Computed Tomography
Computed Tomography
Computed Tomography
Computed Tomography
A case-study
Presented by Group 5, AEIE, 4th year of Guru Nanak Institute of Technology
Avik Mukherjee
Sritama Das
Abhishek Nath
Computed Tomography
We are grateful to all our team members and teachers whose immense
help and support has contributed to making this report a success. This
project is an effort to put forward one of the most widely used forms of
medical imaging in the field of biomedical engineering, Computed
Tomography scan.
Computed Tomography
CT scanning procedure………………………………………………………9
Computed Tomography
Medical imaging is the technique and process used to create images of
the human body (or parts and function thereof) for clinical purposes
(medical procedures seeking to reveal, diagnose or examine disease) or
medical science (including the study of normal anatomy and
physiology). Although imaging of removed organs and tissues can be
performed for medical reasons, such procedures are not usually
referred to as medical imaging, but rather are a part of pathology.
Once the scan data has been acquired, the data must be processed
using a form of tomographic reconstruction, which produces a series of
cross-sectional images.
Computed Tomography
Manufacturing Process
The x-ray tube is made much like other types of electrical diodes.
The individual components, including the cathode and anode, are
placed inside the tube envelope and vacuum sealed. The tube is
then situated into the protective housing, which can then be
attached to the rotating portion of the scanner frame.
Various detector arrays are available for CAT scanners. One type
of detector array is the ideal gas-filled detector. This is made by
placing strips of tungsten 0.04 inch (1 mm) apart around a large
metallic frame. A ceramic substrate holds the strips in place. The
entire assembly is hermetically sealed and pressure filled with an
inert gas such as xenon. Each of the tiny chambers formed by the
gaps between the tungsten plates are individual detectors. The
finished detector is also attached to the scanner frame.
To create the large amount of voltage needed to produce x rays,
an autotransformer is used. This power supply device is made by
winding wire around a core. Electric tap connections are made at
various points along the coil and connected to the main power
source. With this device, output voltage can be increased to
approximately twice the input voltage.
Computed Tomography
Final assembly
Quality Control
The Future
System Overview:
However, the MSCT scan cannot visualize the entire coronary artery
tree. A recent multi-center study showed that only 71% of the
important segments of the coronary arteries could be evaluated by
MSCT scan. Other studies have claimed that up to 88% of segments can
Computed Tomography
To have a MSCT scan, a patient needs to have a resting heart rate that
is regular (so, among other things, no atrial fibrillation allowed) and no
faster than 60 - 70 beats per minute. The patient must be able to hold
his/her breath for at least 15 seconds, and cannot be allergic to
contrast dye. Furthermore, the visual resolution of the coronary
arteries with MSCT scans will be relatively poor in patients with
significant calcium deposits.
With today's technology, MSCT scans expose the patient to quite a bit
of radiation. Radiation doses with MSCT scans are 30 - 50 times higher
than with a chest x-ray, 5 - 10 times higher than with simple calcium
scans, and approximately the same as with a cardiac catheterization.
Computed Tomography
Helical CT (also called spiral CT) was introduced commercially in the late
1980s and early 1990s. Helical CT has expanded the traditional CT
capability by enabling the scan of an entire organ in a single breath-
hold. It is safe to state that helical CT is one of the key steps that moved
CT from a slice-oriented imaging modality to an organ-oriented
Clinical needs
mass from one location to another. The cause of the patient constraint
may not be as obvious. From the law of physics we know that to move a
resting object over a short distance, first we must accelerate the object
up to a certain speed and decelerate the object when it is near the
target location. Since the distance between adjacent scanning locations
is typically a few millimeters, the amount of acceleration and
deceleration is fairly large. A human body is not rigid (the internal
organs can move and deform), so the acceleration and deceleration will
likely induce motion in the patient. As a result, a certain amount of time
must elapse to minimize motion artifacts.
In the late 1980s, the CT scan speed approached one second per
General Principles
“A higher slice count is one of the principal factors that enable current
CT scanners to provide more detailed images,” said Patrick O’Doherty,
healthcare segment director, Analog Devices. “With the ADAS1128,
diagnostic system designers can develop CT scanners that produce
clearer images while reducing overall scan time compared with older
machines. This is invaluable in critical care areas, such as cardiology,
neurology, and angiography. The dramatic system-level cost, size, and
power savings resulting from the ADAS1128 means that world-class CT
scan diagnostics will become more affordable and practical in medical
and security-sensitive environments throughout the world.”
The ADAS1128 consumes less than half the power of other solutions
(4.5 mW/channel versus 10 mW/channel at full speed). It also offers
superior overall performance specs, such as no charge loss, more
choices of full scale ranges, and ultra-low noise (down to 0.4 fC for low-
dose X-ray systems).
CT Scan or Computed
Magnetic resonance
tomography is a medical
imaging (MRI) is a
imaging obtained using X-
medical imaging
rays. The radiation is passed
technique most
through the body and
About: commonly used in
received by a detector and
radiology to visualize
then integrated by a
detailed internal
computer to obtain a cross
structure and limited
sectional image that is
function of the body.
displayed on the screen.
Principal used
Uses X-rays for imaging
for imaging:
MRI makes use of
magnetic fields.
Demonstrates subtle
differences between the
Image specifics:
different kinds of soft
MRI produces detailed
Application: images of tissues and the
Computed Tomography
X-ray computed tomography (CT), introduced into clinical practice in
1972, and was the first of the modern slice-imaging modalities. To
reconstruct images mathematically from measured data and to display
and to archive them in digital form was a novelty then and is
commonplace today. CT has shown a steady upward trend with respect
to technology, performance and clinical use independent of predictions
and expert assessments which forecast in the 1980s that it would be
completely replaced by magnetic resonance imaging. CT not only
survived but exhibited a true renaissance due to the introduction of
spiral scanning which meant the transition from slice-by-slice imaging
to true volume imaging. Complemented by the introduction of array
detector technology in the 1990s, CT today allows imaging of whole
organs or the whole body in 5 to 20 s with sub-millimeter isotropic
resolution. This review of CT will proceed in chronological order
focusing on technology, image quality and clinical applications. In its
final part it will also briefly allude to novel uses of CT such as dual-
source CT, C-arm flat-panel-detector CT and micro-CT. At present CT
possibly exhibits a higher innovation rate than ever before. In
consequence the topical and most recent developments will receive the
greatest attention.
Computed Tomography
References – scintigraphy