Az 300

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This course prepares you for Exam AZ-300.

Topics Covered in this Course

 Selecting Compute and Storage Solutions

 Developing Azure Cognitive Services Solutions
 Creating Web Applications using PaaS
 : Implementing Advanced Virtual Networking
 Securing Identities
 Using Azure Kubernetes Service This module focuses on the Azure
 Managing Identities
 Evaluating and Performing Server Migration to Azure
 Deploying and Managing Virtual Machines (VMs)
 : Creating Apps and Services Running on Service Fabric
 Implementing Secure Data
 Implementing and Managing Application Services
 Configuring a Message-Based Integration Architecture
 Measuring Throughput and Structure of Data Access
 Implementing and Managing Storage
 Developing for Asynchronous Processing
 : Developing for Autoscaling
 Hybrid Networking
 Managing Azure Subscriptions and Resources
 Developing Long-Running Tasks and Distributed Transactions
 Configuring and Managing Virtual Networks
Deploy and configure infrastructure (25-30%)
Analyze resource utilization and consumption

 configure diagnostic settings on resources

 create baseline for resources
 create and rest alerts
 analyze alerts across subscription
 analyze metrics across subscription
 create action groups
 monitor for unused resources
 monitor spend
 report on spend
 utilize Log Search query functions
 view alerts in Azure Monitor logs

Create and configure storage accounts

 configure network access to the storage account

 create and configure storage account
 generate shared access signature
 install and use Azure Storage Explorer
 manage access keys
 monitor activity log by using Azure Monitor logs
 implement Azure storage replication

Create and configure a Virtual Machine (VM) for Windows and Linux

 configure high availability

 configure monitoring, networking, storage, and virtual machine size
 deploy and configure scale sets

Automate deployment of Virtual Machines (VMs)

 Modify Azure Resource Manager template

 configure location of new VMs
 configure VHD template
 deploy from template
 save a deployment as an Azure Resource Manager template
 deploy Windows and Linux VMs
Implement solutions that use virtual machines (VM)

 provision VMs
 create Azure Resource Manager templates
 configure Azure Disk Encryption for VMs

Create connectivity between virtual networks

 create and configure VNET peering

 create and configure VNET to VNET
 verify virtual network connectivity
 create virtual network gateway

Implement and manage virtual networking

 configure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface,

subnets, and virtual network

Manage Azure Active Directory (AD)

 add custom domains

 configure Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure AD Join, and Enterprise State
 configure self-service password reset
 implement conditional access policies
 manage multiple directories
 perform an access review

Implement and manage hybrid identities

 install and configure Azure AD Connect

 configure federation and single sign-on
 manage Azure AD Connect
 manage password sync and writeback
Implement workloads and security (20-25%)
Migrate servers to Azure

 migrate by using Azure Site Recovery

 migrate using P2V
 configure storage
 create a backup vault
 prepare source and target environments
 backup and restore data
 deploy Azure Site Recovery agent
 prepare virtual network

Configure serverless computing

 manage a Logic App resource

 manage Azure Function app settings
 manage Event Grid
 manage Service Bus

Implement application load balancing

 configure application gateway and load balancing rules

 implement front end IP configurations
 manage application load balancing

Integrate on-premises network with Azure virtual network

 create and configure Azure VPN Gateway

 create and configure site to site VPN
 configure Express Route
 verify on-premises connectivity
 manage on-premises connectivity with Azure

Manage role-based access control (RBAC)

 create a custom role

 configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles
 configure management access to Azure
 troubleshoot RBAC
 implement RBAC policies
 assign RBAC roles
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

 enable MFA for an Azure tenant

 configure user accounts for MFA
 configure fraud alerts
 configure bypass options
 configure trusted IPs
 configure verification methods
 manage role-based access control (RBAC)
 implement RBAC policies
 assign RBAC Roles
 create a custom role
 configure access to Azure resources by assigning roles
 configure management access to Azure

Create and deploy apps (5-10%)

Create web apps by using PaaS

 create an Azure App Service Web App

 create documentation for the API
 create an App Service Web App for containers
 create an App Service background task by using WebJobs
 enable diagnostics logging

Design and develop apps that run in containers

 configure diagnostic settings on resources

 create a container image by using a Docker file
 create an Azure Kubernetes Service
 publish an image to the Azure Container Registry
 implement an application that runs on an Azure Container Instance
 manage container settings by using code
Implement authentication and secure data (5-10%)
Implement authentication

 implement authentication by using certificates, forms-based

authentication, tokens, or Windows-integrated authentication
 implement multi-factor authentication by using Azure AD
 implement OAuth2 authentication
 implement Managed identities for Azure resources Service Principal

Implement secure data solutions

 encrypt and decrypt data at rest and in transit

 encrypt data with Always Encrypted
 implement Azure Confidential Compute and SSL/TLS communications
 create, read, update, and delete keys, secrets, and certificates by using the
KeyVault API

Develop for the cloud and for Azure storage (20-25%)

Develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storage

 create, read, update, and delete data by using appropriate APIs

 implement partitioning schemes
 set the appropriate consistency level for operations

Develop solutions that use a relational database

 provision and configure relational databases

 configure elastic pools for Azure SQL Database
 create, read, update, and delete data tables by using code

Configure a message-based integration architecture

 configure an app or service to send emails, Event Grid, and the Azure Relay
 create and configure Notification Hub, Event Hub, and Service Bus
 configure queries across multiple products
Develop for autoscaling

 implement autoscaling rules and patterns (schedule, operational/system metrics,

code that addresses singleton application instances)
 implement code that addresses transient state

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