CANTEEN Strictimplementation
CANTEEN Strictimplementation
CANTEEN Strictimplementation
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ArR 18?005
. No. t{
, s.2005
To: Undareeor€taries
Assisterf Secr€tarles a
Buraau DirEctors
Direc-tors of SeMces, Centerg and Haads of Unlts
Sghools Divisiori/Clty Superint€ndEnts.
Heads, Public anC prtvaie Elern€flhry and Saconery Sdndr
.L To ensum consumption it
r*ruitious'and s#e foorl hr $drools, all regbml dirsilors,
schools superintendenttt, gdrbd heeds and other s€hool parsonnel ara hereby dire*d to
observE the following measures:
t 6. F{ame-gpppared $nacks
- - ---- ..-:i & sa(-a*?6/637-6?o9 Wetrstec: &itl&S€:::
e. lrrvclver;lsnf;ef LGU'ciftltU'e ' .
Z. The Health and Nutrition Center shall provide Food Safety Handbook to *tropls es
reference material and sfnll initftrte the orierdailon. fairlrg of regiqflal heaffr ,tnd: nutitloit
personnel wfio will likewise take the ieO in orientirg tE divieion.'office,' Itld $chool heelth
personneland school adrninistrators. ': ':' .
g. Health and nutrition parsonnel at lhe regionsl and dlviqion levels and tcfiool heads shEll
inteneify advocacy on nuiritbn and food safgty end ansure strict implanenlrtion of all
appropdata safety mea$rr€s in the sc*pols,
DECS Memorandum: No. 373, s, 1996
' ,: ', ,'.
Allotnrent l{D.O, 50-gn
To be indicated in the *ermtuallrtdex
/',/ under the following subjecls:
scHools '
I !i ;',r li,T'i' I'i, rfi i; l; itl j) ].j t,. i":'' I r]l{ ry,..}i
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{-tts 06 ?0u7
No.8 .s.2097
To: Underseeretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
. Regional Directors
Directors of ServiccVCenters and ileads of Units
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heids. Public Elemcntary and Secondary Schools
Thesc guidelines are hereby issued in order to rationalize ihe operation and
nranagement of school canteens in the public school system and to ensurc that:
1.2 The schooi canteen shall serve as a venue for the development of
. rlesirabte eating habits of pupils/-students.
1,3 The school canteen shall serve as a laborarory for Home Economics.
- retail trade and in the incidentat teaching of health and nutrition. .lt shall
provide hands-on training for students on planning, purchasing. handling
and srorage. preparatidn. serving and sdle of safc and nutritious meals.
1.4 The school cante€n guirlelines shall serve as a mechanism to support the
l)cpa(ment's responr. to tlrc mandate of Article 2.of Republic Act No.
69jS to creale an atnrosphere thilt is conducive to the glowth and
development of cooperatives.
<d ,r"1
1.5 S't-vrc,: ;lioitltl hr: litc' ..;r.i:sid,:r;rl: .,r 'irr oiler;r.lrJry :t tcl\or.l r:,rr:l.i',..fl.
i', tfil, Shn:i c., lll.,,:r:(i11{y c;'rrt.,:',',t :li 'rl,;lf ^t.. i:itt.,.itlt rr!;:1 iq i..'i9
'"p ,{r:-':lr1,ll-rl , l,i 1,'ll ;,rl i i ,dir.i- ,, ., ,, .: 1-.i t l' :. il" .ir-t :.
l.(.; .'i...,,:d ::gi.r:iri.,,-,,Oii11ri:il:i'l'ili,;1:'rrr''',:,i;j i, l:C l1,-':ri i'iri t I'I ij:t;r;l
car-rtcerl sli"ii be i.l-iarlc by liic , ii(t.os cuilc{;iiir;ld io ct,:'pitavize
3.1 School Canteen refers to one of tlre ancillary services in thc school
system that sells food items to the pupilVstudcnts and $erves as a suPpofi
mechanism in the effort to eliminate malnutritiort concerns of the school.
It can be used as a laboratory canteen on food planning, preparation,
serving, storage and selling. A school canteen can either be schoOl-
managed or leachers' cooperative-rnanaged. .
' 3.4 Laboraton Canteen refers to the canteen operated and nranaged by
@ part of their H:E. classes. It can make usc of lhe t
3.5 Canteen Teacher - refe$ to an H.E. teacher who has been designated to
;*-rg-"ndsupervisE the school-managed canteen. HelShe
aiso superviseJthe students doing practicum activities in the canteen'
.f:-f"ll*g.{-Gprrtlsiig-fu!-- i; eqnat 1e 1l:q iiv€:iiary ul lhe l,egirrnirrg,rl'the
'/e;tr, a,.]ll.!ttg !lrr: cost ,''.l,lr.lrls .r'ilat;iltti:1',llctl rtr Jrt,r,.rhils,', I tJr,riiirl ftic
i....., 'lltr.-.. :-,
r,irrrr.') 1.!. -, "i,, t ,i ih",tlii' .:!.,'lC ; jr-, i-..
3.9 gross Merein - rcfers to the difference between gross sates and cost of
goods iotalnciuaing cost of freight and production.directly related to ths
pr6paration of food items.
managed canteen.
where tne sturieni poputrtidn is nrore than one
duly registered and interested
hundred tf
{,"J 1.,.1 :.;iir:,:i;,ii r' jri,ril;..,,,,.1 ,.,'
i:r.ri:rlrcrl i:rr_'i-ll i,irt,rrifi. t,
4.4 Qnly nutrient-rich foods such as root crops, noodles, riie and corn
Products in nalive preparatioq fruits and vegetables in season, and
fortilied foo{t4iroducis labcled rich in protein, energy, vitamins antl
mincrals shall be sold in the schoot canteen. Beverages shall include
milk, shakes and juices prepued from fruits and vegetables in season.
4.5 The sale of carbonated: drinlcs, sugar-based lynthetic or artificially
tlavored juices, junk foods and.any food product that may be detrimental
. to the child'3 health and that db not bear the Sangkap Pinoy seat and/or
did riot pass BFAD approval is prolribited.
4.9 Vendors shall noi be allowcd to bring in food items inside the school
canteen/premiseg. Teachers and schoolg-e rsonnel are likervi se prohibitedi
from selling food itenrs within the sch*o*dl premises, except through the
school canteen and unless authorized and . covered by a r,vritten
4 agreement with the school headlprincipal and/or the leachersr
(a) Salritatiorr (-'leararr,:c/i'.:r rit lionr th,; Iucal ilca!tlt:i)r:pr,rlltrent
ii,}) lle;rlth i), ,rrrit of It:i::;l 1;r;: otrt:i:lr'sli;l'f i"i'oil ll,; cil.-.ri:rr-rriir'tr. I t
i,- :;tlt ,-'l;,'
5.2 All canteen personncl/statt are required to wear clean and proper attire
(white shirUpgld/blouse, colored pants/skirt, hairnet, apro& appropriate
footwear) at all times. They shall also wear their identification cards
with pholo when inside the premises oflthe c4ntcen.
rry A-l
r To be subrnitted to the (l ) Statement of Financial Quarterly submission with
Department of Condition deatlline dates of May 15,
Education, speci fi cally (2) Statcmeqt of Operations August l;5, November l5
to the school head in (3 ) Statenre"rif b f$ash Flows and Fcbruary 15 t
case ofteachers' coop- (4) Notes to lnterim Financial
managed, and division Statement and Other
office in case of Disclosures
school-managed (5) Summary of Cost of Sales
Catcgory A-2
'r To be prepared and (l ) Bank Reconciliation Monthly with deadline date
,f nraintained at all times (2) Schedule of Cost of Sales bf every l0'h of the
and posted on the (3) Schedule of Opera(ing' fbllqrving month
school's bulletin bqard Expenses
andlor in
'conspicirous any (4) Scliedule of Utiliz.ation of
place School Sharc Prograrn
within thc school Received from the
prcmiscs Cooperative
(5) Schedule of Utilization of
Cross Inconte Cenerated
q*;i U
5.3.3 Ttre school head/principal shall also post on the school's bulletin
board a statement ol receipts and disbursements, indicatirrg the
sharc it rcccived front the teachers' cooperativc tttanagcd
5.4 Acccirrt:ng of J:lrt:,,i'j
-5.4. I r\ ltcok (ll' ii'-catrnis ' "i .:'tr,r.,ntlrtI r;l- :l;, li:s l:llr.l rl ,','.,r r,i{Iitr;iis
r;l- t1[l"': rrr'iilit 'rr..1 :.i.'r.1.;,'11i, .tril,t,'^,r !{ ,,'.:}ir i],..,t,", .!;tirl ,_1::,,
,i;rrr riitJl,:, ,r. .1,,-: ,. ir..i-:t. ,(r..' ':1;i; ,, ,: .,ij5, r :,i,,,i' ,r;;r
rire]l Lc !.,.;,',1 ,.i,rll r;rl,'s, li:r'cir;ri', .;;i ;d,...sL: :- ,tirj, .: ;,r,rl.'1..,
'f ire
borrks r.ri accouLris riiuu.,J be ,.,:i:t up-to r,iait: iJ,iJ rta,!i,r exumination ;ud inspecticn at any appropriate time
fy-the fthbol level auditirig committcc or the COA reptesentarivc
' based in the division office.
r5.4.2 head/principal
For purposes of transparency and accountabiliti,
shall organize a school level auditing committee to
. bc headed by a Mathematics deparlmelt head/feacher, and Home
Econ'oinics department head/teacher and the president of the
faculty'club as members. The committee shall look into the
books of accourlts at least once a month. The audited statement
shall be posted on thc school's bulletin board.
5B No portion ol the rrct ilr'"'rlpte ile rir.,rd fir;m carit ir)r1 (ip(:l iilicns iihlll be
riol ;51,1* iil.i in :,ri: :i;;Li.:;-'f, itl f;r,"or Of l.hc lr 6ionll, Di,'*iotr rr
r.risiricl {.i{-il- ;.
6.1 *
Thc schooLheadr.piirrcip;il shall issue a itten dcsi;,na-tion tr: a IIonle
Ecoqomidd teechar who shall be the Canteen Teache.r. HdShe is tasked
to supervise canteen opeiations .for a period not exceeding three (3)
hours per day w.hich is equivalent to four (4) EPP teaching periods. The
rst of the required number gf hours in a day's load shall be spcnt in
actual teaching.. In ng case shall he/she be totally stripped/deprived of
academic teachirrg load.
6.2 In addition to the Canteen Teacher and other HE teachers, the school
headlprihcipal shall contract the sen'ices of additional qualified full-time
canteen personnel, subjcct to availability offunds.
6.3 lndigent pupilVstudents who wish to u,ork in the canteen shall be duly
and reasonably compensated. Their employmen! shall only be done
upon written consent of their parents. They shall only be allowed to
rvork in the canteen outside their regular class schedulc.
6.5 The net income derived fronr the operation of the canteen shall be
utilized [or, but nol limited to the following:
Schsol clinic fund 5%
6ultv;nd atudent developrnent fund t5%
H.E. instructional fund t0%
School operations fund
Revolvine capital
TOTAL 100%
rcl)ulable cor ;,nercial barrk. Iir no ca$c llrall {he,,l*pn.rii, be marlr: in tiie
pci"sonal iit:gg:; 1l rlf tny st:lr .',rl o{iicili. A :--tjirl0'.tlnr,1ilCd c*ritt:crr :h,ril
h:ir;g,n $3;.;!1 ;rr*rrllll,t "irr ;ru::t for" ihc;li:.{.iri {,-r lhiS stilr.rrl, wh,:i,:.,l.ry
.:,-ilarri !i,:;.tli'i,ii;:Ci1.:ti .:.rl
t'C f.r; :.r.r1
;';,;,..1i,.;r..,l,.ill 1;": li:C iCitit
i,,:.:l .ri,..'.
6.t i-J.,:ctl on i.l c uipectcrl iiicurrie t:r' li;,: SCltOr i r.;rilft;rftr the sci'tol '
head/principal shrr,ll prepaie an Annual Budget to be submitteti to anil
approved jby tlfie Schools Division Superintendent i]r hiVtrer
representative at the stan ofevery school year,
il) it is iibi,: iJ scctrrc irli: r.rcscut a r;, riiiit'afir)ri lrrrrrl f[e CDr\, rrr rhe
l,;dcr.rii',it ',,.iir;-c it is iri'lllietc,J t,.r. oi ii,; ,rbility i,-, l.irc ,1,,,1ifi .i;-,,: 1rt.,:l,ilti:f ;lr-'l l;' i'i t,,fh,.r r,1ii illl 1.,11 liliu ..i.,,ii ,,, l , , ,:
' ..:*ii: .rrr.
(s.i lis tt1,.,i;b,-'rririp is ,; )d ril rr;,)r,: llran lily ,ieicent (iG%) sl'
the leachers .and non-(eaching personnol of the school: provided.
that $erntrejs who have retired, rcsigned or have been dismissed or
. othinrise rEmoved from the service, shatl noi be inctuded in the
At least thirty (30) days prior to the start of cantccn operations, the
cooperative shall submit the-{bllowing docunrents to lhe division oflice,
th rou gh the school h ead/pri noipa li fot evaluatio n :
(i) Copy of the br:nds of accounlatrle r:ffic,:rslcmLrloytcs; ilnd
U} certification by the chair:rran orthe bciaLd autlrori;iiig the ca'tr.-:n
manager [(] c'l{}r{lirlate with {hc }J,}r. cant{ien t{:;,.]licr r:rr lhe
:,',:lrcdule ol ;r1 ,rq1i611;11 ;;ctivrties iri ll:e 6rrrr;lir,.r.r'. ;,r1;p;.yxii",;_
ntiri illiCri i. rt'i',.,t.
I -i ;Viihirr rhlrty {iiri :!ays ui:riit cr'.tiilt i,l ri,i: rrlr.t:iiri I ri1 ,;;;;1ir,1iir;" lhn
.,irtll i:r;';'r) lLc;1:lrrici:rt 1r::ri. i;r',;() ii..,i:
si:lrs-'r,'is rcad,/p.'i:;c';al
rhe "Aurlrlrrityl"tri ()perate and Manage ihc school u;nt{ren; if rhe
r,,imi,r.i rrr
;;;h;;' ;;';,;rr':hrri
display at its business office a sign . with the. following words:
ICHOOL CANTEEN. lf the documents are found inadequatq rhe same
shall be retumc$ within seventy two (72| hours.
7.4.2 Upon the termination of the MOA and wlren the teachers'
cooperative ceases to operate the,school canteen, the cooperative
shall retain ownership of all properties it acquired for the
operation thereol, except those properties or improvements which .
7.5.2 ln view of this, upon receipt of the proposed MOA by the school
head/principal, helshe shall within ten (10) days nrakc a writtcn
reply'to the chairpcrson of the teachers' cooperative indicating
therein his/her conlmcnt, objection, counter-proposal on the
terms and conditions stipulated.iri the MOA. Thereafter, withirt
the aforesaid period of thirty (30) days, the school head/principal
. ";l tl,c , l,oi,i , Lii;;l r i 11,,: ir415' r;r-,r';''t::ili:.C I !,;ill r,tr,;i;t ;l1rj
'ril:tlly 'i;,, rr rli,; l. ..; ,, 1. :i ,.; , .,1 !;,; l.:;. r..
.ii,r.i Co:llll,.,. ,
r,_.1;L-!Sijl r,iiii,.,i ri;C::ibtr;:r:1. i
.;r;i ., r.J ,li .,i.t,,ri ,rOyr,
slrall be clr1r,\{ri}cd lo nrrl;n that }ie/sir,: lrrs hrlly agi.i:il e/;ril
tercns and corditions sripuiaied rherein, Ilence, th*ere will
be no
. r€ason'foi the school head/principar not to approve and sign
v-5-4 Afrer the lapse of the rhirry (30) day period and no MoA has
becn e[ecuted by the parties conccrned clue to refusal of the
school'ihead/principal to sign it without valid reason, th' party
aggrieved. by such refusal may bring the rnatter Uy way of an
appeal to lhe Division/City Superinteudent concenred, Who in
tum shall act on it within a period of fifteen (t5) dayF from
receipt thereof. Thc decision or rcsotution of the Division/City
superintendent shall be appealabie to the Regional Director
within fifteen (15) days from receipt thereof.
Eg /
.';s:" "t*--*"'
i.'.i,"i ;\tir.s li,.i f,trr,il ryf ili; tjiii"r..y (,,);,;,1,y i.;i. , ,l ,r,r1,, ...1 i,,
_ .i,r:
i.,1i.i{ ri;,5 f ,,;',:,1,111;,r-!9 lly ;^.-, ,,,,rti.,r.r,,,i, ri}itd dijC r.
r'i: schoor head./principar to $;tn it rvitr;ci;i valia iea.sor,,r;;iuSal Cl
rhe parly
;!gridf-A{ qy r:ih. ,,riy tr,.ng rhe marter by way of an
' Iri":_"J
appeal io the Division/city superintcndent concerned, who in
turn shalt aq-o1.,ii yirhil , plrioJ,oir;;i";;'?i;i"y,
receipt thereof .The decision ir resolution of tne riivisiovciry
t superintcndenr- be appearable to the RAil Director
withiq,filleen (15)days from receipt rhereof.
7.8.2 The teachers' coopeiatitp nray allocate a smalr space within its
school canteen premfses, rvhich shhll not be more than one-eighth
(l/8) of the floor area and must bc enclosed, where consumer
goods/itemi may be sold to ils members or where the cooperative
may undertake other business yentures. Such consumers' store. .
and other business veritures of the teachers' cooperative mithirt,
the canteen or school premises are not rou.r..l -.under these,
guidelines; instcad, these shall be covered by a separata
agrcement bctween the school headlprincipalhnd the chairperson
of the teachers' cooperative.
7.8.3 The school shall bc frcc.from damages and any liability that may
arise from the teachers' cooperative's operation of tlrc school
canteen and use of its facilities.
7.9 The teachers' cooperative shatl not allow any of its officers and rnembers
to use hisftcr/thcir officiat tirne in attending to and supervising lhe
activities, operations and rranagernent pf the school cantcen.
'*;eP-'" t/./4
/. !ti (,1r',ii
i:tg ol Pi,.,,,-,:Cs
{a) Eighty percent (80%) lbr the teachers' coop(:.{aiive arrd 1rv,1111,
Fercent (?,QW for the school. Horvever, the school head/principal
and lgicheifiooperative miy agree on orher percentage gisharing
dcpendini on the peculiar situation of the school: Providcd that the
share of lhe schocl shdll not be less than twenty percent (20%}
Remittance of theschgol sharc shall be due ev€ry fifth day of the
(b) Thc schobl headlprincipal or his/her duly authorized reprcsentative
shall receive the school share from the teachers' cooperative and
issue the conesponding acknowledgment rcceipt duly signed by the
schooi head/principal o; his/her duly authorized representalive.
Any authorized disbursdment made chargeable againsi such share
shall bc recorded, accounted for and supported by receipts.
Supplementrry feeding program fsr undernourished 3Se/o
School clinic fund ' s%
Facultv and student developntent fund ts%
H.E. instructional fund t0%
School operations fund 3s%
TOTAL U' ta0%
7.ll All resolutions, decisions and actions taken by the Board of Directors of
the teachers' 'cooperative relative to finances, privileges and benefits
accruing to the membership of ttre Board shall be reported to-the Ceneral
Assenrbly during its annuai meeting for conflmlation.
8.5 lncome derived from the laboratory canteqn shall be utilized as follows:
t:i-- 'u
alr lited i,nljl,]l][ fiirnncill rt-;'rrrr. u,iriri,r ii,:{y ((r0i *r,rys rlrl.,.:r rlic ..,,1 qf
,..i';lt fis' .l 1,,,rr,
(lr) I;,1 "zlt!': iri .;: ' ,ri' ,i," ,.. l1q-,,1,1 r-:;r,1orl;gn J,r.., .,..s--. : ri
j,,:;.', ,,:;.1:1,,:
..., ,:,i1.3 ;;1.i1r',1-,i lli i,.: r, ,;l .r i ,rl.l ], I i, :.,, 1.
r'.i,li i;1.t ,-i
(d) Failure to sccure lhe necessary pennits including annual hearth and
sanitatipn permits as above-mentioned and to have them posted in
the mEfitioned placcs.
(e) Failure to report and account for donations and incentives received
from private supplicrs of food items and beverages.
(i) Failure to deposit the proceeds of the canteen in the account that is
"in trusl for" lhe school. Similarly, depositing thc proceeds of the
canteen in the name of a person not mentioned in thcse guidelines or
iirto private or personal accounts, including those in the name of the
school head/principal or teacher-in-charge, .l
fi) Failure to present upon request ofthe proper authorities, such as the
sehoot head/principat, the school level auditing committee, and the
. Comnrission on Auclit, the [inancial documents pertaining to the
operatious ofthe school canlecn.
(k) The use of the cantEen prenrises for any other. endeavor not included
or sanctioned by lhese guidelines including, buf not limited to. the
use of the canteen as warehouse or stockroom of Plohibited items
and/or food and beverage expressty prohibited in these guidelines
tr w i7
itt,-'lr;rl;rrg;:ll clii,:l"iri{.'rchandire vrlrich ,.g li:r tli.: ri:,f t;f lhe
c4ll,riri r.:;intcen I'ril ,'rlji,'tl r.1,: ttui i,clOn; lr) :1,, ,:. .r)Ol.
.t) rrli t:rtiir:r vioi:-.itirr,c ul ,lie l,'i.iirs ::.r,.| il0iiil;tir;i,., r.{'tlr,:: .{r.,::r-,ili,Idu;rr
ol t\',:;rCr':rrlt';, I r.,f .)rrl Cl ihc j);v"ririi ,ii uf t1r,.,,, giiidCliii,,S r,,l,ir:jr arr:
analogous to the frrregoing.
J +-t"
- RegionatOffice
I0.3 $anctions
{b) For other violations rrot mentioned in the preceding section, *,hich
arc considered sinrple violations, a warning shall be issued by the
school head/principal for the first infraction and a repeat of such
violations shall wanant an investigaiion and shall thereafter, in the
interest of the students and the pupils and lhe welfare of the school,
be a ground to terrninate the Memorandum of Agreement entered
into between the parties pertaining to the operations of the school
(c) tn the casc of sehool-minaged canteeris, any viotation of these
guidelines shall wanant qppropriate administrative'sanctions
against the school headlprincipal and other canteen teachers who
are directly or indirectly involved in the operations .of the school
canteen and who are classified as canteen designated teachers as
defined under these guidelines.
qtfit qg
I l.t, Flxcltj:i I \it Ty ol., .I {-t t} IIj $I ryt,{ {. i,{
! 2' I In cases of acliails arislng il'c:lr conllicts relaiive t,* tlic operationi ol the
scho+:i cafileen hr+ught bel'*r:e an*.| *ogtrizabic bv judiciai 'nodies in case
uf civil a*tierns, the coniractiirg parti€s to the l,{eniorandum of
Agreement shall bE encouraged to agree to the venue of actiop to bc
pla-ced'ic the appropriat* csrurts of the city or nrunicipality where the
school sit$.
l3.l All existing grriri*lines, ri*rlrorarlria, orclers anci oli;er issuances of'
similair $ature rv'hici'r are incc;nsistclrr with"this *rdel ari: tlereby dcer*ed
repealed and i;uprre*der.l.
i4.? Except t?:!{,-ss into irr ",,icrl:iii;,n oi'l}epED $rders, circlilars and
oiher issLrant:es" pre-exiili;lg I'icnii'rrilriduilx r;f .-{g,-een"rent on lhe
oper:ltion ot'schooi cr:rnlse,'is ',r'iiii t*aclers' c{x}peratires [l'ii,it tttay be
riisqua!i{i*r! under ti:c currErii g,tr:ict.lrrrr:s sir:lll ;ernain *:fer:tive dubjeet t*
the'con'rpliance by lire co+perafive v,,iih the Criteda fur Qualificatic,n
herein set forti: witliiri si;r iS) nutrlhi; fi*rn tiie etfeciivity *il'tliis ilrder.
0 iherw i sr:"' lha sain i; slr al I b* dei:n-r *t.i t':irurrin a l*c'.
I4.3 A teachers' cooperative wilh a valid pre-existing [ilemorandurn of
Agreement shall not be removed or otherwise displaced fram the space
where it is cunently operating the sehool canteen.
As stated
t ntpED Orders: Nos, 95, s. 1998 andl7',s. I99i'
Allotment: l{D.o. 50.97)