Objec Ves: 2 Computer Hardware Repairs and Maintenance

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 Knowledge of Computer Hardware

 Iden(fy computer hardware Issues/Problems
 determine faulty Computer hardware
 Know Basic computer troubleshoo(ng (ps
 Knowledge of Opera(ng System and device
 Iden(fy hardware Peripherals
 Basic knowledge of safeguarding hardware
 Apply the knowledge to repair/maintain a
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Learning the COMPUTER Basics

Computer Hardware Repairs and

What is a Computer?

•  An electronic device, opera(ng under

the control of instruc(ons stored in its
own memory, that can:
– Accept data (input)
– Process the data according to specified
rules (process)
– Produce results (output)
– Store the results (storage) for future
Computer Hardware Repairs and
What is a Computer?...

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Examples and type of computer

Desktop Tablet


PDA Smartphone
Wearable Computers
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer System is functional only if :

Hardware user


Computer Hardware Repairs and

Basic Hardware components
Hardware represents the physical and tangible components of a
computer i.e. the components that can be seen and touched.
Examples of Hardware are following:
Input devices: keyboard, mouse etc.
Output divices: printer, monitor, speaker etc.
Secondary storage devices: Hard disk, CD, DVD etc.
Internal components: CPU, motherboard, RAM etc.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer Hardware

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Hardware Components

Power Supply or SMPS(Switched Mode Processor & Fan. The processor is

Case/ System Unit. The computer case Power Supply). Converts AC voltage the main “brain” of a computer system
(also called a tower ) is the box that from the wall outlet to DC voltage the while the Fan help to prevent
encloses many of the parts/components computer can use. It supplies DC overhea(ng of the various electronic
of the computer v o l t a g e s f o r i n t e r n a l c o m p u t e r components
components and has a fan to keep the
computer cool.

Motherboard. The motherboard is a RAM (Random Access Memory NIC (Network Interface Card) used to
large electronic board that is used to q short term memory that is used to store describe tools that allow your computer
connect the power supply to various documents while they are being processed. to connect and communicate with
other electronic parts, and to hold these q The amount of RAM in a computer various input and output devices.
parts in place on the computer. determine the speed of a computer.
q RAM a]aches to the motherboard via
some specific slots.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Hardware Components cont…
Computer Hard disk are of two types, IDE(Integrated drive
q Has a ribbon like cable with either a 40-pin or 80-pin
q The IDE data transfer interface runs in parallel.
SATA(Serial Advanced Technology A\achment)-
q has a narrower cable with a split data and power
q  It has a 7-pin cable and a much faster data transfer rate.
q Most motherboards now support SATA
q Well know hard disk manufactures are Seagate, Western
Digital etc.

q A computer’s drives are the devices
used for long term storage of
informa(on. e.g. Hard Disk, Flash Disk
q hard drive - Or hard disk, is a common
storage device for maintaining files
inside the computer, usually mounted
below or beside the floppy drive.
q CD drive –
q Holds disks (CDs) that have data, Peripheral hardware. NIC(Network Interface Card)
music, or socware applica(ons. q Are the computer components that ( N I C ) i s a c o m p u t e r h a r d w a r e
q DVD (Digital Versa>le Disk) drive - are not found within the computer case component that allows a computer to
Popular alterna(ve to a CD drive that connect to a network. NICs may be used
supports CDs as well as music and video q It is defined as any auxiliary device for both wired and wireless connec(ons.
DVDs. that connects to and works with the A NIC is also known as a network
q Flash Drive- computer in some way. E.g. mouse, interface controller (NIC) or network
microphone and keyboard, monitor, card, LAN card, network adapter or
Computer Hardware Repairs and
printer and speakers etc. network adapter card (NAC).
What is Computer Ports?

Is a connector on the motherboard or on a
separate adapter that allows a device to connect
to a computer; these may include keyboard,
mouse, serial, parallel, network, sound, or video
q Ports vary with the type of equipment that
connects to the ports.
q Ports have gradually changed over (me as
computers have changed to become faster and
easier to work with.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Port contd…

q Male ports – Have pins that q Female ports.

protrude out from the connector and Have holes in the connector to accept the male
require a cable with a female connector. cable’s pins.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

•  D-shell connector – A connector with more pins

or holes on the top row than on the bo]om so
that a connected cable can only be a]ached in
one direc(on and not accidentally connected the
wrong way; generally represented with the
le]ers DB and the number of pins such as, DB-9,
DB-15, or DB-25.

•  DIN connector – Round with small holes and
normally keyed; the keyboard and mouse are
usually this type of connector with either 5 or 6
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Parallel Port. (D-Shell Connector)
Serial Port. D- Shell Connector q This long and slender port is also no
q uses pin connectors, longer commonly used, PS/2. DIN Connectors
q Also known as a COM port) can be a q The most common parallel port has q Most desktop computers have two of
9-pin Female D-shell connector holes for 25 pins, these round ports for six pin connectors,
q Data travels at 115 kilobits per second q Used for scanners and printers one for the mouse and one for the
q Also called printer port keyboard.

TRS. TRS ((p, ring and sleeve) ports

Also known as ports for mini-jacks or
audio jacks. HDMI (High Defini(on Mul(media Interface)
USB. They are commonly used to connect q provides an interface between any
q A 4-wire connector type of port audio devices such as headphones and audio/video source, e.g. DVD player, or
q  Different models (USB 1.0, USB 2.0 microphones to computers. A/V receiver and an audio and/or video
and USB 3.0), monitor, such as a digital television
q  Connect all kinds of external USB (DTV),
devices e.g. external hard disk, printer, q HDMI supports standard, enhanced,
scanner, mouse, keyboard etc. or high-defini(on video, plus mul(-
q  Most of the computers provide two channel digital audio on a single cable.
USB or three USB ports as minimum.
q Data travels at 12 megabits per
seconds GAME PORT.D-Shell Connector.
q USB compliant devices can get power A 15 port pin used to connect games
from a USB port
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Modem Port
VGA q Connects a PC's modem to the
q A three row, telephone network. Game Port.
q 15-pin female D-shell connector for q Connect a joys(ck to a PC
newer VGA, SVGA, XGA, SXGA, or UXGA q Now replaced by USB
q Connects monitor to a computer's
video card.
q Similar to serial port connector but
serial port connector has pins, it has
IEEE 1394 ports –
q A serial technology developed by
Apple Computer some(mes called the
FireWire port.
q  A 6-wire cable/port (4 for data, 2 for
power) Ethernet Port
q  speeds of 100, 200, 400, 800, and q Connects to a network and high speed
1200 Mbps. Internet.
q Connect network cable to a computer.
Serial Port. Male D- Shell Connector q This port resides on an Ethernet Card.
q uses pin connectors, q Data travels at 10 megabits to 1000
q it is no longer commonly used, megabits per seconds depending upon
q  It was used for printers, mice, the network bandwidth.
modems and a variety of other digital
q Data travels at 115 kilobits per second

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Arrangement of computer Components/ Ports

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer SoTware

Computer Hardware Repairs and

What is a SoTware?
Is a set of programs, which is designed to perform a well-
defined func(on. A Program is a sequence of instruc(ons
wri]en to solve a par(cular problem.
Types of soTware
q System SoTware
Ø  The system socware is collec(on of programs designed to
operate, control, and extend the processing capabili(es of
the computer itself.
Ø  System socware are generally prepared by computer
Ø  System socware serves as the interface between hardware
and the end users. e.g. Opera(ng System, Compilers,
Interpreter, Assemblers etc.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Software Types and Categories…
Applica>on SoTware:
q  Applica(on socware products are designed to sa(sfy a
par(cular need of a par(cular environment.
q  Applica(on socware may consist of a single program, such as a
Microsoc's notepad for wri(ng and edi(ng simple text.
q  It may also consist of a collec(on of programs, ocen called a
socware package, which work together to accomplish a task,
such as a spreadsheet package. e.g. Payroll Socware, Student
Record Socware , Inventory Management Socware, Microsoc
Office Suite Socware, Adobe Premiere suites etc.
•  U>lity SoTware. Allow a computer to perform tasks that are
not part of the opera(ng system, but are s(ll prac(cal and
useful. For example, a u(lity socware might instruct a
computer on how to copy (burn) informa(on to a CD-ROM disk,
or it might be an an(-virus program
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Proprietary Software vs. Open Source Software

Ø They are proprietary, which means

that their use and modifica(on are Ø Users who cannot afford proprietary
restricted. socware or prefer socware that can be
locally modified, can choose to use open
Ø They can be quite costly to buy licenses source (ocen called free and open source
for. or FOSS) socware.

Ø  they are not adaptable to meet local Ø  For most of the standard computer
needs. uses, an open source socware op(on is
available. E.g. Linux family of opera(ng
Ø  Some users, par(cularly in developing systems (which includes Ubuntu, and the
countries, illegally use unlicensed (also OpenOffice.org produc(vity programs.
known as pirate) copies of this socware.
Ø  T h e S o u r c e F o r g e w e b s i t e
Ø  This is legally unwise, and can also (www.sourceforge.net) is a good resource
keep the user from accessing important for finding and downloading open source
socware updates. programs.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Examples and types of soTware

System SoTware: e.g.

Opera>ng systems System soTware: e.g. U>li>es soTware

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Applica>on soTware: e.g. MicrosoT Office suites 22
Rela>onship Between Hardware/

Computer Hardware Repairs and


Rela>onship between Hardware and SoTware

  Hardware and software are mutually dependent on each
other. Both of them must work together to make a computer
produce a useful output.

  Software cannot be utilized without supporting hardware.

  Hardware without set of programs to operate upon

cannot be utilized and is useless.

  To get a particular job done on the computer, relevant

software should be loaded into the hardware . i.e. a device
driver is needed.
A device driver is a program that controls a par(cular type of device that is
a]ached to your computer. There are device drivers for printers, displays,
CD-ROM readers, diske]e drives etc. When you buy an opera(ng system,
many device drivers are built into the product.

  Hardware is a one-time expense.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Rela>onship between Hardware and SoTware

  Software development is very expensive and
is a continuing expense.

  Different software applications can be

loaded on a hardware to run different jobs.

  A software acts as an interface between the

user and the hardware.

  If Hardware is the 'heart' of a computer

system, then Software is its 'soul'. Both are
complimentary to each other.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Iden>fying Computer Problems/Issues

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Hardware or Socware Problem ?

Computer Hardware Repairs and


Tips for Dis>nguishing Between Hardware Problems and SoTware Problems…

Note: Make sure you reduce possible

“external” problems before proceeding.
This means unplug any external devices
(such as hard drives, scanners or printers),
and remove any USB Flash disk, CD or DVD
disks from their drives.

q Were there any loud noises or smoke when

the problem first appeared? Then it is
probably a hardware problem, with the most
likely culprit being the SMPS(Switched Mode
Power Supply )unit.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Tips for Dis>nguishing Between Hardware Problems and SoTware Problems …
q Is the computer en(rely dead? Or the screen blank? Or
the screen showing a poor/incomplete picture? These
faults are probably also due to hardware problems.

q Does the computer produce a series of beeps? This is a
code that can be used to dis(nguish some hardware

q Does the system give any error codes or descrip(ons
while boo(ng? These can be due to hardware or
soTware problems. Take careful note of all informa(on
given in the error code.
Computer Hardware Repairs and

Tips for Dis>nguishing Between Hardware Problems and SoTware Problems…

q D o e s t h e c o m p u t e r p r o d u c e e r r o r
informa>on acer it has booted or only when
you open specific programs? These error
codes are probably due to soTware problems.

q Have any recent changes been made to
hardware or soTware (including BIOS
sepngs)? If so, these are likely culprits.

Computer Hardware Repairs and


Tips for Dis>nguishing Between Hardware Problems and SoTware Problems…

q Has the computer been exposed to viruses or other
malware? This could be a cause of soTware
q Use the Device Manager.
The Device Manager will list
all of the hardware devices
installed on a PC. Any
device with a problem will
have a warning symbol next
to it, and double clicking on
that device would give
d e t a i l s a n d s u g g e s t e d
remedies for the problem.

Warning symbol Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer Maintenance
NOTE: Preven>on(maintenance) is be]er than cure(Repairs).

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer maintenance is necessary…

v Check harmful materials e.g. dust , virus,

outdated soTware, faulty electrical Power/
gadget e.g. cables, sockets, extensions etc.

v Check any malfunc(ons of peripherals.

v Proper maintenance helps to keep the computer
running smoothly for years.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer Maintenance…

Cau>on!!! •

These step are for the experience
and professionals only!!

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer maintenance

Improving slow performance

Dust Control .
Ø Dust is very harmful for computer parts.

Ø Excess dust can cause mechanical failures,
par(cularly on computer components with
moving parts.

Ø Computers should be dusted regularly by
using compressed air machines .

Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Disk Defragmenter. Scan Disk/ Check Now:
Used to organize files on the hard For hard disk faults, use scan disk/
drive and op(mize free space, Check now to scan the hard disk for
i m p r o v i n g t h e s p e e d a n d faults and even repair them if
performance of the computer. Some possible. This op(on will check the
applica(ons may fail outright if the Hard disk for errors.
disk becomes too fragmented.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer maintenance: improving slow performance

Excess and Unused Files.

Disk Cleanup:
q As a hard disk becomes full, the computer’s The Disk Cleanup U(lity can determine which files on your

performance is reduced.
q  It takes more (me to find and access needed
hard drive may no longer be needed and delete those files.
In addi(on to freeing up poten(ally significant amounts of
hard drive space. Using this u(lity regularly can improve

q Defragmenta(on is not as successful due to a
system performance.

lack of free space to temporarily move files to

while they are being rearranged .

q Therefore, it is wise for a computer user not to
keep files that are no longer needed.

q F iles that have been stored in a user’s
documents folder that are no longer needed (such
as extra photos or older versions of documents)
should be deleted.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

A typical example of a fully loaded Local Hard Disk drive

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Dele>ng Browsing History.

§  The browser stores the recent history of the web
pages that the user has viewed,
§  This make it easier to find and load these web
pages again.
§  The browser also stores other small bits of
informa(on such as data entered into forms and
usernames or passwords if a user has asked a
web page to “remember me” (although this is
not a good idea for shared computers).
§  This stored informa(on can be easily deleted.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Startup folder
Some programs will automa(cally put a shortcut in
the Startup folder, forcing the program to
automa(cally launch when you turn the computer
on or log in. Some(mes this is desirable, some(mes
not. Either way, this prac(ce may slow your
computer down to various degrees, and with the
program running all the (me, may slow down the
performance of your computer.
q Delete some of the programs in the Startup folder

Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

SoTware Inventory
Once the hard disk becomes full, a computer’s
performance is reduced. To avoid installing
socware that are not necessary, system
inventory will require you knowing what
socware is needed/wanted on your

Please use cau(on when uninstalling
socware. In order to reinstall, you will need
the original socware installa(on files.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Protect your PC from cyber-threats or Malware

The cyber-world is full of threats such as viruses, spyware, Trojans, Worms
and etc. These cyber-threats can cause huge dilemmas to your computer.
These undesirable programs, which are usually added without a user’s
knowledge, can significantly slow down the performance of a computer.

The best ways to prevent virus infec#ons are:
q  Keeping an(virus socware up to date and running scans on a regular

q  Strict policies should be put in place to prevent virus infec(on e.g.
prohibi(ng the use of flash drives, or require Flash disk to be scanned
before use.

q  Other policy to consider is the prohibi(on of downloading, since
unsuspec(ng users can accidentally download malware.

q  A firewall may also be used to blocks dangerous downloads.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

q  It is important for a computer user to find
and install socware updates in order to have
well performing computers.
q  Upda(ng socware can be done in a variety
of ways, Automa>c Updates, Automa>c
Alerts for Updates, Manual Upda>ng, Offline

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Excessive heat can cause a significant decrease in
computer performance.
q In order to cool down an overheated computer
processor, avoid opera(ng the computer if the
case is in an enclosed space. (such as a drawer or
q  Also cool the room with fans or air-condi(oning.
q Also verify that all of the fans in the computer
case are func(oning properly.
Note: Modern computers have safeguards that
shut down the system if a component is
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Insufficient RAM
Computer need sufficient RAM to perform
the desired func(ons once the memory is not
sufficient. The performance will be slow.
This problem is most likely if the computer is
rather old and has had a newer (and more
memory demanding) opera(ng system

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer maintenance: Improving slow performance

Lastly, one important hint to also keep in
mind when you are using a computer is to be
pa(ent. Some(mes the computer has to
“think” too!(process)
Avoid opening too many programs at a (me. It
will reduce the performance of the computer.

Computer Hardware Repairs and


Computer Hardware Repairs and

Hardware Repair

q  Repair means to rec(fy, to fix the problem either in the hardware or

socware. it may also include replacement of a component that is faulty.

q  It is an essen(al part of troubleshoo(ng.

q  In finding or analyzing the faults, it can be decided which hardware or
socware can be repaired.

Computer Hardware Repairs and



For repairing or trouble-shoo(ng a computer use the following guidelines:
q  Gather together your toolkit: e.g. air blowing machine, screw drivers,
socware, back up disk etc.

q  Check for power FIRST, before doing anything else.
10 - 15 percent of all computer Issues/Problems emanate from power
surge. Check this BEFORE doing anything else. Check to be sure if the
computer is plugged in to an AC outlet properly.
q  Check your external connec>ons to the computer.
Specifically, check the mouse, keyboard, monitor, modem and/or printer
cables, making sure that all are secure and in the right sockets.
q  Perform the Power On Self Test (POST)
POST is a set of procedures that a computer runs through each (me it is
turned on. It ensures that all of the system's hardware is working properly
before trying to load the opera(ng system. If the computer does not pass
POST, it will not boot.
Tip: Make sure the computer turns on. If nothing happens (no lights, no
sound, no fans, etc.), the computer has a power related issue.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
q If the computer is s>ll malfunc>oning, go ahead then and
open the case.
Check to see that all of the cards are fully pressed down
into the bus connec(ons, that any socketed chips are fully
pressed into their sockets, and that all cable connec(ons
are fully a]ached. Make sure that the drive cables are
a]ached correctly.
q Clean any dust or foreign material out of the case while it
is open.
Dust can cause overhea(ng problems and electrical shorts.
Some(mes, insects will nest inside the case as well. All of
this needs to be cleaned out before you close up the case.
Take precau(ons to avoid inhaling excess dust, and
consider using protec(ve eyeware if necessary.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

q  Try to boot the computer to the hard drive, or to a bootable CD/DVD
disk if necessary.
Some(mes the hard disk will become corrupted by a user, or by a virus.

q  Check the CMOS setup program, and correct any configura>on

If the informa(on in CMOS RAM about your PC's configura(on has been
changed, or if the ba]ery has died, your computer will not boot correctly,
or it will not recognize certain components.

q  Look for unwanted changes.
Someone may have turned the brightness down on a monitor, or the LAN
staff may have changed your PC's configura(on without your knowledge
(or approval), or an installa(on program may have corrupted your
socware. Look for recent changes in your system's opera(on. You may
need to run an uninstaller program to remedy socware-related problems.

q  Isolate the problem to one piece of hardware, or one soTware package.

q  When all these fails, then consult a professional.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs .

The computer is unable to start up – If the computer does not turn on when
you press the power bu]on, the following sugges(ons may help you to
determine why the computer will not start up.

q  First of all, check if the computer is plugged in to an AC outlet properly.

q  Plug another electrical device into the outlet to be sure that the outlet is
providing adequate power. A surge protector can be used in this case,
because voltage surges can be very damaging to computers and other
electrical components. Then put on the system to perform a POST .

q  Acer the POST and it is confirms that, the computer is producing all of the
usual startup sounds and lights, but the monitor is not displaying any
informa(on, perhaps there is a problem with the monitor. Make sure that
it is connected to a power source, and also that the VGA cable is
connected to the computer.

Computer Hardware Repairs and
Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs ...

The computer screen is blank

If the screen is blank, the computer may not be
set to display the image on the computer screen.
q First, check if the monitor is plugged in to a
power outlet and is connected to the computer
securely and make sure the monitor power
bu]on is on.
q If the power light is not on, it means that the
outlet is not delivering power to the monitor.
Fixing the power outlet in such cases should help
solve the issue.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs
The Blue screen-These errors are ocen caused by
Ø  Poorly func(oning device drivers,
Ø  Hardware problems (such as memory, power supplies or system
Ø  Problems with the system socware.
Ø  The op(on of System recovery and backup service will restore your
PC to an earlier point of stage. You can perform this ac(on whilst
you get a Blue screen error or sudden system crashes.
NOTE: Backup service is an assurance that your data is safe.

Trouble with video card –
If the power light of the computer and monitor is on and nothing
comes up on the screen when you start your computer then there
must be something wrong with video card. Change its video or the
graphics card with a new one.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs ...

•  OS or some Socware is func(oning abnormally – If the

Opera(ng System (OS) or some other socware is
unresponsive or responds abnormally,
Immediate Solu>on: Restart your computer and run a virus
Note: You should have a reliable an(virus socware installed
on the computer to fix this issue.

•  Windows do not boot properly – If windows do not boot
properly then you should reinstall windows with the windows
recovery disk. Most of the (mes, this should help you get rid
of the problem.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Computer issues/Problems and the (ps to troubleshoot and fix/ repairs ...

The computer is on but not responding – the computer is on but not

responding to socware or keyboard commands, then it must be frozen or
Immediate solu>on:
Ø  Press and hold the power bu]on for at least 5 seconds,
Ø  it will be turn off.
Ø  Now restart your computer. This should fix the problem.

An external device is not working – If an external device does not func(on as

Immediate solu>on:
Ø  turn it on according to Manufacturers instruc(on;
Ø  be sure that all device connec(ons are secure and receiving electrical
Ø  Be sure the device is compa(ble with the opera(ng system.
Ø  And that the correct drivers are installed and updated.
Computer Hardware Repairs and

Power on the Computer

Does a
Cursor NO Troubleshoot Video
Flowchart appear? or Power Supply Problem


Does POST Troubleshoot

pass NO POST error


Does a Troubleshoot boot device,

Computer Opera>ng System or Applica>on
boot NO loaded in the Startup folder.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Most common Basic computer Hardware Repairs
Replacing a Power Supply. The power supply

failure is a common problem in our country. This
is due to an uneven or “poor” voltage and power
•  Replacing a Hard Drive or formaing and
installing Fresh OPERATING SYSTEM.
•  Replacing RAM. RAM can fail or can loose from
its housing and need to be reseated. If a
computer needs new or addi(onal RAM, it is
important to make sure that the RAM used is
compa(ble with the computer system. RAM is
very easily damaged by electrosta(c charges, so
it is very important for the user to be grounded
before picking up RAM. Also RAM should only be
handled by the edges.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
Peripheral Hardware Use and Maintenance

Peripheral hardware will also last longer if it is well maintained.

Peripheral hardware such as printers, scanners will last longer if proper
care about heat, dust and power surge control is taking to considera(on.
Troubleshoo>ng and fixing Printer problems
q  Let’s assume that your printer’s drivers are up-to-date,
q  and that it has enough paper and ink or toner to print.
q  Try turning the printer off and on.
q  Unplug the printer and plug it back in.
q  Check your printer’s print queue by looking for the printer icon in the
system tray and double-clicking it.
q  The print queue shows you the status of each job as well as the general
status of your printer.
q  make sure that ‘Use Printer Offline’ isn’t selected.
q  Ensure that ‘Use Printer Offline’ isn’t checked.
q  Some(mes, prin(ng while your printer is turned off can cause Windows to
set your printer to work offline, and that can stall jobs sent later.

Computer Hardware Repairs and



Computer Hardware Repairs and



Malicious soTware, is any socware used to disrupt computer
or mobile opera(ons, gather sensi(ve informa(on, gain
access to private computer systems, or display unwanted
adver(sing. These malicious soTware find its way into:
•  Boot sector
•  File Alloca(on Table
•  Par((on table
•  .Com and .Exe. Files.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Deadly effect of virus

q Delete files

q Change files,

q Steal important informa(on,

q load unwanted applica(ons

q Send documents via electronic mail (e-mail),

q Cripple a machine’s Opera(ng system (OS), the basic socware

that runs the computer.

Computer Hardware Repairs and

Virus warning signs

q  The computer’s performance slows down considerably.

q  Programs don’t function as thy should. They either don’t start, or if they start, they stop
or do not give the desired output.

q  Computer fails to boot.

q  Files and folders keep disappearing without anybody deleting them.

q  The computer crashes or freezes indiscriminately such as program not responding


q  The computer keeps showing out –of -memory space messages or strange dialog boxes.

q  Programs and windows popping up randomly.

q  Disk can not be accessed

q  New icons and programs get installed automatically.

q  Printing doesn't work correctly

q  Windows shuts down or restarts unexpectedly.

q  A partition in the system disappears automatically.

q  File size changes for no apparent reason

q  An increase in the number of files on the system when nothing has been added.
Computer Hardware Repairs and

A Good Virus Protec>on Program should:

Scan for viruses:

Should be able to check your drives for viruses, as well as
the RAM of your computer, and detect the presence of a
Clean up the virus:
must be able to get rid of the virus it finds on your
computer; otherwise, it is useless.
Protect your System from viruses:
Must have the ability to load a piece of the program into
memory at boot-up (me, to protect you from gepng a
virus in the first place.
Provide Automa>c updates,
Must regularly and automa(cally check back with the
manufacturer for informa(on on new viruses,
Computer Hardware Repairs and
CONCLUSION: Best Prac>ces and Dos and Don’ts

q  Always ensure that the power has been turned off before installing or
troubleshoo(ng any hardware part of the computer.

q  Before opening a computer case, always unplug the power cord from your

q  Acer unplugging the power cord from your case, Hold the power bu\on in for at
least 5 seconds. This will drain any residual electricity from the power supply

q  Always ground yourself to the case frame while touching any inside components.
This can be done by touching the case frame with your bare hand, or using a
clamp-on grounding device made specifically for this purpose
q  Keep all liquids away.
q  Avoid installing components when the computer is in opera(on.
q  When installing any, peripheral or device, always read the installa(on instruc(ons
that come with the device. Never apply force to try and connect any plug/device.
Computer Hardware Repairs and
CONCLUSION: Best Prac>ces and Dos and Don’ts

q  When fipng/handling processor on motherboard always wear gloves

q  Always choose to shut down you computer by clicking shutdown. Avoid switching of the
power directly from the main switch.
q  If electrical power is lost, switch off all computer devices from the mains to avoid any
problems due to power surge.
q  Always “eject “USB devices from the opera(ng system before disconnec(ng them.
q  Upgrade the an(-virus regularly.
q  Always use UPS(uninterrup(ble Power supply)-This will keep your computer from crashing
during power outages, and will protect your computer from low and high voltage

•  Uninstall socware by

–  “Add / Remove Program” func(on in Control Panel

–  uninstall func(on of applica(ons

Computer Hardware Repairs and
CONCLUSION: Best Prac>ces and Dos and Don’ts…

q  Back up data, if possible, before making changes.

q  Check to ensure that speakers is not muted through the Control Panel

q  Maintaining the Ba\ery for your Laptop

Most laptop ba]eries will last at least four hours when fully charged. If not maintained,
however, the ba]ery will require charging more frequently. for maximum performance.

Use the ba]ery as your power source un(l the low ba]ery warning emerges.

Using your laptop with the AC adapter plugged into an electrical outlet will overcharge the
ba]ery. Overcharging decreases the life of the ba]ery. Eventually the ba]ery will be unable
to hold a charge and will require a replacement.

Condi>on the ba\ery for maximum performance

1.  Discharge the ba]ery – use the ba]ery un(l the low ba]ery warning emerges.

2.  Charge the ba]ery – use the AC adapter un(l the ba]ery is fully charged.

3.  Then immediately disconnect the AC adapter from the notebook. The procedure above
insures both maximum performance and long life for the ba]ery
Computer Hardware Repairs and

Thank you and God Bless you all.

Computer Hardware Repairs and


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