Upper Respiratory System Disorders
Upper Respiratory System Disorders
Upper Respiratory System Disorders
LARYNGITIS Antibiotics
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the voice box (larynx). Corticosteroids
Causes of laryngitis include upper respiratory infection
or cold; overuse of the voice box by talking, singing, or NURSING CARE
shouting; To prevent dryness or irritation to your vocal cords:
gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), reflux laryngitis; Don't smoke, and avoid secondhand smoke. Smoke dries
chronic irritation of the vocal cords; smoking; exposure to your throat and irritates your vocal cords.
secondhand smoke; or exposure to polluted air. Limit alcohol and caffeine. These cause you to lose total
Laryngitis is contagious only if it is caused by an infection. body water.
The most common symptoms of laryngitis are hoarseness, Drink plenty of water. Fluids help keep the mucus in your
loss of voice, and throat pain. throat thin and easy to clear.
Avoid clearing your throat. This does more harm than
Hoarseness because it causes an abnormal vibration of your vocal
Weak voice or voice loss cords and can increase swelling. Clearing your throat also
Tickling sensation and rawness of your throat causes your throat to secrete more mucus and feel more
Sore throat irritated, making you want to clear your throat again.
Dry throat Avoid upper respiratory infections. Wash your hands
often, and avoid contact with people who have upper
Dry cough
respiratory infections such as colds.
Viral infections similar to those that cause a cold
an acute nonspecific inflammation of the mucous
Vocal strain, caused by yelling or overusing your
membrane of the larynx, trachea and bronchi
characterized by abundant secretion of thick mucus,
Bacterial infections, such as diphtheria, although this
choking, coughing, cyanosis and high temperature.
is rare
The most affected groups are children under four years.
The disease is the result of a viral infection accompanied
Inhaled irritants, such as chemical fumes, allergens or
by a mixed bacterial infection (Strept, pneumo and
Acid reflux, also called gastroesophageal reflux
It appears epidemically or sporadically.
disease (GERD)
Strong swelling of the mucous membrane is an important
Chronic sinusitis
factor in the disease.
Excessive alcohol use
Habitual overuse of your voice (such as with singers SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
or cheerleaders)
begins with dry chronic cough that resembles the barking
of a dog.
Less common causes of chronic laryngitis include:
voice is hoarse
Bacterial or fungal infections
body temperature rises Having a weakened immune system. If your immune
difficulties in breathing, system has been weakened by illness or medication,
cyanosis you're more susceptible to the bacterial infections that
retraction of the epigastrium jugulum may cause epiglottitis.
Hypoxia Lacking adequate vaccination. Delayed or skipped
together with dehydration immunizations can leave a child vulnerable to Hib and
general intoxication occur with the cardiovascular system increases the risk of epiglottitis.
If the medical team suspects epiglottitis, the first priority is
DIAGNOSTICS to ensure that your or your child's airway is open and that
Laryngotracheoscopy- which reveals mucous membrane enough oxygen is getting through.
swelling and hyperemia of the larynx with thick yellowish- Initial test
whitish secretion out bursting among vocal cords. A pulse oximeter is a device that estimates blood oxygen
levels. This device:
TREATMENT Clips onto a finger
Broad-spectrum of antibiotics Measures an estimation of the saturation of oxygen in
Corticosteriods your blood
a tent with wet oxygen rehydration are applied. If oxygen saturation levels drop too low, you or your
Cardiotonics and analeptics child may need help breathing.
Bronchial aspiration
Throat examination
Chest or neck X-ray.
NURSING CARE Throat culture and blood tests.
To prevent croup, take the same steps you use to prevent
colds and flu.
The first priority in treating epiglottitis is ensuring that you or
Frequent hand-washing is most important.
your child is receiving enough air. This may mean:
Also keep your child away from anyone who's sick,
Wearing a mask. The mask delivers oxygen to the
encourage your child to cough or sneeze into his or her
Having a breathing tube placed into the windpipe
To stave off more-serious infections, keep your child's
through the nose or mouth (intubation). The tube
vaccinations current. The diphtheria and Haemophilus
must remain in place until the swelling in your or your
influenza type b vaccines offer protection from some of the
child's throat has decreased — sometimes for several
rarest — but most dangerous — forms of upper airway
Inserting a needle into the trachea (needle
tracheostomy).In extreme cases or if more
conservative measures fail, the doctor may need to
is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when
create an emergency airway by inserting a needle
the epiglottis — a small cartilage "lid" that covers your
directly into an area of cartilage in your or your child's
windpipe — swells, blocking the flow of air into your lungs.
trachea. This procedure allows air into your lungs
while bypassing the larynx.
Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Because of the need for
burns from hot liquids
quick treatment, rather than wait for the results of the
direct injury to your throat and various infections
blood and tissue cultures, you or your child is likely to
The most common cause of epiglottitis in children in the be treated with a broad-spectrum drug.
past was infection with Haemophilus influenzae type b More targeted antibiotic. The drug may be changed
(Hib), the same bacterium that causes pneumonia, later, depending on what's causing the epiglottitis.
meningitis and infections in the bloodstream.
Immunization with the Hib vaccine is an effective way to
In children, signs and symptoms of epiglottitis may develop
prevent epiglottitis
within a matter of hours, including:
Don't share personal items.
Wash your hands frequently.
Severe sore throat
Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water
Abnormal, high-pitched sound when breathing in
aren't available.
Difficult and painful swallowing
Aspiration in children is a serious and common problem.
Being male. Epiglottitis affects more males than females.
It usually presents with an initial episode of choking with
subsequent respiratory symptoms. Aspiration occurs
whenever secretions, solid food or liquids "go down the BRONCHIAL OBSTRUCTION
wrong pipe" and enter the airway and lungs. (AMO LA NAKADTO PPT HAHAHA READ NALA PO HA
Aspirating material into the lungs can lead to respiratory BOOK PREFERABLY HA EDITION 6 OR 7 THANKS )
problems, such as pneumonia.
While there may be observable signs that accompany
aspiration events, such as coughing, choking, eye
reddening during eating, or a gurgly vocal quality after
swallowing, infants and children can also aspirate
"silently," or with no observable symptoms.