E176 - Phase - 2a - EMRs - Environmental - Memorandum
E176 - Phase - 2a - EMRs - Environmental - Memorandum
E176 - Phase - 2a - EMRs - Environmental - Memorandum
Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Memorandum
Website: www.hs2.org.uk
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© High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, 2021, except where otherwise stated.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 General introduction 1
1.2 Scope of the Memorandum 1
1.3 Purpose and understanding 2
2 Aims 3
3 Mechanisms 4
3.1 National Environmental Forum 4
3.2 Engagement 4
3.3 Interrelationship between National Environmental Forum and Planning Forum 4
3.4 Code of Construction Practice 5
3.5 Environmental management system - overview 5
3.6 Control of environmental effects 6
3.7 Interpretation 6
4 Principles 7
4.1 Introduction 7
4.2 Sustainability 7
4.3 Use of land 7
4.4 Integrated environmental approach 7
4.5 Site reinstatement 8
4.6 Landscape and visual 8
4.7 Public open space 10
4.8 Nature conservation 11
4.9 Geological features 12
4.10 Water resources and flood risk 12
4.11 Agricultural and forestry land 13
4.12 Excavated material 14
4.13 Waste management 14
4.14 Climate change 15
5 Key environmentally sensitive worksites 16
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
1 Introduction
1.1 General introduction
1.1.1 This Memorandum relates to the environmental aspects of the design and
construction of Phase 2a of HS2. It builds upon discussions which have taken place
between HS2 Ltd and representatives of the National Environmental Forum
comprising the Agencies (Historic England, Environment Agency and Natural
England) and representatives from relevant Government departments, including the
Forestry Commission. These parties intend to continue to have clear and open
discussion during the ongoing design and construction phases of Phase 2a of HS2.
1.1.2 The terms of this Memorandum have also been discussed with the local authorities
along the route.
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
2 Aims
2.1.1 The nominated undertaker and the representatives of the National Environmental
Forum agree to the following environmental aims for the design and construction
stage of Phase 2a of HS2:
• to design and construct Phase 2a of HS2 such that significant environmental
effects are eliminated, reduced or controlled where reasonably practicable;
• to prevent environmental risks and avoid or control the extent of
environmental damage by developing mitigation measures to an appropriate
standard and monitoring and enforcing them effectively;
• to address sustainability principles in on-going design development, taking
opportunities for environmental enhancement and compensation where
practicable and reasonable; and
• in doing so, recognise that the nominated undertaker will take a responsible
approach to balancing the achievement of environmental principles set out in
Section 4 with the overall objectives of Phase 2a of HS2.
2.1.2 The mechanisms for achieving these aims are set out in Section 3.
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
3 Mechanisms
3.1 National Environmental Forum
3.1.1 A National Environmental Forum will continue to meet throughout the design and
construction period and up to one year post-commissioning, unless agreed by the
Forum that further meetings are no longer required. The Forum will provide a
framework for early and effective consultation with the member agencies and will
keep them appraised of progress and issues. It will assist in the execution of this
Memorandum, including advising on:
• the strategic approach for avoidance or mitigation of adverse effects on those
matters identified in 1.2.1; and
• the strategic programme for monitoring the environmental effects of the
Project, and periodic review of results.
3.1.2 The terms of reference and the function of the National Environment Forum will be
reviewed as appropriate as the project develops.
3.2 Engagement
3.2.1 The Protective Provisions to the High Speed Rail (West Midlands – Crewe) Act (as set
out in Schedule 32) contain specific timescales for the nominated undertaker and the
Environment Agency to respond to plans and method statements (or the approval of
the Environment Agency is deemed to have been given). It is understood that such
timescales are necessary to the timely delivery of the Phase 2a of HS2.
3.2.2 However, notwithstanding these statutory timescales, the nominated undertaker and
the Agencies will undertake early consultation on environmental issues, as far as
reasonably practicable, to ensure that the best practicable environmental solution is
3.2.3 The nominated undertaker will take the primary role in circulating available
information of relevance to the Agencies in performing their regulatory and advisory
duties. So far as permitted to do so by law, the Agencies will provide the nominated
undertaker with all relevant information they possess.
3.2.4 The nominated undertaker and the Agencies will each identify named individuals who
will be the ‘single point of contact’ between the parties. The nominated undertaker
will inform the Agencies of the person in control of the works.
3.2.5 The nominated undertaker and the Agencies will ensure that constructive dialogue
continues throughout the various stages of Phase 2a of HS2 through agreed
consultation and liaison mechanisms as set out in this Memorandum.
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
3.5.3 Environmental criteria appropriate to the scale and nature of the nominated
undertaker’s construction requirements will be used at tender stage to ensure that
environmental considerations are taken account of in the awarding of contracts.
3.7 Interpretation
3.7.1 Without prejudice to the exercise of their statutory functions, the nominated
undertaker and the Agencies are committed to trying to resolve any differences of
opinion as to the interpretation of the Environmental Memorandum through
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
4 Principles
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 The principles by which future environmental decisions on Phase 2a of HS2 will be
taken include the following:
4.2 Sustainability
4.2.1 To monitor the commitments made within the Sustainability and Environmental
Policies we will be assessing the design and construction of the maintenance facility to
be constructed as part of the Proposed Scheme with BREEAM (Building Research
Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) New Construction Non Domestic
criteria. BREEAM sets the standard for best practice in sustainable design and has
become the de facto measure used to describe environmental performance of
buildings. HS2 Ltd has set a target that all its Stations, Depots and other railway
buildings to be constructed for the HS2 project will achieve a minimum of an Excellent
rating in this standard.
4.2.2 To ensure that our infrastructure is designed and constructed to a similar high
standard, HS2 Ltd plans to use a recognised environmental rating system to assess
the infrastructure works – Enabling Works, Main Works Civils and Rail Systems.
4.2.3 Through the EMS the nominated undertaker will develop, and keep under regular
review, environmental objectives which address this sustainability agenda.
4.2.4 Achievement of these objectives during ongoing design and construction stages will
be monitored and periodically reported to the National Environmental Forum.
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
• the design of all landscape and external spaces will limit adverse
environmental and visual impacts during design construction and operation;
• where possible, the landscape design will identify additional potential
regeneration opportunities within area planning frameworks.
4.6.3 Landscape design should be appropriate to the local landscape, historic and ecological
character along the route. Existing trees and vegetation on temporary worksites
which are lost as a result of construction, will be replaced with appropriate species.
4.6.4 Preference will be given to native species typical of the area, except for ornamental or
specimen planting areas, while giving consideration to climate change. All new trees
and vegetation will be resilient to disease.
4.6.5 All planting will be done in line with the Green Infrastructure (GI) concept, a form of
environmental best practice and policy that has been used to inform HS2 Ltd's
approach to developing Phase 2a of HS2. Where the GI approach is applied to the
Phase 2a line of route, this will also be referred to as a 'green' or 'environmental
corridor’, of which landscape planting will form a major part. The environmental or
green corridor is integral to HS2’s aim of leaving a positive route legacy. For further
detail, see HS2 Information Paper E28: Green Infrastructure and the Green Corridor.
4.6.6 In order that landscape planting is as effective as reasonably practicable on
commissioning of Phase 2a of HS2, the nominated undertaker will put in place
planting and other screening measures in advance of or during construction (with the
landowner’s permission), where this is reasonably practicable and where there is no
conflict with the construction programme or other construction requirements.
4.6.7 Where early visual screening is a key consideration, species to provide rapid growth
will be provided. Species will be selected to complement the local landscape, historic
and ecological character where there is no overriding conflict with operational
requirements, and will be supported by the planting of slower-growing species. Where
appropriate, the nominated undertaker will draw up and implement a programme for
the thinning or removal of early-growth species.
4.6.8 The nominated undertaker will put in place measures at an early date to ensure that
sufficient stock of appropriate maturity and provenance is available.
4.6.9 Sites referred to in Section 5 will be the subject of the LEMPs with priority given to
landscape considerations where indicated. The nominated undertaker will maintain or
make provision to maintain and monitor the new or managed planting, for a period as
agreed with NEF Members in line with the principles set out in HS2 Information Paper
E20: Maintenance of Landscaped Areas.
4.6.10 The nominated undertaker shall maintain to an appropriate horticultural standard
landscaped areas to ensure that the project’s essential planting scheme successfully
establishes and develops to achieve its mitigation objective, and maintain for an
appropriate period of time in-line with principles set out in HS2 Information Paper
E20: Maintenance of Landscaped Areas.
4.6.11 Where agreement can be reached after an initial period of maintenance, the
nominated undertaker will seek to return the majority of land to previous landowners
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
or other interested parties to ensure the continued objectives of landscaped areas are
maintained into the future.
4.6.12 Where agreement cannot be reached, the land will be retained and maintained by the
nominated undertaker until agreement is put in place with a suitable owner or party.
This could mean that such land will remain under the ownership of the railway.
4.6.13 Where practicable, the nominated undertaker will reduce the long-term maintenance
cost for the railway operator whilst ensuring that the essential mitigation remains in
place and effective.
4.6.14 Tree planting will be designed to minimise risks to the operation of the railway that
may arise from falling leaves, root damage and high winds breaking branches or
felling trees in the vicinity. In practice, this means a 'zone of influence' will be
established along HS2, within which the height of vegetation will be limited.
4.6.15 Where reasonably practicable, structures, fencing, bunding and acoustic screening will
be sensitively designed to be both effective and sympathetic to the local environment.
4.6.16 Where practicable, new planting will not take place where it is likely to cause damage
to significant buried archaeological remains. Where it is not possible to avoid buried
archaeological remains, they will be investigated and recorded in accordance with the
commitments set out in the heritage memorandum.
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
4.11.4 In some circumstances, the surface of land to be returned to agriculture will be graded
such that it fits in with the new landforms created by Phase 2a of HS2, prior to being
reinstated to its former condition where practicable. Surface gradients on new
landforms will be limited to ensure that former best and most versatile land is not
downgraded where reasonably practicable.
4.11.5 The nominated undertaker will apply a soil handling method statement (covering soil
stripping, storage and reinstatement), which will be based on a soil resources survey
carried out as part of the environmental assessment. In carrying out soil handling
operations for the conservation of the soil resource, including the translocation of
ancient woodland soils, the nominated undertaker will apply the good practice
guidance and other more general prescriptions set out in the CoCP and the LEMPs,
and as described in HS2 Information Paper E19: Soil Handling for Land Restoration.
4.11.6 To ensure that the objectives of the above works are achieved, the nominated
undertaker will, where appropriate, manage or support the recovery of reinstated
agricultural land during an appropriate aftercare period.
CL:AIRE is the UK’s independent body promoting sustainable remediation of contaminated land and groundwater. CL:AIRE was created with the
backing of the UK government in 1999 as a not-for-profit company to encourage the demonstration and research of practical solutions for the
clean-up of contaminated land, and to provide a sustainable alternative to disposing of waste in landfill sites.
Defra (2011), Government Review of Waste Policy in England 2011. London, HMSO.
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Environmental Minimum Requirements: Environmental Memorandum
Agricultural land
and public open
aquatic ecology
terrestrial and
Reason for inclusion - Key
Area Other controls/processes applicable to all sites
environmental sensitivities
flood risk
1) Recreation 1) Ecology Site Management Plans
2) Nature conservation, terrestrial and 2) Schedule 17 controls
3) Design policy
Trent Crossing and * * * * aquatic ecology
4) Protective Provisions
Ingestre 3) Water resources and flood risk
4) Landscape 5) Consenting procedure
6) EMS produced by lead contractors (as defined in
the CoCP)
High Speed Rail
West Midlands to Crewe
Environmental Minimum Requirements
General Principles