Chapter 6: Environmental Systems
Chapter 6: Environmental Systems
Conventional Construction Method: Conventional building method is defined as components
of the building that are pre- fabricated on site through the processes or timber or plywood formwork
installation, steel reinforcement and cast in-site. Conventional building is, mostly built of reinforced
concrete frames. The traditional construction method uses formwork.
Reinforced concrete has a high compressive strength compared to other building materials.
Due to provided reinforcement, reinforced concrete can also withstand a good amount of tensile stress.
Fire and weather resistance of reinforced concrete is fair. The reinforced concrete building system is
more durable than any other building system. As a fluid material, in the beginning, can be economically
molded into a nearly limitless range of shapes. The maintenance cost of reinforced concrete is very low.
In the structure like footings, dams, piers, etc. reinforced concrete is the most economical construction
material. It acts like rigid member with minimum deflection. As reinforced concrete can be molded to
any shape required, it is widely use in precast structural components. It yields rigid members with
minimum apparent deflection. Compared to the use of steel in structure, reinforced concrete requires
less skilled labor for the erection of the structure.
The power supply of the facility is provided by PENELCO. But, aside of tapping power from the
main power supply, in times that there will be a power interruption there will be a back- up power using
diesel generator.
Diesel generating sets are use in places without connection to a power grid, or as emergency power
supply if the grid fails, as well as for more complex applications such as peak-lopping, grid support and
export to the power grid.
Conventional sources would also be considered such as green technology including solar power, use of
LED lights for down lights and O.R. Lights, recent developments in LEDs permit them to be used in
environmental and task lighting. LEDs have many advantages over incandescent light sources including
lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved physical strength, smaller size, and faster
The search light fitting would be suitable for installing on the roof of the watch tower cabin.
It is designed to offer an energy-efficient solution for large spaces.
MAKO HVLS fans require much less energy than traditional HVAC systems plus it rings comfort because
of the gentle cooling breeze it exhausts, making this beneficial in the long run. Since it runs at low speed
s, it also reduces the consumption of the energy thereby helping the environment.
It is often used to supplement HVAC (heating,ventilation,and air conditioning) systems as they give
stronger cooling effect while at the same time supports constant temperature and humidity.
A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often
in emergency situations. It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire, such as one which has
reached the ceiling, endangers the user or otherwise requires the expertise of a fire department.
A fire hose (or fire hose) is a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant (such as
foam) to a fire to extinguish it. Outdoors, it attaches either to a fire engine or a fire hydrant. Indoors, it
can permanently attach to a building's standpipe or plumbing system.
Water supply
Water supply is tapped from the pilar water supply and the project will use overhead water tank
for storing water.
Rainwater harvesting provides an independent water supply during regional water restrictions,
and in developed countries, is often used to supplement the main provides water when a
drought occurs, can help mitigate flooding of low-lying areas, reduces demand on wells which may
enable groundwater levels to be sustained. It also helps in the availability of potable water, as rainwater
is substantially free of salinity and other salts. Application of rainwater harvesting in urban water system
provides a substantial benefit for both water supply and waste water subsystems by reducing the need
for clean water distribution system, less generated storm water in sewer system and a reduction in
storm water runoff polluting freshwater bodies.
It includes physical, biological and sometimes chemical processes to remove pollutants. Its aim is
to produce environmentally safe sewage water, called effluent, and a solid waste, called sludge or bio
solids, suitable for disposal or reuse. Reuse is often for agricultural purposes, but more recently, sludge
is being used as fuel source.
Water from mains, used by manufacturing, farming, houses (toilets, baths, showers, kitchens,
sinks), hospitals, commercial and industrial sites, is reduced in quality as a result of introduction of
contaminating constituents. Organic wastes, suspended solids, bacteria, nitrates, phosphates, are
pollutants that must be removed.
The law is all about solid waste management wherein the law required all barangay levels to
have a proper segregation and to have material recovery facilities (MRF), so that there is a proper
segregation between biodegradable like cartons and non-biodegradable like plastics. Those recovered
non-biodegradable likewise can be converted to cash and can be recycled.
Plants are selected according to their physical characteristics, duration and maintenance. Plants
shall not be higher in 12 inches height to avoid hiding of contrabands.
Creeping peanut
Best growth takes place in the warm rainy season but it can survive dry seasons of 4 months or more.
During very dry conditions aerial growth may die off. Plants regrow vigorously with the onset warm and
humid weather.
This is a fairly common house plant in the country. The leaves are used for foliage and flower
arrangements, while stems with some leaves are commonly sold and peddled on streets as lucky plants!
There are species of dracena that were naturalized in the country and are planted in the provinces of
quezon, batangas, laguna, Rizal, bulacan.
Cordyline- ti plants
They are commonly planted in provinces Laguna, quezon, batangas, Rizal and are sold in dangwa
as ornamental cut foliage and ornamental plants. People tend to soak the stems on water to make them
root and their colorful purplish leaves are an added delight. In one town festival, I took some cuttings of
this colorful plant, since the town folks are again throwing them after the festival. They also considered
as lucky plants and it is native to tropical southeastern Asia, Papua New Guinea, Melanesia, Indian
Ocean and parts of Polynesia.
Accessibility system between structures such as pedestrian crossings, ramps, and provisions for
car parking should be incorporated in the design. Minimum requirements of these systems were
adopted in the implementing rules BP 344.
1. Accessible ramps
1.1 Changes in level shall require a ramp except when served by a dropped sidewalk, curb ramp, an
elevator, or other mechanical device.
1.2 Accessible ramps shall have the following facilities and features:
1.2.3 For accessible ramps 3m or more in width, provide intermediate handrails at the center. Use of double “J’’
type handrail supports are recommended.
1.2.4 Maximum length of 6.00 m. accessible ramps with a total length longer than 6.00 m shall be provided with.
Ramp dimensions
1.2.5 Level area not less than 1.80 m at the top and bottom of any ramp.
1.2.6 Handrails on both sides of the ramp at 700mm and 900mm from the floor of the ramp.
1.2.7 300 mm long extension of the handrail shall be provided at the top and bottom of the ramps.
1.2.8 Curbs on both sides of the ramp with a minimum height of 100mm.
1.3 Any ramp with a rise greater than 170mm and leads down towards an area where vehicular traffic is
possible, should have a railing across the full width of its lower end, not less than 1.80 meters from the
foot of the ramp.
Ramps and vehicular traffic
2.1 slip resistant materials shall have a coefficient of friction of 0.6 for level surfaces and 0.8 for sloping
surfaces (ASTM).
2.2.3 Have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture.
2.2.5 Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to floor surfaces and have trim along the entire length of
the exposed edges
3.1 handrails shall be required for accessible ramps for changes in grade higher than 170mm.
3.2 handrails shall be installed at both sides of ramps and stairs. Handrails may be provided at dropped
sidewalks but should not be installed beyond the width of any crossing so as not to obstruct pedestrian
3.3 handrails shall be installed at 900mm and 700 mm above stairs or ramps.
3.4 Railings for protection should be installed at a height of 1100mm minimum, measured from the top
of the rail to the finish floor for ramps, balconies, landings, or porches which are more than 750mm
above adjacent grade. These shall be installed in addition to the handrails required for ramps.
3.5 A 300 mm long extension of the handrail shall be provided at the top and bottom of ramps and
3.6 Handrails and grab bars that require full grip should have an outside diameter of 38mm (minimum)
to 45 mm (maximum)
3.7 Handrails attached to walls should have a minimum clear distance of 50 mm from the wall. Handrails
on ledges should have a minimum clear distance of 40 mm.
3.8 stair handrails shall be continuous throughout the entire length and around landings less than
2100mm in length, except where it is intersected by an alternative path of ravel or has an entry door
leading into it.
4. Parking
Where parking spaces are required to be provided, the number of accessible parking lots for vehicles
driven by persons with disabilities or vehicles with passengers with disabilities shall be in accordance
with table below:
Accessible parking slot requirement
4.2 Parking slots for persons with disabilities should allow enough space for a person to transfer from a
vehicle to a wheelchair.
4.3 accessible parking slots shall be located nearest to accessible main entrance
4.4 PWDs should be on board the vehicle to be able to use the reserved parking space for PWDs (for
control use). In addition, an access parking sticker/card is required with control number.
4.5 Whenever and wherever possible, accessible parking slots should be perpendicular or to an angle to
the road or circulation aisles.
4.6 parallel parking is discouraged unless it can be situated so that the persons entering and exiting
vehicles will be out of the flow of traffic.
4.7.2 A walkway with a minimum clear width of 1.20 m. provided between the front ends of parked cars.
4.7.3 Dropped sidewalks or curb ramps leading to the parking level where access walkways are raised.
Accessible parking slot
4.8 parking slots for persons with disabilities shall never be located a ramped or sloping areas.
4.9 for multi-storey indoor parking structures, accessible parking slots shall be located right next to
accessible elevators, or as close as possible to accessible pedestrian entrances.
4.10 In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking slots shall
be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances.
4.11 in parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking shall be located on the
shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility.
4.12 for all accessible parking slots provide the following signage:
4.12.1 Pole mounted parking signage, 600mm x 600 mm in size and mounted at a minimum clear height
of 2.00 m from the parking floor.
4.12.2 Pavement sign painted or marked on the designated lot complying with the following:
(a) Square with dimensions of at least 1.00 m but not more than 1.50 m
(b) Be located in the center of the accessible parking slot. (c) The international symbol of access shall be
composed of a white symbolized figure of person in a wheelchair with a square background in UN blue
color. The symbolized figure shall always face to right.
4. Open spaces
4.1 where open spaces are provided, persons with visual impairment can become particularly
disoriented. Therefore it is extremely helpful if sidewalks/walkways or paths can be given defined edges
either through the use of planters with dwarf walls, or a grass verge, or similar, which provides a texture
different from path. Tactile surfaces/markings should be provided.
4.2 provide pedestrian dominated priority zones in commercial complexes, to create a feeling of safety
particularly persons with disability.
In system of pathways such as crossings, dropped curbs, dropped sidewalks, sidewalk textured surface
treatment and signages should be considered throughout the design. Standard dimensions implemented
by BP 344 are as follows:
5. Signages
5.1 symbol of access- the international symbol of access shall be composed of a white symbolized figure
of a person in a wheelchair with a square background in UN blue color.
5.2 directional and informational(audio, visual, and tactile) signages shall be located at points that can
be convniently seen, heard, and felt by all persons with disabilities.
5.3 signages should be kept simple and easy to understand. Signages should be made of contrasting
colors and contrasting gray value to make detection and reading easy. Tactile maps shall be provided to
guide persons with visual impairment.
Security systems
The use of CCTV cameras will help to ensure the safety of children. here will find out who
intends to enter or get rid of or do bad inside the facilities.