Notes in Purposive Communication 6
Notes in Purposive Communication 6
Notes in Purposive Communication 6
Cluttered writing:
I found the Dulaang UP play “Haring Lear” (King Lear) to be not just
entertaining but because insightful because I felt the Tagalog translation
effectively and humorously conveyed the spirit of Shakespeare’s original
dysfunctional family, To a contemporary Filipino audience.
Tighter Writing:
The Dulaang UP play “Haring Lear” (King Lear) was not just
entertaining but insightful because the Tagalog translation effectively and
humorously conveyed the spirit of Shakespeare’s original dysfunctional
family to a contemporary Filipino audience.
A writer’s voice is not enough for his opinion alone cannot prove or disprove
anything. He mays start with his original argument but should be followed up by
arguments with facts, concrete illustrations and examples. As mentioned by Google
Scholar researchers “stand on the shoulder of giants”.
One final important myth to debunk is that academic paper deals with topics
that are likely to bore both the writer and the reader. In reality, student writers are
often allowed to select their own topics within a more general area specified by the
teacher, the course or the discipline. Academics often identify their research
interests, that is, subjects or questions that they are eager to engage with and
study. Later, when they have studied more on these subjects, these research
interests become areas of expertise. A student should begin by considering the
topics that are particularly interesting and relevant for him/her. These are topics
he or she would like to find out more about.