Dehusking Machine Research Paper
Dehusking Machine Research Paper
Dehusking Machine Research Paper
The coconut palm (cocos nucifera) is found all over the globe, where it has
mingled into the lives of the local people. It provides almost all the requirements
of humans such as food, drink, fire woods, medicines, domestic utensils etc.
Because of these reasons, it has been called the “tree of heaven’’ and ‘’tree of
life’’. Each part of the tree has its own commercial value that can be formed into
various products and usages including to cater for traditional and modern
needs. In the Philippine statistics indicated that areas planted with coconut
covers 3.517 M hectares equivalent to 26% of the total agricultural land (PSA,
2015). Sixty eight (68) out of (81) provinces are considered coconut areas
representing 1,195 coconut municipalities. In year 2015, the recorded number
of bearing trees reached 329.9 million with an average production of 14,902
billion nuts in the last three years (PCA, 2017).
This study proposes on the design and manufacturing of coconut husking,
cutting and grating machine consists of three operations, namely peeling of
coconut fibers, husking of coconut, breaking the coconut into two parts , cutting
and grating of coconut, removing out the copra (edible white part). For husking
process, the method selected for removing the fibers is the opposite
movements of toothed shafts whose spiked pins are inserted into the fibrous
layer of coconut for its removal. If copra is the desirable product then it will be
sent to cutting process where it will be cut into two halves. After this, grating will
be executed.Sub-assemblies of each operation are made separately to test the
working of each process without any interference.
Statement of the Problem
The manual husking, cutting, and grating process requires the use of the
strength in order to produce and sell a processed coconut in the market.
Presently no commercial mechanical husking, cutting, and grating has been
developed even though the manual method is hampered by poor productivity. A
machine that can easily processed the coconuts should be developed to
replace the inefficient methods, time consuming, and laborious problems of
manual process. Furthermore, this machine should produce more hourly and
daily outputs as well as minimizing the risk of manual coconut processes.
This study aims to design and fabricate a coconut machine, this is all
around process of coconut, producing a good quality of products out of coconut.
This design of machine specializes the process in husking, cutting and grating a
coconut. This study allows the authors to help the small scale coconut farmers
simplify their work, with the help of this machine they can create good quality
grated coconut with much more faster and efficient production.
Objectives of the Study
The fibrous layer also known as “coir”, is a versatile natural fiber extracted
from mesocarp tissue or husk of the coconut fruit, the general process.
Generally fiber is of brownish golden color when cleaned after removing from
coconut husk. Coir is the fibrous husk of the coconut shell. Being tough and
naturally resistant to seawater, the coir protects the fruit enough to survive
months floating on ocean currents to be washed up on a sandy shore where it
may sprout and grow into a tree, if it has enough fresh water, because all the
other nutrients it needs have been carried along with the seed. These
characteristics make the fibers quite useful in floor and outdoor mats, aquarium
filters, cordage, rope and garden mulch (Deokar, 2017).
Coconut Breaker machine
Coconut is widely used in our day to day home activities. The flesh of the
coconut is the important product used by homemakers in preparing dishes. For
this purpose, the coconut needs to be processed. The coconut is known for its
great versatility as seen in the many uses of its different parts and found
throughout the tropics and subtropics. The dimensions of the mature coconut
are very much significant as far as the machine design is concerned. Various
farms and sites were visited to comprehend the band of dimensions involved in
the mature coconut ( Sooraj,SJ ,2011 ). For breaking the coconut it is
important to hit it at the right spot. This is to ensure a proper and almost
symmetrical cutting of the coconut.
There has been no change in the way coconut is grated, for several
decades. The only change being the introduction of a motorized blade. But still,
one has to hold the coconut. But all that is set to change with the invention of an
innovative coconut grater which can do the job in just few minutes with
improved safety and convenience .
The problem with all these designs is that someone should hold the
coconut near the blade all the time. Also scraping coconut using these
machines are really time consuming and laborious. Also there is less safety
while using these scrappers (Sajil,R. 2016).
Traditional graters was also have been used by other remote countries or
rural areas, in this case grating process were also very laborious and time
consuming. With this study, the authors will conduct a semi automatic grating
process as an addition to the whole process of this coconut processing
Coconut dehusking machine
Coconut Dehusking Machine for rural small scale farm Holders comprise of
two rollers with spikes, screw conveyor, barrier plates, conveyor belt, two spur
gears and a handle was developed for small scale production in the rural areas.
The main purpose of this machine is to eliminate the skilled operator involved
in de-husking the coconut and to completely automate the dehusking. Although
coconut dehusking machines have already been demonstrated in the work and
also in some small scale industries, the process is either manual or
semiautomatic. A completely automated machine with manual loading and
unloading of coconuts will yield productivity higher than the existing process.
Because of that, the current work is mainly focused on an automated machine
for dehusking ( Rishikesh,V. 2011 ).
The flow chart of the study will start on machine design, where the authors
will plan the appropriate design to successfully dehusk, cut and grate coconut
as what is really the objectives of this study. Then, followed by materials
selection, fabrication of the machine, functionality testing, actual testing,
accumulation of data and lastly data analysis.
Machine design
Materials selection
Functionality testing
All parts No
Functional ?
Actual testing
Data gathering
Data analysis
Flow chart of the study
Materials Selection
1. Grating Tool- it is mounted on the cutter shaft itself and hence for this
process, no extra source of power is required.
- use to grate the meat of the coconut.
1. Mild Steel bars - for the supports and beams of the machine.
. Mild steel rods - for the shafts of the rollers, conveyor wheel and grating tool.
3. Pillow Block Bearings - for the support on the shafts to have efficient
transfering of power.
3. Aluminum steel - for the frames of the machine.
Theoretical Calculation
Calculation for Cutting:
According to James, et al. The required force needed in cutting a coconut
shell is 49.05 N.
The following are the projected material and labor cost of the study, listed
below the important materials needed to fabricate the machine and the quantity
of that material and their cost.
The projected cost of the study states that the total projected cost is Php
37,392. this shows that designing and fabricating coconut dehusking, cutting
and grating machine is not really expensive but this amount is only a projected
cost and may be change in some time if there is an unexpected element may
occur or additional materials needed to successfully operate this machine.
Schedule of activities of the study
Below is the table showing the schedule of activities of the project, starting
from the month of August 2019 to May 2020. Beginning in reviewing the
machine, reviewing materials needed to select followed by the garnering of the
materials needed, fabrication, testing and actual testing of the machine and
lastly accumulation and data analysis.
Au Sep Oc No De Ja Fe Ma
g t t v c n b r
Reviewing Machine Design
Reviewing Materials Selection
Buying Materials
Fabrication of the Machine
Testing of the Machine
Actual Testing of the Machine
Accumulation of Data
Data Analysis
Working principle of the machine
The working principle of this study coconut dehusking, cutting and grating
machine starts in dehusking process then will be followed by cutting process
and lastly the grating process of the coconut.
The following will be the chronological order of the coconut dehusking,
cutting and grating machine:
1. Dehusking process
In this process, the dry coconut will be place at the top of the two spiked
rollers, this spiked rollers will be driven by the belt and pulley powered by
the electric motor. In this process the husk of the dry coconut will be remove
leaving only the shell of the dry coconut, as the dry coconut will be peeled,
it will rolls down to the rotating conveyor.
2. Cutting process
In this process, the peeled or dehusked coconut will be cut into half,
being delivered by the rotating conveyor to the cutting blade where the
cutting process will be held. The cutting blade will be driven by the belt and
pulley powered by the electric motor. The cut coconut will be drop into the
cut coconut storage that is located where the cut coconut will fall because
of the gravity.
3. Grating process
The cutter blade is placed at the upper part of the rotating conveyor. It
has 33cm diameter, and being driven by the 2hp electric motor.
3. Grater blade
The grater blade is connected at the shaft of the roller blade so they
share the same amount of power from the electric motor with 2hp. It has
6.5cm diameter with blades that good enough to grate the meat of the
Solidworks Design of the Proposed Machine
Left view
Right view
Top view
Front view