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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 3

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. Identify the three degrees of comparison
2. Use the degrees of adjectives in making comparisons.
3. Appreciate the importance of the three degrees of comparison.
II. Subject matter
1. Topic: Degrees of comparisons
2. References: Language Achievers 3 pg. 189-198 and English 3 pg. 244-245
3. Materials: video clip, power point, pictures, marker and activity sheet.
4. Instructional materials: video clip, power point, marker and activity sheets,
5. Values: Cooperation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
Dear God,
1. Prayer Thank you for giving us
Let us start our day with a prayer. wonderful creations. Thank you God for
making us special. Help us to learn and
love and make things. In Jesus name,
we pray. Amen.

2. Greetings
Good morning children, before you
take your sit arrange your chair and pick
up the pieces of paper. “Good morning teacher!”

3.Checking of attendance
Children is their any absent for today Nobody is absent teacher.
2. Review
Okay class let us have a review if you The 2 kinds of adjectives are limiting
still remember our last lesson. adjectives and descriptive adjectives
What are the 2 kinds of adjectives?

Very Good!

What kind of adjectives point out the

quantity or number of nouns? Limiting adjectives

And what about the kind of adjectives Descriptive adjectives

show the quality or condition of a noun?

Very Good children!

Since you really understand our last

lesson. Now let’s move on to our next


Video clip ( Animal comparison )

I have here a video presentation but
before I play the video, who can tell me
what are things that you should Keep quiet
remember in watching the video? Sit Properly

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

Children did you enjoyed it?

Yes, we are!

What can you say about the video

presentation? They are comparing different animals

Okay our topic for today is all about

degrees of comparison.

When we are simply describing a person

or a thing it is called positive degree.

When we are comparing two persons or

things it is called comparative degree.

And when we are comparing more than

two persons or things that is called
superlative degree.
There are adjectives that do not follow
the given patterns of comparative and
superlative degrees. They are called
irregular adjectives since they change in
form. Study the examples in the table

Positive Comparative Superlative

Degree Degree Degree
good better best
bad worse worst
many,much more most
little less least

C. Generalization

Again what degree of comparison when

we are simply describing a person or a
Positive degree

And how about when we are comparing

two persons or things?
Comparative degree

What degree is used when comparing

Superlative degree
more than two persons or things?

D. Evaluation

Directions: Underline the correct form of

Directions: Underline the correct form of
the adjective to complete the sentence.
the adjective to complete the sentence.

1. Antarctica is the (cold, most

1. Antarctica is the (cold, most
coldest, coldest) place on Earth.
coldest, coldest) place on Earth.
2. The climate in Tagaytay is (mild,
2. The climate in Tagaytay is (mild,
milder, mildest) than the climate in
milder, mildest) than the climate in
3. The Pacific Ocean is (large, larger,
more larger) than the Atlantic 3. The Pacific Ocean is (large,
Ocean. larger, more larger) than the
4. The storm last week caused the Atlantic Ocean.
(bad, worse, worst) damage in the 4. The storm last week caused the
country`s history. (bad, worse, worst) damage in the
5. Summer is the (warm, warmer, country`s history.
warmest) time of the year. 5. Summer is the (warm, warmer,
6. Boracay is famous for its (fine, warmest) time of the year.
finer, finest) white sand. 6. Boracay is famous for its (fine,
7. My vacation in Coron, Palawan is finer, finest) white sand.
the (wonderful, more wonderful, 7. My vacation in Coron, Palawan is
most wonderful) one I have ever the (wonderful, more wonderful,
had. most wonderful) one I have ever
8. They say that the Philippines has had.
the (long, longest, most longest) 8. They say that the Philippines has
Christmas celebration as it the (long, longest, most longest)
commences as early as Christmas celebration as it
September. commences as early as
9. Which is (large, larger, largest) September.
Visayas or Mindanao? 9. Which is (large, larger, largest)
10. Baguio is the (cold, colder, Visayas or Mindanao?
coldest) city in the Philippines. 10. Baguio is the (cold, colder,
coldest) city in the Philippines.

E. Assignment

Give at least 2 sentences of each three

degrees of comparisons (positive,
comparative and superlative). Write it on
your English notebook.
1. Evaluate

Write S if the movement is slow

and F is the movement is fast.
Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.

_____1. Snake
_____2. Earthworm
_____3. Train
_____4. Wind
_____5. Paper airplane.
Answer Key:

Fast Slow
Write S if the movement is slow and F is
the movement is fast. Write your answer
on the space provided before each
Answer key:

_ F____1. Snake
_ S____2. Earthworm
_F___3. Train
__F__4. Wind
__S___5. Paper airplane.

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