Review of Related Literatures and Studies LLLL
Review of Related Literatures and Studies LLLL
Review of Related Literatures and Studies LLLL
In this chapter, the literatures and studies were carefully selected and deliberated upon on
the basis of relatively and reliability of the information presented. This literatures and studies
help the researchers to have an evidence and proof to their study. Also, this chapter discusses the
Foreign Literature
and manage stressful conditions. I fit is not handled well, the stressors that originated from
financial problems, sleep deprivation, societal activities and many more can affect student’s
ability to perform.
scientifically defined that coping as the sum of cognitive and behavioral effort, which are
constantly changing, that aim to handle particular demands, whether internal or external, that are
viewed as demanding.
Students need to develop different coping strategies for them to manage stressful
condition every day. If students were not able to manage his/her stress, the stressors coming from
financial problems, sleep deprivation, societal activities and many more can affect the ability of
students to perform.
Pargman, D. (2016), One type is about academic expectation and achievements, and the
other is about social factors, such as maintaining and developing social connections, etc. Studies
show that the mental stresses of college students come from two aspects: one is the personal
stress, including stress from family, stress from adaptability, stress from health, stress from
relationship, stress from low self- esteem, and stress from frustration. The other is the social
environmental stress, including stress from interpersonal communication, stress from occupation
choice, emotional stress, stress from college environment, and stress from study.
Many college students marked themselves as being depressed since first that makes the
reason why academic issues, loneliness, financial and difficult social relationship problems
becomes a stress encounter by those college students and 9% of those students were reported
suicidal ideation. In preferring the present study it may include the same attributes on academic
issues, loneliness, financial and social relationship problems. All of those people encounter stress
that leads to rapid bodily changing which makes feelings of emotions unrest causing the body
strains with the body part. Repeated stressful situations, may lead to cause rapid tension and
Stress comes from the medical dictionary that dwells on any situation which brings to
evokes negative thoughts and feeling among those persons, this means that people been
encounter stress will have different experiences in times of dealing the pressure. Stress can lead
to different outcomes. It depends on people and the way they can cope up with this. It is
important that the persons who have been influenced by the individual’s ability will effectively
adapt a kind of situations, but they may be differ in dealing with it (Segal, 2013).
(Mallow, 2015) in his research, “Science Anxiety: Research and Action”, he explained
that the Science anxiety is related to general anxiety and to field of study, but not significantly to
national group. He conducted interviews with eleven groups of Danish and American students.
The interview topics included gender and national components of science education, science
anxiety, and attitudes toward school activities. The interviews revealed a variety of relationships
between and among science attitudes, science anxiety, nationality, gender, and course of study.
Researchers investigated the effects of students’ test anxiety and teacher’s evaluation
practices on students’ achievement and motivation at post the secondary level. He found
statistically significant results which revealed that all students, especially students with high
anxiety level, performed poorly and were less motivated to learn. Thus he concluded that that
when students who are particularly test-anxious are exposed to a highly evaluative assessment,
environment in their educational institution, they perform poorly and are less motivated to
perform. A research study conducted by Cassady & Johnson (2016) “to investigate the effect of
cognitive test anxiety on students’ academic performance and found that cognitive test anxiety
Albero, Brown, Eliason & Wind (2018), on the basis of their research study, concluded
that students having high test anxiety had significantly lower scores. Oludipe (2015) conducted a
study to explore how test anxiety affects students’ performance levels in the sciences, especially
in Physics, and concluded that “low test-anxious students performed better than high test-anxious
students on both numerical and non-numerical tasks in Physics”. On the other hand,
further discussed “how high test- anxious students were unable to benefit directly from organized
Most students experience stress since some are trying to cope with the demands of
adapting to a new living environment, new peers, academic pressure, and sexual concerns.
Highly competitive surroundings makes the students feel pressured. Being in college can also
put financial stress on the students and their families. These situations can leave them with
trembling hands, tense muscles, migraine, headache, and multiple other symptoms of stress
Based on the study of Mazo (2015) entitled, “Causes, Effects of Stress, and the Coping
University” this study sought to determine the causes of stress, the effects of stress, and the stress
Normal University, Tacloban City. It tested some assumptions using the descriptive survey
method with 51 respondents. Thesis writing/research and school requirements/projects were the
most common causes of stress. Sleepless nights and irritable/moody feeling were the common
effects of stress. There was disparity on the causes and effects of stress between the male and
female respondents. The use of computer and praying to God were the common stress coping
mechanisms. There was an observed disparity between the male and female responses.
Stress can lead to different results. These are insomnia, headaches, backaches,
constipation, diarrhea, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and alcohol, tobacco or
drug use. These effects can be negating if: one that suffer from it shares his or her knowledge to
raise awareness. Be open and talk. If your doctor prescribed medication take it exactly the way it
is prescribed. Do not stop taking your medication until you doctor tells you to stop doing so.
Keep all follow-up appointments with your doctor. Remember that it may take some time to start
feeling better and if one experience side effects from any medication, tells the doctor; and must
seek for professional counseling. If the methods of coping stress are not contributing to greater
emotional and physical health, it is time to find healthier ones. There are many healthy ways to
manage and cope with stress, but they all require change. You can either change the situation or
change your reaction. When deciding which option to choose, it is helpful to think of the four
A’s: avoid, alter, adapt, or accept. Since everyone has unique response to stress, there is no “one
size fits all” solution to managing it. No single method works for everyone or in every situation,
so experiment with different techniques and strategies. Focus on what makes you feel calm and
in control.
Based on the study entitled “Stressors and Stress Responses of Filipino College students”
Dyet. al. (2015), the study determined the stressors and stress responses of Filipino college
students in relation to sex, course and academic classification. There were 258 respondents for
the study. Of the respondents, 68% were females and 32% were males. According to their
degree, 42% belonged to the soft sciences and 58% to the hard sciences. In terms of academic
classification, 10% were freshmen, 36% sophomores, 33% juniors and 21% seniors. The top five
overall stressors of the respondents were academic difficulty of subject matter, workload due to
subjects, time management because of subjects, responsibilities due to being on one's own, and
time management because of both subjects and organizations. The most frequently occurring
stress responses were affective stress responses followed by cognitive responses. For both male
and female respondents, the top stressors were academics, workload due to subjects and time
management concerns. Overall, the males reacted to stress through affective responses and
females through cognitive responses. Students enrolled in the hard and soft sciences both
considered academics, workload due to subjects and time management concerns as their top
stressors. Those in the soft sciences reacted with cognitive stress responses while those in the
hard sciences reacted with affective stress responses. Generally, all students, regardless of their
academic classification pointed out that academics, workload due to subjects, and time
management were their main stressors. They all reacted to stress with affective stress responses.
These patterns can be monitored to maintain the psychological and physical well-being of
adolescent students.
(Meneses, 2018) argued that worry may give rise to anxiety and it is more often
imaginary than real and a generalized emotional state rather than specific one. In short, the
individual is not anxious about specific things. Worry for students relates primarily to cognitive
concerns about the consequences of failure. Students who think or verbalize a negative or
pessimistic expectation manifest worry. One of the most threatening events that may cause
anxiety among the students today is examination. When students develop an extreme fear of
performing poorly on an examination, they may experience anxiety. Test anxiety is a major
underachievement, academic failure, and insecurity. Although many students have the cognitive
ability to do well on examinations, they may not able to do so because of a high level of anxiety.
Researcher states that State anxiety, which was the kind of anxiety that was experienced
by most of the students, is temporary in nature and only evident in a specific situation, while trait
effects or is evident in diverse aspects of a person’s life. The level of stress exists and may
persist for long, when it remained uncorrected one may experience the symptoms of anxiety.
Stress built up over time until it reaches a point where coping with it seems difficult. Those with
anxiety problems have a style of coping with stressful events which persistently aggravate the
problem. They make unreasonable demands and would go through kind of denial that the
problems do not exist. However, this persistent behavior of denial is indeed very stressful and
may further aggravate the situation. The level of stress exists and may persist for long, when it
remained uncorrected one may experience the symptoms of anxiety. Stress built up over time
until it reaches a point where coping with it seems difficult. Those with anxiety problems have a
style of coping with stressful events which persistently aggravate the problem. They make
unreasonable demands and would go through a kind of denial that the problems do not exist.
However, this persistent behavior of denial is indeed very stressful and may further aggravate the
emotional reaction characterized by fearful anticipation of an unpleasant event in the future. Fear
is a reaction to a real external danger that threatens the person with possible injury and has no
real external stimulus but the individual himself. Anxiety is an unpleasant state that is associated
Freud, it arises when there is an unconscious conflict between the id’s and superego’s desire
regarding how to satisfy a need; the ego, caught in the middle, reacts by creating a feeling of
anxiety. Anxiety is differentiated into (a) State Anxiety, it is a transitory emotional reaction to
the individual’s perception of a threatening or dangerous situation, and (b) Trait Anxiety, it is a
them with anxiety. Studies have shown that the level of anxiety of the students affect their
Stress level varies when work is given as the challenges or threats. The pressure to
perform well in the examination makes the academic environment stressful. It is either students
will deal with it or students will let stress consume them. Students who experienced then
negative kind of stress believe that alcohol drinking, using of drugs and hanging out of friends
Depression is a serious problem. It can start from being stressed but if it is not treated, it
can lead far more serious effects like self-inflicting pain and suicide. In this study the
intrapersonal and inter factors is the problem of the college students and depressions. Most of the
time college students experience different stress that key encountered every day. They need to do
these to aim good grades and to make charges to something in order to achieve a desired result.
Depression refers to the work and stress for those people who experience. That is why
they forced them to do something better, compete with other people and most especially it is
more depressive in accomplishing some things in times of rushing hour. Stress reactions to
various situations affected the overall level of the person’s health. They felt always overwhelmed
in times of eating poorly, sleepless and overwhelmed those stressful events, which presented by
the literature and studies that deals with those related stress to the study in times of feelings and
In school, students who become high achievers in their academic, have a greater
possibility to encounter stress due to their academic requirements that they need to pass.
Additionally, those students had shown a different stress coping strategies to manage their stress.
Although stress comes from being exposed to a different environment and it can therefore lead to
negative effects, stress can also help one’s state of wellbeing be improved. The importance of
psychological processes in identifying the effects if stress in our emotions, physical, health and
The stress can be defined as the physiological response in order to become aware in
threat. Readjustments to any life changes can cause stress. Nowadays teen are facing many
challenges that parents and traditional educators did not experience when they were child or
growing up. Because of the different pressures in 21stcentury, adolescents cannot cope properly
their stress and they are recommending for some programs in school that promotes proper coping
Heavy study tasks, difficult courses, unreasonable learning, ways including high
standards could be representing the stresses encountered by senior high school student. Changing
in life requires numerous readjustments that can be aware in encountering stress. One of the best
ways is to deal with it and raise awareness for the future potentials to be reduced.
When it comes to coping strategies, students tend to be engage in some activities like
listening to music, chatting, and internet surfing, playing smart phone games, and writing an
essay. They could deal with it through developing and guiding inactive leisure activity for
potential enhancement of mental health. Coping strategies can also lead to negative effects like
engagement with vandalism, bullying, smoking, drinking and undesirable activities for
Students live in a highly competitive world. Especially when one focuses on academics.
Academic performance of the student is crucial in deciding the next step of students’ life.
Students who focus highly on academic affects one’s psychological, mental an even physical
behavior because of pressure, stress and more. According to (Anoushka Takkar, 2018) from the
article The Medium, school related stresses include inadequate instructional methods, teacher-
student relationships, heavy academic workload, poor physical classroom environments. Inability
to balance one’s leisure time with school and schedules. It means that there are many factors that
Local Study
Academic stressors like examinations and grades, fully loaded days, difficulty in
completing clinical requirements, and fear of getting delayed topped the identified stressors.
Academic factors were stressful in the first 3 year levels. Academic stress peaked during the
sophomore year. No significant differences in rankings were observed between genders. There
was undeniable similarity in the general stress profile of the different year levels. Common
methods of coping with stress were employed by students which include crying, praying, talking,
watching movies, and listening to music. Stress makes or breaks a person. It is like a two-edged
sword which can either motivate or stimulate a student to peak. (Sanchez, 2017)
behavioral reactions that people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. It
gives us our fight-or-flight mechanism and has helped the human race survive for so long. The
word “stress” was originally coined by endocrinologist, However, too much stress is unhealthy.
Stress can be good or bad. Sometimes, it is helpful, providing humans with the extra energy or
alertness they need. For example, stress could give a runner the edge he or she needs to persevere
in a marathon (Garcia, 2015). In some cases, stress can also cause health complications or
adverse effects, such as fainting in school due to pressure or panicking while reciting in front of a
A foresaid to that by Sargunjot (2014) in her article Academic Pressure, that at school,
there is a range of academic pressure that a student feels; derived from a need for perfection,
moving over grades, parental pressure, competition, sports or a tough class load. Added to that,
Marie (2015) stated that, schools are beginning to put more and more pressure on today's
generation of school students. Difficult subjects in STEM strand is another challenge that STEM
11 encounter. These subjects are intertwining disciplines when applied in the real world. The
STEM strand subjects focus on scientific and mathematical skills as well as advanced concepts
and topics.
Students are the most essential elements in any educational institution. They are
considered as the core of learning process. Their performance plays an important role in
determining academic achievements which are associated to what people value. If students
achieve their set academic standards and successfully attained high degree of education, the
probability of being employed in the future is high. This academic performance also reflects the
quality graduates who will become great leaders and manpower for the country’s economic and
social development. Hence, having good academic standing is essential. School equips them with
the necessary knowledge, abilities, and values to deal with specific challenges they will be facing
throughout their lives. Aside from learning academics, students are allowed to progress in other
aspects and develop essential skills such as collaboration, good manners and unity through
different extra-curricular activities. But in dealing with different challenges and demands to
perform well in academics, students may feel stressful because of their inability to perform all
among students are high expectations of parents, teachers, or even friends, academic pressure,
competition among classmates, physical set-up, limited opportunities, and ambitions (Cortez,
2017) . Students in their high school level are the ones who are going through the transitional
phase which is an intermediate of childhood and adulthood. Peer relations take on much more
importance during adolescence. It was found that most teens go through stress because of peer
pressure. The words “popularity” and “cliques” are frequently associated with this time in life.
Being accepted into desired social circles and keeping up with the ‘popular kids’ is of high
Related Theories
and the environment that is appraised by the person as taxing or exceeding his or her resources
and endangering his or her well-being. Appraisals are determined simultaneously by perceiving
environmental demands and personal resources. They can change over time due to coping
relational theory of stress emphasizes the continuous, reciprocal nature of the interaction
between the person and the environment. Since its first publication (Lazarus, 2016), it has not
only been further developed and refined, but it has also been expanded recently to a meta-
Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman (2016) stated that stress can be thought of as
resulting from an “imbalance between demands and resources.’’ or as occurring when “pressure
exceeds one’s perceived ability to cope.” Stress management was developed and premised on the
idea that stress is not a direct response to a stressor but rather one’s resources and ability to cope
mediate the stress response and are amenable to change, thus allowing stress to be controllable.
Lazarus further stated that in order to develop an effective stress management program it is first
necessary to identify the factors that are central to a person controlling his/her stress, and to
identify the intervention methods, which effectively target these factors. He further stated that
Lazarus and Folkman’s interpretation of stress focuses on the transaction between people and
their external environment known as the transactional model. The stressful situation that the
administrative staff of tertiary institutions is assumed to pass through does not necessarily mean
the presence of a potential stressor but rather their resources and ability to reduce the stress
response. The models conceptualize stress as a result of how a stressor is appraised and how a
person appraises his or her resource to cope with the stressor. The model breaks the stressor-
stress link by proposing that if stressors are perceived as positive or challenging rather than as a
threat, and if the stressed person is confident that he or she possesses adequate rather than
deficient coping strategies, stress may not necessarily follow the presence of a potential stressor.
The model proposes that stress can be reduced by helping stressed people change their
perceptions of stressors, providing them with strategies to help them cope and further improving
their confidence in their ability to do so. Therefore, if the experts can provide the administrative
staff with adequate knowledge of stress management strategies, and them have a positive
perception towards the potential stressors they will see stress as a challenge and not a threat.
The health realization or innate health model of stress is also found on the idea that stress
does not necessarily follow the presence of a potential stressor (Ogaden, 2018). He stated that
instead of focusing on the individual’s appraisal of so-called stressors in relation to his or her
coping skills (as transactional model does), the health realization model focuses on the nature of
thought, stating that it is ultimately a person’s thought processes that determine the response to
potentially stressful external circumstances. The thought or the mindset of the administrative
staff here determines whether an invent is stressful or not. This model focuses on the types of
thought people (including the administrative staff) have towards the possible stressors. In this
model, stress results from appraising oneself and one’s circumstances through a mental filter of
insecurity and negativity, where as a feeling of well being result from approaching the world
with a quite mind, inner wisdom and common sense. Therefore, if the administrative staff should
joy over their work, overlook those things termed as stressors these will be of help and would
The literatures and studies are relevant to present the study wherein the stress coping
mechanism among Grade 11 STEM students are further discussed and give support to the present
study to form an idea or concrete evidences. Information coming from the literatures and studies
The gathered information on online sources, journals and books serves as support
evidences and answer the specific research questions. Based on the literatures and studies, most
of the authors discussed that stress is defined as a threat of the students and it makes them feel
depress that cause health diseases. As a kind of depression wherein mostly experience by the
students that makes the reason how student can manage their stress by finding different ways in
order to overcome the stress wherein student must need to develop different coping strategies to
manage a kind of stressful condition in everyday life. Focusing things into perspective, having
pleasure when doing hobbies and enjoy services are secrets to combat stress. Stress produces
headache, neck crick that causes many health problems like depression, anxiety, heart diseases
and stroke.
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