Action Plan in Grade Level
Action Plan in Grade Level
Action Plan in Grade Level
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Bulacan
District of Obando
Facilitates learning in the
elementary school
Showed interactive
through updated and Establish challenging and measurable Teacher, Master Teacher, Attained 100% target of
Year Round instructional materials and
functional lesson plans, goals for student learning School Head comprehensive DLL
ICT integrated lessons.
daily logs and innovative
teaching strategies.
appreciation safe, positive
and motivating
Safety orderliness and cleanliness of
environment, overall Pupils were monitored their Effective waste
floors,toilets and proper waste
physical atmosphere, Year Round Teacher, pupils attendance and showed management in and out of
disposal as well as attendance
cleanliness and orderliness in classroom. the classroom.
orderliness of classrooms
proper waste disposal
Initiates discipline of
students including
Teacher, Guidance Teacher, 100% of the pupils were
classroom rules, Observe classroom rules Year Round Self-discipline is developed
Pupils observed
guidelines and individual
and group tasks
Monitors, evaluates and Increase performance level in Teacher, School Head, Performance level 100% of the targeted
Year Round
maintains pupils/ Mathematics and Reading Pupils increased performance level achieved.
students’ progress within Teacher, School Head, Reduced of numbers of
the rating period Implementation of 4f’s Year Round Increased numeracy rate.
Pupils non-numerates
Conduct Administer Oral Reading Test, PHIL-
remediation/enrichment Teacher, Master Teacher, PHIL-IRI (Pre-Test and Test are well analyzed.
programs to improve the IRI Year Round School Head, Pupils Post Test) and Oral Reading
comprehension and . Test are properly measured.
reading ability of pupils
Conduct regular/periodic Parent’s Conference was
Teacher 100% of parent’s
PTA meetings/conferences A quarterly conference among PTA Quarterly evident as per minutes and
Parents attendance
Home visit was done as
Visit parents of students evident on parents
Set visits with successful
needing academic Conduct home visitation Quarterly Teacher, Pupils, Parents acknowledgement and
monitoring agreement stated on home
visitation form
Improve teacher Attend trainings, seminars, and SLAC Semestral break Teacher, School Head, Performance of teachers Knowledge and skills in
competencies Conduct professional reading Pupils developed teaching developed
Enroll in post graduate study Year Round
Develop teaching devices Prepare devices such as:
to enhance learning Flashcard
teaching process Charts
Devices are readily
Drill cards Enhanced teaching learning
Year Round Teacher, School Head available for lesson to be
Pictures process
executed well
Self-Learning Kit
Strategic Intervention Materials
Audio-visual materials
Create an incentive
Use attendance coordinator or similar
program to
to Teacher, School Head, Reduce the number of Developed family-school
reward students who Year Round
track attendance and award Pupils, ParentsPTA Officers absenteeism relation
their attendance.