Second Periodict Test in EPP 6 - 2
Second Periodict Test in EPP 6 - 2
Second Periodict Test in EPP 6 - 2
1. A source of supply, support or aid especially one that can be readily drawn upon needed._____.
A. Management C. Salary
B. Resources D. Money
2. It is the act or manner of managing, handling, direction or control.
A. Energy C. Management
B. Resources D. Time
3. It is a resource which falls under Human Resources.
A. Energy C. Work
B. Time D. Savings
4. A kind of resources where Time is an example of it.
A. Family C. Non-material resources
B. Material Resources D. Human resources
5. It is a resource that comes from within the people.It includes skills, knowledge, talents etc.
A. Human Resources C. Non-material resources
B. Material resources D. Cultural resources
6. It is a current medium of exchange in the form of coins and banknotes.
A. Cheque C. Salary
B. Income D. Money
7. It is amoneyreceived, especially on a regular basis, for work or through investments.
A. Cheque C. Money
B. Income D. Salary
8. A family should have aknowledge of this to know how much is spent for family needs and where the income goes.
A. Planning C. Saving
B. Spending D. Budgeting
9. Something that a person must have in order to live.
A. Money C. Needs
B. Wants D. Foods
10. These are the things we don’t really need but would like to have.
A. Money C. Needs
B. Wants D. Foods
11. These are the factors that need to be considered when budgeting except for one.
A. Size of the family C. Talents and abilities of each member
B. Family income D. Friends of the family
12. These are the items that included in the budget except for one.
A. Social needs C. Entertainment and Sports
B. Shelter and education D. Savings/emergency budget
13. This is a sewing tool that has one sharp end and a hole at the end to make the thread pass through.
A. Tracing wheel C. Tailors chalk
B. Soft pencil D. Needle
14. This small scissors are designed for needle work.
A. Pinking shears C. Embroidery scissors
B. Thread clippers D. Light trimmer
15. Used to have accurate curved lines in skirts.
A. Ruler C. Tailors Square
B. Curved Stick D. Hem gauge
16. It is used in taking body measurements, for drafting, altering and laying out patterns on the fabric and in actual sewing.
A. Ruler C. Tape measure
B. Tailor”s square D. Hem marker
17. This is the gadget worn on the middle finger of the right hand for protection while sewing.
A. Pins C. Thread
B. Thimble D. Pin cushion
18. These are essential for pattern alterations and body measurements to ensure a good garment fit, measurements should be taken
often and accurately.
A. Cutting tools C. Stitching tools
B. Marking tools D. Measuring tools
19. These are very important to moving the sewing project along to completion. It should be of the best quality that you can afford.
The best quality that are made of high grade stainless steel. It should be kept in good working order by periodic sharpening.
A. Cutting tools C. Pressing tools
B. Marking tools D. Measuring tools
20. Instruments that aid in accomplishing a sewing task. It can be manipulated by hands
A. Cutting tools C. Stitching tools
B. Marking tools D. Measuring tools
21. These are used to transfer the pattern symbols onto the fabric to accurately make the garment. It is essential to transfer these
symbols for correct fitting and sewing.
A. Pressing tools C. Stitching tools
B. Marking tools D. Measuring tools
22. It blends the stitches into the fabric, flattening and smoothing any puckers that may have occurred during sewing.
A. Cutting C. Pressing
B. Marking D. Measuring
23. It is the first step in making a good sewing project.
A. Project Planning C. Preparing Materials
B. Drawing/Designing D. Preparing the Fabric
24. What is the primary use of a project plan?
A. To develop the skills in careful planning for a project.
B. To document planning assumptions and decisions, project design, marketability and profitability.
C. Help us become quality conscious in any project we intend to engage ourselves in.
D. Consider the quality of the materials to be used in the project.
25. These are the steps in preparing the fabric before sewing except for one.
A. Soak cotton fabric overnight in water.
B. Hang to dry. Do not wring.
C. Check the fibers-lengthwise fibers (warp) should be straight.
D. Selvage should not be trimmed.
26. Which is not a Concern in Making Pillowcases/Table Runner and in Selling them?
A. Materials needed C. Location
B. Cost of Capital D. Marketing Strategy
27. It is a fabric that appropriate to wear in tropical countries and it is a good conductor of heat.
A. Linen C. Silk
B. Cotton D. Rayon
28. It is a fabric similar to silk.
A. Rayon C. Cotton
B. Linen D. Corduroy
29. It is popularly called the summer fiber.
A. Silk C. Linen
B. Cotton D. Sinamay
30. _____is the process of preparing food for future consumption by preventing its spoilage.
A. Food Processing C. Smoking
B. Canning D. Food Preservation
31. A type of food preservation that preserves food by lowering the moisture content below at which microorganisms can grow and
A. Salting C. Processing
B. Drying D. Freezing
32. The preservation of food in brine or vinegar with or without bacterial fermentation is called_______.
A. Pickling C. Salting
B. Processing D. Freezing
33. The following are the tools and equipment used in preparing Pickled Papaya except for __________.
A. Grater C. Squeezer
B. Slicer D. Blender
34. It is one of the factors to consider in selection of food items to be processed.
A. Market Demands C. Market Value
B. People in the community D. Cost of Food
35. Cleanliness and sanitation not only includes maintenance of clean and well-sanitized surfaces of all equipment but also proper
disposal of_____.
A. Food C. Wastes
B. Materials D. Equipment
36. It is the presentation of a product in a particular way, the materials in which objects are wrapped before being sold.
A. Advertising C. Packaging
B. Marketing D. Processing
37. The activity or profession or producing information for promoting the sale or commercial products or services.
A. Advertising C. Packaging
B. Marketing D. Processing
38. ___is the money that is made in a business after all the costs and expenses are paid.
A. Cost of Sales C. Gross Income
B. Expenses D. Profit
39. It includes all the costs related to the sale transactions such as production costs, marketing and other incidental expenses.
A. Net Income C. Total Expenses
B. Sales of Goods D. Total Income
40. The formula in computing the net profit is__________.
A. Total Income+ Total Expenses= Net Profit
B. Total Income- Total Expenses= Net Profit
C. Total Income- Sales of Goods= Net Profit
D. Total Income+ Sales of Goods= Net Profit
TOTAL 100%
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. D
19. A
20. C
21. B
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. C
27. B
28. A
29. C
30. D
31. B
32. A
33. D
34. A
35. C
36. C
37. A
38. D
39. C
40. B
41. F
42. F
43. T
44. T
45. T
46. P 8,000.00
47. P 5,000.00
48. P 2,000.00
49. P 2,000.00
50. P 3,000.00