The City College of New York
The City College of New York
The City College of New York
Department of Chemistry
Chemistry 26100: Organic Chemistry I
Section: AB
Lecture: M and W 8:00 AM – 9:50 AM
Dr. Issa Salame
(212) 650 – 6924
Office Location: MR1224
[email protected]
Catalog Description:
An introduction to the chemistry of carbon compounds, current interpretation of the reactions
and properties of these compounds.
Course objectives:
This course is the first of a two-semester sequence. The objective of the course is to
provide introduction to organic chemistry, via discussion of reactivity, key reaction mechanisms,
retrosynthetic analysis, and structure determination via IR, NMR, and MS spectroscopies. The
course strives to enhance the critical thinking and the problem solving skills of the students.
After completing this course students should know: outcomes
1. Lewis structures, resonance forms, acid/base theories, orbital a, b
hybridization and geometry of molecules, functional groups,
constitutional isomers, cis/trans isomers.
5. Predict the products of carbocation rearrangements, dehydration, a, b
dehydrohalogenation and dehalogenation reactions.
10. Interpret simple infrared and mass spectra. Use the information a, b
derived from the IR and MS spectra to propose a tentative
structure for an unknown organic compound.
Topics covered:
1. Carbon Compounds and Chemical Bonds
2. Representative Carbon Compounds: Functional Groups, Infrared Spectroscopy, &
Intermolecular Force
3. An Introduction to Organic Reactions: Acids and Bases
4. Alkanes: Nomenclature, Conformational Analysis, & An Intro to Synthesis
5. Stereochemistry: Chiral Molecules
6. Ionic Reactions - Nucleophilic Substitution & Elimination Reactions: Alkyl Halides
7. Alkenes & Alkynes: Properties & Synthesis, Elimination Reactions of Alkyl Halides
8. Alkenes & Alkynes II: Addition Reaction
9. Spectroscopic Methods of Structure Determination
10. Radical Reactions
11. Alcohols & Ethers
12. Alcohols from Carbonyl Compounds, Oxidation-Reduction & Organometallic Compounds
Course schedule:
Section: LM
Lecture: M and W: 8:00 am – 9:50 am
Assessment tools:
PROBLEMS: The assigned problems are a very important part of the course. You are
responsible for all problems, within and at the end of each chapter. If you can do the problems,
you should do well on the exams.
EXAMS: There will be three 90 minute exams during the semester of which you should take at
least two. If you take all three exams your lowest exam score will be dropped while computing
your grade. If you take only two of the 90 minute exams, all scores will count. These three
exams will account for 50% towards your final grade, and the Final Examination for 50%. The
date of the Final Examination will be set by the registrar, and will cover ALL CHAPTERS (1-
12) studied.
Office Hours:
Mondays: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Wednesdays: 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Or by appointment
Office is located in the science building in room MR 1224
courses designated as clinical, performance, laboratory or field work courses, the limit on
absences is established by the individual instructor. For all other courses, the number of hours
absent may not exceed twice the number of contact hours the course meets per week. When a
student is dropped for excessive absence, the Registrar will enter the grade of WU.
Academic Integrity
The CCNY policy on academic integrity will be followed in this course. The document can be
found at: In addition, the Policy on Academic
Integrity can be found in the Undergraduate Bulletin 2007 - 2009 in Appendix B.3 on page 312.
All students must read the details regarding plagiarism and cheating in order to be familiar with
the rules of the college. Cases where academic integrity is compromised will be prosecuted
according to these rules.
Allowing the student to do extra work after the final grade has been awarded: A student offers
the instructor many reasons why the academic work submitted during the semester was not an
adequate representation of his/her grasp of the course content. The instructor agrees to read the
extra work and change the grade, if the work is warranted.
Although similar to the above situation in that the student is being allowed to do work after the
course is over, this scenario differs in its details. This arrangement presents two problems:
firstly, it is unfair to those students who have not been offered such an opportunity and have
completed coursework sufficiently and on time; secondly, it circumvents the mandated appeals
process. Consequently, it is a violation of the academic policy of the school.
Allowing the student to negotiate a grade: A student does no extra work after the award of a
final grade, yet he/she bases a campaign for a higher grade on the sheer force of an argument.
The higher grade may be wrested from the professor by the brilliance of the student’s debate or
by the latter’s subtle but persistent erosion of the instructor’s strength of refusal. As the instructor
is paid for his/her expertise in a field, they are expected to exercise competency in his/her
determination of an appropriate grade for a student. Consequently, it is a violation of the
academic policy of the school.
In compliance with CCNY policy and equal access laws, appropriate academic accommodations
are offered for students with disabilities. Students must first register with The AccessAbility
Center for reasonable academic accommodations. The AccessAbility Center is located in the
North Academic Center, Rm. 1/218. Tel: (212) 650-5913. Under The Americans with Disability
Act, an individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits one or more major life activities. If you have any such issues, I encourage
you to visit the AccessAbility Center to determine which services may be appropriate for you.
Noise and excessive chatter, eating, drinking, or use of unauthorized electronic equipment is not
allowed in the classroom.
The assigned problems are a very important part of the course. You are responsible for all
problems, within and at the end of each chapter. If you can do the problems, you should do well
on the exams.
Class Schedule
August 27th Chapter 1. A Review of General Chemistry: Electrons, Bonds, and
Molecular Properties 1
August 29th Chapter 1. A Review of General Chemistry: Electrons, Bonds, and
Molecular Properties 1
September 3rd *** NO CLASSES ***
Labor Day. College Closed.
September 5th Monday Schedule
Chapter 2. Molecular Representations
September 10th *** NO CLASSES ***
September 12th Chapter 2. Molecular Representations
September 17th Chapter 3. Acids and Bases
September 19th *** NO CLASSES ***
September 24th Chapter 4. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
September 26th Chapter 4. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
October 1st Chapter 4. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes
October 3rd *** FIRST EXAMINATION ***
October 8th *** NO CLASSES ***
Columbus Day. College Closed.
October 10th Chapter 5. Stereoisomerism
October 15th Chapter 5. Stereoisomerism
October 17th Chapter 6. Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms
October 22nd Chapter 7. Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination
October 24th Chapter 7. Alkyl Halides: Nucleophilic Substitution and Elimination
October 29th Chapter 8. Addition Reactions of Alkenes
October 31st Chapter 8. Addition Reactions of Alkenes
November 5th *** SECOND EXAMINATION ***
November 7th Chapter 9. Alkynes
November 12th Chapter 9. Alkynes
November 14th Chapter 10. Radical Reactions
November 19th Chapter 11. Synthesis
November 21st Chapter 12. Alcohols and Phenols
November 26th Chapter 12. Alcohols and Phenols
November 28th Chapter 14. Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
December 3rd Chapter 14. Infrared Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry
December 5th Catch-up and review for Third Examination
December 10th *** THIRD EXAMINATION ***
December 12th Catch-up and review for Final Examination
Final Examination will be scheduled during the final exam period between Monday the 17th
and Friday the 21st of December of 2018.
Our Final Exam Date is: 12 19 2018
Our Final Exam Time is 8:00 – 10:15 am