Acute Viral Rhinitis
Acute Viral Rhinitis
Acute Viral Rhinitis
dry throat
sore throat
mild fever
hoarse voice
blocked nose
mild headache
Runny nose
2. Rhinoviruses, single-stranded RNA viruses from the Picornaviridae family, are responsible for the
majority of common colds.
3.Virulence Factors
Mode of transmission:
Rhinovirus infections are most common during fall and spring and are less common during winter.
Rhinoviruses are most efficiently spread by direct person-to-person contact, although spread may also
occur via large-particle aerosols.
There are two modes of transmission: via aerosols of respiratory droplets and from fomites
(contaminated surfaces), including direct person-to-person contact.
Incubation Period:
Infection occurs rapidly, with the virus adhering to surface receptors within 15 minutes of entering the
respiratory tract. High-risk individuals include children and the elderly. Just over 50% of individuals will
experience symptoms within 2 days of infection. Only about 5% of cases will have an incubation period
of less than 20 hours, and, at the other extreme, it is expected that 5% of cases would have an
incubation period of greater than four and a half days.2-5 days.
Period of communicability:
from a few hours before to some days after the onset of symptoms.
V. Management (Treatments)
Although medical therapies can improve the symptoms of the common cold, they do not prevent, cure
or shorten the illness. Drink enough fluids, get plenty of rest and treat your symptoms to keep yourself
as comfortable as possible.
Gargling warm salt water can soothe a sore throat. Inhaling steam may improve nasal congestion
temporarily. Over-the-counter cold remedies that contain a decongestant will help to dry secretions and
relieve congestion. These remedies may also relieve cough, if the cough is triggered by mucus in the
Antihistamines may improve the symptoms of runny nose and watery eyes, but they should be used with
care because they can cause sedation. Over-the-counter cough suppressants do not have a proven
benefit, but some people feel that they are helpful.
It is important to keep in mind that antibiotics do not cure the common cold or shorten the length of
time that symptoms last.
Vitamin C and echinacea (a frequently used herbal therapy) have been widely rumored to decrease the
likelihood of developing the common cold and to shorten symptoms, but no conclusive research has
shown that this is true. Zinc-containing products advertised to treat the common cold remain popular.
Some studies suggest that zinc lozenges may shorten the duration of symptoms, but questions remain
regarding the best and safest dose.
Medical Management:
Surgical Management:
What must you, the nurse, direct your attention to for helping a patient with acute viral rhinitis?
In helping the patient get relief.
How can you support the patient's getting relief from acute viral rhinitis?
Teach the patient that drinking lots of fluids helps liquefy the secretions to that it drains, and blockage is
Taking antihistamines or decongestants can reduce the postnasal drip, which will decrease the intensity
of the coughing, the obstruction of the nose, and the discharge from the nose.