Op-Ed: Globalization Challenged - Reclaiming The Multilateral Cooperation Agenda

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Op-ed: Globalization challenged — reclaiming

the multilateral cooperation agenda

Paulo Buss*

Two years ago, the member states of the United Nations (UN) requested the
Secretary-General of the organization to prepare a report on globalization and the
Sustainable Development Goals, by believing that, although globalization could
have contributed to some economic growth, it has certainly not fulfilled its
promise to foster an equitable growth or a sustainable development in an universal
scale. The UNS Secretariat response came in the form of the document Fulfilling
the promise of globalization: advancing sustainable development in an
interconnected world, appraised at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly,
held in September 2017, at the headquarters of the organization, in New York City.
It has been fifteen years since I wrote my first article on globalization and disease,
in 2002, followed by a more complete one, in 2007, on globalization, poverty and
health, published in Portuguese, English and Spanish, given the interest that the
theme had aroused among healthcare professionals.

The phenomenon of globalization is not new, as it has been affecting people and
societies for more than two centuries. The old globalization, represented by the
colonialist expansion in Europe and sea trade among nations, had important
economic and social consequences, both positive and negative, on the new
territories, as well as on the European society itself. More recently, however, in
the decades at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, we are faced with a new
globalization, deep and fast, that covers now practically every aspect of human

For most authors, recent globalization is an economic, social and cultural process
established in the last two or three decades of the 20th Century and the first
decade of the 21st Century, whose main features include, on a scale never
achieved before:
· growth in international trade of goods and services;
· transnationalization of mega companies;
· free movement of capital without any regulation;
. unprecedented concentration of income;
· privatization of the economy and minimization of the role of governments and
· fall of protectionist trade barriers and regulation of international trade,
according to the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO);
· ease of transit of people and goods among several countries of the world; 
· expansion of the possibilities of communication due to the emergence of the so-
called information society and ease of contact among people due to the
emergence of various instruments and tools, among which the Internet.
Several authors, commissions and organizations have been critical regarding that
process. The brief 20th Century, a term coined by the historian Eric Hobsbawm to
describe the recently completed century, brought, according to the admirable
author, an extraordinary “revolution in transportation and communications, which
virtually annulled time and distance”. This huge approach between so unequal
cultures and economies makes “the globe to be now the basic operational unit,
and older units, as national economies, defined by the policies of territorial
States, to be reduced [only] to difficulties for transnational activities”.

Yet in 2004, the World Commission on the Social Dimensions of Globalization,

established by the International Labour Organization, insisted that “the current
globalization process is producing uneven results among countries and within
them. It is creating wealth, but there are too many countries and people who are
not having benefits [...]. Many of them live in the limbo of the informal economy,
with no rights recognized and in poor countries, which subsist precariously and at
the margins of the global economy. Even in countries with good economic results,
many workers and communities have been harmed by the process of

The Commission warned that “such global inequalities are unacceptable from the
moral point of view and unsustainable from the political point of view”. And it
insisted on “a lack of fairness in global rules on trade and finance matters and in
the unequal impact it has on rich and poor countries", as in the "current
international policies inability to respond to the challenges posed by

The Lancet—University of Oslo Commission on Global Governance (2014), on which,

with a great honor, I took part, attributes the origins of the political inequities in
health existing in countries to the deep imbalances and inequalities existing in
current global governance, one of the biggest legacies the unfair, exclusionary and
ecoagressive globalization process existing in the contemporary world.

The report of the Secretary General submitted to AGNU 2017 lacks the forcefulness
of the Commission's work of almost 15 years ago, nor it touches on the wounds
pointed out in the Lancet Commission report. It simply records the current trends
of globalization and interdependence, simplified into three megatrends: changes
in production and labor markets, fast advances in technology and climate change,
as well as its consequences for the promotion of a sustainable development. The
report describes the political structures at national, regional and global levels that
address the problems related to globalization and intends to detail the regulatory
function of the United Nations and other multilateral organizations to respond to
these problems. With that, it refers to the need for global institutional and
regulatory milestones and multilateral inclusive, transparent and effective
approaches in order to manage a process of globalization that will benefit all
countries and not leave anyone behind (the mantra of the 2030 Agenda).

That is, in a time when it is already acknowledged that since the years 1990s the
international political economy has been developing in hiperglobalization
landmarks, which has generated a lot of progress, but also huge asymmetries, and
that globalization without suitable governance and regulation mechanisms
generates imbalances that make it untenable, the proposals in the document are
generic and timid ones.

As Alicia Bárcenas, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin

America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) alerts, “the current context, marked by the
weakening of multilateralism, the return of protectionism and the increase in
extremist political movements, lowers the advances of such a global consensus
[the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs], presents a serious challenge for global economy
and puts at risk the achievement of the 17 SDGs”.

The challenge, therefore, would be to recover the agenda of multilateral

cooperation which is today in a limbo among hiperglobalization, ultraneoliberalism
and the emerging unilateralism and establish mechanisms of global governance and
regulation of globalization – particularly as regards the regulation of the
multifaceted performances of international financial capital – referring to a
commitment to promoting equality and a sustainable development.

*Paulo Buss is the coordinator of the Fiocruz Global Health Center.

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