Bag Technique 2020

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The bag technique is a tool by which the nurse, during her visit will enable her to perform a nursing procedure
with ease and deftness, to save time and effort with the end view of rendering effective nursing care to

The public health bag is an essential and indispensable equipment of a public health nurse which she has to
carry along during her home visits. It contains basic medication and articles which are necessary for giving


∙ Performing the bag technique will minimize, if not, prevent the spread of any infection. ∙
It saves time and effort in the performance of nursing procedures.
∙ The bag technique can be performed in a variety of ways depending on the agency’s policy, the home
situation, or as long as principles of avoiding transfer of infection is always observed.

Purpose: CHN Bag

• Serves as a first aid kit

• To work efficiently and swiftly during nursing procedures
• To conserve time and energy
• To minimize or prevent the spread of infection
• To render effective nursing care to clients
• and/or members of the family during home visit

The following are the common contents of a Public Health Nurse bag:
∙ Paper lining
∙ Extra paper for making waste bag ( waste receptacle )
∙ Plastic/linen/ paper lining
∙ Apron
∙ Hand towel
∙ Soap in a soap dish
∙ Thermometers (oral and rectal)
∙ 2 pairs of scissors (surgical and bandage)
∙ 2 pairs of forceps (curved and straight)
∙ Disposable syringes with needles (g. 23 & 25)
∙ Hypodermic needles (g. 19, 22, 23, 25)
∙ Sterile dressing ( gauze pad 4x4 )
∙ Cotton balls
∙ Cord clamp
∙ Micropore plaster
∙ Tape measure
∙ 1 pair of sterile gloves
∙ Baby’s scale
∙ Solutions of:
o Betadine
o 70% alcohol
o Hydrogen peroxide
o Spirit of ammnonia
*BP apparatus and stethoscope are carried separately and are never placed in the


a. FRONT OF THE BAG : (left to right) thermometer (facing down) - syringes & needles .
b. on the RIGHT SIDE OF THE BAG : medicine dropper –micropore plaster
c. on the LEFT SIDE OF THE BAG : (near to the front)- medicine glass w/ suction inside- cord clamp -baby
weighing scale
d. BACK of the bag (left to right): betadine, 70% alcohol, hydrogen peroxide & spirit of ammonia. e. on the
CENTER OF THE BAG : kidney basin-French 8 &12 catheter, Bandages, sterile OS, cotton balls, cloth bag:
Kelly curve & Kelly straight Umbilical scissors ,cotton applicators, hand towel, soap dish & soap, apron
f. on the TOP POCKET : sterile gloves , paper waste bags, plastic bags
g. TOP OF THE INNER COVER : paper lining & plastic lining for the bottom

Points to consider
1. The bag should contain all the necessary articles, supplies and equipment that will be used to answer
the emergency needs
2. The bag and its contents should be cleaned very often, the supplies replaced and ready for use anytime.
3. The bag and its contents should be well protected from contact with any article in the patient’s home. 4.
Consider the bag and its contents clean and sterile, while articles that belong to the patients as dirty and
5. The arrangement of the contents of the bag should be the one most convenient to the user, to facilitate
efficiency and avoid confusion.

The following are steps in performing bag technique and rationale for each action:
Action Rationale
Upon arrival at the patient’s home, place the bag on Remove apron, folding it away from the person,
the table lined with a clean paper. The clean side the soiled side in and the clean side out.
must be out and the folded part, touching the table Fold the lining, place it inside the bag and close
Ask for a basin of water or a glass of drinking water the bag
if tap water is not available. Take the record and have a talk with the mother.
Open the bag and take out the towel and soap. Write down all the necessary data that were
Wash hands using soap and water, wipe to dry. gathered, observations, nursing care and treatment
Take out the apron from the bag and put it on with rendered. Give instructions for care of patients in the
the right side absence of the nurse. Make appointment for the next
Put out all the necessary articles needed for the visit (either home or clinic) taking note of the date
specific care. and time.
Close the bag and put it in one corner of the To protect the bag from getting contaminated.
working area.
Proceed in performing the necessary nursing care
After giving the treatment, clean all things that were To be used for hand washing.
used and perform hand washing. Open the bag and
return all things that were used in their proper places To prepare for hand washing.
after cleaning them.
To prevent infection from the care provider to the Remove apron, folding it away from the person,
client. the soiled side in and the clean side out. Place it in
To protect the nurse’s uniform. the bag.

To have them readily accessible

To prevent contamination

To give comfort and security and hasten

To protect the caregiver and prevent infection For follow-up care
∙ Back bone of community health nursing.
∙ Home visiting is very essential and important aspect to the community health services, because majority
of the patients are found in the home.
∙ The home is utilized for many reasons in relation to the health of the family. The home is also utilized
frequently to provide nursing services.
∙ The services in the home requires technical skills, knowledge of preventive and therapeutic measures,
teaching ability, judgment and a full understanding of human relations.

Definition of Home visit

∙ delivery of specialized nursing care services in the home health care setting.
∙ It is A Process Of Providing Nursing Care To Patient Or Family At Their Doorstep.

Purposes of Home Visit

∙ Protection against diseases.
∙ Providing essential treatment.
∙ Providing comfort and relief from pain to the patient.
∙ Giving a support and empathy to the patient and his family.
∙ Using domestic equipment for the nursing.
∙ Providing health education.
∙ Giving as much respect as possible to the faiths and beliefs of the family during the procedure

Principles of Home visit

1. Home visits should be planned with purpose.
2. The purpose of home visits should be clear and must meet the needs of the patients.
3. Home visits should be regular and flexible
4. Home visit should be educative
5. Home visits should give excellent opportunities for nurses to demonstrate hygienic principles.
6. Home visit should be convenient, acceptable and educative to the patients
7. The nurse should make an attempt to include each family member while using nursing process. 8. The
nurse and the family must develop positive interpersonal relationship in their work to achieve the goal.
9. The nurse must respect the patient’s rights.
10. Home visits should be recorded in the diary and family folder

Components of Home Visit

∙ Initiation Phase
∙ Pre-visit Activities
∙ Activities during Home Visit
∙ Termination Phase
∙ Post-visit Activities

Problems encountered during Home Visit

∙ Consumes lot of time and energy
∙ Unforeseen events
∙ Non-Acceptance
∙ Problem of local language
∙ Role Confusion
Advantages of the Home Visit
∙ Home visit provides an excellent opportunity to implement the nursing process
∙ Home visits provide an opportunity to study the home and family situation.
∙ Home visits provide an opportunity to render service to the family members at their own surroundings. ∙
Prompt and proper home visits create a good understanding between nurse and family and builds good
image of nurses.
∙ Home visits clarify the doubts raised by the family members.
∙ Home visits help to observe family practices and progress of care given by nurses and others. ∙
Home visits help to prevent and handling the problems.
∙ Home visits help the nurses and family members to modify the ways of their care. ∙
Home visits are convenient for the patients.
∙ Home visits facilitate patient control of the setting.
∙ Home visits are the best option for patients unwilling or unable to travel
∙ Home visits provide natural, environment for the discussion of concerns and needs.

Role of community health nurse in home nursing:

∙ Recording the history of family to ascertain the cause and duration of illness.
∙ Providing treatment and related care.
∙ Demonstrating the nursing procedure to educate the family members.
∙ Giving medicines as per the standing orders and providing essential nursing care in the grave situations.
∙ Supervising the nursing procedures provided by family members. • Including the patient himself in taking
care of chronic illness (heart, arthritis, cancer, diabetic patients, etc) and giving them mental support.

Qualities of Community Health Nurse

∙ Have respect for life, dignity and rights of people, and serve them all without regard to race, religion,
Color, age, Sex, Politics or Social Status.
∙ Have respect for the values, customs and spiritual beliefs of people.
∙ Do not pass on personal information except to the right person.
∙ Keep up a high standard of work and personal conduct.
∙ Maintain a good relationship and Co-Operation with Coworkers in the health team, and community.
Other points which are important for the health Workers
∙ Always be neat and clean in appearance, and walk with purpose and good posture. This will make you
feel good and make a good impression on others.
∙ Take special care of your own health of body and mind, and set a good example in your personal life and
habits practice what you teach.
∙ Be Cheerful and enthusiastic in your work, and keep a sense of humor.
∙ Be disciplined in your use of time keep up punctuality
∙ cleanliness and order. Have respect for property other than your own.
∙ Be obedient to your superior officers (with intelligence) and uphold their authority. Show them proper
respect, and use correct channels of communication. Keep to service rules.
∙ Try to understand other people and the reasons for what they do and say. Be tactful, patient,
sympathetic and kind in your attitude to them.
∙ Always be ready to help people with concern and care, but refuse to receive bribes. ∙ Develop good
friendships and interests apart from your work. Try to have a hobby and healthy relaxation.
∙ Use every chance to go on learning, by reading books and journals and newspapers. Also learn from
people who can be helpful to you personally and to improve your work.
∙ Be disciplined in your spiritual life, in order to have resources to help others in distress of spirit.

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