English Worksheet 8 N3

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Let’s talk about HEALTH

Conversation cards

Have you ever been ill? When was the last time you went How often do you have a medical
What was wrong with you? to the doctor/dentist/hospital? checkup?
Why did you go?

Is a doctor’s visit or a stay in Does your country have good How is your health?
hospital expensive? medical healthcare? What health problems do you
Discuss. Explain. worry about the most?

What do you do to keep fit and Have you ever stopped doing What diseases kill the most
healthy? something for your health? people worldwide?
Do research and discuss.

How many serious or terminal Have you had any vaccines? What sports can be damaging to
illnesses do you know? (e.g. cancer) If so, against which diseases? your health? In what way?
Work in a group and make a list. Are you afraid of needles? In your opinion, what are the
(terminal: cannot be cured) healthiest sports?

What are the main causes of What are the worst jobs for Is being a doctor or nurse a
death? your health? good job?
Are they the same for younger What about the best ones? Would you like to do this job?
and older people? Brainstorm. Brainstorm in group. Why or why not?

What is the average life How is your mental health? How can the environment be
expectancy in your country? Do you know anyone with a damaging to someone’s health?
Is it the same for men and mental disorder? Explain.
women? (e.g. schizophrenia)

Match words and pictures

3 4
ambulance 1 2
doctor 8
health food
nurse 6
operating theatre
plaster (band aid)

9 10 11 12
I.E.D. John F. Kennedy Arbeláez Cundinamarca
Teacher: Wilman Mendoza
Topic: Diseases and Health content: WH questions and yes no questions,
Goal: To answer some questions about the health

Las WH-Question Words son partículas interrogativas que utilizamos para hacer
preguntas en inglés. Suelen causar mucha confusión a principiantes ya que se escriben de
manera muy similar [empiezan por wh- (.who, where) o contienen wh (HoW)]. Éstas son:


WHO > Se utiliza para preguntar por alguien y significa "quién" o "quienes".
Who ate the cake? (¿Quién se comió la tarta?)
Who did you see yesterday? (¿A quién viste ayer?)
Who were those men you were with? (¿Quienes eran esos hombres con los que estabas?)

WHOSE > se utiliza para expresar posesión en forma de pregunta y significa "de quién" o
"de quienes".
Whose jacket is this? (¿De quién es esta chaqueta?)
Whose jackets are these? ¿De quienes son estas chaquetas?)

WHAT > se utiliza para preguntar por algo y significa "qué", "cual" o "cuales".
What did you say? (¿Qué has dicho?)
What is the capital of Argentina? (¿Cuál es la capital de Argentina?)

-What + nombre
What colour are her eyes? (¿De qué color son sus ojos?)
What time is it? (¿Qué hora es?)
What day is it today? (¿Qué día es hoy?)

WHICH > suele confundirse con what ya que también significa "qué" o "cuál". La diferencia
es que which se utiliza para preguntar por algo cuando hay varias opciones.
There are four jackets. Which is yours? (Hay cuatro chaquetas. ¿Cuál es la tuya?) (cuál de
las cuatro)
We can take bus 10, 20 or 25. Which goes to the city centre? (Podemos coger el autobús
número 10, 20 o 25. ¿Cuál (de ellos) va al centro?)

- Which + nombre
Which bus did you take: 10, 20 or 25? (¿Qué autobús cogiste: el 10, el 20 o el 25?)
Which teacher did you talk to: Amanda or Lewis? (¿Con qué profesor hablaste: con Amando
o con Lewis?)
What is the tallest building in the world? (¿Cuál es el edificio más alto del mundo?)
Which is taller: The Eiffel Tower or The Empire State? (¿Cuál es más alto: la torre Eiffel
o el Empire State?)

What colour are her eyes? (¿De qué color tiene los ojos?)
Which colour do you prefer: red or black? (¿Qué color prefieres: rojo o negro?)

WHERE > se utiliza para preguntar por un lugar y significa "dónde" o "adónde".
Where were you born? (¿Dónde naciste?)
Where are you from? (¿De dónde eres?)
Where is the museum? (¿Dónde está el museo?)

WHEN > significa"cuándo".

When is your birthday? (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?)
When did she arrive? (¿Cuándo llegó?)

WHY > se utiliza cuando queremos pregunte el porqué de algo. Significa "por qué".
Why are you sad? (¿Por qué estás triste?)
Why didn't you tell me? (¿Por qué no me lo dijiste?)

--> a este tipo de preguntas se contesta con "because", que significa "porque".
Why is she happy? (¿Por qué está feliz?)
Because she passed her exam (porque aprobó el examen)

HOW > Se utiliza cuando queremos preguntar "cómo" o "cuán".

How are you? (¿Cómo estás?)
How was the party? (¿Cómo estuvo la fiesta?)
How do you go to work? (¿Cómo vas a trabajar?)

--> Variantes de how. La traducción de how variará en función del adjetivo o sustantivo que
lleve detrás.

How much > "¿Cuánto? (incontables)

How much is this t-shirt? (¿Cuánto cuesta esta camiseta?)
How much water do you drink? (¿Cuánta agua bebes?)

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