Beam Modifiying Devices in Teletherapy Machines: Nilesh Kumar PG Radiation Physics Department of Radiation Physics

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• It is defined as the useful modification in the occupying space

for distribution of radiation within the patient by insertion of
any material in the beam path

• Because ; to protect normal tissues

uniform dose distribution
acute normal tissue reaction

• A beam modifying device which evens out the skin surface

contours, while retaining the skin-sparing advantage.

• It allows normal depth dose data to be used for such irregular


• Compensators can also be used for

– To compensate for tissue heterogeneity.

– To compensate for dose irregularities arising due to

reduced scatter near the field edges (example mantle
fields), and horns in the beam profile.
• The dimension and shape of a compensator must be adjusted to
account for :

– Beam divergence.

– Linear attenuation coefficients of the filter material and soft tissue.

– Reduction in scatter at various depths due to the compensating

filters, when it is placed at the distance away from the skin.

• To compensate for these factors a tissue compensator is always has an

attenuation less than that required for primary radiation.
• The thickness ratio depends on:

– Compensator to surface distance.

– Thickness of the missing tissue.

– Field size.

– Depth.

– Beam quality.
Wedge filters

• A beam modifying device, which causes a progressive

decrease in intensity across the beam, resulting in tilting the
isodose curves from their normal positions.

• Degree of the tilt depends upon the slope of the wedge filter.

• Material: tungsten, brass. Lead or steel.

• Usually wedges are mounted at a distance of 15 centimeters

from the skin surface , to avoid distroying the skin-sparing
• The sloping surface is made
either straight or sigmoid in

• A sigmoid shape produces a

straighter isodose curve.

• Mounted on trays which are

mounted on to the head of
the gantry.
working principle

• wedge pair fields

• for treatment using perpendicular beam arrangement the

superficial region of tumor receives higher dose or hot spot

• to avoid this , wedges are placed with thick ends adjacent to

each other to get uniform distribution.

• it helps to uniform distribution of dose.

Types of wedge systems:

Individualized wedge .
Universal wedge.
Dynamic wedges
Virtual wedges
Pseudo wedges

wedges can be two types :

I. Individualized wedge
II. universal wedge
Individual wedges

• Individual wedges are useful in Cobalt beams AND LINAC ( Varian )

• Using bigger wedges than necessary will reduce output of the machine
→ increased treatment time.

• The width (W) of the wedge is fixed and important.

• The same wedge can however be used for fields with lesser lengths or

• All systems have the following four angles 15°, 30°, 45°, 60°.
Universal wedges

• Universal wedges are designed so that the same wedge can be used
with all field sizes.

• This is useful as it saves time.

• However not suitable for cobalt beams because of excessive

reduction of beam output with smaller fields.

• Come in one size of 20 x 30 cms (except 60°).

• Wedge angles used are: 60°, 45°, 30° & 15°.

wedge isodose angle

• it is also called wedge angle

• it is defined as the “ the angle through which an isodose curve

is tilted at the ray of beam at specified depth”

• or wedge angle is the angle between isodose curve and normal

to the central axis

• it is also defined as the angle between the 50 % isodose

curve and normal to the central axis

• Reference depth of using wedge filter is 10 cm.

• hinge angle :

• the angle between the

central axes of two beams

• θ is wedge angle

• Φ is hinge angle
• wedge transmission factor ( wedge factor)

• presence of wedge filter decreases the output of the machine.

• to compensate this , we using wedge factor :

• WTF = Dose with the wedge/ Dose without the wedge (at a
point in the phantom, along the central axis of the beam).

• motor wedge is angle 60°

physical wedge which
generates desidbwedge angle
from 0 - 60° by the
combination of open and
wedged beam

• it is mounted above the

asymmetrical collmator and it
can be moved in and out of
the radiation feild to create
the different wedged profiles
Flattening filters

• A beam flattening filter reduces the central exposure rate relative to

that near the edge of the beam.

• Used for Linear accelerators.

• The filter is designed so that the thickest part is in the centre.

• Material: copper or brass.

• Not required In cobalt beams , as :

– The beam is almost mono energetic.

– Source emits uniform radiation all around.
• Bolus

• A tissue equivalent material used to reduce the depth of the

maximum dose (Dmax).

• Better called a “build-up bolus”.

• A bolus can be used in place of a compensator for kilo voltage

radiation to even out the skin surface contours.

• In megavoltage radiation bolus is primarily used to bring up

the buildup zone near the skin in treating superficial lesions.
• The thickness of the bolus used varies according to the energy
of the radiation.

• In megavoltage radiation:
– Co60 : 2 - 3 mm
– 6 MV : 7- 8 mm
– 10 MV : 12 - 14 mm
– 25 MV: 18 - 20 mm

• Commonly used materials are:

– Cotton soaked with water.

– Paraffin wax.
• Penumbra Trimmers:

• Penumbra refers the region at the edge of beam where dose

rate changes rapidly as function of distance from beam axis.

 Types of penumbra :

 Geometric
 Transmission
 Physical
• Transmission penumbra is the region irradiated by photons
which are transmitted through the edge of the collimator

• Geometrical penumbra :

• it is formed due to dimension of source.

• It is formed due to finite source size and must be concern in

teletherapy machines where the sources is between 1 – 2 cm in

• trimmers consists of extensible , heavy metal bars to attenuate

the beam in the penumbra region.
• Conclusions :

 penumbra increases with increase in source diameter , SSD ,

and depth.

 Penumbra width decreases with a increase in SSD

 Physical penumbra is the combination of geometrical

,transmission penumbra and electron scattering at the beam
edge .
• Electron beam modifiers

 Electron travelling in a medium losses energy due to :

> ionization and excitation
> Bremsstrahlung radiation

 Electrons are generated in a similar way to photon in a linear

accelerator , with the major difference being :

 Lack of tungsten target

 A scattering foil instead of a flattening filter
 An electron applicator or electron cone which provides added
collimation of beam
• To avoid variation in output and electron scatter, jaws cannot
be used to collimate electron beams.

• An electron beam cone is therefore used to provide the


• A primary collimator is provided close to source – defines the

maximum field size.

• A secondary collimator, near the patient defines the treatment

Scattering foil
• A device to widen the thin pencil beam (3 mm) of electrons.

• In the electron mode of linac operation , the beam instead of striking the target
,is made to strike an electron scattering foil to spread the beam as well as get a
uniform electron fluence across the treatment field.

• Metallic plates of tin, lead or aluminum are used.

• Disadvantages:
– Beam attenuation.
– Generation of bremsstrahlung radiation.

• Advantages:
– Less prone to mechanical errors.
– Less expensive.
– Requires less instrumentation.
Scattering foil
• Beam modification increases conformity allowing a
higher dose delivery to the target, while sparing more
of normal tissue simultaneously.


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