Advanced Treatment Strategies Handout

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Acupuncture Treatment Strategies
Kimberly Thompson, L.Ac.
Miridia Acupuncture Technology Inc.
Getting Started…
To get the most effective results with any chief complaint (pain, digestion, emotional, etc.) we
suggest using Advanced Acupuncture Treatment Strategies. If you balance the body with a
Root Treatment BEFORE treating the chief complaint, you will get better results with

An advanced acupuncture treatment strategy looks like this:

1. Root Treatment
2. Branch Treatment
a. Treat the channel with pain
b. Treat the NEXT channel in the energetic flow

*Note: This strategy is not device specific. I use it with needles OR with laser, microcurrent,
massage, acupressure points, etc.

The theory behind this strategy is simple...

Step 1: Root Treatment
(general meridian imbalances)
There are multiple root treatment approaches that work well. I’ve included three of my
favorites. Just choose one. You do not need to use every strategy listed below. One is
sufficient. Choose the system that works best for you and treat the acupressure points related
to the style of balancing you choose. Treatment with Rapid Release Technology should be
15-20 seconds for each point. Remember, just choose ONE of the following options. You don’t
need to perform all three.

A. AcuGraph: Ryodoraku Channel Balancing

Graph the patient to find out which channels are excess, deficient or split from left to right. Use
the Small Actuator Tip to treat the recommended points in AcuGraph.

Note: Typical recommended points in AcuGraph include Tonification points, Sedation points, and Luo
points. If you want to quickly simplify treatment, you could treat the source point for each channel that
is imbalanced.

B. TCM: Pattern Diagnosis

Decide which TCM pattern is the root cause of your patient’s problem and treat the customary
points related to their condition.

Note: If you want to expand your knowledge of TCM patterns related point selections we suggest the
“Points” software app as a resource. Type “TCM” into the search box to find points for patterns such as
Liver Wind, Phlegm Damp, Yin Deficiency, Wind-Heat, etc.
C. Back Shu: Full-body Meridian Balancing

We discussed the discovery of this theory in the


Treatment is pretty simple, yet very effective.

Begin with the 1-inch, Smooth Head. Treat the
paraspinal muscles along either side of the
spine, including specific attention to the Back
Shu Points. For added effect I like to add point-
specific treatment to points such as SI 11, GB 21,
generalized treatment across the lower back
band to include the hips and glute muscles with
an emphasis at GB 29 and 30. Continue
treatment down the back of the leg along with
point-specific treatment at GB 34, BL 58 and SP
9. The entire treatment takes about 5-7 minutes.

Clinical Pearls

• Note: Patients LOVE the Full Body Meridian Balancing treatment. This overall
meridian-balancing approach is great on multiple levels. If your branch treatment is
focused on musculotendino pain issues, this treatment is a great root treatment. Branch
conditions such as shoulder pain, lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and foot pain
are most often related to muscular imbalances along the spine. The Urinary Bladder
Channel runs along the spine and involves the biggest musculature in the body. If you
do a general treatment along the UB channel, you will accomplish two things that lead
to extraordinary results.
• You will be treating every channel in the body via the Back Shu points. It’s a great way
to jump start each organ system before you begin any branch treatment.
• Your patient will immediately move to a state of relaxation. This will make working on
their chief complaint much easier.
Step 2: Branch Treatment

(aka Chief Complaint)

To get the best results for your branch treatment involving musculotendino pain, I suggest
you follow a three-step approach.

A. First choose the musculotendino channel that has pain

• Use Rapid Release to stimulate the muscular area associated with the channel—
focusing specifically on the distal area of the limbs and possibly the trunk of the body.
• Notice the areas that are dark in the pictures. This is where qi concentrates in the
tendinomuscular channel. It’s good to add some extra focus on these areas when you
are creating movement of qi and blood in the tendinomuscular pathway.






B. Treat the NEXT channel in the Energy Cycle

After you treat the musculotendino pathway related to the chief complaint, continue to open
the flow of energy by treating a few points on the next channel within the energy cycle.

Note: You’ll notice that I don’t focus on the entire muscular channel for this step. My goal is to open
pathways in the next channel in sequence, so that the qi and blood stagnation within the pain-related
channel has a place to go.
There are multiple ways of considering which points you choose on the next pathway.

• One way is to simply palpate for a tender or stagnant area on the next acupuncture
• If you want specifics to consider for palpation, here are some good options: Source Point,
Xi Cleft Point, Luo Point
• I do have some favorites, based on personal experience when palpating, as follows:

Source Xi Cleft Luo

My Favorite Points
Point Point Point
Lung 9 6 7 6 or 7
Large Intestine 4 7 6 4 or 10
Stomach 42 34 40 34 or 36
Spleen 3 8 4 6 or 8
Heart 7 6 5 7

Small Intestine 4 6 7 10 or 11
Bladder 64 63 58 58
Kidney 3 5 4 3 or 11
Pericardium 7 4 6 6
Triple Energizer 4 7 5 5
Gallbladder 40 36 37 34

Liver 3 6 5 5

C. Treat acupressure and/or ashi points related to the patient’s pain

By the time I reach this part of the treatment, most of the pain is already resolved because we
have been so effective at moving qi and blood. This step is essentially the cleanup plan. Often I
am treating “ashi” points where there is a bit of residual pain. Here’s an example of how to
approach a branch treatment.
Example Chief Complaint: Left Mid-back Pain

A. Musculotendino Channel Treatment

• If the patient has mid-back pain on the

Bladder Musculotendino channel, begin
Rapid Release treatment on the limb and
begin working toward the trunk of the
• Make sure you spend extra time at the
areas shown in black.

B. The Next Channel

• Treat a few points on the NEXT channel

using the Small Actuator Tip.
• This will open the flow of energy into the
next channel and help your treatment to
be more successful.
C. General Pain Relief for Qi and Blood

• Focus on the area of pain initially, then

continue outward on the surrounding
areas of tendons, muscles and ligaments.
• Choose acupressure points or trigger
points related to the chief complaint.
• Note: Most acupuncturists are very aware
of points where they would stick a needle
if they were using a needle. The same
points can be treated with Rapid Release
Technology as well. More detailed
acupressure point suggestions related to
specific conditions will be shown in the
next session.

This three-step branch treatment approach is really powerful. You are moving qi and blood in
the channel, in the next channel, and at the location of pain. When you treat with this
approach, pain often resolves immediately.

*Repeat treatment every 1-2 days until pain is resolved

SUMMARY: Advanced Treatment Strategies

Step 1: Root Treatment

Choose ONE root treatment. Do this BEFORE you treat the symptoms.
• AcuGraph Channel Balancing: Measure the meridians, treat excesses, deficiencies and
left/right imbalances based on graph analysis.
• TCM Pattern Balancing: Decide which pattern your patient presents with via tongue,
pulse, and/or TCM questioning. Treat the pattern via acupressure points.
• Back Shu Full Body Meridian Balancing: Treat the UB channel, thus affecting every
meridian to jumpstart the flow of qi throughout the body to create balance.

Step 2: Branch Treatment

• Decide which musculotendino channel to treat based on location of pain. Try not to focus
on more than two.
• Treat the next channel in the energy cycle.
• Treat the general area of pain.
• Repeat treatment every 1-2 days until pain is fully resolved.
Advanced Treatment Strategies
(Excerpt from Move Blood and Stop Pain: How to Resolve Pain and
Revitalize your Practice with the Power of Vibrational Technology)

Kimberly Thompson L.Ac. MSTOM

Published by:
Miridia Acupuncture Technology Inc.
1875 N Lakes Place
Meridian, ID 83646

Copyright © 2017 Miridia Technology Inc.

No part of this work may be reproduced

without written permission from the publisher.

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