Psychiatric Artikel
Psychiatric Artikel
Psychiatric Artikel
Present Lillness
Family History
Childhood/Premorbid History
How did you get along with your family and friends?
Medical History
Are you experiencing pain? If yes complete a pain history and assessment
Psychicsocial/Psychiatric History
Have you ever been treated for an emotional or psychiatric problem? Have you been diagnosed with a
mental illness?
Have you ever been in counseling / therapy for an emotional or psychiatric problem?
Have you ever taken prescribed medications for an emotional or mental illness? Did you ever have ECT?
How frequently do your symptoms occur? (about every 6 months?Once a year? Every 5 years? First episode?
How long are you generally able to function well in beetwen onset of symptoms? (weeks? months? years?)
What do you feel, if anything, may have contributed to your symptoms? (Nothing? Stopped taking
medications? Began using alcohol? Street drugs?)
Recent Stressors/Losses
Marital History
How would you describe your relationship with your children? (if client has children)
Social History
Support System
Do you consider yourself different now from the way you were before your problem began? In what way?
Discharge Goals
How do you want to feel by the time you’re ready for discharge?
What do you think you can do to help yourself reach that goal?
What things will you do differently from the way you did them before?
What things can you do to help prevent your symptoms from recurring and stay out of the hospital?