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II. COURSE TITLE: Science, Technology, and Society
III. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural, political, and economic contexts that shape and are
shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of 2013)
This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the
public, and the global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and technological development happen in the context of
society with all its socio-political, cultural, economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective knowledge in the students that they
are able to live the good life and display ethical decision making in the face of scientific and technological advancement.
This course includes mandatory topics on climate change and environmental awareness.

Discuss how the ideas Discuss the 1.Historical Lecture and discussion To be able to Quiz
postulated by first interactions between antecedents in which social appreciate the roots of
scientists contributed to S&T and society considerations changed the Activity: “Standing on the shoulders of Science and to foster Assignment
the spark of scientific throughout history course of science and Giants” inquisitiveness.
revolution. technology Graded recitation
Discuss how scientific Reflection on Videos:
and technological a. In the World: Ancient, A. Stephen Colbert’s interview with Neil Group
developments affect Middle and Modern Ages Tyson presentation
society and the (
environment. b. In the Philippines v=YXh9RQCvxmg&noredirect=1)
Identify the paradigm B. YouTube: World’s Greatest Inventions
shifts in history (3 minutes)

Philippine Great Inventions

Read Paul Anderson’s article: “More is

Different” 1976
Analyze how scientific Articulate ways by 2. Intellectual Lecture For the students to Quiz
revolution is done in which society is revolutions that defined realize that intelligence
various parts of the transformed by society: Discussion should be use for the Graded Activity
world like in Latin science and a. Copernican betterment of the
technology b. Darwinian Powerpoint presentation on the society. Graded recitation
America, East Asia, c. Freudian individual scholars and great works.
Middle East and Africa. d. Information
e. Meso-American
f. Asian
g. Middle East
h. African
Discuss the concept of Discuss the role of 3. Science and Small Group Activity To foster citizenship Group Project
science education and Science and Technology and Nation and love for country Presentation
identify science schools Technology in Building (men).
established to promote Philippine nation Discussion Quiz
science education in the building a. The Philippine
Philippines. Government S&T Agenda
Evaluate government b. Major development Recitation
Discuss the concept of policies pertaining to programs and personalities in
indigenous science and science and S&T in the Philippines
its contribution to the technology in terms c. Science Education in the
development of science of their contributions Philippines
and technology in the to nation building d. Selected
Philippines. indigenous science and
Identify actual science technologies
and technology policies
of the government and
appraise their impact
on the development of
the Filipino nation
Explain the concept of Analyze the human 1. The Human Person Reflection For the student to Quiz
human condition before condition in order to flourishing in terms of science know that there is a
science and technology. deeply reflect and and technology Discussion right method and way Assignment
express of doing things.
Identify the change that philosophical a. Technology as a The Question Concerning Technology by Graded recitation
happened in human ramifications that Way of Revealing Martin Heidegger
condition after science are meaningful to Group presentation
and technology. the student as a part A Return to the Beginning by Daniel J.
of society McNamara, SJ, in Stellar Origins, Human
Ways (2011)
Identify the different Critique human 2. Human flourishing Discussion To be able to realize Group Presentation
conceptions of human flourishing vis-à- vis that too much of on how technology
flourishing. the progress of Watch Movie Clip (YouTube): The anything is not good. reveals nature and the
science and Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the case human person’s role in
Determine the technology so that against Scientism it
development of the the student can
scientific method and define for Film: Akiro Kurosawa’s Dreams Quiz
validity of science. himself/herself the “Village of the Watermills”
meaning of the good Forget ‘developing’ rich countries, it’s
life. time to ‘de-develop’ rich countries. By
Jason Hickel
poor- countries-de-develop-rich-

Sustainable Development: An Evolving

Paradigm for the 21st Century by Fabian
Dayrit in Stellar Origins, Human Ways
Examine what is meant Examine shared 3. The Good Life Lecture Appreciate the comfort Case Study:
by a good life. concerns that make and blessings of the Production and
up the good life in Discussion planet. Consumption of sugars
Identify how humans order to come up
attempt to attain what with innovative, Book VI and Bk X Nichomachean ethics
is deemed to be a good creative solutions to of Aristotle
life. contemporary issues
guided by What Is and What should be the role of
Recognize possibilities ethical standards. scientific culture in modern society –
available to human Richard Feynman in the Pleasure of
being to attain the good Finding Things Out: The Best Short
life. Works of Richard Feynman 1999
Perseus Books. USA pp97- 115

The Concepts of the Public Good:

A View from the Filipino
Philosopher by Rolando Gripaldo
in the Making of a Filipino
Philosopher and Other Essays,
2009, National Bookstore pp 82-

Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing

in Ethics and Human Dignity by
Christopher Ryan Maboloc).
Manila, 2010. Rex Bookstore pp 15-

That Sugar Film (2015) (documentary)

Ppt: towards a green economy:

pathways to sustainable development
and poverty eradication–UNEP
Know the different Examine human 4. When technology Reflection: Is Google Making Us Stupid? To become a Quiz
technological rights in order to and humanity cross 2008. Nicholas Carr responsible
advancements in uphold such http://www/ technology-user. Assignment
society. rights in /archive
technological ethical /2008/07/Is google making us
Discuss the dilemmas stupid/306868/?
development of science
and technology in the Discussion
The ethical dilemmas of robotics
07, stm
Discuss the effects of Evaluate 5. Why does the Reflection To learn how to Case Study:
the interplay between contemporary future not need us? exercise values in WAZE
technology and human Discussion making choices.
humanity through the experience in order Quiz
dilemma(s) they face. to strengthen and Watch:
enlighten the human Movie: “A I” Assignment
person functioning in Isaac Asimov, “I Robot”
society. Find and examine local
government policies
that protect the well-
being of the person in
the face of new

Define Information Age. Link learned 1. The information Age Presentation To exercise “think Quiz
concepts to the (Gutenberg to before you click” in
Discuss the history of development of the Social media Discussion everyday lives. Reporting
information Age. information age
and its impact on Activity Report: A day without Recitation
Understand the factors society Technology
that need to be
considered in checking Illustrate how the
website sources. social media and
the information
age have
impacted our
Determine the Determine the 2. Biodiversity and the Healthy Presentation Foster the value of a Quiz
interrelatedness of interrelatedness of Society healthy lifestyle toward
society, environment society, environment, Discussion the holistic and Graded Recitation
and health. and health 3. Genetically Modified sustainable
Organisms: Science, Health, Life and Biodiversity ppt. development of society Debate
Create a diagram that Discuss the ethics and Politics and the environment.
would show the and implications of Evolution and biodiversity
relatedness of species in GMOs and potential
forming up a diverse future impacts Ecoscience-Biodiversity: an overview
and healthy society Article: “The politics of golden
without compromising Rice” (Dubock, Adrian GM Crops
one another. & Food. Jul- Sep2014, Vol5 Issue 3
p 210-222 13p.)
Identify everyday tasks
and evaluate whether Article: “Ethics in Research with
they contribute to the Vulnerable Populations and Emerging
wellness and health of Countries: The Golden Rice Case.”
biodiversity and society (Duguet, Anne Marie et. al., Journal of
or not. International Law and Commercial
Regulations. Summer 2013,
Identify issues on GMOs Vol. 38 Issue 4, p979-1013, 35p)
and their implications
and impacts. Agro- ecology: What it is and what it has
to offer? Is this the future of farming?

Define nanotechnology Discuss the major 4. The Nano World Presentation To exercise good Documentary
and characterize impacts (both decision making skills Reflection
nanoscale. potential and Discussion and in making the right
realized} of choices. Quiz
Describe the uses, nanotechnology TEDTalk: Ray Kurzwell on “How
concerns, and status of on society Technology Will Transform Us”
(especially in the Analyze the Article: “Nanoethics: The ethical and
Philippines). issue through the Social Implications of Nanotechnology”
conceptual STS lenses (Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff, Hoboken,
Critique the issue on New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
its costs and benefits 2007)
to society.
Article: “Environmental Impacts of
Nanotechnology and Its Products”
(Zhang et. Al Proceedings of the
2011 Midwest Section Conference
of the American Society for
Engineering Education, 2011)

Ppt: Can we build a culture of science

through nanotechnology? By Fabian M.
Dayrit (2013)
Describe Gene therapy, Describe gene 5. Gene therapy Presentation Quiz
its various forms and therapy and its (stem Cells)
asses the issue’s various forms Discussion Reflection
potential benefits and Assess the issue’s
detriments to global potential benefits Watch: Debate
health. and detriments to
global health Youtube: Science Friction: Stem Cell

TEDTalk: Susan Lim on “Transplant Cells

Not Organs”

TED Talk: Juan Enriquez on “the Next

Species of Human”
Identify the causes of Identify the causes of 6. Mandated Topics: Presentation Imbibe the importance Group
climate change. climate change of science and Presentation
A. Climate Change and the Discussion technology in the
Understand the effects Assess the various Energy Crisis preservation of the Quiz
of climate change on the impacts of climate YouTube: or Book “An inconvenient environment and the
society. change including B. Environmental Truth: development of the Learning
economic, Awareness The Planetary Emergency of Global Filipino nation. application:
Illustrate how the geopolitical, Warming and What we can Do About weather
community helps in biological, It” (Al Gore) control
mitigating the hazards meteorological, etc.
caused by climate Book: “The Future: Six Drivers of Global
change. Apply STS concepts Change” (Al Gore)
to the issue of
climate change Report: “ Changing the Atmosphere:
Anthropology and Climate Change”

BUHOS: A Climate Change Documentary

byLoren Legarda

Article: “ The Tragedy of the Commons”

by Garrett Hardin

Article: “Scientists tackle mystery of

thunderstorms that strike at night”

Article: “Reigning in the Weather”

Donovan, Discover, 02747529. Jun2008,
Vol. 29, Issue 6)

V. Course Requirements:

Materials needed: pencils/pens, recommended courseware, textbook or e-book.

Class commitment points (CS) can be received by passing the quizzes, submission of seatwork or assignments, attending classes, avoiding tardiness, participating in
classroom discussions or recitations, by keeping the room clean, by following class rules, and by observing a good attitude and proper decorum.
Classroom rules:

1. Come to class prepared by bringing your courseware and appropriate materials.

2. Be attentive and participative during discussions.
3. Do not bring food, snacks nor drinks in class.
4. Use of cellphone and similar gadget is not allowed.
5. Observe proper decorum by following the school rules and classroom directives.
6. Maintain cleanliness of the classroom.

Attendance/ Tardiness:

1. Students are expected to the attend class and be punctual. Accumulated absences of more than 9 hours would tantamount to FA (Failure due to Absences) grade.
Accumulated 3 tardiness would likewise tantamount to 1 absence.
2. Remember that you must have prior approval from the instructor to miss the class for a special quiz or major exams.
3. If you miss taking a major exam, you are given two weeks to settle the matter by obtaining permit from the subject coordinator prior to taking a special exam. This
is to avoid receiving an equivalent rating of 65% for failing to take the exam.
4. If the cause of absence is due to illness, a medical certificate from the school nurse or any attending physician should be presented to be excused.
5. For valid reasons other than sickness, a letter from the parent/guardian.

Academic Integrity:

Students are expected to be honest. Your quizzes, tests and major exams must be entirely on your own. During the tests, your table should be empty, with an
exception of your pen and paper [during a quiz] or exam permit, pen, and test papers [during major exams]. No collaboration or use of review materials is permitted
during these exams. Both the person giving and receiving the answers will be subject to disciplinary action and be given a low grade in Behavior.

Extra help: Please ask questions during class if you do not understand. Listen to your classmates' questions too. If there is still confusion after repeating the
information, please feel free to see me as soon as possible after teaching hours or during Mondays for extra help. Please check ahead of time to make sure I am
available. Questions are not only welcome, but also encouraged.

Let's work together for a great semester!

Grading System:

Prelim CS (60%) + EX (40%) = Prelim Grade (PG)

Midterm CS (60%) + EX (40%) = Midterm Grade (MG)
Finals CS (60%) + EX (40%) = Final Grade (FG)
Subject Grade = PG (30%) + MG (30%) + FG (40%)
VI. References/ Materials:
Serafica, Janice Patria J. Science, Technology, and Society, 1st ed, Rex Bookstore, 2018.

Suggested Readings

Agro-ecology: What it is and what it has to offer? Is this the future of farming?
Alan Turing: The Enigma” (Andrew Hodges and Douglas Hofstadter)
Aristotle, Nichomachean ethics, Book VI and Book X
Article: “Environmental Impacts of Nanotechnology and Its Products” (Zhang et. Al Proceedings of the 2011 Midwest Section
Conference of the American Society for Engineering Education, 2011)
Article: “Nanoethics: The ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology” (Patrick Lin and Fritz Allhoff, Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2007)
Government Documents: 1. NEDA. National Development Agenda; Regional Agenda
Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolution
Philosophy of Science (Encyclopedia). Scientific Progress, Scientific Revolutions ( progress/#SciPro)
( (
Physics of the Future: How science will shape human destiny and our daily lives by the year 2100 (Michio Kaku, Doubleday,
Article: “The politics of Golden Rice” (Dubock, Adrian GM Crops & Food. Jul-Sep2014, Vol5 Issue 3 p 210-222 13p.)

Website/Videos/Film Clips

Dayrit, Fabian M. Ppt: Can we build a culture of science through nanotechnology? (2013)
Film: Akiro Kurosawa’s Dreams “Village of the Watermills” -all-of-us-scientific-revolution
http://hti.osu.ed/scientific revolution/lesson plans countries-sdgs, stm, The ethical dilemmas of robotics
http://www/ google making us stupid/306868/, Is Google Making Us Stupid? 2008. Nicholas Carr, Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us (2000) – Bill Joy, Chief Scientist and
Corporate Executive Officer of Sun Microsystems
Movie: “A I” Isaac Asimov, “I Robot
Movie Clip (youtube): The Magician’s Twin: CS Lewis and the case against Scientism
Martin Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology
UNEP, That Sugar Film (2015) (documentary) Ppt: towards a green economy: pathways to sustainable development and poverty eradication
Video: Stephen Colbert’s interview with Neil Tyson
Youtube: World’s Greatest Inventions (3 minutes)
Youtube: Science Friction: Stem Cell Research
TED Talk: Juan Enriquez on “The Next Specieis of Human”
TEDTalk: Julian Assange on “Why the World Needs Wikileaks”
TED Talk: Ray Kurzwell on “How Technology Will Transform Us”
TEDTalk: Susan Lim on “Transplant Cells Not Organs”
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Science, Technology, and Society
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Science, Technology, and Society

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