Objec Ves: 2 Computer Hardware Repairs and Maintenance
Objec Ves: 2 Computer Hardware Repairs and Maintenance
Objec Ves: 2 Computer Hardware Repairs and Maintenance
Desktop Tablet
PDA Smartphone
Wearable Computers
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer System is functional only if :
Hardware user
Motherboard. The motherboard is a RAM (Random Access Memory NIC (Network Interface Card) used to
large electronic board that is used to q short term memory that is used to store describe tools that allow your computer
connect the power supply to various documents while they are being processed. to connect and communicate with
other electronic parts, and to hold these q The amount of RAM in a computer various input and output devices.
parts in place on the computer. determine the speed of a computer.
q RAM a]aches to the motherboard via
some specific slots.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Hardware Components cont…
Computer Hard disk are of two types, IDE(Integrated drive
q Has a ribbon like cable with either a 40-pin or 80-pin
q The IDE data transfer interface runs in parallel.
SATA(Serial Advanced Technology A\achment)-
q has a narrower cable with a split data and power
q It has a 7-pin cable and a much faster data transfer rate.
q Most motherboards now support SATA
q Well know hard disk manufactures are Seagate, Western
Digital etc.
q A computer’s drives are the devices
used for long term storage of
informa(on. e.g. Hard Disk, Flash Disk
q hard drive - Or hard disk, is a common
storage device for maintaining files
inside the computer, usually mounted
below or beside the floppy drive.
q CD drive –
q Holds disks (CDs) that have data, Peripheral hardware. NIC(Network Interface Card)
music, or socware applica(ons. q Are the computer components that ( N I C ) i s a c o m p u t e r h a r d w a r e
q DVD (Digital Versa>le Disk) drive - are not found within the computer case component that allows a computer to
Popular alterna(ve to a CD drive that connect to a network. NICs may be used
supports CDs as well as music and video q It is defined as any auxiliary device for both wired and wireless connec(ons.
DVDs. that connects to and works with the A NIC is also known as a network
q Flash Drive- computer in some way. E.g. mouse, interface controller (NIC) or network
microphone and keyboard, monitor, card, LAN card, network adapter or
Computer Hardware Repairs and
printer and speakers etc. network adapter card (NAC).
What is Computer Ports?
Is a connector on the motherboard or on a
separate adapter that allows a device to connect
to a computer; these may include keyboard,
mouse, serial, parallel, network, sound, or video
q Ports vary with the type of equipment that
connects to the ports.
q Ports have gradually changed over (me as
computers have changed to become faster and
easier to work with.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Port contd…
Dust Control .
Ø Dust is very harmful for computer parts.
Ø Excess dust can cause mechanical failures,
par(cularly on computer components with
moving parts.
Ø Computers should be dusted regularly by
using compressed air machines .
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance
Disk Defragmenter. Scan Disk/ Check Now:
Used to organize files on the hard For hard disk faults, use scan disk/
drive and op(mize free space, Check now to scan the hard disk for
i m p r o v i n g t h e s p e e d a n d faults and even repair them if
performance of the computer. Some possible. This op(on will check the
applica(ons may fail outright if the Hard disk for errors.
disk becomes too fragmented.
Startup folder
Some programs will automa(cally put a shortcut in
the Startup folder, forcing the program to
automa(cally launch when you turn the computer
on or log in. Some(mes this is desirable, some(mes
not. Either way, this prac(ce may slow your
computer down to various degrees, and with the
program running all the (me, may slow down the
performance of your computer.
q Delete some of the programs in the Startup folder
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance
SoTware Inventory
Once the hard disk becomes full, a computer’s
performance is reduced. To avoid installing
socware that are not necessary, system
inventory will require you knowing what
socware is needed/wanted on your
Please use cau(on when uninstalling
socware. In order to reinstall, you will need
the original socware installa(on files.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance
q It is important for a computer user to find
and install socware updates in order to have
well performing computers.
q Upda(ng socware can be done in a variety
of ways, Automa>c Updates, Automa>c
Alerts for Updates, Manual Upda>ng, Offline
Excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in
computer performance.
q In order to cool down an overheated computer
processor, avoid opera(ng the computer if the
case is in an enclosed space. (such as a drawer or
q Also cool the room with fans or air-condi(oning.
q Also verify that all of the fans in the computer
case are func(oning properly.
Note: Modern computers have safeguards that
shut down the system if a component is
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance
Insufficient RAM
Computer need sufficient RAM to perform
the desired func(ons once the memory is not
sufficient. The performance will be slow.
This problem is most likely if the computer is
rather old and has had a newer (and more
memory demanding) opera(ng system
Lastly, one important hint to also keep in
mind when you are using a computer is to be
pa(ent. Some(mes the computer has to
“think” too!(process)
Avoid opening too many programs at a (me. It
will reduce the performance of the computer.
For repairing or trouble-shoo(ng a computer use the following guidelines:
q Gather together your toolkit: e.g. air blowing machine, screw drivers,
socware, back up disk etc.
q Check for power FIRST, before doing anything else.
10 - 15 percent of all computer Issues/Problems emanate from power
surge. Check this BEFORE doing anything else. Check to be sure if the
computer is plugged in to an AC outlet properly.
q Check your external connec>ons to the computer.
Specifically, check the mouse, keyboard, monitor, modem and/or printer
cables, making sure that all are secure and in the right sockets.
q Perform the Power On Self Test (POST)
POST is a set of procedures that a computer runs through each (me it is
turned on. It ensures that all of the system's hardware is working properly
before trying to load the opera(ng system. If the computer does not pass
POST, it will not boot.
Tip: Make sure the computer turns on. If nothing happens (no lights, no
sound, no fans, etc.), the computer has a power related issue.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
q If the computer is s>ll malfunc>oning, go ahead then and
open the case.
Check to see that all of the cards are fully pressed down
into the bus connec(ons, that any socketed chips are fully
pressed into their sockets, and that all cable connec(ons
are fully a]ached. Make sure that the drive cables are
a]ached correctly.
q Clean any dust or foreign material out of the case while it
is open.
Dust can cause overhea(ng problems and electrical shorts.
Some(mes, insects will nest inside the case as well. All of
this needs to be cleaned out before you close up the case.
Take precau(ons to avoid inhaling excess dust, and
consider using protec(ve eyeware if necessary.
Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs .
The computer is unable to start up – If the computer does not turn on when
you press the power bu]on, the following sugges(ons may help you to
determine why the computer will not start up.
q First of all, check if the computer is plugged in to an AC outlet properly.
q Plug another electrical device into the outlet to be sure that the outlet is
providing adequate power. A surge protector can be used in this case,
because voltage surges can be very damaging to computers and other
electrical components. Then put on the system to perform a POST .
q Acer the POST and it is confirms that, the computer is producing all of the
usual startup sounds and lights, but the monitor is not displaying any
informa(on, perhaps there is a problem with the monitor. Make sure that
it is connected to a power source, and also that the VGA cable is
connected to the computer.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs ...
Does a
Cursor NO Troubleshoot Video
Flowchart appear? or Power Supply Problem
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Most common Basic computer Hardware Repairs
Replacing a Power Supply. The power supply
failure is a common problem in our country. This
is due to an uneven or “poor” voltage and power
• Replacing a Hard Drive or formaing and
installing Fresh OPERATING SYSTEM.
• Replacing RAM. RAM can fail or can loose from
its housing and need to be reseated. If a
computer needs new or addi(onal RAM, it is
important to make sure that the RAM used is
compa(ble with the computer system. RAM is
very easily damaged by electrosta(c charges, so
it is very important for the user to be grounded
before picking up RAM. Also RAM should only be
handled by the edges.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Peripheral Hardware Use and Maintenance
q Delete files
q Change files,
q Programs don’t function as thy should. They either don’t start, or if they start, they stop
or do not give the desired output.
q The computer keeps showing out –of -memory space messages or strange dialog boxes.
q An increase in the number of files on the system when nothing has been added.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
A Good Virus Protec>on Program should:
q Always ensure that the power has been turned off before installing or
troubleshoo(ng any hardware part of the computer.
q Before opening a computer case, always unplug the power cord from your
q Acer unplugging the power cord from your case, Hold the power bu\on in for at
least 5 seconds. This will drain any residual electricity from the power supply
q Always ground yourself to the case frame while touching any inside components.
This can be done by touching the case frame with your bare hand, or using a
clamp-on grounding device made specifically for this purpose
q Keep all liquids away.
q Avoid installing components when the computer is in opera(on.
q When installing any, peripheral or device, always read the installa(on instruc(ons
that come with the device. Never apply force to try and connect any plug/device.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
CONCLUSION: Best Prac>ces and Dos and Don’ts
• Uninstall socware by
Computer Hardware Repairs and
CONCLUSION: Best Prac>ces and Dos and Don’ts…
Most laptop ba]eries will last at least four hours when fully charged. If not maintained,
however, the ba]ery will require charging more frequently. for maximum performance.
Use the ba]ery as your power source un(l the low ba]ery warning emerges.
Using your laptop with the AC adapter plugged into an electrical outlet will overcharge the
ba]ery. Overcharging decreases the life of the ba]ery. Eventually the ba]ery will be unable
to hold a charge and will require a replacement.
1. Discharge the ba]ery – use the ba]ery un(l the low ba]ery warning emerges.
2. Charge the ba]ery – use the AC adapter un(l the ba]ery is fully charged.
3. Then immediately disconnect the AC adapter from the notebook. The procedure above
insures both maximum performance and long life for the ba]ery
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Thank you and God Bless you all.