Electrcial Circuits Lab Manual 2-1
Electrcial Circuits Lab Manual 2-1
Electrcial Circuits Lab Manual 2-1
To nurture excellence in the field of Electrical & Electronics Engineering by imparting core values to the
learners and to mould the institution into a centre of academic excellence and advanced research.
M1: To impart students with high technical knowledge to make globally adept to the new Technologies
M2: To create, disseminate and integrate knowledge of engineering, science and technology that expands
the electrical engineering knowledge base towards research
M3: To provide the students with a platform for developing new products and systems that can help
industry and society as a whole.
Program Outcomes
Modern tool usage: Select/ develop and apply appropriate techniques and IT tools
PO 5
for the design and analysis of the systems.
The engineer and society: Give reasoning and assess societal, health, legal and
PO 6
cultural issues with competency in professional engineering practice.
Ethics: An ability to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
PO 8
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Program Program
Name of the Experiment Outcomes Specific
Attained Outcomes
1 Verification of Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems PO1,PO2,PO3,PO9 PSO1
5 Time response of first order RC / RL network for periodic non PO1,PO2,PO3,PO9 PSO1
– sinusoidal inputs – Time constant and Steady state error
12 Measurement of Active Power for Star and Delta connected PO1,PO2,PO3,PO9 PSO1
balanced loads
14 Measurement of Reactive Power for Star and Delta connected PO1,PO2,PO3,PO9 PSO1
balanced loads
Prepared by
M.Tech(Power Electronics) M.Tech(Power Engineering)
Asst. Professor Head of the Department
Verified by
Head of the department
This Laboratory book in Electrical Measurements has been revised in order to be up to date with
Curriculum changes, laboratory equipment upgrading and the latest circuit simulation.
Every effort has been made to correct all the known errors, but nobody is perfect, if you
find any additional errors or anything else you think is an error, please contact the HOD/EEE
The Authors thanked all the staff members from the department for their valuable
The author would welcome the advice and suggestions leading to the improvement of the book.
The Authors,
Department of EEE.
Troubleshooting Hints IV
2. Electricity NEVER EXECUSES careless persons. So, exercise enough care and attention in
handling electrical equipment and follow safety practices in the laboratory. (Electricity is a good
servant but a bad master).
3. Avoid direct contact with any voltage source and power line voltages. (Otherwise, any such contact
may subject you to electrical shock)
4. Wear rubber-soled shoes. (To insulate you from earth so that even if you accidentally contact a live
point, current will not flow through your body to earth and hence you will be protected from electrical
5. Wear laboratory-coat and avoid loose clothing. (Loose clothing may get caught on an
equipment/instrument and this may lead to an accident particularly if the equipment happens to be a
rotating machine)
6. Girl students should have their hair tucked under their coat or have it in a knot.
7. Do not wear any metallic rings, bangles, bracelets, wristwatches and neck chains. (When you move
your hand/body, such conducting items may create a short circuit or may touch a live point and
thereby subject you to Electrical shock)
8. Be certain that your hands are dry and that you are not standing on wet floor. (Wet parts of the body
reduce the contact resistance thereby increasing the severity of the shock)
9. Ensure that the power is OFF before you start connecting up the circuit. (Otherwise you will be
touching the live parts in the circuit).
10. Get your circuit diagram approved by the staff member and connect up the circuit strictly as per the
approved circuit diagram.
11. Check power chords for any sign of damage and be certain that the chords use safety plugs and do
not defeat the safety feature of these plugs by using ungrounded plugs.
12. When using connection leads, check for any insulation damage in the leads and avoid such
defective leads.
13. Do not defeat any safety devices such as fuse or circuit breaker by shorting across it. Safety
devices protect YOU and your equipment.
14. Switch on the power to your circuit and equipment only after getting them checked up
and approved by the staff member.
15. Take the measurement with one hand in your pocket. (To avoid shock in case you accidentally
touch two points at different potentials with your two hands)
16. Do not make any change in the connection without the approval of the staff member.
17. In case you notice any abnormal condition in your circuit (like insulation heating up, resistor
heating up etc), switch off the power to your circuit immediately and inform the staff member.
18. Keep hot soldering iron in the holder when not in use.
19. After completing the experiment show your readings to the staff member and switch off the power
to your circuit after getting approval from the staff member.
20. Determine the correct rating of the fuse/s to be connected in the circuit after
understanding correctly the type of the experiment to be performed: no-load test or full-load test, the
maximum current expected in the circuit and accordingly use that fuse-rating.(While an over-rated fuse
will damage the equipment and other instruments like ammeters and watt-meters in case of over load,
an under-rated fuse may not allow one even to start the experiment)
21. Moving iron ammeters and current coils of wattmeters are not so delicate and hence these can
stand short time overload due to high starting current. Moving iron meters are cheaper and more
rugged compared to moving coil meters. Moving iron meters can be used for both a.c. and d.c.
measurement. Moving coil instruments are however more sensitive and more accurate as compared to
their moving iron counterparts and these can be used for d.c. measurements only. Good features of
moving coil instruments are not of much consequence for you as other sources of errors in the
experiments are many times more than those caused by these meters.
22. Some students have been found to damage meters by mishandling in the following ways:
i. Keeping unnecessary material like books, labrecords, unused meters etc. causing meters
to fall down the table.
ii. Putting pressure on the meter (especially glass) while making connections or while talking
or listening somebody.
I have read and understand these rules and procedures. I agree to abide by these rules and
procedures at all times while using these facilities. I understand that failure to follow these rules and
procedures will result in my immediate dismissal from the laboratory and additional disciplinary action
may be taken.
The laboratory notebook is a record of all work pertaining to the experiment. This record should be
sufficiently complete so that you or anyone else of similar technical background can duplicate the
experiment and data by simply following your laboratory notebook. Record everything directly into the
notebook during the experiment. Do not use scratch paper for recording data. Do not trust your memory to fill in
the details at a later time.
Organization in your notebook is important. Descriptive headings should be used to separate and identify the
various parts of the experiment. Record data in chronological order. A neat, organized and complete record of an
experiment is just as important as the experimental work.
1. Heading:
The experiment identification (number) should be at the top of each page.Your name and date should be at
the top of the first page of each day's experimental work.
2. Object:
A brief but complete statement of what you intend to find out or verify in the experiment should be at the
beginning of each experiment
3. Diagram:
A circuit diagram should be drawn and labeled so that the actual experiment circuitry could be easily
duplicated at any time in the future. Be especially careful to record all circuit changes made during the
4. Equipment List:
List those items of equipment which have a direct effect on the accuracy of the data. It may be necessary
later to locate specific items of equipment for rechecks if discrepancies develop in the results.
5. Procedure:
In general, lengthy explanations of procedures are unnecessary. Be brief. Short commentaries alongside
the corresponding data may be used. Keep in mind the fact that the experiment must be reproducible from
the information given in your notebook.
6. Data:
Think carefully about what data is required and prepare suitable data tables. Record instrument readings
directly. Do not use calculated results in place of direct data; however, calculated results may be
recorded in the same table with the direct data. Data tables should be clearly identified and each data column
labeled and headed by the proper units of measure.
7. Calculations:
Not always necessary but equations and sample calculations are often given to illustrate the treatment of
the experimental data in obtaining the results.
8. Graphs:
Graphs are used to present large amounts of data in a concise visual form. Data to be presented in
graphical form should be plotted in the laboratory so that any questionable data points can be checked
while the experiment is still set up. The grid lines in the notebook can be used for most graphs. If special
graph paper is required, affix the graph permanently into the notebook. Give all graphs a short
descriptive title. Label and scale the axes. Use units of measure. Label each curve if more than one
on a graph.
9. Results:
The results should be presented in a form which makes the interpretation easy. Large amounts of numerical
results are generally presented in graphical form. Tables are generally used for small amounts of results.
Theoretical and experimental results should be on the same graph or arrange in the same table in a way for
easy correlation of these results.
10. Conclusion:
This is your interpretation of the results of the experiment as an engineer. Be brief and specific. Give
reasons for important discrepancies.
3. Be sure the circuit you build is identical to your circuit diagram (Do a node by node check)
5. Be sure that the equipment is set up correctly and you are measuring the correct parameters
6. If steps 1 through 5 are correct then you probably have used a component with the wrong value or one
that doesn’t work. It is also possible that the equipment does not work (although this is not probable) or
the protoboard you are using may have some unwanted paths between nodes. To find your problem you
must trace through the voltages in your circuit node by node and compare the signal you expect to have.
Then if they are different use your engineering judgment to decide what is causing the different or ask
your lab assistant.
5 Time response of first order RC / RL network for periodic non – sinusoidal inputs – Time
constant and Steady state error determination.
12 Measurement of Active Power for Star and Delta connected balanced loads
14 Measurement of Reactive Power for Star and Delta connected balanced loads
Apparatus Required:
R2 =330
Thevenin’s Theorem: It is defined as that in any two terminal linear bilateral network which contains
one are more sources can be replaced by a single voltage source with a series resistor.
Circuit Diagrams:
1. Connect
the circuit as per the circuit diagram shown in fig(1).
2. By applying the input voltage and connecting the load resistance at the output terminals
measure the load current IL1 as shown in fig (1).
3. Connect the circuit diagram shown in fig (2) measure the thevenin’s voltage Vth.
4. Connect the circuit diagram shown in fig (3) and Measure the thevenin’s resistance using
digital multimeter.
5. Connect the thevenin’s equivalent circuit and measure the load current IL2 . (IL1= IL2)
Tabular Form:
Practice problems:
Question 1: Using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current through branch AB for the below circuit?
Question 2: Using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current through branch AB in which a
Question 3: Using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current through branch AB in the below circuit?
Apparatus Required:
3 Resistors R1 = 120
R2 =330 1No. each
Norton’s Theorem:
It is defined as that in any two terminal linear bilateral network which contains one are more sources
can be replaced by a single current source with a parallel resistor.
Circuit Diagram:
Fig. 2
1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in fig.1 and measure the load current IL1.
2. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in fig.2 and measure the Norton’s equivalent current IN
3. Connect the Norton’s equivalent circuit and determine the load current IL2.
Tabular Form:
Practice Problems:
Question 1: Using Norton’s theorem, find the current through branch AB for the below circuit?
Apparatus required:
2 Digital Multimeter 1 no
Voltmeter mode 0-20V
Ammeter mode 0-200 mA
3 Resistors
R1 510ohm 1 no. each
R2 1kohm
R3 220ohm
In any branch of a network, the current due to a single source of voltage(V) elsewhere in the network is
equal to the current through the branch in which the source was originally placed when the source is
placed in the branch in which the current (I)was originally obtained.
In a linear, bilateral, single source network if a voltage at any point in the network produces a current at
some other point in the network, then the same voltage at the other point produces the same current at
the first point.
The ratio of response to excitation is same. Reciprocity theorem is applicable for single voltage
and single current source networks only.
Voltage V1 across AA1 produces current I1 at BB1. Now if the positions of the source and
responses are interchanged, by connecting the voltage source across BB1, the resultant current I2 will
be at terminals AA1. According to reciprocity theorem, the ratio of response to excitation is same in
both the cases.
i.e. I1 / V1 = I2 / V2
The location of the voltage source and the through current may be interchanged with out change
in current. However, the polarity of the voltage source should have the identicality with the direction of
branch current in each position.
According to this theorem if the source voltage and zero resistance ammeter are changed, the
magnitude of the current through the ammeter will be same, no matter how completed the network. In
other words, in a linear passive network, supply voltage V & current I are mutually transferable. The
ratio of V and I is called the transfer resistance.
The limitation of this theorem is that it is only applicable to single source networks and not in
multisource network. More over the network should not have any time varying element.
Circuit diagram
Fig (i)
Fig (ii)
Fig (iii)
The experiment of verification of reciprocity theorem can be performed in the following steps.
Tabular column:
Result: It is observed that the values of currents I1 & I2 obtained are approximately equal with in limits
of experimental errors, thus the reciprocity theorem stands verified.
Apparatus required :-
In a network of linear resistances containing more than one source of e.m.f, the current which flows
at any point is the sum of all the currents which would flow at that point if each source of e.m.f were
considered separately and all the other sources of e.m.f’s replaced for the time being by resistances
equal to their internal resistances.
i) Circuit to find current in 1K ohm resistor due to 5V source (short the terminals of 10V
source) for fig-2.
ii) Circuit to find current in 1000ohm resistor due to 10V source (short the terminals of 5V
source) for fig-3
iii) Circuit to find current in 1000ohm resistor due to 10V source & 5V source acting
simultaneously for fig-4.
Procedure :-
Observation table :-
RESULT: - It is observed that the values of currents I1 & I2 obtained are approximately equal with in
limits of experimental errors, thus the superposition theorem stands verified.
Apparatus Required:
A resistive load will abstract maximum power from a network when the load resistance is equal to the
resistance of the network as viewed from the output terminls, with all the energy sources removed
leaving behind their internal resistance.
Circuit Diagram:
1. Connections are
made as per the
circuit diagram.
2. At some constant voltage, by varying the load resistance note down the readings of voltmeter
and ammeter.
3. Calculate the power delivered to the load.
4. Find out the internal resistance at which maximum power is transmitted to the load.
5. Calculate the internal resistance of the circuit theoretically and verify with the resistance where
we got the maximum power.
6. Draw the graph between powers delivered to load Vs load resistance.
Tabular Form:
Model Graph:
A graph is plotted between load resistance RL and power P. Taking RL on X-axis and power on Y-axis.
At the particular resistance value i.e. Rth the power will be maximum.
o By open circuiting the load terminals calculate the Thevenin’s voltage Vth across the load
o By replacing all voltage and current sources with their internal resistances, calculate the
Thevenin’s resistance Rth across the load terminals.
o Draw the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit, calculate the load current IL=Vth / ( Rth+RL).
o The power delivered to the load=IL2RL.
o The power is maximum at Rth.
Maximum power transfer theorem is verified theoretically and practically
Apparatus required:
3 Resistors R1 = 100 Ω
R2 = 100 Ω
R3=560 Ω
Z Parameters:
Theory: Z Parameters are also known as open circuit or impedance parameters. In Z parameters V1
and V2 are dependent variables and I1 and I2 are independent variables.
V1 = Z11I1 + Z12I2
V2 = Z21I1 + Z22I2
Where Z11, Z12, Z21, Z22 are the network functions and are known as impedance parameters.
Tabular Form:
Parameter V1 I1 V2
Tabular Form:
Parameter V2 V1 I2
1. For measuring Z11 and Z21 make the connections as shown in Fig(1).
2. Connect port 1 to RPS, apply 10V at port 1 and measure I1 and V2.
3. For measuring Z12 and Z22 make the connections as shown in Fig (2).
Z – Parameters:
Y Parameters are also known as short circuit or admittance parameters. In Y Parameters I1 and I2 are
dependent variable and V1, V2 are independent variables.
I1 = Y11V1 + Y12V2
I2 = Y21V1 + Y22V2
Here Y11, Y12, Y21, Y22 are the network functions called as admittance parameters.
Y11 = I1 / V1 when V2 = 0
Y21 = I2 / V1 when V2 = 0
Y12 = I1 / V2 when V1 = 0
Y22 = I2 / V2 when V1 = 0
Tabular Form:
Parameter V1 I1 I2
Tabular Form:
Parameter I1 I2 V2
1. For measuring Y11, Y21 make the connections as shown in Fig (3).
2. Connect port 1 to RPS; apply 10 V at port 1 and short circuit the port 2 through an ammeter.
Note down V1, I1 and I2 values.
3. For measuring Y12, Y22 make the connections as shown in Fig (4).
4. Connect port 2 to RPS, apply 10 V at port 2 and short circuit the port 1 through an ammeter.
Note down V2, I2, I1 values.
5. Calculate the Y Parameters.
Y Parameters:
Result: It is observed that the values of parameters obtained are approximately equal with in limits of
experimental errors, thus the Y & Z parameters stands verified.
Practice Problems:
Question 1: Find the Value of RL for the maximum power to transfer from source to load?
Question 2: Find the Value of R in the circuit such that Max. Power transfer takes place. What is the
amount of this power?
Practice Problems:
Question 1: Find the current through the R3 Resister using Superposition theorem?
Practice Problems:
Question 1: Verify the Reciprocity theorem at the branch AB for the below circuit?
Question 2: Verify reciprocity theorem, at the terminals AB for a network when excited by a single
Practice Problems:
Question 1: Calculate the voltage across RL resister in the network using Millmann’s theorem?
Question 2: use Millmann’s theorem to calculate the voltage developed across the load resister R4 in
the network?
Practice Problems
Question 1: If the resistance of R2 branch increases to (R2 + ΔR) Ω, determine the compensation
Question 2: verify the compensation theorem if there is a change in R4 resister due to the temperature
variation ?
Practice Problems:
Fig. B
Fig. A
Fig. D
Fig. E
Fig. F
Aim: To Determine the self and mutual inductance of a given coupled coil and also to determine the
coefficient of coupling(K)
Apparatus Required:
Fig. A
2. Apply different voltages to every winding with the help of 1-Φ variac. Note down the reading of
ammeter, Voltmeter and wattmeter.
Ic=Io COS Φo
4. Make the connections as shown in the figure(b). apply Different Voltages to the HV windings,
and note down thw readings of ammeter, Voltmeter and wattmeter in a tabular column.
6. Caqlculte the inductance (L) and mutual inductance (M) on the LV side.
LHV= V2/(2ΠfIm)
M= E1 / (2ΠfIm)
LHV= V2 / (2ΠfIm)
M= E2 / (2ΠfIm)
K= M/ √ (LHV LLV)
Theoritical Formulae:
Ic = Io COS Φo Ic = Io COS Φo
Wo = V1IoCOSΦo Wo = V1IoCOSΦo
M= E1 / (2ΠfIm) M= E2 / (2ΠfIm)
LLV=V1/(2*Π*f*Im) LHV=V1/(2*Π*f*Im)
Table 1:
s.no V1(V) E1(V) Io(A) Wo(W) Ic(A) Im(A) M(H) LLV (H)
Table 2:
s.no V2(V) E2(V) Io(A) Wo(W) Ic(A) Im(A) M(H) LHV (H)
The self and Mutual Inductance of a given coupled coil are calculated and the co-efficient of coupling
(K) is also calculated.
Series Resonance
Aim: To obtain the resonance frequency, frequency curve, bandwidth, quality factor.
Apparatus Required:
Circuit Diagram:
2. Calculate the resonant frequency using the formula at selected values of L & C
5. Now draw the frequency response characteristic curve taking the reading of frequency and
Theoritical Calculation:
* Fr =1/2Π(√LC)
* Q = (Wr L) / R
* Wr = 2ΠFr
* Band Width = Fr / Q
Model Graph:
Tabular Column
Result: For the given series RLC circuit bandwidth, quality factor are calculated theoretically and
practically and frequency response characteristics are obtained.
Parallel Resonance
Aim: To obtain the resonance frequency, frequency curve, bandwidth, quality factor.
Apparatus Required:
Circuit Diagram:
1. R, L, & C are connected in parallel with selected values of RLC as shown in figure.
2. Calculate the resonant frequency using the formula at selected values of L & C
5. Now draw the frequency response characteristic curve taking the reading of frequency and
Theoritical Calculation:
* Fr =1/2Π(√LC)
* Q = (Wr L) / R
* Wr = 2ΠFr
* Band Width = Fr / Q
Model Graph:
abular Column
Result: For the given parallel RLC circuit bandwidth, quality factor are calculated theoretically and
practically and frequency response characteristics are obtained.
Aim: To measure active power and power in a balanced 3-Ф circuit using two single
phase wattmeter’s.
Apparatus required:
Total power consumed by 3-Ф balanced load can be measured by using two watmeters.
The wattmeter’s consists of two coils namely pressure coil(PC) and current coil(CC).
The current coils are connected with any two of the lines say R and B. the pressure coils of the two
wattmeters are connected between that line and the second line.i.e. Y line.
Considering a balanced 3-Ф load at a PF cosФ lagging, the three line currents IR, IY & IB will have
the same magnitude and each will be lagging by angle Ф its corresponding voltage.
Assuming a Y connected system we have IL=Iph and VL=√3 Vph. Thus we have IR=IY=IB=Iph. Similarly,
for the voltages, VR = VY = VB = Vph.
We know that the line voltages VRY= VR-VY, and line Voltage V BY=VB-VY. By phasor method
we can determine line voltage VRY VBY as shown in fig. The line VRY is seen to be leading VR by 30o
and line voltage VBY seen to be lagging VB by 30o. Thus the phase angle between the line voltage VRY
and line current IR is 30o + Ф . Similarly, the phase angle between the line voltage VBY and line current
IB is 30o+Ф. Therefore, the power in 2 wattmeters is given by,
Vph = VL / √3 , Iph = IL
Power factor
W1 = COS (30o + Ф)
W2 COS (30o - Ф)
TAN Ф = √3 W1 – W2
W1 + W2
Ф = TAN -1 √3 W1 – W2
W1 + W2
To determine self, mutual inductance and coefficient of coupling of a mutually coupled circuit.
3 1-phase Transformer
4 1-phase Variac
5 1-ph A.C. Supply
6 Connecting Wires
Circuit diagram:
Fig. A
1. Connect the circuit as shown in fig.14.1 and measure the self inductance of coil 1
i.e. L1 by noting the voltmeter and ammeter readings.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in fig.14.2 and measure the self inductance of coil 2
L1 = XL1/2Πf (Henry)
Determination of L2
From fig B
XL2 = Voltmeter reading /Ammeter reading XL2= ωL2 = 2ΠfL2
Determination of Leq
From fig 14.3
XLeq = Voltmeter reading
/Ammeter reading XLeq =
ωLeq = 2ΠfLeq
For XL2
For Xeq
1. What is self inductance?
2. What is mutual inductance?
3. Define coefficient of coupling.
4. What is the formula for coefficient of coupling?
5. Define self induced emf.
6. Define mutually induced emf.
7. Derive the expression between self inductance of two coils, mutual inductance
between them and coefficient of coupling.
8. State and explain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
9. Two coils of self inductances L1 and L2 are connected in series and M is the
mutual inductance between them, derive the expression for the net inductance
of the coil.
The acronym PSPICE stands for - Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.
SPICE is a general purpose circuit diagram that simulates electronics circuits. Spice can
perform various analyses of electronics circuits namely operating point of transistor, a time domain
response, a small signal frequency response etc. It is a versatile program.
It contains certain models for common circuit elements, active as well as passive and is capable of
simulating most electronic circuits.
The algorithms of spice are general in nature but are robust and powerful for simulating
electrical and electronics circuits. The input syntax for spice is a free format style, it does not require
that data be entered in fixed columns locations. Spice assumes reasonable default values for
unspecified circuit parameters. In addition, it performs considerable amount of error checking to ensure
that a circuit has been entered correctly.
A circuit is described by statements that are stored in a file called circuit file. It is normally
typed from the keyboard. The circuit file is read by Pspice simulator. Each statement is self contained
and independent, the statements do not interact with each other.
The circuit file contains the circuit details of components and elements, the information about
thee sources and the command for what to calculate and what to provide as output.
The circuit file is the input file to the Spice program which after executing the commands, produces the
results in another file called the output file.
DC Analysis: It is used for circuits with time –invariant sources. It calculates all node voltages and
branch currents over a range of values.
.DC --- DC sweep of an input voltage / current source over a range of values
Transient analysis: It is used for circuits with time variant sources. It calculates all node voltages and
branch currents over a time interval, and their instantaneous values are the outputs.
AC analysis: It is used for small signal analysis of circuits with sources of variable frequencies. It
calculates all node voltages and branch currents over a range of frequencies.
Circuit description:
A circuit must be specified in terms of elements names, element values, nodes, variable parameters
and sources.
For a circuit that is to be simulated for calculating all node voltages and currents, the user has to
show the required:
Element values:
The element values are written in standard floating point notation with optional scale and unit suffixes.
There are two types of suffixes: scale suffix , unit suffix.
The location of the element is identified by the node numbers. Each element is connected between two
nodes. Node numbers are assigned in the circuit. Node 0 ids predefined as ground.
The node numbers to which an element is connected are specified after the name of an element.
< element name > < positive node > < negative node > < value >
< source name > < positive node > < negative node > < source model >
Ex: VS 1 0 DC 20V
Output variables:
Spice can give the current of a voltage source as an output by dummy voltage source of 0V
Aim: To simulate the circuit on Pspice and to find out the node voltages and respective
branch currents.
Software: PSPICE
Circuit diagram:
VS 1 0 DC 20V
IS 0 4 DC 50MA
R1 6 2 500
R2 2 5 800
R3 2 3 1KOHM
R4 4 0 200
VX 3 0 DC 0V
VY 5 4 DC 0V
VZ 1 6 DC 0V
Output file
Note :File name is given with < file name .cir >extension
Aim: To find the dc transient response of a series RLC circuit for a PULSE input.
Software: PSPICE
Circuit diagram:
R1 1 2 2
L1 2 3 50UH
C1 3 0 10UF
Output file:
Aim: To find the dc transient response of a series RLC circuit for a STEP input.
Software: PSPICE
Circuit diagram:
Output file:
Aim: To find the dc transient response of a series RLC circuit for a SINE input.
Software: PSPICE
Circuit diagram:
Si.No Apparatus name Qty
01 Harmonic Analyzer (THDPM-1) 01
02 Test bench setup 01
03 LED bulb 5W 01
04 CFL Bulb 15W 01
05 Connecting wires. As required
By using Total Harmonics Distortion Power Meter we can analyze the harmonics present in
different types of electrical apparatus.
Harmonics can be analyzed for both Voltage and Current Waveforms. Up to 55th Harmonics
can be seen on the THDPM-1 in tabulated and Bar Graph Form.
Technical Description:
Voltage Harmonics
Current Harmonics
Power Factor:
Exp. 1
Type of load: LED bulb. (Voltage and Current Harmonics up to 55th Harmonics)
Exp. 2
Type of load: CFL bulb. (Voltage and Current Harmonics up to 55th Harmonics)
Exp. 3
Type of load: CFL & LED bulb. (Voltage and Current Harmonics up to 55th Harmonics)