West Bengal Board Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus
West Bengal Board Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus
West Bengal Board Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus
Full Marks 100
THEORY - 70 Marks
Unit – I Solid State 04
Unit – II Solutions 05
Unit – III Electrochemistry 05
Unit- IV Chemical Kinetics 05
Unit – V Surface Chemistry 04
Unit- VI General principles and processes of Isolation of Elements 03
Unit- VII p-Block Elements 08
Unit- VIII d-and f- Block Elements 05
Unit- IX Coordination Compounds 03
Unit- X Haloalkanes and Haloarenes 04
Unit- XI Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 04
Unit- XII Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids 06
Unit- XIII Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen 04
Unit- XIV Bio molecules 04
Unit-XV Polymers 03
Unit-XVI Chemistry in Everyday Life 03
Total- 70
theory, VBT and CFT); structural and stereo isomerism, importance of coordination compounds
(in qualitative inclusion of analysis, extraction of metals and biological systems)
Marks 30
Evaluation Scheme for Examination Marks
Volumetric analysis 10
Salt Analysis 08
Content Based Experiment 06
Class Record ,Viva and Project work 06
Total 30
Practical Syllabus
A. Surface Chemistry.
a) Preparation one lyophilic and one lyophobic sol. Lyophilic sol – starch albumin and gum,
Lyophobic sol – aluminium hydroxide, ferric hydroxide, arsenious sulphide.
b) Study of the role of emulsifying agents in stabilizing the emulsions of different oils.
B. Chemical kinetics
a) Effect of concentration and temperature on the rate of reaction between sodium
thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid.
b) Study of reaction rates of any one of the following:
i. Reaction of iodide ion with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature using different
concentrations of iodide ions.
ii. Reaction between potassium iodide, KIO3 and sodium sulphate: (Na2So3) using starch
solution as indicator (clock reaction).
C. Thermo chemistry
Any of the following experiments
i. Enthalpy of dissolution copper sulphate or potassium nitrate.
ii. Enthalpy of neutralization of strong acid (HCl) and strong base (NaOH)
iii. Determination of enthalpy change during interaction (hydrogen bond formation) between
acetone and chloroform
D. Electro chemistry
Variation of cell potential in Zn/Zn2+//Cu2+/Cu with change in concentration of electrolytes
(CuSO4 or ZnSO4) at room temperature.
E. Chromatography
i. Separation of pigments from extracts of leaves and flowers by paper chromatography
and determination of Rf Values.
ii. Separation of constituents present in an inorganic mixture containing two cations only
(constituents having large difference in Rf values to be provided).
F. Preparation of Inorganic Components
i. Preparation of double salt of ferrous ammonium sulphate or potash alum
ii. Preparation of potassium ferric oxalate
G. Preparation of Organic compounds
Preparation of any two of the following compounds
i. Acetanilide
ii. Di benzal acetone
iii. p-Nitroacetanilide
iv. Aniline yellow or 2- Napthal aniline dye.
v. Iodoform
H. Tests for the functional groups present in organic compounds:
Unsaturation, alcoholic, phenolic, aldehydic, ketonic, carboxylic and amino (primary) groups.
I. Characteristic test of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in pure samples and their
detection in given food stuffs.
J. Determination of concentration/ minority of KMnO4 solution by titrating it against a
standard solution of:
i. Oxalic acid
ii. Ferrous ammonium sulphate
(students will be requied to prepare standard solution by weighing themselves)
K. Qualitative analysis
Determination of one cation and one anion in a given salt.
Cations – Pb2+, Cu2+,As3+,Al3+,Fe3+,Mn2+,Ni2+,Zn2+,Co2+,Ca2+,Sr2+,Ba2+,Mg2+,NH4+
Anions – CO32-,S2-,SO32-,NO2--,NO3--,Cl-,Br-,l-,PO43-,C2O42-,CH3COO-
(Note; Insoluble salts excluded)