This document provides information on assessing the female genitalia and reproductive system. It discusses the external anatomy, development from infancy to aging, subjective and objective assessment methods. Specific points covered include the stages of pubic hair development, signs of pregnancy, changes during menopause, screening tests for STDs, and abnormalities to look for on physical exam such as lice or syphilitic chancres. The assessment involves inspection of the external genitalia, speculum exam of the vagina and cervix, and collection of cervical samples for screening.
This document provides information on assessing the female genitalia and reproductive system. It discusses the external anatomy, development from infancy to aging, subjective and objective assessment methods. Specific points covered include the stages of pubic hair development, signs of pregnancy, changes during menopause, screening tests for STDs, and abnormalities to look for on physical exam such as lice or syphilitic chancres. The assessment involves inspection of the external genitalia, speculum exam of the vagina and cervix, and collection of cervical samples for screening.
This document provides information on assessing the female genitalia and reproductive system. It discusses the external anatomy, development from infancy to aging, subjective and objective assessment methods. Specific points covered include the stages of pubic hair development, signs of pregnancy, changes during menopause, screening tests for STDs, and abnormalities to look for on physical exam such as lice or syphilitic chancres. The assessment involves inspection of the external genitalia, speculum exam of the vagina and cervix, and collection of cervical samples for screening.
This document provides information on assessing the female genitalia and reproductive system. It discusses the external anatomy, development from infancy to aging, subjective and objective assessment methods. Specific points covered include the stages of pubic hair development, signs of pregnancy, changes during menopause, screening tests for STDs, and abnormalities to look for on physical exam such as lice or syphilitic chancres. The assessment involves inspection of the external genitalia, speculum exam of the vagina and cervix, and collection of cervical samples for screening.
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Impaired female sexual response
EXTERNAL GENITALIA: 1. Mons Pubis CROSS-CULTURAL CARE: 2. Prepuce of the Clitoris Mexican-Americans (Women do not show their body to 3. Clitoris men) 4. Labia Minora Chinese-Americans (Examination of the genitalia is 5. Labia Majora offensive) 6. Perineum Muslim women (Female modesty) 7. Anus Infibulation (invasive procedure to remove the clitoris to 8. Vaginal Orifice inhibit sexual pleasure) or female genitalia mutilation is common in Africa DEVELOPMENTAL CARE: A. INFANTS AND ADOLESCENTS SUBJECTIVE DATA COLLECTION At birth, the external genitalia are engorged 1. Menstrual History The ovaries are located in the abdomen during childhood 2. Obstetric History The uterus is small with a straight axis an no anteflexion 3. Menopause At puberty, development of secondary sex characteristics 4. Self-Care Behaviors occur 5. Urinary Symptoms The first signs of puberty are breast and pubic hair 6. Vaginal History development 7. Past History Ovaries are now at pelvic cavity 8. Sexual Activity 9. Contraceptive Use TANNER’S 5 STAGES OF PUBIC HAIR 10. STD DEVELOPMENT/SMR: Stage I – No pubic hair, mons and labia covered with fine vellus SUBJECTIVE DATA: ASSESSMENT hair as on abdomen 1. Menstrual History Stage II – Growth sparse and mostly on labia. Long downy hair, a. Date of last menstrual period slightly pigmented. Straight or only slightly curly. Occurs at 11 b. Age at first period and 12. c. How often the periods occur Stage III – Growth sparse and spreading over mons pubis. Hair d. Hoe many days does the period last is darker, coarser, curlier. Occurs at 12 and 13. e. Usual amount of flow: light, medium, heavy Stage IV – Hair is adult in type but over smaller area; none on f. Amount of pads or tampons being used each day or medial thigh. Occurs at 13 and 14. hour Stage V – Adult in type and pattern; inverse triangle. Hair is 2. Obstetric History present on medial thigh surface. a. How many times b. How many babies have you had B. PREGNANT FEMALE (tikang la po ini ha notes kay wa c. Any miscarriages or abortion hiya han pics) d. Do you think you may be pregnant now? What 3 Signs: symptoms have you noticed? Presumptive – signs felt by the pregnant woman only Nausea GTPALM Vomiting A 20 years old female is currently 8 weeks pregnant. She Early morning sickness had a miscarriage at 12 weeks gestation 2 years ago. She Probable – felt by the examiner has no living children Chadwick – normal in pregnant women (bluish) G – 2 (currently pregnant at 8 weeks; had a miscarriage 2 years Hegar – influenced by hormones (estrogen) ago Positive – confirmation tests that confirms the pregnancy T–0 P–0 Mucus Plug – protects fetus from pathogens A – 1 (miscarriage 12 weeks) Bloody Show – true sign of labor M–0
C. THE AGING FEMALE 3. Menopause
Menopause – cessation of the menses, usually occurs a. Have you periods slowed down or stopped? around 48 to 51 years old. o Perimenopause Uterus shrinks in size. o Menopause Ovaries atrophy to 1 to 2 cm and are not palpable o Postmenopause The sacral ligaments relax and pelvic musculature weakens Associated Symptoms: Cervix shrinks and looks paler with a thick glistening Hot flashes (vasomotor symptom) epithelium Headache The vaginal epithelium is atrophies Mood Swings Decreased vaginal secretion Vaginal Dryness Itching INSPECTION OF THE CERVIX AND OS: NOTE: 4. Self-care Behaviors Color – cervical mucosa is pink and even a) How often do you have gynecologic check-up? (+) Chadwick’s sign b) Last Papanicolau smear? Pale 5. Urinary Symptoms Position – midline, either anterior or posterior (Projects 1-3cm a) Any burning or pain in urinating into the vagina) b) Awaken during night to urinate Size – diameter is 1 inch c) Blood in the urine OS – small and round d) Any difficulty in controlling urine Horizontal and irregular slit e) Urinate with a sneeze, laugh, cough, bearing down 6. Vaginal History NORMAL VARIATIONS OF THE CERVIX: a) Any unusual vaginal discharge? Note the character, Round smell and color Horizontal Parous (after childbirth) 7. Past History a) Any problems in the genital area? Sores or lesions LACERATIONS: b) Any abdominal pain Unilateral Transverse c) Any past surgery on uterus, ovaries, vagina? Bilateral Transverse Stellate OBJECTIVE DATA ASSESSMENT: Cervical Eversion Preparation Nabothian cysts (benign) 1. No douching for 48 hours 2. Urinate before examination CERVICAL SMEARS AND CULTURES: 3. Dorsal lithotomy position 1. Vaginal Pool (SORRY HAHA WA HA PIC AND KINUHA 4. No hands over the head KO LANG SIYA KAY BROSEL HAHA) 5. Elevate client’s head and shoulders 2. Cervical Scrape Equipment a. SCJ 1. Stool b. Cervix 2. Light 3. Endocervical Specimen 3. Vaginal speculum a. Grave’s Speculum NECESSARY DATA FOR LABORATORY REQUEST: b. Pederson Speculum Name 4. Water soluble lubricant Age and Date of birth 5. Large swabs for vaginal examination Date of specimen 6. Specimen container Date of LMP (first day of menstrual cycle- ask the patient 7. Gloves (non-sterile) the first day of her menstrual period) 8. Ayre spatula 9. Endocervical broom Any hormone medication 10. pH paper If pregnant, EDD/EDC (Expected Date of Delivery) 11. Mirror Known Infections Abnº findings on physical examination INSPECTION: 1. Skin color SCREENING FOR STD 2. Hair distribution Gonorrhea & Chlamydia GC Culture 3. Labia Majora 4. Clitoris ABNORMALITIES OF THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA: 5. Labia Minora 1. Pediculosis Pubis (Crab Lice) 6. Labia Majora (an nakadto ppt kay minora la ghap idk S: Severe perineal itching HAHA) O: Exoriations and erythematous areas 7. Urethral opening Visible little dark spots and adherent to pubis hair 8. Introitus 2. Syphilitic Chancre (Trepoutoma Pallidum) 9. Perineum O: Begins as a small, solitary silvery papule that erodes to a red, round or oval, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge PALPATION: Tx: Penicillin G 1. Skene’s gland 3. Herpes Genitals 2. Bartholin’s gland S: Episodes of local pain, dysuria (painful urination), fever 3. Posterios part of the labia majora O: Clusters of small, shallow vesicles with surrounding 4. Palpate the perineum erythema Erupt on genital areas and inner thigh SPECULUM EXAMINATION: (+) inguinal adenopathy, edema 1. Select the proper-sized speculum Vesicles on labia rupture in 1 to 3 days, leaving painful 2. Do not use lubricant GEL ulcers Initial infection lasts 7 to 10 days Virus remains dormant indefinitely 3. Trichomoniasis (Trich) Recurrent infections last 3 to 10 days with milder symptoms S: Pruritus, watery and often malodorous vaginal discharge, Tx: Antiviral urinary frequency, terminal dysuria 4. Genital Warts (Condyloma Acuminatum) o Symptoms are worse during menstruation CA: Human Papilloma Virus O: Vulva may be erythematous. Vagina diffusely red, granular, S: Painless wart growths, may be unnoticed by woman with red raised papules and petechiae (strawberry appearance) O: Pink or flesh colored, soft, pointed, moist, warts papules Frothy, yellow-green, foul-smelling discharge Single or multiple in cauliflower-like patch. Occur around Microscopic examination of saline wet mount specimen vulva, introitus, anus, vagina, cervix shows characteristics flagellated cells Tx: Prophylactic (Gardasil Vaccine) 4. Bacterial Vaginosis (Gardnerella Vaginalis/ 5. Abscess of Bartholin’s Gland Haemophilus Vaginalis, Nonspecific Vaginitis) S: Severe, local pain S: Profuse discharge, “constant wetness” with foul-fishy rotten O: Overlying skin & hot odor Posterior part of labia swollen; palpable fluctuant mass and O: Thin, creamy, gray-white, malodorous discharge. No tenderness inflammation on vaginal wall or cervix Mucosa shows red spot at site of duct opening Microscopic view of saline wet amount of specimen shows Secondary to gonococcal infection typical “clue cells” 6. Urethral Caruncle 5. Chlamydia S: Tender, painful with urination, urinary frequency, hematuria, S: Urinary frequency, dysuria or vaginal discharge dyspareunia O: May have yellow or green mucopurulent discharge, friable O: Small, deep red meatus; usually secondary to urethritis or cervix, cervical motion tenderness skenitis; lesion may bleed on contact 6. Gonorrhea 7. Urethritis S: Variable: Vaginal discharge, dysuria, abnormal uterine S: Dysuria bleeding, abscess in Bartholin’s or Skene’s glands; O: Palpation of anterior vaginal wall shows erythema, O: Purulent vaginal discharge. Diagnose by positive culture of tenderness, induration along urethra, purulent discharge from organism. It may progress to acute salpingitis, PID meatus. Caused by N. Gonorrea, Chlamydia, Staphylococcus infection EXTRA FROM MY NOTES:
ABNORMALITIES OF THE PELVIC MUSCULATURE: Pheromones – stimulates sexual desire
1. Cystocele S: Feeling of pressure in vagina, stress incontinence Vaginitis – due to decreased acidity of the vagina O: Introitus widening and the presence of soft, round anterior bulge (bladder) G- gravida (total number of pregnancy, dead or alive) 2. Rectocele T- term (number of pregnancy that reached 37-40 weeks AOG) S: Feeling of pressure in vagina, possibly constipation P- preterm (number of pregnancy that reached 20-36 weeks O: Introitus widening and presence of a soft, round bulge from AOG) posterior (part of the rectum covered by vaginal mucosa, A- abortion (number of delivery less than 20 weeks AOG) prolapses into vagina) L- living (number of babies that are alive) 3. Uterine Prolapse M- multiple gystation (number of babies e.g. twins) O: Uterus protrudes into vagina Age of viability – 24 weeks (age should be of the baby to be First degree – cervix appears at introitus with straining alive inside a pregnant woman’s womb Second Degree – cervix bulges outside introitus with straining Third Degree – whole uterus protrudes into vagina even without Hematuria – presence of blood in urine straining F- functional (urinary tract is functional but the individual VULVOVAGINAL INFLAMMATIONS: prevents himself form staying dry) 1. Atrophic Vaginitis O- overflow (incomplete bladder emptying; there is blockage) S: Postmenopausal vaginal itching, dryness, burning sensation, R- reflex (bladder muscle contracts and urine leaks without dyspareunia, mucoid discharge warning or urge) O: Pale mucosa with abraded areas that bleed easily; may have U- urge (feeling of strong urge to urinate) bloody discharge M- mix (combination of overflow and….. AMBOT MGA MANA 2. Candidiasis (Moniliasis) HAHAHA) S: Intense pruritus, thick whitish discharge S- stress (leaks when you jump, cough and laugh) O: Vulva and vagina are erythematous and edematous. Discharge is usually thick, white, curdy, “like cottage cheese” Predisposing Factors: Use of oral contraceptives Use of antibiotics Alkaline vaginal pH Diabetes Pregnancy ASSESSING MALE GENITOURINARY SYSTEM: Rationale: These signs are early warning sign for testicular Cancer. THE MALE GENITALIA: 6. If patient report an enlargement in inguinal area, asses if it (PS. WA AK MAKAHABOL HINI SORRY HAHAHA TAGAE is intermittent or constant, associated with straining or lifting NALA AKO NOTES FRIENDS HUHU) and painful whether pain is affected by coughing, lifting or straining at stool. DEVELOPMENTAL CARE: Rationale: These signs and symptoms reflect potential inguinal A. INFANTS hernia Prenatally, the testes develop in the abdominal cavity near 7. Ask if patient has difficulty of achieving erection or the kidneys ejaculation, review whether the patient is taking diuretics, Before birth, testes descend along the inguinal canal into sedatives, antihypertensives or tranquilizers the scrotum before birth Rationale: These medications influence sexual performance B. ADOLESCENTS Puberty begins between ages 9.5 to 13.5 OBJECTIVE DATA ASSESSMENT: The first sign is enlargement of the testes Preparation: 1. Have the patient void. Position the male standing, SMR IN BOYS: (PS DI INI COMPLETE FROM MY NOTES) undershorts down Stage I – pre-pubertal genitalia 2. Do not discuss genitourinary history or sexual practices Stage II – no enlargement of penis but enlargement of the while performing the examination scrotum 3. Use a firm deliberate touch, not a soft, stroking one Stage III – pubic hair 4. If an erection does occur Enlarged penis in length Stage IV – penis increase in diameter Pubic Hair: Stage V – adult size and shape of penis Inspect the distribution, amount and characteristics of pubic hair C. ADULTS AND AGING ADULTS Penis: 1. Sexual development remains constant Inspect the penile shaft and glans penis for lesions, 2. Aging changes are due to: nodules, swellings of inflammation a. Decreased muscle tone o Inspect the urethral meatus for swelling, inflammation b. Decreased subcutaneous fat and discharge c. Decreased cellular metabolism Compare the glans slightly to open the urethral 3. Amount of pubic hair decreases and hair turns gray meatus 4. Penis size decreases Palpate the penis for tenderness, thickening and nodules 5. Slower and less intense sexual response Scrotum: 6. Erection takes longer to develop Inspect the scrotum for appearance, general size and 7. Ejaculation is shorter and less forceful symmetry 8. Rapid detumescence Palpate the scrotum to asses status of underlying testes, 9. Refractory state lasts longer epididymis and spermatic cord Palpate both testes simultaneously for comparative CROSS-CULTURAL CARE purposes Circumcision Inguinal Area: Indication: Inspect both inguinal areas for bulges while the client is Cultural reasons standing and is straining down Prevention of phimosis Inflammation of glans penis TESTICULAR SELF EXAMINATION (TSE): Prevent UTI during infancy Check your testicles at least once a month Perform the test in the shower SUBJECTIVE DATA COLLECTION Soap yourself up 1. Review normal urinary elimination pattern Check one testicle at the time Rationale: Urinary problems are associated with GU problems Gently roll it between the fingers 2. Assess patient’s sexual history and use of safe sex habits Feel up the spermatic cord on the back side of testicles Rationale: Sexual history reveals risk for and understand of Look for hard lumps, smooth or rounded bumps STD and HIV Changes in size, shape or consistency 3. Determine if patient has had previous surgery or illness Or any painful areas involving urinary of reproductive organs including STI Rationale: Alterations resulting from disease or surgery are MALE GENITAL LESIONS: sometimes responsible for symptoms or changes in organ 1. Syphilitic Chancre structure or function Begins within 2-4 weeks of infection 4. Ask if patient has noticed penile pain or swelling, genital Small, solitary, silvery papule that erodes to a red, round or lesions or urethral discharge oval, superficial ulcer with a yellowish serous discharge Rationale: These signs and symptoms may indicate STI 2. Condyloma Acuminatum (Genital Warts) 5. Determine if patient has noticed heaviness or painless enlargement of testis or irregular lumps Soft, pointed, moist, fleshy, painless paules may be single 6. Orchitis or multiple in a cauliflower-like patch S: Acute or moderate pain of sudden onset Correlated with early onset of sexual activity, infrequent use Swollen testis, feeling of weight, fever of contraception and multiple sexual partners O: Inspection – enlarged, edematous, reddened; does not 3. Genital Herpes transilluminate Clusters of small vesicles with surrounding erythema, which Palpation – swollen, congested, tense, and tender testis are often painful, erupt on the glans or foreskin 7. Scrotal Edema S: Tenderness ABNORMALITIES OF THE PENIS: O: Inspection – enlarged, may be reddened (with local 1. Phimosis irritation) Foreskin is advance and fixed so tight it is impossible to Palpation – taut with pitting, probably unable to feel scrotal retract over glans contents May be congenital or acquired from adhesions Poor hygiene leads to retained dirt and smegma. Which HERNIAS: increases risk of inflammation or calculus formation A. INDIRECT INGUINAL HERNIA 2. Hypospadias Most common form of hernia Congenital defect Sac herniates through internal inguinal ring. Can remain in Urethral meatus opens on the ventral side of the glans, canal or pass into scrotum shaft, or at the penoscrotal junction Signs and Symptoms (S/S): 3. Epispadias Pain with training; soft swelling that increases Meatus opens on the dorsal side of the glans or shaft above intraabdominal pressure: may decrease when lying down a broad, spade-like penis B. DIRECT INGUINAL HERNIA 4. Priapism Brought on by heavy lifting, muscle atrophy, obesity, Prolonged painful erection without sexual desire chronic cough or ascites 5. Peyronie’s Disease Directly behind and through external inguinal ring, above Hard, nontender, subcutaneous plaques palpated on dorsal inguinal ligament: rarely entersscrotum or lateral surface of the penis S/S: Associated with painful bending of the penis during Painless erections Round swelling close to the pubis in area of internal inguinal ring ABNORMALITIES OF THE SCROTUM: Easily reduced when supine 1. Absent Testis Cryptorchidism C. FEMORAL HERNIA S: Empty scrotal half Through femoral ring and canal below inguinal ligament O: Inspection – in true maldescent, atrophic scrotum on often on the right side affected side Due to increased abdominal pressure muscle weakness or Palpation – no testis frequent stooping 2. Testicular Torsion S/S: S: Sudden onset of excruciating pain in testicle Severe pain o Lower abdominal pain May become strangulated o Nausea and vomiting o No fever EXTRA FROM MY NOTES: O: Inspection – red, swollen scrotum Older People – decrease orgasm (12-24 hours) Palpation – cord feels thick, swollen and tender; cremasteric reflex is absent on side of torsion T - time (once a month) 3. Epididymitis S – shower S: Sudden onset of severe pain in scrotum, relieved by elevation E – examine and check for changes o Rapid swelling o Fever Phren’s Sign – when elevated, there is no pain O: Inspection – enlarged, reddened scrotum Palpation – exquisitely tender, epididymis enlarged, Strangulated – an intestine kuno nalusad ha may inguinal indurated HAHAHA ambot pashnea Overlying scrotal skin may be thick and edematous 4. Hydrocele S: Painless swelling, weight and bulk in scrotum O: Inspection – enlarged, mass does transilluminate with a pink or red glow Palpation – non tender mass 5. Scrotal Hernia S: Swelling may have pain with straining O: Inspection – enlarge and may reduce when supping does not transilluminate Palpation – soft mushy mass P.S. HELLO HUHU JAEBAL MAYDA ADA NAMAN IBA NA WA HAN FRIENDS PICS KAYA THANK YOU IN NAG BASE AKO ADVANCE HAN NOTES SO HAHAHA PLEASE REFER GHAP KAMO IYO NOTES AND…..