Chemistry Investigatory Project Class 12

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Kendriya Vidyalaya No.

Air force Academy
Hyderabad 500043

Chemistry Investigatory Project

On: Study Of Oxalate Ion
Content In Guava
Prepared By : Harsh Tiwari
Class : 12
This is to certify that Harsh Tiwari , student of class
XII has successfully completed the project titled
“Study Of Oxalate Ion content in guava” under the
guidance of Mr.Vijay Babu Chelli during the
academic year 2019-2020.

Signature of the
Internal Examiner

Signature of the Signature of the

External Examiner Principal

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our principal

Mr.N.Hari Prasad as well as my subject teacher MR. VIJAY BABU(PGT
chemistry) who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on the topic “Study of Oxalate ion”, which also helped me in
during a lot of research and I came to know about so many new things. I
am really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a lot in finishing this project within
the limited time. I am making this project report not only for marks but
also to increase my knowledge.


I, Harsh Tiwari of class XIIth science, Kendriya
Vidyalaya No.2 Air force Academy Dundigal
Hyderabad, declare that the project on the
“study of oxalate ion content in guava” has
been accomplished under the guidance of my
teacher, Mr Vijay Babu PGT Chemistry.

Sign :
Class XII
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Air force Academy Dundigal Hyderabad
Study on the presence of oxalate ions in guava
Oxalate(IUPAC - Ethandionate) is the dianion with the formula C2O42- also
written as (COO)2-2 either name is used for derivation, such as salts of
oxalic acid for example, sodium oxalate 2((Na)+2c2o4 2-) or ester.For
Example, Dimehyl oxalate ((CH3)2+C2O4)2 also forms coordination
compounds where it is abbreviated as ox. Many metal ions form insoluble
precipitates with oxalate, a prominent example calcium oxalate,the primary
constituents of most common kind of kidney stones. Guava, a native of
central America was introduced to India in the 17th century and lea became
naturalized in the state of Bihar. It is a small profusely branched tres,
bearing solitary white flowers. The fruits are medium sixed globozed with
whitish green skins. The fruits in berry with a pulpy ediblemeso. The guava
plant is extremely hardy and can be tolerated prolonged dry and drought
periods, but not frost. It requires 60.80 inches of rain full. It is capable of
growing in poor alkaline or poorly drained soils with pH ranging from 4.5
to 7.5. the plant is propogated by stem and stem cutting. It is more
successful method of cultivation. The plant yield fruits twice a year. The
important varieties are Allahabad safeda, Chiffidas, Lucknow 49, Hafasi,
Harijha, Habshie etc. sapota in a large and highly ornamental evergreen
tree that can reach a height of 15 to 45 meters. It is mainly propagated by
grafting. Which ensures the new plant has the same characteristic as the
parent, especially its fruits, as it doesnot grow true to seed. It is also
considerably faster than growing trees by seed, producing fruits in 3 to 5
years, grown from seed needs 7yrs of growth. In Florida, the fruit is
zaarrested from May to July with some cultivators available all years.
Objectives of the study
i. To study the oxalate content in Guava fruit.
ii. To compare the oxalate content of different of different days ripened
Materials and Methods
Chemicals required Dilute H2SO4, KMnO4 solution.
Apparatus Required
100 ml measuring flask, pestle and motor beaker. Filtration flask,
funnel,burette, pipette, filter paper.
Materials Required
Pulp of guava and sapota fruits at different stage of ripening,0.005N KMnO4
and dil H2SO4.
The first step is to standardized KMnO4. In order to standardize the N/20
KMnO4 sol. We prepare 0.05N oxalic acid.
Preparation of standard oxalic acid: Weight accurately about 1.2g of oxalic
acid and make up into 200ml standard flask using distileed water.
Standardization of KMnO4(Standard oxalic acid x KMnO4)
Fill up the burette with KMnO4 solution after washing and rising thje
burette. Pippet out 20ml of standard oxalic acid solution to a clean conical
flask. Add an equal amount of Dil H2SO4 and heat the mixture at 60oC.
Titrate against KMnO4 pale pink colour. Repeat titration to get concordant
value and calculate the normality of KMnO4 solution.
Standardization of free oxalate ion present present in the given fruit pulps.
PROCEDURE: Oxalate Ions re extracted from the fruit by boiling pulp with
dil.H2SO4. The oxalate ion are estimated volumetric b titrating the solution
with standard KMnO4 solution. Weight 50.0 gm of fresh guava and crush is
to a fine pulp using pestle motor. Transfer the crushed pulp to a beaker and
add upto 50 ml of dil. H2SO4 to it. Boil the content for about 10 min. Cool
and filter the content upto 100 ml measuring flask make up the vlolume
upto 100ml standard measuring flask. Take in to a titration flask and add
20ml of dil H2SO4 acid to it. Heat the mixture to about 60oC and titrate it
against N/20 KMnO4 solution taken in a burette. The end point in
appearance of permanent pale pink color. Repeat the above experiment
with 50.0 gm of 1,2,3,4 days old Guava fruit.
Calculation of strength of oxalic acid
Equivalent weight of oxalic acid = 63
Normality of oxalic acid = Weight (ltr)/Equivalent Weight
= 0.7 X 5.63
Normality of oxalic acid = 0.06N
Calculation of strength of KMnO4
Volume of oxalic acid V1 = 20ml
Strength of oxalic acid N1 = 00.061N
Volume of KMnO4 V2 = 23
Normality of KMnO4 N2 = ?
V1N1 = V2N2
N2 = V1N1 / V2
= 20 X 0.061 / 23
Normality of KMnO4 (N2) = 0.053N
Calculation of amount of oxalate ion in guava fuit
Weight of guava fruit taken each time = 50.0 gm
Volume of guava extract taken for each titration = 20ml
Types of Burette Burette Volume of Condordant
fruits reading reading KMnO4 (ml) value
Initial Final
Fresh fruit 0 5.5 5.5 5.5
One day old 0 7.3 7.3 7.3
Two days old 0 8.2 8.2 8.2
Three days old 0 8.9 8.9 8.9
Four days old 0 9.6 9.6 9.6
Five days old 0 10.3 10.3 10.3

i) For fresh guava fruit

Volume of KMnO4 solution V1 = 5.5ml
Normality of KMnO4 (N1) = 0.053N
Volume of guava extract V2 = 20ml
Normality of oxalate ion in the guava extract N2 = ?
V1N1 = V2N2
N2 = V1N1 / V2
N2 = 5.5 X 0.053/20
= 0.014575 N
Amount of oxalate ions in 1000g fresh guava extract
= 0.03054 X 44 X 2
= 1.2826 g/ltr

Result and Discussion

Sample Weight of oxalate ion in 50g of guava fruits (g/ltr)

Fresh guava 1.2826
First day guava 1.70236
Second days guava 1.9096
Third day guava 2.0754
Fourth day guava 2.2
This project centered upon estimating the amount of oxalate present in the
Sapota and guava fruits during ripening. The oxalate content was on the
increase in both the fruits and the days passed on, this is the ripening
proceeded. It should be noted that the increase in oxalate content was mare
in Sapota than in guava. The presence of oxalate in injurious to health.
Oxalate rich foods are usually restricted to some degree, particularly in
patients with high urine oxalate level. Guava and Sapota fruit have the
highest percentage of Vitamin C among citrus fruits. It also contains oxalate
amount of which varies with ripening of the fruit. During ripening of guava
and Sapota fruit, the oxalate content increases progressively and the fully
ripe fruit has the maximum oxalate content. Oxalate forms an insoluble
complex with calcium in the urine, or hyper – oxaluria, is even more
important to stone formation than high levels of calcium or hypercalcicura.
Excessive intake of food and drink containing oxalate leads to calcium
oxalate stone. Also, excessive intake of Vitamin C which metabolized to
oxalate may lead to hyper calcicuria and an incre4ase in stone formation.
Pain medications can be prescribed for symptoms relief. Surgical
techniques have also been developed to remove kidneys stones. Rather
than having to undergo treatment, it is best to avoid kidney stone in first
place. Avoid calcium rich foods and drink more water. Water helps to flush
away that form stone in the kidneys.
Chemistry textbook for class XII (NCERT)
Chemistry Laboratory manual


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