Efi Fiery Xerox Exi c60c70 v2 FPP Ds en Us PDF
Efi Fiery Xerox Exi c60c70 v2 FPP Ds en Us PDF
Efi Fiery Xerox Exi c60c70 v2 FPP Ds en Us PDF
Increase productivity
Fiery Productivity Package
and quality.
The Fiery Productivity Package option for the embedded Xerox EX-i C60/C70 Print Server
® ®
Powered by Fiery includes a set of features essential for professional printing environments.
• JDF technology to automate and integrate business • Powerful softproofing and color management tools
and print processes for higher efficiency and to minimize errors and waste
increased profit
• Workflow automation solution for production of
• Advanced queue management controls to manage ready-to-print files with the fewest touch points and
print priorities without disrupting production least potential for human errors
• Image and color quality adjustment tools for • Automated job submission features for
last-minute image editing, right in increased productivity
Fiery Command WorkStation ®
What’s included
Here is the set of features included in the optional Fiery Productivity Package for the Xerox EX-i C60/C70 Print Server.
Automates the job submission process and batch processing of multiple files with the same
Fiery Hot Folders
print settings
Graphic arts filters
Automates job submission through Hot Folders for graphic arts file formats
for Hot Folders
Configures specific “File-Print” submission process for an output device so users don’t have to
Fiery Virtual Printers
specify print settings for multiple jobs
Fiery Image Enhance Adjusts individual images for brightness, contrast, highlights, shadows, color balance, and
Visual Editor sharpness without opening and editing the file in the originating application
Enables the user to visually check the final processed job before printing and apply
Fiery ImageViewer
color adjustments
Delivers color-coded job diagnostic reports to quickly and easily identify potential
Postflight report
printing issues such as mixed source colors and missing spot colors
Provides color quality control by placing the Ugra/Fogra Media Wedge, an industry-standard color
Control bar
bar, and job settings on every printed page
Controls trapping parameters and corrects misregistration in composite or separated documents
auto trapping
Achieves accurate output simulations for special media by manually adjusting the hue,
Paper simulation
brightness, and saturation of the paper substrate being simulated
Enables built-in JDF-based integration support to automate processes from job submission to
Fiery JDF output by integrating print workflow and business management systems so that job information
can flow through the systems with less touch points and errors
Automates job preparation steps to increase productivity by eliminating bottlenecks, reducing
repetitive work, and minimizing touch points. Comes in two versions. Enable JobFlow Base
Fiery JobFlow TM
(free) with the paid Fiery Productivity Package. Upgrade available to the full JobFlow version
to expand workflow functionality.
Nothing herein should be construed as a warranty in addition to the express warranty statement provided with EFI products and services.
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