Arts9 - q1 - Mod6 - Western Classical Art Traditions - v3
Arts9 - q1 - Mod6 - Western Classical Art Traditions - v3
Arts9 - q1 - Mod6 - Western Classical Art Traditions - v3
Arts 11
Arts - Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1, Wk.6 - Module 6: Western Classical Art Traditions
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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Quarter 1, Wk.6 - Module 6
Western Classical Art Traditions
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Table of Contents
What I Know................................................................................................................................................. 9
Lesson 1:
Artworks Guided by Techniques and Styles of Western Classical Art Traditions .....11
What I Need to Know......................................................................................................11
What’s New ....................................................................................................................11
What Is It.............................................................................................................................16
What’s More .....................................................................................................................17
Summary ……………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Assessment: (Post-Test)……………………………………………………………………… 20
Key to Answers…………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
References……………………………………………………………………………………… 2 1
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What This Module is About
This module is intended for the alternative delivery mode on Western Classical Art
Traditions. As a facilitator, you are expected to give the learners the proper guidance on the
use of this module and remind them that this material is a property of DepEd and not for
sale. You are also expected to instruct the learner that they should use separate sheets in
answering the pre – test, activities and post – test.
This module is especially designed for you. This provides you various activities that
will help you learn the lesson independently. This material is divided into parts: “What I Need
to Know”, “What I Know”, “What’s New”, “What is It”, “What’s More”, “What I have Learned”,
“What I can Do”, “and “Assessment”, wherein each part contains instructions that you must
carefully read and understand to successfully complete the module. If there will be questions
regarding the content of this module, your facilitator is always willing to assist you. Enjoy
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
recognizes the difference and uniqueness of the art styles of the different periods. This
material is written in simple and clear instructions so you can easily comprehend the
terminologies used in this lesson.
1. Shows the influences of the Western Classical Art traditions to Philippine art form.
2. Evaluates works of art in terms of artistic concepts and ideas using criteria from the
Western Classical Art traditions.
3. Creates artworks guided by techniques and style from different art traditions
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.
What I Know
Multiple choice. Choose the best answer and write the letter only in your answer
Timeline Era
3150–2686 BC
700-480 B.C.
27 BC – 476
330-1453 CE
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What’s New
Ancient Art ( 1, 500, 000BC – 2, 000, 000BC )
Prehistoric & Egyptian
Pre – Historic Era Architecture
Megaliths ( a big rock ): Greek words lithos ( stone ) and megas
( big )
Made of huge stone blocks intended for buried
Provide plenty of legends and superstitious
During this era, stones and rocks were associated with divinity
Egyptian Paintings
Highly stylized, symbolic, and shows profile view of an animal or a person
Main colors: red, black, blue, gold, and green
Egyptian Architecture
1. Has thick sloping walls with few openings for stability.
2. All walls, columns and piers are covered with hieroglyphics.
3. Ornamentations were symbolic.
4. Temples were aligned with astronomically significant events likes solstices
and equinox with precise measurements.
The Parthenon
The Greatest classical temple, ingeniously engineered to
correct an optical illusion.
Cloumns were slightly inwards: to correct the impression of
deadness and top heaviness.
An art process where image is created using an assemblage of small
pieces of colored glass, stones, or other materials.
Used for decorative art or interior decorations.
Classic Roman Sculptures
Made of monumental terra – cotta
Produced reliefs in the Great Roman triumphal columns with continuous
narrative reliefs around.
Byzantine Painting
Dominant theme: religious, everyday life scenes and motifs from nature
Animals were used as symbols while some had acrostic signs that
contained a great theological significance.
Byzantine Architecture
Has a lot in common with early Christian architecture.
Mosaic decoration was perfected as was the use of clerestory to bring
light in from high windows.
Hagia Sophia
meaning Holy Wisdom
Narrates how a magnificent construction transformed from being a church
into a mosque into a museum.
One of the biggest domes ever created.
Romanesque Painting
Largely placed mosaics on the walls of the churches that follow a strict
frontal pose.
Mozarabic influence – elongated oval faces, large staring eyes and long
noses, figures against flat colored bands and heavy outlining.
Romanesque Sculpture
Famous pieces: reliquaries, altar frontals, crucifixes and devotional
Small works made of costly materials for royal and aristocratic patrons.
Romanesque Architecture
Romanesque’s churches have grand sculpted doorways/ portals.
Wood or metal doors are surrounded by elaborate stone sculptures
arranged in zones to fit architectural elements.
Stained Glass Windows – were created to transform the vast stone interior with warm and
glowing color and at the same time to instruct Christians in their faith.
Gothic Sculpture
Have greater freedom of style.
No longer lay against walls but begun to project outward.
Figures instead of being set into particular patterns.
More lively and realistic.
Gothic Architecture
Design includes two new devices:
Pointed Arch which enabled builders to construct much higher
ceiling vaults and Stone Vaulting borne on a network of stone
ribs supported by piers and clustered pillars.
What Is It
Exhibit: Artwork Galore
Direction: Form four groups. Each group will make the following artwork indicated below as
described. Afterwards, exhibit your works for viewing and evaluation. Group work will be
rated based on the rubric provided.
“Rock My World”
Form anything using pointed edge rock.
“Psychedelic Glass”
Paint any shape of glass by combining any five (5) colors. You are free to make a
design of your choice.
“Birthday Cards”
Make a birthday card in a collage from by assembling picture cut outs from any
magazine. Be creative.
“ Soap Sculpture”
Make a sculpture out of soap. Make a any design of your choice and do carve it.
Preferably use a Perla soap.
5 4 3 2 1
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
1. Compositions and design
Shows the theme and motifs of
prehistoric art
2. Process
a. Follows the instruction in doing the
b. Maintains cleanliness in the working
3. Material use
Use the proper materials and tools
prescribed in the activity
4. Materials use
a. Establish good relationship with
classmates while doing the activity.
b. Shows enjoyment while doing the
5. Overall look of the artwork
Shows the overall characteristic of a
pre-historic art
Mount an Exhibition
Gather all your artworks on the different activities that you had processed
and mount an exhibition.
On mounting your exhibition consider the following
The theme of the exhibit is ART OF THE EARLY AGE
Exhibit area
Arrangement of artworks
Decoration of the exhibit area Information
Description of art work (title, materials, technique, media)
Site the inspiration of your art work (period
What’s More
Individual Activity
Write the characteristics and function of each image presented below. Write
your response in the activity sheet.
What I Have
The students will be asked to compare and contrast paintings of different periods,
sculptures and architectures using the following indicators:
What I Can Do
Activity. Let’s use the Creativity: Portfolio Making
Gather or collect pictures from Western Classical Art Era. Then give the
characteristics, techniques, elements and principle that contribute in today’s art. Use it as
inspiration to make your own portfolio.
1. Prehistoric art is classified in three periods such as Paleolithic (Old Stone Age),
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (New Stone Age) Eras.
2. Egyptian Art is primarily religious in nature.
3. Egyptian artworks were classified into three: First art used in the home furniture,
jewelry, musical instrument, second are used in the dead – tomb, masks mummy
cases, and wrapping for the body, third art was created for the gods and their priest,
and kings-in temples, paintings, statues.
4. Ancient Greek art depicts naturalism. Artists have studied anatomy, physics, and
optics, as well as techniques of carving, painting, building, gold- working and
5. Roman art developed as a new source of artistic creativity much more progressive
than the conservative Greek art.
6. Byzantine art was a reflection of the Greek and oriental culture. It was a combination
of Eastern (decorative art forms) and classical Western Art (Naturalistic art).
7. Romanesque art was characterized by its very vigorous style in painting and
sculptures, lavishly decorated manuscripts, and retained many basic features of
Roman architectural styles.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
I. Identify what art period was being describe. Write the answer on the space
provided before each item.
II. Choose the best answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.
1. It is a method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster
usually on a wall surfaces.
A. Acrylic B. Encaustic
C. Fresco D. Tropme-l’-oeil
2. It is a method of applying pigments mixed with beeswax and fixed with heat after
its application.
A. Acrylic B. Encaustic
C. Fresco D. Tropme-l’-oeil
3. An art process where you create an image using an assemblage of small pieces
of colored glass, stones, or other materials
A. Collage B. Mosaics
C. Stained Glass D. Tropme-l’-oeil
4. A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture
A. Megaliths B. Pyramid
C. Sarcophagus D. Tomb
5. It is a colored glass used to form decorative or pictorial designs
A. Collage B. Encaustic
C. Mosaics D. Stained glass
Key to Answers
What I Know:
Timeline Era Letter
Prehistoric Era E and F
Egyptian Era G
Greek Era H
Roman Era D
Byzantine Era C
Romanesque Era B
Gothic Era A
1. B 4. F
2. B 5. B
3. F
Post- Assessment:
1. Pre-historic 1.C
2. Ancient Egypt 2. B
3. Greek Classical 3. B
4. Pre-historic 4. C
5. Greek Classical 5. D
6. Roman Classical
7. Gothic
8. Byzantine
9. Pre-historic
Department of Education (2014). Music and Arts- Learner’s Material
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