Rizal Movie Summary

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Laica A.



B001 (RZ101)

The movie about Jose Rizal life and works which was played by Cesar
Montano as Jose Rizal himself was a heartwarming one that shows how Rizal
runs his life. Upon watching the movie, I felt mixed emotions knowing the fact
that it was made to help us, Filipinos, understand what our national hero had
done for the country. It shows how Rizal really love his mother country for him
to sacrificed his own life. The film also works through a flashback showing
Rizal as a genius, a write, a doctor, an artist, a lover, a friend, a brother, a son
that gives texture to his character.

In the opening is while Jose Rizal was waiting execution jailed in Fort
Santiago, Manila. In jail, Rizal meets with his government-appointed counsel,
Luis Taviel de Andrade where Jose narrated his love from childhood to being a
man he is.  Upon hearing his life story, Taviel begun to realize that the accused
is not only innocent but also exhibits the qualities of an ordinary man.  When
the mock trial unreels, Taviel is all set to act as the prime advocate for his
client as Rizal himself is about to give an earth-moving speech to defend his
honor and address his countrymen.  Meanwhile,the Spanish authorities have
worked out the enormous political machinery to ensure a guilty verdict until
Jose Rizal was executed in Bagumbayan.  This triggered the revolution, and a
blood was shed when Andres Bonifacio, a leader of revolutionary group,
attacked the Spaniards and Father Rodriguez who ordered the execution of
Jose Rizal. After Christmas, Rizal was sent to the Real Audiencia, the colonial
court of appeal, to hear the trial against him. Soon after, the magistrates
decided to condemn him under firing squad on the 30th of the morning
in Luneta.In the events following Rizal's execution, members of
the Katipunan begin their armed uprising, completely catching the Spanish
forces off guard, seizing their mounts, munitions and rifles. After that, the
organization captures a church and the members execute the friars in an act of
vengeance. Later that night, Bonifacio and his top generals meet in their
headquarters to plan a new offensive seeking to capture ten towns in a
duration of one week from the Spaniards. As Bonifacio continues speaking, the
camera pans to Rizal's picture at the wall of his headquarters before revealing
Rizal's hat which sat by the shores of Manila Bay, concluding with the text of
events that transpired after his death.

Hence, the movie is superbly great. There are different emotions in each
scene that would surely make you appreciate it. The characters are
unforgettable. I particularly love the last scene when Rizal fell in the ground
facing the sky, having his last breath look at a beautiful surprise – it only
shows that Rizal did not die in vain. His death was just the beginning of
everything we aim to face the Spaniards who made us suffer. After watching
the film, I couldn’t help but feel the sense of pride being him as the Philippine
National Hero. There is no one like Rizal. He is a legacy of what a real Filipino

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