Interview Qs
Interview Qs
Interview Qs
Provider of history (patient or other)
Birth date
Place of birth
Race or ethnic background
Educational Level
Significant others or support persons
Childhood Illnesses
Immunizations to date
Parent illnesses
Grandparents’ Illnesses
Do you follow a regular exercise plan? What types of exercise do you do?
Are there any reasons why you cannot follow a moderate strenuous exercise program?
“What do you usually eat during a typical day? Please tell me the kinds of foods you prefer, how
often you eat throughout the day, and how much you eat.”
“Do you nap during the day? How often and for how long?”
Herbal supplements?
Social activities
• “What do you do for fun and relaxation?”
• “With whom do you socialize most frequently?”
• “Are you involved in any community activities?”
• “How do you feel about your community?”
• “Do you think that you have enough time to socialize?”
• “What do you see as your contribution to society?”
“Who is (are) the most important person(s) in your life?
- Usual Duration
- Cycle