5ee4-21 Power System-1 Lab Zero Lab and Experiment 1
5ee4-21 Power System-1 Lab Zero Lab and Experiment 1
5ee4-21 Power System-1 Lab Zero Lab and Experiment 1
1. Vision & Mission of Electrical Engineering Department 3
2. Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s) of PCE 4
3. Program Outcomes(PO’s) of Department 4
4. Program Specific Outcomes(PSO’s) of Department 6
5. Lab Outcomes 6
6. Mapping of PO’s and PSO’s with LO’s 7
7. Lab Rules 8
8. Safety Measures 9
9. Experiment List (as per RTU) 10
10. Evaluation Scheme 11
11. Lab Plan 12
12. Rotor plan 13
13. Zero Lab 14
14. Experiment 1 15
15. Experiment 2 30
16. Experiment 3 36
17. Experiment 4 43
18. Experiment 5 49
19. Experiment 6 55
20. Experiment 7 60
21. Experiment 8 77
22. Experiment 9 97
23. Experiment 10 106
24. Experiment 11 109
25. Experiment 12 119
26. Experiment 13 121
To provide a dynamic environment of technical education wherein students learn in collaboration
with others to develop knowledge of basic and engineering sciences.
To identify and strengthen current thrust areas based upon informed perception of global societal
issues in the electrical and allied branches.
To develop human potential with intellectual capability who can become a good professional,
researcher and lifelong learner.
PEO 1: Graduates will have the ability to formulate, analyze and apply design process using the basic
knowledge of engineering and sciences to solve complex electrical engineering problems.
PEO 2: Graduates will exhibit quality of leadership, teamwork, time management, with a commitment
towards addressing societal issues of equity, public and environmental safety using modern engineering
PEO 3: Graduates will possess dynamic communication and have successful transition into a broad
range of multi-disciplinary career options in industry, government and research as lifelong learner.
PSO1: Graduate possesses the ability to apply fundamental knowledge of basic sciences, mathematics
and computation to solve the problems in the field of electrical engineering for the benefit of society.
PSO2: Graduate possesses the ability to professionally communicate and ethically solve complex
electrical engineering problems using modern engineering tools.
LO1: Illustrate the basic layouts of hydro, thermal, nuclear and gas power plants.[Apply]
LO2: Distinguish the parameters of the feeders, distributors, and EHV transmission lines. [Analyze]
LO3: Evaluate the dielectric strength of transformer oil, insulating materials & insulators.
LO4: Create a probability tool to forecast load for short, medium, and long term planning.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Student will able to Illustrate the basic
1 layouts of hydro, thermal, nuclear and - 3 - - - - - - - - - -
gas power plants.[Apply]
Student will able to Distinguish the
2 parameters of the feeders, distributors, - - - - 2 - - - - - - -
and EHV transmission lines. [Analyze]
Student will able to Evaluate the
3 dielectric strength of transformer oil, - - - - - - - - - - - 2
insulating materials & insulators.
Student will able to Create a
4 probability tool to forecast load for - - - - 3 - - - - - - -
short, medium, and long term planning.
1. Enter the lab on time and leave at proper time.
2. Keep the bags outside in the racks.
3. Utilize lab hours in the corresponding experiment.
4. Make the Supply off the Kits/Equipments after completion of Experiments.
5. Maintain the decorum of the lab.
1. Don’t bring any external material in the lab.
2. Don’t make noise in the lab.
3. Don’t bring the mobile in the lab.
4. Don’t enter in Faculty room without permission.
5. Don’t litter in the lab.
6. Don’t carry any lab equipments outside the lab.
1) Generating station design: Design considerations, basic schemes and single line diagram of hydro,
thermal, nuclear and gas power plants. Electrical equipment for power
2) Distribution system Design: Design of feeders & distributors. Calculation of voltage
drops in distributors. Calculation of conductor size using Kelvin’s law.
3) Study of short term, medium term and long term load forecasting.
4) Sending end and receiving end power circle diagrams.
5) Substations: Types of substations, various bus–bar arrangements. Electrical equipment for
6) Study high voltage testing of electrical equipment: line insulator, cable, bushing, power capacitor,
and power transformer.
7) Design an EHV transmission line
8) Study filtration and Treatment of transformer oil.
9) Determine dielectric strength of transformer oil.
10) Determine capacitance and dielectric loss of an insulating material using Schering bridge.
11) Flash over voltage testing of insulators.
1) Generating station design: Design considerations, basic schemes and single line diagram of
hydro, thermal, nuclear and gas power plants. Electrical equipment for power stations.
2) Distribution system Design: Design of feeders & distributors. Calculation of voltage drops in
distributors. Calculation of conductor size using Kelvin’s law.
3) Study of short term, medium term and long term load forecasting.
4) Sending end and receiving end power circle diagrams.
5) Substations: Types of substations, various bus–bar arrangements. Electrical equipment for
6) Instrument Transformers: Design Considerations of CT’s & PT’s for Measurement and
7) Study high voltage testing of electrical equipment: line insulator, cable, bushing, power
capacitor, and power transformer.
8) Design an EHV transmission line
9) Study filtration and Treatment of transformer oil.
10) Determine dielectric strength of transformer oil.
11) Determine capacitance and dielectric loss of an insulating material using Schering Bridge.
12) Flash over voltage testing of insulators
13) Auxiliary power supply scheme for thermal power plant.[BEYOND SYLLABUS]
Introduction to Lab:
a). Relevance to Branch:
Power System is a branch of electrical engineering that refers to the process of controlling the flow of
current and voltage and converting it to a form that is suitable for user loads. The objective of a power
system lab is to keep the power system stable and ensure efficiency and reliability is 100%.
b). Relevance to Society:
Power system allow for the variance of electric motor drive speeds, reducing the amount of energy
consumed by making processes more efficient. The energy saved by taking advantage of power
system is important for our changing environment by using less valuable resources.
c). Relevance to Self:
This subject has its own importance, for the personal growth this is must to have the knowledge the
power system because every core company required knowledgeable electrical engineers. Right now
this is the only sector which is touching sky-heights. There are many more projects in which students
can be imparted and in spite of that many research projects are going on to make the system of electrical
network economically.
d). Connection with previous year and next year:
In previous semester Electrical Circuit Analysis, Analog Electronics, Power Generation Process are
partially related to this subject, for further study good concept of this subject, will be very helpful in
further related subjects which will come in proceeding years.
e). Connection with Laboratory:
This subject is implemented practically in the power system lab by performing different practical and
the results obtained theoretically can be verified. It also gives idea that how the power electronics
devices and circuit works.
1.1 Object:-Generating Station Design: Design considerations and basic schemes of hydro,
thermal, nuclear and gas power plants. Electrical equipment for power stations.
1.2 THEORY:-
There are two types of power plant,
1. open cycle gas turbine power plant:-
A Turbine plant consists of a compressor, combustion Chamber, gas turbine and alternator. The
compressor takes in atmospheric air, compresses it and supplies. The pressurized air to the combustion
chamber fuel is injected into the combustion chamber and burnt in the stream of air supplied by the
compressor. The combustion raises the temperature of air and increases its volume under constant. The
hot pressurized gas expands in the turbine produces mechanical power and turns the rotor of the
turbine.Both the compressor and the alternator are coupled to the turbine shaft. Due to the high
temperature the products of combustion, the turbine output exceeds,and exhausted to the atmosphere.
Such plant areknow as open cycle gas turbine power plantThe efficiency of an open cycle power plant
is very low. The efficiency of an open cycle power plant can be improved through a combination of
regeneration, intercooling and reheating.
Regeneration means transfer of heat energy from exhaust gases to the compressed air flowing between
the compressor and the combustion chamber.
Intercooling means the removal of heat from compressed air between to stages low pressure and high
pressure. Intercooling reduces the internal consumption of power by the plant.
Reheating is the increase of temperature of expanded gas by burning more fuel in it.
2.Close cycle gas turbine power plant-
In the open cycle plant the fuel is mixed with air in the combustion chamber and heat rejection
process occurs in the atmosphere as the turbine exhaust is discharged into the atmosphere.
In a close cycle plant the fuel is not mixed with air or any other gas. The heat rejection process
occurs in heat exchanger or recooler. Thus, the same working medium is circulated again and again
through compressor, heater , turbine and recooler.The intercooling, regeneration and reheating features
can also be used.
Gas turbine fuels:-
1.Solid – coal,
2.liquid- kerosene, gas oil, diesel oil,
3.Gas- natural gas and liquid petroleum fuels.
Atoms of uranium are the largest and also the heaviest known to occur on earth. Being heavy they
arealso unstable. The nucleus of a uranium atom can easily break up into two smaller pieces. Thisprocess
is called fission. The two fragments so produced fly apart with tremendous speed. As theycollide with
other atoms in a lump of uranium they come to a stop. In the process they heat up theuranium lump. This
is how energy is released from the atom and converted to heat. The energyproduced in fission is
described as atomic energy by some and nuclear energy by others. Besidesuranium, the atoms of
plutonium arealso fissionable. But plutonium does notoccur in nature. It has been found that 2 or 3 free
neutrons are also released as a uraniumatom breaks up during fission. Whenone of these neutrons
collides withanother uranium nucleus that nucleusalso breaks up. In this manner using oneneutron from
every fission, we cancause another fission. This is known aschain reaction and produces heat at asteady
rate.In contrast to fission, when a lump ofcoal burns, the atoms of carbon in coal combine with atoms of
oxygen in the air and form carbondioxide. Heat is released in the process and we see it as a flame. Smoke
is also generated. Whenfission generates heat in uranium, there is no flame and no smoke.
How does a nuclear power station produce electricity?
Basically, all power stations adopt the same method to produce electricity. A turbine is caused to
rotate. A generator is attached to the shaft of the turbine. As the turbine turns, electricity is produced in
the generator. This electricity is sent out through transmission lines to a distribution station of the
Electricity Board.
In hydroelectric power stations, the turbine is turned by flowing water. In thermal power stations,steam
is produced by heating water in a furnace which burns coal or oil. In nuclear power stations, thesteam is
produced by the heat generated in the fission process.
Radioactive materials are produced in the core of the reactor when the fission process occurs. Most
ofthese remain within the uranium fuel itself. To prevent their release to the environment at least 3
successive barriers are provided. Failure of all 3 barriers at the same time is indeed highly improbable.
The uranium fuel is packed in a tube and the tube is completely sealed at both ends. There are 4000 such
tubes in the reactor. Experience shows that development of leak in a tube is very rare. If this occurs the
defective tube is quickly identified and removed from the reactor. Any radioactive materials released are
still contained in the heavy water flowing around the tube. The pipe work, pumps, valves and other parts
through which the heavy water flows are highly leak tight. As a further barrier the reactor is housed in a
massive containment building. The special feature of the containment at MAPS is that it is of double
walled construction. The walls are 60cm thick each. The inner wall is of prestressed concrete
construction and is stronger than the outer one. An area around the station upto 1.5 km is acquired and
kept totally free of any habitation.
Any large release of radioactive materials is possible only if the fuel is allowed to overheat and melt.
Multiple level safety provisions are included to avoid such a situation. The instruments that monitor the
power levels are provided in triplicate, so that even if one fails two others are available to indicate the
status. This also helps to check the instruments very frequently even when reactor is in operation. In the
same manner, the devices which shut down the reactor are also provided in triplicate. Their operation
status is checked everyday.
Flow of coolant water through the core is also ensured by providing 2 or 3 pumps and valves
whereverone is adequate. This assures that the flow will not be interrupted. As an additional measure
ofprecaution against failure of any pipe, other pathways are also available to send water to the core.
Ifheavy water coolant is not available, provision has been made to pump ordinary water into the core.To
ensure that electrical power is always available for all the instruments and equipment whichmaintain the
reactor in a safe condition, four different and independent supply lines have beenprovided. One of these
derives power from Emergency Diesel Generators. Here again 2 or 3generator sets are provided where
one will do. Finally, even if the diesel sets do not operate, a batterybank can supply essential power for
several hours.The safety provisions in nuclear power stations are indeed unmatched by any other
Dam, intake, surge tank, powerhouse, lubricating oil pumps, constant pumps, drainage pumps, fans,
cooling oil pumps, air compressor. HYDROLOGY:-
Run-off:- Only a small part of rain fall can be use for power generation.A significant part of water
evaporates, another part seeps into soil & forms underground storage and some portion is taken by
the vegetation.Itcontains flow duration curve, mass curve & storage. CLASSIFICATION:-
Hydro plant can be classified, according to extent of water flow regulation available, into following
Types of turbines:-
Hydraulic turbine convert the energy of water into mechanical energy which
Drives the alternators. They are highly efficient, simple in construction, can be
Control easily and pick up load in a very short time.
1. Peloton Turbine
2. Francis Turbine
3. Propeller & Kaplan turbines
4. Governor and speed regulation
A. speed regulation of peloton turbine
B. speed regulation of reaction turbine
Every pumped storage scheme required dual conversion of energy, the efficiency being 60 to 70
percent. modern generation system are a mixture of hydro, steam and nuclear power stations so that
energy can be generated most economically.
1. The useful life of hydro electric plant is around 50 years as compared to around 25 to 30 for a
steam station .
2. There is no stand by losses in hydro plants.
3. Hydro plants are more robust as compared to steam plants.
4. The maintenance cost of hydro plants is very low as compared to that of steam and nuclear plants.
5. Hydro plants are free from air pollution due to smoke and exhaust gases.
6. Hydro plant are located in remote areas where land costs are low.
1. Due to high cost of civil engineering work, the capital cost per KW of hydro plants is considerably
higher than that of steam plants.
2. Hydro power generation is dependent of availability of water.
3. The firm capacity of hydro plant is low and need to be backed up by steam plants.
4. Hydro plant reservoir submerges huge areas, uproots large population and creates social other
incineration plants, as well as many natural gas power plants are thermal. Natural gas is frequently
combusted in gas turbines as well as boilers. Efficiency:-
The energy efficiency of a conventional thermal power station, considered as salable energy as a
percent of the heating value of the fuel consumed, is typically 33% to 48%. This efficiency is limited
as all heat engines are governed by the laws of thermodynamics.
The feed water used in the steam boiler is a means of transferring heat energy from the burning fuel to
the mechanical energy of the spinning steam turbine. The total feed water consists of recirculated
condensate water and purified makeup water.
The condenser condensed the steam from the exhaust of the turbine into liquid to allow it to be
pumped. If the condenser can be made cooler, the pressure of the exhaust steam is reduced and
efficiency of the cycle increases. Reheater:-
Power plant furnaces may have a reheater section containing tubes heated by hot flue gases outside the
tubes. Exhaust steam from the high pressure turbine is passed through these heated tubes to
collect more energy before driving the intermediate and then low pressure turbines.
While small generators may be cooled by air drawn through filters at the inlet, larger units generally
require special cooling arrangements.
A central battery system consisting of lead acid cell units is provided to supply emergency electric
power, when needed, to essential items such as the power plant's control
systems,communication systems, turbine lube oil pumps, and emergency lighting. This is
essential for a safe, damage-free shutdown of the units in an emergency situation. Transport of coal fuel to site and to storage:-
Most thermal stations use coal as the main fuel. Raw coal is transported from coal mines to a power
station site by trucks, barges, bulk cargo ships or railway cars. Generally, when shipped by
railways, the coal cars are sent as a full train of cars. The coal received at site may be of different
1.5 RESULT:-We have successfully studied generating station design: design considerations and
basic schemes of hydro, thermal, nuclear and gas power plants. Electrical equipment for power
Que 1-What are the main circuits in the Thermal Power Plant?
Que 3-Why Generation Voltage in Thermal Power Plant is between 11kV to 33kV?
Ans-The current carrying conductor cross section depends upon the magnitude of the current it is carrying and
insulation strength of the conductor depends on the maximum voltage it can withstand. Therefore while
designing the generator an optimum value is chosen between the amount of the current and voltage
conductor can withstand.
Ans- Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and small amount of sulphur and nitrogen are present in coal.
Ans- Near coal or oil fields so that the fuel can be easily transported.