Questionnaire Smaw
Questionnaire Smaw
Questionnaire Smaw
Please check the box that corresponds to your response. Please check the box that corresponds to your response.
Age: Age:
Gender: Gender:
11-below 17-18 11-below 17-18
12-13 19-20 Female 12-13 19-20 Female
14-16 21-above Male 14-16 21-above Male
Education: Education:
Elementary Grade 10 Elementary Grade 10
Grade 7 Grade 11 Grade 7 Grade 11
Grade 8 Grade 12 Grade 8 Grade 12
Grade 9 HS Graduate Grade 9 HS Graduate
Daily Allowance: Daily Allowance:
0-10 16-20 31-41 0-10 16-20 31-41
51-above 51-above
10-15 21-30 41-50 10-15 21-30 41-50
Buer Bayaoas Calsib Buer Bayaoas Calsib
San Jose Niñoy San Jose San Jose Niñoy San Jose
Bocacliw If others, please specify: Bocacliw If others, please specify:
Part 2: Products Part 2: Products
Please check the box that corresponds to your response. Please check the box that corresponds to your response.
1. Do you like popcorn? Yes No 1. Do you like popcorn? Yes No
With Without With Without
2. How do you like popcorn? 2. How do you like popcorn?
cheese cheese cheese cheese
With Without With Without
1. How do you like siomai? 1. How do you like siomai?
sauce sauce sauce sauce
2. Which kind of cooking to do prefer? Steamed Fried 2. Which kind of cooking to do prefer? Steamed Fried
Meat Meat
1. What kind of shanghai to do you like (pork, 1. What kind of shanghai to do you like (pork,
Veggies Veggies
better? beef, better? beef,
chicken) chicken)
₱5 for 2 ₱10 for 5 ₱5 for 2 ₱10 for 5
2. How much are you willing to pay? 2. How much are you willing to pay?
pieces pieces pieces pieces
1. What size of banana do you like for Half Whole 1. What size of banana do you like for Half Whole
turon? Banana Banana turon? Banana Banana
Half Whole Half Whole
Banana Banana Banana Banana
2. Which would you likely buy? 2. Which would you likely buy?
Turon for Turon for Turon for Turon for
₱3 each ₱5 each ₱3 each ₱5 each
1. How much sugar coating do you More 1. How much sugar coating do you More
Less sugar Less sugar
prefer? sugar prefer? sugar
2. How much are you will to pay for 2. How much are you will to pay for
₱ 6.00 ₱ 10.00 ₱ 6.00 ₱ 10.00
each bag of Banana Chips? each bag of Banana Chips?