Acupuncture Imaging 31 40 PDF
Acupuncture Imaging 31 40 PDF
Acupuncture Imaging 31 40 PDF
French Acupuncture
18 Acupuncture Influences and Styles
teachings, correlate with the ZangFu, not the meridians. Also, sig-
nificantly, the secondary vessels (tendino-muscular, divergent,
Luo) and the Eight Extraordinary Vessels do not tend to show up
on the pulses. One must know their general characteristics, symp-
tomatology, energetic zones of influence and convergence, and
modes of treatment, which are totally different in principle from
the treatment of the regular meridians. The Five Element prin-
ciples taught by some schools, for example, do not apply to the use
of the secondary vessels and Eight Extraordinary Meridians, and
since the latter constitute the bulk of the energetic system of
acupuncture, Five Element treatment strategies apply only sel-
dom. The two dominant styles of practice in this country-TCM
and Five Element acupuncture-both emphasize the ZangFu
(called Officials by Five Element practitioners of the Worsley
school) and the regular meridians only and ignore the complex
surface and primal energetic networks, which, taken as a whole
with the regular meridians, constitute human energetics. In this
sense, they are disembodied approaches to acupuncture.
Chung Mo, Ren Mo, and Du Mo. These three serve as the body
energetic's chief organizers, 3 and each structures the energetic
zones that it influences-Chung Mo energizing the front of the
body and nourishing the visceral functions (it is the potential for
ZangFu functions, the energetic basis upon which the Zang and
Fu later develop); Ren Mo in relationship with Du Mo, the for-
mer constituting Yin energies and forming the ventral surface,
and the latter constituting Yang energies and forming the dorsal
surface. To this longitudinal energetic flow there comes a fourth
meridian, Daimo, which encircles the other three, directing the
activities of upper/lower parts of the body energetic. Together,
these constitute the front/back and upper/lower energetic zones.
The other four extraordinary meridians-Yinchiaomo,
Yangchiaomo, Yinweimo, and Yangweimo-organize the particu-
lar Yin and Yang energetics of the four quadrants, connecting
upper left with lower right, and vice versa.
The second set of meridians to develop is the tendino-
muscular meridians, in close relationship with the Liver, which
controls the free flow of musculature, connective tissue, the
diaphragm (under the control of the Liver), and the serous mem-
branes of the abdominal and thoracic regions of the body. Their
function is to bar access of perverse energies to the deeper, regu-
lar meridians and ZangFu functions, and they also serve as a kind
of character armoring, according to several French writers.
Next to develop are the regular meridians, followed by the
Luo and divergent pathways.
While nourishing and ancestral energy travel in the extraor-
dinary vessels, Wei defensive energy circulates in the tendino-
muscular and divergent pathways, and Ying nourishing energy
flows in the regular meridians and their Luo vessels.
The key, in the French meridian energetic approach (Van
French Acupuncture Influences 23
Below is a list of key meeting zones and zones of confluence of
energies according to the French meridian teachings. Royston
Low's excellent text contains more details.
Root = Bladder 67.
Node = Bladder 1.
Root = Stomach 45.
Node = Stomach and Large Intestine meeting zone (L.I.
19-20; St. 3-4).
Root = Gallbladder 44.
Node = area in front of ear (G.B. 1 and 3; T.H. 22 and 23).
Root = Spleen 1.
Node = c.v. 12.
Root = Liver 1.
Node = c.v. 18.
Root = Kidney 1.
Node = c.v. 23.
26 Acupuncture Influences and Styles