools and technologies facilitated these
journeys of exploration. Large projects were sponsored by the
crown and church.
The History of Project Management
Printing was a catalyst for projects as it spread information
about new technology and ideas. The Koreans had metal type
printing since 1234, and printing was available in the Islamic
countries as early as 1294 when Chinese printers were employed
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The age of exploration was driven by principally the Portuguese
who were sailing further south down the coast of Africa. They
were soon followed by the Spanish when they saw the riches
coming back.
Impact of Changes
Columbus’s discovery of the Americas spurred the Europeans
into an age of exploration.
Major Events
Fall of Constantinople
For Europe the most significant event was the fall of the city
of Constantinople (modern Istanbul, Turkey) to the Muslim
Ottoman Empire in 1453. Constantinople was the capital of
the Orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire for centuries. It was
the most important center for trade between Europe and Asia.
Its capture closed an important trade route off for European
merchants although they could still buy Asian goods in
Alexandria, Egypt. But there was no longer a direct route to Asia
to purchase Asian products directly.
The History of Project Management
The first astrolabes were invented by the Greeks in the first/
second centuries BCE (often attributed to Hipparchus). An
early astrolabe was a rudimentary analog calculator capable
of working out several different kinds of problems in spherical
astronomy. Brass astrolabes were developed in the medieval
Islamic world, chiefly as an aid to navigation and for finding the
direction of Mecca.
In the 15th Century metal astrolabes improved on the
accuracy of their wooden precursors and the first known
European metal astrolabe was developed by Rabbi Abraham
Zacuto in Lisbon. Along with portable sundials these became
popular scientific gadgets of the day.
The metal astrolabe had a map of the major celestial bodies
inscribed on it. This allowed a mariner to tell the location by
positioning the stars on the astrolabe to match the stars in the
sky. But the astrolabe worked only when the skies were clear
and the positions of the stars were known. On cloudy days or
when the stars in the sky were unfamiliar, celestial navigation
and the astrolabe were ineffective.
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
Advances in Cartography
Although cartography had evolved overtime in the 15th Century
the discovery of Ptolemy’s Geographica, a copy of the greatest
cartographical text, by Florentine business men, sparked a
renewed interest in maps. Coupled with the new perspective
drawing which used gridlines, the new grids were applied to
maps for the first time. This important breakthrough improved
the ability to predict distances. Maps influenced Columbus who
concluded that if he sailed west from Spain he would reach
Japan in approximately 2000 miles.
Developed in the Mediterranean the caravel was the preferred
vessel for Portuguese explorers. The small caravel (50 to 200
tons) was very fast, well balanced, agile, and economic. It could
sail upriver in shallow coastal waters for inshore surveying of
unknown waters, a clear advantage over the larger, full-rigged
square-sailed ships which could not always be sailed with such
precision. It was also easy to repair without a dockyard. The
exploration done with caravels opened up the Spice Trade for
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The problem of determining longitude was not adequately mas-
tered until the 18th Century by John Harrison with the inven-
tion of the marine chronometer. Up to then sailors relied on
dead reckoning were the pilot estimated the ship’s speed with
a log-line, a knotted line with a weighted wooden float, thrown
from the stern where the number of knots pulled off the reel de-
termined the ship’s speed. Time was measured with one-minute
glasses and combined with the known direction of the compass
determined progress along longitudinal lines. Each time the ship
changed tack the time, distance, and direction were measured.
The History of Project Management
Significant projects
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He
began his seagoing career at the age of 14 when he enrolled in
Prince Henry’s school of Navigation in Sagres, Portugal. He
served on various ships as a messenger, common sailor, and
privateer. This experience led him to the idea that with enough
supplies and water on board, it was possible to reach Asia and
the East by sailing west. For the Europeans sailing long voyages
in open water was not practiced, as ships tended to hug coast
The project charter was clear. Columbus’s principal objective
was to reach the east by going west, or the “Enterprise of the
Indies.” Christopher Columbus planned his exploration for
many years but had to wait for the right time to find the support
(people), the funding, and the required advances in marine
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
Columbus’s plan to sail west was not original and he never
claimed that it was. Columbus drew knowledge from the Greek
and Roman geographers who theorized that there was only one
body of water that connected Europe and Asia. Only the distance
was disputed based on the size of the earth through descriptions
contained in works including the 2nd Century manuscript
Geography by Ptolemy; Imago Mundi (Image of the World) by
Pierre d’Ailly, published in the early 1480s; and The Travels of
Marco Polo, written in 1298.
Figure 9.3: The map of the known world dates back to 1492.4
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
Figure 9.4: First Voyage, Departure for the New World, August 3,
1492. LC-USZC4-1727.6
Executing (Journey)
Columbus called together the leaders of Palos so he could read
the royal order to supply him with two of their ships. The
leaders agreed to provide the ships, but refused to provide him
a crew. Columbus had great difficulty in recruiting a crew as
the experienced seamen of Palos objected to his plan and held
back, unwilling to risk their lives in what seemed a crazy project.
Nobody was willing to go. In the end the King’s officers went
to work and begged, threatened, and even seized some sailors
forcing them to go. Even with an advanced payment they could
not recruit a full crew for the two ships.
The friends of Columbus, Juan Perez and the friars of La
Rábida, helped by actively persuading men to embark. Then
Captain Pinzón who had promised Columbus help, tried his
hand, and as an experienced and respected sea captain from
Palos, he made the most progress with big promises to the
sailors. He worked for weeks until at last he was able to do
what even the royal order could not do, persuade enough local
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
Figure 9.5: The three Ships of Columbus had to stay in close contact
in the vast Atlantic.7
The History of Project Management
the ship’s direction, how fast it was going, and how much time
had passed, the pilot came up with a new position. Pilots could
calculate the distance traveled in an hour or a day by dropping
a floating object in the water at the front of the ship and timing
how long it took to get to the back of the ship. Knowing how long
the ship was, the pilot could calculate how fast the ship was
moving and, thus, how far they had traveled.
Columbus preferred dead reckoning over celestial navigation
which he was never comfortable with. Above all, he learned to
interpret the signs of nature, such as the behavior of birds, the
smell of the air, the color of the sky, the condition of the sea, the
pressure he felt in his joints, the appearance of floating debris,
and more. Successful navigators survived by “reading” nature
in this way. Columbus was expert at this and could even predict
hurricanes accurately.
When the sailors saw the last trace of land fade from their
sight, many were wracked by superstitious fears. To their
dismay, the compass no longer pointed directly north, and they
believed that the very laws of nature were changing. The trade-
wind took them steadily westward but this worried them further
as how they could ever return against it. Eventually, signs of
land appeared, birds, and floating green plants were seen. The
clouds near the horizon assumed the look of land, but they
disappeared with only the broad ocean in front of them. The
sailors, lost heart, and started to insist they turn back home.
Columbus, with wonderful tact and patience, explained
all these appearances. But the more he argued, the louder the
murmurs of discontent became as the crew secretly plotted to
throw him overboard.
Columbus had a hard time keeping his crew in order and
from mutinying. He had to win the crew over, day by day.8 He
employed several communication strategies. First, he used soft
words and distracted them from the present danger. Second,
he focused on their large hopes and aspirations, of riches and
fame. Finally, he reminded them of what their princes would do
if they attempted to come against him or didn’t obey his orders.
The most important part of his communication strategy was
that although he knew their feelings he did not waver. He was
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The History of Project Management
Columbus explored the world in search of new trade routes for
their goods and contacts with India and China, and a shortened
journey to traditional overland routes. His exploration across
the Atlantic Ocean had a profound impact. It led to general
European awareness of the American continents in the Western
Hemisphere and directly opened it up to European colonization,
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
Key Players
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
Renaissance Engineers
This period saw the emergence of Renaissance Engineers or
Pseudo Project Managers through men like Leonardo da Vinci,
Francesco di Giorgio, Fillipo Brunelleschi, and Mariano di
Iacopo, (called Taccola).
Chapter Wrap-up
Columbus was a man of patience and commitment. He had to
overcome numerous obstacles just to launch the project. The
most notable was the difficulty in getting the necessary backing
for his project. He had to bide his time and wait for the right
opportunity, a total of 17 years. He had to be very persistent,
and resourceful, and to change allegiances to find the right
sponsor/backer. He also had to wait for the right technology to
come along, in the form of the caravel, and the astrolabe which
he mastered. From a project perspective Columbus had to very
much initiate the project, and drive it forward. The biggest
challenges were in managing the crew who were very fearful of
the voyage. They were motivated by riches and glory. The voyage
proved the viability of Trans-Atlantic travel, and the trade
winds, it took 29 days to reach the West Indies, and 224 days
to complete a round-trip. It was inspirational and a catalyst to
other European explorers, and spawned the voyages by Cabot,
and Magellan. The lasting legacy from Columbus’s voyage was
overcoming the fears of crossing the Atlantic, and establishing
viable routes using the trade winds.
The History of Project Management
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ For Columbus’s voyage the business case seemed
very lucrative with potential land for resettlement,
possible riches and spices. The go ahead decision from
the sponsors was held back because of the perceived
risks. When they finally agreed the monarchs still did
not really expect him to return.
◦◦ The project charter had to be approved by the
monarchs who not only provided the financial
backing, but permission in claiming new lands in
their name through a Royal Charter.
• Scope Management
◦◦ The principal requirements were to complete the
return journey safely without loss of life, and return
profit by bringing back goods.
◦◦ The scope in terms of number of ships, men,
provisions, and equipment was dictated by:
• The likely daily progress which was constrained
by the weather and conditions of the Atlantic.
• The risks of the unknown mitigated by a fleet of
three ships.
• The availability of ships and finding a willing and
committed crew.
• The volume of provisions (food and water) that
could be carried without spoiling for the 2000 mile
◦◦ Columbus was aware of the circular trade-winds and
knew this clockwise wind pattern would reduce the
project scope by weeks or months by not having to
beat against the winds. This significantly reduced the
amount of food and water to be carried.
◦◦ Although the scope seemed straightforward in sailing
for 3,000 kilometers (2,000 miles) and then returning,
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
The History of Project Management
9 - The 15th Century and Renaissance (1450 - 1500)
• Risk Management
◦◦ Columbus faced the real risk of not finding a sponsor;
it took him 17 years to find one. All of the potential
sponsors, monarchs around Europe (Portugal,
England, and France) felt the risk was too high and
they would lose their investments.
◦◦ Not having an accurate maps or knowing the distance
to the Indies (based on an inaccurate estimate of
the Earth’s diameter) were major risks. Columbus
accepted these risks because he was aware of the
trade winds (Northeast and the Westerlies for a
return journey). He was confident of steady winds in
both directions if he traveled at the right time of year
and at the right latitudes.
◦◦ A fleet of three ships reduced the overall risk of
failure. When a ship was lost, Columbus was still
able to complete the journey. Had a further ship been
lost the project would have failed.
◦◦ Columbus accepted the risk of making an unexpected
settlement after he lost one of the ships ran when
it aground. Although they were able to create a
settlement from the salvage it failed to survive its
first year.
◦◦ Columbus kept accepting increasing amounts of risk
because he didn’t want the voyage to fail.
• Procurement Management
◦◦ Columbus had to procure enough ships to make the
voyage feasible. The ships had to be well supplied and
provisioned for at least two months.
◦◦ Columbus entered into a contract with the Spanish
Royals with very high personal demands including
titles (Governor, Admiral, and a Knighthood) and
10% of the profits. At the time a single spice ship
was worth a fortune. The Spanish Royals entered the
contract because they did not think Columbus would
The History of Project Management
• Discuss all the risks in Columbus’s project and his
approach in mitigating these?
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the importance
of finding the right sponsor?
• Discuss Columbus’s approach to managing his
stakeholders and crew.
Chapter 10
he period was dominated by the age of settlements and
colonies spurred by exploration driven by the European
powers. From a project management perspective European
Colonization brings in vast wealth that is reinvested into further
exploration. Large projects are sponsored by the crown and state
more than through the church. The book industry expands and
puts a vast array of subjects into the hands of a project manager
New technologies improve the manufacture of glass and brass
materials, and new equipment is manufactured from these
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
a. Ferdinand Magellan.
b. Michelangelo.
• Chapter Wrap-up
Communications Revolution
The development of printing coincided with the availability of
low cost paper. This combination was revolutionary and replaced
the high cost of writing on animal skins or parchment. Printing
with engraved copper plates also evolved and continued to be
the standard until photographic techniques were developed.
This Communications Revolution saw the widespread printing
of books. The book industry expanded and made a vast array of
subjects available, which spread knowledge and expertise. In
Europe the Protestant Reformation of the 16th and 17th centuries
was helped by the Communications Revolution.
European Colonization
For the next 300 years a race develops by European powers to
acquire empires and become superpowers. It is a matter of time
before Europeans make inroads into civilizations in Asia and
Africa. This dominates the agendas of European Governments.
Impact of Changes
The History of Project Management
Dissemination of Knowledge
New ways were developed to present, arrange and illustrate
books. The transmission of technical information was more accu-
rate as experts wrote books. Cheap and fast printing facilitated
the spreading of ideas. For example, Luther’s ideas spread like
wildfire in 1517 (300,000 copies of his works were printed).
Development of Mercantilism
For the European powers the establishment of colonial
trade (International) became an arm of governmental policy.
Mercantilism, with its emphasis on foreign exports, was
established and with it the acquisition and development of
colonies as exclusive markets and sources of raw materials.
Major Events
The introduction of new crops from the new world had a
significant impact on the population in Europe, Africa and Asia.2
Maize and potatoes are about twice as productive as wheat and
10 - The 16th Century
Paper Money
Although available in China for over 500 years from the 9th
through the 15th Century, paper money was not established
in Europe until the 16th Century. Like in China, paper money
facilitated economic growth, investments in exploration, and
The same devices quadrant and vernier were also employed in
map making which became more accurate. With maps compass
lines and other navigation aids were now included. New map
projections were devised, and globes were constructed. New
metal printing presses allowed for the mass production of
accurate maps. Mercator issued a world atlas in 1585.
Miniaturization of Clocks
A significance development was in the form of a spring-driven
mechanism to replace clocks powered by hanging weights. This
made possible small clocks which could be taken from room to
room, or in a carriage, eventually making possible the pocket
It was not practical for the general public to consider
minutes until the first mechanical clocks that displayed minutes
appeared near the end of the 16th Century. Even though watches
had appeared earlier they did not come into practical use for
many centuries (17th/18th).
The History of Project Management
New Furnace
The development of a new underfed furnace for dirty coal kept
glass free from soot and smuts. This spurred glass and brass
making and the coal-mining industry increased its production.
This led to lower cost glass used within building construction
From the 16th Century onwards, the term risk further evolved
and attained a beneficial meaning, for example in middle-
high-German “Rysigo” was a technical term for business, with
the meaning “to dare, to undertake a business and aspire for
economic success”.
The predominant region is Europe which is preoccupied with the
exploration of North and South America, and the Pacific Ocean.
Significant projects
Ferdinand Magellan was born in Portugal in 1480. As a boy,
he worked in the Queen’s household and heard about all the
discoveries that were being made in the new world and may
have been present when Columbus visited the Portuguese court
in 1493. In 1505, Magellan finally went to sea on a military
expedition. Magellan came up with the idea of finding a new sea
route to the Spice Islands but to realize this he needed to get
support, financial backing, and patronage.
The project objective was purely commercial, to find a Western
Sea Route to the Spice Islands. The plan was to sail west around
South America, cross the Pacific Ocean, reach the Spice Islands,
10 - The 16th Century
Magellan’s only other option was to approach the Court of
Spain but in such a way where his Portuguese would not be
held against him. He moved to Spain, married Diego Barbosa’s
daughter, renounced his nationality and became a Spanish
citizen. Eventually, Magellan presented a plan to King Charles
V that would give the ships of the Crown of Castile full access
to the Spice Islands. He claimed that he knew of a secret strait
through the new continent of South America.
Magellan, had a well painted globe in which the whole world
was depicted, and on it he indicated the route he proposed to
take, saving that the strait was left purposely blank so that no
one should anticipate him.
Las Casas, the historian of the Indies, present in Valladolid
when Magellan presented his plan to the King.4
The plan was to sail west, go through the strait, cross the
Pacific Ocean, reach the Spice Islands, and then return to Spain.
King Charles listened to the proposal favorably and agreed
with the plan which Magellan felt could not fail. Magellan was
furnished by the King’s orders with five ships, manned by two
hundred and thirty-four men, and enough provisions for two
years. The adventurers were granted a twentieth of the clear
profit and the governorship of any islands they might discover to
be vested to them and their heirs.
The History of Project Management
Executing (Journey)
Magellan’s principal objective was to find the strait through the
newly discovered and uncharted continent of South America
to the Pacific an estimated 60 day sail. He could then just sail
across the new sea all the way to the Spice Islands. This was a
grossly under estimated three day sail.
On August 10, 1519 Ferdinand Magellan set sail from Seville
with five ships under his command – Trinidad, San Antonio,
Concepción, Victoria, and Santiago. The schedule had been
delayed by 5 weeks, as the Spanish authorities had not trusted
the Portuguese Magellan and held him back as they switched his
Portuguese to a Spanish crew of 270 men.
They sailed off the Cape de Verde Islands but got into a calm
sea where they remained for seventy days without much prog-
ress. At last the wind picked up and they reached South America
in early December, but since Brazil was Portuguese territory,
Magellan had to avoid it. On December 13 he anchored south of
the colony near present-day Rio de Janeiro and there the crew
resupplied with an abundant supply of fruits, sugar-canes, and
animals of various kinds. From there the journey was excruciat-
ingly slow as he looked for a strait along the uncharted coast
10 - The 16th Century
The History of Project Management
Figure 10.3: A 1507 map showing the limits of the known world.7
10 - The 16th Century
Both the winds and the sea were calm, and as a result
because of the calmness Magellan named it the Pacific Ocean.
On the 24th of January, 1521, two coral atolls were sighted
but they did not land on these barren rocks. As they sailed
further the crew finished all their provisions. The fresh water
became so bad that it only could be swallowed with difficulty.
Nothing was left to eat but pieces of skin and bits of feather.
Scurvy set in where nineteen men died, and thirty were too weak
to do duty. They anxiously searched for islands where they could
obtain fresh provisions. Magellan continued to deal with the
crew very harshly.
Figure 10.4: This 1581 map shows a more complete view of the
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
Magellan’s expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe
and the first to navigate the strait in South America connecting
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Magellan finally proved what all
the great discoverers were really assuming, the roundness of the
The one ship that returned to Cadiz was loaded with
spices from the Moluccas and these were sold by the Spanish
Government for so large a sum of money that the king was
remunerated for the whole cost of the expedition with a very
large profit.
The History of Project Management
Figure 10.5: Hardwick Hall seemed to have more glass than wall.
Glass made up 50% of the frontage.11
10 - The 16th Century
Figure 10.6: Plan of St Peter’s Basilica, Rome. The portion below the
line A, B, and the side chapels C, D, were added by Maderna. The
remainder represents Michael Angelo’s plan.12
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
Key Players
The History of Project Management
Chapter Wrap-up
Like Columbus, Magellan needed to get project sponsorship from
the crown and state. Not only did he switch allegiances from
Portugal to Spain but, he also renounced his nationality and
become a Spanish citizen. Once he got the monarchs support
they downloaded all the project risks to him because they did
not trust him. They even swapped his Portuguese crew out for
Magellan’s voyage around the world fell into trouble partly
because he mishandled his communications. Magellan had
incomplete maps of the Americas, and an inaccurate estimate
of the circumference of the earth. He claimed he knew where
the passage to the Spice Islands was. He didn’t and lied to his
sponsor (the King of Spain) and crew. Magellan’s voyage around
the world was fraught with risk. During the voyage Magellan
didn’t communicate constantly or effectively, which was vital
in heading off mutinies. Soon he had a full scale mutiny on his
hands which he overcame with a brute force.
Was Magellan a great Project Manager? The pro argument is
the voyage was probably undertaken well ahead of its time with
the levels of knowledge and technology that were available. At
this time the church was still claiming the world was flat. So, he
did reach the project objective, but at what cost? He misled the
stakeholders and crew on vital information, the location of strait,
and he used brute force to quell his crew which caused the loss
of life, resentment and desertion. He also took a huge gamble
and lost his own life and those of many of the crew. In reality
Magellan was constantly taking risks through the project.
He was poorly prepared not knowing the location of strait or
passageway, or distances across the Pacific.
The cathedral projects (of St. Basil and St. Peter)
delivered two structures that are world recognized symbols,
and landmarks in architecture. Unwittingly, the huge
costs associated with the St Peter’s project may have likely
contributed to the coming of the Project Reformation as Julius
II bailed the project out by increasing taxes and authorizing the
sale of indulgences (remissions of temporal punishments due to
10 - The 16th Century
sin). Papal endeavors to create St. Peter’s may well have played
an indirect role in the Reformation movement.
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ The voyages of exploration (for Columbus and
Magellan) were significant projects that required
integration of many disciplines. Both were pushing
people and technologies to their limit.
◦◦ The projects were driven by a financial payback
that required substantial sponsorship and funding,
only available through the ruling monarchies and
wealthy royal families. The high cost demanded
a high return and the emphasis was on finding a
single commodity that could provide a payback. For
example, Magellan’s circumnavigation of the globe
was a disaster in terms of lives lost but, the one ship
that returned to Cadiz with a full cargo of spices
remunerated the whole expedition cost and left a very
large profit when sold by the Spanish Government.
Both Magellan and Columbus had challenges getting
the initial funding in place. They presented and
pleaded their projects, and the returns these would
bring to their royal sponsors. But a level of skepticism
and lack of belief that the projects would succeed
dogged them. When the final approval, was given the
monarchs still did not expect them to return.
◦◦ For Magellan the business case was very lucrative.
The voyage really opened up a European scramble for
more ambitious exploration, trade, and conquest.
◦◦ Preparations for these voyages of exploration took
more than a year.
◦◦ Having royal monarchs as project sponsors increased
the pressure on the project as Magellan was worried
about failing them and the consequences of this.
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
The History of Project Management
10 - The 16th Century
• Discuss all the risks in Magellan’s project and his
approach in mitigating these?
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects whether
Magellan’s voyage was a success or not?
• Was it undertaken ahead of its time considering the
knowledge and technologies available to him?
• Discuss Magellan’s approach to managing his
stakeholders and crew.
The History of Project Management
Chapter 11
he period was dominated by the Europeans racing to
colonize the world. Magellan’s round the world voyage
confirmed the size of the world and opened the door to the
unknown world. New manufacturing techniques dropped the
cost of a sheet glass and glass was widely incorporated into new
building constructions. The birth of First Scientific Revolution
saw the field of optics and atmospherics emerge, which spawned
the first phase of Modern Engineering and its influence on
project management. Large projects were now more likely to be
sponsored by the crown and state, rather than the church that
is undergoing dramatic reforms provoked by the Protestant
Reformation and indirectly by St. Peter’s Basilica project.
The History of Project Management
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
European Colonization
The voyages of exploration opened the door to colonization
and the exploitation of cheap colonial labor and slaves for the
European powers. For the most part the Europeans used these
as a workforce within the colony itself, and through the 16/17th
centuries further inequities and exploitation grew with African
In the European race to acquire colonies and the colonization
of North America, Africa, and Asia, Europeans set up settle-
ments and forts. Through colonization international trade and
the sophisticated procurement practices developed in selling
goods on one continent and buying goods for the return leg.
Impact of Changes
Major Events
The History of Project Management
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
The History of Project Management
Modern Engineering
“The first phase of modern engineering emerged in the Scientific
Revolution. Galileo’s Two New Sciences, which sought system-
atic explanations and adopted a scientific approach to practical
problems, is a landmark regarded by many engineer historians
as the beginning of structural analysis, the mathematical repre-
sentation and design of building structures.”
—Source: History of engineering;
Daily Newspapers
In the last 500 years changes in communications were fast,
broad, and significant. By 1650 the first daily newspapers were
in circulation in Leipzig and this saw an explosive growth to
become the main form of media for the next 275 years.
New Materials
Hardwick Hall inspired a new architecture and changes in
the manufacture of sheet glass. The development of more
sophisticated coal fuelled furnaces provided the required
quantity of molten glass. New techniques like spreading and
rolling out an even thickness on casting tables allowed for the
manufacture of large sheets of glass. The Palace of Versailles
incorporated this material on a vast scale not just in windows
but mirrors, and as a result, started a building trend with this
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
Europe and Asia.
Significant Projects
By 1630 the architecture of the Moguls had reached the height
of expression in the totality and balance of its qualities of
construction, composition, detail, ornament, and settings.
The project charter for the Taj Mahal was to build a mausoleum
for the fifth great Mughal Emperor Shah Jehan. Taj means
crown and Mahal means palace, hence the Crown Palace. He
was one of the richest men in the world. Because it was to serve
as his tomb after his death, the project had to be completed in
his lifetime. It was located to the south of the walled city of Agra.
The rationale for the project was no different to the Pharaoh
The History of Project Management
The project demanded the varied talents, creativity, artistry,
skills and abilities of many. A project core or creative team was
formed of thirty seven men including designers and architects,
who were all mentioned by name in the official Mughal histories.
• The chief architect (or plan drawer) was Ismail Afandi
(a.k.a. Ismail Khan) who had worked for the great
Ottomans in Turkey as a premier designer and builder of
domes. He was also the architect of the Red Fort at Delhi.
• Mukrimat Khan and Mir Abdul Karim from Shiraz,
Iran (Persia) were chief supervisors and administrators
who handled the finances and management of daily
• Mohammed Hanif, Multan and Quandhar, master
masons from Delhi, were supervisors of the masons.
• Qazim Khan, a goldsmith from Lahore who cast the gold
finial that crowns the dome.
• Chiranji Lal, a lapidary from Delhi chosen as the chief
• Amanat Khan from Shiraz, the master calligrapher
whose signature is inscribed on the Taj gateway.
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
from Persia, France, Iran, Italy and Turkey to work on the proj-
ect. Their names were recorded for posterity on scrolls.
The Mughal Emperor ordered for the best of artisans to
create a unique design that could not be replicated. He played an
active role in the project design and rejected hundreds of designs
before he finally approved the blue print. He personally oversaw
the artists as part of his daily routine. Most importantly once the
project started the design was not changed.
“We know Shah Jahan was interested in architecture. We know
he was interested in architectural decoration and design. Clearly,
he was consulted. He was probably very interested in continually
seeing the plans as they developed and commenting on them,
and suggesting changes that might be made. The idea that he did
any more than that, in terms of the design, is unrealistic. Clearly
it’s a building that was designed by professional architects who
knew what they were doing, not by a prince and an amateur.”
—Art historian Milo Beach3
The most significant challenge was the proximity to the
river to the site and the high water table. This would affect the
stability of the foundation.
As part of the planning the team also worked out the
logistics for:
• The site preparation – drainage of the area and creation
of a perfect square marble plinth, 55 meters (186 feet) on
each of the four sides.
◦◦ A 3 acre area was excavated, filled with earth and
rubble, and leveled at 50 meters (140 feet) above the
◦◦ Wells were dug and filled with stone and rubble at
the footings of the tomb because of the high water
◦◦ Creation of a platform of red sandstone.
◦◦ Perfect leveling of the square marble plinth, any
slight inaccuracies would offset the Minarets.
• The production of brick
◦◦ Vast quantities required for the inner core.
The History of Project Management
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
The construction of Taj Mahal began in 1631. Locating the site
so close to the river was a major risk. The foundation was an
engineering marvel where each massive peer, supporting the
building, rested on deep rubble and a series of concrete holes,
connected by arches. It was so effective that even today the
building has not shifted. Wells were dug by the river so that
any fluctuations in the ground water level were absorbed before
reaching the foundation.
The double dome was constructed from concentric circles of
bricks about 2 meters (6 feet) thick. It was 10 stories (50 meters
or 80 feet) high and weighed 13,000 tons, and most remarkably
was not supported by any pillars. It had an 18 meters (60 feet)
diameter about half the width of Florence Duomo (42 meters).
The History of Project Management
The four Minarets at the four corners of the plinth were de-
liberately erected leaning outwards so in case of an earthquake
they would fall away from the tomb in case of collapse.7
The Mughals believed that the precious and semiprecious
stones affected the fortunes of different persons and places and
this was calculated and strictly adhered to in the adornment.
Marks were engraved on red stone slabs, pathways, stairs,
plinths and pavements. These included Symbolic motifs
(Swastika, Hexagon, Pentagon), Animated motifs (fish, bird),
Geometrical motifs (triangle, Square, rectangle), and Floral
motifs (leaves and petals of flowers).8
Water was drawn from the river by a series of purs, animal-
powered rope and bucket system, into a large storage and
distribution tanks, and then passed into three subsidiary tanks,
from which it was piped to the complex.
The project was completed with the following main features:
• The Taj Mahal plinth and tomb, Pietra Dura, took 12
years to complete (1643). 4 Minarets, 43 meters (138 feet)
each, were topped with 8 windowed cupolas. Immediately
below the dome is the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal which
is centrally lined with the main entrance, and that of
Shahjahan, placed there by Aurangzeb to break up the
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
The History of Project Management
Figure 11.3: Plan and layout of the Taj Mahal and Gardens of the
Great Mughals.10
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
Figure 11.4: The Taj Mahal, made of gleaming white marble and
rested on an 8-sided platform of red sandstone measuring 40 meters
(130 feet) long on each side.11
The struggle to unite the French nation had been going on since
the fall of the Roman Empire. French Counts and Dukes were
sometimes extremely powerful, and always determined to keep
control of the land they possessed and their respective incomes.
They often fought with the French King whenever he became a
little too powerful. So, the King of France spent most of the year
travelling through the provinces, meeting his subjects to make
sure they were still faithful to him.
The History of Project Management
King Louis XIV of France wanted a place where he could orga-
nize and completely control the Government of France by abso-
lute personal rule. It was a straightforward project charter. As
a principal stakeholder he settled on Versailles, a royal hunting
lodge of his father because it was outside of Paris and also away
from the tumults and diseases of the crowded city. The project
had a clear political purpose of establishing the power of the
King of France over the French nobility.
In March 15th, 1661, Jean-Baptiste Colbert was named
Superintendent of Finances and was assigned to the project, as
well the construction of the Louvre, Fontainebleau, and other no-
table projects. Colbert’s role in the project was certainly not easy
as he did not approve of it. He opposed the young king’s obsti-
nately and expressed himself without reservation. But Louis XIV
had a dream and was not satisfied with Paris as a residence. So,
he told Colbert to make his dream come true, and Colbert had to
find some way to pay the cost.12
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
Louis XIV was irritated by the splendors of the Chateau of Vaux-
le-Vicomte built by his ill-fated minister, Nicholas Fouquet,
for himself. Louis XIV was determined to surpass this chateau
by one much more elaborate and to pale it into insignificance.
Fouquet had employed the most renowned masters of this
period namely, Louis Le Vau, the principal architect, and André
Le Nôtre, the landscape architect and gardener, and Charles
Lebrun, the painter and decorator.
On August 17, 1661, Fouquet gave an elaborate fête to
celebrate the completion of the chateau, which Louis XIV
attended. Within three weeks the host was a prisoner of the
State, accused of embezzlement, and his estate was confiscated.
Acting immediately to out-do the glories of Vaux-le-Vicomte,
Louis XIV engaged Le Nôtre to plan the gardens and Le Vau
to submit proposals for the enlargement and decoration of the
Chateau at Versailles.
In September, 1663 Colbert reported with dismay that two years
into the project he had spent millions of livres, and a good part
was just for the construction of the gardens. With increasing
frequency Louis XIV was in residence at Versailles and directly
meddled in the project. He was dominant, directing minute
details like the laying of floors, the hanging of draperies, the
installation of art and decorative works. Builders and decorators
took advantage and suggested one elaborate change after
another, without any regard to the project cost, and despite the
protests of Colbert to Louis XIV that they were exceeding all
Louis XIV also impatiently voiced disapprovals to the
superintendents of any delays and so they strove feverishly to
meet all his demands. Their eagerness to act cost the project a
substantial sum, but when challenged by Colbert he only cared
for the completion of his luxurious ideas. He was impatient to
enjoy his creation and to invite his court there to celebrate its
completion with both brilliant and costly fêtes. Every day a new
requirement was tabled and it had to be incorporated into the
project. There was no change control to the project scope. It was
The History of Project Management
The first phase (1664-1668), Louis XIV gave orders for the
building of small dwellings to be occupied by the favorites of his
entourage. Also the highway to Paris “the Cours-la-Reine” was
started. Already Versailles took on a more imposing aspect than
ancient Fontainebleau, Louis XIVs other residence.
The scope of the project increased as workmen drained
swamps and moved whole forests to construct reservoirs, ponds,
fountains, grottoes, waterfalls, straying brooks in 250 acres
of formal gardens. Thousands of troops were commandeered
into the project workforce to divert the river to supply water to
the pools and fountains. Cages were constructed for “the most
splendid palace of animals in the world.”
A great number of works of art were ordered for the
adornment of the walks and gardens. Many mythological statues
and busts were made in Rome and it was a thriving period for
sculptors of France and adjacent countries. Colbert detailed
expenditures of million livres of the nation’s money for these.
Many were removed after a short period as Louis XIV constantly
demanded the work of the latest and newest artists, and all the
newest novelties.
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
The History of Project Management
Figure 11.7: The lavish Hall of Mirrors extends for 75 meters (240
feet) along a terrace overlooking the gardens. The marble walls are
embellished with bronze-gilt trophies.16
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
Figure 11.8: The complete building had a floor space of 51,210 m2,
with 2,153 windows, 1,252 chimneys, 700 rooms, and 67 staircases.
The project left France with a debt of 4000 million livres until
King Louis XIV said in his memoirs that Versailles was meant to
be a place where everybody, not just people from the King’s inner
circle, could have access to the King. He needed a countervailing
power to the court of mighty princes if he were to establish his
absolute authority, and for this he needed to rely on the people.
Not the masses but, educated people, intellectuals, scientists,
and (mainly) writers.
This huge project, the redesigning of nature, the importation
of huge quantities of water illustrates the Absolutist domination
of nature. Just as Apollo the sun god controlled the light in
the sky, his earthly incarnation King Louis XIV attempted to
control nature. The project left a huge debt and was probably the
most expensive project of all time. The French Government was
bankrupt to the amount of 4,000 million livres (1 billion pounds
or $6 billion) in 1774. The project was one of the principal
causes along with costly wars, and the spending of the royals
on luxuries. At the time a master carpenter earned yearly 200
livres, whereas a Paris parish priest earned 10,000 livres.
The History of Project Management
Figure 11.9: The project exploited the use of the new plate glass
along the main building frontage and the inner elevation of mirrors.
This was widely copied across Europe.20
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
(77 feet) in diameter and 43 meters (141 feet) high at its central
point. It was patterned on the Hagia Sophia (blue because the
tiles adorning the walls of its interior). The project ran between
1609 and 1616.
The History of Project Management
Key Players
Galileo (1564-1642)
Galileo Galilei showed a remarkably modern appreciation for
the relationship between mathematics, theoretical physics, and
experimental physics. He made some original contributions
to the science of motion through an innovative combination of
experiment and mathematics.
Chapter Wrap-up
In this era there was a general view about architects:
“An architect was, in a sense, a kind of functionary. Architects
and painters never achieved the kind of acclaim that placed
them within the ranks of the nobility, for example. They were
recognized, but they were never given an enormous amount of
—Art historian Milo Beach
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ The project charter stated the Taj Mahal had to
be built as a tomb in the life time of the Mughal
Emperor. He was likely one of the richest men in the
world hence the business justification was in place.
◦◦ His presence and taking a hands-on-approach may
have prevented excessive changes, and guaranteed
The History of Project Management
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
The History of Project Management
11 - The 17th Century and the Modern Age of Engineering
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the importance
of the project manager controlling the project, and
keeping interfering stakeholders at bay?
• The Palace of Versailles project was disastrous in
terms of overruns of budget, time, and scope. Yet, it
was revered architecturally and widely copied. What
important lessons can be learned from this for today?
• Was there any way that Colbert could have kept Louis
XIV from interfering? What else could have Colbert done?
• How did the acquisition of an international team of thirty
seven men help with the execution and completion of the
Taj Mahal project?
Chapter 12
he 18th Century witnessed colossal changes in the Western
World with the Industrial Revolutions. The field of
Engineering became a more formalized profession with
the French and British who began to take a more empirically
oriented approach towards project management. In society there
were major shifts of power away from the church and the crown,
to the state. There was also a shift in wealth from the very rich
(land owning) towards the upper middle and middle classes
(merchants and commercial). Large projects were now more
likely to be sponsored by state and commercial interests rather
than the crown.
The History of Project Management
12 - The 18th Century
c. Steam engine.
d. Machines for automating processes.
e. Growth in management profession and techniques.
• Regions
a. UK – Industrial revolution.
b. Europe – Colonization, and overseas expansion.
c. USA – Economic growth.
• Significant projects
a. The Iron Bridge (River Severn) by Abraham Darby
III, 1781.
b. First Railway, Stockton Darlington Railway.
• Other Notable Projects
a. Menai Suspension Bridge.
b. St Paul’s cathedral.
• Key players
a. Thomas Savery, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt,
and Richard Trevithick.
b. Joseph Whitworth.
c. George Stephenson, UK.
d. Abraham Darby, UK.
• Chapter Wrap-up
The History of Project Management
Ideas of Revolution
The English civil war created the first modern democracy,
limiting the powers of a restored constitutional monarchy. It
set in motion the notion that change was possible, which saw
widespread revolutions through Europe.
12 - The 18th Century
Impact of Changes
Advances in Transportation
The increased movement of goods and people led to an acceler-
ated growth of new industrial centers, and cities.
Growth in Cities
New factories in industrial centers attracted massive migra-
tion into cities like Manchester, UK, and this led to a popula-
tion boom. The population of England and Wales, which had
remained a static 6 million from 1700-1740, rose dramatically
after 1740.3 The population of England more than doubled from
8.3 million in 1801 to almost 17 million by 1851.
Major Events
The History of Project Management
The field of engineering became a formalized profession
in France and the UK, but along different paths. The
French developed university engineering education under
the sponsorship of the government. The French, more
rationalistic, spearheaded civil engineering with an emphasis
on mathematics. The British, were more empirically oriented,
and with the Industrial Revolution pioneered mechanical
engineering. This saw the emergence of autonomous professional
societies, with less government sponsorship than the French, but
the information was shared more quickly and readily through
organized meetings and journal publications. Technical training
started to shift from apprenticeships to a university education.
12 - The 18th Century
Civil Engineering
Civil engineering is the oldest of the main disciplines of
engineering. The first engineering school, the National School
of Bridges and Highways in France, was opened in 1747. John
Smeaton was the first person to actually call himself a “Civil
Engineer” in 1768, and identified a new profession that was
distinct from that of the military engineers.
These civil engineers built all types of structures, designed
water-supply and sewer systems, designed railroads and
highways, and planned cities. In 1828 the world’s first
engineering society came into being, the Institution of Civil
Engineers in England.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical engineering was the second branch of engineering to
emerge in the last part of the 1700s. The invention of the steam
engine was the starting point for the Industrial Revolution.
All types of machinery were being developed now and so a new
kind of engineer, one dealing with tools and machines, was
born. Mechanical engineers received formal recognition in 1847
with the founding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in
Precision Engineering
The use of high temperature kilns produced much higher quality
metals. With these engineers produced very precise components
for equipment and machines. For example, a very accurate
sextant for navigation, or more close fitting and accurate pistons
and cylinders for steam engines.
New Materials
Iron Production
Through the Industrial Revolution a number of processes were
developed for making cast iron including a blast furnace that
used coke instead of charcoal. Cast iron was an early form of
iron with a crystalline structure and a carbon content of 3%-
4% which made it hard and brittle. This characteristic was
The History of Project Management
incorporated into the design of rail lines, and was used with
great success in the later part of the 18th Century.
Figure 12.1: Coke Blast Furnace used for making cast iron in large
Concrete 1756
British engineer John Smeaton rediscovered that limestone was
the best mortar for underwater construction. The limestone had
a high proportion of clay or hydraulic lime mortar.
Steam Engine
The Newcomben steam engine, mainly used in mines, was the
first practical engine. James Watt improved it and in the 1780s
this enabled the rapid development of efficient semi-automated
factories in places where waterpower was not available.
Organizations achieved more ambitious projects as engineers
harnessed steam power.
12 - The 18th Century
The UK was in the midst of first Industrial Revolution which
was soon to spread to the U.S. and Europe. Europe at the time
was preoccupied with colonization, and overseas expansion. The
U.S. continued to grow commercially and economically through
agricultural exports (cotton, tobacco). In the modern looking
map of the world below, all the continents were discovered and
explored except Antarctica.
Figure 12.2: Map of 1811 showing all the continents with only
Antarctica missing.6
Significant Projects
In the era of the Industrial Revolution the two projects selected
below were very pioneering in how they pushed the limits of
new technologies and showed ingenuity in overcoming project
The world’s first Iron Bridge (River Severn) was built
downstream from Coalbrookdale in Shropshire, a centre for iron
production. The Severn River was the second busiest river in
The History of Project Management
The gorge was rich in coal, iron, and limestone and as a result
Shropshire had more iron factories within a two-mile radius
than any other city in the world. With the availability of this
new material it seemed only logical to build the new bridge
with cast iron. It would be considerably lighter than a stone
bridge with a much larger arch span. There was a vested local
interest in the project as it would help promote the use of iron,
and exemplify a new application for it, solving a long-standing
problem of crossing the river. To date cast iron had been
primarily used for wheels and tracks in simple wagon-ways. The
business justification was based on the use local materials, and
the promotion of local products and industry.
At the beginning of the 18th Century, the industry was in
near crisis as there was a shortage of wood, the main material
used for making the charcoal that fired the blast furnaces. Iron
producers were reduced to importing pig iron from abroad to
keep the industry going. In 1709 Abraham Darby III, an iron
master, discovered that coke could be used instead of charcoal
for the smelting of pig iron, lowering the production cost of cast
iron. He developed a new blast furnace at Coalbrookdale on the
River Severn.
Cast iron is weak in tension but strong in compression and
was the right type of material for building cast iron arched
bridges. To date the Coalbrookdale iron works had produced the
cylinders for the first steam engine used in mines in 1722, and
iron wheels for the horse drawn wagon-ways in 1729, and iron
tramway track in 1767.8
12 - The 18th Century
Figure 12.3: Inside of a smelting house (near Broseley) used for the
production of cast iron.9
In 1775 Thomas Pritchard designed the Iron Bridge. Darby a
local iron master was commissioned to cast and build the bridge.
The bridge comprised of more than 800 castings of 12 basic
types. The earliest estimate of costs for the project was £3,200,
as drawn up by Abraham Darby and Thomas Farnolls Pritchard.
When Darby defined estimates for the project he agreed to fund
any overspend. In 1777 shares were issued to raise the required
investments. Darby estimated 300 tons of iron would be required
(at £7 a ton). The bridge was to be a toll bridge and provide an
income to the shareholders.
The History of Project Management
Figure 12.4: Iron Bridge Share Certificate. The Rev. Edward Harries
contributed £525 in a share subscription of 1777 which raised
In 1777 the old furnace at Coalbrookedale was enlarged so as to
increase iron production. The project team was unfamiliar with
connecting large cast-iron pieces together so they resorted to the
typical woodworking methods of the era. The joints cast would
all be familiar to a carpenter like the mortise and tenons, and
dovetails and wedges. This was common through the Industrial
Revolution where an existing best practice was used with a new
material or technology but usually in a less than efficient way.
For example, iron ships were built on traditional lines (keel and
ribs) right up to the Second World War.
There were 482 main castings and with the smaller deck
facings and hand railings up to 1,736 individual pieces. This
would have taken three months of continuous production in
one of Darby’s furnaces. All the large castings were made
individually as they were all slightly different. This included the
five large arch ribs (in 3 sections: lower, middle, outer) each cast
in two halves.
12 - The 18th Century
Figure 12.5: The design of the Iron Bridge incorporated three types
of arch ribs (lower, middle, outer - seen on the left and right). The
center of the image shows the five lower arch ribs connected (the
width of the bridge) which rose from the base plates on either side of
the bridge.11
The History of Project Management
Figure 12.6: The post card of the cast Iron Bridge shows more clearly
the five arch ribs (the width of the bridge) rising from the base
plate and the complexity of the interconnections between the iron
12 - The 18th Century
Figure 12.7: Cast Iron Bridge over the River Severn near
Coalbrookdale clearly showing the foundations and abutments.13
The History of Project Management
This was the first Iron Bridge of its kind. Completed in 1779
the construction had no precedent and therefore was based on
techniques used in carpentry. It took six years to complete the
entire project, mainly because of the delays in funding, but only
two years were spent on the construction.
The Bridge was opened to traffic on January 1, 1781.
Darby promoted the Bridge by commissioning paintings and
engravings, but he had lost a lot of money on the project, which
had cost nearly double the original estimates.
12 - The 18th Century
This was the first bridge in the world to use cast-iron struc-
turally and it rapidly became the focus of visitors from all over
the world. It was an icon of what was to be called the Industrial
Revolution. The Sunderland Bridge project, completed in 1796,
continued to push bridge building projects forward. The iron
arch was estimated to be 15 times lighter than an equivalent
arch in stone, and its span of 73 meters (236 feet) was far in ex-
cess of any single-arched stone bridge that was existence.
The First Railway project was not unique but it was the first
successful one from numerous attempts within a 20 year time
frame. This technology was so far reaching and had such a
significant impact on the forthcoming years of the century it
deserves a mention as a significant project in its own right.
Tracked roads were used at least 2000 years ago, in quarries
in Greece, Malta, and the Roman Empire, where animals pulled
loads along cut stone tracks. The early forms of railway evolved
in the mining industry in the 15th Century where wagons were
pushed by miners along wooden rails or wagon ways.
The History of Project Management
12 - The 18th Century
The History of Project Management
Figure 12.13: In the late 18th Century, English civil engineer William
Jessop designed edge rails to be used with flanged wheels.20
The district west of Darlington, in Durham, was one of the
richest mineral fields in the North of England with vast stores of
coal. However, the lack of good roads to market made the cost of
transport of coal in carts, or horses very expensive, and almost
12 - The 18th Century
the closed mine. So, there was a strong business justification for
a transportation system.
Initially, in the days of canal building James Brindley
(Bridgewater Canal) was consulted about a canal. This was
superseded, in 1813, when John Rennie completed another sur-
vey and published a report where he recommended a canal and
priced the project at £95,600 for the section between Darlington
and Stockton. This scheme was also scrapped due to the lack
of financial support. In 1818, a Welsh engineer George Overton
published a report favoring a railway (horse drawn) scheme at a
cost of £124,000. There was strong and concerted opposition from
landowners. From the supporters of the latter, a project spon-
sor emerged, Edward Pease, a successful local wool merchant,
with very good connections. He wanted to create cheaper, more
efficient, and more reliable transport for merchants and workers
between the mines of South Durham and the North Sea at the
mouth of the River Tees. He had woolen mills and other inter-
ests that would benefit from this. Pease was a Quaker, who was
known for his business enterprise, and was interested in a creat-
ing a network of railways in the UK.
“[Pease was] a thoughtful and sagacious man, ready
in resources, possessed of indomitable energy and
perseverance, he was eminently qualified to undertake what
appeared to many the hopeless enterprise of obtaining an
Act for a railway through such an unpromising district. One
who knew him in 1818 said, “he was a man who could see a
hundred years ahead.” 21
In 1821, the project charter was finally set when a parlia-
mentary bill was finally passed to build 40 kilometers (25 miles)
of track. It would connect the collieries near Bishop Auckland to
the River Tees at Stockton, passing through Darlington.
“In getting up a company for surveying and forming a
railway, Mr. Pease encountered great difficulties. The
people of the neighbourhood spoke of it as a ridiculous
undertaking, and predicted that it would be ruinous to all
concerned. Even those most interested in the opening of
new markets for their coal, were indifferent, if not actually
The History of Project Management
As railways evolved they started to encroach on a transportation
niche held by canals. A horse drawn barge could pull up to 40
tons. The railways could dramatically raise the speed, increase
12 - The 18th Century
The construction began in 1821. The line was relatively level
through Darlington to Stockton. In 1822 the decision was made
to use steam locomotives. It now became Stephenson’s priority
The History of Project Management
12 - The 18th Century
The History of Project Management
On the 27th of September 1825 the railway opened, dignitaries
were carried on the opening journey in the first purpose-built
carriage, the first time passenger traffic had been run on a steam
locomotive railway. Up to 40,000 people had traveled to see the
event. A locomotive driven by Stephenson, Locomotion No 1,
pulled an 80-ton load of coal and flour 15 kilometers (9 miles) in
two hours, achieving a speed of 24 miles per hour (39 kilometers
per hour) on one stretch. The horse-powered opponents tried to
derail the locomotives by offering £100 to buy these as scrap but
there were no takers.
12 - The 18th Century
The History of Project Management
12 - The 18th Century
Figure 12.19: Menai Suspension Bridge had a span of 180 meters (570
feet) and a height of 32 meters (100 feet) under the main span.27
The History of Project Management
between the two towers, the central span. Tunnels were driven
into solid rock on either shore to anchor the chains which were
drawn up to the top of towers and left to hang down to the water
level. The central section of chain, weighing 23.5 tons, was then
loaded onto a raft, maneuvered into position and connected to
the dangling chain. The project workforce of 150 used block and
tackle to draw the chain up to the top of the tower to complete
the span. The remaining 15 chains were raised in a similar
manner over the next ten weeks. Rods were then hung from the
chains and bolted to iron bars that were used as the base for
the wooden road surface. The bridge was opened on January
30, 1826 to great fanfare. Its completion, along with other
improvements to the road by Telford, reduced travel time from
London significantly.
12 - The 18th Century
Key Players
1. Thomas Savery, Thomas Newcomen, James Watt, and
Richard Trevithick, and their steam engines.
2. Joseph Whitworth’s development of screw-cutting and
other machine tools, standardized screws, nuts and bolts.
This accelerated the pace of development of machinery
for the mass production of industrial goods.
3. The railways, George Stephenson, Isambard Kingdom
Brunel (1806–1859) and others.
The History of Project Management
Chapter Wrap-up
The projects from this period are significant in having to deal
with all the challenges that new technologies and materials
can present. This is best exemplified by the Iron Bridge project
where Abraham Darby assumed far too much of the risk by
12 - The 18th Century
agreeing to pay for any overruns. More time was spent at the
forge in preparing the new materials, and then delivering
these to site. Although not much different to the ancient
practice of working with stone which was quarried, marked
and transported, and made ready for assembly. Another major
challenge was the initial assembly of the very large and heavy
arches and ribs into a framework. The rest of the assembly was
simplified by the interlocking nature of the pieces. The project
broke Darby financially but it was widely copied making iron the
material of choice for bridges. The bridge was a breakthrough as
the iron arch was 15 times lighter than a stone equivalent, and
its span of 73 meters (236 feet) was far greater than any single-
arched stone bridge.
The Stockton and Darlington Railway project faced so
many challenges that it was a surprise the project ended up
being so successful. These challenges included local resistance
to the project, lack of business support, choice of several new
technologies, and most of the risks sitting with the project
directors. One of them Edward Pease induced many of his
friends and relations to subscribe the capital required for the
project, further increasing the risk to him personally. Decisions
had to be made relative to the technology options available
namely, powering the railway (horse, cable, and locomotive),
cast versus wrought iron rails, and the gauge of the railway. The
testing in the pilot proved that steam was viable and economic,
as locomotives pulled more wagons, and faster.
The railway became hugely profitable, up to 50 times greater
than the original projections. After its proven success, the
2nd railway project (Manchester to Liverpool) was deemed so
important that the Prime Minister opened it. From this point
onward most projects started to take a more rigorous empirical
approach and were now estimated and measured using scientific
techniques. The project also set a precedent for future projects in
how opposition to it was handled and empowered by the railway
The Menai Suspension Bridge project highlighted how
materials and technology had evolved during the Industrial
Revolution in a relatively short time. The project delivered
a structure that was a quantum leap forward in span at 180
meters (570 feet). At the time bridges were generally limited
The History of Project Management
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ For the Iron Bridge project, the business justification
was based principally on the promotion of local prod-
ucts and industry through the use of local materials.
◦◦ The First Railway project required the integration
of many project knowledge areas. It also required
the disciplines and skills in engineering including
surveying, road building (laying out the path for the
track), bridge construction, construction of iron rails,
and locomotive building.
◦◦ The business justification was vastly under estimated
(by a factor of 50) of how profitable the steam venture
could be.
◦◦ The First Railway project was planned to be flexible
to changes that were likely to occur. There was no ac-
curate business model to base the project on, so the
payback projections were very inaccurate. The near-
est point of reference was the canal and its operation,
but this proved in execution to be completely inad-
equate, as it operated at a much lower speed and was
not used to ferrying passengers. In the later stages of
the project a new business model emerged.
12 - The 18th Century
The History of Project Management
12 - The 18th Century
The History of Project Management
12 - The 18th Century
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects why these
projects were successful considering the major challenges
that they initially faced.
• Discuss the importance of running a pilot when working
with new technologies and materials. How would this
have helped the First Railway project?
• In developing a business justification for the First
Railway project was there a business model other than
the canal to base the project on?
• Did Darby, Pease and Stephenson assume too much of
the financial investments and risks?
Chapter 13
he 19th Century witnessed even greater changes than in
the previous century. The Industrial Revolution continued
to expand and evolve changing the economies and societies
of nations, and through globalization spread to other parts of the
world. With this came the evolution of management principles in
the business world that became the backbone of modern project
management today. In society, the shifts in power continued
towards the state, and wealth was driven by a rapidly growing
industrial class, superseding the land owning classes. There
is a growth in mega projects supported by the state but driven
by commercial interests. The crown took a less relevant role.
Projects became more ambitious and larger in scale as confidence
and experience in new technologies was mastered.
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
Impact of Changes
Major social change was spurred with the rapid mobility of
people, merchandise and information brought about by railroad,
ships, and telegraph.
Increased Urbanization
A rapidly expanding workforce of thousands needed to be taken
care of in terms of housing, health, welfare, and education.
All this brought in new institutions, establishments, and
Major Events
The History of Project Management
New Developments
As both industrialization and science progressed, real
collaboration became increasingly common in the 19th Century.
Faraday’s and Maxwell’s work on energy fields led directly
to new developments, as did Maxwell and Hertz’s work on
electromagnetic waves.
Elevators 1860
The electrical motor was first used by Otis and was significant as
it allowed buildings to rise in height.
13 - The 19th Century
New Materials
Manufacturing of glass and steel took large steps forward as
building materials in their own right.
The History of Project Management
Transportation Networks
The Industrial Revolution required an advanced system for
transportation and distribution. This was first brought about by
the canal networks, in the 18th Century, and then the railway
systems, in the 19th Century. As trade expanded globally, so
did the development of ocean going steamship liners. From
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
The Industrial Revolution spreads from the UK to Europe and to
the U.S. Through the 19th Century it spread around the world.
Significant Projects
As early as 1842 Professor Morse declared a submarine cable
connection between America and Europe was possible. By the
mid 1850s, telegraph cables stretched along most of the rail lines
in the UK and U.S. This form of communication was land based
and across short bodies of water only, like the English Channel
in 1850. It did not cross large bodies of water because of the
many challenges in implementation and the reliability of the
cable. For example, manufacturing a strong enough cable that
was resilient to water. If the cable snapped recovering it would
be very difficult.
The first transatlantic telegraph cable was attempted in 1857
by an American named Cyrus Field and an English engineer
named Charles Bright. Field, a rich industrialist, had a vision
of global communications. Supported by the British6 and U.S.
13 - The 19th Century
A special survey was made along the proposed route of the cable
and revealed that the proposed route was possible, showing a
maximum depth of 4,400 meters (3 miles). The technology was
proven and land cables had existed for 30 years. But submerging
a cable meant it would be inaccessible and therefore the quality
had to be vastly superior. A cable was specially constructed and
consisted of 7 copper wires covered with 3 coats of gutta-percha
(a form of natural rubber used for wire insulation), and wound
with tarred hemp. This was overlaid with a sheath of 18 strands,
each of 7 iron wires, in a close spiral. It weighed nearly 550
kilograms/kilometer (1.1 tons per nautical mile), was relatively
flexible and able to withstand a pull of several tons.
Prior to laying the Transatlantic Cable, a pilot project undertook
the laying of a cable across the Cabot Strait a distance of 110
kilometers (69 miles). The cable was to connect Newfoundland to
Cape Breton and then the rest of Canada to the United States.
This step was to be much easier than crossing the Atlantic, but
it proved extremely difficult. In the end the pilot cost almost the
whole project budget and more funding was needed.
The first attempt across the Atlantic was on August 5, 1857
when the cable was started from the Southwest Coast of Ireland.
Several cable-laying ships were used the converted warships
HMS Agamemnon and USS Niagara. On the first day, the cable
broke, but was grappled and repaired. A few days later it broke
again over the ‘telegraph plateau,’ nearly 3,200 meters (2 miles)
deep, and the operation was abandoned for the year.
The second attempt using a different approach began the fol-
lowing summer when the same two ships met in the middle of
the Atlantic. The two cables were spliced together, and on June
26 1858 the cable was dropped and the ships headed out in op-
posite directions. The cable broke, after less than 5.5 kilometers
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
At noon on July 15, 1865, the ship left Ireland but the attempt
failed on July 31st when, after 1,968 kilometers (1,062 miles), the
cable snapped and the end was lost.
Undeterred Field got back to England he issued another
prospectus, and formed the Anglo-American Telegraph Company
to lay out a new cable and recover and fix the broken one.
On July 13, 1866 Great Eastern started once more, is a fifth
attempt. Despite weather problems on July 27th reached Trinity
Bay. Friendly telegrams were again exchanged between Queen
Victoria and the United States President. On August 9th Great
Eastern put to sea again to find and grapple the lost cable of
1865, sixth attempt, some two-and-a-half miles down. After
several weeks the lost cable was fished out with a grapnel and
brought to the surface where it took 26 hours to get it safely on
board. The recovered cable was then spliced to a fresh cable in
her hold and paid out so there now were two working telegraph
The project was ahead of its time pushing materials and
technology to their limits. Without Field’s commitment and
extraordinary leadership it would have taken longer (years to
decades) to complete the project. The multiple attempts required
and the trials and tribulations that Field experienced over the
next 12 years would have been enough to shake anyone’s faith,
but Field persevered. Field put money into the project and
became very rich where by 1880 he was worth $6 million.
In 1870 telegraph lines were connected from the UK to
India (under the Eastern Telegraph Company). In October 1872
The History of Project Management
Figure 13.4: Major telegraph lines around the world in 1891. There
were over a dozen cables that spanned the Atlantic.8
The U.S. Transcontinental Railroad, crossing the continent
from coast-to-coast, had been discussed for at least 30 years in
government circles. As early as 1832, many wanted to connect
California to the rest of the Union. Many reputable engineers
testified before legislative committees that the project was
impractical. The main challenges related to the 800 miles of
almost uninhabited country over the Sierra Nevada Mountains
and across an alkali desert, most of it unexplored territory. On
March 3, 1853 Congress gave $150,000 and authorization to the
Secretary of War, Jefferson Davis, to order the Topographical’s
to explore the American West and “ascertain the most practical
and economic route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to
the Pacific Ocean.”
13 - The 19th Century
This was one of the first mega projects organized by the U.S.
Government. The civil war had provided much experience in
organizing major projects. President Abraham Lincoln initiated
the project through the Pacific Railroad Act - an official project
charter to build both a transcontinental railroad and telegraph
line. The business case for the government was based on the cost
savings for the government in military transportation with a
net gain of $50 million over the cost in a seven year time frame.9
These figures did not include the major economic impact of
opening up the American West in terms of increased trade, or
decreased postal Costs.
“…the necessity that exists for constructing lines of railroad and
telegraphic communication between the Atlantic and Pacific
coasts of this continent is no longer a question for argument; it
is conceded by everyone.”
—August 16, 1856, Mr. Denver of the House Select Committee
on the Pacific Railroad and Telegraph
The project was breaking new ground in terms of the distances
covered in crossing these mountain ranges and plains, and this
required an enormous project budget, the likes not seen before.
The government had to initiate the funding through both funds,
government bonds, and land through grants (see Figure 13.5
below). It had to act as a catalyst for the project persuading
financiers to join in. Many thought the project was “impossible.”
The bonds were to be repaid after project completion. They
loaned $16,000 for each mile of track laid in the flat plains,
$32,000 for each mile of track laid in the Great Basin, and
$48,000 for each mile of track laid in the mountains. The land
grants were evenly split between the railroad companies and
government, so both would benefit financially when the land
value rose after the project. Each company received 10 sections
(6,400 acres) of public land grants, mineral rights excluded, on
each side of the track for each mile of track built.
An initial capital of $1 million was raised for the surveys.
The railroad was to be built by two competing companies, the
Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) and Union Pacific Railroad
The History of Project Management
Est. Acres of
Amount Date
Railroad Character of Bond Payable in Land
Issued of Issue
Central Pacific
“ $53,268,120 July 1, 1864 — July, 1869
Bond Subtotal
Central Pacific
“ July 1, 1862 & July 2, 1864 7,997,600
Land Grants
Land-grant mortgage
“ Currency $10,400,000 Apr., 1867 — 1869
(first mortgage)
Union Pacific
“ $64,873,512 July 1, 1864 — 1869
Bond Subtotal
Union Pacific
“ July 1, 1862 & July 2, 1864 12,000,000
Land Grants
Table 13.1: The project was driven by mortgages and bond issues.
The railroad companies (Central and Union Pacific) were incented
forward by land grants.
13 - The 19th Century
Table 13.2: The average cost of provisioning these men was $1.50 per
day each or $3,150 per month for all.
The History of Project Management
Table 13.3: The total project workforce was between 20,000 to 25,000.
In 1863 the Central Pacific began laying track eastward from
Sacramento, California. Two years later the Union Pacific
started laying track westward from Omaha, Nebraska in July,
By 1864 Cost Management became the predominant project
issue. The CPRR laid 20 miles of track before running out of
money. Since the North and the South were deeply engaged
in the Civil War, the price of equipment was becoming greatly
inflated and some was becoming more difficult to acquire.
During the building of the railroad, the price of one ton of
rails went up from $55 to $115. The price of one keg of black
powder went up from $2.50 to $15. A large locomotive once
cost $10,000, but due to inflation, a small engine cost $14,000.
The Federal Government paid in “greenbacks” that were not
trusted and converted to only $.57 on the dollar. As a result,
the Big Four,11 the major financiers, developed the Contract and
Finance Company, in which they pocketed $63 million, held
$100 million of stock, and had power over nine million acres of
land from federal grants. They did, however, play the leading
role in organizing and permitting the building of the Central
Pacific Railroad.12 The financiers had risked their entire fortunes
but rigged the process to make another, larger fortune with the
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
Figure 13.5: The ceremony for the driving of the golden spike at
Promontory Summit, Utah on May 10, 1869.14
The History of Project Management
from the east (Boston, and New York via Chicago, Illinois or St.
Louis, Missouri) to span the continent from east to West Coast.
About 200,000 net tons of iron total were used just for building
the railroad from Omaha to Sacramento. In 1868 the trip from
San Francisco to New York cost $150 for first class, and $70 for
second class.
A commission appointed by an 1898 act of Congress determined
the overall cost to be $58.8 million in 1899. In 1909 the last of
the government debt was duly paid. The railroad established
a transcontinental mechanized transportation network and
was considered the greatest American technological feat of the
19th Century. It also paved the way for other projects like the
Canadian (1885) and Trans-Siberian (1905) Transcontinental
The advances in sheet glass and iron saw John Cladius London
write his book Construction of Hothouses. He paved the way for
a competitive boom to build ever-larger glass houses used as
conservatories and hothouses including the conservatory at Kew
Gardens in England and Jardin d’Hiver in Paris.
The project justification was based on the increasing competition
on British manufacturers who needed a showcase to promote
their products. The Great Exhibition of 1851 provided the venue
but required a building to house over 14,000 exhibitors with
100,000 exhibits from around the world. It was a matter of
prestige as in 1851 the U.K. was the leading industrial power
in the world and the organizers wanted the Crystal Palace to
symbolize this stature.
13 - The 19th Century
Planners had been looking for strength, durability, simplicity of
construction and speed. In a very competitive climate the design
attracted 233 entrants and was won by Joseph Paxton. He had
experimented with glass and iron in the creation of large green-
houses, like the Great Conservatory at Chatsworth (1836) and
had seen their strength and durability. This was the first time
that glass was considered a climatic membrane that controlled
the encapsulated space and light, rather than windows held
in a confined load bearing frame. His £79,000 design was well
under the £100,000 ($15 million today) limit imposed. A most
important requirement was that the structure could be moved
after the exhibition to another location without scarring the
The Crystal Palace was built in 8.5 months in 1850-1851 by
about 5,000 Navigators (laborers used in canal projects) with
up to 2,000 on site at once). It was a glass, iron and concrete
pavilion about one third of a mile long. Its short construction
The History of Project Management
Figure 13.7: General view of the works in progress, base plates for
the cast iron columns were set into concrete foundations.18
13 - The 19th Century
Figure 13.8: The front entrance of the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park,
London that housed the Great Exhibition of 1851, the first World’s
It was the first modern building, in its use of materials, that
heralded in the 20th Century.20 It initiated the spirit of the
new technological era, focused on lightness of materials, and
flexibility of structures. The project was widely copied with
national railway stations and enclosed shopping arcades in
Milan, Paris and Hamburg.
Its designer, Joseph Paxton, along with other colleagues
formed the Crystal Palace Company. As the company issued
shares and raised £1.3 million ($8 million), it was able to buy the
palace from its builders, the engineers of Fox and Henderson.21
The building’s future after the fair was uncertain because of its
unprecedented scale.
John Snow, a British physician and William Farr, a British
epidemiologist, regarded as one of the founders of medical
statistics, collected statistic on the Cholera epidemic of 1853.
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
Street pump. Its workers drank beer and there were no cases
among its 70 workers.
Through a spot map Snow illustrated how cholera cases were
centered around the pump. He also used statistics to illustrate
the connection between the quality of the source of water and
cholera cases. He showed that companies delivering water from
sewage-polluted sections of the Thames to homes increased the
incidence of cholera. This pattern convinced the local council
to disable the well pump by removing its handle. As soon as
the pit was sealed off and the water filtered off the problem
Drastic action was needed and the tipping point followed the
‘Great Stink’ of 1858. The backed up River Thames caused
thousands of upper class residents to flee the City. Parliament
remained in session but the windows of the building were draped
with curtains soaked in chloride of lime, to prevent the closure of
The History of Project Management
Proposals to modernize the sewerage system had been put for-
ward in 1856, but were shelved due to a lack of funds. However,
after The Great Stink, Parliament realized the urgency of the
problem and resolved to create a modern sewerage system. The
government called in top engineer Joseph Bazalgette to create
an underground complex of sewers.
Joseph Bazalgette, a civil engineer and Chief Engineer of
the Metropolitan Board of Works, designed an extensive
underground sewerage system that diverted waste to the
Thames Estuary, downstream of the main centre of population.23
Six main interceptory sewers, totaling almost 160 kilometers
(100 miles) in length, were constructed, some incorporating
London's lost rivers.
The intercepting sewers, constructed between 1859 and
1865, were fed by 720 kilometers (450 miles) of main sewers
that, in turn, conveyed the contents of some 21,000 kilometers
(13,000 miles) of smaller local sewers. Construction of the
interceptor system required 318 million bricks, 670,000 meters3
(880,000 yards3) of concrete and mortar, and excavation of over
3.5 million tons of earth. Bazalgette and his team built 82 miles
of intercepting sewers parallel to the River Thames, and 1,770
kilometers (1,100 miles) of street sewers at a cost of £4.2 million.
Bazalgette used 318 million bricks to create the underground
system and dug up more than 2.5 million meters3 (2.8 million
yards3) of earth.
13 - The 19th Century
The 19th Century London city sewer project (1860) wasn’t
undertaken until there was overwhelming statistical evidence
that cholera was directly linked to the sewage polluting the
Thames River, and that it was used for drinking water. The
project was significant as it exemplified the use of empirical
evidence in establishing a business case to support a project.
By 1866 most of London was connected to a sewer network
devised by Bazalgette. He is generally recognized as having
saved more lives than any other single Victorian public official.
Today the extended system serves a population of eight million
and is essential to the smooth-running of London.
In 1866, there was another major epidemic for which William
Farr produced a monograph to explain the death rate which
provided a comprehensive analysis of the epidemic, treating it as
a complex social and medical phenomenon.
Edward Jenner’s and Louis Pasteur’s work on inoculation
and their germ theory of disease was widely accepted and
William Farr’s statistics added credence. As a result large
engineering projects (public health measures) were initiated to
collect and treat sewage so as to eliminate the causative agent of
Snow’s study was not just a major event in the history
of public health, which is regarded as the founding event of
the science of epidemiology. It was also significant to projects
generally. The use of statistical (quantitative evidence in that
it could be measured) influenced a business case for a major
project. Why is this so significant? The business case was built
on empirical evidence.
The History of Project Management
Figure 13.10: Suez Canal from 1881. The canal cut through 3 lakes
that made up almost 19 miles (30 kilometers) of the total length
which was 100 miles (160 kilometers) in length, 75 of which were
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
One of the most significant facts about the tower was it was
mathematically designed to reduce wind resistance.
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
Key Players
The History of Project Management
Chapter Wrap-up
The second phase of the first Industrial Revolution, coupled with
a scientific revolution, evolved new materials and technologies
that opened up new project avenues in transportation (railroad,
ships, canals, bridges) and construction (buildings). The projects
were driven by engineers (Bright, Paxton, Judah, Eiffel, De
Lesseps, Hollerith, and Brunel) and project directors (Field,
Durant). They all had vision and exuded great confidence
in taking these projects on and delivering successfully. For
example, the Transatlantic Cable had a number of setbacks but
Field persevered and was repeatedly able to raise the finance
13 - The 19th Century
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management - became more important in
the 19th Century with the need to support projects with
more technological complexity and a great number of
dependencies. For example:
◦◦ Laying the Transatlantic Cable was a daunting
prospect as the sheer scope of the effort was mind-
boggling. The business justification showed a tremen-
dous payback on creating a new communication link
through this new technology. Messages could be sent
in real time, slowly at a transfer rate of eight words a
minute, but at a price (initially it cost $100 to send 10
words). The project required a major investment that
could only be achieved through a share issue in the
Atlantic Telegraph Company, both in the U.S. and
◦◦ The project required the integration of many
disciplines. From the precision engineering of
the submarine cable, to the expertise required in
corrosion protection, or in electrical and conductive
materials, to its manufacture in vast lengths. It
required large vessels with payout gear that could
carry 9,200 tons of cable. Other disciplines from
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
• Scope Management
◦◦ To define the scope and challenges of the
Transatlantic Cable project the team ran a pilot
that laid a cable across the Cabot Strait. It proved
extremely difficult. By the time a working cable was
installed almost all the project budget was spent.
◦◦ The Transcontinental Railroad project required
substantial project planning, and coordinating to
manage the vast quantities of materials, supplies,
equipment and men required. The logistics of this
including the 30,000 kilometer (18,000 mile) supply
chain were as difficult as the construction. The
latter was affected by the difficulties of the terrain
(mountain and desert) and the environment.
◦◦ Defining the scope of the Crystal Palace project was
simplified by the fact that the structure was modular
and made up of standard parts. The project reviewed
previous large constructions using a similar approach
(greenhouses) and scaled these up to come up with a
relatively accurate scope.
• It required a space of Gothic proportions to house
large exhibits, and encompass in the structure a
row of fully grown elm trees.
• Working with new materials like concrete, iron
and large sheet glass, reduced the volume of
required material.
• Scope was controlled by awarding a fixed price
contract that was delivered by a fixed and
approved plan.
◦◦ Empirical evidence helped define the scope of the
London Sewer project in determining how extensive
the underground complex of sewers was going to be.
• Time Management
◦◦ The Transatlantic Cable project was a one shot affair,
as any failures in rolling out the cable would stop
the project. There were a number of stops and starts
to the project when the cable snapped and the ships
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
The History of Project Management
13 - The 19th Century
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the importance
of using empirical evidence with the London Sewer
project to create the business justification.
• Discuss Cyrus Field’s multiple setbacks with the
Transatlantic Cable project, his perseverance, and
whether it was wise to continue to raise finances to
complete the project?
• Discuss the U.S. Governments approach to the
Transcontinental Railroad project particularly the
funding through land grants, and the competition
that opened up between the railroads, to race to an
undetermined meeting point.
• Discuss the impact of the Industrial Revolution on project
The History of Project Management
Chapter 14
he 20th Century witnessed colossal changes across the
world, a period of wars and conflicts around the world,
with two major Industrial Revolutions. The century
started in the midst of the second Industrial Revolution and
the emergence of new technologies and disciplines namely,
chemical and electrical engineering. So many changes and
innovations required an even more structured approach to
business, management, and projects. In society the shifts of
power continued to the industrial classes and business world.
The state’s role is to run mega projects of national interest. The
crown virtually has no role in these.
“The hundred years after 1900 were a time of unparalleled
progress. In real terms, it has been estimated [that] average per
capita global domestic product increased by little more than 50%
between 1500 and 1870. Between 1870 and 1998, however, it
increased by a factor of more than six and a half.”
—Niall Ferguson, The War of the World
The History of Project Management
14 - The 20th Century
Impact of Changes
Mass urbanization saw a massive growth in industrial cities
around manufacturing centers.
The History of Project Management
Major Events
14 - The 20th Century
Chemical Engineering
In the 1800s, industry started using more and more chemical
processes in many areas such as metallurgy, food production
and textiles. At the end of the 19th Century, the increased use of
chemicals in the manufacturing industry eventually created a
new industry whose main function was the production of chemi-
cals. A “Chemical Engineer” was involved in the design and op-
eration of these new chemical producing plants. It wasn’t until
the development of the petroleum industry that chemical engi-
neering became recognized as a unique engineering discipline.
Electrical Engineering
In the 1800s research in electricity grew, from the original
electric cell invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800 to the
Gramme dynamo and electric motor that were invented in 1872.
Electrical engineering developed in close collaboration with
these developments in chemistry and physics. This led to the
development of electrical power and organizations could achieve
more ambitious projects by harnessed electricity. An electrical
engineer was involved in the design and operation of these new
electrical plants.
The History of Project Management
Other Engineering
By the end of this period many other forms of engineering
were appearing. For example, marine engineers tamed the
peril of ocean exploration. Aeronautic engineers turned the
ancient dream of flight into a travel convenience for ordinary
people. Control engineers accelerated the pace of automation.
Industrial engineers designed and managed mass production
and distribution systems. College engineering curricula were
well established and graduate schools appeared.
In the 19th Century there was an effort to standardize work.
The Gilbreths (Frank 1868-1924 and Lillian) worked with
standardization and method studies. In one example, bricklayers
were observed and it was determined that no two used the same
technique or set of motions. With standardization of technique
they were able to improve productivity by over 100%. With his
wife they studied the work habits of various manufacturing
and clerical jobs to determine how else it could be increased.
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
Personnel Program
In the 1930s personnel programs emerged mainly to increase
productivity. These included safety programs, medical aid and
sick benefits, holidays, housing allowances and other benefits.
Workplace Safety
The beginning of the 20th Century saw a move to improve worker
security through a series of workplace safety acts and worker’s
compensation laws. Other changes saw the introduction of
health and safety into the food industry, through the Meat
Inspection and Pure Food and Drug Acts of 1906.
14 - The 20th Century
Public Relations
The field of Public Relations broadly interpreted to include
corporate and government communications, non-advertising
publicity, media relations, political campaigning, health
communications and other methods that seek to persuade “below
the line” and to create dialogue.
Personal Risk
Other major changes in the 20th Century were with personal
risk. In the U.S. this was enacted by Medicare and Medicaid and
corporate pension reform, greatly extending consumer protection
which moved to safeguard the environment.6
The History of Project Management
Scheduling further evolved with Gantt’s work in 1920s where
activities could be laid out visually on a chart to indicate
progress. These were extensively used in the Hoover Dam project
to overlap the project phases.
Financial Tools
The growth of capitalism in the 16th Century (which saw the first
limited company and national bank) evolved the calculation of
profit and loss in standard units, and a real world representation
through tokens and symbols.
The following were developed in the 20th Century for specific
industries, and have come into project management as best
• CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis - Economic accounting is
not new. The Frenchman Jules Dupuit, followed by the
Englishman Alfred Marshall, developed the concepts
in the early 20th Century. In the 1920s, the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers developed a process for economically
evaluating which public projects to pursue. Economists
adopted the Army’s process, and have been formalizing
and standardizing the CBA since the 1950s. The CBA
provides a repeatable, objective method of measuring if,
and by how much, the economics of a business change by
pursuing investment options. U.S. Federal Government
technology projects actually require, by law, the use of
CBA in justifying projects.
• ROI - Return on Investment was originally developed
circa 1912 at E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (or
Du Pont). F. Donaldson Brown developed a new method
of measuring financial performance in an efficiency
report he authored, and became VP Finance for Du
Pont. As chief of financial operations, Pierre du Pont
introduced the principle of return on investment. His
model has often been referred to as the Dupont Model,
14 - The 20th Century
Significant projects
The idea of connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean through
Central America dates back to the 16th Century when a survey
for a route through Panama was made. It was situated in one
of the most difficult and inhospitable climates on earth with
a tropical terrain of mountains and hostile jungles. A railroad
was built across Panama, opening in 1855, by a publicly traded
corporation based in New York City, the Panama Rail Road
Company, chartered in 1849. It was financed by mainly U.S.
private companies.
The project costs were $8 million about eight times the initial
estimate in 1850. The project presented considerable engineering
challenges, going over mountains and through swamps. Over
300 bridges and culverts were built along the route. Post project
the ongoing work proved just as challenging in upgrading and
making the railroad permanent. In the tropical climate wood
decayed rapidly so bridges were replaced with Iron Bridges, and
The History of Project Management
The U.S. was interested in getting the canal constructed. The
business case was lucrative. The journey for a ship sailing from
New York to San Francisco via the canal cut the travel distance
to 9,500 kilometers (6,000 miles), from the 30,000 kilometers
(18,000 miles) route around Cape Horn.
The Panama railroad was very successful financially, and
by the time the line was officially completed (January 28, 1855),
more than 33% of the $8 million cost had already been paid for
by eager fare paying passengers and companies paying freight
tariffs. Engineering and medical difficulties made it the most
expensive railroad project ever completed (per unit length of
track). Likewise the on-going maintenance and upgrades rates
14 - The 20th Century
were very expensive. But the (first class passage fare $25 each
way) very high fares and freight costs made it one of the most
profitable in the world. The Panama Rail Road Company stock
became one of the most highly valued of the era. The railroad
was successful but an all-water route between the oceans was
still very much desired. It was assumed that it would likely have
a very positive return in the long run like the railroad.
Figure 14.2: Panama Railroad and the cut at Basaltic cliff, 1861.
From “Illustrated History of the Panama Railroad” by Fessenden
Nott Otis, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1861.10
The History of Project Management
To be successful the U.S. project had to learn from mistakes
made by the French. The first French Canal Company
inaugurated the undertaking with an exclusive concession
obtained from Colombia in May, 1876.
Ferdinand de Lesseps, responsible for the completion of the
very successful Suez Canal project, was placed at the head of the
new project. It was thought he had credibility and would secure
investor’s confidence as the company sold shares in the project.
His belief that the project could be accomplished more
quickly and easily than the Suez was very misguided. He was
not an engineer and relied on a survey that was only two-thirds
complete. The original cost and time estimates were $168 million
and 7 years. In accordance with the terms of the concession
the plans and estimates were submitted to an International
Engineering Congress in Paris, in 1879 that he organized
to discuss several schemes for constructing a ship canal. De
Lesseps opted for a sea-level canal based on his experience
with the construction of the Suez Canal. From the 136 congress
delegates only 42 were engineers, the remainder were promoters,
politicians, speculators, and personal friends of De Lesseps. The
engineering congress re-estimated the cost and time at $214
million and 7-8 years. They approved and passed the plans.
De Lesseps made 2 visits to the Isthmus, in 1879 and 1886,
staying about 2 months on each occasion. He was accompanied
by an engineering commission who came up with the revised es-
timate in 1879. De Lesseps further reduced this estimate to $131
million, and then without apparent reason, to $120 million.12
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
When the French left, they left behind a considerable amount
of machinery housing and a hospital. The U.S. paid the French
Canal Company $40 million for the Panama railroad stock,
14 - The 20th Century
plant and materials (some was used and some sold for scrap),
buildings, surveys, plans, maps, and records, land, clearings,
roads, etc. They also paid for 4 years’ use of the ship channel in
Panama Bay.
The U.S. had to improve the living standards of the project
workforce and deal with the health issues. Engineers focused
on building the infrastructure necessary to complete the
canal including proper housing for canal workers. Significant
investments were made in eliminating yellow fever and malaria
from the area through extensive sanitation and mosquito-control
Starting in 1904 the railroad had to be massively upgraded
with heavy duty rails to accommodate all the new rolling
stock, steam engines and shovels brought in from the U.S. and
elsewhere. The new railroad closely paralleled the canal where
it could. In many places the new Lake Gatun flooded over the
original rail line and a new rail line had to be raised by fill above
the water. There were also considerable additions made to the
rail system. The new steam shovel technology, many times
larger than the original, allowed massive cuts and fills.13
The railroad facilitated the building of the canal by providing
a ready supply route of equipment, supplies and the project
workforce. More than 4,000 wagons were used for the removal
of the tens of millions of meters3 of excavated material from
the canal cuts. Each wagon was capable of carrying 15 meters3
loaded by steam shovel. Up to 160 locomotives pulled the wagons
which were unloaded by 30 Lidgerwood unloaders that rapidly
discharged the excavated material. Techniques were developed
to pick up large sections of track by steam powered cranes and
relocate them without rebuilding them. This allowed the track
to precede the railroad mounted steam shovels where ever they
needed to go. Massive scrapers scraped the dirt cars and allowed
them to be unloaded rapidly. The rebuilt, much improved and
often rerouted Panama Railroad continued alongside the new
canal and across the Gatun Lake. It was completed in 1912 at a
cost of $9 million.
The project was challenged by the elevation of 26 meters
(85 feet) above sea level, which required a complex system of
locks. In 1904 a survey of the area was started for the largest
The History of Project Management
dam along the canal. The first American steam shovels started
work on the Culebra Cut with 2,600 men. Both the Atlantic and
Pacific portions of the canal were dredged. In 1906 a decision
was made to switch to a lock canal, to reduce the volume of
material. It required the creation of a lake from the Chagres
River to supply water to the canal.
Figure 14.3: Map of the Panama Canal, and the elevations required.14
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
Figure 14.6: Map of the Gatun Dam17 over the Chagres River created
the Gatun Lake 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) in length and nearly 0.8
kilometers (0.5 mile) wide at its base.
14 - The 20th Century
The canal was 80 kilometers (50 miles) long and featured 17
artificial lakes, several channels, and 3 sets of locks which raised
the water level a total of 42.4 meters (139 feet), where each one
took about 8 minutes to fill.
The project workforce fought through the humid weather,
2,667 millimeters (105 inches) of annual rain, mountains, and
malaria/yellow fever epidemics in order to finish the canal in
1914, when the first ship sailed through the canal.
In total, 5,609 workmen died during the U.S. construction
effort and the overall death toll was a total of 27,500 in both the
French and American efforts from disease (particularly malaria
and yellow fever) and landslides.18 It was one of the largest and
most arduous construction projects undertaken and cost $380
million to complete.19
The History of Project Management
The driving factors behind the project were first to meet
the growth of Las Vegas and Southern California, as these
metropolitan centers required the availability of cheap water
and power. The second was to control the Colorado River and the
cycles of drought and flood in the southwest which slowed the
growth of the agricultural industry. By providing hydroelectric
power the dam would self-fund the project.
In 1927 the Swing-Johnson bill detailing the Hoover Dam project
was passed in Congress. The Federal Government had federal
land above Black Canyon where Hoover Dam could be built. Up
to 1925 the Department of Reclamation had completed such proj-
ects, but in 1925 the government began contracting these proj-
ects out. The bill started the procurement process. Around the
country construction companies looked over the request for pro-
posals. However, many found the plan very ambitious, the land-
scape was unforgiving, and there were questions as to whether
the technology was advanced enough for a dam of that size.20
The bid process started in March of 1931, as five bids were made
for the project. It was obvious that the scope of the project was
beyond a single company and even the largest construction
companies didn’t have the workforce or the capital for such a
project. The company had to provide a $5 million bond.
The leading dam builder in the U.S. was Frank T. Crowe, a
Department of Reclamation superintendent, who built a string of
dams in Idaho, Wyoming, and Washington. He wanted to work
14 - The 20th Century
on the Hoover Dam but under the new rules could not, so he left
Reclamation Services and joined one of the smaller companies
(Morrison-Knudson Co.) bidding on the dam. He realized only
a consortium of construction companies in a joint venture had
any chance of winning the bid. Crowe persuaded Morrison to
go down this path and he got six smaller companies to band
together to form Six Companies Incorporated. Morrison made
Crowe construction superintendent.
The consortium brought different expertise to the project.
For example, the Wattis Brothers in railroads, the JF Shea
Company in tunnel building, the Pacific Bridge Company in
bridges, MacDonald and Kahn in large buildings, and Henry
Kaiser and Warren Bechtel in road building.
Crowe had much experience on the project’s cost estimate
and knew what went into the calculations the government used.
He had aided developing a cost estimate for a dam on the lower
Colorado River back in 1919 and also with the preliminary
design in 1924. Not surprisingly, under Crowe’s leadership,
the conglomerate won the contract in 1931. The Six Companies
bid of $48.9 million for the project was only $24,000 above the
Department of Reclamation estimate and $10 million lower than
the next lowest bid. This was the largest single contract the U.S.
Government had ever awarded.21
The project was organized with bonuses or penalties
attached to the delivery schedule depending on whether the
project was early or late. This provided an incentive to begin a
very aggressive pace of construction.
The plan required an infrastructure to be completed first
prior to the building of the dam. First, as the dam site was
very remote, roads and railroad lines had to be constructed, for
transporting materials, equipment and the workforce. Second,
the Colorado River had to be diverted by building tunnels
through the canyon walls.
The project was run out of the Six Companies office in Las
Vegas, and this kick started the hiring of a large workforce.
With the Great Depression there was a massive migration of the
The History of Project Management
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
Figure 14.7: The dam was poured in rows and columns of blocks.
Enough concrete was used to pave a highway 5 meters (16 feet) wide
from New York to San Francisco.22
14 - The 20th Century
Figure 14.8: the construction continued into the night so the project
would stay ahead of schedule and avoid penalties.23
The project saw the development of new techniques and
devices which helped bring the project in two years ahead of
schedule. For example, the motor-driven jumbo drill, the on-site
fabrication of steel pipe, and the overhead cable-way system of
delivering concrete. Other developments saw the use of hard-
The History of Project Management
hats (cloth hats dipped into tar and hardened into a tough shell),
and dishpan reflectors to light the diversion tunnels.
In 1935 the project was completed at a cost of $165 million.
The diversionary tunnels were closed so Lake Mead could be
filled. In 21 months, 5,000 men had built a structure with a 183
meter (600 foot) base and 213 meter (700 foot) walls. The of-
ficial death toll of 112 seems low considering the conditions and
the number of men (5,000) who worked on the dam from 1931
through 1935. In 1936 power generation began more than two
years ahead of schedule and turbines continued to be added until
1961, when the last one went on line.
The twenties saw world record fever grip New York in topping
the skyline. The investors (sponsors) for the Empire State
Building project wanted to beat the Chrysler Building project
which was slightly ahead in its height. It had the advantage of
breaking ground earlier on September 19, 1928.
Height Sky Scrapper
1930 283 meters (927 feet) Bank of Manhattan Building
1930 319 meters (1,047 feet) Chrysler Building
1931 443 meters (1453 feet) Empire State Building
A contract was put out for companies to compete on. The general
contractors Starrett brothers & Eken Inc., known as the premier
“skyline builders” of the 1920s, made a bold bid to win the job.
They were sure that their competitors had assured the client
they had plenty of equipment and anything needed they would
rent. The Starrett Brothers approached this differently and told
14 - The 20th Century
The schedule on this project was aggressive and planned to be
completed in only eighteen months. The contractor planned the
project down to the minutest details. In running the project in
a crowded Manhattan there were some major risks. First, there
was the possibility of serious accidents with the movement and
placement of heavy equipment to the project site. Second, the
busy city traffic for 12 hours a day meant materials to the site
could be severely delayed. This also interrupted the movement of
The contractor determined that first, with the immense
project scope many different trades people (up to 60) would be
required, and second that most supplies had to be ordered to
specification in plants as close to a finished state as possible, to
minimize preparatory work needed at the site. The suppliers had
to be dependable, provide quality work, and meet the timetable.
The project schedule was developed such that the phases
overlapped. For this Gantt charts were used for the first time to
complete this type of analysis.
The project was the first (commercial) to employ fast-track
construction, where construction started before the designs
were fully completed to reduce delays and manage costs. The
structural engineer made a schematic design from the architect’s
sketches to include the materials (reinforced concrete or steel),
types of floors and column spacing.
Even before the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was demolished, the
site’s previous occupant began excavation of the new building in
January 1930, as two shifts of 300 workers dug through the rock
to create the foundation, in a 24 hour operation.
The History of Project Management
Figure 14.9: One of the 500 Mohawk iron workers that built the steel
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
The 86 storey, 58,000 ton building, located on Fifth Avenue in
New York, ranks among the world’s most beautiful and was
promoted as the eighth wonder of the world.24 It was the world's
tallest building for more than 40 years (until the World Trade
Center twin towers were erected in 1972).
Figure 14.10: "The Empire State Building, New York, New York."
January 8, 1934.25 The 443 meters (1,453 feet) 103 storey structure
(including the mooring mast) was built in just over 13 months.
14 - The 20th Century
The principal business driver behind the project was growth
as San Francisco was the largest American city still served
primarily by ferry boats. Without a permanent link with
communities around the bay, the city’s growth rate was limited.
The History of Project Management
The risks in building a bridge across the bay were very high,
with strong, swirling tides and currents, with water 102 meters
(335 feet) in depth at the center of the channel, and almost
constant winds of 60 mph (97 kilometer per hour). Experts
thought that very high winds and blinding fogs would prevent
construction and operation of a bridge across the 2,042 meters
(6,700 feet) strait.
The design incorporated a thin and flexible roadway for lower
wind resistance and the ability to readily flex. The suspension
cables helped transmit these forces to the bridge towers to
reduce the overall stress. The steel for the towers and cables was
shipped from the East Coast via the Panama Canal.
The construction was fraught with risk, gusts that could blow
off workers. The employer Joseph Straw made a concerted effort
to introduce safety. For example, hard hats (made of leather)
and safety lines were mandatory, where employees could get
fired for not wearing these. Sunscreen and sunglasses were also
provided. The employer also installed a safety net for $137,000
which saved 19 men (known as half way to hell club) and became
a morale booster for the project.
The project was finished by April 1937, $1.3 million under
budget and six months ahead of schedule, and had the
longest suspension span in the world. It was built in a hostile
environment perceived very difficult to bridge. The bridge was
innovative in making safety a high priority.
14 - The 20th Century
Key Players
“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly a
genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his
or her homework.”
—Thomas Edison
The History of Project Management
“For the past hundred years Gantt charts have remained little
unchanged and are a proven analytical tool for projects was
used on major infrastructure projects including the Hoover Dam
(1931-36) and Interstate highway system (1956).”
Chapter Wrap-up
The success of the Panama Canal project should be contrasted
with the disastrous French project. The success of the Suez
Canal project created an over confidence for the French. The U.S.
project was considered very strategic so it was highly organized,
had strong sponsorship, and was driven by a very determined
team. The project ran into its challenges but the lessons from the
previous French project were taken on board and followed.
The period saw an improved accuracy in project estimation
with the Empire State Building and the Hoover Dam projects.
Both projects came 11 and 24 months ahead of schedule because
of a concerted effort, and focus on aggressively approaching the
schedule. Both projects incorporated many technological innova-
tions which improved productivity, based on concepts derived
from the Industrial Revolution.
The period saw a greater regard for safety conditions on
projects, the use of safety nets, harnesses, and hard hats on
14 - The 20th Century
the Golden Gate Bridge and Hoover Dam projects. These were
all firsts and widely copied by other projects. They served to
improve the project stakeholder and workforce relationship and
confidence in the project.
The success of these four mega projects highlighted the U.S.
prowess at delivering projects in a century which the U.S. domi-
nated as a superpower. In particular, the Empire State Building
project delivered substantially under budget and ahead of time.
Key Lessons
PMBoK® Guide Knowledge Areas:
• Integration Management
◦◦ The U.S. approach to the Panama Canal project was
innovative and had flexible change control. Based on
the disastrous French project earlier, changes were
made to the project that improved the governance,
and provided greater accountability. Changes were
also made to the project approach, and this included
the creation of locks to reduce the hazardous
◦◦ When the U.S. took over the project it was completed
at enormous cost because the political will was there
as the strategic importance of a canal drove the
business justification. A canal would effectively allow
for a reduction in a two coast navy.
◦◦ The U.S. project recognized that the sheer scale of the
project required substantial project planning, and the
coordination to site of vast quantities of equipment,
materials, and supplies. This was done to avoid
repeating the mistakes of the French effort which
had relied on the workforce to fill the gaps when the
equipment failed to deliver.
◦◦ One of the contributing success factors to the Hoover
Dam project was having a consortium with a diversity
of expertise and specialization in different areas of
the project. The right skills were then available as
The History of Project Management
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
14 - The 20th Century
The History of Project Management
• Discuss in the context of today’s projects the factors
behind the improved accuracy in project estimation with
the Empire State Building and the Hoover Dam projects.
• Discuss the risks taken with the Empire State Building
and the Hoover Dam projects.
• Discuss the difference in the French and U.S. approaches
to the Panama Canal project. Where adequate lessons
taken from the Panama Rail Road project?
Chapter 15
his chapter provides an opportunity to step back and look
at all the projects holistically and sequentially. It further
reinforces why these projects were selected in the first
Comparing Projects
The following list outlines the projects according to different
• Most technical challenges, and the greatest degree of
difficulty encountered
◦◦ The Giza Pyramid project created a perfectly level
base, erected a burial chamber out of 40 to 60
ton granite blocks, and created a ramp up to one
kilometer (half a mile) in length.
◦◦ The Transatlantic Cable project payed out a 4,000
kilometers (2,500 miles) cable at sea, in all weathers,
to a depth of up to four kilometers (2.5 miles). It
also recovered the broken cable, several times, by
grappling the ocean floor.
◦◦ The Hoover Dam project diverted the very large
Colorado River through tunnels, and created an
extremely large structure (183 meters (600 feet) base
and 213 meters (700 feet) walls).
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
Integration Management
This was all important to ancient projects. The concept of a
written project plan was probably not developed until the 20th
Century although through history the master-builder would
have been very familiar with the totality of the project. Many
projects (Giza Pyramid and Colosseum) were targeting a project
end date, often for political reasons. So, the concept of a simple
schedule and plan was required and this ties back to the military
where operations were carefully planned and finalized to a
closure through a confrontation or battle. As one of the oldest
professions the military has always dealt with major scope,
complexity, and a great number of dependencies. The aspects of
the military that have come into project management include:
• Planning.
• Execution.
• Scheduling.
• Logistics1 and supplies.
• Organizing vast numbers of people.
The History of Project Management
Scope Management
From the earliest ancient projects scope management had to
have been understood and used then as it is used today, with
little difference. The notion that scope management was a
concept not understood until the 17th Century does not hold up
very well. There is strong evidence that the master-builders
on ancient projects (the Giza Pyramid, the Colosseum, and the
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
Time Management
This Knowledge Area was important with ancient projects
as time costs money, the same then as it does today. Ancient
projects did not have inordinate amounts of time, and the
time pressures were very similar in keeping to a deadline. For
example, the Roman Colosseum was built by the government
as a political gesture to highlight its generosity back to the
people. Similarly, the Parthenon project was a high-profile
project and had to be completed in a single lifetime as it was a
showcase building built for political purposes, and to put Athens
on the map as the center of an empire. Any delays would have
been problematic. The time pressures were very similar to
today. Even the Gothic cathedral projects were under the same
constraints, as longer project cycles cost more, and only when
completed would attract the pilgrims who would bring prosperity
to the town.
The leaders on ancient project required a comprehensive
grasp of the complete project for all the major activities
undertaken by the various guilds, and all their ramifying
complexities. With this understanding they could plan and
coordinate the sequence of activities most efficiently and with
the least disruption. A good example was the quarrying of the
granite for Giza Pyramid and scheduling its delivery.
For many projects the scheduling of activities in a
substantial building was significant. The order and sequence of
activities in the erection had to be worked out and adhered to.
Constraints like the physical limitations of the area of site, and
the amount of available space dictated the access to materials
to work with. For example, with the Gothic cathedral projects
only small hand carts could be used to move materials around
in the nave as the width between the bases of the pillars was as
narrow as 1.2 meters (4 feet), insufficient for large loads or even
the ordinary traffic of a building.2 These tight confines typical to
Gothic cathedrals demanded a highly orchestrated schedule of
activities which had to be carefully thought through.
Gothic cathedral projects are a very good example of long-
range planning and scheduling. The final project output built
with painstaking precision and incredibly complex detail, in
some cases took over a hundred years to complete.
The History of Project Management
Cost Management
This was significant for ancient projects as they relied on
investments and loans as do projects today. The workforce
required some sort of a regular payment. Finding additional
funds for failing projects was no different to today.
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
Quality Management
Ancient projects relied on quality management as do projects
today. The theories of Quality Management may not have been
developed and formulized until the mid 20th Century, but neither
had mathematics and engineering until the 18th Century when
calculating stresses and loads on structures was introduced
into projects. All ancient projects took a non-empirical approach
and as a result far greater attention had to be paid during the
project to the integrity of the construction and structure. This
did not restrict ancient projects in their approach to quality
management. There is much evidence that many elements of
today’s quality management existed in ancient projects. The first
great project the Giza Pyramid required incredible accuracy over
distance where if the base was off by one inch and not perfectly
level it would mean being off by yards at the top, a lesson they
learned from the Bent Pyramid. Quality planning had to be at
the forefront to avoid costly mistakes later on.
“…the dimensions of the pyramid are extremely accurate
and the site was leveled within a fraction of an inch over the
entire 13.1-acre (5.3 hectares) base. This is comparable to the
accuracy possible with modern construction methods and laser
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
Communications Management
Ancient projects with an extremely large workforce (in excess
of 10,000) needed very effective communications management
across the project site facilities like quarries, workshops,
and construction sites, as well as the offices, and the workers
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
The History of Project Management
telegraph. This project along with other mega projects, like the
Transatlantic Cable, required constant and proactive commu-
nications to keep them in the public eye so investors and public
funding could be found. In both cases many reputable engineers
testified that the projects were impracticable and unfeasible.
With the London Sewer project the publication of statistics
pointed to the root causes of the problem. This provided a
catalyst in getting interest in the project and was the first step
in getting public acceptance.
Risk Management
This is probably the oldest of the PMBoK® Guide knowledge
areas. The earliest form of risk management was through insur-
ance, primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent
loss. It was also a financial tool to reduce risk by sharing finan-
cial burdens with others, compensated for taking the added risk.
This was seen as early as 1800 BCE in its use to help finance
ship voyages. The craft guilds in ancient Greece and Rome pro-
vided life insurance by trade. During the Middle Ages, as trade
expanded, new forms of insurance were used to protect farmers
and traders from droughts, floods, and other disasters.
In ancient construction projects risk management played a
big part in how the projects were delivered as the primary con-
cern was safety. Injuries and deaths were very bad for project
morale. The risks most commonly identified where environmen-
tal (weather, earthquakes), defective (poor quality) materials,
and the degree of stresses in the structures. All these had to be
considered throughout the project.
A simple examination of ancient projects shows that over
time civilizations took on projects with increasing amounts of
risk, knowingly. For example, Romans over time quickly pushed
concrete technology in their buildings to the limit with extensive
arches, barrel vaults, and domes as seen in the Colosseum and
Pantheon. Project architects became more comfortable with the
increased level of risk and more effective in managing it. Ancient
projects used a trial and error approach to construction based on
experimental construction knowledge that was not theoretical.
For example, the Egyptians built with limited mathematics, as
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
they didn’t know the structural strength of stone and based their
know-how on trial and error.
The ancient construction projects (Giza Pyramid, Parthenon,
Colosseum, Gothic cathedrals) were fraught with danger
primarily because of the handling of vast quantities of materials,
across quarries, workshops, and the construction sites. These
projects had extensive supply chains with many dangers and
risks to the project workforce because of the quantities of
materials being moved with relatively simple equipment (sleds,
ropes, levers). Huge blocks had to be pulled out of quarries and
up ramps into position in a confined space. Some areas were
very dangerous like the king’s burial chamber which had to be
reinforced with massive 30 ton marble blocks to prevent collapse.
There were also risks in the large size of the workforce, some
projects were in excess of 10,000, and the dangerous aspects of
the construction work across the project site. Typically, many
unskilled laborers were employed with differing experience
in projects and needed to be apprised of the dangers. Roman
architect Vitruvius laid out in his treatise specific dangers;
everything from erecting roof vaulting, to digging wells
(working in confined spaces), to working with large construction
equipment, and to the dangers of fire to certain materials.14
Overtime these types of best practices were incorporated into the
building codes of municipalities like Rome and medieval London
that assured good practices in building construction.15
With the Hagia Sophia project some environmental risks
were mitigated when the workforce discovered and applied ce-
ment with earthquake-resistant properties withstanding earth-
quakes of up to 7.5 on the Richter scale. They made the building
light and flexible using crushed brick in the mortar to give it a
high tensile strength. The thick mortar joints, thicker than the
bricks made the material more like reinforced concrete. They
added windows into the dome to avoid cracking. They created
shock absorbers by using lead at the foundation of the major col-
umns carrying the dome. In addition, to secure the building from
fire no wood was used in its construction except for the doors.
In terms of managing risks some specific examples involve
the Gothic cathedral projects. Medieval towns were gripped in a
world record fever as they tried to create the tallest and largest
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
Procurement Management
This PMBoK® Guide knowledge area has been constantly critical
from ancient to more recent projects. It is not surprising with
The History of Project Management
15 - Brief Summary of Projects
East Coast via Panama or around Cape Horn at the tip of South
America a distance of 30,000 kilometers (18,000 miles).
The Industrial Revolution influenced procurement
management with its specialist requirements for materials
to be prefabricated for assembly. The mega projects required
massive supply chains. The most notable and influential was the
Transcontinental Railroad project which extended around Cape
Horn. In addition, the use of materials, like iron and glass, on
such an unprecedented scale required massive share issues to
fund these projects. For example, the Crystal Palace Company
was formed and issued shares that raised £1.3 million. Similarly,
the first Transcontinental Railroad project was funded with
U.S. Government issued bonds as was the First Transatlantic
Telegraph Cable project.
A lack of diligence with procurement management had been
a significant factor for problems encountered with the French
attempt of the Panama Canal project. Into the 20th Century
procurement management was critical to mega projects, like the
Hoover Dam and the Empire State Building, that required an
increase in contractors and their specializations.
The contract for the Hoover Dam was tendered out and the
eventual winner was a consortium of six companies. The use
of contractors in all mega projects required good planning and
maturity of procurement processes to execute the project. The
contract was driven by bonuses and penalties, attached to the
delivery. This refocused the approach dramatically increasing
the pace of the project.
The Empire State Building project required a high degree of
cooperation between the suppliers who were shipping material
notably steel beams, and bricks. The small city-block site, with
very little room to move, required a just-in-time approach.
Procurement management was taken to further heights in
the UK and U.S. during World War II when the huge military
buildup required the rapid procurement of vast amounts of
munitions and supplies.
The History of Project Management
Chapter 16
his book has covered one of most important disciplines that
is available to us in today’s world. Imagine a world without
project management. Most of our modern and material
world would not exist or function without it.
There has never been a time in history when project
management was not important but it has never been more
important than now based on how pervasive it is, and how much
of the world’s economy depends on it.
Today, project management is everywhere, in every industry
and every field, and it is still continually growing into the
foreseeable future. Yet, this should not be unexpected as for
thousands of years humans have run projects. Projects have
been at the heart of human civilization and its progress.
The evidence is overwhelming that today’s project
management is a steady evolution and built on projects from the
past. The basic approach is the same. Only the materials and
technologies used in the projects differ significantly.
The main conclusion of the book is that there is little new
in the principles of successful project management. The same
practices that were prescribed and followed by Vitruvius, Villard
de Honnecourt, and Brunelleschi are very relevant in today’s
modern projects.
The History of Project Management
Key Findings
Some of the key findings gained in the examination of the 25
significant historical projects are:
• Project management is not a new 20th Century discipline
but has existed and been practiced since the beginning of
civilization. The main justification for the development
and existence of project management is the need to create
order and to provide deliverables.
• Supposedly-recent management disciplines, first fully
articulated in 1983 as the nine knowledge areas in the
Project Management Body of Knowledge or PMBoK®
Guide, were actively used in all of these projects.
• These projects were delivered in similar time frames to
today’s projects, simply because people initiate projects
so they can realize the benefits of the project.
• Project management has continually evolved, adopted
and absorbed developments in new materials,
technologies, ideas, and practices.
• The history of projects is littered with the repeated use
of good ideas, some many centuries apart. For example,
Brunelleschi provided the Duomo project workforce
with amenities like on-site cafeterias at elevated levels
so as to minimize travel at meal breaks. The idea was
repeated with the Empire State Building project with
great success and this helped boost the morale of the
workforce, and improved productivity.
• Projects from the past had very similar characteristics
to today’s projects. For example, the use of elements we
consider modern like repeating patterns, penalties and
rewards, standards and measures, procurements and
contracts, and an on-site and off-site project workforce
organized through the guilds.
• The Gothic cathedral projects were initiated with a very
limited budget, and a timeline running into decades,
something unheard of in today’s projects. There was a
faith within the project team that the project governance
would carry the project through, even if took a hundred
years to complete and the master-builder and project
16 - Conclusion to the Book
Dispelling Myths
The analysis provides an opportunity to dispel some of the
common myths related to historical projects. For example,
these projects were driven by overbearing leaders, had a slave
workforce, unlimited budgets, and extended time lines. Many
of these misperceptions were propagated through the work of
fiction, books and movies, like those by Cecil B. DeMille. More
recent research through the work of Egyptologists like Mark
Lehner has painted a far more realistic picture of a well looked
after project workforce that had decent food, accommodation,
and health care. The workforce had to be motivated, somewhat
difficult to do with slaves. Hence the bulk of the workforce came
off the farms and villages during the inundation (flooding) of
the River Nile. The project had to be delivered in the pharaoh’s
lifetime of 20 years, and was used as an economic stimulus for
unifying the nation, one of the earliest examples in history.
Similarly, research work by Ahmet Çakmak, a professor
emeritus in earthquake engineering at Princeton University has
provided new insights into the project at Hagia Sophia.
The History of Project Management
16 - Conclusion to the Book
Final statement
The most important thing to gain from this book is that project
management has progressively evolved through time and across
Where does this lead us to today? It is an error in judgement
to dissociate these historical projects from modern project
management. Across history, the methods and practices of
project management are little different from what is done today.
Much can be learned from these historical projects that could
be used as a baseline for measuring today’s projects and putting
them into perspective.
The History of Project Management
Future Plans
The next planned book to follow this is The History of Modern
Project Management which covers projects after the start
of the Second World War. It looks at the many significant
developments from 1940 onward up to present day.
Appendix A
a. Design structure.
b. Measure and lay guidelines for site and structures
(dimensions, angles, checking for level).
c. Harvest and transport lumber; prepare scaffolding and
d. Assemble, disassemble, and move cranes around the site.
e. Forge and build metal structures (pipes, iron connecting
joints for stones).
f. Plan, administer and manage the building project.
g. Support the workers, for instance the work required to
house, clothe and prepare food for them.
h. Excavate the earth for the foundation.
i. Transport the materials.
j. Load and unload materials from carts.
k. Hoist the materials into place.
l. Move the materials around on-site.
The History of Project Management
Appendix B
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
ISBN-10: 0-262-56047-X, ISBN-13: 978-0-262-56047-4.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey.
Science and Technology in World History, James E.
McClellan and Harold Dorn.
The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, 1985.
A History of Warfare, John Keegan, 1994.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier, Jean-Pierre
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel.
A History of Accounting Thought, Michael Chatfield, 1977.
Architecture, Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness companions DK.
Pyramid, David Macauley, 1975.
The History of Project Management
The True Story of Christopher Columbus Called The Great
Admiral, Elbridge S. Brooks.
The Life of Christopher Columbus From His Own Letters
and Journals and Other Documents Of His Time, Edward
Everett Hale, The Explorers, Richard Humble (Time-Life
Treatise on Architecture, De architectura, known today as
The Ten Books on Architecture, Roman architect
Empire Express: Building the First Transcontinental
Railroad (Paperback), David Haward Bain, 2000.
Appendix C
Measurement Conversions
The History of Project Management
Appendix C - Measurement Converisons
The History of Project Management
Appendix D
he table below outlines the mapping for the projects to
each of nine knowledge areas so as the reader can identify
how predominant this knowledge area was to the project
and the degree of fit. The table uses the Harvey Ball diagram
Significant Integra- Procure-
Scope Time Cost Quality HR Comms Risk
Projects tion ment
The History of Project Management
Hagia Sophia
St. Peter’s
Taj Mahal
Palace of
The Iron
Appendix E
Relationship to Other
Project Management
lthough the primary focus has been on the PMBoK®
Guide, it is very important to expand this to other
leading methods. PRojects IN Controlled Environments
(PRINCE2®) is a structured approach to project management
and provides a method for managing projects within a clearly
defined framework.
The History of Project Management
2. Directing a project
a. Authorizing initiation, authorizing a project,
authorizing a stage or exception plan, giving ad-hoc
direction, and confirming project closure.
2. Controlling a stage
a. Authorizing work package, assessing progress,
capturing and examining project issues, reviewing
stage status, reporting highlights, taking corrective
action, escalating project issues, and receiving a
completed work package.
2. Managing stage boundaries
a. Planning a stage, updating a project plan, updating a
project business case, updating the risk log, reporting
stage end, and producing an exception plan.
2. Closing a project
a. Decommissioning a project, identifying follow-on
actions, and project evaluation review.
Appendix E - Relationship to Other Project Management Methods
PRINCE2® Components
Knowledge Areas
Risk Risk
Communications Controls
HR Organization (limited)
Prince2PMBoK.pdf and thanks to Jay M. Siegelaub PMP, MBA.
Starting up a Project
In this process the project team is appointed and a project brief
(with what the project is attempting to achieve and the business
justification) is prepared. The overall approach is determined
and the next stage planned. The project board is then asked to
authorize the next stage.
Initiating a Project
The project brief is augmented to form a Business case which
ensures that quality is agreed with the overall approach to
controlling the project itself. Project files are created with the
overall project plan, and a plan for the next stage that is put
before the project board for authorization.
The History of Project Management
Directing a Project
This process dictates how the Project Board (the executive and
project sponsor) should control the overall project and authorize
the initiation. It also dictates how the project board should
authorize a stage plan, provide ad hoc direction, and how the
project is closed down.
Controlling a Stage
This process dictates how each individual stage is controlled and
includes how work packages are authorized and received, and
the way progress is monitored and reported to the project board.
A means for capturing and assessing project issues is determined
with how corrective actions are taken, and how project issues are
escalated to the project board.
Closing a Project
This covers the end of a project, the formal de-commissioning
(resource free up), follow on actions and formal evaluation of the
Appendix F
Project Management
n 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was formed
to serve the interest of the project management industry.
The premise of PMI is that the tools and techniques of
project management are common even among the widespread
application of projects from the software industry to the
construction industry. In 1981, the PMI Board of Directors
authorized the development of what has become A Guide to
the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK® Guide),
containing the standards and guidelines of practice that are
widely used throughout the profession.
The International Project Management Association (IPMA),
founded in Europe in 1967, has undergone a similar development
and instituted the IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB). The focus
of the ICB also begins with knowledge as a foundation, and adds
considerations about relevant experience, interpersonal skills,
and competence. Both organizations are now participating in the
development of an ISO project management standard.
The History of Project Management
End Notes
Chapter One
The Farther Reaches of Human Nature.
Technics and Civilization, Lewis Mumford, 1963.
The first North American explorers, Stone Age, http://www.pbs.
Dates, definitions and examples of the earliest known usage of
these words can be found in the Merriam-Webster
According to David Nye, Jacob Bigelow, who was a Harvard
professor of medicine, formulated the word ‘technology’
in 1828. In his Elements of Technology, Bigelow
“encouraged the fusion of science and art, which he felt
was characteristic of industrial society”, Nye, 1994, p.46.
“Upon the request of the poet Coleridge in 1833 Whewell
invented the English word “scientist;” before this time
the only terms in use were “natural philosopher” and
“man of science.”” See Snyder, Laura J., “William
Whewell”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Spring 2001 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), http://plato.
The History of Project Management
History of engineering,
Paul Allen History of PM,
Based on a portfolio of 33 sheets of parchment with 250
drawings from the 1230s, which is in the Bibliothèque
Nationale, Paris (MS Fr 19093).
Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt. This image (or other
media file) is in the public domain because its copyright
has expired.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey, p.42.
Science and Technology in World History, James E.McClellan
and Harold Dorn, p.118.
The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, 1985, p.113.
Derived from experiment and observation rather than theory.
Project Lessons from the Great Escape, Multi-Media
Publications Inc..
Chapter Two
Project Management Body of Knowledge.
Chapter Three
Architecture, Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness Companions DK.
The Development of Double Entry Bookkeeping and its
Relevance in Today’s Business Environment, Regina
Libina, Pace University, 2005.
End Notes
Based on the six simple machines defined by Renaissance
Scientists as the lever, wheel and axel, pulley, inclined
plane, wedge, and screw.
A History of Accounting Thought, Michael Chatfield, Chapter 6,
New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
The Secret of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier and Jean-Pierre
Houdin, p.23-24.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.guardians.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.4.
Adult life expectancy was about 35 for men and 30 for
women. For a Pharaoh it would have been between 60 to
70. Source: Filer, Joyce (1996). Disease, Austin, Texas,
University of Texas Press, ISBN 0-292-72498-5.
Science and Technology in World History, James E. McClellan
and Harold Dorn.
Pyramid, David Macauley, 1975, p.13.
A New Pyramid Age, Philip Coppens.
Who Built the Pyramids? Not slaves. Archeaologist Mark
Lehner, digging deeper, discovers a city of privileged
workers, by Jonathan Shaw, http://harvardmagazine.
The History of Project Management
A team of construction managers from international
architectural, engineering, and construction management
firm DMJM performed a forensic analysis to determine
the construction methods and management techniques
that were employed by the ancient Egyptians in
constructing the Great Pyramid. “Project Management,
Pyramids.” By Craig Smith, Civil Engineering Magazine,
June 1999.
This image is a computer generated image in the public
This image is not copyrighted. Shepp’s Photographs of the
World, James W. Shepp, Daniel B. Shepp.
The Secret of the Great Pyramid, p.14.
The Great Wall of China, William Edgar Geil.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://bygones.ebaypix.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Photograph of
The Great Wall of China from 1907, Herbert George
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey p.42.
Science and Technology in World History, James E.McClellan
and Harold Dorn, p.25.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
End Notes
National Geographic: Visual History of the World, p.37.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.crystalinks.
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier, Jean-Pierre
Houdin, p.69.
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier, Jean-Pierre
Houdin, p.69.
Pyramid, David Macauley 1975.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.4.
Science and Technology in World History, James E. McClellan
and Harold Dorn.
Egypt the Black Land, Paul Jordan, 2000, p.151.
Ancient Labor’s Untold Story: Evidence of Workers’
Organization from 3000 BCE to 550 CE in the
Mediterranean World, Dr. Charles Micallef, 2008.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen p.6.
The Development of Double Entry Bookkeeping and its
Relevance in Today’s Business Environment, Regina
Libina, Pace University, 2005.
Book-keeping system in which a person charges themselves
The History of Project Management
Chapter Four
Architecture – Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness companions DK.
Battle, R.R. Grant, 2005.
A History of Warfare, John Keegan, 1994, p.169.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The Ten Books on
Architecture, Vitruvius Pollio.
A History of Accounting Thought, Michael Chatfield, Chapter 9,
New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Chatfield, Michael. A History of Accounting Thought, Chapter
6, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
A black siliceous stone used to ascertain the purity of gold
and silver. The streaks of metal left behind on the
touchstone are treated with nitric acid, which dissolves
impurities, and thus, when the streaks are compared, the
contrast between pure and impure metal is heightened.
A History of Accounting Thought, Chatfield, Michael, Chapter
10, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. “Historical Atlas”,
William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
Jeffrey Hurwit a professor of art history at the University of
End Notes
“Pericles”, The World Book Encyclopedia, 1968, volume 15,
p.255. The funding of the project seems to have been
quite complex. Aside from these sources of revenue there
were many others including public moneys, tax revenues,
harbor fees, boards of commissioners and judges
contributing as well.
The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles, Jeffrey M. Hurwit,
University of Oregon.
Chisel marks from about 200 different stonemasons have
been identified.
Plutarch’s Life of Pericles.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.mcah.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.mcah.
The History of Project Management
Secrets of the Parthenon, PBS Airdate: January 29, 2008,
Secrets of the Parthenon, PBS Airdate: January 29, 2008,
Plutarch’s Life of Pericles,
Chapter Five
De architectura (Latin: “On architecture”).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. “Historical Atlas”,
William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
A History of Accounting Thought, Chapter 12, Michael
Chatfield, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Title: Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and
During the Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix,
A History of Accounting Thought, Chapter 13, Michael
Chatfield, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Ancient and Medieval Banking and Business in the Roman
World, Jean Andreau, Translated by Janey Lloyd,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
De architectura (Latin: “On architecture”).
The Roman Army, Pat Southern, p.103.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
End Notes
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
The Flavian Amphitheatre, Commonly Called The Colosseum
at Rome: Its History and Substructures Compared with
Other Amphitheatres, John Henry Parker, C.B. Hon.
M.A. Oxon., F.S.A. London.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
Origins of Modern PM, Patrick Weever, December
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, written by
David Moore, P.E.
The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life
and Literature, Frank Frost Abbott.
Manumission is the act of freeing a slave, done at the will of
the owner. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2009.
Ancient Labor’s Untold Story: Evidence of Workers’
Organization from 3000 BCE to 550 CE in the
Mediterranean World, Dr. Charles Micallef, 2008.
The earliest permanent amphitheatre would appear to be
that built c.80 BC by Marcus Porcius at Pompeii,
which in plan differs very little from that of the flavian
The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal
The History of Project Management
The Colosseum measures 48 meters (157 feet / 165 Roman
feet) high, 189 meters (615feet) long, and 165 meters (510
feet) wide, and Covers an area of 6 acres.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain.
Source: Profile of Colosseum with seating areas named in
english. Created by Ningyou. http://commons.wikimedia.
The Colosseum, Keith Hopkins and Mary Beard, 2006.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Postcard circa 1960.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
This image is not copyrighted.
Roman Architecture from Augustus To Hadrian The
Colosseum: An Analysis Of The Inherent Political And
Architectural Significance. C.J Lyes.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life
and Literature, Frank Frost Abbott.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
End Notes
Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the
Classical World, John Peter Oleson.
If the dome was treated as a series of arch segments, then
the weight of the step rings near the base had a beneficial
structural effect, acting somewhat like a buttress.
An Elementary History of Art, N. D’Anvers (New York: Charles
Scribner’s Sons, 1895), p. 47, not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.18th Century, painted
by Giovanni Paolo Panini.
This image is not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://
According to Liber IV.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Painting by John
Soane (1814).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3, p.585.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Painting by William
Bell Scott (1857).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3, p.586, Fig 3.
The History of Project Management
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, David
Moore, P.E..
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
The Colosseum, Keith Hopkins and Mary Bend, p.144.
The population of the world circa 1 was 200-300 million
people and in the Roman Empire under Augustus about
45 million (15% of the world’s population) with 4 million
Roman citizens.
The Roman Army, Pat Southern, p.229.
Roman Builders – A Study in Architectural Process, p.27,
Rabun Taylor, 2004, Harvard University.
Vitruvius The Ten Books On Architecture, Vitruvius Pollio.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.40.
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, David
Moore, P.E..
Roman Builders – A Study in Architectural Process, p.28,
Rabun Taylor, 2004,Harvard University.
The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal
of Civilization by Thomas Homer-Dixon.
Chapter Six
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. “Historical Atlas”
by William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
The History of Money,
End Notes
Nature, Vol 443, 28 September 2006, by Virginia Hughes.
Incorporates the investigation of the Hagia Sophia
Project by Ahmet Çakmak, a professor emeritus in
earthquake engineering at Princeton University.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, this image (or other media file) is in the public
domain because its copyright has expired.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, this image (or other media file) is in the public
domain because its copyright has expired.
Master-builders of Byzantium, Robert Ousterhout, University
of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel B.
Shepp, not copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel B.
Shepp, not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.49.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. University of Texas
Revival and Decline of Greek Mathematics, Carl Benjamin
Boyer, 1991.
The History of Project Management
Research using computer models and chemical analyses
by Ahmet S. Cakmak, a professor of Civil Engineering at
Princeton and a specialist on the Haghia Sophia.
For the weight of the gold used for the mosaics in Hagia
Sophia, cf. A. Cutler, “The Industries of Art,” EHB
Chapter Seven
Technology in World Civilization, p.7, Arnold Pacey.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix. http://www.gutenberg.
Science and Technology in World History, James E.McClellan
and Harold Dorn, p.118.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Taken from the 14th
Century treatise Nong Shu, written by Wang Zhen in
1313, during the Chinese Yuan Dynasty.
The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle
Ages, Jean Gimpel, Pimlico 1992.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix, http://www.gutenberg.
Science and Technology in Medieval European Life, Jeffrey R.
Science and Technology in Medieval European Life, Jeffrey R.
End Notes
Wigelsworth, p.14.
Source: Technics and Civilization, Lewis Mumford, 1963, p.439.
Practical Reference Library, Volume II, L. Brent Vaughan
Hill. (New York: Dixon, Hanson and Company, 1906), not
Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the
Classical World, John Peter Oleson, p.296.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, not copyrighted.
The Cathedral Builders by Jean Gimpel, p.4.
The Cathedral Builders by Jean Gimpel, p.1.
Outline of Universal History, Fisher, George Park.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix, http://www.gutenberg.
Image (or other media file) is in the public domain because
its copyright has expired. Jost Amman, professional wood
engravers in Germany during the latter half of the 16th
Century. “Eygentliche Beschreibung Aller” (“Description
of All Professions”) which was published in Frankfurt in
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.60.
The Builder, John Harvey, p.47, 1973.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.69, accounts between
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. G. Dehio and G.
von Bezold, Die Kirchliche Baukunst des abendlandes,
Stuttgart, 1887-1902, plate 383.
The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: A Study of Medieval
Vault Erection, John Fitchen.
Drawing of A. M. Beloqui in Corton de las Heras, 1997, p.275.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. G. Dehio (died 1932)
and G. von Bezold (died 1934), Die Kirchliche Baukunst
des abendlandes, Stuttgart, 1887-1902.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.8.
Cathedral, David Macauley, 1985.
James, John, Chartres, The Masons Who Built a Legend,
Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1982.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Arts and Crafts in the
Middle Ages, Julia De Wolf Addison, p.238, http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Georg Agricola, Zwölf
Bücher vom Berg-und Hüttenwesen, übers. v. Carl
Schiffner, Berlin 1928.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.68.
Guo, Qinghua, “Yingzao Fashi: Twelfth-Century Chinese
End Notes
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.67.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Plan, from A.
Hamilton Thompson, Military architecture in England
during the middle ages, London, New York, 1912, p.68.
Technology in World Civilization, p.13, Arnold Pacey.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 19th Century photo.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 19th Century photo.
World History, Jeremy Black, p.123.
This image is from Commons: GNU Free Documentation
Based on a portfolio of 33 sheets of parchment with 250
drawings from the 1230s, which is in the Bibliothèque
Nationale, Paris (MS Fr 19093).
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.49.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.49.
The History of Project Management
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.247 #6.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
Source: Building Construction Before Mechanization, John
Fitchen, 1986, p.17.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.59.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.62.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.42.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.41,47.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen:
p.247 #6.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
Source: The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.52.
Source: The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals, John Fitchen,
Chapter Eight
Technology in World Civilization, p.54, Arnold Pacey.
According to medieval historian Philip Daileader in 2007.
Source: The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, 1985.
The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the Middle
Ages, Jean Gimpel, Pimlico 1992.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey, p.49.
End Notes
According to Brunelleschi’s biographer Antonio Manetti.
An old Italian unit of length, usually about 26 or 27 in. (66
or 68 cm).
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
From an order in the book of Migliore di Tommaso, dated
October 3, 1419.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not Copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not Copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
Dreyer (2006): p.122–124.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 17th Century Chinese
woodblock print.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.28.
The History of Project Management
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors & Architects,
Giorgio Vasari, 1912.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Lives of The Most Eminent Painters Sculptors & Architects,
1912, by Giorgio Vasari.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.26.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, by Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.25.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.27.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.27.
End Notes
Chapter Nine
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The image comes from
an early 16th-Century book called Livro das Fortalezas de
Duarte Damas.
A newspaper with pages of a size larger than those of a
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Prince Henry the
Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery,
1394-1460, C. Raymond Beazley.
Spanish currency of one million Maravedis (one cuentos) in
1490 is equivalent to about 308 English Pounds in 1860,
or US$ 48,000 in 2005.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. United States Library
of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Division under
the digital ID cph.3c05453.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. United States Library
of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Division under
the digital ID cph.3c05453.
This is according to Peter Martyr who kept a special account
of the voyage.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. United States Library
of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Division under
the digital ID cph.3c05453.
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix. http://www.gutenberg.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Source based upon
the map in Bourne’s Spain in America, American Nation
Series, Volume III, New York, 1904, Harper.
The Americas received wheat, rice, coffee, bananas, and
olives, and horses, cows, pigs, and chickens. They
contributed a virulent form of syphilis as well as corn,
potatoes, tomatoes, lima beans, squash, peanuts, cassava,
cacao, and pineapple.
Chapter Ten
World History, Jeremy Black, p.124.
A short history of progress, Ronald Wright, p.114.
A good example is ‘The Richard II’ horary quadrant found in
the British Museum, London, UK.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Emma Helen Blair, http://
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.helmink.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 1507, G3200 1507,
W3 Vault, Library of Congress Rare Book and Special
End Notes
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 1581, G3201.S12
1581 .S9, Library of Congress Rare Book and Special
Collections Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650, of
Architecture, Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness Companions DK.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
Painting of the interior of St. Peter’s in Rome, George Cooke,
1840. (This work of art is in the public domain.) http://chapel.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
Chapter Eleven
Niall Ferguson, The Ascent of Money, 2007.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Glashütte
Weibersbrunn Im Spessart, gegründet 1706.
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Jackson, William
Henry, 1843-1942, World’s Transportation Commission
photograph collection (Library of Congress).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Plan and layout of
the Taj Mahal and Gardens of the Great Mughals, C.M.
Villiers Stuart, 1913.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted, Photo by Samuel Bourne, 1860.
The Story Of Versailles, Francis Loring Payne, 1919.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Francis Loring Payne,
The Story of Versailles.
Francis Loring Payne, The Story of Versailles.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. View of Versailles from
the Avenue de Paris, ca. 1668, Pierre Patel.
End Notes
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Francis Loring Payne,
The Story of Versailles.
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Francis Loring Payne,
The Story of Versailles.
Historian A.P.J. Taylor wrote that the Palace of Versailles
was one of the fundamental causes.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. French National
Tourist Collection.
Taj Mahal, Giles Tillotson, p.73.
Chapter Twelve
1, 2004.
Such as the Combination Acts of 1799/1800 in the UK.
The Fatal Shore, Robert Hughes.
The History of Money
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.mspong.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Map of 1811, G3200
1811, V2 Vault, Library of Congress Rare Book and
Special Collections Division, Washington, D.C. 20540-
4650, (Library
of Congress).
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: AE185.762
Lowry, Wilson (engraver) Robertson, George (artist),
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: 1972.90.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: 1973.200,
Ellis, William (engraver), Rooker, Michael Angelo
The New Popular Educator, Volume V, John Lossing Benson,
ed. (London: Cassell & Company Limited, 1891) 5:129, not
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: AE185.771
Dubourg, M. (engraver),
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: 1973.273,
Walker, W. (engraver), Walker, J. (engraver), Burney,
T.F. (artist),
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. York Railway
End Notes
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. York Railway
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. York Railway
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Lives Of The
Engineers, The Locomotive, George and Robert
Stephenson, Samuel Smiles,
Lives Of The Engineers, The Locomotive. George and Robert
Stephenson, Samuel Smiles, p.125, http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. An Introduction to
the Industrial and Social History of England, Edward
P. Cheyney, (Smiles: Life of George Stephenson), http://
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Darlington Borough
Stockton and Darlington Railway opening, J.R. Brown, Science
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. An Introduction to the
Industrial and Social History of England, Edward P.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3, p.537.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Etching of the Menai
Bridge ca: 1825,
The First in the World, John Wall, according to Francis
Mewburn p.11.
Energy and society: An Introduction, Harold H. Schobert,
Chapter Thirteen
Christopher Latham Sholes (1819-1890) was a U.S. mechanical
engineer who invented the first practical modern
typewriter, patented in 1868.
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Sir Henry Bessemer,
F.R.S, An Autobiography, 1st edition published in London,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Agricultural
Implements and Machines in the Collection of
the National Museum of History and Technology,
Smithsonian, Studies in History and Technology, No. 17,
Schlebecker, John T.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
End Notes
The British Government gave Field a subsidy of £1,400 a
year and loaned the ships to lay the cable.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Telegraph Connections
(Telegraphen Verbindungen), 1891 Stielers Hand-Atlas,
Plate No. 5, Weltkarte in Mercator projection.
The Pacific tourist, Author: Williams, Henry T. Collection:
Making of America Books.
A Practical Plan For Building The Pacific Railroad, T.D.
Judah, Civil Engineer, San Francisco, January 1, 1857,
Washington, D.C., Henry Polkinhorn, Printer. 1857.
The Big Four consisted of Mark Hopkins, Collis P.
Huntington, [Gov.] Leland Stanford, and Charles
Crocker. These men were merchants drawn to the west
by prospects of finding riches in California.
12, http://
The First Transcontinental Railroad, John Debo Galloway, C.
E. (1869-1943), Dorset Press, New York, 1989.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. This image is available
from the Archival Research Catalog of the National
Archives and Records Administration under the ARC
Identifier 594940.
The Pacific Tourist Williams’ Illustrated Trans-Continental
Guide, Henry T. Williams, Editor,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
The History of Project Management
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. General view of the
works in progress, Acc No: AE185.3165.69, Berlyn, Peter
(author), Fowler, Charles (author).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Tallis’ History and
Criticism of the Crystal Palace, 1852.
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Published by C.F.
Cheffins, Lithographers, Southhampton Buildings,
London, England, 1854 in Snow, John.
Ancient Transportation, Michael Woods, Mary B. Woods, p.44.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Published 1881 in
Young Persons’ Cyclopedia of Persons and Places.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Scanned from
engraving in “Appleton’s Journal of Popular Literature,
Science, and Art”, 1869.
Avery, Ralph E. (1913). “The French Failure”. America’s
Triumph in Panama, Chicago, IL: L.W. Walter Company.
End Notes
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Paris, exposition
universelle 1889, “74. Paris. Tour Eiffel (juillet 1888)”
BnF, Estampes et Photographie, Qe Mat 1 http://
He was awarded the prestigious Elliot Cresson Medal by
the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1890; Gold
Medal of the Paris Exposition and the Bronze Medal of
the World’s Fair in 1893. He was awarded a doctorate for
his work in 1890.
A Practical Plan for Building The Pacific Railroad, T.D.
Judah, Civil Engineer, San Francisco, January 1, 1857,
Washington, D.C. Henry Polkinhorn, Printer. 1857.
Source: Railroad Commissioners’ Reports (Central Pacific
Chapter Fourteen
Called an auto-typist, it stores and reproduces simple form
letters and certain paragraphs using punched paper tape
as the storage medium.
The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman, 1962.
Ground breaking experiments conducted at the Western
Electric plant in Chicago from 1927-1932.
Further reading on the Human Relations movement
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. “Illustrated History of
the Panama Railroad” , Fessenden Nott Otis, Harper &
Brothers, New York, 1861.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. “Illustrated History of
the Panama Railroad”, Fessenden Nott Otis, Harper &
Brothers, New York, 1861.
Source: Avery, Ralph E. (1913), “The French Failure”.
America’s Triumph in Panama. Chicago, IL: L.W. Walter
The Panama Canal, José Carlos Rodrigues.
Otis, Fessenden Nott; llustrated History of the Panama
Railroad, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1861.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. “Historical Atlas”
by William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. Online source: University of Texas Perry-
End Notes
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Culebra Cut of the
Panama Canal, 1907.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. From The Panama
Canal, an address to the National Geographic Society,
Colonel Goethals, February 10, 1911.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Book source:
“Historical Atlas”, William R. Shepherd, New York,
Henry Holt and Company, 1923. Online source:
University of Texas Perry-Casteneda Map Collection,
In today’s dollars the bid would be worth more than $577
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The U.S. Bureau of
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
The History of Project Management
Building the Empire State, Carol Willis and Donald Friedman.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Gottscho, Samuel H.,
photographer. Architecture and Interior Design for 20th
Century America, 1935-1955, Library of Congress.
Image courtesy of National Archives and Records
Chapter Fifteen
Logistics is defined by the modern British Army as: The
science of planning and carrying out the movement and
maintenance of forces. Infantry Tactical Doctrine Volume
1, Pamphlet No.1, The Infantry Company Group, The
Fundamentals (1998) p.6-2.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.59.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.76, p.249 #7.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.247 #6.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.102.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey, p.42.
The population of the world circa 1 was 200-300 million
End Notes
Pyramid Quest, Robert M Schoch, 2005, p.90.
Pyramid, David Macauley, 1975.
A Social Study of the Emperor’s Freedmen and Slaves. P.R.C.
Weaver, Familia Caesaris. Cambridge, University Press,
History of Communications, http://www.nathan.
Vitruvius The Ten Books On Architecture, Vitruvius Pollio.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.40.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.86.
Origins of Modern PM, Patrick Weever, December
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, David
Moore, P.E..
Fabric Rolls and Documents Of York Minster (Paperback),
illustrated by John Browne, James Raine (Author).
The History of Project Management
The International Project Management Association (IPMA)
was founded in 1967 and the Project Management
Institute was founded in 1969.
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier, Jean-Pierre
Houdin, 2008, HarperCollins, p.69.
The Farther Reaches of Human Nature.
Technics and Civilization, Lewis Mumford, 1963.
The first North American explorers, Stone Age, http://www.pbs.
Dates, definitions and examples of the earliest known usage of
these words can be found in the Merriam-Webster
According to David Nye, Jacob Bigelow, who was a Harvard
professor of medicine, formulated the word ‘technology’
in 1828. In his Elements of Technology, Bigelow
“encouraged the fusion of science and art, which he felt
was characteristic of industrial society” (Nye, 1994, p.46).
The History of Project Management
“Upon the request of the poet Coleridge in 1833, Whewell
invented the English word “scientist”. Before this
time the only terms in use were “natural philosopher”
and “man of science.”” See Snyder, Laura J., “William
Whewell”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(Spring 2001 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), http://plato.
History of engineering,
Paul Allen, History of PM,
Based on a portfolio of 33 sheets of parchment with 250
drawings from the 1230s, which is in the Bibliothèque
Nationale, Paris (MS Fr 19093).
Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt. This image (or other
media file) is in the public domain because its copyright
has expired.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey, p.42.
Science and Technology in World History, James E. McClellan
and Harold Dorn, p.118.
The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, 1985, p.113.
Derived from experiment and observation rather than theory.
Project Lessons from the Great Escape, Multi-Media
Publications Inc.
Project Management Body of Knowledge.
Architecture, Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness companions DK.
The Development of Double Entry Bookkeeping and its
Relevance in Today’s Business Environment, Regina
Libina, Pace University, 2005.
Based on the six simple machines defined by Renaissance
scientists as the lever, wheel and axel, pulley, inclined
plane, wedge, and screw.
A History of Accounting Thought, Michael Chatfield, Chapter
6, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Source: The Secret of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier and
Jean-Pierre Houdin, p.23-24.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.guardians.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.4.
Adult life expectancy was about 35 for men and 30 for women.
For a Pharaoh it would have been between 60 to 70.
Source: Filer, Joyce (1996). Disease, Austin, Texas:
University of Texas Press. ISBN 0-292-72498-5.
Science and Technology in World History, James E. McClellan
and Harold Dorn.
Source: Pyramid, David Macauley, 1975.
A New Pyramid Age, Philip Coppens.
The History of Project Management
Who Built the Pyramids? Not slaves. Archeaologist Mark
Lehner, digging deeper, discovers a city of privileged
workers, by Jonathan Shaw, http://harvardmagazine.
A team of construction managers from international
architectural, engineering, and construction management
firm DMJM performed a forensic analysis to determine
the construction methods and management techniques
that were employed by the ancient Egyptians in
constructing the Great Pyramid.
pyramid.html?c=y&page=2; http://www.archaeology.
This image is a computer generated image in the public
This image is not copyrighted. Shepp’s Photographs of the
World, James W. Shepp, Daniel B. Shepp.
The Secret of the Great Pyramid, p.14.
The Great Wall of China, William Edgar Geil.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://bygones.ebaypix.
This image (or other media file) is in the public
domain because its copyright has expired. Photograph
of The Great Wall of China from 1907, Herbert
George Ponting.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey p.42.
Science and Technology in World History, James E.McClellan
and Harold Dorn, p.25.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Photograph of
Stonehenge 1910.
National Geographic: Visual History of the World, p.37.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.crystalinks.
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier, Jean-Pierre
Houdin, p.69.
The Secrets of the Great Pyramid, Bob Brier, Jean-Pierre
Houdin, p.69.
Pyramid, David Macauley, 1975.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.4.
Science and Technology in World History, James E. McClellan
and Harold Dorn.
Egypt the Black Land, Paul Jordan, 2000, p.151.
Ancient Labor’s Untold Story: Evidence of Workers’
Organization from 3000 BCE to 550 CE in the
Mediterranean World, Dr. Charles Micallef, 2008.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen, p.6.
Source: The Development of Double Entry Bookkeeping
and its Relevance in Today’s Business Environment,
Regina Libina, Pace University, 2005.
The History of Project Management
Book-keeping system in which a person charges themselves
with receipts and credits themselves with payments.
Used extensively prior the advent of double-entry book-
Architecture, Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness companions DK.
Battle, R.R. Grant, 2005.
A History of Warfare by John Keegan, 1994, p.169.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The Ten Books on
Architecture, Vitruvius Pollio.
A History of Accounting Thought, Michael Chatfield, Chapter
9. New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Chatfield, Michael. A History of Accounting Thought, Chapter
6. New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
A black siliceous stone used to ascertain the purity of gold
and silver. The streaks of metal left behind on the
touchstone are treated with nitric acid, which dissolves
impurities, and thus, when the streaks are compared, the
contrast between pure and impure metal is heightened.
A History of Accounting Thought, Chatfield, Michael, Chapter
10, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Historical Atlas
by William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
Jeffrey Hurwit, a professor of art history at the University of
Oregon and expert on the architecture of the Acropolis,
Pericles, The World Book Encyclopedia, 1968, vol. 15, p.255.
The funding of the project seems to have been quite
complex. Aside from these sources of revenue there were
many others including public moneys, tax revenues,
harbor fees, boards of commissioners and judges
contributing as well.
The Acropolis in the Age of Pericles, Jeffrey M. Hurwit,
University of Oregon.
Chisel marks from about 200 different stonemasons have
been identified.
Plutarch’s Life of Pericles.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.mcah.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.mcah.
Secrets of the Parthenon, PBS Airdate: January 29, 2008.
The History of Project Management
Secrets of the Parthenon, PBS Airdate: January 29, 2008.
Plutarch’s Life of Pericles.
De architectura (Latin: On architecture).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Historical Atlas
by William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
A History of Accounting Thought, Chapter 12, Michael
Chatfield, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Title: Manners, Custom and Dress During the Middle Ages and
During the Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix.
A History of Accounting Thought, Chapter 13, Michael
Chatfield, New York: Dryden Press, 1977.
Ancient and Medieval Banking and Business in the Roman
World, by Jean Andreau, Translated by Janey Lloyd,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
De architectura (Latin: “On architecture”).
The Roman Army, by Pat Southern, p.103.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
The Flavian Amphitheatre, Commonly Called The Colosseum
at Rome: Its History and Substructures Compared with
Other Amphitheatres, John Henry Parker, C.B. Hon.
M.A. Oxon., F.S.A. London.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
Origins of Modern PM, Patrick Weever, December 2007, http://
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, written by
David Moore, P.E.
The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life
and Literature, Frank Frost Abbott.
Manumission is the act of freeing a slave, done at the will of
the owner. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, 2009.
Ancient Labor’s Untold Story: Evidence of Workers’
Organization from 3000 BCE to 550 CE in the
Mediterranean World, Dr. Charles Micallef, 2008.
The earliest permanent amphitheatre would appear to be
that built c.80 BC by Marcus Porcius at Pompeii,
which in plan differs very little from that of the flavian
The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal
of Civilization, Thomas Homer-Dixon, and Ms. Karen
Frecker, an energy analyst based in Toronto, Ontario,
The Colosseum measures 48 meters (157 feet/165 Roman
feet) high, 189 meters (615feet) long, and 165 meters (510
feet) wide, and covers an area of 6 acres.
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain.
Source: Profile of Colosseum with seating areas named in
english. Created by Ningyou. http://commons.wikimedia.
The Colosseum, by Keith Hopkins and Mary Beard, 2006.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Postcard circa 1960.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
This image is not copyrighted.
Roman Architecture from Augustus To Hadrian The
Colosseum: An Analysis Of The Inherent Political And
Architectural Significance. C.J Lyes.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
The Common People of Ancient Rome Studies of Roman Life
and Literature, Frank Frost Abbott.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the
Classical World, John Peter Oleson.
If the dome was treated as a series of arch segments, then
the weight of the step rings near the base had a beneficial
structural effect, acting somewhat like a buttress.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Source: 18th Century,
painted by Giovanni Paolo Panini.
This image is not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://
According to Liber IV.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Painting by John
Soane, 1814.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3, p.585.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Painting by William
Bell Scott, 1857. This image (or other media file) is in the
public domain because its copyright has expired.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3,
p.586, Figure 3.
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, David
Moore, P.E..
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
The Colosseum, Keith Hopkins and Mary Bend, p.144.
The History of Project Management
The population of the world circa 1 was 200-300 million
people and in the Roman Empire under Augustus about
45 million (15% of the world’s population) with 4 million
Roman citizens.
The Roman Army, Pat Southern, p.229.
Roman Builders – A Study in Architectural Process, p.27,
Rabun Taylor, 2004, Harvard University.
Vitruvius The Ten Books On Architecture, Vitruvius Pollio.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.40.
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, David
Moore, P.E..
Roman Builders – A Study in Architectural Process, p.28,
Rabun Taylor, 2004, Harvard University.
The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal
of Civilization, Thomas Homer-Dixon.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Historical Atlas
by William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923. University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
The History of Money,
Nature, Volume 443, p.28, September 2006, Virginia Hughes.
Incorporates the investigation of the Hagia Sophia
Project by Ahmet Çakmak, a professor emeritus in
earthquake engineering at Princeton University.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926. This image (or other media file) is in the public
domain because its copyright has expired.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926. This image (or other media file) is in the public
domain because its copyright has expired.
Master-builders of Byzantium, Robert Ousterhout, University
of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp Daniel,
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp Daniel,
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.
Building Construction Before Mechanization. John Fitchen,
1986, p.49.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. University of Texas
Revival and Decline of Greek Mathematics. Carl Benjamin
Boyer, 1991.
Research using computer models and chemical analyses
by Ahmet S. Cakmak, a professor of Civil Engineering at
Princeton and a specialist on the Haghia Sophia.
For the weight of the gold used for the mosaics in Hagia
Sophia, cf. A. Cutler, “The Industries of Art,” EHB 557–
The History of Project Management
Technology in World Civilization, p.7. Arnold Pacey.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix, http://www.gutenberg.
Science and Technology in World History, James E. McClellan
and Harold Dorn, p.118.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Taken from the 14th
Century Treatise Nong Shu. Written by Wang Zhen in
1313, during the Chinese Yuan Dynasty.
The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the
Middle Ages, Jean Gimpel, Pimlico 1992.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix, http://www.gutenberg.
Science and Technology in Medieval European Life, Jeffrey R.
Science and Technology in Medieval European Life, Jeffrey R.
Wigelsworth, p.14.
Technics and Civilization, Lewis Mumford, 1963, p.439.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised. Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
Oxford Handbook of Engineering and Technology in the
Classical World, John Peter Oleson, p.296.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised. Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.4.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.1.
Outline of Universal History, Fisher, George Park.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix, http://www.gutenberg.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Jost Amman,
professional wood engravers in Germany during the
latter half of the 16th Century. Source: “Eygentliche
Beschreibung Aller” (“Description of All Professions”)
which was published in Frankfurt in 1568.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.60.
The Builder, John Harvey, p.47, 1973.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.69,
accounts between 1278-1281.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. G. Dehio and G. von
Bezold, Die Kirchliche Baukunst des abendlandes,
Stuttgart, 1887-1902, plate 383.
The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: A Study of Medieval
Vault Erection, John Fitchen.
The History of Project Management
Drawing of A. M. Beloqui in Corton de las Heras 1997, p.275.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. G. Dehio (died 1932)
and G. von Bezold (died 1934), Die Kirchliche Baukunst
des abendlandes, Stuttgart, 1887-1902.
Building Construction Before Mechanization by John Fitchen,
1986, p.8.
Cathedral, David Macauley, 1985.
James, John, Chartres, The Masons Who Built a Legend,
Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1982.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Arts and Crafts in the
Middle Ages, Julia De Wolf Addison, p.238, http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Georg Agricola, Zwölf
Bücher vom Berg-und Hüttenwesen, übers. v. Carl
Schiffner, Berlin 1928.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.68.
Guo, Qinghua. "Yingzao Fashi: Twelfth-Century Chinese
Building Manual, "Architectural History: Journal of the
Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain",
Volume 41, 1998: 1-13.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
Shepp‘s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.67.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Plan, from A.
Hamilton Thompson, Military Architecture in England
During the Middle Ages, (London, New York, 1912), p.68.
Technology in World Civilization, p.13, Arnold Pacey.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 19th Century photo.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 19th Century photo.
World History, Jeremy Black, p.123.
This image is from Commons: GNU Free Documentation
Based on a portfolio of 33 sheets of parchment with 250
drawings from the 1230s, which is in the Bibliothèque
Nationale, Paris (MS Fr 19093).
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.49.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.49.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.247 #6.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.17.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.59.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.62.
The History of Project Management
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.42.
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p41 & 47.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
p.247 #6.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.52.
The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals, John Fitchen, p.276.
Technology in World Civilization, p.54, Arnold Pacey.
According to medieval historian Philip Daileader in 2007.
The Day the Universe Changed, James Burke, 1985.
The Medieval Machine: The Industrial Revolution of the
Middle Ages, Jean Gimpel, Pimlico 1992.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey, p.49.
According to Brunelleschi’s biographer Antonio Manetti.
An old Italian unit of length, usually about 26 or 27 in. (66
or 68 cm).
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
From an order in the book of Migliore di Tommaso, dated
October 3, 1419.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp, Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
Dreyer (2006): 122–124.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 17th Century Chinese
woodblock print.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.28.
Source: Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an
Architectural Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni
Fanelli and Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors & Architects,
Giorgio Vasari, 1912.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Lives of The Most Eminent Painters Sculptors & Architects,
1912, Giorgio Vasari.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
The History of Project Management
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.26.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.25.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.23.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.27.
Brunelleschi’s Cupola: Past and Present of an Architectural
Masterpiece, Giovanni Fanelli, Giovanni Fanelli and
Michele Fanelli, p.27.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The image comes from
an early 16th Century book titled: Livro das Fortalezas de
Duarte Damas.
A newspaper with pages of a size larger than those of a
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Prince Henry the
Navigator, the Hero of Portugal and of Modern Discovery,
1394-1460, C. Raymond Beazley.
Spanish currency of one million Maravedis (one cuentos)
in 1490 is equivalent to about 308 English Pounds in
1860, or US$ 48,000 in 2005.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. United States Library
of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Division under
the digital ID cph.3c05453,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. United States Library
of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Division under
the digital ID cph.3c05453,
This is according to Peter Martyr who kept a special
account of the voyage.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. United States Library
of Congress’s Prints and Photographs Division under
the digital ID cph.3c05453,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Manners, Custom
and Dress During the Middle Ages and During the
Renaissance Period, Paul Lacroix, http://www.gutenberg.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Source based upon
the map in Bourne’s Spain in America, American Nation
Series, Volume III, New York, 1904, Harper.
The Americas received wheat, rice, coffee, bananas, and
olives, and horses, cows, pigs, and chickens. They
contributed a virulent form of syphilis as well as corn,
potatoes, tomatoes, lima beans, squash, peanuts, cassava,
cacao, and pineapple.
The History of Project Management
World History, Jeremy Black, p.124.
A Short History of Progress, Ronald Wright, p.114.
A good example is ‘The Richard II’ horary quadrant found
in the British Museum, London, UK.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Emma Helen Blair, http://
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.helmink.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 1507, G3200 1507.
W3 Vault, Library of Congress Rare Book and Special
Collections Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650, http://
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 1581, G3201.S12
1581 .S9, Library of Congress Rare Book and Special
Collections Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650, (Library of
Architecture, Jonathon Glancey, Eyewitness companions DK.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, NOT copyrighted.
Shepp’s Photographs of the World, James W. Shepp Daniel
B. Shepp, Not copyrighted.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. 17th Century
Niall Ferguson the Ascent of Money, 2007.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Glashütte
Weibersbrunn im Spessart, gegründet 1706.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Jackson, William
Henry, 1843-1942. World‘s Transportation Commission
photograph collection (Library of Congress).
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Plan and Layout of
the Taj Mahal and Gardens of the Great Mughals, C.M.
Villiers Stuart, 1913.
A Text-Book of the History of Architecture, Seventh Edition,
revised, Hamlin, A. D. F. (Alfred Dwight Foster), 1855-
1926, Not copyrighted. Photo by Samuel Bourne, 1860.
The Story Of Versailles, Francis Loring Payne, 1919.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Francis Loring Payne,
The Story of Versailles.
Francis Loring Payne, The Story of Versailles.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. View of Versailles from
the Avenue de Paris, ca. 1668, Pierre Patel.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Francis Loring Payne,
The Story of Versailles.
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Francis Loring Payne,
The Story of Versailles.
Historian A.P.J. Taylor wrote that the Palace of Versailles
was one of the fundamental causes.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. French National
Tourist Collection.
Taj Mahal, Giles Tillotson, p.73.
284, 2004.
Such as the Combination Acts of 1799/1800 in the UK.
The Fatal Shore, Robert Hughes.
The History of Money,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.mspong.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Map of 1811, G3200
1811, V2 Vault, Library of Congress Rare Book and
Special Collections Division Washington, D.C. 20540-
4650, (Library
of Congress).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: AE185.762
Lowry, Wilson (engraver) Robertson, George (artist),.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: 1972.90. http://
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: 1973.200,
Ellis, William (engraver), Rooker, Michael Angelo
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: AE185.771
Dubourg, M. (engraver),
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: AE185.771
Dubourg, M. (engraver),
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Acc No: 1973.273,
Walker, W. (engraver), Walker, J. (engraver), Burney,
T.F. (artist),
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. http://www.ironbridge.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. York Railway
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. York Railway
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. York Railway
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Lives Of The
Engineers. The Locomotive, George and Robert
Stephenson, By Samuel Smiles. http://www.gutenberg.
Lives Of The Engineers. The Locomotive, George and Robert
Stephenson, Samuel Smiles, p.125. http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. An Introduction to
the Industrial and Social History of England, Edward
P. Cheyney. (Smiles: Life of George Stephenson), http://
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Darlington Borough
Stockton and Darlington Railway opening, J.R. Brown,
Science Museum.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. An Introduction to the
Industrial and Social History of England, Edward P.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Scientific American
Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884, http://www.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 3, p.537.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Etching of the Menai
Bridge ca: 1825,
The First in the World, John Wall, according to Francis
Mewburn, p.11.
The History of Project Management
Energy and society: an Introduction, Harold H. Schobert, p.263.
Christopher Latham Sholes (1819-1890) was a U.S.
mechanical engineer who invented the first practical
modern typewriter, patented in 1868.
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Sir Henry Bessemer,
F.R.S, An Autobiography, 1st edition, published in London
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Agricultural
Implements and Machines in the Collection of
the National Museum of History and Technology
Smithsonian Studies in History and Technology, No. 17,
Schlebecker, John T.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Frank Leslie’s
Illustrated Newspaper, August 21, 1858.
The British Government gave Field a subsidy of £1,400 a
year and loaned the ships to lay the cable.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Telegraph Connections
(Telegraphen Verbindungen), 1891 Stielers Hand-Atlas,
Plate No. 5, Weltkarte in Mercator projection.
The Pacific tourist, Williams, Henry T. Collection: Making of
America Books.
A Practical Plan For Building The Pacific Railroad, T.D.
Judah, Civil Engineer, San Francisco, January 1, 1857,
Washington, D.C. Henry Polkinhorn, Printer 1857.
The Big Four consisted of Mark Hopkins, Collis P.
Huntington, [Gov.] Leland Stanford, and Charles
Crocker. These men were merchants drawn to the west
by prospects of finding riches in California.
325 html#Construction%20
The First Transcontinental Railroad, John Debo Galloway, C.
E. (1869-1943) Dorset Press, New York, 1989.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. This image is available
from the Archival Research Catalog of the National
Archives and Records Administration under the ARC
Identifier 594940.
The Pacific Tourist Williams’ Illustrated Trans-Continental
Guide, Henry T. Williams, Editor,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. General view of the
works in progress, Acc No: AE185.3165.69, Berlyn, Peter
(author), Fowler, Charles (author).
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. General view of the
works in progress, Acc No: AE185.3165.69, Berlyn, Peter
(author), Fowler, Charles (author).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Tallis’ History and
criticism of the Crystal Palace, 1852.
New Glass Architecture, Brent Richards, Dennis Gilbert.
The History of Project Management
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Published by C.F.
Cheffins, Lithographers, South Hampton Buildings,
London, England, 1854 in Snow, John.
Ancient Transportation, Michael Woods, Mary B. Woods, p.44.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Published 1881 in
Young Persons’ Cyclopedia of Persons and Places.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Scanned from
engraving in “Appleton’s Journal of Popular Literature,
Science, and Art”, 1869.
Avery, Ralph E. (1913). “The French Failure”. America’s
Triumph in Panama. Chicago, IL: L.W. Walter Company.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Paris, Exposition
Universelle, 1889. “74. Paris. Tour Eiffel (juillet 1888)”
BnF, Estampes et Photographie, Qe Mat 1, http://
He was awarded the prestigious Elliot Cresson Medal by
the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia in 1890; Gold
Medal of the Paris Exposition and the Bronze Medal of
the World’s Fair in 1893. He was awarded a doctorate for
his work in 1890.
A Practical Plan for Building The Pacific Railroad, T.D.
Judah, Civil Engineer, San Francisco, January 1, 1857,
Washington, D.C. Henry Polkinhorn, Printer. 1857.
Railroad Commissioners’ Reports (Central Pacific Railroad),
Called an autotypist, it stores and reproduces simple form
letters and certain paragraphs using punched paper tape
as the storage medium.
The Guns of August, Barbara Tuchman, 1962.
Groundbreaking experiments conducted at the Western
Electric plant in Chicago from 1927 to 1932.
Further reading on the Human Relations movement
includes: Kurt Lewin, one of the first researchers to study
group dynamics and evolve organizational development;
Abraham Maslow presented “The Hierarchy of Needs” in
“The U.S. Psychology Review” in 1943; Douglas McGregor
published “Theory X and Theory Y” in “The Human Side
of Enterprise” in 1960; Frederick Herzberg published the
Hygiene-Motivation Theory in “The Motivation to Work”
in 1959. (, 2004).
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Illustrated History of
the Panama Railroad by Fessenden Nott Otis, Harper &
Brothers, New York, 1861.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Illustrated History of
the Panama Railroad, Fessenden Nott Otis, Harper &
Brothers, New York, 1861.
The History of Project Management
Avery, Ralph E. (1913). The French Failure, America’s
Triumph in Panama, Chicago, IL: L.W. Walter Company.
The Panama Canal, José Carlos Rodrigues.
Otis, Fessenden Nott; llustrated History of the Panama
Railroad, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1861.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Historical Atlas
by William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923, University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Culebra Cut of the
Panama Canal, 1907.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. From The Panama
Canal, an Address to the National Geographic Society,
Colonel Goethals, February 10, 1911.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Historical Atlas,
William R. Shepherd, New York, Henry Holt and
Company, 1923, University of Texas Perry-Casteneda
Map Collection,
In today’s dollars the bid would be worth more than $577
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The U.S. Bureau of
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. The U.S. Bureau of
Building the Empire State, Carol Willis and Donald Friedman.
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain
because its copyright has expired. Gottscho, Samuel H.,
photographer. Architecture and Interior Design for 20th
Century America, 1935 - 1955, Library of Congress.
Image courtesy of National Archives and Records
Logistics is defined by the modern British Army as: The
science of planning and carrying out the movement and
maintenance of forces. Infantry Tactical Doctrine Volume
1, Pamphlet No.1, The Infantry Company Group, The
Fundamentals (1998) pp.6-2.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.59.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.51.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.76, p.249 #7.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.247 #6.
The History of Project Management
The Cathedral Builders, Jean Gimpel, p.102.
Technology in World Civilization, Arnold Pacey, p.42.
The population of the world circa 1 was 200-300 million
people and in the Roman Empire under Augustus about
45 million (15% of the world’s population) with 4 million
Roman citizens.
Pyramid Quest, Robert M Schoch, 2005, p.90.
Pyramid, David Macauley 1975.
A Social Study of the Emperor’s Freedmen and Slaves. P.R.C.
Weaver, Familia Caesaris. Cambridge, University Press,
History of Communications,
Vitruvius The Ten Books On Architecture, Vitruvius Pollio.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.40.
Building Construction Before Mechanization, John Fitchen,
1986, p.86.
Origins of Modern PM, Patrick Weever, December 2007, http://
The Roman Pantheon—The Triumph of Concrete, David
Moore, P.E..
Fabric Rolls and Documents Of York Minster (Paperback),
illustrated By John Browne, James Raine (Author).
Colosseum Calculation Assumptions continued.. The Upside of
Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of
Civilization, Thomas Homer-Dixon.
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
Control scope 261, 352, 436; 142, 162, 165; see also
changes in 188, 292, 320, Techniques, construction,
322, 343, 352-353, 391, interchangeable
502-504; decreased 88, prefabricated parts; work
391, 484; increased 116, 452; within guilds 510;
161-162, 261, 291, 323,
Statue of Zeus at Olympia,
343, 345, 351, 484
ancient wonder 113
Define scope 21, 54, 76, 160,
Stonehenge project 82
210, 227,294, 391, 438,
468, 475, 484, 503; in Suez Canal project 425
terms of materials, and
Sumerians 84
equipment 87, 116, 161,
188, 227, 261, 291, 332 Supply chain in projects
Verify scope 292, 330; scope Colosseum project 168
creep 320; estimates 320,
Empire State Building
project 475
Work breakdown structure
Florence Cathedral Duomo
87, 116, 161, 188, 227,
project 268
261, 352, 502-504, 529;
decompose 88, 189 Giza Pyramid project 72, 88
Scope Management, Hagia Sophia 180
Hoover Dam project 484
Business 115, 160, 185-186,
Panama Canal project 483
227, 261, 291, 319-320,
343, 366, 418, 434, 468, Parthenon project 116
474, 479, 483, 484
St. Peter’s Basilica project
Functional 87, 343, 433, 497 325
Non-functional 87 Taj Mahal project 333, 353
Scribe 38, 95 Transcontinental Railroad
project 415, 433
Significant projects, definition 45
Supply chain, materials used in
St Basil’s Cathedral project 316
St Peter’s Basilica project 312
Basalt 148
Standards, systems of
Brass 299
measurement 118, 176, 213
Brick 135, 147, 167, 252,
Standardization, arch 141,
264, 268, 335, 437, 476;
165; master plan 185;
of parts 419, 437; stairs
The History of Project Management
The History of Project Management
Villard de Honnecourt, Medieval
architect 38-39, 223;
Character traits of architects
499; tool kit 499
About the Author
The History of Project Management
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Lessons From
The series should inspire the reader as these historical projects were
achieved with a lesser (inferior) technology.
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