Issue in Cyber Communication
Issue in Cyber Communication
Issue in Cyber Communication
BSOT-1A 9/10/19
Privacy Issues: The privacy issues deal with the collection, storage, and dissemination of
information about individuals. For example:
What things can people keep to themselves and not be forced to reveal to others?
Accuracy issues: The accuracy issues deal with authenticity, fidelity, and accuracy of
information collected and procured. The question that need to be addressed in accuracy
issues include:
Who is responsible for the accuracy, fidelity, and accuracy of information collected?
Property issues: The property issues deal with ownership and value of information
(intellectual property). Example of issues that need to be addressed as property issues:
Who owns the information?
As far I understand, the best way to resolve this issues present in cyber communication is
just similar to the issues in communication generally. We must first consider whether online
communication is the best medium to your message. Avoid using online methods to
communicate sensitive, and private or emotionally charged information, because it could be
misconstrued. Then, before hitting “send”, we must be careful in choosing and structuring our
message; and consider our audience. In composing email or message, clarity and brevity are
essential; posting or sending potentially sensitive information can anger other people; and
informal speech is fine when communicating with a close friend but is generally inappropriate in
a formal environment. Furthermore, we must avoid posting personal information, since this has
been a prominent cause of cyber bullying all over the internet.
There are many ways in resolving these conflicts aside from what were indicated that can
be applied in the virtual and real world. But theirs is one thing that we always need to keep in
mind—think thousand times or more before taking a decision.