Sts Chapter 8 Information Age

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1. first online retailer 14. Facebook Itas launched and founded by Mark
-founded by Bezos Zuckerberg with his college and fellow
Harvard University student Eduardo
2. analog computer a computer that uses physical
Saverin in the early 2004.
phenomena such as electrical,
mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to 15. Facebook It is a messaging app and platform.
model the problem being solved. Messenger Originally developed as Facebook Chat in
2008, the company revamped its
3. Angler first smartphone
messaging service in 2010, and
-Frank Canova
subsequently released standalone apps in
4. Apple-1 first personal computer with August 2011.
16. Fake news aka junk or pseudo-news.
-Steve Wozniak & Steve Jobs
-a type of yellow journalism or
5. BizSugar It is a social networking platform and propaganda that consists of deliberate
niche resource for small business disinformation of hoaxes.
owners, entrepreneurs and managers.
17. First this information revolution is print based.
The site was created in 2007 by DBH
Communications, Inc., a provider of
award-winning business publications,
and later acquired by Small Business 18. Friendster it was founded by Canadian Computer
Trends LLC, in 2009. programmer Jonathan Abrams in 2002 as a
social networking service website but
6. Computer a machine or device that performs
redesigned and relaunched as a social
processes, calculations and
gaming platform in June 2011
operations based on instructions
provided by a software or hardware 19. Fuji DS-1P first fully digital camera
program. -Steve Sasson
7. computer vision A condition resulting from focusing 20. Gavilian -First fully functional laptop computer
syndrome the eyes on a computer or other -Manny Fernandez
display device for uninterrupted
21. General type of computer according to purpose
periods of time.
purpose -designed to perform a range of tasks
8. Currency C R A P ano ano yung letters? computers -have the ability to store numerous
Relevancy/Reliability programs
Authority -lack in speed and efficiency
Purpose/Point of
22. Hybrid a computer that is capable of inputting
Computer and outputting in both digital and analog
9. Cybercrime a crime in which a computer is the (Analog+Digital) signals offers a cost effective method of
object of the crime or is used as a performing complex simulations.
tool to commit an offense.
23. IBM Blue Gene name of Philippines' supercomputer
10. Data privacy aka information privacy
24. first website address
-It is the necessity to preserve and
-by Tim Berners-Lee (sa kanya rin yung
protect any personal information,
collected by any organization, from
being accessed by a third party. 25. Information age aka computer age, digital age, or new
media age.
11. Desktop Computer -a personal or micro-mini computer
sufficient to fit on a desk. 26. Information age refers to a time period in which people
could access information and knowledge
12. Digital Computer a computer that performs
calculations and logical operations
with quantities represented as digits, 27. Information It is a situation in which too much
usually in the binary number system. overloading information is given at one time which can
cause the inability to think clearly.
13. ENIAC (Electronic The first working, digital, general-
Numerical Integrator purpose computer.
and Computer) -built by John Mauchly and J. Presper.
28. Instagram It was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike 40. Myspace It is an American social
Krieger, and launched in October 2010 networking website, which was
-It is a mobile, desktop, and internet-based launched in 2004 by Tom
photo-sharing application and service that Anderson, Chris DeWolfe and Jon
allow users to share pictures and videos either Hart l. It offers an interactive,
publicly or privately. user-submitted network of friends,
personal profiles, blogs, groups,
29. Internet A global network connecting millions of
photos, music, and videos. It
computers, making it possible to exchange
holds the record of the most
visited social networking site in
-a global network of network.
the world from 2005 to 2008.
30. iPhone first smartphone by apple
41. Osborne-1 -first true mobile computer
-steve jobs
-Adam Osborne
31. James R. the theory of the information age was first
42. Palmtop -a hand-sized computer.
Messenger conceived in 1982 by?
Computer/Digital Palmtops have no keyboard but
32. James R. He published a book entitled "The Death of the Diary/Netbook/Personal the screen serves both as an input
Messenger American Telephone & Telegraph Company" Digital Assistant (PDA) and output device.
33. Johannes made the first version of printing press. 43. Pinterest It is a web and mobile
Gutenberg application startup that operates
34. Laptop -a portable computer complete with an a software system designed to
Computer integrated screen and keyboard. It is generally discover information on the
smaller in size than a desktop computer and World Wide Web.
larger than a notebook computer 44. Republic Act No. 10173 known as the Data Privacy Act
35. LinkedIn It was founded in the late 2002, and relaunched (DPA) of 2012.
after 6 months. It is considered as the most -Signed by President Benigno
popular social media site for professional Aquino.
networking. The website is available in 24 45. Republic Act No. 10175 Cybercrime Prevention Act of
languages and has over 400 million registered 2012
46. Republic Act No. 10913 the Anti-Distracted Driving Act of
36. Mainframe type of computer on the basis of size 2016
computer -very large and expensive computer capable of -this republic act bans the use of
supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of a mobile communication devices
users simultaneously to write, send, or read text-based
-uses its power to execute programs communication or to make or
concurrently. receive calls.
37. Mini type of computer on the basis of size 47. Second Information this information revolution is
Computer -midsized computer Revolutions dominated by pre-digital
or Server -possess a multiprocessing system capable of developments when COMPUTERS
supporting from 4 to about 200 users started to be introduced.
48. Skype It was first released in August
38. Mosaic first popular web browser 2003, was created by the Swede
-Marc Andreessen Niklas Zennstrom and the Dane
39. Motorola first commercial mobile phone Janus Friis, in cooperation with
DynaTAC -Martin Cooper Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and
8000x Jaan Tallinn. It was the first to add
49. Social media a computer-based technology
that facilitates the sharing of
ideas, thoughts, and information
through the building of virtual
networks and communities.
50. Specific purpose type of computer according to plan purpose
computers -designed to handle a specific problem or to perform a specific task.
-a set of instructions is built into the machine.
51. SUMMIT holds the record of fastest supercomputer.
52. super computer type of computer on the basis of size
-fastest and most powerful type of computer.
-very expensive
53. Third and Last this information revolution began in the introduction of the internet, and the World Wide Web.
54. Tumblr a microblogging and social networking website founded by David Karp in 2007, and owned by Oath Inc.
The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog.
55. Twitter -created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey, et. al.
-It is an online news and social networking service where users post and interact with messages, tweets,
restricted to 140 characters.
56. UNIVAC (Universal Early computer used by businesses first built in 1957.
Automatic Computer) -first american commercial computer.
57. Viber It was launched in 2010 as a cross-platform voice over IP and instant messaging software application
operated by Japanese multinational company Rakuten.
58. Web consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents
-combination of all resources and users on the internet that are using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
59. Wikipedia -first online encyclopedia
-invented by Jimmy Wales & Larry Sanger.
60. Workstation -terminal or desktop computer in a network
-generic term for a user's machine (client's machine) in contrast to a "server" or "mainframe".
61. Youtube it began when PayPal employees created a video-sharing website where users could upload, share and
view content.

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