The Republic of The Union of Myanmar Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry
The Republic of The Union of Myanmar Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry
The Republic of The Union of Myanmar Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry
Chapter (I)
Chapter (II)
3. The Committee shall prepare the necessary policies relating to environmental conservation for
each relevant sector in coordination with suitable organization or an individual from the
Government department, Government organization and private sector concerned and submit
them to the Union Government. Environmental conservation policies approved by the
Government shall be disclosed to the public with suitable means.
4. The Committee shall, if it considers that policies relating to environmental conservation should
be modified according to the guidance of the Union Government or the submission of an advice
by the Ministry or the advice of the relevant Government department, Government
organization, private sector and the public, modify it with the approval of the Union
5. The Ministry shall, when it considers that it is necessary to adopt or modify the policies relating
to environmental conservation, submit its finding of such adoption or modification of policies
and advice to the Committee.
6. The Ministry shall implement the Myanmar National Environmental Policy and other
environmental policies for conservation issued by the Committee according to the section 3
with the approval of the Union Government.
Chapter (III)
Environmental Conservation
8. The Committee may carry out the following activities relating to environmental conservation
in coordination and cooperation with Government departments, Government organizations and
other organizations relating to environmental conservation:
Environmental Conservation Rules
(a) Growing tree, inserting fish species and supporting environmental conservation
(b) Exhibiting environmnental conservation shows and exhibitions, conducting
competitions, plays, concerts and entertainments relating to environmental
(c) Carrying out coordinated cleaning activities;
(d) Holding memorial days relating to environmental conservation;
(e) Carrying out other activities relating to environmental conservation;
(f) Protecting endangered species and reintegration and regeneration them in their habitats.
9. The Committee:
(a) May suggest and encourage, if necessary, the relevant departments to insert and amend
the school lessons on environmental conservation;
(b) Shall scrutinize, from time to time, the progress of implementation developed by the
advice of the relevant Government department and Government organization.
10. The Committee may, if any of the following situations arises, send necessary advice or
encouragement to the relevant Government department and Government organization:
(a) Guidance of the Union Government relating to environmental conservation;
(b) Asking advice from the relevant Government departments and Government
(c) Finding out by means of investigation of environmental conservation;
(d) Considering by itself, according to any report or by his own motion, that it is necessary
for conservation of environment.
11. The Committee may assign the Ministry to scrutinize whether the relevant Government
department and Government organization follows the advice or encouragement given in section
13. The Committee, relating to occurrence of the situation which damages to the environment or
which are likely to damage the environment:
Environmental Conservation Rules
(a) May inform to the Government department and Government organization concerned if it is
found that it is occurred because of the Government department, Government organization
owned project, factory, workshop, work centre, service or place; to the relevant owner and
the Government department and Government organization which issued permission,
licence, permit and an order to develop such project if it is found that it is occurred because
of the private-owned or public company owned factory, workshop, work centre, service or
place, to handle as necessary within the stipulated period not to cause environmental
(b) Shall inform to the relevant Government department and Government organization to take
action of terminating business, if it does not comply with the notice under sub-section (a)
within the stipulated time;
(c) Shall ask the policy from the Union Government to carry on if it is necessary.
14. The Ministry shall implement the environmental management work programs for the whole
country or for a region in respect of environmental management with the approval of the Union
15. The Ministry shall cooperate and coordinate so that the relevant Government departments,
Government organizations, Nay Pyi Taw Council, Region or State Government, Self-
administered Division or Self-administered Region, District General Administrator of the
General Administration Department or Township General Administrator of the General
Administration Department, Ward or Village-tract Administrator, Private organization and the
Public can implement the work programmes for environmental management described in
section 14 in accordance with stipulations.
17. The organization which has a responsibility to monitor, inspect and supervise the
implementation of the programs contained in sub-section (c) of rule 16 shall submit their work
performance report to the Ministry.
Environmental Conservation Rules
20. The Ministry shall, according to the power contained in sub-section (h) of section 7 of the Law,
determine the categories of hazardous substances which may significantly affect the
environment at the present situation or in short term or in long term to prohibit import, export,
production, storing, transporting and trading in accordance with the international conventions
and international agreements relating to environmental conservation accepted by Myanmar.
21. The Ministry may assign duty to the Department to implement policy, order, work programs
and guidelines relating to management, conservation and enhancement of environment for the
matters of protection of the ozone layer, conservation of biological diversity, conservation of
coastal environment, mitigation and adaptation of global warming and climate change,
combating desertification and management of non-depleting substances and other
environmental matters.
22. The Ministry shall, when the Union Government assigns other functions and duties relating to
environmental conservation, implement them itself or, if it is necessary, in coordination and
cooperation with the relevant Government departments, Government organizations and
Environmental Conservation Rules
(b) Shall implement the plans for environmental conservation and enhancement, protection of
pollution in environment, control and reduction of pollution in environment in accordance
with the guidance of the Ministry;
(c) Shall monitor the implementation of projects and plans contained in sub-sections (a) and
(b), if it is necessary in cooperation and coordination with other Government departments,
Government organizations and non-governmental organizations, and submit the work
performance report to the Ministry.
24. The Department shall prepare and submit proposals about potential methods and conditions for
economic incentives which do not affect or has minimum impact on the environment to the
Ministry for continuous growth in addition to legal affairs and guidelines relating to
25. The Department shall prepare necessary information for the Ministry to prescribe the categories
of hazardous substances which may affect significantly at the present situation or in short term
or in long term on the environment to prohibit import, export, production, storing, transporting
or trading in accordance with the international conventions and international agreements
relating to environmental conservation accepted by Myanmar and submit them to the Ministry.
26. The Department shall also carry out the following functions and duties for conservation of
(a) Collection and compiling of data for the conservation and enhancement of the environment,
doing research and conducting training programs;
(b) Making plans to be carried out according to mitigation of climate change and adaptation
(c) Implementing the dissemination of environmental information and enhancement of
environmental awareness;
(d) Managing and carrying out environmental conservation awareness education and
broadcasting works for enabling to teach environmental subjects in schools and public
participation in environmental conservation activities;
(e) Scrutinizing and submitting so as to enable to issue necessary permissions relating to
business, factory and workshop which has an impact on environmental quality and would
be implemented by the Government departments, Government organizations, private
individuals and private organizations;
(f) Scrutinizing and giving remark in response to the request of the relevant departments,
organizations relating to import, export and transportation of hazardous substances, which
can damage the environment and are restricted or prohibited by international agreements
and local existing laws;
(g) Determining and declaring guidance relating to the Environmental Impact Assessment
(h) Preparing Environmental Impact Assessment system and submitting to the Ministry;
(i) Preparing and submitting an environmental situation report for the whole country;
(j) Declaring the environmental situation to the whole country, to each region or for a
particular case to the public in accord with the guidance of the Ministry.
Environmental Conservation Rules
Chapter (IV)
27. The Committee may, if it considers that it is necessary to conclude international, regional and
bilateral agreements, instruments relating to matters of environmental conservation, assign the
Ministry to proceed as appropriate after obtaining an approval from the Union Government.
28. The Committee, in order to carry out conservation and enhancement of the environment
according to international convention, regional and bilateral agreements relating to
environmental conservation which shall be implemented by Myanmar:
(a) May discuss with the relevant Government departments and Government organizations;
(b) May arrange for cooperation and participation of the Ministry and relevant Government
departments and Government organizations for implementation.
Chpater ( V)
31. The Ministry shall establish the environmental management fund with the following receipts to
implement environmental conservation activities effectively :
(a) Receipts from the Union Consolidated fund;
(b) Receipts from the Ministry by carrying out its duties relating to environmental
(c) Loan, donation, grant and other lawful receipts from the Committee and the Ministry
from local and overseas;
Environmental Conservation Rules
(d) Compensation by the polluter under sub-section (o) of section 7 of the Law and section 30
of the Rules, and contribution of organizations which obtain benefit from natural
environmental service system and contribution of businesses, which explore, trade and use
the natural resources from a part of the benefit the for the fund for environmental
conservation works.
32. The Ministry may assign duty to the Department to carry out depositing, managing,
withdrawing to use, transferring and keeping financial records of the environmental
management fund according to section 31, in accord with the guidance of the Committee.
33. The Department, regarding the environmental management fund in accord with the guidance
of the Ministry,
(a) Shall set up a withdrawl account at any State-owned bank;
(b) Shall set up an account for each category of material, donation and grant and make a
(c) Shall manage in accordance with the financial regulation;
(d) Can withdraw, use and transfer the fund for expenses
34. The Department shall carry out depositing money to and withdrawing money from the
environmental management fund , keeping financial records and reporting to the Ministry
35. The Ministry may contribute and expend the environmental management fund for the
expenditure for special matters relating to management, conservation and enhancement of
environment for the matters of protection of the ozone layer, conservation of biological
diversity, conservation of coastal area, mitigation and adaptation of global warming and climate
change, combating desertification, pollution control, management of non-depleting substances,
doing research and development for environmental conservation and other environmental
Chapter (VI)
Environmental Emergency
Environmental Conservation Rules
(b) Shall carry out, as may be necessary, in coordination and cooperation with the relevant
Government departments, Government organizations, Non-governmental organizations
and Experts, in accord with the guidance of the Union Government, to enable to prevent
damage to the environment which is caused or likely to cause by environmental emergency.
Chapter (VII)
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Environmental Conservation Rules
Chapter (VIII)
(a) The Ministry may give necessary advice about environmental conservation if the relevant
Government departments and Government organizations, private organizations and
individuals ask an advice about urban environmental management contained in section 17
of the Law in accord with the guidance of the Committee, or if it considers necessary;
(b) The Department shall submit an advice about urban environmental management with its
comments to the Ministry if it is necessary.
Chapter (IX)
Waste Management
41. The Ministry shall specify categories and classes of hazardous wastes generated from the
production and use of chemicals or other hazardous substances in carrying out industry,
agriculture, mineral production, livestock and fisheries, waste disposal and other activities in
coordination with the relevant Government department and Government organization.
42. The Ministry, to enable to promote the establishment of necessary facilities or centers for the
treatment of solid waste, liquid waste and gas emissions which contain poisonous and
hazardous substances, shall cooperate with the relevant Government departments, Government
organizations and experts:
(a) May cause certain categories of business which release solid waste, liquid waste and gas
emission containing prescribed amount of poisonous and hazardous substances to carry out
treatment by establishing its own waste treatment factory or waste treatment station, or
combined waste treatment factory or waste treatement station;
(b) May determine the period for the businesses, which were established before the issue of
these rules and are responsible to establish its own waste treatment factory or waste
treatement station, or combined waste treatment factory or waste treatment station, to
establish factories and stations for waste treatment;
(c) May assign duty to the Department to inspect and report whether the businesses concerned
comply with waste treatment under sub-section (a).
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Environmental Conservation Rules
44. The Department shall specify the categories and classes of hazardous wastes generated from
the production and use of chemicals or other hazardous substances in carrying out industry,
agriculture, mineral production, livestock and fishery, waste disposal and other works, in
coordination with the relevant Government departments and Government organizations, if
necessary relevant non-governmental organizations according to the guidance of the Ministry
and submit them to the Ministry.
45. The Department shall inspect whether the businesses which are responsible to establish a waste
treatment factory or center under section 42 comply with terms and conditions of waste
treatment according to the guidance of the Ministry and submit a report to the Ministry.
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Environmental Conservation Rules
Chapter (X)
48. The Ministry may cooperate with the relevant Government departments and Government
organizations or assign duty to cooperate them when carrying out environmental conservation
activities for perpetuation of cultural heritage areas, natural heritage areas, cultural monuments,
buildings and natural areas according to one of the exsiting Laws.
49. The Ministry may assign duty to the Department to cooperate with the relevant Government
departments and Government organizations when making proper land use for perpetuation of
natural resources and cultural heritages contained in section 18 of the Law.
50. The Ministry may communicate and coordinate with the international organizations, as may be
necessary, to enable to obtain necessary technology, skill assistance for perpetuation of natural
resources and cultural heritages.
Chapter (XI)
51. The Ministry may assign duty to the Department for enabling to adopt and implement the
environment impact assessment system.
52. The Ministry shall determine the categories of project, business, service or activity which shall
conduct environmental impact assessment.
53. The Ministry may cause the categories of proposed project, business, service or activity which
are not included in the categories stipulated under section 52 to conduct an initial environmental
examination so as to enable to scrutinize whether or not environmental impact assessment study
is necessary to conduct for such projects.
54. Government department, organization or an individual who would develop the categories of
project, business, service or activity stipulated under section 52:
(a) Shall conduct an environment impact assessment for his project, business, service or
(b) Shall submit that the environment impact assessment is intended to conduct by which third
party or an organization to the Ministry in advance;
(c) Shall submit the environmental impact assessment report to the Ministry.
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Environmental Conservation Rules
55. Government department, organization or an individual which has been established before the
enaction of these rules and is responsible to coduct the environmental impact assessment or
initial environmental examiniation for the project, business, service or activity:
(a) Shall prepare the environmental management plan according to environmental impact
assessment procedure and submit it to the Ministry;
(b) Shall implement an environmental management plan with stipulated terms and conditions
approved by the Ministry within the time stipulated by the Ministry.
56. Government department, organization or an individual who develops the project, business,
service or activity shall manage to conduct environmental impact assessment by a third party
or an organization with suitable qualifications accepted by the Ministry.
57. The Ministry shall, upon submission that the environmental impact assessment is intended to
conduct by which third party or organization under section 54 (b) to the Ministry in advance,
determine and decide after making scrutiny whether or not it is a suitable third party or an
organization to conduct the environmental impact assessment. The decision of the Ministry
relating to such matter is final and conclusive.
58. The Ministry shall form the environmental impact assessment report Review Body with experts
from relevant Government departments and organizations.
59. If private experts are included in the environment impact assessment report Review Body,
honorariums, expenses and allowances for them shall be borne from the environmental
management fund.
60. The Ministry may assign the Department to scrutinize the report of environmental impact
assessment prepared and submitted by a third party or an organization and report to the Ministry
through the environmental impact assessment Review Body.
61. The Ministry may approve and reply the environmental impact assessment report or
environmental management plan with the guidance of the Committee.
Chapter (XII)
Prior Permission
62. The Ministry shall determine and declare the categories of business, work-site or factory,
workshop which may cause an impact on the environmental quality with the approval of the
Committee and with the agreement of the Union Government.
63. The owner or occupier of the category of business, work-site or factory, workshop stipulated
under section 21 of the Law and section 62 of the Rules shall apply the application (Form-1) to
the Ministry to obtain the prior permission.
64. The Ministry shall, if the application for prior permission is allowed after scrutiny, issue the
prior permission in Form-2 by stipulating terms and conditions. The business, work-site or
factory, workshop which the Ministry issued prior permission shall be registered and kept as
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Environmental Conservation Rules
65. The Ministry may, if it refuses any application to issue prior permission as it is not in conformity
with the stipulations, allow such application to re-apply for the issue of prior permission after
it is performed in conformity with such stipulations completely.
66. The Ministry may check whether or not it complys with stipulated terms and conditions when
issuing prior permission:
(a) May assign duty to the Department to scrutinize and inform;
(b) May inform to the relevant Government department and Government organization to
scrutinize and inform.
67. The investor shall obtain the approval of the Ministry concerning the environment impacts.
68. For improvement of environmental management, the small scaled private enterprise, factory
and workshop which are not included in the categories stipulated in sections 52 and 53 and 62
shall obtain a comment from the Department concerning the environment impacts before
applying a permission and a license to the Ministry concerned to construct or operate the
Chapter (XIII)
(a) Any person shall not emit, ask to emit, dispose, ask to dispose, pile and ask to pile, by any
means, hazardous waste or hazardous substances stipulated by notification according to
any rules in this rules at any place which may affect the public directly or indirectly.
(b) Nobody shall carry out any activity which can damage the ecosystem and the natural
environment which is affected due to such system, except for the permission of the Ministry
for the interests of the people.
Chapter (XIV)
70. The Committee may coordinate and cooperate to have a contact person or a division in relevant
Government departments and Government organizations to enable to cooperate to carry out
environmental conservation activities in each sector.
71. The Ministry may give a certificate of honor or an acknowledgement of good environmental
management to the city, place, factory, workshop, project, etc... which is good in environmental
72. The Department which shall carry out the functions and duties of the Department according to
these rules is the Environmental Conservation Department of the Ministry of Environmental
Conservation and Forestry.
73. The Environmental Conservation Department may delegate to carry out his functions and
powers of the Environmental Conservation Department to the relevant officer-in-charge of the
Environmental Conservation Department in Region or State as necessary.
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Environmental Conservation Rules
74. Any person who finds the commission of any act which may affect the environment or the
violation of any prohibitions may, for environmental conservation, inform to the relevant
Township General Administration Department, relevant department and organization or the
office of the ward or village-tract administrator.
Union Minister
Delivered to
Office Copy
Myo Nyunt
Staff Officer
Form (1)
( Rule 63)
Union Minister
(Mr. / Ms…..)
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Environmental Conservation Rules
Form (2)
Prior permission
( Rule 64)
(a) Type of business for which the prior permission is requested ……………………………………
(b) The address of the business/ work-site/ factory/ workshop…………………………………………
(a) Paying compensation with the amount of money decided by the Ministry if the project pollutes the
(b) If there is benefit from natural environmental service system, a specified amount of money decided
by the Ministry should be contributed to the fund.
(c) If it is the extraction of natural resources, a part of the benefit must be contributed to the fund of
environmental management for environmental conservation works according to the Ministry.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …
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