Guide Trees Plants1

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Guidelines on

Trees, Shrubs and Plants


Planting and Landscaping

in the

Maltese Islands

Environmental Management Unit

Planning Directorate

January 2002



1.1 General overview 4

1.2 Principal objectives and scope of these guidelines 5


2.1 Why protect existing trees and vegetation ? 7

2.2 Legal and policy framework 8

2.2.1 The Structure Plan for the Maltese Islands 8
2.2.2 The Development Planning Act 8
2.1.3 Other regulations 9

2.3 The Planning Authority’s outlook 10


3.1 Ensuring successful planting projects 13

3.2 Ensuring compatibility with the environment 14


4.1 Ensuring compatibility with rural habitats 17

4.1.1 Minimising disturbance of thriving rural habitats 17
4.1.2 Planting in degraded rural environments 17
4.1.3 Successful integration of plantations with the rural environment 18

4.2 Using suitable vegetation 20

4.2.1 Problems caused by the use of alien species in rural areas 20
4.2.2 Using suitable species 21
4.2.3 Undoing existing problems 21
4.3 Respecting genetic diversity 22
4.3.1 Why be concerned ? 22

4.4 Site engineering 23

4.5 Planting within agricultural land 23

4.6 Planting within cemeteries 24


















1.1 General overview

The Structure Plan for the Maltese Islands recognises trees and vegetation as “a limited but very
important feature of the Maltese landscape and a threatened resource", as aesthetic features
which provide valuable opportunities for landscaping and screening, and (in many cases) as
essential components of natural or semi-natural ecosystems. It therefore seeks to protect the
existing greenery and to promote the additional planting of trees and shrubs in appropriate
locations. The importance of planting and landscaping is spelt out in Paragraph 7.16, and in
policies BEN 17 and RCO 6 of the Plan:

Paragraph 7.16:
“The design, establishment and maintenance of hard and soft landscaping is an essential part of
improving and enjoying both the urban and rural environment. The design of rural roads in particular
should be landscape-led so that they blend into their surroundings.”

Policy BEN 17:

“Development permit applications shall include proposals for hard and soft landscaping, and
measures by which their maintenance will be undertaken.”

Policy RCO 6:
“Following the adoption of Local Plans for Rural Conservation Areas, the Planning Authority will
institute a programme of enhancement and management in conjunction with the Ministry of
Agriculture and the Secretariat of the Environment comprising (inter alia):
1. Afforestation and landscaping schemes
2. Rehabilitation of abandoned quarries
3. Reactivation of abandoned agricultural land, encouraging compatible methods of cultivation
4. Rehabilitation of degraded habitats”

Planting and soft landscaping are considered as fundamental mitigatory inclusions in many
development proposals, and as a statutory requirement for developments which would, without
prejudice to other relevant policies and regulations, have to be located in sensitive areas (e.g.
Outside Development Zones). The need to embellish both urban and rural areas by means of tree
planting has long been recognised in principle. Indeed, extensive tree planting, afforestation and
landscaping projects have been carried out since the beginning of the 20th century and before; the
intended aim of expanding the Islands’ tree cover was in many respects achieved.
However, several projects carried out in rural areas (in the past and, to a lesser extent, even to
date) have been inappropriately sited and/or have often made use of inappropriate species, to the
detriment of natural ecosystems and the countryside in general. For example, many hectares of
ecologically valuable garrigue were utilized for afforestation and replaced (to a substantial extent)
with alien trees such as Acacia, which are, in the local context, ecologically damaging. Other rural
areas have likewise been planted with Eucalyptus, an exotic tree that secretes chemicals into the
soil so as to inhibit the growth of other plants; this has been carried out both by public agencies
and, in a piecemeal manner, by individual tenants. Moreover, many ornamental species used in
rural gardens and landscaping projects in the countryside have escaped into, and invaded, many
ecologically important valleys, displacing their characteristic vegetation. These concerns are less
important in urban areas.

1.2 Principal objectives and scope of these guidelines

The Structure Plan provides outline guidelines about conservation, afforestation and landscaping,
particularly in sites located Outside Development Zones (ODZ) and/or within Rural Conservation
Areas (RCAs).However, the Structure Plan is limited primarily at providing strategic guidance rather
than the actual details required for implementation. It is therefore necessary for Government
Departments and Agencies, Local Councils, Non-Governmental Organisations, private nurseries,
planners (including private sector consultant planners), developers, architects and the interested
public to be provided with more detailed guidance concerning the suitability or otherwise of
particular species and sources for the purpose. This document is intended as a proactive basis for
assessing individual proposals presented to the Planning Authority, and as a means of guiding
prospective initiatives in advance, spelling out the details expected by the Planning Authority for
projects that consist of, or include, planting. The intention is to:

1. promote environmentally-sound planting and soft-landscaping by guiding genuine efforts made

by interested agencies (e.g. Government Departments, Local Councils, voluntary
organisations) and by the general public;

2. encourage incentives for environmentally-compatible improvements in planting and

landscaping projects, and to deter unsustainable, or environmentally-damaging practice;

3. further promote the demand for the propagation of suitable indigenous vegetation, and
encourage Governmental and private nurseries to satisfy such demand; and

4. enable clients/developers, as well as their architects and consultants, to produce appropriate
landscaping layouts and drawings for specific development projects.

The report focuses primarily on environmental and planning issues, and its main thrust is to
promote and ensure compatibility of interventions with their siting. Some guidance about
requirements that are essential pre-requisites for successful planting are also given; however,
exhaustive specifications are beyond the scope of these guidelines (especially in view of the
numerous requirements of individual species) and additional technical advice in this regard should
be sought from the Department of Agriculture, the Environment Protection Department, competent
landscapers, specialised consultants (especially ecologists and/or botanists) and specialised
nurseries wherever appropriate. In view of the objectives outlined above, this report is centred on a
number of key issues and requirements, with ancillary species lists (for clarification purposes)
wherever applicable. It first outlines a number of key general requirements, and then highlights the
different specific provisions that are applicable in urban and rural areas. It should also be noted that,
for practical reasons, the lists contained in this document are indicative rather than exhaustive; it is
therefore expected that the finer details of individual projects would continue to be assessed on
their own merits, within a framework of standard criteria as established herein.


2.1 Why protect existing trees and vegetation ?

Generally, existing trees and vegetation should be conserved and adequately looked after; they are
to be considered as valuable for the following reasons:

1. Many trees and plants contribute towards a more attractive environment;

2. Indigenous and archaeophytic trees (and vegetation) growing in the wild (see examples in
Appendix 2) or in a semi-natural state (e.g. artificially afforested sites which are regenerating
in a natural manner) are of ecological value and, in some cases, of scientific importance as
well. For example, they provide important habitats for other forms of wildlife, including birds;

3. Trees and vegetation (depending on type and siting) may have important properties such as
sediment stabilisation (e.g. soil binding), uptake of runoff water, reduction of wind velocities,

4. Several old trees (including old wild trees, trees forming part of old gardens/plantations, old
cultivated trees and old grafting stocks) are valuable as antiquities; a non-exhaustive list is
contained in Government Notice 269 of 1933 issued by virtue of the Antiquities (Protection) Act,
1925. Old (and/or large) trees or vegetation clumps may be valuable as established
landmarks; and

5. Many trees and plants grown for their crop value (including grafting stocks) have evolved local
adaptations or variations as a result of prolonged artificial selection; these local strains are
valuable in terms of agricultural/horticultural biodiversity.

2.2 Legal and policy framework

2.2.1 The Structure Plan for the Maltese Islands

In addition to the promotion and regulation of new planting, the Structure Plan seeks to protect
existing trees and vegetation; the following policies are particularly relevant in this regard:

Policy RCO 4:
“The Planning Authority will not permit the development of any structure or activity which in the view
of the Authority would adversely affect scenic value because it would:
... adversely affect existing trees or shrubs”

Policy RCO 33

“Specified individual trees or groups of trees of aesthetic, historical, cultural, arboricultural, and/or
scientific interest will be protected by means of Tree Preservation Orders which prohibit the
uprooting, destruction, or damage to trees growing in the wild and in public parks, gardens, and
other spaces, or on private land, and regulate any other activity which may cause harm or death of
such trees.”

2.2.2 The Development Planning Act

Articles 46 and 48 of the Development Planning Act, 1992 [Act I of 1992] reinforce these policies
by empowering the Planning Authority to protect existing trees and vegetation through their
“scheduling” or by means of Tree Preservation Orders:

Article 46:

"(1) The Authority shall prepare... a list of... areas of natural beauty, ecological or
scientific value (hereinafter referred to as “scheduled property”) which are to be scheduled
for conservation and may in respect of all or any one or more of the scheduled property
make conservation orders to regulate their conservation...

(1) The carrying on of any work in, and the demolition, alteration or extension of, any scheduled
property is prohibited or restricted as provided in this section or in a conservation order.

(2) No works of any description shall be carried out in or on any scheduled property and no
scheduled property shall be demolished, altered or extended except with the permission of
the Authority granted on an application made to it and giving such details as the
Authority may require, or in accordance with the provisions of a conservation order: and for
the purpose of this section, damage to or destruction of any part of a scheduled property
shall be deemed to be a demolition thereof.

(3) A permission of the Authority and a conservation order granted or made under this section
may contain such conditions and other provisions as the Authority may deem necessary or
expedient; and a conservation order may regulate any matter affecting scheduled property.

(4) In respect of any scheduled property, the Authority shall also have power to require the
owner, by notice in writing, to undertake such works generally, or as may be specified in the
notice, as may be necessary to ensure that no further deterioration occurs. In default, the
Authority may give a further notice to the owner to carry out and complete the works within a
specified time, and if the owner is still in default it may itself carry out, or cause to be carried
out, the necessary works and recover the cost thereof from the owner of the scheduled

(5) If any scheduled property is demolished in contravention of any of the provisions of this
section then, in addition to any penalty or other effect under this Act, every person
convicted of such offence shall be liable to pay compensation to the Authority calculated on
the basis of whichever is the highest of the following:

(a) the value of the thing destroyed.

(b) the cost of restoration or repair.

(c) the financial benefit which could be achieved as a consequence of the demolition.”

Article 48:

"(1) The Authority shall prepare, and from time to time review a list of individual trees, groups of
trees or woodlands (hereinafter referred to as “scheduled trees”) which it considers should be
protected, and may in respect of all or any one or more of them make tree preservation orders
regulating such protection.

(1) No scheduled tree shall be cut down, lopped, topped or wilfully damaged or destroyed except
with the permission of the Authority on an application made to it or as may be allowed under a
tree preservation order.

(2) A permission of the Authority and a tree preservation order granted or made under this section
may contain such conditions and other provisions as the Authority may deem necessary or
expedient: and a tree preservation order may regulate any matter affecting scheduled trees.”

2.2.3 Other regulations

Other regulations also seek to protect certain species of trees and natural vegetation. Particular,
attention is drawn to:

1. the Wild Thyme Protection Regulations, 1932 [Government Notice 85 of 1932] which prohibit
the destruction or uprooting of Mediterranean thyme (Thymus capitatus-- sag`tar);

2. the Conifer Trees (Preservation) Regulations, 1949 [Government Notice 328 of 1949] which
require authorisation from the Director of Agriculture prior to the destruction or removal of
existing conifer trees; and

3. the Trees and Woodlands (Protection) Regulations, 2001 [Legal Notice 12 of 2001]

2.3 The Planning Authority’s outlook

The Planning Authority’s outlook towards existing trees and vegetation is generally aimed at their
conservation. Therefore, unless removal would result in a net environmental improvement (see
other sections of these guidelines), the continued retention of existing trees, groups of trees and/or
clumps of vegetation is to be sought wherever possible; their unjustified destruction or mutilation
(even if this is to make way for other plantations) will generally be objected to by the Planning
Authority. Nonetheless, the removal of existing trees or vegetation may be unavoidable in other
cases-- e.g. to make way for new permissible development within development zones, or for
essential infrastructural upgrading. The Planning Authority will therefore:

1. not approve the removal of trees in the absence of a valid justification; or

2. in the event that the Planning Authority is satisfied that such justification exists, demand that the
extent of removal be conservative and that undesirable “casualties” (including accidental
casualties) entailed by the intervention in question be minimised by the adoption of
precautionary measures.

To this effect, and in collaboration with the competent agencies-- particularly the Environment
Protection Department, the Department of Agriculture, and the relevant Local Councils-- the
Planning Authority may pursue one or more of the following options (subject to the nature of the
location, the options indicated below can be considered as listed in decreasing order of

1. The incorporation of existing trees and/or vegetation into the proposed development
wherever the proposed development is indispensable and cannot be relocated; to this effect,
modifications (even if substantial) to the proposal may be required. Where appropriate, the
Planning Authority may also prohibit the mutilation or severe pruning of such trees/vegetation,
through appropriate permit conditions. In particular, the removal or mutilation of trees that are
older than approximately 20 years (excluding invasive species) should only be considered as a

very last resort; the Planning Authority would also need to be satisfied that no other options
exist and may require the commissioning of expert advice in this regard.

2. Transplanting of trees/vegetation, which would otherwise be affected by the proposed

development/interventions, although this option is often limited by the species and age of the
trees/vegetation in question. For example,

• palms (Phoenix spp.), olive trees (Olea spp.), deciduous legumes such as Judas trees
(Cercis siliquastrum), almond trees (Prunus spp.), citrus trees (Citrus spp.), and Ficus
spp. are readily transplantable if adequate precautions (including seasonal factors,
methods used for uprooting, transportation and replanting, and minimisation of damage to
root and stem systems) are taken in advance of uprooting. Generally, deciduous trees
with a defined rest period should only be transplanted during such period.

• carobs (Ceratonia siliqua), Eucalyptus spp., and most conifers-- including alerces
(Tetraclinis articulata), cypresses (Cupressus spp.), pines (Pinus spp.), Thuya spp., and
Araucaria spp.-- are not readily transplantable.

• Young trees also generally lend themelves better to successful transplanting than do older
specimens of the same species.

3. Where none of the foregoing options are possible, destruction and damage to existing trees and
vegetation is to be compensated for by the planting of trees/plants of the same species
according to the “formula” established in Appendix 1. Where replacement of the original
species is actually desirable, or in other exceptional circumstances, the Planning Authority may
consent to the planting of other species in the place of the trees/vegetation damaged or
destroyed. In rural areas, the replacement of exotic trees and vegetation with indigenous and/or
archaeophytic species of native stock will be pursued. Moreover, the Planning Authority may
require that compensatory/replacement planting is effected in the same area or on a different
site approved by it in advance; the Planning Authority may also require agreement with the
respective Local Council on such planting.

4. The pruning, transplanting or removal of shrubs and trees in public soft areas, public gardens
and other public areas must be carried out solely by a professional arboriculturist subject to
authorisation from the Department of Agriculture. In other cases, the Trees and Woodlands
(Protection) Regulations 2001 shall apply.

Notwithstanding the options indicated above, the Planning Authority will (especially in sites that are
not zoned for development, green areas, sites located Outside Development Zones, scheduled /
protected areas, and sites of conservation value):

• retain the right to refuse permits for developments which would damage existing trees or
vegetation that are of conservation value. The provisions of Structure Plan policy RCO 4 (see
Section 1) are also particularly relevant; and

• not favourably consider development proposals that are unacceptable in principle, even if they
include planting schemes.

• enforce procedures for safeguarding of existing trees during construction, unless declared
invasive trees

In certain instances, site and tree assessment surveys should be carried out at the pre-
development stage, in order that adequate treatments can be recommended to minimise potential
damage and maximise positive tree reactions to change. Preferably this should take place one full
growing season in advance of any development activity on the site. Such evaluations and
treatments should be undertaken by qualified arboriculturalists and could include measures such
as setting up protection barriers, pruning, mulching, establishing irrigation needs and marking
access sites.


3.1 Ensuring successful planting projects

A number of factors (including environmental factors) must be taken into account to ensure that
planting schemes are successful. Far from fulfilling the intended environmental
improvement/embellishment, abortive projects are generally conducive to a net deterioration of the
site chosen for their implementation. In order to minimise such eventualities, the Planning Authority
will only approve planting schemes that require its authorisation if it is satisfied that the relevant
precautions (including those outlined below) have been taken:

1. The trees and vegetation used should be well adapted to growing in the conditions that prevail
in the Maltese Islands and specifically in the site to be used for planting; important factors
include exposure, shade, climate/temperature, water availability/drought, soil conditions
(including soil texture, compaction, soil moisture, salinity, soil pH / alkalinity, nutrient availability,
contamination), soil cover / depth of usable soil, and pollutant levels. For example, plants with
silvery, thick or waxy leaves, as well as plants bearing leaves that are lighter on their underside
than on the upper side, are generally suitable for open sites and will not thrive fully in shaded
situations. Conversely, plants with thin, soft or deep green foliage, as well as plants with very
broad leaves, are often suitable only for shaded situations and would need constant watering if
planted in exposed sites.

2. The planting density should also allow for sufficient space around the plants/trees so that
specimens will not be stunted; space requirements vary from one species to the other. In
some cases over-planting is acceptable, as are thinning practices. On the other hand, planting
arrangements that are too sparse (this depends on the siting as well as on the intended use)
generally fall short of satisfying the ultimate aim of environmental improvement.

3. It is important to make due allowance for the increased size of the trees at maturity (which is
often considerable when compared to the initial size when first planted) and to allow sufficient
room (and depth) for root growth. This aspect is particularly, though not exclusively, crucial in
road construction and urban design.

4. The time taken by tree species to reach maturity is a primary consideration wherever the
screening of buildings or structures (and/or the visual upgrading of urban areas) is being
sought, since the planting of saplings of slow-growing species would inevitably leave the area
almost bare of vegetation for a relatively long time. The same issue also arises in sites which
are prone to continual trampling or to similarly hostile conditions, since saplings are much more
vulnerable to physical (and other) damage and therefore have a lower chance of survival. The
use of faster-growing species or the planting of mature specimens of slow-growers may need
to be resorted to in such cases, provided that the provisions of Section 4 or Section 5 (as
applicable, according to the planting location) are adhered to.

5. It may, in addition to (3) above, also be important to ensure that the trees used have an
adequately long lifespan, as otherwise costly efforts made at embellishment would themselves
be short-lived; slow-growing trees generally tend to live longer-- e.g. olive, pine, carob and oak
trees grow rather slowly but then live on for whole centuries; in contrast, Acacia saligna is a fast
grower which only lives for about 30 years.

6. Adequate provision often needs to be made for watering of the trees and/or plants planted, at
least during their initial phases of growth. In urban sites such as gardens, this can be achieved
by the incorporation of water retention facilities into, or close to, the area earmarked for planting
(e.g. underground reservoirs beneath paved areas) or utilising permeable surfaces.
Requirements in rural areas are different, particularly since the construction of such structures
in the countryside is not per se desirable from an environmental perspective.

7. A maintenance plan for the planted site (insofar as this would be compatible with the
surrounding environment) is also required to ensure the continued existence of the planted
area, thereby avoiding localised environmental degeneration as well as the squandering of
finances on unsuccessful projects. The Planning Authority may ask for the submission of such
plans as a pre-requisite for the approval of planting schemes, and may also attach permit
conditions to this effect.

3.2 Ensuring compatibility with the environment

Since the overall aim of planting is to contribute positively towards enhancement of the urban and
rural environment, planting schemes should be fully compatible with their surrounding environment;
visual, ecological, safety-related, amenity-related and structural considerations are of paramount
importance in this regard. Without prejudice to the provisions of other sections in this document,
the following general issues are also to be taken into account whenever planting and/or landscaping
are to be considered:

1. Planting should not adversely affect already-existing habitats, features or artefacts of
conservation value and should not unduly interfere with natural processes. Thus,
hydrological considerations (e.g. blockage of watercourses, damage to wells, adverse impacts
on drainage patterns) and the avoidance of possible impacts on geological, ecological or
archaeological features (e.g. occlusion of exposed features, damage caused by roots, blasting
of rock for planting on karstland, obliteration of existing habitats etc.) are considered as
fundamental pre-requisites. The provisions of Structure Plan policy RCO 30 (see Section 4.1)
are also relevant in this regard.

2. It is important to ensure that the methods used for planting, transportation, maintenanace and
irrigation are environmentally-friendly; the creation of new roads and tracks in the countryside to
provide access to bowsers and unnecessary removal of undergrowth (which incorrectly treats
the countryside as an urban garden) is not in line with this requirement. Methods should not be
unduly wasteful in terms of water and soil use (e.g. careful drip irrigation should be resorted to
where appropriate). Attention is also drawn to existing regulations prohibiting the use of potable
water or untreated sewage for irrigation purposes, and to the Soil (Preservation) Act, 1973 [Act
XXIX of 1973] and Preservation of Fertile Soil Regulations, 1973 [Legal Notice 104 of 1973];
clearance from the Department of Agriculture and the Water Services Corporation may
therefore be required.

3. Wherever the importation of plants or trees is involved (subject also to the provisions of
Section 4), this must be in line with international conventions to which Malta is a party as well
as with the Agriculture (Plant Quarantine) Ac t, 2001 [Act XVIII of 2001] and is therefore subject
to approval by the Environment Protection Department and the Department of Agriculture.

4. Considerations related to site design and landscape/townscape architecture are essential in

the selection of species and arrangements for landscaping purposes. These include:

• aesthetic compatibility with the surrounding design/landscape-- e.g. colourful

species/varieties may help to enliven certain areas but may jar with other settings,
rendering them artificial. On a more general level, planting should respect the
Mediterranean character of the Maltese Islands, particularly of the countryside (including
general rural settings such as rural settlements and hamlets, and isolated rural buildings)
and old/historic village cores. The widespread, excessive planting of conspicuously
“foreign” (i.e. incongruous) trees such as Washingtonia robusta --presumably as an
attempt to imitate “exotic” pseudo-tropical resorts-- often detracts from the aesthetic
quality of the planted area.

• the provisions of Structure Plan policy RCO 32:
The planting of appropriate species of trees will be encouraged where they enhance the
landscape, particularly along roadsides, where they provide a screen to visually
unattractive areas, and alongside footpaths where they provide shade. Species which
attract birds will be encouraged in suitable locations.

• growing habits such as approximate size, likely growth form, and evergreen or deciduous
nature (in the case of rural areas, these aspects are included in Appendix 3) and
suitability for screening (this factor is itself dependent on growing habits);

• the creation of specific microclimates-- e.g. shade-providing species usually render

recreational areas more user-friendly; species that act as windbreaks are particularly
useful in urban and agricultural areas; certain microclimates may be important (and others
deleterious) for ecological reasons such as the establishment or otherwise of

• the provisions of policy RCO 4 of the Structure Plan, since planting schemes may
also, if not carefully executed, have a negative impact on the landscape:

The Planning Authority will not permit the development of any structure or activity which in
the view of the Authority would adversely affect scenic value because it would:
1. Break a presently undisturbed skyline
2. Visually dominate or disrupt its surroundings because of its mass or location
3. Obstruct a pleasant and particularly a panoramic view
4. Adversely affect any element of the visual composition-- for example, cause the
destruction or deterioration of traditional random stone walls
5. Adversely affect existing trees or shrubs
6. Introduce alien forms, materials, textures, or colours.

5. The restrictive considerations, but not the exemptions, stipulated in Section 5 (Urban Areas)
of these guidelines are also valid for the countryside wherever applicable (e.g. safety on roads
passing through rural areas, the environmental context of monuments or elements of cultural
heritage located in such areas, etc.).

In view of the above, the Planning Authority will also generally seek consultation with the
Environment Protection Department and the Department of Agriculture, on development permit
applications concerning planting and landscaping, as may be necessary.


4.1 Ensuring compatibility with rural habitats

The Maltese countryside supports a rich array of different habitat types; under natural conditions,
different plant species are best adapted to live in different environments. Habitats of major
relevance to these guidelines are described in Appendix 2.

4.1.1 Minimising disturbance of thriving rural habitats

Within thriving natural or semi-natural habitats, planting (including afforestation) and other
interventions are generally unnecessary and disruptive, and should therefore be avoided in line with
Policy RCO 30 of the Structure Plan:

“There is a general presumption against the siting of afforestation projects where stable indigenous
(native species) natural vegetational communities are already established, but encouragement of
the siting of afforestation projects on abandoned agricultural land and on derelict ground will be

4.1.2 Planting in degraded rural environments

In contrast, degraded environments frequently require restoration, often by means of careful

planting. Planting operations within degraded rural habitats (which nevertheless still possess
conservation value) should be directed at their reinstatement or restoration. Other forms of planting
that may contribute to further deterioration of the habitat in question or which would amount to a net
replacement of the habitat with a less natural plantation would be in conflict with the rationale of
Structure Plan policy RCO 30 and will therefore not be considered favourably by the Planning

An important related aspect is afforestation, i.e. the creation or extension of semi-natural woodlands
through large-scale tree planting. Such planting is actively promoted by the Structure Plan through
its policies RCO 6 (see Section 1) and RCO 30 (see Section 4.1.1 above), subject to proper

environmental safeguards and provided that it does not entail environmentally-damaging
“reclamation” of natural or semi-natural habitats of conservation value (e.g. garrigue).

4.1.3 Successful integration of plantations with the rural


Whenever planting is carried out for the purposes of environmental restoration (including
reforestation), extension of existing natural ecosystems (e.g. through afforestation), the creation of
new semi-natural ecosystems (e.g. afforestation proper) or soft landscaping on uncultivated rural
sites, it is important to ensure that the overall scheme --including the planting pattern and
subsequent management -- reflects natural vegetation patterns and is in all respects compatible
with the surrounding rural environment, as follows:

1. The tree and/or plant species used should be truly characteristic of the corresponding habitat;
otherwise, the net result would be replacement (or, at best, alteration) of that habitat rather than
its restoration. Moreover, adequately detailed studies should be carried out beforehand to
ensure that the proportions of different species used is also truly representative of the original
vegetation community, thus avoiding the promotion of ecological imbalances. The trees and/or
vegetation planted should also represent different age-groups; phased planting over a period of
time enables a more faithful replication of natural “age structures” than simple planting at one

2. In order to respect the characteristic habitat diversity of the Maltese countryside, unnatural
combinations of species which normally characterise distinct environments and which would
usually not occur together should be avoided. The overall planting scheme would thereby also
blend better (both visually and ecologically) into the landscape. This aspect is particularly
important for the creation of new wooded areas through afforestation, as demonstrated by
several local case studies of unnatural combinations of trees which failed to develop into fully-
fledged woodland or maquis ecosystems.

3. Large-scale monocultures (planting schemes making exclusive use of one species) should be
avoided. They are, generally, not truly representative of natural vegetated areas and, at most,
regenerate into impoverished ecosystems with a relatively low ecological diversity. Moreover,
they are also more prone to damage from pest attacks, while their excessive homogeneity is
often visually monotonousWhereas rectilinear plantations and straight-line rows are usually
simpler to maintain, such overly regular patterns should not be resorted to in rural areas as they

are conspicuously unnatural and often jar with their rural surroundings. Clustered patterns, as
occur naturally, are more appropriate.

4. Afforestation and medium-scale to large-scale tree planting and landscaping projects in

uncultivated sites should consist of a tiered arrangement which gives due importance to
understorey vegetation (in many cases, the development of undergrowth can occur naturally
once the right conditions are provided in the course of planting of the overlying “canopy” of
trees). From an ecological point of view, the undergrowth is a fundamental component of the
ecosystem. From a visual point of view, the various layers of vegetation provide for a
combination of “softening” of views, screening of structures and ground cover. Stepped layouts
also avoid sharp transitions between the planted trees and the surrounding terrain and are
therefore desirable unless their increased land take would cause adverse environmental
impacts. For convenience, a generalised layout is depicted in Figure 1, although this should not
be considered as a rigid blueprint. [Note: Whilst tiered layouts are generally desirable in the
countryside, they are (with a few exceptions) inappropriate for cultivated fields and orchards].

Large trees for

“softening” of views

Medium-sized shrubs and

trees for screening of

Ground cover consisting of

low-growing species (e.g.
prostrate growing habit))

Fig. 1

5. In order to avoid an eventual degeneration of carefully executed planting (be it habitat

restoration, afforestation, etc.) and the ensuing futility of the overall scheme, it is important to
ensure that the site is properly managed. In certain sites, non-intervention may be the best
form of management, whereas others may require continued maintenance-- thus, each case
would have to be dealt with on its own merits. The regulated assistance of voluntary
organisations and private enterprises willing to participate in environmental management should
be actively considered in this regard (within a proper environmental management framework for

the area); foreign aid could also be elicited, although this should not include the importation of
trees or vegetation which would infringe the provisions of Sections 4.2 and 4.3 below.

4.2 Using suitable vegetation

4.2.1 Problems caused by the use of alien species in rural areas

One of the key problems identified with planting projects, including afforestation and rural
landscaping, is the inappropriate use of alien (exotic) species introduced from overseas. Some of
these are ill-suited to local conditions and die out or exhibit stunted growth. Others, such as many
species coming from regions with a Mediterranean-type climate (e.g. South Africa, California, parts
of Chile and parts of Australia) and tolerant opportunistic species (“weeds”) manage to thrive and
often become pests if planted in rural areas, due to the following reasons:

1. In most cases they fail to support an adequate undergrowth (except for ubiquitous weeds which
often contribute to further displacement of characteristic native plants), thus rendering the
planted area analogous to an “ecological desert”. Such is the case with Acacia and Eucalyptus
trees, which unfortunately are widely planted in the countryside and which were formerly used
on a large scale for afforestation.

2. Some are invasive and eventually displace native flora and fauna (including threatened species)
from nearby natural habitats, thereby phasing out the local biodiversity. The castor oil tree
Ricinus communis (Ri]nu) has overrun whole valleys, while the Kaffir fig Carpobrotus edulis
(Swaba' tal-Madonna) has suppressed rare specialised plants from sand dunes and saline

Moreover, the planting of suitable indigenous vegetation presents a tangible opportunity for
rehabilitating the countryside by assisting it in regenerating its characteristic vegetation, yet the
opportunity is wasted if the species used do not fulfil this objective.

4.2.2 Using suitable species

The Structure plan, through its policy RCO 31, requires that the use of exotic species in the
countryside (especially in large-scale projects) be progressively phased out:

“Afforestation projects sited in non-urban areas will make use only of indigenous and archaeophytic
(brought by man in prehistoric times, and now naturally occuring) species. The use of exotic (not
native to the country) species will be limited to urban areas.”

In line with this policy, the use of species not listed in Appendix 3 is to be considered as
unacceptable in the countryside (subject to the provisions of Sections 4.5 and 4.6); wherever a
permit is required (e.g. as part of a larger development or intervention), the planting of such species
will generally only be allowed in urban areas in line with Section 5. For guidance purposes, a non-
exhaustive list of species that are expressly unacceptable is included in Appendix 5, without
prejudice to the provisions of this section (Section 4) and to the list in Appendix 3. It is envisaged
that the list in Appendix 5 will be updated as other invasive, or otherwise harmful, “pest” species
are identified. It should be pointed out that alien stock of native species is also considered as
unacceptable for the reasons specified in Section 4.3. Nonetheless, in the case of urban areas,
especially gardens and other open spaces, the use of Mediterranean-type species is particularly
encouraged in view of their adaptability to grow in local climatic conditions. A non-exhaustive list of
Mediterranean-type species that may be used in such circumstances is included in Appendix 4.

4.2.3 Undoing existing problems

In many instances, especially in the case of invasive species, it is indeed desirable that even
existing alien specimens be eradicated. In the case of afforestation projects, a scheme of gradual
replacement of exotic (especially invasive) trees with appropriate indigenous / archaeophytic trees
should be embarked upon. This should make initial use of the existing trees as “nurse” trees
providing shade and physical protection for more vulnerable saplings of the desired species,
followed by the removal of the alien tree when the planted saplings have become firmly established
(this process may take a number of years-- e.g. about 5 years in the case of carob trees). The
initial use as “nurse” tree may not be advisable if the tree has properties that inhibit the growth of
other saplings, and outright (though careful) removal should be sought.

It should be stressed that any such interventions should be carried out “surgically” rather than en
masse and should be done gradually and very carefully so as not to subject already ailing

habitats to an ecological shock. Moreover, they should be preceded by detailed studies to avoid
unscientific tampering; for example, the use of fire actually encourages the spread of pests such
as Acacia saligna (= A. cyanophylla), and creates ecological imbalances that transform other
opportunistic species, including certain native species such as bramble Rubus ulmifolius
(G`ollieq), into serious pests. Similarly, indiscriminate ploughing and/or dredging of watercourses
often destroys most sensitive species but renders resilient plants such as reeds, Arundo donax
(Qasab), more vigorous, to the extent that they become invasive pests.

4.3 Respecting genetic diversity

4.3.1 Why be concerned ?

Following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio
de Janeiro in 1992, it is nowadays internationally recognised that intra-specific (within-species)
variation is a fundamental component of biodiversity, which needs to be safeguarded. In simple
terms, vegetation (including trees) that has been growing in the Maltese Islands for thousands of
years has developed particular genetic traits (locally adapted ecotypes), which are particular to
these Islands. The importation and planting of foreign stock of the same species will in effect
contaminate and/or dilute the local genetic pool and may, in the long run, lead to a gradual phasing
out of the actual Maltese gene pool.

While this aspect may appear to be trivial at face value (although it has long been appreciated in the
agricultural sector), it constitutes a serious threat, as its ultimate impact may effectively be the
extinction of native populations of the less common vegetation types. Paradoxically, one such
example, which is imminently threatened by the importation of foreign stock, is the alerce
Tetraclinis articulata (G`arg`ar), the Maltese national tree!

Moreover, some imported stocks of locally occurring species such as the myrtle Myrtus communis
(Ri`an) are quite different (even morphologically) from the local wild populations of the same

Similarly, the importation of certain plant species which are closely related to indigenous species
may lead to hybridisation, which may have an analogous (if not worse) effect since vigorous hybrids
often outcompete the parent species. In some cases, hybrids of largely artificial origin even become
uncontrollable pests, as borne out by grasses growing on certain British river banks.

Such “genetic pollution through introgression” is to be avoided by ensuring that plants used in soft
landscaping originate from native local stocks of the species concerned. This will be adopted by the
Planning Authority as a criterion for the evaluation of landscaping schemes.

4.4 Site engineering

Planting also provides a valuable tool for site engineering such as stabilisation of land. For example,
esparto grass Lygeum spartum is capable of growing on bare clay slopes and retards their erosion;
the great reed Arundo donax also has soil-binding properties, although it is somewhat invasive and
its use is not always appropriate from an ecological viewpoint.

The species to be used in such projects depends on the properties required, and therefore
individual projects have to be considered essentially on their own merits. However, it is fundamental
that the requirements raised in the foregoing sections of these guidelines be met; this can be
enforced through the Development Control process since site engineering works require a
development permit. Moreover, in view of the potential risk of interference with fundamental natural
processes, such landscaping/engineering projects will only be considered if supported by a detailed
method statement prepared by appropriately qualified professionals.

4.5 Planting within agricultural land

In addition to indigenous or archaeophytic species, non-invasive exotic species (see Appendix 6)

grown for their agricultural importance may also be planted on agricultural land. It is neither feasible
nor desirable to preclude the production of existing and/or potential crop species that are capable of
thriving under local climatic conditions and which may acquire economic importance, as long as
these do not pose any significant threat to the surrounding environment (subject also to Sections
4.2 and 4.3 above).

Moreover, the species listed in Appendix 6 are also considered suitable for soft landscaping and
other non-crop planting within cultivated agricultural land.

The foregoing provisions of this section (Section 4.5) are subject to the following conditions:

1. For the purposes of this section, the term “agricultural land” refers exclusively to already-
cultivated land (including existing orchards) and land covered by a valid permit for agricultural
development (in this respect, compatibility with the relative permit conditions and approved
plans and drawings is required). It does not cover natural or semi-natural habitats and sites
reclaimed for cultivation without the requisite planning permits, nor does it cover developments
that are not connected with the cultivation of crop plants (e.g. farms for animal husbandry);

2. They apply only within the actual physical boundaries of the agricultural land in question; and

3. Within scheduled areas, they apply only if the Planning Authority is fully satisfied that the
proposed planting will not have any adverse effects on the surrounding environment and is
compatible with its location.

4.6 Planting within cemeteries

Soft landscaping of cemeteries that are located outside development zones is governed by the
provisions of both Sections 4.1 to 4.4 above (rural areas) and Section 5 below (urban areas).
However, the use of cypress trees (Cupressus sempervirens-- {ipress) is considered acceptable
for planting inside cemeteries.

Planting within cemeteries that are located entirely within urban areas is governed by Section 5

Most of the considerations which hold for rural areas are irrelevant to urban areas, and undue
restrictions on the planting of indigenous and non-indigenous species within such areas are not
desirable. Planting schemes proposed for urban areas will be considered favourably as long as the
Planning Authority is satisfied that the proposals are harmless in all respects (adequately detailed
statements may be required in some cases) and that the following important considerations are

1. Exceedingly invasive species which are capable of invading rural areas even from within
urban sites are not to be used at all-- the Castor oil tree Ricinus communis (Ri]nu) is one such
species which has escaped from urban areas and which has overrun a number of rural
valleys; the cape sorrell Oxalis pes-caprae (~axixa Ingli\a) has likewise spread beyond control
and is now a ubiquitous weed in the countryside. The use of such species is considered
unacceptable irrespective of their proposed siting; wherever any doubt exists about whether a
species falls within this category, a precautionary approach shall be adopted.

2. In view of the considerations raised in Section 4.3 and subject to the provisions of (1) above,
the use of non-invasive exotic species is preferable to the use of imported stock of native
species (which would otherwise have to be resorted to when local stock is not readily available)
for the purpose of planting in urban areas.

3. Urban fringes (i.e. sites lining the extreme periphery of an urban area-- e.g. along ring-roads--
such that they lie at the urban-rural interface) should be treated like rural areas, since
environmentally-impacting interventions therein (e.g. the planting of invasive species) is likely to
affect the adjoining countryside. Wherever an ecologically/scientifically valuable enclave is sited
within an urban area (e.g. the valley bed and steep valley sides at Il-Wied ta' G`ajn |ejtuna,
Mellie`a), its immediate surroundings qualify for similar treatment in line with the provisions of
the Structure Plan (Paragraph 15.32 and policy RCO 15):

“ Even built-up and urban areas may include elements of scientific and natural iterest which are
worthy of preservation...
There is a general presumption against developments in urban and other built-up areas which
are insensitive to the continued existence of identified features of scientific importance and
significant elements of the country’s natural heritage present within the area.“

4. Species that form aggressive root systems -- e.g. carob trees Ceratonia siliqua (~arrub) as
well as Ficus spp. such as Ficus microcarpa (= F. nitida) and Ficus elastica -- may directly
damage buildings, roads, underground services, paved areas and monuments (including
historic features and archaeological sites) in their vicinity and may therefore give rise to long-
term financial and environmental costs unless carefully sited or appropriate measures taken to
eliminate of minimize the problem. Indirect consequences include possible nuisances and
hazards to traffic and/or pedestrians, as well as sanitary hazards. The use of such species in
urban areas should either be confined to wide, unpaved open spaces where the potential for
structural damage is minimal (e.g. large roundabouts which do not have any infrastructural
services passing through them), or contained within adequately robust planters or copper
impregnated geotextiles or other measures as directed by a qualified arboriculturalist, that help
control the spread of roots; skilful occasional grooming may also be required. Wherever these
techniques are not feasible and/or insufficient, the use of such species is to be avoided
altogether. Root treatment or the introduction of root inhibitors may also be resorted to rectify
aggressive rooting.

5. The presence of other species in areas frequented by pedestrians, especially children, may be
undesirable for reasons related to health and safety-- e.g. Acacia saligna (=A. cyanophylla)
may induce allergic reactions in asthmatics, Ricinus communis and Nerium oleander are
notoriously toxic if ingested. The use of these species (especially in public places) is not
acceptable; this provision will also be applied to other trees or plants, in addition to those known
of, which may (according to future scientific evidence) induce significant risk to public health. In
certain cases (particularly Acacia saligna and Ricinus communis), the gradual removal of
already existing specimens should also be pursued.
Other plants may exhibit the same properties to a milder extent, and are generally harmless
(except to highly susceptible individuals) unless used improperly. Total restriction of their use is
not considered feasible, but it is nonetheless important to ensure that they are used carefully
(e.g. sited away from children’s play areas); an indicative list is included in Appendix 7.
Particular attention should also be given to the precise siting of plants with long spikes (e.g.
certain palm trees), which may cause physical injury if inappropriately located.

6. All large shrubs which form thick growths may be detrimental to road safety if planted near
road junctions, bends and pedestrian crossings, since they obstruct the visibility for
pedestrians and drivers. The use of such shrubs in inappropriate locations will not be
accepted. On the other hand, careful use of certain species of vegetation in centre strips may
provide a screen that protects from the glaring headlamps of oncoming traffic; any such use
will need to be approved in advance by the Transport Planning Unit of the Planning Authority
since this issue extends beyond environmental considerations.
7. The planting layout to be adopted should be compatible with the surrounding urban fabric and
with the intended use of the planted area. The concept of the right plant in the right place within
the right planting distance should be applied throughout, for example, formal layouts may be
preferable in city centres whereas informal gardens would be more suitable in peripheral sites,
with the inclusion of Mediterranean plants that are amenable to xeriscaping as a first
preference, however the following guidelines would also need to be considered:

• Planting layouts in gardens should provide for adequate passage of wheelchairs and
should not obstruct paths (e.g. through lateral growth of vegetation) in a way which would
hinder such passage or which would cause difficulties to blind persons;

• The design of would-be gardens and playing fields must not be excessive in the proportion
of paved areas as compared to planted areas, since this would merely produce a
“concrete desert” that is particularly inhospitable to users and plants during the hot
summer months; and

• The siting of bird-attracting trees relative to public facilities such as seats/benches and car
parking spaces, and vice-versa, should be given due attention. Bird droppings accumulate
under such trees (e.g. Ficus microcarpa), often rendering any underlying facilities
unusable or unpleasant to use.

8. The historic relevance of urban structures should also be respected. Competition with cultural,
architectural, historical or archaeological monuments, and distortion of structures or contexts
should be avoided.
Planting within the ramparts or glacis of historic military fortifications, which were never
intended for the purpose, is also generally undesirable. In some cases, damage to historic
features has been noted (e.g. at St Paul’s battery at Delimara); accordingly, removal of trees
from these sites could be necessary to protect the underlying historic heritage. However, in
many other cases, plantations on glacis (e.g. at Sa Maison) and similar areas (e.g. clay slopes
below Fort Chambray in Gozo) have grown into quasi-seminatural woodlands which have also
contributed positively to an enhancement of the landscape-- wherever these are not causing
any severe damage to the fortifications, they are to be conserved; the Planning Authority would
require adequate proof of such damage (as well as reliable assurance that removal of trees
would have any beneficial effect) before acceding to their uprooting.

9. The species used should be resistant to drought, pests and diseases, and should be capable
of thriving under conditions prevailing in the urban environment (including pollution,
microclimate created by nearby buildings and structures, heat from car and road surface
reflections, trampling and continual disturbance, etc.) and should possess properties which
help to create an all-year-round pleasant and diverse urban environment. Resistance to
vandalism and fire is also desirable wherever possible.

For the purpose of this section, the term “urban area” refers to existing and committed built-up
areas as delineated in the “Pjan Regolatur (1988)”; they should be construed as excluding urban
fringes (as defined in Appendix 8), sites just within the limits to development (e.g. along peripheral
ring roads), rural settlements and hamlets, built-up areas (and/or open spaces) lying outside
development zones, roads and paths (including major roads, country roads, tracks, walkways, and
footpaths) passing through rural areas, and the immediate surroundings of ecologically valuable
enclaves sited within built-up areas (e.g. the valley bed and steep valley sides at Il-Wied ta' G`ajn
|ejtuna, Mellie`a); the last-mentioned is nevertheless included in the list of restrictions listed above
so as to avoid misunderstandings.

General guideline for compensatory planting

In line with Section 2, wherever removal of existing trees is to be allowed, compensatory planting
(henceforth referred to as “replacement”) in accordance with the following tables shall be sought by
the Planning Authority:

Table 1: Replacement of indigenous trees

Location of tree(s) removed Protected area Other sites ODZ Sites within Scheme
(ODZ or within scheme) (except protected areas)

Approximate age of trees removed > 100 10-100 < 10 > 100 10-100 < 10 > 100 10-100 <10
Number of trees to be planted per 50 40 20 50 30 10 40 20 5
individual tree removed

Table 2: Replacement of non-indigenous trees

Approximate age of trees removed > 100 10 - 100 < 10

Number of trees to be planted per 20 10 2
individual tree removed

Note: 1. The terms “removed” and “removal” also cover trees uprooted, destroyed, mutilated or damaged in
a manner (and/or to an extent), which the Planning Authority regards as serious. The term “protected area”
covers all sites and areas covered protected by existing legislation, and includes scheduled sites/ areas,
sites/areas covered by Emergency Conservation Orders, areas zoned for conservation in Local Plans and
Action Plans, sites protected under the provisions of the Environment Protection Act (1991) and/or its
subsidiary regulations and sites protected by virtue of the Antiquities (Protection) Act of 1925.

2. Wherever the age of a particular tree is not known, estimation on the basis of “standard” criteria
such as stem thickness (girth), height and other available knowledge will be resorted to. The
commissioning of expert advice may be required where appropriate.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of the tables above, the Planning Authority will not allow the
removal (including uprooting, destruction, mutilation or damaging) of trees that are considered as
having outstanding value, including very old trees, important landmarks, unique/rare indigenous
trees growing in the wild, and trees that qualify for protection as Level 1 or Level 2 Sites of Scientific

Importance. In the case of other trees of (lesser) conservation value, consent for removal shall only be
granted if the Planning Authority is satisfied that a valid justification exists, that the removal would be
compatible with existing policies, and that no other alternative that is less environmentally damaging exists.

4. The table is generally applicable to trees only. However, the Planning Authority may also require an
analogous replacement scheme for shrubs or other vegetation uprooted, destroyed or damaged.

5. The matrix shown above is only intended to give a rough guidance on the minimum number of
trees required for compensatory/replacement planting. The Planning Authority reserves the right for
more stringent requirements, and for additional conditions on the type, positioning, and maintenance
of the trees planted.

6. The planting referred to in this Appendix is intended for compensation/replacement of uprooted,

destroyed and/or damaged specimens and is not to be considered as extra “planning gain”.

7. Unless directed otherwise by the Planning Authority in writing, replacement is to make use of
trees of the same species as the tree removed, and shall be subject to the provisions applicable for
new planting as specified in the attached guidelines (especially Section 4.3). The Planning Authority
may also make additional requirements regarding the age and/or size of the individual trees used for

8. In some cases, the Planning Authority’s requirement for the use of trees whose species, size, age
and/or lifespan is different from that of the trees earmarked for removal may considerably increase the
expenditure required for replacement when compared to the use of specimens whose characteristics are
similar to the pre-existing trees. In such cases, the Authority may agree to a reduction in the mandatory
number of trees to be planted (see tables above) so as to make up for the increased expense.

9. Replacement planting may make use of more than one site (e.g. if this would be preferable from an
environmental/planning viewpoint, or if dictated by spatial restrictions in the available sites), provided
that consent has been obtained in advance from the Planning Authority in writing.

10. Large-scale compensatory planting may in certain instances constitute development and/or
afforestation. In line with the provisions of the Development Planning Act and the General Development
Order (1997), the Planning Authority may request that the proposed planting be covered by a
development permit.

11. In order to guarantee successful replacement, the Planning Authority must be satisfied, in
advance of commencement of works, that planting, maintenance and aftercare will not be hindered in
any way by:

• inappropriate site selection;

• ownership of the land on which replacement planting is to occur;
• unclear responsibilities connected with planting, maintenance, aftercare, and/or liaison with the
Planning authority and with other agencies; and
• methodologies, strategies, plans and/or time frames adopted for replacement.

The Planning Authority may also impose additional permit conditions (and/or financial guarantees)
covering the above details and any contractual agreements that may be connected therewith.
Monitoring reports and/or progress reports may also be required by the Planning Authority and may
also be covered by similar conditions and/or guarantees.

List of characteristic habitat/ ecosystem types of the Maltese Islands

1. Woodland vegetation, known in Maltese as “bosk”, is the ecological climax in the Maltese
Islands and is normally encountered in sheltered locations, which enable the growth of large, tall
trees; only a few small remnants survive. The Mediterranean sclerophyll forest is dominated
by the holm oak Quercus ilex (Ballut), together with smaller trees (similar to the species that
dominate maquis habitats) and creepers as undergrowth. Coniferous woodland is dominated
by Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis (|nuber), which can grow in more exposed areas; it supports
relatively little undergrowth.

2. Maquis, known in Maltese as “makkja”, consists of lower-growing trees and tall shrubs, with
creepers as undergrowth. It is typically predominant on sheltered slopes (including valley sides),
and generally substitutes woodland where this has been destroyed. Important components of
maquis include the bay laurel Laurus nobilis (Rand), myrtle Myrtus communis (Ri`an), carob
Ceratonia siliqua (~arrub), olive Olea europaea (|ebbu]), hawthorn Crataegus monogyna
(|ag`run), azarole Crataegus azarolus (G`an\alor) and ivy Hedera helix (Liedna). In turn, these
support an important undergrowth largely composed of herbaceous plants such as the
acanthus Acanthus mollis (~annewija). The alerce Tetraclinis articulata (G`arg`ar), Malta’s
National Tree, forms a coniferous maquis of which only scanty remnants survive in the wild; it
can grow in relatively exposed areas.

3. Garrigue (sometimes also spelt as “garigue” and known in Maltese as “xag`ri”), is dominated
by low to moderately high woody shrubs such as thyme Thymus capitatus (Sag`tar), heath
Erica multiflora (Savina), shrubby kidney vetch Anthyllis hermanniae (~atba s-Sewda) and the
spurge Euphorbia melitensis (Teng`ud); herbaceous plants such as the seaside squill Urginea
pancration (G`ansar) are also present between the shrubs. In the Maltese Islands, garrigue
communities are normally associated with exposed rocky land with characteristic small soil
pockets, but it is important to note that healthy garrigues display numerous localised variations
determined to some extent by the degree of exposure to the wind and by the precise nature of
the terrain. Thus, some garrigues support individual plant species that are largely confined to
that locality. In less exposed rocky areas such as steep valley sides, a habitat intermediate in
character between garrigue and maquis develops (the vegetation height varies in an undefined
manner according to the degree of exposure to prevailing winds); this is generally known as
high garrigue and is typically dominated by the tree spurge Euphorbia dendroides (Teng`ud
tas-si]ra). Similar plants, which must be adapted to growth on near-vertical planes in addition to
the harsh rocky surface, grow on cliff faces; such rupestral vegetation includes the endemic
Maltese salt tree Darniella melitensis (Xebb) and Maltese national plant Palaeocyanus
crassifolius (Widnet il-Ba`ar), as well as the caper Capparis orientalis (Kappar).

4. Rocky steppe develops where the original garrigue has been degraded through continuous
disturbance, and consists of herbaceous plants (but not woody shrubs), which also occur in the
garrigue but become more dominant here. These include the Seaside squill Urginea pancration
(G`ansar), the asphodel Asphodelus aestivus (Berwieq), the ferule Ferula communis (Ferla)
and numerous grasses. Grass steppe or grassland, known in Maltese as “moxa” (sometimes
misspelt as “mog`xa”), is a similar habitat that develops on derelict agricultural land. Clay
steppe, which develops naturally on clay slopes, is described separately in (8) below;
analogous steppes also develop naturally as edaphic climaxes in other areas.

5. Watercourses, permanent springs, small-scale temporary / permanent streams and

freshwater wetlands (including ponds which evolved, or were converted into, semi-natural
environments) support a characteristic vegetation which requires an abundant water supply.
Such vegetation includes rushes (Simar) such as Holoschoenus vulgaris, Bolboschoenus
maritimus and Juncus spp., sedges Carex spp. (Sog`da) and the bullrush Typha domingensis
(Buda). Riparian woodland, also known as broadleaved deciduous woodland also thrives
mainly in or near watercourses. This type of woodland, which consists of white poplar Populus
alba (Luq), the willows Salix pedicellata and Salix alba (Safsaf), the ash Fraxinus angustifolia
(Fraxxnu) and the Mediterranean elm Ulmus canescens (Nemmiesa), is now almost extinct
since many valley beds have been converted into fields, dredged, built up or covered with
concrete. Humid, sheltered environments in the immediate proximity of the above-mentioned
wet habitats, or in the vicinity of groundwater seepage points and shady rockfaces, are often
dominated by the maidenhair fern Adiantum capillus-veneris (Tursin il-bir) and, in a few
instances, by the uncommon Horsetail Equisetum sp. In rocky areas such as garrigue and
rocky steppe, small temporary pools (kamenitzas) develop during the rainy season; these
also support small but attractive plants such as the rare Damasonium bourgaei.

6. Coastal vegetation is adapted to saline conditions. The dominant tree is the tamarisk Tamarix
africana (Bruka); this tree can also withstand partial inundation and may be planted right near
the water's edge. The golden samphire Inula crithmoides (Xorbett or Xurbebb) and the shrubby
orache Atriplex halimus (Bjanka), which is frequently used as a hedge plant, also thrive in such
conditions. Several valley mouths also support saline marshlands at their land-sea interface;
vegetation inhabiting such areas, such as the chaste tree Vitex agnus-castus (G`adiba or Si]ra
tal-virgi), the lesser reed Phragmites australis (Qasab ir-ri`), the orache Atriplex prostrata
(Selq) and some rushes of the genus Juncus (Simar), must withstand fluctuations in soil
salinity as well as periodic alternations between inundation and drought.

7. Sand dunes, known in Maltese as “g`aram tar-ramel”, develop at the rear of sandy beaches.
They support hardy plants that are capable of growing in loose sand, binding it with their roots
and thereby stabilising it. Such plants, which are also salt-tolerant, include the sea daffodil
Pancratium maritimum (Nar[is il-ba`ar), the sea holly Eryngium maritimum (Xewk tar-ramel),
the sand dropseed Sporobolus arenarius and the sand couch-grass Elytrigia juncea (=Elymus
farctus, Agropyron junceum, A. farctus). The latter two species are important sand stabilisers
and are thus particularly useful for the re-establisment of sand dune ecosystems where these
have been severely degraded.

8. Like sand dunes, clay slopes also consist of an essentially loose substratum and are therefore
an analogously difficult habitat. They are colonised almost exclusively by clay-binding vegetation
such as the esparto grass Lygeum spartum (~alfa) and the truncated canary grass Phalaris
truncata (Skalora salva]]a). Since the dominant vegetation consists essentially of grasses, it is
often referred to as clay steppe.

List of species that may be used in sites outside development zones
and in urban fringes.

In line with Section 4.2, and subject to the provisions of Section 4.3, only indigenous and
archaeophytic species are to be used in the countryside, in sites located outside development
zones and in urban fringes; the use of alien species in such areas would infringe Structure Plan
policy RCO 31. Subject to Structure Plan Policy RCO 30 (refer to Section 4.1) and to the
requirements of Section 4 (see above), the following trees, shrubs, and plants are recommended
for general landscaping, afforestation, environmental restoration and habitat extension/creation
(including the provision of ecological corridors), as well as for other planting on abandoned fields,
derelict areas and development sites (without prejudice to Structure plan policy SET 11).

It should be noted that categorisation of species as trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers/creepers
(see below) is purely indicative. Several species can adopt different growth patterns according to
localised factors-- e.g. all tree species may remain as low shrubs if stunted by adverse conditions,
shrubs such as the endemic Darniella melitensis may occasionally attain enormous sizes, while
certain creepers such as the evergreen honeysuckle Lonicera implexa as well as old specimens of
perennial herbs may also grow as woody shrubs.

The list below also indicates whether the species in question are evergreen or deciduous. The
following key is being used:

E/D = Whether evergreen or deciduous

E = Evergreen
SD = Summer deciduous
WD = Winter deciduous

Scientific name Maltese name English name Habitat E/D


Pinus halepensis |nuber Aleppo pine Coniferous E

Tetraclinis articulata G`arg`ar Alerce / Coniferous maquis E
Sandarac gum tree


Chamaerops }ummar Dwarf fan palm Garrigue / maquis E


Trees attaining large to moderately large sizes

Ceratonia siliqua ~arruba Carob Maquis E

Fraxinus Fraxxnu Narrow-leaved ash Riparian woodland WD
Laurus nobilis Rand Bay laurel Maquis / woodland E
Olea europaea |ebbu]a Olive Maquis E
Populus alba Luq White poplar Riparian woodland WD
Quercus ilex Ballut Holm oak Sclerophyll forest E
Salix alba |af\afa l-kbira / White willow Riparian woodland WD
Safsafa l-kbira
Salix pedicellata |af\afa \-\g`ira / Mediterranean willow Riparian woodland WD
Safsafa \-\g`ira
Ulmus canescens Nemmiesa Mediterranean elm / Riparian woodland WD
Grey-leaved elm

Trees attaining small to moderate sizes

Anagyris foetida Fula tal-klieb Bean trefoil tree Maquis SD

Cercis siliquastrum Si]ra ta' }uda Judas Tree Maquis WD
Crataegus azarolus G`an\alor Azarole Maquis WD
Crataegus |arg`un Common hawthorn Maquis WD
Crataegus x G`an\alor salva]] Hybrid Hawthorn Maquis WD
Mespilus Fomm il-lipp / Medlar Cultivated / WD
germanica Omm il-epp Maquis (probably
extinct from the wild)
Myrtus communis Ri`an Myrtle Maquis E
Olea oleaster |ebbu]a salva]]a Wild olive Maquis / garrigue E
(=O. europaea var.
Paliurus spina- Xewk ta‘ Kristu / Christ’s thorn Maquis (almost WD
christi Xewk tal-kuruna extinct form the wild)
Phillyrea latifolia --- Mock privet Maquis (almost E
extinct from the wild)
Phyllyrea media --- Small mock privet Maquis (very rare) E
Pistacia lentiscus Deru Lentisk / Mastic tree Maquis E
Pistacia terebinthus Skornabekk Terebinth / Maquis WD
Turpentine tree
Pistacia x saportae Deru bag`al Hybrid mastic tree Maquis E
Prunus dulcis Lew\ Almond Maquis / cultivated SD
Prunus spinosa Prajn / Prejn Sloe / Blackthorn Maquis WD
Punica granatum Rummien Pomegranate Maquis / cultivated WD
Pyrus pyraster Lan]as salva]] Wild pear Maquis WD

Pyrus spinosus Lan]as salva]] Almond-leaved pear Maquis WD
(= Pyrus
Rhamnus alaternus Alaternu Mediterranean Maquis E
Rhamnus oleoides |iju Small buckthorn Garrigue / maquis E
Rhus coriaria Xumakk tal-konz Common sumack Maquis WD
Sambucus ebulus Nittiena / Dwarf elder Maquis / Riparian WD
Sebuqa \-\g`ira woodland
Sambucus nigra Sebuqa l-kbira Common elder Maquis / Riparian WD
Spartium junceum }enista safra Spanish broom Maquis E
Tamarix africana Bruka African tamarisk Coastal / E
(not Tamarix marshlands
gallica) / sand dunes
Viburnum tinus --- Laurustinus Maquis E
Vitex agnus-castus G`adiba / Chaste tree Mainly coastal WD
Si]ra tal-virgi /
B\ar tal-patrijiet

Large shrubs
(Under optimal conditions, species listed generally exceed 1 metre in height at maturity)

Anthyllis ~atba s-sewda Shrubby kidney- Garrigue E

hermanniae vetch
Atriplex halimus Bjanka Shrubby orache Mainly coastal / E
disturbed ground
Capparis orientalis Kappar Caper Rupestral / WD
Capparis spinosa Kappar Spiny caper Rupestral / WD
Cremnophyton Bjanka ta‘ l-irdum Maltese cliff-orache Rupestral E
Darniella melitensis Xebb / Si]ra ta‘ l- Maltese salt tree Rupestral / coastal E
Ephedra fragilis --- Shrubby joint pine Maquis leafless
Erica multiflora Savina / Issopu Mediterranean Heath Garrigue E
Euphorbia Teng`ud tas-si]ra Tree spurge High garrigue WD
Hippocrepis --- Pale crown-Vetch Garrigue / maquis E
(=Coronilla emerus)
Lycium intricatum G`awse] Southern tea-tree Rupestral / coastal WD
Medicago arborea Nefel tas-si]ra Tree medick Garrigue / maquis E
Nerium oleander1 Si]ra tal-wirdien / Oleander Watercourses E
(the wild type only Si]ret il-]arab
with single pink
flowers – see

The use of the wild type of Nerium oleander (with single pink flowers) is acceptable in appropriate rural areas
(including urban fringes). It is very probable that this form of Nerium oleander used to be a native a few
hundred years ago. Its case is comparable to that of Cercis siliquastrum, which has been extinct for several
centuries. Other forms of N. oleander are however to be restricted to urban areas.

Periploca Si]ret il-`arir Wolfbane Garrigue WD
(= P. laevigata ssp.
Rosmarinus Klin Rosemary Garrigue / maquis E
Senecio bicolor Kromb il-Ba`ar Silvery ragwort Coastal E

Small shrubs
(Species listed rarely exceed 1 metre in height at maturity)

Aloe vera Sabbar Yellow aloe Maquis E

Antirrhirum Papo[[i `omor Red Snapdragon Rupestral annual
Arthrocnemum Almeridja Glaucous Glasswort Coastal E
Cichorium Qanfuda Hedgehog plant Coastal / garrigue SD
Chiliadenus Tulliera Maltese Fleabane Garrigue E
Cistus creticus
ssp. creticus --- Hoary rockrose Garrigue E
ssp. eriocephalus --- Hoary rockrose Garrigue E
Cistus --- White rockrose Garrigue E
Convolvulus Leblieb Olive-leaved Garrigue E
oleifolius bindweed
Coronilla valentina --- Shrubby crown- Garrigue / coastal E
Crucianella --- Rock crosswort Coastal / rupestral E
Euphorbia Teng`ud Large Spurge Garrigue SD
Euphorbia Teng`ud tax-xag`ri Maltese spurge Garrigue SD
Fagonia cretica --- --- Clay slopes E
Halimione --- Sea purslane Coastal E
Halocnemum --- Sea purslane Coastal E
Helichrysum Sempreviva Maltese everlasting Rupestral / coastal E
Inula crithmoides Xorbett / Xurbebb Golden samphire Coastal E
Limonium spp. --- Sea lavenders Coastal WD
(native species
Ononis natrix Broxka Bush restharrow Garrigue E
Origanum onites Riegnu White marjoram Cultivated E
Origanum vulgare Riegnu Common marjoram Cultivated E
Palaeocyanus Widnet il-ba`ar Maltese rock Rupestral E
crassifolius centuary
Phagnalon graecum Lixka --- Garrigue E
ssp. ginzbergeri
Phagnalon rupestre Lixka --- Garrigue / rupestral E
Phlomis fruticosa Salvja tal-Madonna / Great sage Garrigue E
Salvjun /
~abaq tal-Madonna
Prasium majus Te‘ Sqalli White hedge-nettle Garrigue E
Ruscus Belladonna Greater butcher’s Maquis / riparian E
hypophyllum broom
Ruta chalepensis Fej]el Wall rue Garrigue E
Salvia officinalis Salvja Common sage Cultivated E
Salvia fruticosa Salvja Three-lobed sage Garrigue E
(=Salvia triloba)
Sarcocornia Almeridja Shrubby glasswort Coastal E
Sarcopoterium --- Thorny burnet Garrigue E
Satureja calamintha Kammilta Lesser calamint Garrigue / steppe E
Satureja graeca Sag`trija Greek savory Garrigue E
Satureja Xpakkapietra Maltese savory Garrigue E
Sedum sediforme --- Stonecrop Garrigue / steppe / E
Sedum spp. (native Be\\ul il-Baqar Stonecrops Garrigue / steppe / annual
species only) rupestral
Silene fruticosa Lsien l-G`asfur Shrubby catchfly Garrigue E
Suaeda vera G`obbejra tal-Irmied Shrubby seablite Coastal E
Teucrium flavum Borg`om Yellow germander Garrigue E
Teucrium fruticans |ebbu]ija Tree germander Garrigue E
Thymus capitatus Sag`tar Mediterranean thyme Garrigue E
(=Thymbra capitata
/ Coridothymus
capitatus )
Triadenia aegyptica Fexfiex Egyptian St John's Rupestral / E
(=Hypericum Wort garrigue / coastal

Climbers, creepers and lianes

Asparagus aphyllus Spra] xewwieki / Mediterranean Steppe / maquis E

{aq[ieqa aspargus
Clematis cirrhosa Kies`a / Bajda Evergreen traveller’s Maquis E
joy / Virgin’s bower
Hedera helix Liedna Ivy Maquis / woodland E
Lonicera implexa Qarn il-mog`\a Evergreen Maquis / garrigue E
Rosa gallica Warda ta\-\ejt Provence rose Maquis WD
Rosa sempervirens Girlanda tal-wied Evergreen rose Maquis E
Rubia peregrina Robbja salva]]a Wild Madder Maquis E
Smilax aspera Zalza paj\ana / Mediterranean Maquis / garrigue E
Paj\ana sarsaparilla
Tamus comunis --- Black bryony Maquis / garrigue E
Vitis vinifera Dielja salva]]a Wild grape vine Maquis / garrigue WD
ssp. sylvestris

Herbaceous plants

Acanthus mollis ~annewija Acanthus / Bear’s Maquis /

breeches watercourses
Alisma plantago- --- --- Watercourses
Allium spp. (native Tewm Garlic Garrigue / maquis
species only)
Anacamptis spp. (native --- Pyramidal orchids Garrigue /
species only) rocky steppe
Anthemis urvilleana Bebbuna tal-ba`ar Sea-chamomile Coastal
Asphodelus aestivus Berwieq Asphodel Steppe
Atriplex prostrata Selq il-ba`ar --- Coastal
Bolboschoenus Simar Rush Watercourses
Bromus alopecuros ~urtan / ~ortan Foxtail brome Watercourses
Carex spp. (native Sog`da Sedges Watercourses
species only)
Centaurea melitensis --- --- Rupestral / garrigue
Crocus longiflorus |ag`fran Crocus Rocky steppe
Cyperus spp. (native Bordi Galingales Watercourses
species only)
Damasonium bourgaei --- Star-fruit Kamenitzas / pools
Desmazeria pignattii --- Pignatti’s fern grass Coastal
Elymus farctus --- Sand couch-grass Sand dunes
Eryngium maritimum Xewk tar-ramel Sea holly Sand dunes
Ferula communis Ferla Ferule Steppe
Festuca spp. (native |wien --- Watercourses
species only)
Gladiolus dubius ~abb il-qam` Southern gladiolus Watercourses
Gladiolus italicus ~abb il-qam` Corn flag Grass steppe
Gynandriris Fjurduli\ Spanish nut-iris Steppe
Hedysarum Silla Crested sulla Cultivated / steppe
Holoschoenus vulgaris Simar Clubrush Watercourses

Hyoseris frutescens |igland --- Rupestral
Iris spp. (native species Fjurduli\ Iris / Fleur-de-lys Steppe
Juncus spp. (native Simar Rush Watercourses /
species only) coastal wetlands
Lotus cytisoides --- Birdsfoot trefoil Garrigue / steppe
Lygeum spartum ~alfa Esparto grass Clay slopes / steppe
Malva spp. (native ~obbej\a Mallows Disturbed ground
species only)
Matthiola incana }i\i Common stock
ssp. melitensis • Cliffs
ssp. incana • Cultivated
Mesembryanthemum --- --- Coastal / disturbed
crystallinum ground
Muscari spp. (native Basal il-`nie\er Grape-hyacinths Steppe
species only)
Narcissus spp. (native Nar[is / Ran[is Narcissus Grass steppe
species only)
Pancratium maritimum Nar[is il-ba`ar Sea daffodil Sand dunes
Phalaris truncata Skalora salva]]a Truncated canary Clay slopes
Phragmites australis Qasab ir-ri` Lesser reed Coastal marshlands
Ruscus hypophyllum Belladonna Greater butcher's- Maquis
Ruta chalepensis Fej]el Wall rue Garrigue
Scilla sicula G`ansal ik`al Sicilian squill Garrigue / steppe
Sedum spp. (native Be\\ul il-baqra Stonecrops Garrigue / steppe
species only)
Sporobolus arenarius --- Sand dropseed Sand dunes
Typha domingensis Buda Bullrush Watercourses /
Urginea pancration G`ansal / G`ansar Seaside squill Rocky steppe /
(=Urginea maritima) garrigue

Ferns and horsetails

Adiantum capillus- Tursin il-bir Maidenhair fern Humid rockfaces

Anogramma Tursin ir-ri` Annual maidenhair Humid rockfaces
Asplenium marinum --- Sea spleenwort Humid rockfaces
Asplenium --- Common spleenwort Humid rockfaces
Ceterach officinarum --- Rusty-back fern Humid rockfaces
Equisetum --- Horsetail Springs /
ramosissimum watercourses
Phyllitis sagittata Fel[i tal-bir / Mule’s fern Humid rockfaces
Lsien i[-{erv
Phyllitis scolopendrium --- Hart’s tongue fern Humid rockfaces
Pteridium aquilinum Feli[illa Bracken Clay sites

List of Mediterranean-type plant species that are acceptable only in
gardens and urban plantings (excluding urban fringes)

The species listed in this appendix grow in Mediterranean-type climates and are therefore adapted
to situations of low water availability. Their planting in gardens and other urban locations (excluding
urban fringes - see definition in Appendix 8) is therefore encouraged. However, in order to avoid
invasion of natural habitats by non-native species, these Mediterranean-type plants are not to be
planted in rural areas and urban fringes (see also Appendix 5), since they would more readily take
root and compete with local species, leading to the latter’s displacement and consequent ecological

Botanical name Invasiveness Common name Origin

Index 2

Abutilon megapotamicum 0 Flowering Maple Abutilon Greece

Apollo Fir
Acca sellowiana 0 Pineapple guava Brazil
Aeonium arboreum 1 Tree Sempervivum Tree Morocco
Agapanthus africanus 0 African Lily Cape of Good
Agave americana 4 Century plant Mexico
Albizia julibrissin 1 Silk tree Asia
Aloe arborescens 1 Candelabra Aloe South Africa
Aloe vera 2 Medicinal Aloe Canary Islands
Aloysia triphylla 0 Lemon Verbena South America
Anisodonthea capensis 0 Cape Mallow South Africa
Aptenia cordifolia 4 Babysun Rose South Africa
Araucaria heterophylla 0 Norfolk Island Pine Norfolk Island
Asparagus densiflorus 1 Plume Asparagus South Africa
Asparagus setaceus 2 Fern Asparagus South Africa
Bauhinia purpurea 0 Purple Orchid tree India/Burma
Beaucarnea recurvata 0 Pony Tail Mexico
Bignonia species 0 Trumpet vines South America
(term used in the wider sense
and includes species of
Tecoma, Tecomaria,
Stenolobium, Doxantha
(=Macfadyena), Pandorea)

Doxantha unguis-cati 1
Campsis radicans 1
Bougainvillea glabra- B. 0 Paper flower Brazil
spectabilis 0
Brachychiton acerifolius 0 Flame tree Australia
B. populneum 0
Brugmansia cornigera 0 Angel's trumpet Peru
Buddleja davidii 0 Butterfly bush China
B. (=Nicodemia) 0

This index is only meant as an indicative guide on the environmental impacts of these species, with 4 being highly
invasive or environmentally damaging and 1 being the least invasive. 0 signifies non-invasiveness.
Butia capitata 0 Jelly Palm Brazil
Calliandra tweedii 0 Mexican flame bush South Brazil
Callistemon citrinus 0 Bottle brush Australia
Carissa macrocarpa 0 Natal Palm Natal
Carpobrotus edulis 4 Hottentot fig/Kaffir Fig South Africa
Caesalpinia(Poinciana) gilliesi 0 Bird of Paradise bush South America
Casuarina equistiformis 1 Horsetail tree/She-oak North Australia
C. cunninghamiana 1
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 0 Wild Lilac South U.S.A.
Cestrum nocturnum 0 Night Jessamine West Indies
Chorisia speciosa 0 Floss-Silk tree Brazil
Chrysanthemum species 0 Daisy bush Canary Islands
(including spp. of
Leucanthemum and
Cinnamomum camphora 0 Camphor tree China/Japan
Citrus japonica 0 Cumquat China
Cordyline indivisa 0 Blue Dracaena New Zealand
Coronilla glauca 1 Crown Vetch Mediterranean
Cortaderia selloana 0 Pampas grass Argentina
Crataegus species 1 Hawthorn Europe/North
(except native stock) Africa
Cycas revoluta 0 Sago Palm South Japan/Java
Dasylirion glaucophyllum 0 Grass tree Mexico
Dracaena draco 0 Dragon tree Canary Islands
Duranta repens 0 Pigeon Berry U.S.A./West
Echinocactus grusonii 0 Golden Barrel Mexico
Echium fastuosum 0 Pride of Madeira Canary Islands
Erythrina corallodendron 0 Coral tree West Indies
Eucalyptus camaldulensis 1 Red Gum Australia
Euonymus japonicus 0 Evergreen Euonymus Japan/Korea
Euphorbia candelabrum 0 Sudan Uganda
Felicia amelloides - 0 Blue Daisy South Africa
Ficus australis 0 Rusty Fig Australia
Ficus nitida 1 Indian Laurel Fig India/Malaysia
Gazania x chansonette 0 Treasure flower South Africa
Grevillea robusta 0 Silk Oak Australia
Hebe species 0 Veronica New Zealand
Hedera canariensis 0 Algerian Ivy Spain/Canary
West Africa
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 0 Chinese Hibiscus Tropical Asia
Ilex aquifolium 0 Christam Holly Europe
Jacaranda mimosifolia 0 Mimosa-Leaved Ebony Brazil
Jasminum sambac 0 Arabian Jasmine Arabia/India
Lagunaria patrsonii 0 Pyramid tree Australia
Lantana camara 1 Shrub Verbena Latin America
Lantana montevidensis 0 Trailing Lantana Tropical America

Lavandula angustifolia 0 Lavander Mediterranean

Leonotis leonurus 0 Lion's Ear Central America
Lonicera caprifolium 0 Honeysuckle Europe/West Asia
Lonicera japonica 1
Melia azedarach 2 Indian Bead Tree/Persian North India
Metrosideros exelsa 0 New Zealand Christmas New Zealand
Myporum laetum 1 Mouse-mole tree New Zealand
Myrtus communis (except 0 True Myrtle Mediterranean
native stock)
Osteospermum barberiae 0 African Daisy South Africa
Pandorea jasminoides 0 Bower vine Australia
Parkinsonia aculeata 1 Jerualem Thorn Tropical America
Passiflora edulis 0 Passion Flower Brazil
Passiflora caerulea 1
Pelargonium species 1 Geranium South Africa
Phoenix canariensis 1 Date palm Canary Islands
Phoenix roebellenii 0 Pigmy Date Palm Laos
Phormium tenax 0 New Zealand Flax New Zealand
Pinus pinea 1 Italian Stone Pine South
Portulacaria afra 0 Elephant Bush South Africa
Prunus pissardii 0 Purple-leaf Plum South East
Psidum guajava 0 Guava South America
Pyracantha coccinea 0 Firethorn South
West Asia
Pyrus salicifolia 0 Weeping Willow-leafed Pear Asia/Iran
Quercus suber 0 Coark Oak Mediterranean
Rhaphiolepis 0 Indian Hawthorn China
Russelia equisetiformis 0 Coral plant Mexico
Schinus molle 0 California Pepper Ecuador
Senecio cineraria 0 Mediterranean
Senna corymbosa 1 Flowery Senna Argentina
Solandra maxima 0 Cup of Gold Vine Mexico
Solanum rantonetti 0 Blue Potatoe tree Paraguay/Argentin
Stephanotis floribunda 0 Madacascar Jasmine Madacascar
Strelitzia alba 0 Great White Strelitzia Natal
Strelitzia reginae 0 Bird of Paradise Transkei/South
Syagrus romanzoffianum 0 Queen Palm South America
Tamarix gallica 2 French Tamarisk South West
Tecoma (=Stenolobium) stans 0 Yellow Bells U.S.A./South
Tecomaria capensis 0 Cape Honeysuckle South Africa
Thevetia peruviana 0 Yellow Oleander West
Thunbergia grandiflora 0 Clock vine India
Thymus serpyllum 0 Common Thyme Mediterranean
Trachelospermum 0 Star Jasmine Himalayas
Tulbaghia violacea 0 Society Garlic South Africa
Verbena rigida 0 Vervain Argentina/South
Vinca major 2 Greater Periwinkle South Europe
Vinca minor 1 Periwinkle South Europe
Washingtonia filifera 1 California Fan Palm California/Mexico
Washingtonia robusta 0 Washington's Palm California/Mexico
Yucca elephantipes 0 Spineless Yucca Mexico/Guatemala
Wigandia caracasana 1 Wigandia Venezuela
Westringia fruticosa 0 Westingia Australia
Zantedeschia aethiopica 2 Calla South Africa

List of species that are unacceptable in rural areas

The species listed in this appendix are expressly unacceptable in rural areas. It should be noted

1. this list is without prejudice to the provisions of Section 4 and Appendix 3; and

2. where species marked with an (*) already exist in such sites, their gradual removal from the
countryside and from urban fringes should also be sought. This should be done very carefully
and after a proper ecological study has been carried out, to avoid the aggravation of
environmental imbalances (e.g. see Note 2 below).

Scientific name Maltese name English name


Acacia spp.*, including: Aka[ja / Mimosa Acacia / Wattles

• A. cyclops *
• A. karoo *
• A. saligna *
(=A. cyanophylla)
Ailanthus altissima * Xumakk Tree of heaven
Albizia spp., including: --- ---
• A. julibrissin
• A. lebbek
• A. lophanta
Casuarina spp., including: --- She-oak
• C. equisetifolia
• C. stricta
Eucalyptus spp.*, including: --- Eucalypts

E. camaldulensis * 1
• E. gomphocephala * 1
Ficus spp. (except Ficus --- Ficus (except Fig)
Melia azedarach Si]ra tat-tosku Indian bead tree / Persian lilac
Nicotiana glauca Tabakk Tobacco
Pinus brutia 2 --- Calabrian pine
Ricinus communis * Ri]nu / |ejt ir-ri]nu Castor oil tree
Robinia pseudoacacia --- False acacia / Locust tree
Schinus terebinthifolius 3 Si]ar tal-b\ar Brazilian pepper
Tamarix spp. (other than --- Tamarisks (other than the native
T. africana) 2 African tamarisk)

Ulmus spp. (other than Ulmi / Olmi Elms (other than the native
U. canescens), including: (minbarra n-Nemmiesa) Mediterranean elm)
• U. minor 2
• U. procera 2

Shrubs / Perennial herbs

Aeonium spp. Si]ret il-kalli ---

Agave spp.*, including: --- Century plants
• A. americana *
• A. sisaliana *
Aloe spp. (except Aloe vera Alwe (minbarra s-sabbar, Aloes (except Aloe vera if
if originating from local wild jekk tori]ina minn sors lokali li originating from local wild stock)
stock) jikber fis-salva]])
Asclepias spp., including: --- Milkweeds
• A. curassavica
• A. fruticosa
Cactaceae, including: Kaktus (inklu\ il-Bajtar tax- Cacti (including Prickly pears)

Opuntia ficus-indica 4 xewk)
• Opuntia vulgaris 4
Mirabilis spp., including: ~ummejra Marvel of Peru
• M. jalapa
• M. odorata
Nerium oleander5 Si]ra tal-wirdien / Si]ret il- Oleander
Pelargonium spp. Sardinell Geranium
Pistacia atlantica --- Eastern terebinth
Pittosporum tobira * --- Pittosporum
Zantedeschia aethiopica Buqari Arum lily / Calla lily

Climbers, creepers and lianes

Aptenia cordifolia *6 --- Babysun Rose

Carpobrotus spp.*, Xuxet San }wann / Swaba' Kaffir fig / Hottentot fig
including: tal-Madonna / Dwiefer ix-
• C. acinaciformis * xitan / Dliel il-Madliena
• C. edulis *
Doxantha unguis-cati --- Trumpet vines
(= Bignonia unguis-cati)
Drosanthemum spp. * --- ---
Ipomoea acuminata Kampanella Morning glory
Malephora spp.* 6 --- ---
Passiflora caerulea Warda tal-passjoni Passion flower
Rubus spp., including G`ollieq Bramble / Blackberry
R. ulmifolius 7
Tradescanthia fluminensis --- Wandering jew
Tropaeolum majus Kapu[[inelli Garden nasturtium
Vinca major --- Greater periwinkle



1. Eucalyptus species are not invasive, but they release growth-inhibiting substances (allelochemicals) into
the soil to prevent the growth of potentially competing vegetation. Consequently, they lead to an
impoverished undergrowth. They also damage the water economy of the soil.

2. Alien species of elms (e.g. Ulmus minor and U. procera) hybridise readily with the indigenous
Mediterranean elm U. canescens (Nemmiesa), a species threatened with local extinction. The imported
Calabrian pine Pinus brutia likewise cross-breeds with the indigenous Aleppo pine Pinus halepensis
(|nuber), producing vigorous hybrids. A similar precautionary approach is being adopted for alien
Tamarisk species (see also Section 4.3)

3. Unless carried out with extreme caution, removal of naturalised false pepper tree Schinus terebinthifolius
from natural habitats which it has already invaded (e.g. Wied ~arq il-~amiem) is likely to favour its
competitors, such as the castor oil tree Ricinus communis (Ri]nu) which is a more serious pest.

4. The term “prickly pear” is often used collectively for cacti of the genus Opuntia, all of which are
moderately invasive. Opuntia ficus-indica is an important crop plant grown for its fruits, as fodder, and as
a windbreak sheltering more delicate crops; it therefore needs to be tolerated within agricultural land, as
long as it does not invade adjacent habitats (in which case, eradication may be required); however, its
use for landscaping or other non-crop use is not to be encouraged. In particular, plantations of Opuntia
ficus-indica should be kept well away from cliff areas. Opuntia vulgaris is fairly commonly grown as an
ornamental rather than for its fruits, which are not edible.

5. The use of the wild type of Nerium oleander (with single pink flowers) is acceptable in appropriate rural
areas (including urban fringes). It is very probable that this form of Nerium oleander used to be a native a
few hundred years ago. Its case is comparable to that of Cercis siliquastrum, which has been extinct for
several centuries. Other forms of N. oleander are however to be restricted to urban areas.

6. Aptenia cordifolia and Malephora coccinea closely resemble Carpobrotus edulis and are occasionally
used in landscaping in view of the extensive ground cover they provide.

7. Rubus ulmifolius is an indigenous species with invasive properties, particularly in areas prone to
environmental disturbance. Its planting is not encouraged, but its removal from natural areas should not
be sought unless absolutely necessary, as this would merely intensify the habitat disturbance that
favours its invasive effect.

Trees and plants considered as suitable for non-crop planting on
agricultural land

The species listed in this appendix may be used (in addition to the species listed in Appendix 3) for
soft landscaping and other non-crop purposes within agricultural land in accordance with Section
4.5 of the main text of these guidelines. The list below is mainly limited to trees and plants that have
been under cultivation for some time in the Maltese Islands and that are already occasionally used
for such purposes.

Scientific name Maltese name English name

Actinidia chinensis --- Kiwi / Chinese gooseberry

(= A. deliciosa)
Araucaria excelsa Awrikarja Norfolk Island pine
Arbutus unedo Imbragla Strawberry tree
Arundo donax 1 Qasab Great reed
Carica spp., including:
• C. papaya --- • Papaya
• C. pentagona --- • Babago
Carya illinoensis }ew\ amerikan Pecan nut
Citrus spp., including: Si]ar ta[-{itru, inklu\i: Citrus trees, including:
• C. limon • Lumi • Lemon
• C. sinensis • Larin] • Orange
• C. limon unnamed variety • Lumi-larin] • ---
• C. aurantium • Larin] tal-bakkaljaw • Seville orange
• C. limetta • Lumi[ell • Lime
• C. reticulata • Mandolin • Tangerine
• C. medica • Tron] • Citron
• C. paradisi • --- • Grapefruit
• C. bergamia • Bergamott • Bergamot
• C. grandis • --- • Shaddock
• C. japonica • --- • Kumquat
Crataegus azarolus G`an\alor Azarole
Cupressus sempervirens {ipress Italian cypress
Cydonia oblonga Sfar]el Quince
Diospyros spp., including:
• D. kaki • Kaki • Persimmon
• D. lotus • --- • ---
Eriobotrya japonica Naspli Japanese medlar
Ficus carica Tin Fig
Junglans regia }ew\ Common walnut
Malus spp., including: Tuffie`, inklu\i: Apples, including:
• M. domestica • Tuffie` • Apple
• M. sylvestris • Tuffie` salva]] • Wild apple
Mespilus germanica Fomm il-lipp / Omm il-epp Medlar

Morus spp., including: Mulberries, including:
• M. alba • {awsli • White mulberry
• M. nigra • Tut • Black mulberry
Musa paradisiaca Banana Banana
Opuntia ficus-indica 1 Bajtar tax-xewk Prickly pear
Persea americana --- Avocado
Phoenix dactylifera Palma tat-tamal Date palm
Physalis spp. Tadam tal-fosdqa ---
Prunus dulcis Lew\ Almond
(= P. amygdalus)
Prunus spp., including: Frott irqiq, inklu\i:
• P. persica • ~aw` • Peach
• P. armeniaca • Berquq • Apricot
• P. domestica • G`ajnbaqar • Plum
• P. avium • {irasa • Cherry
• P. cerasifera • --- • Cherryplum
• P. mahaleb • --- • Mahaleb cherry
• P. cerasus • Amarena • ---
• P. spinosa • Prajn / Prejn • Sloe
• P. salicina • G`ajnbaqar • Chinese plum
Punica granatum Rummien Pomegranate
Pyrus spp., including: Lan]as, inklu\i: Pears, including:
• P. communis • Lan]as • Pear
• P. pyraster • Lan]as salva]] • Wild pear
Sorbus spp., including: |orba, inklu\i: Rowans, including:
• S. aucuparia • |orba salva]]a • Mountain ash
• S. domestica • |orba • Service tree
Vitis spp. 1, including: Dwieli, inklu\i d-dwieli salva]]i Grape vines, including wild
• V. berlandieri species / varieties used as
• V. rupestris grafting stock
• V. vinifera
• V. vinifera ssp. sylvestris
• V. vulpina
Zizyphus jujuba |in\el Jujube

Note: 1. Arundo donax, Opuntia ficus-indica and Vitis spp.are potentially invasive, and their growths at the
edges of cultivated plots should be carefully controlled to avoid damage to nearby habitats.

Species which should be used carefully in urban areas

Restriction on the use of particular species in urban areas is governed by the provisions of Section 5. The species listed below may give rise
to potential health/safety hazards and/or nuisances if used improperly. Hence, although this by no means implies that these species should
not be used, it is important that when used, their properties are taken into consideration when establishing their final siting, in particular in
places such as children play areas or other areas easily accessible by children and pet animals. Species identified in Section 5 as
unacceptable (e.g. Acacia saligna, Ricinus communis) should not be used at all.

Type of harmful Impact on human Harmful part(s) of plant

Scientific name Hazard/ contact body
of plant species
Inhale Touch Inges Irritant Naus- Lethal Entire Leaf Pollen Fruit Seed Sap Bark Root
t eating


Adonis spp. Poisonous * * *

Delphinium consolida Poisonous * * *
Euphorbia spp. Poisonous * * * *
Nicandra physalodes Poisonous * * *
Papaver spp. Poisonous * * *
Ricinus communis Poisonous * * *
Type of harmful Impact on human Harmful part(s) of plant
Scientific name Hazard/ contact body
of plant species
Inhale Touch Inges Irritant Naus- Lethal Entire Leaf Pollen Fruit Seed Sap Bark Root
t eating

Bulbs & Rhizomes

Araceae (including Poisonous * * *

Arum spp.)
Caladium hybrids Poisonous * * * *
Convallaria majalis Poisonous * * * *
Crinum spp. Poisonous * * *
Cyclamen Poisonous * * *
Dahlia hybrids Allergy * * *
Freesia hybrids Poisonous * * *
Iris hybrids Poisonous * * *
Narcissus spp. Allergy, P * * *
Ranunculus ficaria Poisonous * * *
Tulipa hybrids Allergy * * *
Urginea maritima Poisonous * * * *
Zephyranthes spp. Poisonous * * *

Cacti and similar plants

Agave (including A. Thorns * * *

americana & A. sisaliana)
Cactaceae (including Thorns * * *
Cereus spp., Opuntia
Several Euphorbia Thorns * * *

Type of harmful Impact on human Harmful part(s) of plant
Scientific name Hazard/ contact body
of plant species
Inhale Touch Inges Irritant Naus- Lethal Entire Leaf Pollen Fruit Seed Sap Bark Root
t eating

Other outdoor plants and trees

Apocynaceae Poisonous
Bougainvillea glabra Thorns * * *
Brugmansia spp. Poisonous * * *
Buxus spp. Poisonous * * *
Chamaerops humulis Thorns * * * *
Citrus spp. Thorns * * *
Clematis spp. Poisonous * * *
Cortaderia selloana Thorns * * *
Cycas revoluta Poisonous * * * *
Datura spp. Poisonous * * *
Euonymus spp. Poisonous * * *
Euphorbiaceae P, Allergy * * * *
(including Euphorbia
Hedera helix Poisonous * * *
Lagunaria pattersoni Irritant
Lantana camara Poisonous * * *
Ligustrum spp. Poisonous * * *
Lonicera spp. Poisonous * * *
Lycium barbatum Poisonous * * *
Nerium oleander Poisonous * * *
Nicotiana spp. Poisonous * * *
Pelargonium spp. Allergy * * *

Type of harmful Impact on human Harmful part(s) of plant
Scientific name Hazard/ contact body
of plant species
Inhale Touch Inges Irritant Naus- Lethal Entire Leaf Pollen Fruit Seed Sap Bark Root
t eating

Other outdoor plants and trees cont./

Phaseolus spp. Poisonous * * *
(raw only)
Phoenix canariensis Thorns * * *
Phoenix dactylifera Thorns * * *
Ranunculaceae Poisonous * * *
(including Ranunculus
Rhamnus spp. Poisonous * * *
Rhus spp. P, Allergy * * * * *
Ricinus communis Poisonous * * *
Robinia P, Thorns * * * * *
Ruta graveolens Allergy * * * * *
Sambucus spp. Allergy * * * * *
Solanaceae Poisonous * * *
(including Solanum
Taxus baccata Poisonous * * * * * * *
Thuja orientalis Poisonous * * *
Trachelospermum Poisonous * * *
Viburnum spp. Poisonous * * *
Wisteria sinensis Poisonous * * *

Glossary of key terms used in this text

The terms listed below are to be interpreted as follows wherever they appear in the attached
guidelines and their appendices (cross-references between related terms are in underlined capitals
for convenience). Entries indicated by an asterisk (*) are not actually used in the main text but have
been included for additional reference.

1. Afforestation
The creation or extension of semi-natural woodlands by the medium- to large-scale planting of
trees where they did not grow formerly.

2. Alien
Foreign species of vegetation or trees, not naturally occurring in the Maltese Islands and
generally inappropriate for planting in rural areas due to ecological incompatibility with the native
flora and fauna. The term is often used as a synonym for EXOTIC .

3. Archaeophytic
Species of trees or vegetation that probably did not initially occur in the wild in the Maltese
Islands, but which were brought into the Islands in relatively ancient times. Being well-adapted
to the prevailing environmental conditions and ecologically compatible with the local fauna and
flora, they managed to thrive in the wild without adverse effects to the natural environment, and
now form an integral part thereof.

4. Biodiversity
A term that describes all aspects of biological diversity, especially including the variety of
different habitats (habitat diversity), ecosystem complexity and species richness within
individual ecosystems (species diversity), and genetic variation between localised stocks of
individual species (genetic diversity). It provides an indication of the overall richness of the
natural environment.

5. Broadleaf *
A descriptive term applied to trees with a leaf form generally wide in relation to length, often
used to distinguish “ordinary” trees from conifers.
6. Climax community
The “highest” type of vegetation capable of growing within a particular area. Wherever soil
conditions and related factors permit, vegetation patterns progress over time from relatively
simple, small, low-growing plants (pioneer communities) to increasingly complex and higher
plants through a phenomenon known as succession. Where the only limiting factor is climate,
the ultimate vegetational assemblage is referred to as the climatic climax (in the Maltese
Islands, this consists of Mediterranean sclerophyll forest dominated by holm oak).
Wherever soil conditions and/or related factors pose an additional constraint, the resulting
climax is less complex (indeed, succession may be limited to its initial stages) and is termed
an edaphic climax (e.g. steppic grassland, which is elsewhere a “low” successional stage, is
the edaphic climax on clay slopes).

7. Climber
A plant, generally with elongated, flexible stems, which typically grows upward (“climbs”)
along/onto walls, trellises, other plants etc., gripping itself onto them with tendrils, hooks or
sucker-like structures. They are generally usefull for camouflaging of walls and other
structures, but some are invasive and may smother other vegetation.

8. Community
The assemblage of organisms (especially the vegetation) characterising a particular site or
area. Vegetational communities (also referred to as plant communities) form an essential part
of the respective ecosystem and hence the two terms are often used interchangeably.

9. Conifer
Non-flowering evergreen trees with slender, scaly or needle-shaped leaves, that reproduce by
means of seeds contained in a cone. They belonging to the Coniferales, a large order of trees.

10. Creeper
A plant, generally with elongated, flexible stem, which typically spreads (“creeps”) horizontally
along the ground. Creepers often provide an excellent ground cover for landscaping purposes,
but some may be somewhat invasive in natural settings (they cover and smother other
vegetation) unless controlled.

11. Diversity
Ecologically, the term is a measure of the species richness of an ecosystem or area, though it
provides a more useful measure of ecosystem characteristics when it is combined with an

assessment of the relative abundance of the species present. In these guidelines, it is used
more loosely as the extent of environmental variety, with particular reference to biodiversity.

12. Ecological pest

Any plant, tree or animal that is harmful to natural ecosystems and/or natural processes.
Generally, with some exceptions, ecological pests are invasive organisms that may spread
beyond control.

13. Ecology
The study of ecosystems--i.e. the study of the inter-relationships between different living
organisms, and of living organisms with their physical environment. In its broadest sense,
ecology is the study of organisms as they exist in their natural environment.

14. Ecosystem
A term used to describe the complex entity formed by different living organisms living in the
same place (the community), their physical environment (the habitat), and their mutual inter-
relationships, including the complex natural processes that occur within this complex whole.

15. Ecotype
A locally adapted population of a widespread species. Such populations show minor (but
nonetheless important, and occasionally substantial) variations of morphology and/or
physiology between them, which are related to their distinct habitat and are gentically induced.
Nevertheless, they can still reproduce with other ecotypes of the same species and still remain

16. Edaphic climax

The vegetation climax related to, due to, dependent on, or having characteristics due to the
nature of the soil. See also CLIMAX.

17. Endemic
A plant or animal species that is unique to the Maltese Islands. Contrast with INDIGENOUS.

18. Exotic
A plant or animal species brought in (imported) from overseas and not naturally occurring in the
Maltese Islands. Exotic species are generally inappropriate for planting in rural areas, but many
are harmless in urban sitings. See also ALIEN.

19. Extinction
The disappearance of particular species or strains of plants and animals from the Maltese
Islands. Extinction leads to an irreversible loss of biodiversity. Certain species, such as the
dwarf fan palm, no longer grow in the wild and are thus extinct from the Maltese countryside;
several other indigenous species forming part of the Maltese biodiversity are also imminently
threatened with extinction.

20. Gene pool

The sum total of all genetic information possessed by a local population of a particular species
of tree or plant.

21. Grafting stock

A plant, generally a tree, cultivated not for its own sake but for the grafting onto it of
species/varieties of crop plants (especially fruit trees).

22. Habitat
A place that provides a particular set of environmental conditions for the organism or
organisms inhabiting it. It is the result of interaction of edaphic (soil) factors and climatic
factors, and is in turn affected by the organisms inhabiting it. Since the habitat is so intimately
related to the respective ecosystem, the term is often used as a synonym thereto.

23. Herbaceous
Pertaining to, or resembling a herb, i.e. a non-woody vascular plant, distinct from a shrub or

24. Imported stock (foreign stock)

Imported (foreign) stock of indigenous species is genetically different from the plant material of
truly Maltese origin (generally referred to as “native stock” in these guidelines); nonetheless, it
is capable of reproducing with the locally occurring plants, thereby mixing with the local genetic
pool. If the quantity of imported material is substantial (especially if it exceeds the quantity of
native wild stocks, as is the case with rare and endangered species), this “dilution” effect is so
great that it may in effect lead to a subtle phasing out (and hence extinction) of the local
characteristics borne by the truly native stock. See also INDIGENOUS and NATIVE.

25. Indigenous
Species or varieties of trees and vegetation that are native to the Maltese Islands. Indigenous
trees and vegetation (as well as indigenous fauna) grow in the wild in the Maltese countryside

without having been introduced by man. However, they are not necessarily confined to the
Maltese Islands only (unlike ENDEMIC species, which are indigenous species that only occur
naturally in the Maltese Islands) and, since the same species are also found in other areas,
foreign stock of the same species is often imported into the Maltese Islands. See also

26. Invasive
A vigorous plant species that can spread (often beyond control) into wild habitats, displacing
indigenous species and disrupting natural ecosystems. Invasive species are usually imported
alien species that are native to countries with Mediterranean-type climates (e.g. California,
South Africa, Chile, parts of Australia, eastern Mediterranean). They are capable of thriving in
the Maltese climate and, since they do not occur naturally in the Maltese Islands, they lack
natural enemies and natural competitors which would otherwise keep them in check; as a
result, they may become serious pests. The importation of analogous invasive species has
been the underlying cause of severe ecological problems (sometimes even disasters) in many
other countries.

27. Landscaping
The process of combining a design in relation to the scenic environment. In particular, “soft
landscaping” is the use of appropriate trees and vegetation to blend with buildings (e.g. for the
purpose of screening them).

28. Liane
A woody climber; any wiry or woody, free-hanging, climbing plant, with roots in the ground.

29. Monoculture
Cultivation or plantation (including afforested site) in which a single plant (crop, tree, etc.)

30. Native
Generally used as a synonym for INDIGENOUS. In these guidelines, some differentiation is made
between the two terms, and the term “native” is here used more particularly to describe the
actual specimens that originate from wild growths in the Maltese countryside without having
been introduced into the Maltese Islands by man. These specimens are collectively referred to
as the native stock of the indigenous species in question.

31. Natural
Not planted by man. The term includes wild vegetation and ecosystems which have been
somewhat modified indirectly through the activities of human beings or their livestock (e.g.
many steppic communities and some garrigues have probably become firmly established as
edaphic climaxes where the long-term effects of deforestation and soil loss have prevented
their succession into woodland and maquis).

32. Opportunistic
A species typical of unstable or periodically extreme environments, and characterised by a
strong dispersal ability. Opportunistic species, commonly known as weeds, usually thrive in
habitats/ecosystems that have been subjected to disturbance, and may overrun such habitats
if disturbance is profound or prolonged; in this respect, they become invasive and therefore
ecologically damaging. Opportunistic species of alien origin are particularly invasive because
they lack natural enemies/competitors.

33. Outside Development Zones (ODZ)

Sites located beyond the limits to building development as provided for in the “Pjan Regolatur
(1988)” or, where this has been superseded, in the relevant Local Plan. Sites located ODZ are
considered as forming part of the countryside and are covered by a general presumption
against development and related environmentally-impacting activities.

34. Planting
In these guidelines, the term “planting” includes afforestation, soft landscaping and restorative
planting (i.e. the reintroduction of characteristic native species for the purposes of
habitat/ecosystem regeneration, reinstatement, and restoration).

35. Reforestation
The re-establishment of a particular type of woodland or maquis community by judicious tree-
planting on a site that was formerly occupied by such habitat prior to its extirpation.

36. Regeneration
The successful re-establishment of a natural or semi-natural ecosystem, on a site which it
formerly occupied prior to severe degradation, following re-establishment of the appropriate
conditions for its development. Regeneration may be passive (i.e. occurring on its own) or
artificially assisted (as in habitat restoration).

37. Reinstatement
The precise artificial re-establishment of original site conditions, and/or of the original
community-- e.g. by direct planting / re-introduction of species onto a degraded site. The term
overlaps onto RESTORATION , although it is not exactly synonymous.

38. Restoration
Artificially assisted habitat/ecosystem regeneration, achieved through the creation of favourable
conditions for ecosystem re-establishment. The term overlaps onto REINSTATEMENT, although it
is not exactly synonymous.

39. Riparian
Pertaining to, situated on, or associated with a watercourse bank or valley bed. Riparian
woodland (also termed broadleaved deciduous woodland) is a relatively rare ecosystem
type dominated by deciduous trees such as poplars, elms, and willows, that develops along

40. Sclerophyll
A plant or tree with hard, leathery, commonly evergreen leaves which have few stomatal pores,
thereby resisting loss of water by transpiration. Many trees that are characteristic of
Mediterranean lands with hot dry summers (such as Malta) are sclerophyllous-- e.g. the olive,
carob and holm oak. The Mediterranean sclerophyllous forest dominated by holm oak is
the climatic climax community in the Maltese Islands.

41. Semi-natural vegetation

Trees and vegetation originally planted by man but subsequently left to regenerate naturally,
and now self-sustaining in the wild. The best example in the Maltese Islands is the semi-natural
woodland at Il-Buskett.

42. Shrub
A perennial plant, lower than a tree, usually with many persistent woody stems branching from
or near the base. The term is approximate, and no clear-cut distinction between tall shrubs and
low trees exists. Indeed, many tree species may grow as low shrubs if stunted (e.g. in shallow
soil, and in exposed areas, carob trees may develop a very prostrate habit) and vice-versa (e.g.
the Maltese salt tree Darniella melitensis and the rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis may
occasionally reach large sizes.See also TREE.

43. Succulent
A plant that has thick leaves and/or stems capable of storing water. Succulence is a xerophytic
adaptation. See also XEROPHYTE.

44. Tree
A woody perennial, taller than a shrub, rising from the ground with a relatively strong and
generally distinct trunk. See also SHRUB.

45. Xeroscaping *
Soft landscaping based on the use of drought-tolerant xerophytic plants. Xeroscaping is
economical in terms of water demand, and is therefore particularly suitable (and sustainable) in
dry climates, as in the Maltese Islands. See also XEROPHYTE.

46. Xerophyte *
Any plant or tree with special adaptations to survive in climates with a pronounced dry phase. In
view of the nature of the Maltese climate, a large proportion of the indigenous Maltese flora is
xerophytic. Sclerophyllous leaves, semicircular shrub habits and succulent leaves (the latter
two characteristics are shared by most garrigue shrubs) are different forms of xerophytic
adaptations. See also SUCCULENT.

47. Urban area

In these guidelines, the term “urban area” refers to existing and committed built-up areas as
delineated in the “Pjan Regolatur (1988)”; they should be construed as excluding urban fringes,
sites just within the limits to development (e.g. along the outer side of peripheral ring roads),
rural settlements and hamlets, built-up areas (and/or open spaces) lying outside development
zones, roads and paths (including major roads, country roads, tracks, walkways, and
footpaths) passing through rural areas, and the immediate surroundings of ecologically
valuable enclaves sited within built-up areas (e.g. the valley bed and steep valley sides at Il-
Wied ta' G`ajn |ejtuna, Mellie`a).

48. Urban fringes

Sites lining the extreme periphery of an urban area (e.g. along the outer side of a ring-road),
such that they lie at the urban-rural interface. Urban fringes should be treated like rural areas,
since environmentally-impacting interventions therein (e.g. the planting of invasive species) is
likely to affect the adjoining countryside. Ecologically/scientifically valuable enclaves within
urban areas (e.g. the valley bed and steep valley sides at Il-Wied ta' G`ajn |ejtuna, Mellie`a),
are being classified under the same heading for conservation purposes; in terms of Policy

RCO 1 of the Structure Plan, such enclaves are classified as “Rural Conservation Areas”
notwithstanding their urban location.


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