• Protection from…….
Historical Antecedents of Science • Human attacks
and Technology • Natural disaster
• Caters specific need
Ancient Period • Style = technological advances
(signature of civilization)
• The rise of ancient civilizations • Status symbol
paved the way for advances in • Nation identity
S&T. The advances in S&T
during the ancient period Ancient Period: Ancient Wheel
allowed civilizations to flourish Sumerian Wheel
by finding better ways of living, Potter’s Wheel
communication, transportation,
and self-organization. Ancient Period: Paper
• The Edwin Smith
ANCIENT TIMES : Transportation Rush plant
and Navigation
Ancient Period: Shadoof
• Going to places…. Shadoof
• Discovering new lands
• Searching for resources Ancient Period: Antikythera Mechanism
• Trade A fragment of the Antikythera
• Allows travelling to unfamiliar mechanism
places and going back home
Ancient Period: Aeolipile
ANCIENT TIMES : Communication An illustration of Hero’s engine
and Record Keeping
• Avoid conflict Stage of human social and cultural
• Record of development and organization that is
• Places they have been considered most advanced.
• Document trades that
have been made Increasing population
• Recording history and
ANCIENT TIMES : Mass Production -”the land between two rivers”, the
Tigris and Euphrates.
• Increase food supply without -gave birth to many of the world’s first
travelling longer distance and great cities such as Sumerian and
working harder to obtain them Babylonian civilizations.
• Each city was ruled by a
Tigris found in SW Asia, rising in E different god
Turkey and flowing SE through • Kings and priests were
Baghdad to Euphrates in SE Iraq, interpreters
forming the delta of the Shatt-al-Arab
flowing to Persian Gulf. SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION :
-Euphrates found in SW Asia, flowing • 1st writing system
from E Turkey through Syria and Iraq, • Word picture with triangular
joining Tigris to form the Shatt-al-Arab symbols
near the Pesian Gulf. • Allows Sumerians to record
historical accounts
Uruk City
-was the southernmost region of • 1st true city
ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq • Construction, engineering and
and Kuwait) which is generally architectural feat
considered the cradle of civilization. • Mud + reed =bricks
-its name came from Akkadian, the • Anu antum Temple
language of the north of Mesopotamia
-“land of the civilized kings”. Ziggurat of Ur
Nanna, the god of the moon and of is, until its foundations were
wisdom. This god is sometimes unearthed and its riches
considered to be the father of Inanna. substantiated during the 19th
His importance lies in the role he century.
played during the act of creation. • The ground is very fertile and
produces wild barley, chickpea,
SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION : and sesame. The marshlands
Ziggurat of Ur produce an edible root that is
• Mud + reed =bricks equal in nutrition to barley.
• Anu antum Temple • The land is also rich with dates,
apples, and other fruit as well as
Dikes and Irrigation fish and birds
• One of the most beneficial • Archaeologists stood in awe as
engineering work. their discoveries revealed that
• Irrigation and dikes= year long certain stories in the Bible were
farming was achieved and food an actual situation that had
production increase and can be happened in time.
constantly regulated
Hanging Garden of Babylon
Boat and Sailboat and Wheel (600 BC)
Used for field work and food production
• transfer large quantities of King Nebuchadnezzar II and Queen
product Amytis
• Covers greater distance Ascending tiered garden
• Exploration requires larger
space to accommodate more EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION
goods. • 3150 BC (North Africa)
• Sailboats • Nile River
• Transportation • Has a lot of engineering feats
• Trading • Has a number of contribution
Wheel was not yet invented that contribute in the
development of the modern
Plow world.
• Farm technology
• Enables to dig soil faster ... Papyrus
• Less effort to make writing easier
• Land cultivation faster Light and thinner than clay (storage
and mobility)
BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION Major breakthrough in record keeping
• Kingdom of Mesopotamia from (less breakable and uses small space)
the 18th to 6th BC. (prevents data loss) and
• A small Akkadian town dating communication (can be carried by
from the period of the Akkadian birds)
Empire 2300 BC.
• Akkadian is an extinct East Ink
Semitic language that was Soot + chemicals = different color of ink
spoken in anciant Mesopotamia Ink should withstand element
w/c was replaced by Akkadian- Tamper proof
influenced Old Aramaic by 18th
century. Hieroglyphics
• The city of Babylon was the One of the most recognized system of
capital of the ancient land of writing.
Babylonia in southern Egyptians believed that it was given to
Mesopotamia. them by the gods.
• situated on the Euphrates River Allows modern times to know about the
about 50 miles south of modern ancient Egyptians way of life.
• The tremendous wealth and Cosmetics and Wigs
power of this city, along with its
monumental size and Water Clock/ Clepsydra
appearance, were certainly The waterclocks or clepsydras are a
considered a Biblical myth, that type of mechanism for measuring time
by the regulated flow of liquid to or from buildings while preserving and
a graduated container, thus two maintaining the elaborate designs
different types of clocks according to
the direction of flow. Numerals
In the year 1530 B.C. a vessel was Address the need for standard counting
built for King Amenhotep I in Egypt with method to meet their increasing
water clock features.n In the Temple of communication and trade concern.
Amun at Karnak found a water clock Some enthusiast still used this counting
dating from the fourteenth century BC system for its aesthetic and historical
Alarm Clock and Watermill ANCIENT CHINESE
Invented by Plato 4th Century BC CIVILIZATION
The oldest civilization in Asia (The
Middle Kingdom
Strongest political and social entity in Important because of the sik trade
the west
Cradle of politics and governance Silk
Model in legislation and codified laws • Produced by silkworms
• Used to make paper and
Newspaper clothing
• Gazettes • Opened China to the outside
• 1st newspaper world
(Announcement) • Cultural, economic and
• Metal and stone tablets scientific exchanges
• In display at public places • Bridged gap between the west
• With the invention of paper…. and the middle kingdom
• Provides easy access to
government information Tea Production
Tea = beverage produced from pouring
Indoor plumbing, aqueducts, fast- hot boiling water over crushed or
drying cement, calendars, days of the shredded dried tea leaves.
week, months of the year, public toilets, Ist tea was drunked by an Emperor
locks and keys, magnifying glass, China is known for tea exportation, and
advances in medicine, law, religion, has since became the most popular
government, and warfare beverage in the world.
scientific thinking and method, Telescope
had taken place. Many medieval One of Galileo’s first telescopes
universities at the time stirred
scientific thinking and provided Jacquard Loom
infrastructure for scientific
communities to flourish. Some of Engine-Powered Airplane
humanity’s most important, The flight of the Flying Machine of
present-day technologies could Orville and Wilbur Wright
be traced back to historical
antecedents in the Middle Ages. Television
Baird’s television
microorganisms. These small i.e. meat that has undergone:
organisms, too small to see without salting, curing, fermenting, and
magnification, invade humans, animals, smoking, as
and other living hosts. "carcinogenic to humans”,
leading to many kinds of cancers
The four (4) postulates were formulated nowadays.
by Robert Koch and Friedrich Loeffler in Note: Maintaining or creating nutritional
1884, based on earlier concepts value, texture and flavor should be what
described by Jakob Henle, and refined is important
and published by Koch in 1890. in the aspect of food preservation.
properties, and special properties for Amphibious Salamander
products used in extreme environments. Atoy Llave
One common example of treatment is with
the removal of sulfur from diesel fuel, H2O Tech-Lamberto Armada
which is necessary for it to meet clean First Filipino made -“The Salamander”-
air guidelines. is an amphibious tricycle that can run
Treatment is highly technical and is the both land and on water.
most time consuming step of refining.
SALt Lamp
Graphophone The anode must be replaced
a sound recording device approximately every six months and the
saline water daily; sea water is usable.
CALCULATOR The SALt lamp was invented and is
• In 1642, the Renaissance saw marketed by Engr. Aisa Mijeno, a
the invention of the mechanical Filipino inventor and entrepreneur (from
calculator (by Wilhelm Schickard DLS-Lipa).
and several decades later Blaise
Pascal), a device that was at Improvised INCUBATOR – made from
times somewhat over-promoted bamboo and bottles with hot water for a
as being able to perform all four regulated temperature.
arithmetic operations with
minimal human intervention. Dr. Fe Del Mundo is credited with
• Pascal's Calculator could add studies that lead to the invention of an
and subtract two numbers directly improved incubator and a jaundice-
and multiply and divide by relieving device. She has dedicated her
repetition. life to the cause of pediatrics in the
Philippines. Her pioneering work in
Philippine Inventions pediatrics in the Philippines in an active
• The Philippines boasts of its own medical practice that spanned 8
history and tradition of scientific decades.
and technological innovation.
Filipino scientists have long been DOST-ITDI OL (OvicidalLarvicidal)
known for their ingenuity. As with Trap
all other inventions, necessity has
always been the mother of Latest development replaced the can
Philippine inventions. Most with black plastic cans of the same size.
Filipino inventions appealed to The organic active solution (pellets are
the unique social and cultural dissolved in tap water) is introduced into
context of the archipelagic nation. this can and by capillary action moistens
Even during the ancient period, the board, making it ideal for the Female
our Filipino ancestors developed Aedes aegypti Mosquito (FAM), the
scientific and technological dengue carrying mosquito to lay its eggs
innovations focused on on.
navigation, traditional
shipbuilding, textiles, food E-jeepney
processing, indigenous arts and (Rommel Juan, president of PhUV)
techniques, and even cultural MD Juan Enterprises, Yazaki-Torres,
inventions. Glasteck, VSO, Autofir, Nito Seiki, and
Manly Plastics.
Abelardo Aguilar and his Erythromycin Intellectual Revolutions
The replacement of a paradigm is
Mole Remover known as a scientific revolution.
Rolando dela Cruz’s commercial Powerful theories that guide extensive
product – a mole remover formula made research are called paradigms.
of cashew nut extracts
Copernican Revolution
Banana Ketsup The Copernican Revolution was the
Orosa’s formula for Banana Ketsup is paradigm shift from the Ptolemaic model
brownish-yellow in color. of the heavens, which described the
cosmos as having Earth stationary at
the center of the universe, to the
heliocentric model with the Sun at the Ex. Formation of
center of the Solar System. civilization but can also lead to….
• Repression: when an instinct is
Nicolaus Copernicus was a not sublimated but frustrated.
Renaissance-era mathematician and The instinct does not go away but
astronomer who formulated a model of takes the form of a neurotic
the universe that placed the Sun rather symptom. Because not all things
than the Earth at the center of the in a community brings positive
universe. results.
Born: 19 February 1473, Toruń, Poland
Died: 21 May 1543, Frombork, Poland Freud: the Psyche
Known for: Heliocentrism, Quantity • Id: the raw instincts
theory of money, Gresham's law • Ego: the manager of the id that
sublimates the instincts
Darwinian Revolution • Superego: the “conscience” that
In Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), manages the ego according to
Charles Darwin discovered several social standards and morality
species of finches that varied from
island to island, which helped him to Civilization and its Discontents (1930)
develop his theory of natural selection. • Causes of suffering
• During Sept-Oct, 1835 • Body
• External world
Endosymbiotic theory: Evolution of • Relations with others
Symbiogenesis Freud: methods to avoid suffering:
• Voluntary isolation
Cladogram • Human community
• Intoxication
Humans did not evolve from chimps, • Displacements of libido
gorillas, or orangutans. However, (sublimation)
according to Darwinian evolution, • Delusion: alternative reality
humans are related to modern apes in • Mass delusion=religion
that we shared a common ancestor.
Freudian Revolution
A determinist
People determined by their instincts
Life instinct: sex (libido)
Death instinct: aggression, and