SciTok Experiment Mechanic
SciTok Experiment Mechanic
SciTok Experiment Mechanic
Key Considerations:
- Accessibility: Ensure that the experiments are simple, safe, and use readily available materials.
- Visual Appeal: Encourage students to use creative filming techniques, engaging music, and visually
captivating elements.
-Educational Value: Emphasize the scientific concepts behind the experiments and encourage
students to explain them clearly.
-Community Building: Encourage students to interact with each other, share their experiments, and
learn from each other’s successes and failures.
SciTokperiment Rubric
3- 2 - Needs
Criteria 5 - Excellent 4 - Good 1 - Poor
Satisfactory Improvement
Concept is Concept is Concept is
Concept is Concept is
highly somewhat unclear or
Concept engaging and moderately
engaging, engaging but irrelevant to
Selection relevant to the engaging but
relevant, and lacks clarity or the
task. lacks depth.
challenging. relevance. challenge.
Demonstrates Some
Shows Little Lacks
exceptional creativity,
creativity in creativity creativity;
Creativity & creativity in but approach
approach, with displayed; visuals or
Originality execution, with may be
interesting visuals or ideas are not
unique visuals common or
visuals or ideas. ideas are basic. engaging.
or ideas. predictable.
Explanation of
the scientific Explanation Explanation
Explanation is Explanation
concept is is somewhat contains
Scientific mostly accurate is mostly
accurate, accurate but inaccuracies or
Accuracy and clearly inaccurate or
thorough, and lacks clarity is hard to
communicated. confusing.
clearly or depth. understand.
Good use of Adequate Weak visuals Visuals are
use of visuals
visuals that visuals, but that detract ineffective or
Visual that enhance
effectively may not fully from missing,
Presentation understanding
support the support the understanding reducing
explanation. explanation. the concept. clarity.
engaging, with
Engaging, with Somewhat Limited Lacks
effective use of
good use of engaging, engagement; engagement;
Engagement captions, but pacing or captions or video is hard
music, and
music, and captions may pacing are to follow or
pacing to keep
pacing. be lacking. weak. dull.
Concept is
Concept is
explained in a Concept is Explanation
explained but Explanation is
very clear and explained is very
Clarity & may include unclear or too
simple manner, clearly, with unclear or
Simplicity unclear or complex for
understandable minor overly
complex the audience.
for a wide complexity. complicated.
Captions are Captions and
Captions and
catchy, concise, Captions are hashtags are Captions and
Innovation in hashtags are
and hashtags creative and adequate, hashtags are
Captions & weak or
are highly hashtags are though not missing or
Hashtags minimally
relevant to the relevant. particularly irrelevant.
concept. creative.
3- 2 - Needs
Criteria 5 - Excellent 4 - Good 1 - Poor
Satisfactory Improvement
Scientific analysis of Good analysis Satisfactory Little to no
analysis of
Process/Failurefailure, with of failure, with analysis of analysis of
failure, with
Reflection (forclear a reasonable failure but the failure;
Experiment Failexplanation and explanation and lacks depth no solutions
Challenge) insightful solution. in solutions. offered.
or solutions.
Debate is Debate is
Debate is Debate is
respectful, with generally Debate lacks
Respectful respectful with somewhat
well-supported respectful respect or is
Dialogue (for mostly well- respectful but
arguments and but may lack poorly
SciTok Debate) supported lacks depth in
a balance of strong supported.
arguments. arguments.
viewpoints. evidence.