Australian Journal Of: Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

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Australian Journal of

Acupuncture and
Chinese Medicine
01 Editorial
02 Guest Editorial
C Zaslawski
A Country Practice: Characteristics of Patients of a Rural Acupuncture Clinic
M Cloy
Revised Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA):
Extending the CONSORT Statement
H MacPherson, DG Altman, R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu, A White and D Moher
23 Wen Bing (Warm Diseases) and the 2009 H1N1 Influenza
A Koh
30 Plantar Faciitis, Another Approach - Unsing Acupuncture and Looking Beyond the Lower
Limb with a Brief Review of Conventional Care: A Case Series
S Janz
Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Associated Neuropathy with
Acupuncture and Moxibustion: A Case Report
JK Anastasi and M Chang
Interview with Professor Wang Juyi, World-Renowned Acupuncturist: Part 1 of 2
XJ Liu
Current Research and Clinical Applications

Research Snapshots

Book Reviews

Conference Reports

59 Upcoming International Conferences



This issue marks the completion of five years of publication of differs distinctly from that of its Chinese counter part. Rural
the journal. The quality, diversity, and number of submitted acupuncture clinics in both countries seem, however, to serve a
manuscripts have increased over the period. In addition similar purpose, to some degree, filling the gaps in the healthcare
to articles from local researchers, we have received many system resulting from deficiency in services and staffing.3
manuscripts from our neighbours New Zealand and further
afield in Asia and Europe. This is a healthy sign and reflects the Three other papers in this issue represent two ways of how
increasing professionalisation and status accorded to Chinese knowledge of Chinese medicine can be used and modified to
medicine both on a national as well as international level. treat ailments of modern diseases. The first one looks at the
herbal formulae associated with wen bing (warm diseases),
Central to professionalisation is how to further develop which theory was developed in China in the 16th century, and
Chinese medicine. Two main methods are ‘back to the tradition their potential use for avian flu (H1N1). While speculative in
and classics’ and ‘modernisation’. These two are considered nature, the paper offers a method for practitioners of how to
contradictory by some people; I see however the necessity of flexibly utilise ancient knowledge to examine modern health
both. Indeed, ‘walking with two legs’ is far quicker than with concerns. It also behooves practitioners to become familiar
one. As for modernisation of Chinese medicine, an example with classic literature and return to the essence of Chinese
of a narrow concept would be to use advanced technology to medicine. The case report of using acupuncture to treat HIV
identify active compounds of Chinese medicinal herbs.1 This associated neuropathy further strengthens the point. From a
does not reflect the opinion of this journal. I consider that different spectrum, a second case report reflects how knowledge
what current Chinese medicine practitioners do is a process of of modern anatomy and pathology can be incorporated into
modernisation, which this journal has been proudly facilitating. acupuncture practice to enhance its therapeutic effect on
This issue provides fine examples of how Chinese medicine is plantar fasciitis. Both case studies also give helpful advice to
transforming in Australia and other western countries in the practitioners who may be struggling to treat such conditions.
areas of research, health service and clinical practice.
Finally we have the first of a two-part series interview with
Standards for reporting interventions in controlled trials of Professor Wang Juyi, who becomes well known in the West
acupuncture (STRICTA),2 first developed by acupuncture through his collaborative work with Jason Robertson in
researchers from western countries, represents the utilisation of Applied Channel Theory in Chinese Medicine (reviewed in Vol
rigorous scientific methods in reporting acupuncture treatments. 4, Issue 2). In the interview, Professor Wang shares with us his
For the first time, the needling process was dissected and recorded thoughts on acupuncture practice in the past and future.
in details and replication becomes possible. Potential authors are
well advised to consult STRICTA and indeed we require that I am sure that you will enjoy reading this issue—so turn the
any clinical research submitted to this journal comply with its page and start reading.
requirements. In this issue, we publish the updated version
of STRICTA. In his guest editorial, Zaslawski illustrates the References
background and significance of the guidelines. Another example
1. Li WF, Jiang JG, Chen J. Chinese medicine and its modernization
in this category is the recent report by the National Institute demands. Arch Med Res. 2008;39(2):246–51.
of Complementary Medicine, in which advanced mathematical
2. MacPherson H, White A, Cummings M, Jobst K, Rose K,
modeling was developed to analyse the cost-effectiveness of Niemtzow R. Standards for reporting interventions in controlled
acupuncture and other complementary therapies. You will find trials of acupuncture: the STRICTA recommendations.
further details in Current Research and Clinical Applications. Complement Ther Med. 2001;9(4):246–9.
3. Xu J, Yang Y. Traditional Chinese medicine in the Chinese health
One paper in this issue that infuses a local flavour of care system. Health Policy. 2009;90:133–9.
modernisation of Chinese medicine concerns the characteristics Zhen Zheng
of a rural Australian acupuncture practice. The patient profile Editor-in-Chief

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 1
Guest Editorial
Chris Zaslawski PhD
Deputy Editor

In this issue we include the revised review involved questioning authors of and to allow readers to critically appraise
Standards for Reporting Interventions clinical trials and systematic reviews1 the adequacy of the acupuncture being
in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture as to its utility, while the second review delivered. STRICTA has been developed
guidelines (better known as STRICTA), evaluated the impact of STRICTA to be used with other reporting checklists,
which is now an official extension to during the period 2001–2007.2 In 2008 especially the CONSORT statement.
the widely used Consolidated Standards the STRICTA group began working with The use of STRICTA will drive the
of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) the CONSORT group and the Chinese development of high-quality clinical
statement. As well as appearing in Cochrane Centre to consider adding trials and the publication of their results.
AJACM, it is also being co-published STRICTA as an extension to the official The revised checklist represents another
simultaneously in six other research- CONSORT statement. This resulted in a important step towards ensuring clear and
focused journals: Acupuncture in wide-ranging consultation process and a transparent research reporting and a better
Medicine, PLoS Medicine, Journal of one-day consensus meeting to consolidate understanding of the research process.
Evidence Based Medicine, Journal of the revised guidelines.3 The revised The editorial board of AJACM is proud
Chinese Integrative Medicine, Medical STRICTA checklist has 17 information to support the simultaneous publication
Acupuncture and the Journal of Alternative requirements which have been of STRICTA and will continue to expect
and Complementary Medicine. STRICTA categorised into six items. These six items submitting authors to use the STRICTA
was first published in 2001 and I was are: (i) acupuncture rationale, (ii) details guidelines for reporting purposes.
present at its inception in 2000 at of needling, (iii) treatment regimen,
Exeter, UK, when Dr Hugh MacPherson
first showcased his initial concept to a
(iv) other components of treatment, (v)
practitioner background, and (vi) control
number of acupuncture researchers. The or comparator interventions. In addition 1. Prady SL, MacPherson H. Assessing the
utility of the Standards for Reporting Trials
STRICTA guidelines then went through to the item checklist there are detailed
of Acupuncture (STRICTA): a survey
a subsequent second drafting involving explanations for each of the items and an of authors. J Altern Complement Med
several acupuncture journal editors who example to assist interpretation of each 2007;13(9):939–44.
revised the checklist to six key domains. requirement. 2. Prady SL, Richmond SJ, Morton VM,
Shortly thereafter it was published in MacPherson H. A systematic evaluation of
five leading acupuncture journals, which As readers are no doubt aware, AJACM the impact of STRICTA and CONSORT
led to its widespread adoption by many has endorsed the use of STRICTA since recommendations on quality of reporting
for acupuncture trials. PLoS One
researchers when reporting their clinical the inception of the journal and will 2008;3(2):e1577.
research. Since its publication it has been continue to require researchers who
3. MacPherson H, Altman DG. Improving
translated into Chinese, Japanese and submit clinical studies to comply with the the quality of reporting acupuncture
Korean, and many Asian researchers revised STRICTA guidelines. STRICTA, interventions: describing the collaboration
now use the checklist as well. During while useful for peer review, also ensures between STRICTA, CONSORT and the
the intervening period, STRICTA has that authors include sufficient details to Chinese Cochrane Centre. J Evid Based
Med 2009;2:1–4.
undergone several reviews. The first enable replication by other research teams

Australian Journal
2 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
A Country Practice:
Characteristics of Patients of a
Rural Acupuncture Clinic
Meaghan Coyle* PhD, BHSc(Acu)
Private Practice, Victoria, Australia

The use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM), including acupuncture, in Australia
is increasing. While data describing the characteristics of traditional Chinese medical practitioners
and the nature of the workforce exist, there is comparatively little research into the users of
traditional Chinese medicine in a private practice context. This study explores the characteristics
of patients presenting at a rural Victorian acupuncture practice during the first two years of
operation. Patients were typically female, married, and had a mean age of 44 years. The typical
patient self-referred or was referred through the multidisciplinary clinic, and was taking vitamins
or supplements. The most common reason for presentation was pain. Patient characteristics were
similar to existing data for Australian CAM patients. In order to more accurately describe the users
of acupuncture, practitioners must contribute to the literature. In addition, practitioners should
describe issues that are unique to practice in their context.

K e y W o r ds acupuncture, clinic, patient characteristics, rural

Introduction Bensoussan and Myers surveyed medical and non-medical

practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) across
It has been well documented that the use of complementary Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland. Practitioners
and alternative medicine (CAM), including acupuncture, were requested to describe characteristics of all patients
has been increasing in Australia and the number of CAM treated on a specific day. Responses were received from 223
practitioners has increased accordingly.1 Recent workforce non-medical practitioners and 51 medical practitioners.
data from Victoria suggest that the majority of acupuncturists Patients were typically female (approximately two thirds),
practise in metropolitan areas, with only 10.4% of registered with those attending non-medical practitioners being younger
Chinese medicine practitioners practising in rural areas.2 (mean 40 years vs 50 years). Thirty eight per cent were
engaged in full time work, 33% had private health insurance
Australian census data describe the majority of consumers of covering acupuncture, and 83% either self-referred or heard
CAM, including chiropractic, naturopathy and acupuncture, about acupuncture through word of mouth. Vitamins and
as female, with the highest proportion between 25 and 64 years supplements were the most frequently used medications, with
of age.1 There are many studies reporting characteristics of 36% of patients concurrently taking pharmaceutical drugs.
acupuncture consumers attending university clinics3-6 hospital The most frequently cited reason for seeking acupuncture was
outpatient departments,7,8 and in general practice,9-15 as well rheumatological conditions.15
as telephone or postal surveys of users of complementary
medicine, including acupuncture.16,17 A literature search There is a dearth of literature describing characteristics of
revealed only one paper describing characteristics of patients in people using acupuncture in a private practice setting, and no
Australian private practice.15 information about rural acupuncture consumers. Therefore,

* Correspondent author; e-mail: [email protected] Aust J Acupunct Chin Med 2010;5(2):3–7.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 3
Characteristics of Rural M Coyle
Acupuncture Patients

the aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of people

attending a rural Victorian acupuncture practice, to compare
these with existing data. In addition, this paper aims to An audit of registration forms was conducted. Demographic
discuss some of the issues and experiences of an acupuncturist data collected for all new patients presenting to the clinic
practising in a rural Victorian town. during the first two years of operation, from December 2007
to December 2009, were included in this study. During the
Context first consultation, patients completed a registration form
which contains demographic details (including gender, age,
The acupuncture practice operates from a multi-disciplinary marital status, occupation, private health insurance, and source
clinic in Sale, a town in south-eastern Victoria with a population of referral), previous experience with acupuncture, current
of approximately 14 000 people. The clinic primarily provides medications, allergies and consent to treatment.
chiropractic care, with massage and myotherapy, naturopathy,
counselling, and prosthetics and orthotics services also Medications used by patients were classified according to MIMS
available. Acupuncture is provided two days per week by one categories.18 While on the registration form patients listed all
acupuncturist, with hours varying to accommodate people medications used, for the purposes of this study, the focus was
needing appointments outside of office hours. One hundred on the categories of medications used, rather than the frequency
and ninety-one new patients attended the practice during the of category use. For example, where multiple medications were
first two years of operation, and the acupuncture practice sees used for controlling blood pressure, this was recorded as one use
an average of 11.8 patients per week. of a medication from the MIMS cardiovascular category.

Presenting complaints were grouped into the following

categories: pain, fertility, pregnancy, digestive, gynaecology,
TABLE 1 Demographic Information for menopause, dermatology, stress/anxiety/emotional disturbance,
general wellbeing, and other. Subcategories of pain included
Gender (n = 191) back, neck, headache, arm, shoulder, elbow, leg, knee, ankle,
and other (e.g. post-surgery, tooth/jaw, etc).
Female 149 (78.0%)
Male 42 (22.0%)
Advice was sought from two ethicists as to whether patient
Age (n = 191) 43.9 (15.4) consent was required for the study. The advice indicated that
Female 43.1 (14.7) as the study was reporting on characteristics of a business, it
Male 47.0 (17.5) was not required; however, it was advisable to present results
in aggregate so as to maintain patient confidentiality. Data
Marital status (n = 191)
were collated and entered into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
Married 120 (62.8%) for analysis, and results are presented in aggregate. Descriptive
Single 31 (16.2%) statistics were used, including frequencies and means.
Defacto 28 (14.7%)
Other 12 (6.3%) Results
Employed outside the home (n = 178) 141 (79.2%)
Patient characteristics
Private health insurance (n = 191) 106 (55.5%) Demographic data are presented in Table 1. One hundred
Referral source (n = 186) and ninety one patients attended the clinic in the study
Clinic (including internal referrals from AHP) 86 (46.2%) period, with the majority being women (78.0%), aged 43.9
years (with males older than females, 47.0 vs 43.1 years),
Family/friend/word of mouth 58 (31.2%)
married (62.8%), employed outside the home (79.2%), had
Advertising 15 (8.0%) private health insurance (55.5%), and had not previously
AHPs (external to clinic) 6 (3.2%) used acupuncture (55.0%). Whether private health insurance
Internet 6 (3.2%) covered acupuncture services was not collected.
Phone book 6 (3.2%)
Source of referral data were missing for five patients.
GP referral 5 (2.7%)
Over 46% of patients heard about the service through the
AACMA/CMRB referral 4 (2.2%) clinic, which included internal referrals from allied health
Previous use of acupuncture (n = 191) 86 (45.0%) professionals, advertising material in the waiting room
Values are n (%) or mean (SD) and in each of the treatment rooms. Thirty one per cent

Australian Journal
4 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Characteristics of Rural M Coyle
Acupuncture Patients

of patients were referred through word of mouth, and 8% health, this is less likely due to similarities in the proportion
through advertising in local newspapers. of women reported in previous Australian studies.1,15 A key
difference was noted in the source of referral. In this study,
Medication usage the clinic environment was a major factor in informing clinic
Medication use is described in Table 2. One hundred and attendees about the acupuncture service available. A strong
eighty five patients (96.9%) were using one or more types referral culture has been fostered within the clinic, ensuring
of medications (prescribed or vitamins/supplements). Of patients receive continuity and coordinated care, a feature not
those using medication, vitamins and supplements were unnoticed by patients.
most commonly used (56.8%), followed by cardiovascular
(18.9%), endocrine/metabolic (17.8%), alimentary (15.1%), The categories for medication used by patients are similar to
and central nervous system (14.6%). those of previous studies,15 particularly the use of vitamins
and supplements. Medications from the endocrine/metabolic
Presenting complaints category were used almost as frequently as cardiovascular
Pain was the most common reason for people presenting at the medications. This was surprising, but can be explained by the
clinic (47.1%; see Table 3). The acupuncturist has an interest acupuncturist’s strong focus on women’s health. Almost 15%
in women’s health, reflected in the next four most frequently of women presented for fertility support, with many of these
seen health complaints: fertility (14.7%; including natural and undergoing assisted reproductive techniques, including IVF.
assisted conception), pregnancy (5.8%; including pregnancy A vast majority of the medications used for IVF and assisted
related health complaints and general wellbeing during reproduction fall into the category of endocrine/metabolic.
pregnancy), digestive (4.7%), and gynaecology (3.7%).
Private health insurance data were collected to identify
Discussion individual insurance companies for which provider numbers
needed to be sought. Whether private health insurance
The characteristics of patients attending a rural Victorian covered acupuncture services was not documented on the
acupuncture practice are similar to those previously published patient registration form. This highlights the importance of
for Australia as a whole in relation to gender, age, previous considering the information being collected, and how this
acupuncture experience and presenting complaint.15 Although
the proportion of women attending the practice may have
been influenced by the acupuncturist’s interest in women’s
TABLE 3 Presenting Complaints of Patients

TABLE 2 Medication Groups Used by Presenting complaint (n = 191) N (%)

Pain (n = 90) 90 (47.1%)
Medication group Number of patients* Back 19 (21.1%)
Alimentary 28 (15.1%) Leg 12 (13.3%)
Cardiovascular 35 (18.9%) Neck 11 (12.2%)
Central nervous system 27 (14.6%) Arm 11 (12.2%)
Analgesia 14 (7.6%) Headache/migraine 9 (10.0%)
Musculoskeletal 11 (5.9%) Shoulder 9 (10.0%)
Endocrine/metabolic 33 (17.8%) Elbow 6 (6.7%)
Genito-urinary 1 (0.5%) Knee 4 (4.4%)
Infections/infestations 5 (2.7%) Other 9 (10.0%)
Neoplastic 4 (2.2%) Fertility 28 (14.7%)
Respiratory 6 (3.2%) Pregnancy 11 (5.8%)
Allergic disorders 5 (2.7%) Digestive 9 (4.7%)
Ear, nose and throat 3 (1.6%) Gynaecology 7 (3.7%)
Eye 2 (1.1%) Menopause 6 (3.1%)
Skin 1 (0.5%) Dermatology 6 (3.1%)
Contraceptive 10 (5.4%) Stress/anxiety/emotional problems 5 (2.6%
Vitamins and supplements 105 (56.8%) General wellbeing 5 (2.6%)
*Patients using one or more drugs from Other (including sleeping, weight loss,
24 (12.6%)
medication group breathing difficulties)

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 5
Characteristics of Rural M Coyle
Acupuncture Patients

information would be used. Collecting data about health prescription or vitamins/supplements), and the most common
insurance ancillary cover would further add to the literature. reason for presentation was for alleviation of pain. Rural
practice appears to attract similar clientele to existing data. More
Collecting patient information on the registration form research around the users of acupuncture in private practice is
provided valuable data about the characteristics of patients needed, and will help inform choices for the workforce. Rural
attending for acupuncture. This information was intended to practice may present a viable alternative to city life.
be used in two ways from the outset. Firstly, it provided key data
that fed into marketing strategies for the business. Secondly, Acknowledgments
knowing that there was relatively little data about users of
acupuncture services in private practice, the intention was to This paper was initially presented at the Australasian
publish characteristics of patients. Private practitioners should Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Annual Conference
be encouraged to publish the characteristics of their clinic,19 (AACMAC), Adelaide, 21–23 May 2010.
as more information about the nature of private practices will
help inform choices, particularly for new graduates or those
considering relocation. Clinical Commentary
Despite similarities between patients of this rural acupuncture There is a dearth of information reporting on
practice and national data,1,15 rural practice can bring unique the characteristics of patients attending private
challenges. Rural practice can be isolating, both geographically acupuncture clinics in Australia, and in particular in
and professionally.20 The onus is on the practitioner to maintain rural areas. This paper describes the characteristics
contact with colleagues, the profession (e.g. through continuing of patients presenting to a rural Victorian acupuncture
education programs), and other health professionals, and the practice. Patients were typically female, middle-
importance of establishing strong networks is amplified. aged, and self-referred for pain relief/management.
The paper also describes issues that are unique to
Having an interest in and knowledge of the community can practice in rural areas. The findings from this study
assist with integrating into a rural community for newcomers. will help inform workforce choices of new graduates
In country towns, local events become talking points, and and experienced practitioners considering practice in
having an understanding of local issues can assist in promoting rural areas.
a sense of belonging and connectedness. Other professions
describe the life of a rural health professional as lacking
anonymity compared with colleagues working in the city.21 This
can be both positive and negative. Seeing patients at the shops
1. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 4102.0 Australian Social Trends,
or social events can provide informal opportunities for follow
2008: Complementary Therapies. Canberra: ABS; 2008.
up and to further build rapport. Many health professionals
2. Department of Human Services. Chinese Medicine Workforce
describe the lack of anonymity as making separation between Victoria 2009: A report by Service and Workforce Planning.
work and private life difficult, and report a sense of always Melbourne: Victorian Government; 2009.
being ‘on call’.22 3. Grabowska C, Squire C, MacRae E, Robinson N. Provision
of acupuncture in a university health centre: a clinical audit.
Issues surrounding patient confidentiality can present more Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery 2003;9:14-19.
frequently than in cities, particularly when word of mouth is 4. Maiers M, McKenzie E, Evans R, McKenzie M. Patient outcomes
a key source of referral.21 Patients frequently report how you at a traditional Chinese medicine teaching clinic: a prospective data
collection project. J Altern Complement Med 2008;14(9):1083–8.
helped a friend or family member, and practitioners’ responses
to such comments need to be carefully measured to ensure 5. Xing M, Long AF. A retrospective survey of patients at the
University of Salford Acupuncture Clinic. Complement Ther Clin
patient confidentiality is maintained.
Pract 2006;12:64–71.

Conclusion 6. Cherkin DC, Deyo RA, Sherman KJ, Hart LG, Street JH, Hrbek
A, et al. Characteristics of visits to licensed acupuncturists,
chiropractors, massage therapists, and naturopathic physicians. J
This paper adds to the body of literature about the users of Am Board Fam Pract 2002;15:463–72.
acupuncture in private practice, and is the first describing 7. Napadow V, Kaptchuk T. Patient characteristics for outpatient
characteristics of patients in a rural context. Patients attending acupuncture in Beijing, China. J Altern Complement Med
the rural acupuncture practice were typically female, married, 2004;10(3):565–72.
employed outside the home and with no previous acupuncture 8. Grenfell A, Patel N, Robinson N. Complementary therapy: general
practitioners’ referral and patients’ use in an urban multi-ethnic
experience. Most patients were using medication (either
area. Complement Ther Med 1998;6:127–32.

Australian Journal
6 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Characteristics of Rural M Coyle
Acupuncture Patients

9. Day A, Kingsbury-Smith R. An audit of acupuncture in general 17. Thomas K, Nicholl J, Coleman P. Use and expenditure on
practice. Acupunct Med 2004;22(2):87–92. complementary medicine in England: a population based survey.
10. Selly E. Use of acupuncture in a general practice: the first two Complement Ther Med 2001;9:2–11.
years. Acupunct Med 1991;9(2):72–4. 18. MIMS Australia. November 2007 MIMS Annual. St Leonards,
11. Wright A. The first year of an acupuncture practice. Acupunct NSW: Medi Media; 2007.
Med 1991;9(2):74. 19. Deare J. Publish or be appropriated: the importance of publishing
12. Eaton J. First six months experience with acupuncture in a general clinical experience. Australasian Acupuncture and Chinese
practice. Acupunct Med 1991;9(2):75–6. Medicine Annual Conference; Adelaide; 21–23 May 2010.
13. Freedman J. An audit of 500 acupuncture patients in general 20. Hegney D, McCarthy A, Rogers-Clark C, Gorman D. Why nurses
practice. Acupunct Med 2002;20(1):30–4. are resigning from rural and remote Queensland health facilities.
Collegian 2002;9(2):33–9.
Easthope G, Gill GF, Beilby JJ, Tranter BK. Acupuncture
in Australian general practice: patient characteristics. MJA 21. Bushy A, Leipert B. Factors that influence students in choosing
1999;170:259–62. rural nursing practice: a pilot study. Rural Remote Health
15. Bensoussan A, Myers S. Towards a safer choice: the practice of
traditional Chinese medicine in Australia. Campbelltown, NSW: 22. Hanna L. Continued neglect of rural and remote nursing in
Faculty of Health, University of Western Sydney; 1996. Australia: the link with poor health outcomes. Aust J Adv Nurs
16. Ernst E, White A. The BBC survey of complementary medicine
use in the UK. Complement Ther Med 2000;8:32–6.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 7
Revised STandards for
Reporting Interventions in
Clinical Trials of Acupuncture
(STRICTA): Extending the
Sean W Scott* MBBS(Hons), MMed
Department of Emergency Medicine, Gold Coast Hospital, Southport, Australia
John C Deare BHSc(CompMed), MAppSc(Acu)
Compmed Health Institute, Southport, Australia

CONSORT Statement
Hugh MacPherson*1 Douglas G Altman2 Richard Hammerschlag3
Youping Li4 Taixiang Wu 4
Adrian White5
David Moher6 on behalf of the STRICTA Revision Group

1 Department of Health Sciences, University of York, York, UK

2 Centre for Statistics in Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
3 Department of Research, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, Portland, Oregon, USA
4 Chinese Cochrane Centre, Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Centre, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
5 Primary Care Research, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, Plymouth, UK
6 Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine, Ottawa Methods Centre, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, University
of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

The STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA) were
published in five journals in 2001 and 2002. These guidelines, in the form of a checklist and
explanations for use by authors and journal editors, were designed to improve reporting of
acupuncture trials, particularly the interventions, thereby facilitating their interpretation and
replication. Subsequent reviews of the application and impact of STRICTA have highlighted the
value of STRICTA as well as scope for improvements and revision.
To manage the revision process a collaboration between the STRICTA Group, the CONSORT
Group and the Chinese Cochrane Centre was developed in 2008. An expert panel with 47
participants was convened that provided electronic feedback on a revised draft of the checklist.
At a subsequent face-to-face meeting in Freiburg, a group of 21 participants further revised the
STRICTA checklist and planned dissemination.
The new STRICTA checklist, which is an official extension of CONSORT, includes 6 items
and 17 subitems. These set out reporting guidelines for the acupuncture rationale, the details of
needling, the treatment regimen, other components of treatment, the practitioner background
and the control or compara-tor interventions. In addition, and as part of this revision process,
the explanations for each item have been elaborated, and examples of good reporting for each
item are provided. In addition, the word ‘controlled’ in STRICTA is replaced by ‘clinical’, to
indicate that STRICTA is applicable to a broad range of clinical evaluation designs, including
uncontrolled outcome studies and case reports. It is intended that the revised STRICTA checklist,
in conjunction with both the main CONSORT statement and extension for non-pharmacological
treatment, will raise the quality of reporting of clinical trials of acupuncture.

* Correspondent author; e-mail: [email protected] Aust J Acupunct Chin Med 2010;5(2):8–22.

Australian Journal
8 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

Introduction items that had evolved from previous research.12,13 Feedback

was collated and forwarded (with permission) to those invited
The STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of to a consensus development workshop, the next phase of the
Acupuncture (STRICTA) reporting guidelines, first published revision process.
in 2001,1–9 were designed to improve the completeness and
transparency of reporting of interventions in controlled trials of Twenty-one people attended a workshop in Freiburg, Germany, in
acupuncture, in order that such trials may be more accurately October 2008. The attendees included experts in epidemiology,
interpreted and readily replicated. STRICTA comprised a trial methodology, statistics and medical journal editing. Just
checklist that expanded the generic content of item 4 of the over half the participants were acupuncturists from a variety of
CONSORT statement,10,11 which relates to the reporting of backgrounds, including doctors and non-doctors. All attendees
the intervention. received collated feedback from the 47 experts, together with a
draft revised STRICTA checklist for consideration.
A survey of authors of clinical trials and systematic reviews
was subsequently conducted to determine the usefulness of The workshop comprised presentations about the history of
STRICTA in helping them to write their reports.12 In addition, STRICTA, CONSORT and the then new CONSORT non-
a survey of 90 acupuncture trials was undertaken to assess pharmacological treatments extension.14,15 The results of two
whether use of the STRICTA checklist was associated with investigations into the utility and acceptability of STRICTA,12,13
improved reporting over time.13 The results of these initiatives and the subsequent consultation with the 47 experts, were also
led to conclusions that most STRICTA items were found to presented. A general discussion and agreement on generic
be necessary and easy to use, though some were seen as poorly issues relating to STRICTA were followed by a discussion of
reported, ambiguous or possibly redundant and a number each nominated checklist item. The aim was to agree, where
of suggestions were made for additional items. A revision of possible, on the content of the updated draft checklist as well as
STRICTA was therefore proposed. to develop a revised set of explanations for each included item.

Meanwhile, extensions to CONSORT have been developed to Subsequent to the workshop, a small writing group edited
cover the reporting of non-pharmacological treatments14,15 and drafts of the revised STRICTA checklist, identifying for each
pragmatic trials.16 Since there are acupuncture-specific aspects item one or more exemplars of good reporting, and developed
to reporting not covered by these extensions, it was decided text explaining the rationale and discussing relevant evidence.
that STRICTA should be revised in a manner congruent Taking into account further feedback from those attending the
with CONSORT and its extensions for non-pharmacological Freiburg workshop, the writing group finalised the STRICTA
treatments and pragmatic trials. checklist, the explanations and the examples of good reporting.

The combination of these developments led to an agreement Results

between the CONSORT Group and the STRICTA Group,
in collaboration with the Chinese Cochrane Centre and There was agreement that STRICTA should continue to
the Chinese Centre for Evidence-based Medicine, to revise function as a stand-alone guideline for reporting acupuncture
STRICTA as a formal extension to CONSORT. The revision studies and be an official extension of CONSORT for
processes have been described in more detail elsewhere.17 reporting randomised controlled trials. There was also
This paper describes the outcome and new checklist, updated consensus on a minor change of name, in that the word
explanations and published examples of good reporting. ‘controlled’ in STRICTA should be replaced by ‘clinical’, to
indicate that it was applicable for reporting a broad range of
Methods clinical evaluation designs, including uncontrolled outcome
studies and case reports. The group agreed that the rationale
In the summer of 2008, a group of 47 experts from the behind reporting should be to provide the information needed
original STRICTA Group, the CONSORT Group, the to allow replication of a study, reduce ambiguity and enhance
World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies, transparency. The group recognised that acupuncture trials
the Acupuncture Trialists’ Collaboration,18 the Society for inevitably differ in the degree of individualisation of care that
Acupuncture Research19 and clinical trial authors were is permitted and agreed that the reporting guideline should
surveyed.12 The experts were from 15 countries, 41 had acknowledge this and be applicable across the whole range of
academic positions, 31 were acupuncturists, 18 were involved designs. The group also suggested that the revised STRICTA
with journals, such as board members, 15 were doctors and statement, when published, should be presented as embedded
11 had previously helped in developing reporting guidelines. within the two-group parallel trial CONSORT checklist10 and
These experts were consulted about a draft of revised STRICTA its non-pharmacological treatment extension checklist.14

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 9
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

The revised STRICTA checklist comprises six items split in both East Asia and the West.20 In order for readers to
into 17 subitems (Table 1). Table 2 presents details of the contextualise the trial within the range of current clinical
way in which the revised STRICTA checklist fits within practices, researchers should state the overall style or approach
the CONSORT checklist10 and its extension for non- on which they have based the treatments. If the researcher
pharmacological treatments.14 Below we provide the checklist believes the treatment approach is completely novel, then this
text for each of the six items and their subitems, as well as should be clearly stated.
explanations on the need for their adequate reporting and
examples of good reporting from the published literature. Examples
(A) We based the acupuncture point selections on traditional
STRICTA Item 1: Acupuncture Chinese medicine (TCM) meridian theory to treat knee

Rationale joint pain, known as the ‘Bi’ syndrome.21

Item 1a: Style of acupuncture (B) Participants were randomised to two styles of acupuncture:
(e.g. Traditional Chinese Medicine Japanese style (Kiiko-Matsumoto’s Form) and TCM style.22
(TCM), Japanese, Korean, Western
medical, Five Element, ear (C) Four out of five of the acupuncturists primarily practised
acupuncture, etc) the Five Element style with a diagnostic focus on individual
‘causative factors’, (ref ) and one used the Traditional
Explanation Chinese Medicine style with diagnosis primarily based
Acupuncture has a long history in many cultures and is on syndrome patterns. (ref ) Both styles are rooted in
characterised by a broad diversity of styles and approaches traditional acupuncture theory, and they are the most

TABLE 1 Revised STandards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA) items that
replace CONSORT 2010 item 5 when reporting an acupuncture trial

Item Detail
1(a) Style of acupuncture (eg, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese, Korean, Western medical, Five Element,
1. Acupuncture
ear acupuncture, etc)
1(b) Reasoning for treatment provided, based on historical context, literature sources and/or consensus methods,
with references where appropriate
1(c) Extent to which treatment was varied
2. Details of needling 2(a) Number of needle insertions per subject per session (mean and range where relevant)
2(b) Names (or location if no standard name) of points used (uni-/bilateral)
2(c) Depth of insertion, based on a specified unit of measurement or on a particular tissue level
2(d) Responses sought (eg, deqi or muscle twitch response)
2(e) Needle stimulation (eg, manual or electrical)
2(f ) Needle retention time
2(g) Needle type (diameter, length and manufacturer or material)
3. Treatment regimen 3(a) Number of treatment sessions
3(b) Frequency and duration of treatment sessions
4. Other components of 4(a) Details of other interventions administered to the acupuncture group (eg, moxibustion, cupping, herbs,
treatment exercises, lifestyle advice)
4(b) Setting and context of treatment, including instructions to practitioners, and information and explanations
to patients
5 Description of participating acupuncturists (qualification or professional affiliation, years in acupuncture
5. Practitioner background
practice, other relevant experience)
6. Control of comparator 6(a) Rationale for the control or comparator in the context of the research question, with sources that justify
interventions the choice(s)
(6b) Precise description of the control or comparator. If sham acupuncture or any other type of acupuncture-like
control is used, provide details as for items 1–3 above
This checklist should be read in conjunction with the explanations of the
Standards for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture items provided in the main text.

Australian Journal
10 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

common traditional approaches used by professional acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture uses smaller needles
acupuncturists in the UK today (ref ).23 and inserts needles less deeply and with less manipulation.
(ref ) For these reasons, we believed Japanese acupuncture
Each patient was treated with non-local needle would be less invasive than TCM and thus better received
acupuncture (according to the theory of channels of by our adolescent population. Japanese acupuncture
TCM) at distant points and dry needling of local has been shown to be effective in treating certain pain
myofascial trigger points (TRPs).24 conditions. (ref ) The specific acupuncture protocols
employed in this study are briefly described below and
Item 1b: Reasoning for treatment discussed in greater detail in a companion paper (ref ).25
provided, based on historical
context, literature sources and/ (B) We based point selection on individualised Western
or consensus methods, with acupuncture techniques by using a list of points previously
references where appropriate reported as being effective in neck pain (refs) and by
reaching a consensus according to our own clinical and
Explanation teaching practice. (ref ) The specific points for each
The author(s) should provide the reasoning for the chosen individual were defined at each treatment session,
treatment, including rationale for diagnosis, point selection and depending on the patient’s pain distribution and palpation
treatment procedures. The ‘rules’ that were used in providing of the neck and thorax to determine ah shi points or local
treatments should be described. When treatments were selected tender points, for acupuncture. At least one distal point
that have roots in traditional practice, it is recommended that was used. Point location and depth of insertion were as
the historical and cultural context be supplied. This is relevant described in traditional texts (ref ).26
for interventions within styles such as Traditional Chinese
Medicine, where the broad diversity of approaches requires (C) We developed the treatment strategies for acupuncture and
careful identification of where and when the treatment minimal acupuncture in a consensus process with three
parameters were developed. Where consensus methods, expert acupuncture specialists (names provided) representing
clinical panels, practitioner surveys or some combination of two major German societies for medical acupuncture:
sources have been used to define the treatment protocol, it is the German Medical Acupuncture Association (Deutsche
recommended that full details of the methodology be given. Ärztegesellschaft für Akupunktur) and the International
Literature and other sources should be provided where relevant, Society for Chinese Medicine (Societas Medicinae
in order that others can replicate the trial by consulting these Sinensis). The first step involved three specialists (names
source(s) and/or developmental methods on which treatment provided) and the study team developing a proposal,
was based. Authors are encouraged to reference published which was followed by a discussion including more than
works that are easily obtainable, such as a book or journal 30 acupuncture experts from both acupuncture societies.
article. If the reference is a thesis, non-published work, written The final intervention strategies were defined by the
material only available in a different language from the journal above-mentioned three specialists together with the
article, or a verbal communication, authors are encouraged to study team and subsequently were communicated to the
present or summarise the information in an appendix or make external advisors.27
it otherwise generally available (e.g. on a website). For fully
Item 1c: Extent to which
individualised trials where the goal is to have representative
treatment was varied
practitioners who are encouraged to practise as they normally
do, it is appropriate to specify the selection process for the Explanation
practitioners, providing details of criteria for their inclusion. The extent to which the treatment was individualised, both
It is important to note that where details of the intended between patients and between practitioners, should be
intervention are defined in advance, it is possible that what was described. Trial protocols choose one of the three broad levels
actually administered may have differed. In such cases, precise of individualisation, ranging from none at all (all patients
details of the treatments that were provided are also necessary. receiving the same treatment at all sessions), through partially
individualised treatments (e.g. use of a fixed set of points to
Examples be combined with a set of points to be used flexibly), to fully
(A) This study employed a style of Japanese acupuncture individualised treatment protocols within which each patient
developed by Shima and Chace (ref ) and Manaka (ref ), receives a unique and evolving diagnosis and treatment.
and follows the Japanese acupuncture training curriculum Additionally, the practitioners may have to apply a standardised
at the New England School of Acupuncture. In comparison theoretical framework or may be allowed to apply their own.
with typical traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Many styles of acupuncture, whether based on traditional theories

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 11
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

TABLE 2 Checklist of CONSORT items and the non-pharmacological trials extension to CONSORT (with STandards
for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA) extending CONSORT item 5 for
acupuncture trials)
Item Additional items from the non-pharmcological
Session/Topic number CONSORT 2010 statement* – checklist item10 trials extension to CONSORT14
Describe Add
In the abstract, description of the experimental
Title and 1a Identification as a randomised trial in the title treatment, comparator, care providers, centres and
blinding status
Structured summary of trial design, methods, results and
1b conclusions; for specific guidance, see CONSORT for
Background 2a Scientific background and explanation of rationale
and objectives
2b Specific objectives or hypotheses
Description of trial design (eg, parallel, factorial) including
Trial design 3a
allocation ratio
Important changes to methods after trial commencement
(eg, eligibility criteria), with reasons
4a Eligibility criteria for participants When applicable, eligibility criteria for centres and
4b Settings and locations where the data were collected those performing the interventions
The interventions for each group with sufficient details
Precise details of both the experimental treatment and
Interventions 5 to allow replication, including how and when they were
comparator—see Table 1 above for details
actually administered
Completely defined prespecified primary and secondary
Outcomes 6a
outcome measures, including how and when they were assessed
Any changes to trial outcomes after the trial started with
7a How sample size was determined
When applicable, details of whether and how the
Sample size 7b When applicable, explanation of any interim analyses and clustering by care providers or centres was addressed
stopping guidelines
8a Method used to generate the random allocation sequence
Sequence When applicable, how care providers were allocated to
generation 8b Type of randomisation; details of any restriction (eg, each trial group
blocking and block size)
Mechanism used to implement the random allocation sequence
Allocation 9 (eg, sequentially numbered containers), describing any steps
taken to conceal the sequence until interventions were assigned
Who generated the random allocation sequence, who
Implementation 10 enrolled participants, and who assigned participants to
If done, who was blinded after assignment to interventions (eg, Whether or not those administering co-interventions
Blinding 11a
participants, care providers, those assessing outcomes) and how were blinded to group assignment
If blinded, method of blinding and description of the
11b If relevant, description of the similarity of interventions
similarity of interventions
Statistical Statistical methods used to compare groups for primary and When applicable, details of whether and how the
methods 12a
secondary outcomes clustering by care providers or centres was addressed
Methods for additional analyses, such as subgroup analyses
and adjusted analyses

Australian Journal
12 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

TABLE 2 Checklist of CONSORT items and the non-pharmacological trials extension to CONSORT (with STandards
continued for Reporting Interventions in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture (STRICTA) extending CONSORT item 5 for
acupuncture trials)
Item Additional items from the non-pharmcological
Session/Topic number CONSORT 2010 statement* – checklist item10 trials extension to CONSORT14
Describe Add
Participant For each group, the numbers of participants who were The number of care providers or centres performing
flow (a diagram 13a randomly assigned, received intended treatment and were the intervention in each group and the number of
is strongly
recommended) analysed for the primary outcome patients treated by each care provider or in each centre
For each group, losses and exclusions after randomisation,
together with reasons
Implementation Details of the experimental treatment and comparator
of intervention as they were implemented
Recruitment 14a Dates defining the periods of recruitment and follow-up
14b Why the trial ended or was stopped
When applicable, a description of care providers
A table showing baseline demographic and clinical
Baseline data 15 (case volume, qualification, expertise, etc) and centres
characteristics for each group
(volume) in each group
For each group, number of participants (denominator)
Numbers 16 included in each analysis and whether the analysis was by
original assigned groups
For each primary and secondary outcome, results for each
Outcomes and 17a group and the estimated effect size and its precision (eg,
95% CI)
For binary outcomes, presentation of both absolute and
relative effect sizes is recommended
Results of any other analyses performed, including subgroup
Ancillary 18 analyses and adjusted analyses, distinguishing prespecified
from exploratory
All important harms or unintended effects in each group;
Harms 19
for specific guidance see CONSORT for Harms60

Trial limitations, addressing sources of potential bias,
Limitations 20
imprecision and, if relevant, multiplicity of analyses
Generalisability (external validity) of the trial findings
Generalisability (external validity, applicability) of the trial
Generalisability 21 according to the intervention, comparators, patients
and care providers and centres involved in the trial
In addition, take into account the choice of the
Interpretation consistent with results, balancing benefits and
Interpretation 22 comparator, lack of or partial blinding, unequal
harms, and considering other relevant evidence
expertise of care providers or centres in each group

Other information
Registration 23 Registration number and name of trial registry
Protocol 24 Where the full trial protocol can be accessed, if available
Sources of funding and other support (eg, supply of drugs);
Funding 25
role of funders
*We strongly recommend reading this statement in conjunction with the CONSORT 2010 explanation and elaboration11 for important
clarifications on all the items. If relevant, we also recommend reading CONSORT extensions for cluster randomised trials,61 non-
inferiority and equivalence trials,62 herbal interventions,63 and pragmatic trials.16 Moreover, additional extensions are forthcoming.
See (accessed April 2010), for those and also for up-to-date references relevant to this checklist.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 13
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

or westernised concepts such as trigger points, are individualised of needle insertions should be reported as a simple total. For
in routine practice. Trials that are more pragmatic28 in their aim, more pragmatic designs, with individualised treatments, the
and designed to replicate routine settings and patient groups, mean and range should be reported. Clearly, full details of
place more of an emphasis on fully individualised treatment. individualised treatment cannot be reported in every section of
In such cases standardisation may consist of a protocol that item 2 below. However, each item should be considered and as
instructs practitioners to provide treatments as they normally much information given as possible.
do. Trials that are more explanatory (mechanistic) in their aim
tend to need a tighter definition of specific components in order Examples
to minimise variation across treatments. (A) The protocol allowed for up to 10 treatments per patient,
the precise number being agreed between patient and
Examples practitioner. A total of 1 269 treatments were provided,
Each patient received individualised acupuncture an average of 8.6 treatments per patient (range 1–10) and
treatments that focused on specific needs and symptoms 9.6 needles per treatment (range 6–12). See (table) for
that the individual was experiencing. The rationale for variations between practitioners.32
this intervention was to test acupuncture as it is typically
performed in practice. Point selection was based on the (B) Disposable stainless steel needles (0.2×50 mm, Seirin) were
general principles of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese inserted into the skin over the trigger point to a depth of
Medicine (ref ). The treatment was modified over the 10–30 mm, appropriate to the muscle targeted, attempting
course of the study to accommodate the individual’s to elicit a local muscle response using the ‘sparrow pecking’
changing pattern of pain, sleep or other health issues.29 technique. After the local twitch response was elicited or
a reasonable attempt made, the needle was retained for a
(B) The verum points consisted of obligatory points and further 10 min. The mean number of insertions was 3.3.33
additional points individually chosen by the physicians
on the basis of traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis (C) In the real acupuncture group, the acupuncture points
for syndromes (including tongue diagnosis), acupuncture Hegu (LI4), Jiache (ST6), Xiaguan (ST7) and Yifeng (SJ17)
channels related to the individual headache area and ah shi were used unilaterally on the tooth extraction side.34
points (locus dolendi points).30
Item 2b: Names (or location if no
(C) The acupuncture protocol was based on the concept
standard name) of points used
of adequacy of treatment, (ref ) survey results, (ref )
a consensus workshop and recommendations from Explanation
traditional Chinese protocols. We did not allow The point descriptions in the seminal classic texts, such as the
moxibustion, cupping, herbs or electroacupuncture. For Huangdi Neijing (Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor) are rare
each individualised treatment session between 6 and 10 and vague. The depiction of acupuncture points in relation to
acupuncture points from 16 commonly used local and precise anatomical structures dates back only 100 years. Since
distal points were selected. Local points were SP9, SP10, the mid-1950s a process of standardisation has been taking place,
ST34, ST35, ST36, Xiyan, GB34 and trigger points. and the acupuncture point descriptions based on anatomical
Distal points were LI4, TH5, SP6, Liv3, ST44, KI3, BI60 locations and proportional cun measurement systems have
and GB41.31 served as a blueprint for many Western translations. It should
be noted that these locations have not been universally adopted.
Given this historical context, it remains important to know
STRICTA Item 2: Details of which acupuncture points have been used in clinical trials, with
Needling as accurate descriptions as possible of the location of these points,
and, where relevant, the method used to identify the points.
Item 2a: Number of needle
insertions per subject per session The specific point locations used in treatments where
(mean and range where relevant)
standardised should be described by an accepted nomenclature
Explanation (e.g. GB21)35 or by an anatomical location where there is no
It is recommended that the reporting of this item should accepted name. Whether the needles are inserted unilaterally
include a total of needle insertions per subject per session. or bilaterally should be stated. For protocols with partially
This item is relevant to all designs of randomised controlled individualised prescriptions, list any prescribed essential or
trials, from pragmatic to explanatory. For more explanatory optional points, and describe (in the Results section) both the
designs where a formula of points is prescribed, the number points used at every visit, and all the points used on an ad hoc

Australian Journal
14 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

basis. If the list is extensive, the most commonly used points (B) The depth of needle insertion varied with thickness of
(with percentages) should be reported. Where protocols specify the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissues at the site of the
using fully individualised point prescriptions, authors should acupuncture points; it was usually 1–1.5 cm.38
consider the best way to report the points used—for example,
by listing all points across all subjects or by identifying the (C) Shallow and light needling stimulation (1–2 mm) using
most commonly used points if the list is extensive. fine needles (0.18–0.16 mm) inserted with the aid of
insertion tubes was emphasised. Points were needled
Examples at a 10–20° angle with a two-hand needling technique,
(A) We based the acupuncture point selections on TCM generally in the direction of the flow of the channel.39
meridian theory to treat knee joint pain, known as
Item 2d: Response sought (e.g. de
the ‘Bi’ syndrome. These points consisted of five local
qi or muscle twitch response)
points (Yanglinquan (Gall bladder meridian point 34), Explanation
Yinlinquan (Spleen meridian point 9), Zusanli (Stomach
meridian point 36), Dubi (Stomach meridian point 35) If the study protocol requires that specific responses to
and extra point Xiyan) and four distal points (Kunlun needling be elicited—for example, the deqi sensation in
(Urinary bladder meridian point 60), Xuanzhong (Gall traditional Chinese acupuncture, the muscle twitch in trigger
bladder meridian point 39), Sanyinjiao (Spleen meridian point treatment or muscle contraction in electroacupuncture,
point 6) and Taixi (Kidney meridian point 3)) on these elicited responses should be reported. Where relevant, the
meridians that traverse the area of pain (refs). The same authors should differentiate between the responses required in
points were treated for each affected leg. If both knees the protocol and those actually obtained (which should be re-
were affected, nine needles were inserted in each leg.21 ported in the Results section).

(B) The verum acupuncture (VA) group received acupuncture Examples

with a 0.25×40 mm stainless steel needle (Asia-Med, (A) The trigger point group received treatment at trigger
Munich, Germany) at LI4, which is situated between points. The correct application of the technique requires
the first two metacarpal bones on the dorsal side of both experience in palpation and localisation of taut muscle
hands at the top of the muscle belly (figure provided).36 bands and myofascial trigger points. Precise needling of
myofascial trigger points provokes a brief contraction
(C) The most frequently treated local points were BL23, BL25, of the muscle fibres. This local twitch response must be
GB30, DU4, BL26 and the extra point Huatuojiaji (table elicited for successful therapy but it may be painful and
provided)…. The most frequently treated distant points post-treatment soreness is frequent.33
were BL40, Kid3, GB34, BL60, SI3 and DU20. In most
cases, 8–12 local points and 4–6 distant points were used. (B) In contrast with TCM-style acupuncture, we did not
Physicians used additional acupuncture points in 565 of employ vigorous manipulation in order to elicit a strong
the treatment sessions. The most frequently used additional deqi sensation (defined as a feeling of heaviness around
local points were LI4, ST40, BL17, SP6 and ST36.27 the acupuncture point). (ref ) Practitioners focused
instead on feeling the response to stimulation as an ‘echo’
Item 2c: Depth of insertion,
sensation experienced on the receiving hand, while the
based on a specified unit of
measurement or on a particular active hand performed the actual needling. Attention
tissue level was placed on reactivity or change in diagnostic areas,
especially the pulse and abdomen. By carefully assessing
Explanation changes in palpatory findings, the treatment was adjusted
The depth of insertion should be expressed using the Chinese continuously based on the patient’s response. Before
measurement of the cun; as anatomical depth—for example, needling, the ‘live’ points were identified by palpation—
of subcutaneous tissue, fascia, muscle or periosteum; or that is, subtle changes at the skin level, or upon touch or
in millimetres. For some trials, the protocol might specify pressure, for that particular patient.39
the angle and direction of insertion together with depth of
Item 2e: Needle stimulation (e.g.
insertion, in which case these should also be reported.
manual, electrical)
Examples Explanation
(A) All needle placements were performed by an experienced Needle stimulation techniques, where used, should be
acupuncturist at a premarked depth of 4 mm from the tip clearly described for all points. For manual stimulation, such
of the needle.37 techniques include lifting, thrusting or rotating the needle to

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 15
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

manipulate the deqi sensation. For electrical stimulation, the Item 2g: Needle type (diameter,
current, amplitude and frequency settings should be recorded. length and manufacturer or
(A) This mode of (manual) stimulation was provided via the Details should be given of the types of needles used, including
acupuncture needles, which were placed in the premarked the diameter and length as well as the manufacturer and/or the
depth at the marked sites. The needle was rotated by material. This information is of importance since the effect of
an experienced acupuncturist with the index finger and different metals or needle sizes on the body is not known. For trials
thumb in an alternating clockwise and counter-clockwise using a variety of different types of needles, the ranges of diameters
fashion at the rate of three to five rotations per second.37 and lengths as well as types of material should be reported.

(B) Electrical stimulation was given to the anterior part of Examples

the knee for 10 min and then 10 min for the pos-terior (A) Seirin 36-gauge 2.5 inches long unused sterile L-type
part using a battery-operated, four-channel, ‘AS Super needles were used for the study.37
4’ Electrostimulator (RDG Medical, Surrey, UK) which
generated low-frequency, square-wave (2–10 Hz) pulses (B) The verum acupuncture group received acupuncture with
of 1 ms duration for 10 min. (ref ) In both groups, the a 0.25×40 mm stainless steel needle (Asia-Med) at LI4.36
apparatus was attached to needles at the two Xiyan
points, SP9 and GB34, and BL40 and BL57. Electrical STRICTA Item 3: Treatment
stimulation was delivered at 6 Hz at a constant current.
Voltage was set at a level just above the pain threshold.38
Item 3a: Number of treatment
Item 2f: Needle retention time sessions
Needle retention times should be reported as either a standard Explanation
or a mean and range. Authors should make it clear that they are The planned number of sessions and frequency of treatment
reporting the time elapsed between the insertion and removal should be clearly documented. The actual number of
of needles (retention time) and distinguish it from treatment treatments received by participants should be reported in the
time, which may include other procedures such as history Results section. If there is variation between patients, then the
taking, discussion and preparation for treatment. mean and range should be reported.

Examples Examples
(A) Each participant was treated bilaterally and had a total (A) The true acupuncture (experimental) group underwent
of six needles inserted for the duration of the treatment. 26 weeks of gradually tapering treatment according to the
A draining technique was used and the needles were left following schedule: 8 weeks of two treatments per week
for a period of 30 min. The practitioner returned to followed by 2 weeks of one treatment per week, 4 weeks
check on the participant at regular intervals during the of one treatment every other week and 12 weeks of one
intervention.40 treatment per month.21

(B) Needles were withdrawn immediately for tonification and (B) In all groups, participants were asked to attend treatment
retained for up to 20 min for the evens technique.23 sessions twice weekly for 12 weeks (24 treatments). We
considered participants who attended 80% or more (≥19
(C) Therapists allow 25 (minimum) to 35 (maximum) of 24) of acupuncture sessions to have completed a full
minutes between insertion of the last needle and cessation course of treatment.43
of treatment and during that time they are to revisit the
Item 3b: Frequency and duration
needles as appropriate.41
of treatment sessions
(D) The patients in group A were dry needled for a few Explanation
seconds. For trigger point inactivation by dry needling The frequency and duration of sessions should be documented,
… it is especially important not to apply too strong with mean and range to be reported where there is variation
a stimulus because this may produce a flare-up of the across patients. Any variation in frequency of treatment (e.g. if
patient’s symptoms.42 subjects are to be treated twice weekly in the first 2 weeks then
once a week for the next 6 weeks) should be clearly reported.

Australian Journal
16 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

Example understanding by demonstrating the procedure. Patients

(A) Acupuncture was administered a maximum of eight times, also were given easy-to-read written materials describing
twice during each of the first 3 weeks and once during each the acupressure procedure.45
of the following 2 weeks, for 30 min at each session. One
month after this series of treatments had been completed and (C) Chinese herbal medicine was to be taken three times per
evaluated, the patients were offered a maximum of two follow- day over a period of 6 weeks and parallel to acupuncture
up treatments of the same kind, 1 week apart.44 treatment … All herbs used in the present study were
imported from China by a single TCM herbal medicine
STRICTA Item 4: Other import company (Sinores, Lueneburg, Germany) … All

Components of Treatment herbs were prepared in dried, minced pieces and then
sealed in generic paper sachets by a pharmacist in order
Item 4a: Details of other to render the herbal formulation non-identifiable for
interventions administered to patients … In addition to the basic formula, every patient
the acupuncture group (e.g. received a second additional formula tailored to his or her
moxibustion, cupping, herbs, individual TCM diagnosis.46
exercises, lifestyle advice)
Explanation Item 4b: Setting and context
Additional components of treatment refer to the auxiliary of treatment, including
techniques, prescribed self-treatment and lifestyle advice instructions to practitioners,
provided by the practitioner. All additional components, and information and
whether carried out by the practitioner or patient and whether explanations to patients
integral or adjunctive to the acupuncture needling, should
be described clearly. For acupuncture-related interventions, Explanation
such as moxibustion or cupping, detail should be provided The setting and context of treatment can also provide
equivalent to that recommended for acupuncture needling. important additional components to treatment.47 Context
If the protocol specifies the options of prescribed self-help includes instructions to practitioners that might modify their
treatments such as Qigong or muscle stretching exercises normal practice—for example, prescribing or proscribing
and/or lifestyle advice such as dietary changes based on explanations to patients about their diagnosis. For patients,
acupuncture-related diagnostic criteria, then these too must be the context includes the information they have been given
reported. The frequency with which the advice was given, and about the trial that might be expected to modify outcomes.
participants’ compliance with this advice, should be reported. Therefore, the information that the patient receives
‘Other components of treatment’ should be distinguished from regarding the treatment and control intervention should be
‘co-interventions’—that is, interventions that are provided reported, including any relevant wording on consent forms
additionally to both groups, which should be fully reported as and information leaflets designed to influence beliefs or
described in STRICTA item (6b) below. expectations. For example, describing a sham acupuncture
control as ‘a type of acupuncture’ may have a different effect
Examples on outcome than saying it is ‘not acupuncture, but will involve
(A) In addition to needling, moxibustion or thermal a similar experience to acupuncture’.
stimulation of the acupoints was used forming very fine
wool of mugwort (Artemisa vulgaris) into minute, thread- Examples
size punks (Okyu) and placing them on a thin layer of a (A) The first acupuncturist was the ‘diagnosing acupuncturist’
herbal cream (Shiunko). The moxa was lit with an incense (DA), whom the patient saw for the initial consultation, and
stick and the process was repeated several times until before and after each treatment. A full case history was taken
warmth was felt by the patient.39 by the DA, together with tongue and pulse examination,
to arrive at an individual diagnosis in accordance with the
(B) Following application of the studs, patients were instructed principles of TCM, with an additional lesser emphasis on
to apply pressure to the stud by making small circular Five Element Acupuncture (refs). Although all patients in
movements with the fingers of the opposite hand, 2–3 the study had irritable bowel syndrome, this corresponded
cycles/s for 1–2 min/point. As is typical for self-administered to a wide range of TCM patterns, making individual
acupressure, patients were encouraged to apply acupressure diagnosis essential. Dietary and lifestyle advice (important
this way on waking, in the early afternoon and during any in treatment according to TCM principles) was given to
exacerbation of symptoms. Initial instruction was provided all patients by the DA, who then selected acupuncture
verbally, at which time patients were asked to confirm their points. The second ‘treating acupuncturist’ (TA) opened

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 17
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

the randomisation envelope, and for the duration of the (B) Eight US-trained and licensed acupuncturists with a median
study remained the only individual aware of treatment of 10 years of experience (range 4–18 years) provided study
allocation. The TA carried out the treatment—either treatments in their private offices. One investigator trained
according to instructions issued by the DA or using sham the acupuncturists in the study procedures to increase their
points, depending on the randomisation.48 comfort with delivering all four treatments and monitored
compliance with the protocol throughout the study.43
(B) Patients were informed about acupuncture and minimal
acupuncture in the study as follows: ‘in this study, (C) Of the 11 midwives participating in the study, six had been
different types of acupuncture will be compared. One taught acupuncture for midwives at the Norwegian School
type is similar to the acupuncture treatment used in of Acupuncture/NFKA. These six gave real and false
China. The other type does not follow these principles, acupuncture, whereas the others, who had been trained
but has also been associated with positive outcomes in in acupuncture by the six, were allowed only to give false
clinical studies’.27 acupuncture.50

STRICTA Item 5: Practitioner STRICTA Item 6: Control or

Background Comparator Interventions
Item 5: Description of Item 6a: Rationale for the control
participating acupuncturists or comparator in the context
(qualification or professional of the research question, with
affiliation, years in acupuncture sources that justify the choice(s)
practice, other relevant
experience) Explanation
The rationale for choice of control or comparator should be
Explanation presented and justified in relation to the research question
Characteristics of the acupuncturists providing treatment and the methodology. In studies in which a group receiving
should be reported, including qualification or affiliation, years acupuncture is compared with another group, the control or
in acupuncture practice, as well as any other experience that comparator can be sham acupuncture, usual care, an active
may be relevant to the trial. Relevant differences (if any) in treatment, a waiting list or no treatment. Whereas ‘control’
the qualification, training and experience of the participating is sometimes used for a group that receives no intervention,
acupuncturists should be highlighted. The recent survey of the term ‘comparator’ may be more appropriate for an active
authors of acupuncture trials and reviews reinforced the need intervention, such as physiotherapy, for which the intended
for these characteristics to be reported well,12 especially since action of the comparator is expected to be therapeutic. If
the actual level of reporting has historically been poor.13 In using an acupuncture-like control in a participant-blinded trial
trials where different acupuncturists provide treatment to then one of the following terms: active acupuncture control,
different treatment arms, the background of both groups penetrating needle control or non-penetrating sham needling
should be reported. The eligibility criteria for acupuncturists control might be helpful descriptors. Control procedures
should be explained, as these will influence generalisability involving invasive or non-invasive sham needling techniques
of the trial results. Where there are known to be potential may be therapeutically active, evoking neurophysiological and/
variations between practitioners, selecting a random sample of or localised immune and circulatory responses. The extent to
practitioners will reduce expertise bias and help improve the which sham acupuncture needling, whether penetrating or not,
applicability of the results.49 might elicit acupuncture-specific physiological mechanisms is
not known, and is in part a consequence of our lack of knowledge
Examples of the mechanism(s) of true acupuncture. There are also
(A) Physicians had a median of 350 h (range 140–2508 h) variations in assumptions about the precision required for point
of acupuncture training before participating in the trial; location, as for some clinicians and investigators acupuncture
33 (73%) had the B-diploma. Seventeen (17; 38%) trial points are considered as areas of re-activity rather than points
physicians taught acupuncture in accredited postgraduate of action. Such assumptions have a bearing on the integrity of
courses. The physicians had used acupuncture in their the sham as an appropriate control. Some non-needling control
practices for an average of 11 years (median 10, range procedures can be assumed to be physiologically inert, such
0–25) and had treated 346 patients (range 22–1200) with as an inactivated transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
acupuncture in the year before the trial. Forty-one physicians machine; however, these procedures may not have the same
(92%) indicated that they frequently or always make a total psychophysiological credibility as acupuncture, thereby
Chinese syndrome diagnosis before starting treatment.27 compromising the interpretation of the results. Sources that led

Australian Journal
18 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

to the choice of control, such as literature or expert opinion, The lack of a worldwide consensus on the location and size
should also be reported and referenced. The author should of acupuncture points reinforces the importance of accurate
reference prior work that supports the use of the selected documentation of the sham points actually used, their precise
comparator, such as from the conclusion of a systematic review location and the method used to locate them. If usual care or
or from another randomised controlled trial. another active treatment is the comparator, all the components
should be reported in full detail. This will enable readers to
Examples compare usual care as provided in the trial with what is usually
(A) ‘Sham’ acupuncture points were chosen from three provided to participants in another setting. Where usual care
different areas on the body (the anterior thigh distally, the is also provided to those receiving acupuncture, these data
posterior thigh and the lateral aspect of the lower back), will also allow readers to compare the intensity of usual care
which do not correspond to recognised acupuncture in the comparator arm with that of the experimental arm. If
points and are deemed to have no therapeutic value.48 it is a waiting list arm, then the period of waiting needs to
be specified. While precise description of the control or
(B) International guidelines suggest that the best package of comparator is fairly straightforward in principle, the more
care for this patient group is one that includes patient complex the components, the more care is required to specify
education, advice and exercise (ref ) …. Randomised them precisely.
clinical trials consistently show the benefit of exercise
for knee pain in older adults (refs). Recent studies also Examples
highlight the need to provide adequate instruction, (A) Acupuncturists inserted two needles into the sham
feedback and practice in order to ensure that the key points in the abdominal area, approximately 3 cm lateral
muscle groups around the knee, such as the quadriceps, to and slightly above the umbilicus bilaterally and then
are activated (ref ). The European League Against immediately applied two pieces of adhesive tape next
Rheumatism recommendations have recently been to the needles. In addition, they tapped a mock plastic
updated and in particular, advocate exercise for knee pain needle guiding tube on the surface of each of the nine true
related to osteoarthritis (ref ). In line with this evidence points in the leg to produce some discernible sensation
base, the current trial was designed so that all participants and then immediately applied a needle with a piece
receive a package of care which includes education, advice of adhesive tape to the dermal surface, without needle
and exercise.41 insertion, of each point for a total of 20 min. The sham
acupuncture procedure was given on the same schedule as
(C) For this study a special ‘placebo needle’ was designed by the experimental group and used the same active needle
Streitberger. The needle body is not fixed inside the copper placements, except actual insertion did not occur at these
handle. Its tip is blunt and when it touches the skin, a nine points. Although electrical stimulation did not occur,
small pricking sensation is felt by the patient, simulating a mock transelectrical stimulation unit (which emitted a
the puncture of the skin. The handle of the needle moves sound and possessed a blinking light) was attached to the
over the needle, the needle is shortened. Patients ‘see’ the sham needles at the knee. To facilitate blinding, we used
needle moving inside their body … This needle was tested screens in both treatment and sham groups which were
in 60 volunteers and proved to be sufficiently credible to placed below the abdomen to prevent participants from
be used in our clinical trial as a control (ref ).51 actually observing the true or sham procedures at the knee
area but to allow them to observe the procedure being
Item 6b: Precise description of the performed in the abdomen area.21
control or comparator. If sham
acupuncture or any other type of
acupuncture-like control is used, (B) In each session, at least five out of 10 predefined distant
provide details as for items 1–3 above non-acupuncture points (ref ) were needled bi-laterally (at
least 10 needles) and superficially using fine needles (ie,
Explanation minimal acupuncture). ‘Deqi’ and manual stimulation of
A precise description of the components of the control or the needles were avoided. All acupuncturists received oral
comparator should be presented. If the control treatment is instructions, a video-tape and a brochure with detailed
an acupuncture-like intervention, such as a form of sham information on sham acupuncture.52
acupuncture, then it should be specified whether the sham
is invasive (penetrating the skin) or non-invasive (non- (C) Conservative therapy involved 10 visits to practitioners
penetrating). The theoretical basis, needling details and with consultation and a prescription for diclofenac, up
regimen of an acupuncture-like control need to be reported to 150 mg/day, or rofecoxib, 25 mg/day, as needed, until
in the same way as is set out in STRICTA items 1–3 above. week 23.53

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 19
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

(D) Patients received the same treatment as in the standard Reporting guidelines do help to improve the quality of reporting
group but in addition did stabilising exercises modified randomised trials,56 although it is difficult to observe their
because of the pregnancy. (refs) The training programme maximal benefit because too few journals endorse reporting
started by emphasising activation and control of local guidelines57 and fewer adhere to them.57 To maximise this
deep lumbopelvic muscles. Training of more superficial potential, we encourage journals to unambiguously endorse
muscles in dynamic exercises to improve mobility, the revised STRICTA reporting guidelines. This can be most
strength and endurance capacity was gradually included. readily achieved by updating journal Instructions to Authors,
Patients received treatments individually for a total of 6 h thereby alerting prospective authors. In addition, we encourage
during 6 weeks. They were told to integrate the exercises journals to implement strategies to improve author adherence to
in daily activities and to exercise in short sessions on reporting guidelines. These efforts might also help peer reviewers
several occasions during the day.54 and journal editors in deliberating the merits of such trials.

Discussion Members of the STRICTA

This revised STRICTA statement has been designed to help
Revision and Steering Groups
improve the reporting of interventions in clinical trials of The Steering Group comprised DA and DM (CONSORT),
acupuncture, with the intention that it will help authors of HM and RH (STRICTA) and YL and TW (Chinese Cochrane
acupuncture trials provide readers with a clear, accurate and Centre). The STRICTA Revision Group, who participated
transparent account of their acupuncture protocols as well in the consensus-building workshop in Freiburg, comprised
as their control and/or comparator procedures. In addition the six members of the Steering Group and Stephen Birch,
to revising the STRICTA checklist, we have improved the Isabelle Boutron, Mark Bovey, Yutong Fei, Joel Gagnier, Sally
explanations of each item and provided examples of good Hopewell, Val Hopwood, Susanne Jena, Klaus Linde, Jianping
reporting. To enhance awareness, endorsement and adherence, Liu, Kien Trinh, Emma Veitch, AW and Hitoshi Yamashita.
the revised STRICTA statement has been developed as
an extension to CONSORT. Authors of clinical trials of Acknowledgements
acupuncture should use the STRICTA recommendations
for the acupuncture intervention (item 5 in the CONSORT The initial consultation with experts, which was piloted with
2010 statement) in conjunction with the other 25 items of the the help of Mark Bovey, Val Hopwood and AW, involved a
checklist in the main CONSORT guidelines.10,11 The extension panel comprising Joyce Anastasi, Stephen Birch, Joao Bosco,
to CONSORT for non-pharmacological interventions is also Claudia Citkovitz, Remy Coeytaux, Misha Cohen, Agatha
highly relevant to acupuncture trials.14,15 There are other Colbert, Helen Elden, Reginaldo de Carvalho Silva Filho,
extensions to CONSORT that may be relevant, depending on Alastair Forbes, Nadine Foster, Joel Gagnier, Mark Goldby,
the type of trial design, including extensions for cluster trials, Marita Gronlund, Richard Harris, Dominik Irnich, Helene
equivalence and non-inferiority trials and pragmatic trials, and Langevin, Lixing Lao, Anna Lee, Hyangsook Lee, Myeongsoo
the reporting of abstracts and of harms (e.g. adverse events) Lee, Sanghoon Lee, George Lewith, Klaus Linde, Jianping Liu,
associated with the intervention. The most recent versions Ryan Milley, Scott Mist, Dieter Melchart, Albrecht Molsberger,
of all CONSORT guidance documents can be found on the Vitaly Napadow, Richard Niemtzow, Jongbae Park, Mahmood
CONSORT website (, Saghaei, Koosnadi Saputra, Rosa Schnyer, Charles Shang, Karen
accessed 16 April 2010). Sherman, Byung-Cheul Shin, Caroline Smith, Elisabet Stener-
Victorin, Kien Trinh, Jorge Vas, Andrew Vickers, Peter White,
A complete, accurate and transparent trial report facilitates Claudia Witt, Hitoshi Yamashita and Christopher Zaslawski.
dissemination, interpretation, translation and replicability. There Support and administrative help in managing the process of
continues to be a need for better reporting generally, as has been revising STRICTA has come from Anne Burton, Ann Hopton,
highlighted in a recent study of what is missing from descriptions Suzanne Jenna, Stephanie Prady and Tracy Stuardi.
of treatments in trials and reviews.55 The authors found that
elements of the intervention were missing in half of the published Funding
articles that they reviewed, giving insufficient detail—for example, The workshop in Freiburg was supported by the White Rose
with practitioners unable to use the treatments as described and Health Innovation Partnership, Enterprise and Innovation
researchers unable to replicate studies. This finding is similar to Office, Charles Thackrah Building, 101 Clarendon Road, Leeds
that from a review of authors of acupuncture trials.12 Improved LS2 9LJ, Leeds, UK. HM is supported by a Career Scientist
reporting reduces reader ambiguity in interpretation, is likely to Award from the UK National Institute for Health Research.
increase credibility and application of the results by providing DGA is supported by Cancer Research UK. DM is supported
better evidence on which to base decisions on patient care. by a University of Ottawa Research Chair.

Australian Journal
20 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Revised STRICTA H MacPherson, DG Altman,
R Hammerschlag, YP Li, TX Wu,
Guidelines A White and D Moher

Competing interests   9. Kawakita K. Standards for Reporting Interventions in Controlled

Trials of Acupuncture: the STRICTA recommendations, 2008.
AW is employed by the British Medical Acupuncture Society (accessed 1 May 2010).
as Editor of Acupuncture in Medicine.
10. Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, for the CONSORT Group.
CONSORT 2010 statement: updated guidelines for reporting
Provenance and peer review  parallel-group randomized trials. BMJ 2010;340:c332.
Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 11. Moher D, Hopewell S, Schulz KF, et al. CONSORT 2010
explanation and elaboration: updated guidelines for reporting
In order to encourage dissemination of the STRICTA parallel group randomised trials. BMJ 2010;340:c869.
statement, this article is freely accessible on the AJACM 12. Prady SL, Macpherson H. Assessing the utility of the standards for
website ( and reporting trials of acupuncture (STRICTA): a survey of authors. J
is also published in Acupuncture in Medicine, Journal of Altern Complement Med 2007;13:939–43.
Chinese Integrative Medicine, Journal of Alternative and 13. Prady SL, Richmond SJ, Morton VM, et al. A systematic evaluation
of the impact of STRICTA and CONSORT recommendations
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Medicine, Medical Acupuncture, and PLoS Medicine. The 2008;3:e1577.
authors jointly hold the copyright of this article. For details on 14. Boutron I, Moher D, Altman DG, et al. Extending the CONSORT
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Australian Journal
22 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Wen Bing (Warm Diseases)
and the 2009 H1N1 Influenza
Andrew Koh* MA, BA(Hons), DipNursing, RN
Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The epidemiological data of influenza can serve as a basis for the effective use of wen bing 温病
theory in the management of the 2009 H1N1 influenza. The long history of Chinese medicine in
general and of the wen bing school specifically holds much evidence on adapting and responding
to changes in the climate, environment and newly emerging diseases. Uncovering and comparing
these data and information from Chinese medicine with modern epidemiological ones can perhaps
offer another legitimate and valid way of understanding and treating contemporary diseases. Such
a methodology may also be another strategy for integrating biomedicine with Chinese medicine.
This paper will examine some of the epidemiological features of the 2009 HIN1 influenza and
their similarities with the main characteristics of wen bing or warm diseases in Chinese medicine.
It is suggested that the 2009 H1N1 influenza can be managed from a wen bing perspective using
a four phase approach.

K ey W ords wen bing, pandemic, H1N1, swine flu, influenza, lingering pathogens,

I had a little bird wen bing 温病 or warm diseases in Chinese medicine (CM).
And its name was Enza Some epidemiological data will be used to underscore the
I opened the window theoretical foundations and practice of wen bing. It is suggested
And in-flew-Enza that the 2009 H1N1 influenza can be managed from a wen
(An anonymous schoolgirl’s poem from the time of bing perspective using a fourfold management approach.
the 1918 H1N1 Spanish Influenza)
Influenza – warm diseases
Epidemiology of the 2009 H1N1
Influenza is categorised in CM as an exogenous warm
The 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) is the first influenza pandemic of disease or wen bing; the 2009 H1N1 virus falls into the same
the twenty-first century. Its rapid spread across the globe has classification.10-12 However, the treatment of such diseases
caused considerable panic among health authorities and the is based on the pattern differentiation fundamental to the
general public worldwide.1 The pandemic raised the spectre practice of CM. It involves diagnosing from a presenting set
of the 1918 Spanish flu, which killed between 20 and 50 of signs and symptoms and treating the condition according
million people.2-5 As of 17 October 2009, the World Health to CM principles.
Organization reported 414 000 laboratory-confirmed cases
of 2009 H1N1 and nearly 5000 deaths.6 The US president Epidemic diseases have been recognised by CM physicians
declared a national emergency on 23 October 2009 with since the Han Dynasty, as evidenced in the Shang Han Lun 伤
regard to the H1N1 pandemic.7-9 This reflects the seriousness 寒论 of Zhang Zhong Jing 张仲景 (150–219 CE), a text that
with which various world governments viewed the situation. predates the biomedical appreciation of epidemic by several
hundred years.11,13 The Chinese medical theory of epidemic
This paper will examine some of the epidemiological features diseases, however, was developed by Wu You Xing 吴有性
of the 2009 HIN1 influenza with the main characteristics of (1582–1652), who proposed that such diseases were caused

* Correspondent author; e-mail: [email protected] Aust J Acupunct Chin Med 2010;5(2):23–29

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 23
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2009 H1N1

by pestilence qi or li qi 疠气, and expanded by various wen Within clinical settings, CM physicians are likely to note that:
bing physicians through the centuries.11-12 The development • The onset of the warm disease is acute;
of various schools of CM practice is a direct recognition that • Heat signs, especially fever, are certainly present at the initial
diseases change over time and space. In the time of Zhang stage;
Zhong Jing and his contemporaries, cold pathogen was the • Manifestation of the disease changes frequently due to heat
main theoretical focus in northern China. The major cause of injuring body fluids and yin.11-12,14-15
diseases came to be seen as warm pathogen by the sixteenth
century, an approach that was dominant in central and When influenza, including the 2009 H1N1, is examined, the
southern China. Such a shift in perspective nevertheless makes characteristics and features closely resemble those described of
use of the same CM principles. While some of the wen bing warm-heat pathogenic qi above (see Table 1).
physicians seem to distinguish between warm diseases and
pestilence qi, the contemporary CM approach is to treat the
two concepts as equivalent.12 The main reason is that ‘pattern
identifications and treatment determinations are too similar to TABLE 1 Features of Wen Bing Disease and
those of the four season warm diseases’.12 Accordingly, in this H1N1 2009
paper both terms will be used interchangeably.
Wen Bing H1N1 2009 virus
Warm diseases are characterised by the following:
Virus spreads through
1. They are caused by warm-heat pathogenic qi, contracted coughing or sneezing,
Pathogenic qi enters via nose
externally through the nose and mouth as opposed to eventually settling into the
and mouth into the lungs
through the skin as taught by Zhang Zhong Jing. lungs causing respiratory
2. They are infectious diseases that can become epidemic Cough Cough
under certain conditions, seasonal and geographical, Sore throat Sore throat
though they are not bound by either. Seasonal influences Runny nose Runny or stuffy nose
do, however, play an important role in the rise, spread,
Tiredness Fatigue
virulence and mutability of the diseases. Hence, the warm
Fever Fever
diseases bear names such as spring warmth 春温, latent
Headache Headache
summerheat 伏暑, and autumn dryness 秋燥.11-12
Bodyache Bodyache, myalgia
Chills Chills
3. They are diseases that penetrate according to a standard
Nausea Nausea
rhythm or levels, i.e. through the wei 卫 (defensive),
Vomiting Vomiting
qi 气, ying 营 (nutritive), xue 血 (blood). The speed at
which a warm disease progresses from one level to another Diarrhoea Diarrhoea
is not necessarily constant, gradual or sequential, as it is
Signs and symptoms appear
predicated on the constitution of the individual and the Acute presentation
virulence of the pathogenic qi.
Hot nature; yin and body
Fever is a key symptom
4. Such diseases have special clinical characteristics, one of fluids readily consumed
which is the presence of fever throughout all four stages.
Others include cough, sore throat, tiredness, headache,
and bodyache.11-12,14 The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention notes that
influenza viruses of all known types, including the 2009
The three key features of warm-heat pathogenic qi are: H1N1, are ‘spread mainly from person to person through
coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes
1. Symptoms appear very quickly; people may become infected by touching something – such as
a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching
2. Heat signs and symptoms often predominate; their mouth or nose.’16 The signs and symptoms of influenza
are fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches,
3. The hot nature of the pathogenic qi readily injures body headaches, myalgia, chills, fatigue, possibly nausea, vomiting
fluids and yin.11-12,14 and diarrhoea.17-19

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Severity depends on how deeply the pathogen has invaded the in all these groups of people, zheng qi is already weak and
body in a given geographical setting and climate. The signs, therefore, the body is unable to resist any exogenous pathogen.
symptoms and transmission route ascribed to influenzas are The wen bing perspective suggests that as members of these
strikingly similar to those described by the wen bing school 温 groups are more likely to suffer from deficient zheng qi, they
病派. Thus, the condition that biomedicine calls ‘influenza’ has are often already weak and therefore, unable to resist the attack
been identified by the wen bing school several hundred years of an external pernicious agent.
earlier. The treatment methods and strategies used by the wen
bing school have been and continue to be applied successfully. The 2009 H1N1 influenza distinguishes itself from seasonal
On looking at historical evidence, Cheng and Leung observed influenza in the relatively high number of apparently healthy
that the 1918 H1N1 pandemic had significantly less impact in and fit young people infected.21 However, the appearance
China than in the rest of the world. They pointed out that early of health does not in CM’s view necessarily imply health
twentieth-century China was ‘an underdeveloped and closed- itself. What dictates health according to CM is the internal
door country at that time, and it is not likely that China’s constitution of the individual, the strength of the qi and blood,
general population used western medicine as the main means and so forth. The wen bing school postulates that previously
of disease treatment. Traditional Chinese medicine would have healthy young people who are infected with the 2009 H1N1
been the only form that the public relied on’.10 influenza virus probably have weak Zheng Qi.

Cheng and Leung seem to suggest from the epidemiological On the other hand, wen bing’s pestilence qi can also be
data that traditional Chinese medicine is just as effective (if overwhelmingly powerful so that even individuals with strong
not more so) as biomedicine, in treating virulent influenza.10 zheng qi can succumb to the disease. In such cases, however,
Although the authors did not mention the wen bing school these individuals are far more likely to recover from the disease
specifically, this paper asserts the likelihood that the school’s and do so in a shorter time than their weaker counterparts.11-12,14
theories and treatment strategies underpinned the CM In applying this approach, the wen bing school can account for
approach to the 1918 influenza. the unusual number of presumably healthy young people who
were infected with the 2009 H1N1. The concept of zheng qi
The Importance of Zheng Qi and its role in resisting exogenous pathogens also explains why
in this pandemic, most people only experienced a mild form of
According to the wen bing school of thought, warm diseases the disease, lasting three to five days.1
take the path of least resistance. Individuals with a weak or
weakened zheng qi 正气 (vital qi, also translated as upright qi) With these wen bing concepts and epidemiological data in
are most likely to be among the casualties.11-12,14,20 Zheng qi can mind, a four-phase CM wen bing approach to managing 2009
be damaged and drained away by a poor lifestyle, unbalanced H1N1 is proposed. The strategy will include tools of CM that
diet, overwork, and emotional upheavals. Zheng qi can also be are not specifically related to the wen bing school.
compromised if there is a constitutional weakness, that is, if a
person’s jing was not strong at birth.20 Epidemiological studies Managing the 2009 H1N1 Influenza
of the 2009 H1N1 appear to support the wen bing school in
this regard. The World Health Organization reports that the 1. Prevention
very young, the elderly and the immuno-compromised are Zheng qi is pivotal in resisting any exogenous disease. There are
subject to attacks of seasonal influenza and these groups are several methods for strengthening one’s zheng qi.
at particular risk of severe development when infected with
the 2009 H1N1 virus.19 In severe cases, most patients needed (i) Diet: maintain a balance in the various types of food, eat
immediate respiratory mechanical support upon admission according to the seasons and one’s constitution, avoid
to a hospital. From the wen bing school’s viewpoint, the overeating, eat up to 70–80% of what is needed, and keep
organ system that is most severely affected by influenza is the everything in moderation. Cooked food is preferred as it
respiratory. Thus, warm pathogen first attacks via mouth and is easier to digest.22
nose, entering into the lungs, causes damage there and then
progresses to the stomach and in some cases directly to the (ii) Exercise: workouts, brisk walks, taijiquan 太极拳, qigong 气
pericardium.11-12,14,20 The WHO further points out that in 功, yoga, slow running, gardening, any physical activity that
severe cases, co-morbidity is commonly present, whether in causes mild sweating and exerts the body’s system will help
the form of chronic lung disease or neurological disorders. Two improve one’s condition and strengthens one’s zheng qi.20
other groups were singled out as at risk, namely, minority and
indigenous groups, where poor nutrition, lifestyle and access (iii) Stress management: while a little mental and emotional
to healthcare are the key factors. From a wen bing perspective, stress can be beneficial, too much of either becomes

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2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 25
Wen Bing Xue and A Koh
2009 H1N1

detrimental. Over-thinking injures the spleen and on the exterior. This allows the body to respond in a natural
sustained emotional upheaval injures the lungs, heart, manner and build up its defence. In other words, one’s zheng
kidneys and liver. qi, in particular, one’s wei qi, must be strengthened as part of
an illness prevention measure. Vaccination as an aspect of that
(iv) Acupuncture: it is common knowledge in CM that strategy is not rejected by CM but the biomedical method
stimulation of the acupuncture point ST 36 Zusanli of deep intramuscular delivery is questioned by some CM
strengthens one’s constitution.20,23 This can be done daily practitioners.
or for three consecutive days each week. Stimulation can
take the form of either needles or 100 moxa cones in each 2. Treatment
session.23 Other acupuncture points to consider are CV 6
Qihai, CV 4 Guanyuan and KI 1 Yongquan.20 Herbal Formulae
The wen bing school has more than 1000 formulae for treating
(v) CM herbal decoctions: take herbal formulae appropriate over 60 types of syndrome.11-12,14 The use and modification
to one’s constitution for tonification, such as Bu Zhong of formulae for a patient will depend on a CM practitioner’s
Yi Qi Tang 补中益气汤 (tonify the middle to augment pattern differentiation of the individual. Influenza falls under
the qi decoction), Gui Pi Tang* 归脾汤 (restore the the category of wind warmth 风温, based on the signs and
spleen decoction), Si Jun Zi Tang 四君子汤 (four symptoms and natural history of the disease.11,14,20 Sang Ju
gentlemen decoction), Ba Zhen Tang 八珍汤 (eight Yin 桑菊饮 (mulberry leaf and chrysanthemum drink) is the
treasure decoction), and Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地 preferred formula in the initial stage of wind warmth.11-12,14,29
黄丸 (six ingredient pill with rehmannia). However, tonic It is good for ‘coursing wind, dissipating heat, and treating
herbs should be avoided at the first sign of any illness and cough’.29 The other commonly used formula is Yin Qiao San
professional CM advice should be sought. It may also (honeysuckle and Forsythia powder).11-12,20,29 The latter is better
be beneficial to take Yin Qiao San 银翘散 (honeysuckle than Sang Ju Yin in ‘out-thrusting the exterior with acridity and
and forsythia powder) occasionally to ensure that no coolness and for clearing heat and resolving toxins’.29 The key
pathogenic qi has a hold in one’s body.20,24 [*See Editor’s symptoms in this scenario are fever and aversion to cold.14
Comments on page 29 regarding endangered species]
If the patient delays seeking treatment, the pathogen may enter
(vi) Fumigation: this is a practice that has been used by past the qi level. Alternatively, the pathogen may penetrate from the
wen bing physicians. One such formula used in ancient upper jiao to the middle jiao (of the three burner differentiation
times is called Tai Yi Liu Jin San 太乙流金散 (supreme system, also part of the wen bing school). The key symptoms in
unity flowing gold powder).12 These days, however, this stage are fever, constipation and damage to body fluids, i.e.
vinegar is the favoured product for fumigating one’s abode dryness.14 The appropriate formulas include Bai Hu Tang 白
rather than a complex formula.20 虎汤 (white tiger decoction), Zeng Ye Tang 增液汤 (increase
the fluids decoction), Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang 调胃承气汤
Biomedical physicians are likely to encourage the uptake of (regulate the stomach and order the qi decoction), Zeng Ye
vaccination as a preventative measure. Since December 2009, Cheng Qi Tang 增液承气汤 (increase the fluids and order the
there has been an approved vaccine for adults (single dose) and qi decoction).11-12,14,20
children (two doses).25 However, from the wen bing school’s
perspective, modern day vaccination itself can be a cause of The wen bing school teaches that if wind warmth disease is
illness.11,26 The intramuscular delivery of the attenuated virus left untreated it will penetrate into the ying (nutritive) and
circumvents the exterior defences of the body and enters xue (blood) levels. The patient may experience symptoms
directly into the interior, into the qi level (of the four levels including confusion, delirium, loss of consciousness, macules,
in Ye Tian Shi’s 叶天士 diagnostic model: wei 卫 defensive, and high fever. These signs and symptoms are similar to those
qi 气, ying 营 nutritive, xue 血 blood), resulting in internal delineated by biomedicine regarding the more severe cases of
latent heat.11,26 When faced with an exogenous pathogen later 2009 H1N1, which include confusion, sudden dizziness, pain/
on, the heat then manifests itself.11-12,26-27 Although inoculation pressure on chest/abdomen, severe/persistent vomiting.30 The
is not a novel concept in CM, with the practice first recorded wen bing school argues that warm diseases first attack the lungs,
in China around the tenth or eleventh century, the way ancient then frequently the stomach and intestines which accounts for
CM physicians administered it differs significantly from the the nausea and vomiting and abdominal symptoms.11-12,14,20 In
modern biomedical approach.28 Ancient records show that some instances, the disease proceeds directly from the lungs
pathogenic material was introduced into the patient either into the pericardium, accounting for the delirium, confusion
via the nose or via a scratch on the skin.28 In both methods, and loss of consciousness.11-12,14,20 There are several formulae
the pathogen was not delivered directly into the interior but available for the latter cases and their application depends on

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more precise diagnoses. The commonly used formulae are implication is that these dead microbes are still left in the body
Qing Ying Tang* 清营汤 (clear the nutritive level decoction), and may in time be removed by the body’s system altogether
An Gong Niu Huang Wan* 安宫牛黄丸 (calm the palace pill or they may not be removed at all.26 CM, however, is insistent
with cattle gallstone), Xi Jiao Di Huang Tang* 犀角地黄丸 that pathogens must also be expelled from the body.11,26 It was
(rhinoceros horn and rehmannia decoction), Qing Hao Bie Jia the wen bing school that first proposed the concept of fu xie
Tang 青蒿鳖甲汤 (sweet wormwood and soft-shelled turtle or fu qi wen bing 伏气温病, variously translated as lingering,
shell decoction) and San Jia Fu Mai Tang 三甲复脉汤 (three- lurking, residual warm pathogen disease.
shell decoction to restore the pulse). These herbal prescriptions
are calculated to restore consciousness, clear heat strongly, Thus, in the treatment of someone who presents with flu-
open orifices, extinguish wind, stop bleeding and nourish like symptoms, a comprehensive and in-depth history of the
yin.11-12,14,20,24 [*See Editor’s Comments on page 29 regarding patient is essential in drawing out any previous fu xie. This
endangered species] suggests that post-resolution treatment strategies are essential
once the acute signs and symptoms are gone.
Fu Xie 伏邪 – lingering pathogens
When a warm disease invades a body and it is not cleared 3. Follow-through/up
completely, there remains some pathogenic factor. This It can be difficult to convince a patient of the need for
pathogenic factor is referred to as lingering pathogens or fu follow-up treatment once their presenting condition has
xie.11-12,14,20,26 Liu states, ‘remnants of heat’ refers to a situation been rectified. The above discussion of fu xie underscores the
where heat from excess has been fighting with the body’s need to educate patients in the concepts of CM. The follow-
yin.11 In the process both sides are injured and the heat thus through for the clinician is to ensure that (1) the treatment
become less forceful due to the yin’s moderating influence. prescription was correct and effective in resolving the disease;
Maciocia notes that a pathogenic factor ‘may appear to have (2) the herbal prescription has been taken correctly and
been expelled, and the patient appears to recover, but actually consistently by the patient; (3) the patient has had ample rest,
a residual pathogenic factor has been formed’.31 The Chinese- physically, emotionally, mentally; and (4) the patient has been
English Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine defines eating a proper diet.20,27 If any of these four aspects has been
fu qi/fu xie as: compromised, the physician should consider that some warm
the syndrome of pathogen incubating in the body for a disease pathogen may still remain. If left untreated, this can
long period before the onset of the disease. The affected then result in a cycle of illness followed by a short period of
regions are deeper or shallower. The more deeply the recovery and then illness again, a cycle that will surely drain
pathogen incubates, the more severe the illness will the patient’s qi and damage the blood over time. Perhaps this
be. The onset of the illness starts from the interior and is what epidemiologists allude to when they ‘long puzzled over
slowly extends to the exterior, usually with long and why seasonal infectious disease outbreaks occur when they do.
various course.32 Perhaps the more important question is why they do not occur
when they do not. Is the human population already relatively
After the resolution of the acute symptoms, the patient may resistant for 6–9 months each year?’33 Dowell, from whom the
not be conscious of any adverse result of fu xie and be under the previous observation comes, further notes that
impression that all is well. However, fu xie has consequences pathogens do not physically migrate across the equator
and can manifest itself in common signs and symptoms, from and that nationwide epidemics do not necessarily result
allergies to persistent intermittent low-grade fevers.31 The from chains of person-to-person transmission. Rather,
chronic allergies/sensitivities may be dismissed as hay fever. the pathogens may be present in the population year-
The persistent intermittent low fever may be ignored or put round, and epidemics occur when the susceptibility
down to stress. The constant shortness of breath on exertion of the population increases enough to sustain them.
where none existed prior to the disease may be ignored or Perhaps the most significant prediction is that people
regarded as a part of ageing. Fu xie, however, predisposes the are relatively resistant to disease if exposed in the off-
patient to exogenous pathogens causing them to fall ill more season and that the specific physiologic process leading
easily. It can act as a Trojan horse and allow warm pathogens to to seasonal resistance should be identifiable and perhaps
enter more rapidly than normal into the interior of the body modifiable.33
causing a more severe disease state.11-12,14,20,26,32
The trend that epidemiologists have discerned recently would
It is vitally important in treating warm diseases to ensure that appear to fit in neatly with the concept of fu xie proposed
the pathogens are fully and completely expelled. In this, CM some three hundred years ago, a concept that continues to
differs from biomedicine. In the latter, antibiotics and antivirals be developed by the wen bing school.11 It would seem that
are used to kill or inactivate the bacteria and viruses. The modern epidemiological data supports the theory and clinical

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of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 27
Wen Bing Xue and A Koh
2009 H1N1

practice of an ancient school of thought in traditional Chinese Medicinal herbs for preventing or treating uncomplicated
medicine. It would also reinforce to CM physicians the vital influenza’.36 However, they recognise that the aim in CM in
need to follow through the treatment of the acute stage of the treating influenza is ‘not only to cure the respiratory syndrome,
2009 H1N1 influenza, or for that matter, any disease. but also to treat the whole body’.36 Thus, they acknowledged
that the use of standard biomedical trials to assess CM is difficult
A well-known herbal prescription for expelling fu xie is Xiao due to the differences in herbal prescription, pharmacological
Chai Hu Tang 小柴胡汤 (minor bupleurum decoction). agents used and the diagnostic pattern differentiation. The
Herbal formulae used to treat the acute stage of 2009 H1N1 same conclusion is applicable to wen bing and its use on the
or wind warmth disease at the qi, ying and xue levels can also 2009 H1N1 influenza. Chen et al. assert that one ‘must accept
be prescribed with modifications. Herbs such as Chantui 蝉 that the overall treatment concept for TCM is different to that
蜕 (Cicadae periostracum), Dandouchi 淡豆豉 (Sojae semen used in western medicine’. 36
praeparatum) Bohe 薄荷 (Menthae haplocalycis herba), Jingjie
荆芥 (Schizonepetae herba) and Niubangzi 牛蒡子 (Arctii It can be argued that experiential evidence can be offered on
fructus) can be added to guide the fu xie to the exterior for the use of wen bing theory in treating 2009 H1N1 influenza.
expulsion.29,34,35 As discussed above, the mild form of 2009 H1N1 did not
require hospitalisation. Most patients either would have sought
4. Reinforcing assistance from their general practitioners or would have
The last phase of managing someone with the 2009 H1N1 recovered from the illness on their own, if their constitution
influenza, or in the language of wen bing, wind warmth, is was strong. Others would have been treated by their CM
reinforcing the constitution of the patient. In any disease practitioners for influenza. In late June 2009 in New South
process, qi would be used up in overcoming the pathogen. The Wales, routine laboratory testing for the 2009 H1N1 virus
more severe the disease is, the more qi is consumed, the more the was restricted to those hospitalised with the severe form of the
damage needs to be arrested and repaired and the constitution illness. 37 It would have been difficult to gather evidence for the
rebuilt. The attention to repairing damages and building up qi is CM treatment of the mild form of 2009 H1N1 in that climate.
of particular need in those with prenatal qi deficiency. Where the
disease is not so severe, the measures enunciated in phase one, It is not a matter of subordinating CM to biomedicine but rather
prevention, can be applied to restore a patient’s constitution. using what is relevant from biomedicine to expand and deepen
Obviously, tonic herbs should only be used if the physician is CM theory and practice. The long history of Chinese medicine
satisfied that there is no lingering pathogen. Otherwise, the in general and of the wen bing school specifically holds much
latter can be strengthened and so embed itself even more deeply evidence on adapting and responding to changes in the climate,
in the body, rendering it harder to expel. environment and newly emerging diseases. Uncovering these
huge bases of data and information from CM and comparing
The reinforcing phase may involve an honest discussion them with modern epidemiological ones can perhaps offer
between the physician and the patient on changing lifestyle, another legitimate and valid way of understanding and treating
addressing harmful habits and adopting a different outlook on contemporary diseases. Such a methodology would also provide
health. It is also a great opportunity for educating the patient another strategy for integrating biomedicine with Chinese
on the various aspects of Chinese medicine to encourage a medicine. There is surely no need to reinvent the wheel.
deeper understanding. This extends to what is traditionally
called yang sheng 养生, literally cultivating life. The build-up
phase overlaps with many aspects of the prevention phase. Clinical Commentary
The 2009 H1N1 influenza is the first flu pandemic of the
Conclusion twenty-first century. It has caused considerable panic
and anxiety in the public and medical establishment.
The epidemiological data for influenza presented above serve The aetiology and presentation of the influenza are
as a basis for the effectiveness and historical and empirical use remarkably similar to those patterns enunciated by
of wen bing theory and treatment methods in the management the wen bing School of traditional Chinese medicine.
of the 2009 H1N1 influenza. This paper does not offer On that basis, TCM practitioners can use wen bing
‘evidence’ in the same mode as those espoused by biomedical theory as a foundation to manage the 2009 H1N1
science. A Cochrane meta-analysis by Chen et al.36 suggests influenza effectively. This paper examines the similar
that the application of that model of evidence to CM is manifestations of warm diseases and swine flu and
filled with difficulties due to the different natures of the two offers a working framework covering their prevention
medical systems. Chen et al. conclude that the ‘present existing and treatment.
evidence is too weak to support or reject the use of any Chinese

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28 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Wen Bing Xue and A Koh
2009 H1N1

Acknowledgments 16. CDC. H1N1 flu (‘swine flu’) and you [online]. 12 Jan 2010 [cited 16
Jan 2010]. Available from:

Thanks to Yifan Yang, principal of the Sydney Institute of Traditional 17. CDC. Caring for someone sick at home: know the symptoms of flu
[online]. ca 2009 [cited 16 Jan 2010]. Available from: http://www.cdc.
Chinese Medicine, for arousing my interest in the subject.
18. CDC. Interim recommendations for clinical use of influenza
Editor’s comment: diagnostic tests during the 2009-10 influenza season [online]. ca 2009
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20. Zhang, YF. Comprehensive methods for preventing and treating
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21. World Health Organization. Clinical features of severe cases of
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Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Ltd and the 16 Oct 2009 [cited 16 Jan 2010]. Available from: http://www.who.
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Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; 2003.
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2. CNN. Four 20th-century flu outbreaks [serial online]. 29 Apr 2009 25. CDC. Vaccine against 2009 H1N1 influenza virus [online]. 22
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LIVING/wayoflife/04/29/mf.famous.flu.history/index.html. h1n1flu/vaccination/public/vaccination_qa_pub.htm.
3. Kilbourne ED. Influenza pandemics of the 20th century. Emerg Infect 26. Maciocia G. Myalgic encephalomyelitis: post-viral syndrome, chronic
Dis 2006;12(1):9–14. Epstein-Barr disease. J Chin Med 1991;35:5–19.
4. Palese P. Influenza: old and new threats. Nat Med 2004;10(12):S82–6. 27. Blackwell R. Dormant heat. J Chin Med 1989;31:13–16.
5. Potter CW. A history of influenza. J Appl Microbiol 2001;91:572–9. 28. Temple R. The genius of China: 3,000 years of science, discovery and
6. World Health Organization. Weekly epidemiological report. No. 49. invention. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions; 2007.
4 Dec 2009; 84:505–16. 29. Jiao SD. Ten lectures on the use of formulas from the personal
7. BBC. US declares swine flu emergency [online]. 24 Oct 2009 [cited 4 experience of Jiao Shu-De. Damone B, translator. Taos, NM:
Nov 2009]. Available from: Paradigm Publications; 2005.
8. CNN. Obama declares H1N1 emergency [online]. 26 Oct 2009 30. CDC. What to do if you get sick: 2009 H1N1 and seasonal flu
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9. Zengerle P. Obama declares swine flu a national emergency. Reuters 31. Maciocia G. Diagnosis in Chinese medicine: a comprehensive guide.
[serial online]. 24 Oct 2009 [cited 26 Oct 2009]. Available from: Edinburgh: Elsevier; 2004. 32. Chinese-English Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 汉
10. Cheng KF, Leung PC. What happened in China during the 1918 英双解中国大辞典. 原一样 主编. 北京:人民卫生. Beijing:
influenza pandemic? Int J Infect Dis 2007;11:360–4. People’s Press; 1997.
11. Liu GH. Warm pathogen diseases: a clinical guide. Rev ed. Seattle: 33. Dowell SF. Seasonal variation in host susceptibility and cycles of
Eastland Press; 2005. certain infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis 2001;7(3):369–74.
12. Wen JM, Seifert G, translators. Warm disease theory: wen bing xue. 34. Bensky D, Clavey S, Stoger E. Chinese herbal medicine: materia
Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications; 2000. medica. 3rd ed. Seattle: Eastland Press; 2004.
13. Mitchell C, Feng Y, Wiseman N. Shang han lun: on cold damage. 35. Chen JK, Chen TT. Chinese medical herbology and pharmacology.
Brookline, MA: Paradigm Publications; 1999. City of Industry, CA: Art of Medicine Press; 2004.
14. Qin BW. Warm disease made simple. Balack J, translator. Lantern 36. Chen XY, Wu T, Liu GJ, Wang Q, Zheng J, Wei J, et al. Chinese
2009;6(3):24–31. medical herbs for influenza. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007(4).
15. Dent N. Clearing deficient heat: a look at qing hao bei jia tang. 37. Chant K. H1N1 influenza 09 response [memo]. Sydney: NSW
Lantern 2007;4(3):11–12. Department of Health; 26 June 2009.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 29
Plantar Fasciitis, Another
Approach—Using Acupuncture
and Looking Beyond the Lower
Limb with a Brief Review of
Conventional Care:
A Case Series
Stephen Janz* BN, RN, BAc, GCCHM, GCPH
Clinic Director, Kenmore Centre for Health, Brisbane, Australia

Introduction: Plantar fasciitis is a common idiopathic debilitating condition linked to the
biomechanics of the lower limb. Conventional care of stretching, splints, arch supports,
extracorporeal shock wave therapy and cortisone injections offer inconsistent results. This case
series demonstrates another approach to the management of plantar fasciitis utilising acupuncture
and looking beyond the lower limb. In addition to commonly used points, two extra points
are used with dense-disperse electro-stimulation. Case presentation: Two retrospective cases are
presented. Case one is a 23-year-old Caucasian female who presented with a history of intermittent
left heel pain which was painful especially on first step in the morning. Symptoms resolved after
five acupuncture treatments addressing the plantar fascia, low back and leg-length imbalance.
Symptoms would initially recur whenever a back injury recurred. The second case is a 46-year-old
Caucasian male who presented with a 12-week history of bilateral plantar fasciitis confirmed on
ultrasound. The patient also complained of mild low back pain. Acupuncture treatment addressing
the plantar fascia, low back pain and leg-length imbalance led to complete resolution of symptoms
after six weekly treatments. Conclusion: This case series adds to the limited literature on the
treatment of plantar fasciitis with acupuncture and offers a low risk treatment strategy. Two extra
acupuncture points are described and provisionally named. Three other areas are identified for
further investigation. The first is an association between apparent leg-length difference and some
cases of plantar fasciitis. The second is the question of whether platelet-derived growth factor is
activated via the electroacupuncture aspect of the treatment. The third is the need to conduct a
post-recovery imaging study of the plantar fascia in an attempt to correlate tendon changes to the
mechanism of acupuncture treatment.

K E Y W O R D S acupuncture, electroacupuncture, auriculotherapy, dry needling, leg-

length difference, plantar fasciitis.

* Correspondent author; e-mail: [email protected] Aust J Acupunct Chin Med 2010;5(2):30–36.

Australian Journal
30 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Plantar Fasciitis: S Janz
A Case Series

Introduction Conventional Care

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain There is no evidence to define a standard of care based on
with an incidence of 11–15% of all foot symptoms requiring replicated randomised controlled trials.8 Conservative care
professional care among adults, and an incidence of 10% typically consists of a range of interventions including calf
of all running injuries. Patients typically experience inferior and plantar stretching and arch supports.4 Taping can be
heel pain with the first few steps after rising in the morning used to take strain off the plantar fascia and night splints
or after prolonged sitting. Pain often initially eases but then can reduce first-step pain by preventing overnight atrophy of
increases with daily activities. Pain is worse for dorsiflexion the plantar fascia.8 Tatli and Kapasi4 state that conservative
of the pedal phalanges and is aggravated by walking up stairs, care provides ‘satisfactory results’ in 80–90% of cases without
walking on hard surfaces or walking barefoot. A limp may be defining ‘satisfactory’. Over-the-counter arch supports appear
present. A history of an increase in the amount or intensity to be as effective as custom orthotics,4 and a systematic review
of exercise, often running or walking, frequently precedes found that it is unclear that customised orthotics are of any
symptoms. On examination there is usually pain on palpation benefit at all in plantar fasciitis.9
of the anterior medial heel.1 The term chronic plantar heel
pain (CPHP) is used interchangeably in the literature to refer Persistent cases may be treated with nonsteroidal anti-
to plantar fasciitis.2 inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS),8 corticosteroid injection,
extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) or botulinum
The plantar fascia originates on the medial tubercle of the toxin type A (Botox).4 Corticosteroid injections are the
calcaneus and fans out over the bottom of the foot to insert treatment of choice and are more effective when combined
into the proximal phalanges and the tendon flexor sheaths.1 with stretching, and more successful when administered
It forms the longitudinal arch of the foot and functions as under ultrasound guidance.4 The evidence supporting the
a shock absorber as well as an arch support via a windlass use of ESWT is ambiguous, and botulinum toxin type A
mechanism.1,3 The braking strain of this windlass mechanism has been found to reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis in one
ranges from 1.4 to 3.4 times the subject’s body weight,3 small study.4 The finding that inflammation is rarely present
making the fascia subject to damage with a relatively minimal in plantar fasciitis forces a re-evaluation of the rationale
increase in strain.4 for using a steroid injection,6 especially as corticosteroid
injections also carry with them the rare risks of plantar fascia
The aetiology of plantar fasciitis is poorly understood.5 Due rupture and fat pad atrophy.4
to its high incidence in runners it is believed to be caused
by repeated microtrauma and to be mechanical in origin.1,5 A more recent addition to treating plantar fasciitis and
Contrary to historical perspectives plantar fasciitis is a musculoskeletal injuries in general is the use of autologous
misnomer as histological evidence shows that inflammation blood products. In this procedure 30–60 ml of venous blood
rarely occurs in plantar fasciitis and that it is really a is withdrawn from a patient and centrifuged to produce 3–6
degenerative fasciosis.6 Risk factors for developing plantar ml of platelet rich plasma (PRP). This PRP is then injected
fasciitis include increased weight in a non-athletic population, directly into the area of injury, preferably under ultrasound
increased age, decreased ankle dorsiflexion, decreased first guidance. It is believed that the therapeutic benefit of injecting
metatarsophalangeal joint extension and prolonged standing. PRP is due to growth factors contained within alpha granules
Height, weight and BMI are not associated with plantar inside platelets. These growth factors include platelet-derived
fasciitis in the athletic population. Evidence of an association growth factor (PDGF), which is produced following tendon
between static and dynamic foot motion is inconclusive. An damage, transforming growth factor, vascular endothelial
association with leg-length difference is considered to be weak growth factor, epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth
and has only been identified in one study.2 factor.10

A systematic review of diagnostic imaging and chronic plantar

heal pain revealed that plantar fascia thickening greater than 4 Chinese Medical Pathology
mm was diagnostic of plantar fasciitis, and that a subcalcaneal
spur was strongly associated with chronic heel pain.7 A Chinese medical theory describes this condition as Bi
diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is, however, a clinical diagnosis, syndrome.11 The flow of qi and blood in the channels becomes
usually based on history and clinical examination;4 imaging obstructed resulting in stagnant qi and blood which causes
studies are not usually necessary. the pain.12 This condition shows mainly blood stagnation
as the pain is intense, fixed and persistent. Where qi and
blood stagnate, damp is formed, which can thicken and cause

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 31
Plantar Fasciitis: S Janz
A Case Series

phlegm. The type of phlegm in this case is non-substantial Treatment

phlegm which lodges in the channels and joints,13 further
obstructing the flow of qi and blood. Treatment should aim Soft tissue manipulation (a combination of Bowen method
to restore the flow of qi and blood and disperse the phlegm. and drainage to the lumbar erector spinae group, gluteals
and sacrum) was applied with the intention of addressing the
Literature Review pelvic imbalance and apparent leg-length difference. The calf
and plantar surface of the foot were massaged.
A literature review was conducted using the key words plantar
fasciitis and acupuncture, as well as plantar fasciitis and dry Vinco 0.22 x 25 mm needles were inserted bilaterally at BL57
needling. Pubmed and Medscape were searched as well as the Chengshan (10 mm deep), BL60 Kunlun (8–10 mm deep), KI3
Chinese medical journals which conform to the STRICTA14 Taixi (5–8 mm deep), GB39 Xuanzhong (alternative location,
protocol. A case study was found on a non-indexed ejournal.15 see Table 1) (10–15 mm deep) and SP6 Sanyinjiao (10–15
A total of five articles were found including one randomised mm deep). Gentle lifting and thrusting for less than 5 seconds
control trial (RCT),16 an ejournal article,15 a retrospective was used to obtain very mild deqi. Viva 0.22 x 30 mm needles
case series,17 and two prospective studies.18,19 were inserted bilaterally at two extra points (see Table 1) to a
depth of 20–25 mm without needle manipulation. No deqi
Sconfienza18 conducted a non-randomised dry needling was sought. All needles were inserted perpendicularly except
trial which consisted of an initial perifacial local anaesthetic for KI3 Taixi and BL60 Kunlun which were directed inferiorly
followed by repeated dry needling of the plantar fascias and a towards the heel. Electro-stimulation was applied with the red
corticosteroid injection. Sconifienza speculates that the dry electrode at GB39 Xuanzhong and the black electrode at extra
needling attracts platelets to the area which release healing point ‘Lower Shenmai’ (see Figure 2); and with the red electrode
factors, a similar hypothesis for the therapeutic effect of PRP at SP6 Sanyinjiao and the black electrode at extra point ‘Lower
autologous injections.10 The trial claims a 90% effectiveness rate. Zhaohai’ (see Figure 1). An AWQ-104E needle stimulator was
used at a dense-disperse setting of approximately 4 and 100 Hz.
The RCT16 investigated the single point PC7 Daling needled The intensity was raised to distinct but not uncomfortable and
contralaterally to the heel pain compared to LI4 Hegu left for 20 minutes. No special instructions regarding footwear
needled contralaterally, finding better pain scores with PC7 or stretching were given.
Daling. The remaining three studies investigated common
lower limb points with ashi points in the foot and plantar There was no improvement by the second visit 10 days later.
fascia15,17,19 or gastro-soleus muscle.19 Two of these studies At the second treatment the left ASIS and right internal
used or recommended low frequency electroacupuncture.15,17 hip rotation was still restricted and apparent leg-length
None of these studies address pathology above the knee. difference persisted, so in addition to the previous treatment
Only the case study by Smith15 proposed point selection the points BL22 Sanjiaoshu and BL23 Shenshu were added
based on TCM zangfu syndrome differentiation. The limited as they correlated to areas of restriction in the lumbar spine.
literature available regarding acupuncture and plantar fasciitis Vinco 0.22 x 40 mm needles were inserted at these points to
combined with the risks of conventional care in recalcitrant a depth of 20–25mm with small rotations and gentle lifting
cases makes this case series a useful addition to understanding and thrusting for less than 10 seconds until mild deqi was
treatment options for this common condition. obtained and then retained for 20 minutes. At the third
treatment there was a slight improvement in symptoms with a
patient report of less severe morning heal pain. The ASIS were
Case One balanced, the internal hip rotation equalised and there was
less than 0.5 cm difference between symmetry at the medial
Case one is a 23-year-old Caucasian female who presented malleoli. The treatment was repeated twice more using the
in February 2004 complaining of intermittent left heel pain same general needle depth and electro-stimulation settings
which was painful especially on first step in the morning. as for previous treatments (a total course of five treatments
There was no history of specific injury however she did attend at an interval of about ten days apart). After this there were
recreational dance classes. On examination pain was present at no more symptoms of heel pain or tenderness on palpation
the insertion of the plantar fascia on the medio-inferior aspect until three months later. At this later presentation imbalance
of the calacaneus. A scoliosis to the right was present. In the between the ASIS and medial malleolus was evident again
supine position the left anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) was with an approximately 2 cm difference in symmetry at the
elevated resulting in an apparent leg-length difference with medial malleolus. The same treatment was repeated once and
the left medial malleolus approximately 3 cm higher than the the patient was asymptomatic until a recurrence associated
right. The right internal hip rotation was restricted. with low back pain five months later, which responded to

Australian Journal
32 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Plantar Fasciitis: S Janz
A Case Series

TABLE 1 Extra and Alternative Point Locations

Inferior to the high point of the medial malleolus in a depression at the junction of the red and
‘Lower Zhaohai’
white skin, inferior to KI 6 Zhaohai. See Figure 1.
Inferior to the high point of the lateral malleolus, in a depression at the junction of the red and
‘Lower Shenmai’
white skin, anterior to BL 61 Pucan, and inferior to BL 62 Shenmai. See Figure 2.
Alternative Location for 3 cun superior to the lateral malleolus in a depression anterior to the Achilles tendon and
GB 39 Xuanzhong posterior to the fibula.

FIGURE 1 Location of ‘ Lower Zhaohai ’ FIGURE 2 Location of ‘ Lower Shenmai ’

Figures 1 and 2 have been adapted from Deadman P, Mazin A, Baker, K. A Manual of Acupuncture. Journal of Chinese Medicine: Hove,
East Sussex; 2008. p320, 325, 339, 344.

another single treatment administered as per the previous prone position the left hip internal rotation was restricted.
treatments. This patient continues to dance as of 2010 (six Tenderness was elicited on palpation around the centre of
years later) and experiences various self-limited acute injuries the heel in the vicinity of the plantar fascia attachment to
however the plantar fasciitis has not returned. The patient the calcaneus, as well as just inferior to BL63 Jinmen on the
continues to present with the tendency to a pelvic imbalance left foot. A treatment plan of once a week treatment for three
and slight apparent leg-length difference (approximately 1 treatments before review was determined.
cm), which may relate to her scoliosis.
Treatment 1–3
Case Two Soft tissue manipulation (a combination of Bowen method
and drainage to the lumbar erector spinae group, gluteals
Case two is a 46-year-old Caucasian male who presented and sacrum) was applied to the lower back with the intent
in November 2006 with a twelve-week history of bilateral to address the pelvic imbalance and leg-length difference.
plantar fasciitis. He complained of pain in the feet which was Both calves and plantar surfaces of the feet were massaged.
worse on rising in the morning and worse in the left lateral Following the soft-tissue manipulations acupuncture was
heel. He also complained of mild low back pain. X-rays of given. In addition to the treatment protocol (with the same
both feet showed no abnormality and no calcaneal spurs. needling depths and electo-stimulation settings) used in
Diagnostic ultrasound revealed bilateral thickening of the case 1, Vinco 0.22 x 40 mm needles were inserted at BL25
plantar fascia consistent with plantar fasciitis. The left facial Dachangshu (the focus of the lumbar pain) bilaterally with the
thickening was more extensive than the right. patient prone. Lumbar points were needled to a depth of 25–
30 mm with small rotations and gentle lifting and thrusting
On examination in the supine position the right ASIS was for less than 10 seconds each until mild deqi was obtained
elevated revealing an apparent leg-length difference with the and retained for 20 minutes. The patient was advised to wear
right medial malleolus higher than the left by 3 cm. In the shoes with a supportive sole, to avoid going barefooted, and

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 33
Plantar Fasciitis: S Janz
A Case Series

advised to undertake calf and plantar stretching and plantar need to reach the vicinity of the plantar attachment on the
massage daily at home. calcaneus. Needles shorter than 30 mm long result in a poor
result. Needles of too fine a gauge (less than 0.22 mm) will
After the first treatment the patient reported that symptoms be difficult or impossible to insert. An adequate gauge results
were aggravated for three days and then improved. The in prompt insertion with minimal discomfort. These points
treatment was repeated. At the third visit the patient reported are often not ashi points, and, when located properly, they
a few good days of less pain on rising. At the fourth visit the are usually not unduly painful to treat. This can be contrasted
patient reported that the right foot was no longer painful with ashi points overlying the calcaneus, which must be
and that the left foot only was symptomatic. On examination punctured through thick heel skin and are usually painful.
there was an apparent leg-length difference, with the right
medial malleolus 3 cm higher than the left in the supine Electroacupuncture (EA) is chosen as a comfortable way to
position. The focal point of pain in the left foot was around stimulate points which could be painful if stimulated manually.
BL63 Jinmen. Dense disperse is selected to reduce accommodation which
can occur at low frequencies. Both the dry needling18 and
Treatment 4–6 autologous blood injection10 are believed to work via the release
Soft tissue manipulation was applied to the low back, of platelet growth factors. Sun, Zhao and Wang20 have shown
left calf and left foot similarly to the previous treatments. that EA (98 Hz) activates the release of PDGF in cats. This
Acupuncture was applied to the left leg only (the right was finding suggests that the indications and benefits of EA go
asymptomatic) as above with the following modification. On beyond the conventional understanding of a neurophysiological
the lateral side a Vinco 0.22 x 25 needle was inserted to a mechanism of EA and may directly stimulate repair via the
depth of 15 mm at the ashi point inferior to BL63 Jinmen release of PDGF. Should the release of PDGF be linked to
and electro-stimulation was applied with the red electrode at EA in humans, then EA could become standard care for
this point and the black electrode at the extra point ‘Lower tendonopathies. It is noteworthy that a study using electro-
Shenmai’ (see Table 1). All other points were needled in stimulation to elicit muscle contraction without acupuncture
the same manner as previously. The patient reported local was found to be of no benefit in plantar fasciitis.21
tenderness for three or four days then improvement. An
apparent leg-length difference was no longer evident as The persistent finding on imaging studies7 of a thickened plantar
assessed in the supine position and using visual inspection of fascia and frequent calcaneal spurring indicates that in plantar
the ASIS and medial malleoli symmetry. The treatment was fasciitis the diagnosis of blood stagnation and phlegm retention
repeated and after a total of six treatments, once per week may relate to a measurable degenerative change in the plantar
(three bilaterally and a further three to the left foot only), fascia and at its attachment to the bone. A follow-up imaging
the patient was asymptomatic. At follow-up at seven months study to determine if the plantar fascia returns to its premorbid
and 18 months later, the patient had no symptoms of plantar state would be useful to further understand the mechanism
fasciitis and demonstrated a difference in medial malleoli and of acupuncture in this condition. A finding of true repair of
ASIS symmetry of approximately 0.5 cm. the plantar fascia would aid in further correlating traditional
Chinese medical pathology with anatomical pathology.
In both of these cases, low back pathology and an apparent leg-
The intermittent nature of case one indicates more qi length difference were evident and symptoms did not resolve
than blood stagnation and demonstrates treatment of an until this pathology was adequately addressed. In case one,
early presentation of plantar fasciitis. Case two is a typical symptoms recurred after a back injury which exacerbated the
presentation of plantar fasciitis where blood stagnation apparent leg-length difference which accompanies a scoliosis.
dominates. Non-substantial phlegm has lodged in the The biomechanical implications of leg-length imbalance are
channels, which is demonstrated by the thickened plantar referred to in the literature; however, a causative association
fascia on ultrasound. between imbalance and pain remains controversial.22 Part
of this controversy may relate to the need for a simple,
In order to restore the flow of qi and blood, it is necessary reproducible system categorising different types of pelvic
to disperse the phlegm stagnation. This is achieved using postural asymmetry;22 part may also be due to difficulties in
the extra points which directly access the fascial attachment. measuring arch mechanics in vivo.5 Leg-length imbalance is
It is around this same location that heel spurs are often identified as a risk factor in some pathologies such as greater
found, indicating that this is a key point of stagnation where trochanter bursitis;23 however, it must be noted that leg-
phlegm can congeal forming bony growths. The choice length imbalance is not considered a risk factor for plantar
of acupuncture needle for these points is guided by the fasciitis,2 nor is any pathology above the knee considered

Australian Journal
34 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Plantar Fasciitis: S Janz
A Case Series

in treatment.1,4,8 Considering the limited capacity for the

windlass mechanism of the plantar fascia to tolerate increase Clinical Commentary
in strain,4 and the likelihood that a leg-length imbalance This paper demonstrates a comprehensive
alters the load through the foot and hence the strain on the approach to the treatment of plantar fasciitis.
plantar fascia, it seems reasonable to screen for and treat leg- Electroacupuncture is often effective in combination
length difference in every case of plantar fasciitis. with conventional conservative care of plantar
stretching and wearing supportive footwear, along
Oriental medical theory identifies that a leg-length difference with addressing leg-length imbalance. Although the
relates to imbalance in the eight extraordinary channels, in literature does not associate leg-length imbalance
particular the Yangwei mai and Dai mai connection, and also with plantar fasciitis, addressing leg-length imbalance
the Yinqiao mai and Ren mai connection.24 An imbalance in the where evident is still important. Acupuncturists who
channels can lead to stagnation of qi and diverse pathologies take an eclectic view of treatment are well placed
ranging from musculoskeletal pain to gynaecological problems to be the preferred point of contact when treating
linked to the pathways and connections of the channels plantar fasciitis.
involved.24 Clinically ignoring a leg-length imbalance is
to ignore a potential or actual basis for the development of
subsequent channel and zangfu pathologies. The difficulties
5. Wearing SC, Smeathers JE, Urry SR, Hennig EM, Hills
in quantitatively assessing and investigating this phenomenon
AP. The pathomechanics of plantar fasciitis. Sports Med
should not result in it being ignored clinically from either a 2006;36(7):585–61.
western pathological viewpoint and especially not from an 6. Lemont H, Ammirati KM, Usen N. Plantar fasciitis: a degenerative
Oriental medical viewpoint. process (fasciosis) without inflammation. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc
Conclusion 7. McMillan AM, Landorf KB, Barrett JT, Menz HB, Bird AR.
Diagnostic imaging for chronic plantar heel pain: a systematic
This case series demonstrates another safe approach that can review and meta-analysis. J Foot Ankle Res 2009;2:32.
be utilised to treat plantar fasciitis. Acupuncture provides a 8. DynaMed. Plantar fasciitis [Online]. 19 Aug 2009 [cited 31 Aug
2009]. Available from:
valuable option which can be combined with conventional
care of calf and plantar stretching and arch supports (if 9. Hawke F, Burns J, Radford J, du Toit V. Custom foot orthoses for
the treatment of foot pain: a systematic review. J Foot Ankle Res
indicated). The association between apparent leg-length
2008;1(Suppl 1):O46.
difference and symptoms in these cases merits further
10. Sampson S, Gerhardt M, Mandelbaum B. Platelet rich plasma
investigation to determine their generalisability, and may injection grafts for musculosketal injuries: a review. Curr Rev
provide a missing causal link to the pathology of some cases Musculskelet Med 2008;1:165–74.
of plantar fasciitis. It is possible that electroacupuncture 11. Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Essentials of
stimulates the release of PDGF and contributes to the long- Chinese acupuncture. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press; 1980.
term results which are achieved after addressing the low back 12.
Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine. Acupuncture: a
pathology. A follow-up imaging study of successfully treated comprehensive text. O’Connor J, Bensky D, editors and translators.
patients should be conducted to determine if the plantar Seattle: Eastland Press; 1981.
fascia thickening is reversed. A correlation of asymptomatic 13. Maciocia G. The foundations of Chinese medicine. Edinburgh:
Churchill Livingstone; 1989.
patients and reversed plantar fascia thickening would provide
further understanding of the mechanism of acupuncture. 14. MacPherson H, White A, Cummings M, Jobst K, Rose K,
Niemtzow R, for the STRICTA Group. Towards better standards
of reporting controlled trials of acupuncture: the STRICTA
References statement. Complement Ther Med 2001;9(4):246–9.
1. Singh D, Silverberg MA, Milne L. Plantar fasciitis [Online]. 14 15. Smith SR. The treatment of plantar fasciitis with traditional
Dec 2009 [cited 24 Jan 2010]. Emedicine. Available from: http:// Chinese medicine [Online]. Chin Med Times 2008;3(4). Available from:
2. Irving DB, Cook JL, Menz HB. Factors associated with
chronic plantar heel pain: a systematic review. Sci Med Sport
2006;9(1–2):11-24. 16. Zhang SP, Yip TP, Li QS. Acupuncture treatment for plantar
fasciitis: a randomized controlled trial with six months follow-
3. Hicks JH. The mechanics of the foot II. The plantar aponeurosis
up. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med 2009 [Epub ahead of
and the arch. J Anat 1954;88(1):25–30.
4. Tatli YZ, Kapasi S. The real risks of steroid injection for plantar
17. Peres-Millan R, Foster L. Low-frequency electroacupuncture in
fasciitis, with a review of conservative therapies. Curr Rev
the management of refractory plantar fasciitis: a case series. Med
Musculoskelet Med 2009; 2(1):3–9.
Acupunct Online J 2001;13(1).

Australian Journal
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2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 35
Plantar Faciitis: S Janz
A Case Series

18. Sconfienza LM. Needle puncture plus steroid injection relieve 21. Stratton M, McPoll TG, Cornwall MW. Use of low-frequency
plantar fasciitis syndrome. Radiological Society of North electrical stimulation for the treatment of plantar fasciitis. J Am
America Annual Conference 2008 [press release]. Available from: Podiar Med Assoc 2009;99(6):481–8. 22. Juhl JH, Cremin TM, Russel G. Prevalence of frontal pelvic
cfm?id=385. plane postural asymmetry – part 1. J Am Osteopath Assoc
19. Tillu A, Gupta S. Effect of acupuncture treatment on heel pain due 2004;104(10):411–21.
to plantar fasciitis. Acupunct Med 1998;16:66–8. 23. Foyle PM, Stitik TP. Trochanteric bursitis [Online]. eMedicine
20. Sun WW, Zhao W, Wang TH. Effects of electro-acupuncture on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation [cited 23 Jan 2009]. Available
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Australian Journal
36 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Treatment of Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Associated Neuropathy with
Acupuncture and Moxibustion:
A Case Report
Joyce K Anastasi* PhD Michelle Chang MS
Special Studies in Symptom Management, New York University, New York, NY, USA

Peripheral neuropathy is a common neurological complication of the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection and is often associated with the use of antiretroviral medications. The severe
and debilitating pain can significantly impair quality of life. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
offers treatment modalities to manage distressing symptoms in addition to western interventions
that often do not provide total relief and are associated with side effects. This case report illustrates
a six-week course of acupuncture and moxibustion for a 49-year-old HIV-positive female. The
outcome suggests that TCM may provide significant improvement and may be a valuable option
for the effective management of HIV-related symptoms.

K E Y W O R D S Peripheral neuropathy, HIV, acupuncture, moxibustion.

Peripheral neuropathy (PN) is a common neurological neurotoxicity and mitochondrial dysfunction associated
complication experienced by people living with the human with antiretroviral agents.3,5,6 DSP presents with burning
immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Along with the success of (dysaesthesia), numbness, and pins and needles (paraesthesia)
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in reducing in the distal extremities, predominantly in the toes and soles of
morbidity and mortality, individuals with HIV still often the feet.7 Physical examination findings may reveal decreased
develop neurological complications and the most frequent or absent ankle reflexes, loss of sensory perception to light
type is distal sensory peripheral neuropathy (DSP) which touch, temperature, and vibration and occasional intrinsic
occurs in approximately one third of HIV patients.1,2 Post muscle weakness.2,8
HAART, DSP continues to be prevalent with associated
risk factors including age, mitochondrial polymorphisms, If left untreated, many patients may experience progressive
antitretroviral medications and co-morbidities, such as gait difficulties and limitations in everyday activities, such as
diabetes and nutritional deficiencies.3,4 The exact pathology bathing or dressing. The debilitating pain can interfere with
of DSP in HIV remains unknown but proposed mechanisms housework, work outside the home, and social activities
include cytokine dysregulation, viral protein produced resulting in emotional stress and significantly impacting on

* Correspondent author; e-mail: [email protected] Aust J Acupunct Chin Med 2010;5(2):37–40.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 37
Treatment of HIV J Anastasi and M Chang
Associated Neuropathy

quality of life. Interventions to manage DSP associated with The patient did not have a history of diabetes, nutritional
HIV have been adopted from strategies of diabetic PN as the deficiency or any acute medical condition. She has a past history
symptoms may be similar.3 Current treatment is primarily of high blood pressure and currently manages her asthma with
aimed at symptomatic management of pain with pharmacologic albuterol (bronchodilator). She was post menopausal with no
options, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs climacteric symptoms and her last menses was 10 years ago. Her
(NSAIDs), tricyclic antidepressants, opioids, anticonvulsants most recent HIV viral load was below 50 copies/ml and CD4+
and topical analgesics. However, available treatment options lymphocyte count was 430 cells/mm3 while on a stable regimen
provide limited relief and are often accompanied by adverse of antiretroviral therapy of ritonavir (protease inhibitor) and
side effects, such as sedation, dizziness and peripheral oedema.9 atazanavir (protease inhibitor). To characterise the progression
of her HIV disease, a low viral load is usually between 40 and
This case reports the use of acupuncture and moxibustion for 500 copies/ml and normal adult CD4 count reference ranges are
12 sessions over six weeks with twice a week treatments. generally within 500 to 1500 cells/mm3. She took no substances
other than her prescribed medications. If the patient did require
Case History pain medication or had changes in other medications, she was
instructed to inform the practitioner.
A 49-year-old female diagnosed with HIV since 1991
presented with various pain symptoms, including burning and At the initial session, the patient reported sleep problems.
cold sensation, numbness and pins and needles on her lower She had extreme difficulty falling asleep and was waking up
extremities in early August 2006. The patient was referred several times during the night. She noted she woke up too early
by her primary care physician. Her primary complaint was and felt minimally rested upon awakening. The patient also
burning, sharp pain in her feet and toes bilaterally. She also reported low energy and often felt sleepiness during the day.
felt coldness and numbness in her lower legs. The symptoms She stated she felt tired all the time. As for her digestion, she
would last for two to three hours and sometimes endure for indicated little appetite, heartburn and abdominal pain relieved
the whole day. Her neuropathy symptoms began in January by a bowel movement. She was prone to worrying, having
2006 and she was started on gabapentin (an anticonvulsant trouble with her memory and difficulty concentrating. She also
often prescribed for neuropathic pain) with little relief. Using a reported extreme impatience, irritability, and at times hostility.
standardised scale of severity from 0 to 6 (0 = no discomfort at The patient also noted moderate backache pain, decreased
all and 6 = very severe discomfort),10 her baseline symptoms of desire to talk or move, and having none to little sexual desire.
pins and needles were rated as severe (5/6), pain and numbness She often felt depressed or sad, overwhelmed and had difficulty
were rated as very severe (6/6), as was her overall severity of making decisions.
symptoms (6/6). In addition to the scale of severity, the patient
TCM Diagnosis
was given an anterior and posterior diagram with outlined
dermatomes to indicate clearly the location of her pain. She Liver and kidney yin deficiency; spleen and kidney yang
reported being quite limited in climbing stairs, walking several deficiency; spleen dampness.
blocks, and even bathing herself.
Biomedical Diagnosis
On initial physical examination, there was slight oedema Distal sensory peripheral neuropathy possibly due to HIV itself
on both ankles and her gait was antalgic, requiring the use or medication.
of a cane. Utilising a standardised practice and traditional
TCM Treatment Principle
instruments of neurological sensory testing (128 Hz tuning
fork [vibratory sensation], tooth pick [sharp sensation], cotton Tonify blood/yin and yang qi; move qi and blood; resolve
ball [soft sensation], hot and ice cold test tubes [temperature dampness.
sensation]),11 the patient was assessed pre-treatment as having
an absence of sensation to pin prick and light touch in both
feet and legs, and temperature (both hot and cold) on both The patient lay supine and the following acupuncture points
thighs. Pressure sensation (measured with a 5.07/10-g Semmes were selected: LI11 Quchi, SP10 Xuehai, GB34 Yanglingquan,
Weinstein monofilament test) was absent bilaterally and her ST36 Zusanli, SP6 Sanyinjiao, KI3 Taixi. The needles were
plantar reflexes were absent. Her muscle strength was normal inserted to a depth where deqi sensation was elicited and the
but slightly reduced in ankle dorsiflexion and ankle plantar needles were retained for 20 minutes with tonifying technique.
flexion. Her vibratory and position sense were intact. Her Then the patient lay prone and LR8 Ququan, GB39 Xuanzhong
tongue was pink, long, pointed with a thick white coat and were needled and retained for 20 minutes. Simultaneously,
bare on the sides. Her pulse rate was 66 beats per minute and indirect pole moxibustion was applied for two minutes to
had a thin, deep quality. each of the following points: BL17 Geshu, BL18 Ganshu,

Australian Journal
38 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Treatment of HIV J Anastasi and M Chang
Associated Neuropathy

BL20 Pishu, KI1 Yongquan. All acupuncture procedures were neuropathic symptoms of heat sensation in the toes and soles
performed with Seirin J-type, No. 2 (0.18) x 30 mm, sterile of her feet, along with the predominant supporting symptoms
disposable needles. Acupuncture points were stimulated with of insomnia, nervousness, impatient disposition, thin pulse
lighted pure moxa sticks using the indirect technique in a and tongue coat missing on the sides. The secondary diagnosis
clockwise circular motion to provide gentle warming until the of kidney and spleen yang deficiency was made by the
skin became slightly red. additional symptoms of coldness and numbness in her lower
legs, supported by her oedema, lack of appetite, fatigue after
eating, backache and low sexual desire. Her thick white tongue
Following a schedule of acupuncture and moxibustion twice a coat also indicated dampness.
week for six weeks, the patient kept a weekly symptom diary
during her course of treatment recording her pain location, To address the patient’s neuropathic pain symptoms, a layered
intensity and duration, as well as other general symptoms. approach was implemented by nourishing the blood (ST36,
At the patient’s sixth session, she reported reduction of pain SP6, LR8), kidney yin, yang and marrow (GB39, KI3). The
and pins and needles to moderately severe (4/6), numbness emphasis was on tonifying blood points to build the yin. Then,
declined (5/6), and her overall severity of symptoms lessened enriching the yin builds the yang similar to adding kindling to
to moderate (3/6). At the end of six weeks of treatment, the generate the fire. Also, points were utilised to move the blood
patient’s gait was normal and she was not using her cane. Post- and qi (SP10, GB34) and clear heat (LI11) due to yin deficiency.
treatment sensory assessment was conducted and confirmed Yongping and Stefanovic also describe in their case study of PN
that she had improved sensation which was now intact to in HIV/AIDS, the principle of tonifying blood, qi and yin
pinprick, temperature, and light touch in both legs and feet. while moving qi and blood.12 Over the course of treatment,
Pressure sensation also improved and was present bilaterally. the patient’s general symptoms, such as sleep patterns, mood,
The patient reported her pain score had mitigated to appetite and fatigue also showed some improvement.
moderately severe (4/6), and her overall severity of symptoms
had alleviated and were mild (2/6). In a follow-up session two Moxibustion is typically recommended for cold imbalances
months later, the patient reported her pain, pins and needles such as cold hands and feet and avoided in conditions of
and numbness score all were reduced and sustained to minor heat, such as inflammation. In this case, recognising that
(1/6), as was her overall severity of symptoms (1/6). the burning, heat sensation in the patient’s feet and toes was
deficient in origin informed the use of moxa on KI1 and
Aside from the neuropathic symptoms, the patient also was well tolerated by the patient. The use of moxa activates
reported that she had been sleeping better and having less the blood, warms the yang and unblocks the meridians.
difficulty falling asleep. However, she was still waking up Traditionally, acupuncture has been coupled with moxibustion
during the night. She felt less nervousness and anxiety and but there have been few clinical studies of the application of
was not as fatigued all the time. She also reported her appetite moxibustion demonstrating its effectiveness. This case utilised
increased slightly. moxibustion on blood related points (BL17, BL18, BL20) and
suggests further research into its application and possibly the
Discussion use of direct moxibustion. There is a paucity of information
in the English literature on moxibustion, particularly on its
This case report presents several concomitant symptoms of traditional usage with acupuncture. Clinical cases illustrating
intense burning pain, cold, numbness and pins and needles the combination of acupuncture and moxibustion can assist
with an underlying chronic illness managed with antiretroviral in further understanding their synergistic therapeutic benefits.
agents. The foundation of treatment in TCM is the principle
of ben and biao. However, in practice, practitioners see patients Furthermore, peripheral neuropathy is also commonly associated
with several roots and branches and may need to prioritise the with diabetes, alcoholism and chemotherapy agents. One study
differential patterns. Patients with longstanding conditions shows acupuncture may be effective in treating diabetic PN and a
often present with numerous deficiencies in all the organs and case series suggests its use in chemotherapy induced PN.13,14 The
the differential patterns may coincide, blend or overlay one aetiologies may be different but this case study adds to the need
another. In this case, the patient had been living with HIV for for further research as it may hold wider application and promise.
more than 15 years. Taking into consideration the long term
use of antiretrovirals and the resulting damage to her spleen Conclusion
and stomach affecting the production of blood and qi, the
treatment emphasised the multiple underlying deficiencies In summary, the patient experienced significant improvement
of the liver, spleen and kidney. The primary diagnosis of liver and a sustained response to TCM in managing one of the
and kidney yin deficiency was determined by her presenting most distressing symptoms of HIV that western medicine

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 39
Treatment of HIV J Anastasi and M Chang
Associated Neuropathy

has not been able to fully address. By mitigating the intense 3. Anastasi JK, Smolowitz J, Capili B. Distal sensory peripheral
neuropathy in HIV: a case study. Clin Scholars Rev 2009;2(1):13–18.
burning, numbness and foot pain, the patient experienced
more mobility, less frustration and enhanced simple daily 4. McArthur JC, Brew BJ, Nath A. Neurological complications of
HIV infection. Lancet Neurol 2005;4:543–55.
activities, such as bathing and sleeping. As individuals with
5. Melli G, Keswani SC, Fischer A, et al. Spatially distinct and
HIV are living longer, TCM may provide valuable and
functionally independent mechanisms of axonal degeneration
effective nondrug approaches to reduce HIV symptoms and/ in a model of HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. Brain
or HAART side effects and to improve quality of life. 2006;129(5):1330–8.
6. Verma S, Estanislao L, Simpson D. HIV associated neuropathic
pain. CNS Drugs 2005;19(4):325–34.
Clinical Commentary 7. Verma S, Micsa E, Estanislao L, et al. Neuromuscular complications
in HIV. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep 2004;1:62–7.
Peripheral neuropathy is a frequent complication
8. Cornblath DR, McArthur JC. Predominantly sensory neuropathy
experienced by HIV patients. It is associated in patients with AIDS and AIDS-related complex. Neurology
with HIV infection and/or the toxic side effects of 1988;38(5):794–6.
medications. This case report will be of particular 9. Dworkin RH, O’Connor AB, Backonja M, et al. Pharmacologic
interest to practitioners who see HIV patients with management of neuropathic pain: evidence-based recommendations.
neuropathic pain. The acupuncture and moxibustion Pain 2007;132(3):237–51.
treatment described in this report was successful 10. Guy W. Clinical Global Impressions. ECDEU Assessment Manual
in reducing the severity of lower limb neuropathic for Psychopharmacology, Revised (DHEW Publ. No. ADM 76-
338). Rockville, MD: National Institute of Mental Health; 1976.
pain and numbness associated with HIV and
p. 218–22.
may provide a non-pharmacological approach to
11. Bates B. A Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 5th
managing this distressing symptom and improving ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1991.
the quality of daily life for patients.
12. Yongping J, Stefanovic J. The acupuncture treatment of peripheral
neuropathy in HIV/AIDS. J Chin Med 2002;68:27–9.
13. Abuaisha BB, Costanzi JB, Boulton AJM. Acupuncture for the
References treatment of chronic painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy: a
long-term study. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 1998;
1. Estanislao L, Carter K, McArthur J, et al. A randomized 39(2):115–21.
controlled trial of 5% lidocaine gel for HIV associated distal 13. Wong R, Sagar S. Acupuncture treatment for chemotherapy-
symmetric polyneuropathy. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr induced peripheral neuropathy – a case series. Acupunct Med
2004;37(5):1584–6. 2006;24:87–91.
2. Schifitto G, McDermott MP, McArthur JC, et al. Incidence of
and risk factors for HIV-associated distal sensory polyneuropathy.
Neurology 2002;58(12):1764–8.

Australian Journal
40 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Interview with Professor
Wang Juyi, World-Renowned
Acupuncturist: Part 1 of 2
James X Liu*
RMIT University

Introduction The Questions

Born in 1937, Professor Wang Juyi graduated in 1962 from What made you choose acupuncture?
the first class of the newly established Beijing Institute of
Traditional Chinese Medicine (now the Beijing University Firstly, let me answer why I chose Chinese medicine. I chose
of Chinese Medicine and Pharmaology). Professor Wang this field of study because of its magical effects! When I
has been practising Chinese medicine for over 48 years. He was a little boy, my mother suffered from metrorrhagia and
worked as a doctor of acupuncture at the Beijing Hospital of metrostaxis. After trying a variety of treatments without
Chinese Medicine for 22 years, then later served as president good results, she was finally cured by a Chinese medicine
of the Beijing Xuanwu Hospital of Chinese Medicine for two practitioner. In fact, I myself was rescued from death by a
years. He also served as professor, dean and chief editor of the Chinese medicine doctor! The 1950s were a tough time in
China Journal of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (中国针灸) China. During that time I contracted typhoid fever and had
at the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences for twelve a very high temperature, profuse sweating, delirium and some
years. He worked as a doctor and professor in the United States internal bleeding. My mother brought me to a few western
for two years and has been a pioneer in developing a private medicine hospitals and was told by many that it was a difficult
Chinese medicine practice in the fast changing environment of case to treat. My mother, quickly running out of hope for my
modern Beijing for the last ten years. Since the late 1970s, he survival, visited Dr Yu Chaozhi on Yangrou Lane in central
has had many teaching tours in major western countries and Beijing. To everyone’s surprise, I recovered after taking Chinese
some third-world countries. herbal medicine for two weeks. As you can imagine, Chinese
medicine therefore made quite an impression on me from
In 2008, he published Applied Channel Theory in Chinese my earliest years. As a consequence, when I registered for the
Medicine: Wang Juyi’s Lectures on Channel Therapeutics (王居 college entrance examination in 1956, my first three choices
易经络学讲演录 Wang Juyi jing luo xue jiang yan lu, referred were all colleges of Chinese medicine. At that time, China
to below as ACTCM 讲演录), co-authored with Jason D had only four colleges training doctors in Chinese medicine
Robertson. This book has received favourable reviews and was (Editor’s note: it is only since the 1990s that a number of the
awarded the ‘Book of the Year 2008’ by the German Scientific major teaching institutes of Chinese medicine in China have
Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine NPO (DWGTCM). been upgraded from college to university status).

Professor Wang specialises in applying classical channel After graduating I was sent to the Beijing Institute of Chinese
theory to both diagnosis and treatment. Not only does Medicine to work as a researcher on acupuncture channels,
he treat difficult and complicated cases effectively, he also while working at the same time as an acupuncturist at the
treats commonly encountered illnesses with unconventional Beijing Hospital of Chinese Medicine. At the time, I noticed
strategies. Professor Wang graciously agreed to be interviewed that acupuncture did not seem to be guided by the classical
which was conducted over several sessions during the month of theories of Chinese medicine. Some doctors treated patients
April earlier this year (2010) in Beijing. mainly by finding sensitive (ashi) points. Some doctors treated
patients mainly by acupoints drawn from their personal
experience. Of course, they were successful in treating some
disorders and could relieve some symptoms, but they rarely
treated difficult and complicated cases effectively. When they
encountered difficult and complicated cases (even some minor

* Correspondent author; e-mail: [email protected] Aust J Acupunct Chin Med 2010;5(2):41–47.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 41
Interview with Wang Juyi XJ Liu

illnesses) and failed to get results quickly, they did not know would be required to have an x-ray. However, as his father said
how to explore other treatment strategies with their limited that he only had 200 yuan borrowed from relatives and friends
theories of Chinese medicine. On the other hand, there was an and that an x-ray fee would leave him without money for both
abundance of both opportunities and challenges for a young treatment and accommodation, I decided to treat him anyway.
graduate at the time. Because of the state of the developing To my surprise, the patient showed slight improvement from the
field and the evident opportunities, I resolutely chose first treatment. After one year of treatment, the patient recovered
acupuncture for my life’s work. At that time, most of my other and began working in the fields as a healthy farmer. This case
classmates chose internal medicine, gynaecology or paediatrics. provides a good example of not relying too heavily on western
Incidentally, I have a big anniversary coming up: in 2012 I will medicine diagnosis and treatment. Of course, western medicine
have practised acupuncture for 50 years. diagnosis and treatment often provides a good reference for
Chinese medicine practitioners. Nevertheless, we must firmly use
In your opinion, what were the greatest achievements for the theories of Chinese medicine to diagnose and treat disease.
acupuncture during the twentieth century? This is the only way to exploit the strengths of our modality in
order to treat difficult and complicated cases effectively.
I believe acupuncture has made five important achievements
during my time. Firstly, the success of acupuncture anaesthesia The second case I would like to relate occurred during the
made acupuncture known around the world. Secondly this led mid 1970s and involved a female patient. She presented with
to eminent researchers such as Zhang Xiangtong, Han Jisheng pain in the right elbow. After 2–3 treatments, the right elbow
and others who were able to discover and explain many of the pain disappeared but she then began complaining of right
details of the mechanisms by which acupuncture anaesthesia knee pain. After a few treatments for the right knee pain, she
may work. Thirdly, Professor Zhu Zongxiang and his team then developed pain on the left elbow. This provides a typical
demonstrated the physical reality of the channel pathways case of what we term wind obstruction (Bi syndrome). During
through a series of biophysical experiments (using sound, this early stage of my practice, I mainly used local acupoints
lasers and electroconductivity). Fourthly, the introduction of and as a consequence followed the pain from one joint to the
Chinese medicine into China’s modern education system put other. Eventually, I changed the treatment strategy and used
acupuncture education on the fast track. And finally we have LI4 Hegu, LR3 Taichong and SP6 Sanyinjiao to regulate qi and
seen the more recent development of world-wide acupuncture blood for the whole body without needling any local acupoints.
research programs that use modern techniques and technology. The wandering pain was then cured after twelve treatments. LI4
Hegu rules qi, LR3 Taichong rules blood and SP 6 Sanyinjiao
Could you please describe some of your most successful cases rules yin-blood. Together, these three acupoints regulate qi and
from the past 48 years and what inspiration you were able blood throughout the body. When the blood circulates freely,
to draw from them? the wind will disappear automatically. After that experience, I
began using LI4 Hegu and LR3 Taichong as primary acupoints
I have several cases that stand out in my mind. for the treatment of a wide variety of conditions, ranging from
post-partum pain to jetlag. After reflecting on this famous pair
The first involved a 16-year-old male and occurred during the clinically, I might summarise their functions thus: scattering
mid 1960s. The patient suffered from paraplegia caused by a external wind, extinguishing internal wind and tracking wind
haemangioma at the third thoracic vertebra. He had already in the hundred joints to regulate the channels. Given these
been treated at a few hospitals in both Tianjin and Beijing broad regulating effects for wind, you can see why the pair is so
before arriving at our hospital. In fact, he had undergone an widely used in the clinic.
unsuccessful operation in Tianjin. During the operation, a
surgeon opened his back then decided not to continue because This case points out an interesting aspect of the theory of
it was both too risky for the patient and difficult for the surgeon. knowledge in Chinese medicine. Namely, we must move ‘from
He was told that his diagnosis was definite and that his disease the particular to the general and then from the general back
was untreatable. Because of his youth, many people felt for to the particular’. Secondly, we must move ‘from practice to
this young man and a group of well-wishers actually carried “knowledge” and then back to practice’. Simply put, we must
him to the Beijing Hospital of Chinese Medicine. I was the treat more patients, take careful notes and use this information
first doctor to treat him. One interesting fact is that the boy’s to come up with theories of how the medicine works. Many
father concealed his diagnosis from me fearing that, if I knew may be tempted to move in the opposite direction, from theory
the paraplegia was caused by a haemangioma of the vertebrae, to practice, without the crucible of clinical testing. This is
I might refuse to treat his son as other hospitals had done. His less helpful. Only by working in this time-tested way can we
father only said that, due to an encounter with cold, the boy constantly improve our clinical results.
suddenly lost the use of both legs. Usually a patient like this

Australian Journal
42 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Interview with Wang Juyi XJ Liu

The third case involved a female of Greek origin in the late treating a difficult disease, we need to devote quite a bit of
1970s. The patient suffered from early atrophy of the brain attention to finding answers from the classical texts. Ancient
leading to memory loss, poor concentration, mood swings acupuncture classics such as the Divine Pivot, Systematic
and general cognitive impairment. As many know, this type of Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and the many ancient
condition can be quite difficult to treat. For this patient, I used acupuncture odes provide records drawn from extensive clinical
two acupoints: HT5 Tongli and KI6 Zhaohai bilaterally. After research. Within these old texts, we may be surprised to find
2–3 treatments her symptoms improved noticeably. instructions for treating some quite difficult diseases. If my
writing ACTCM 讲演录 has some benefit for those practising
How did I find that these two acupoints can be effective for today, it is the result of studies and practice guided by ideas
treating atrophy of the brain? I began with the hypothesis from the ancient acupuncture classics.
that the aphasia may have been caused by a small stroke.
In acupuncture departments, aphasia is actually seen quite In your opinion, what are some issues that require attention
commonly. However, recovery with treatment is often very in the current practice of acupuncture?
slow and is rarely complete. In fact, some patients eventually
become completely mute. Aphasia is also commonly seen in I think there are three points for attention at present.
other types of brain atrophy. This led me to think of Chapter
10 from the Divine Pivot which states, ‘when the large collateral The first is the underestimation of the value of channel theory.
of hand Shaoyin is affected . . . if it is a deficient syndrome, the The second is a one-sided understanding of acupoint structure
patient will not be able to talk. When treating, needle the HT5 (location) and function. The third and final comment is
Tongli acupoint, which is one cun behind the wrist.’ We should the tendency among acupuncturists to neglect the care and
also remember that prolonged or severe disease often affects the protection of the channels which can then lead to channel
collaterals. From these concepts, I concluded that aphasia may exhaustion and confusion.
be caused by a disorder in the collaterals of the heart and brain
and that this is why HT5 Tongli (a luo collateral acupoint) is Can you say a bit more about the first point, ‘underestimating
the acupoint recommended by the Inner Classic. the value of channel theory’?

Now to the next point. Aphasia, especially logaphasia, is We might say that the underestimation of channel theory has
often a motor function disorder affecting the muscles of the three aspects. The first aspect is the tendency to deny the
tongue. The yinqiao vessel has a function of regulating muscle physical presence and value of the channels. In China only a
movement among multiple channel sinews in the yin areas tiny minority of people deny the effectiveness of acupuncture.
of the body. This would include voluntary and involuntary However, doubt about the classical system often comes from
muscles on the inside of the body. In addition, Chapter 28 of the fact that classical texts provide sometimes difficult to
the Classic of Difficulties states that the yinqiao vessel ‘reaches penetrate descriptions of the channels. For example, in Divine
the pharynx and larynx’. Xu Feng’s ‘Complete Collection Pivot, Chapter 1, it states that ‘the divisions [acupoints] are
of Acupuncture and Moxibustion’ says that KI6 Zhaohai where the spirit qi [energy and blood] moves, exits and enters.
‘dominates treatment of qi blockage in the pharynx and larynx’. They are not [the same as] skin, flesh, sinews and bones.’
Because of these ideas, I began thinking of KI6 Zhaohai, a Sections such as this have led to a relatively large number
acupoint which of course also communicates with the yinqiao of people doubting that the channels actually exist in a
vessel. So we can see that a review of classical discussions modern, anatomical sense. This doubtful mentality, or lack
tells me that a combination of HT5 Tongli and KI6 Zhaohai of confidence to the objective reality of the channels, actually
will open collateral circulation of the heart and brain while prevents many people from understanding and internalising
harmonising the function of muscles along the path of the classical channel theory. In a clinical sense, it discourages them
yinqiao. This line of thinking made me think of the acupoint from using classical channel theory to analyse and overcome
pair for the treatment of aphasia (especially logaphasia) due to difficulties with diagnosis and treatment.
stroke. I had been using this pair since the late 1960s to treat
aphasia, bulbar paralysis and choking with results that seem to Here is a true story. In 1972, I went to Shandong Province
be better than other acupoint prescriptions. to attend an academic meeting with three western medical
doctors and two Chinese medical doctors. I palpated the
Currently, I use this acupoint pair even more broadly. It can channels of one of the train conductors during the trip. Upon
be used for a wide variety of mental disorders with symptoms examination, I found nodules on LI10 Shousanli and ST37
of mood swings, irritability, crying, inappropriate laughter, Shangjuxu bilaterally which were also very tender to touch. We
Alzheimer’s disease or even insomnia due to a disharmony suspected that he might have a problem with his large intestine
of heart and kidney. This case demonstrates that, when and symptoms of diarrhoea or constipation. However, he

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 43
Interview with Wang Juyi XJ Liu

denied having any such symptoms and said that he had never In my text ACTCM 讲演录, I repeatedly emphasise the
had any problems with his digestive system. I told him that importance of channel diagnosis, explain techniques for
he might actually develop symptoms in the next day or so channel diagnosis and describe more than ten categories
because a disease seemed to have just entered the channels. In of abnormalities one might find when performing physical
other words, the channel changes had not yet developed into examination of the channels. In general, I describe a clinical
symptoms, which he could feel or see. The man wasn’t satisfied approach, which involves differentiating the channels based on
with that answer though and walked away with an irritated careful palpation followed firstly by selection of a channel then
look. A few hours later, however, we were still doing channel finally, acupoints for treatment.
palpation for other people in the train when the conductor
came running to us saying, ‘You guys really are amazing! I’ve In my private practice, I examine the channels of all my patients.
been on the toilet the last half-hour with severe diarrhoea. This not only provides more clinical data for diagnosis, it also
I never get hit with anything like that. It’s pretty stunning seems to be more objective and reliable. This approach helps
that you knew before I even did that there was something me to avoid the temptation to be subjective and one-sided in
wrong with my intestines!’ The man sat down next to us and my diagnosis and thus tends to improve my diagnostic accuracy
we palpated his large intestine channel again. This time, the and curative effects.
nodules on his channels were less large and he reported less
tenderness. This story points to an objective reality for channel For example, I treated a 60-year-old female who had suffered
theory. If we hadn’t applied some very basic concepts from from frequent colds, asthma and cough for years, which
channel theory to his diagnosis, how could we have predicted had been getting worse during the last three years. Upon
that he had an unseen problem with his large intestine? If presentation, she had been coughing for a week. When the
there are no channels in the body, then how can nodules and coughing was intense it usually led to the onset of an asthma
tenderness on LI10 Shousanli and ST37 Shangjuxu be woven attack. The coughing was accompanied by expectoration of
into such a series of events? foamy white phlegm. In recent days, the patient had been
unable to climb flights of stairs or to walk for long distances.
The second aspect is the tendency to neglect channel theory Abnormal changes found when examining channels included: a
during diagnosis. Using channel theory during diagnosis deep, hard nodule in the area around LU 6 Kongzui with a line
involves analysing a given case history while also performing of ‘bamboo-like’ hard painful nodules along the course of the
a physical examination of the channels themselves (察经 cha entire lung channel. Another slightly larger and softer nodule
jing). Now, most acupuncture doctors are comfortable with was also palpated around LU5 Chize. All of the nodules had
analysing case histories to draw conclusions regarding the borders that were relatively undefined and felt slippery under
cause, location, nature and pathomechanism of disease. The the skin. There was also a narrowing and a tight sensation
net result of this approach is often termed a zangfu diagnosis. accompanied by tenderness beneath GV12 Shenzhu, and a very
However, performing a physical examination of the channels tender, soft nodule around BL12 Fengmen. All changes except
and then making a diagnosis based on the results of this GV12 were bilateral. My diagnosis: Taiyin disharmony with
procedure is more often ignored by most acupuncturists. some underlying Taiyang deficiency. My acupoint prescription:
GV12 Shenzhu, BL12 Fengmen, together with the acupoint
In Divine Pivot, Chapter 75, it says: ‘Before using needles pair LU5 Chize and SP9 Yinlingquan. The patient reported
one must first scrutinise the channels to determine excess or improvement in the chronic cough the day after the first
deficiency. One must separate [take the pulse] and palpate. treatment, which gradually improved over the weeks that
One must press and pluck. Observe how the channel followed. In the initial stages, the patient came for treatment
responds and moves before continuing. [Only] then select twice weekly; after three weeks we began to spread treatments
corresponding channel(s) and acupoint(s) to treat and remove out, eventually once every three weeks to maintain good
the disease.’ The use of the terms ‘must’ and ‘first’ serves to health. Without examining the channels and making channel
emphasise the importance of palpating the channels as a differentiation, most acupuncturists might not have chosen
necessary prerequisite to diagnosis and treatment. When the these channels and acupoints.
text asserts that, ‘one must first scrutinise the channels to
determine excess or deficiency’, it is pointing to this approach Channel palpation also includes a visual inspection of collateral
as crucial for understanding the nature of a given disease in vessels. For example, one commonly finds changes in the two
patients. The text describes specific techniques of ‘separating, vessels under the tongue and in the vessels around BL 40
palpating, pressing and plucking’ for channel examination. Weizhong. If the vessels under the tongue become stagnant and
When palpating, one often finds what might be termed exhibit an increase in pressure, there is likely blood stasis in the
‘abnormalities’ along the channel pathways. channels of the head which leads to headaches, dizziness, high
blood viscosity and an insufficient blood supply to the brain.

Australian Journal
44 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Interview with Wang Juyi XJ Liu

If the vessels around BL40 Weizhong turn blue, green or black two acupoint pairs. He alternated between the PC7 Daling
and seem to also be under increased pressure, this may indicate and LR2 Xingjian pair and the LU5 Chize and KI7 Fuliu
stasis of qi and blood in the bladder channel of foot Taiyang. pair. Originally, the patient had hot flashes 5–6 times a day,
Symptoms in this case would include stiffness and soreness of which lasted 3–4 minutes and were accompanied by sweating,
the neck and pain in the low back. One of my students told severe headaches, irritability, restlessness and a rapid pulse. In
me that he observed the vessels around BL 40 Weizhong in addition, she had not responded to herbal treatment. After
many young students when he worked as lecturer at RMIT the fourth acupuncture treatment, all symptoms and signs
University in Australia. He found that quite a number of disappeared. She had a total of ten acupuncture treatments
these students had stagnant vessels around BL 40 Weizhong and, six months later, she reported that the symptoms had not
that looked blue, green or black. Not surprisingly, most of returned.
them complained of stiffness and soreness of the neck and/
or low back pain. Distended green or black vessels around BL Can you say a bit more about the issue of many acupuncturists
40 Weizhong can be seen in some children around the age of having ‘a one-sided understanding of acupoint structure
ten. The earlier these abnormal vessels around BL 40 Weizhong (location) and function’?
appear, the poorer the prognosis is.
Many English acupuncture textbooks translate the term shuxue
This student also mentioned that the vessels on the auricles could (腧穴) as simply ‘point’. While the term is certainly useful as
be used for diagnosis. For example, congestion or engorgement shorthand, it conveys a kind of one-dimensionality. The term
of the vessels in the lumbosacral vertebrae (auricular point) may lead readers to consider acupuncture points as being
indicates low back pain, while congestion or engorgement of defined only by surface location. To me, the use of the term
the vessels around the heart (auricular point) corresponds with ‘point’ runs counter to the original meaning of shuxue in the
heart palpitations, insomnia, irritability and restlessness. He felt classical texts. The ‘points’ are actually multi-dimensional in
that this was true more than 90% of the time. the human body.

The final aspect is the lack of rigorous application of channel This term 腧穴 (shuxue) is composed of two characters.
theory during treatment. In current acupuncture circles, the The first (腧 or 輸)) conveys a meaning of ‘movement’ or
application of channel theory to acupuncture treatment mainly ‘transport’. The second character (穴) describes a hole where
involves the selection of a local point combined with some qi might gather, but alone carries a meaning that implies a
kinds of ‘corresponding channel point’. This usually means hole on the surface of the skin. Even in the Chinese language
adding acupoints from ‘exterior–interior’ paired channels or textbooks, we can see that the term has been reduced to the
possibly acupoints from the eight confluence acupoints of the single character xue (穴). This necessarily puts greater emphasis
extraordinary vessels. Based on channel palpation, a careful on the idea that acupoints are fixed holes without three
differentiation of channel functions and 48 years of clinical dimensions under the surface. My experience has been that
acupuncture practice, I have broadened my clinical vision to we should locate the acupoints with an eye to the complexity
include other aspects of channel theory. I found that the other of their local anatomical structure; taking note of not only
parts of channel theory, such as same-name channel theory surface landmarks, but also the subcutaneous tissue, muscles,
[e.g. Taiyin equates to lung and spleen], mother-son generating tendons, vessels and nerves. This is to say that we should not
channel theory, controlling channel theory and Eight Extra become over-fixated on body surface (cun) measurements.
Vessel theory, also have important directive functions in For example, when locating ST36 Zusanli most textbooks
making acupoint prescriptions. In ACTCM 讲演录 we describe a location 3 cun below ST35 Dubi and one finger-
describe 38 acupoint pairs. Some of them were developed breadth lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia. Instead, I locate
using the theories just mentioned. For me, after being tested this acupoint in a space between the anterior tibialis muscle
and modified for years in the clinic, acupoints tend to fall and the long extensor muscle of the toes, lateral to the tibial
into what I call ‘acupoint pairs’. For example, LU9 Taiyuan tuberosity. The use of the limited English term ‘point’ runs
and SP3 Taibai, PC7 Daling and LR2 Xingjian are examples counter to the original meaning of shuxue in the classical texts.
of same-name channel pairs. Another favourite, LU5 Chize Shuxue are stereoscopic, three dimensional in the human body
and KI7 Fuliu represent a five-phase mother-son generating according to Chinese medicine. By locating like this, I think
channel pair. On the other hand, LU5 Chize and PC7 Daling that it is closer to descriptions seen in texts such as the Yellow
are a five-phase controlling channel pair. LU7 Lieque and SP4 Emperor’s Cannon of Internal Medicine (Huang Di Nei Jing),
Gongsun, PC6 Neiguan and KI6 Zhaohai are both favourite The Classic of Difficulties (Nan Jing), The Systematic Classic
Eight Extraordinary Vessel pairs. These acupoint pairs have of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Zhenjiu Jiayi Jing) and
outstanding therapeutic effects. One of my students told me the Illustrated Classic of Acupuncture Points on the Bronze
that he cured a woman with stubborn menopause by using Man (Tongren Shuxue Zhenjiu Jing). Even more importantly, I

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 45
Interview with Wang Juyi XJ Liu

have found that by needling in this location, there is a better prescription and used LI10 Shousanli, ST36 Zusanli and ST25
needling sensation, which corresponds to improved clinical Tianshu. The approach achieved surprisingly quick results and
effects with a minimum of needling pain. finally the patient was cured.

Another example is GV20 Baihui. This acupoint is most often This case demonstrates the very simple concept that, if we can
described as being located 1.5 cun posterior to CV21 (or 5 select acupoints from the most affected channel, we can often
cun superior to the anterior hairline on the midline). I locate get therapeutic results, even sometimes getting results which
this acupoint in the center of the top of the head near the ‘hair patients call ‘miracles’. This is because there is a direct link
turns’. This may end up putting the acupoint a bit to the front, between diseased organ function and the acupuncture points
behind or even to the left or right in the depression where the themselves. Now, of course in many, many cases the so-called
patient feels tenderness with pressure. All acupuncture points ‘affected channels’ include more than the channel associated with
on the head can be located in a similar way. At this point, I the diseased organ. Many patterns also involve exterior-interior,
would go so far as to say that most acupuncture points are best mother-son, controlling and same-name channels. Examination
located through palpation as opposed to cun measurement. of the channels will go a long way toward giving an answer as to
Based on this concept, we have to palpate first to discern both which channels are affected in a given disease pattern. The case
the anatomical structure and positive reactions (tenderness) study also tells us that the effectiveness of acupuncture points
around each acupoint. By combining palpation-based location is relative and conditional. If one moves away from channel
with an understanding of the channel on which the acupoint theory, then using acupuncture points becomes like an army
is located, its exterior or interior channels, mother or son without a leader or a weapon without control. Therapeutic
channels, as well as the pattern of symptoms and signs, only results will be less than desired. Again, much more is said about
then can we truly decide where the effective acupoints are the concept of observing, differentiating and choosing channels
located on a given patient. If you are interested, you can read in ACTCM 讲演录.
ACTCM 讲演录 for more on this. Nearly all the successful
cases described in that text are drawn from an approach Can you please discuss your third point for attention: The
which locates channels for treatment and individual acupoints tendency of acupuncturists to neglect the care and protection
through careful palpation. of the channels, which can lead to channel exhaustion and
Another issue has to do with the functions of the acupoints.
Many practitioners limit their understanding to the We hear some people assert that acupuncture treatments
‘indications’ of the acupoints seen in textbooks. As many have no side-effects. I strongly disagree with such claims. The
readers have likely found, this is not the whole story. For most commonly seen side-effect from improper acupuncture
example, I notice that most textbooks advocate using GV4 treatment is what I call ‘exhaustion’ or ‘confusion’ in the
Mingmen and SP4 Gongsun in cases of chronic diarrhoea. channels. The reasons for improper acupuncture are varied.
However, many find that they are not effective in some cases. Most often, improper treatments come from incorrect syndrome
This isn’t necessarily because acupuncture won’t work for these differentiation, an excess of acupoints used in a given treatment
patients, but because the functional status of the governing or over-stimulation. Many have noticed that patients who have
vessel where GV4 Mingmen is located, and the foot Taiyin never had acupuncture have a tendency to get quicker results.
spleen channel where SP4 Gongsun is located, may influence Of course, these patients are being compared with patients who
the therapeutic outcome except syndrome differentiation, have been previously treated with acupuncture on a regular
acupoint prescription, and needling techniques. basis. Some have also found that patients who come often may
get decreasing levels of improvement as they get more and more
Here’s an example. More than ten years ago, I treated a patient treatments. Some have even claimed that non-Chinese patients
who had suffered from chronic diarrhoea for years. She woke tend to react more favourably to acupuncture treatment. This
in the early morning with 3–5 instances of diarrhoea most days may very well be due to the fact that these types of patients have
while also experiencing a sensation of urgency. When looking never had interference in their acupuncture channels and are
at the approaches used by other doctors she had seen, I noticed thus less likely to have ‘exhausted’ channel systems.
that most used warming and tonifying formulae like Si Shen
Wen (四神丸). With acupuncture, they focused on acupoints In the 1980s, while I was lecturing in Mexico, I treated a female
such as GV4 Mingmen and SP4 Gongsun. These treatments had patient who presented with sciatica. She had previously received
not been effective. After examining her channels, I determined more than ten acupuncture treatments from other practitioners
that the governing vessel, spleen and kidney channels were who used common sciatica acupoints such as GB30 Huantiao,
relatively normal. Instead, there were clear changes on the GB34 Yanglingquan and KI3 Taixi. The outcome had not been
hand yang ming channel. Therefore, I decided to change the successful. Initially, I thought it was due to inexact acupoint

Australian Journal
46 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Interview with Wang Juyi XJ Liu

location and poor technique. After completing my intake while needling GB30 Huantiao in later treatments, the deqi
and examining her channels, I concluded that the patient’s sensation came comparatively quicker, while also radiating
constitution (both qi and blood) were relatively weak due to down to the toes. Most importantly, her response to treatment
the chronic disorder. It seemed that previous acupuncture became gradually more positive.
treatments had been carried out too strongly and harshly, thus
further weakening the patient’s constitution. In other words, This case taught me a lesson. Namely, when treating difficult
the patient’s channel system was exhausted and confused. diseases, particularly those with a lingering and chronic nature,
Because of this, I decided that, prior to addressing the pain, we should investigate not only the symptom pattern, but also
it was essential to first tonify and sooth the flow of qi and the status of the channel system itself. In particular, we should
blood in order to balance and nourish. The initial three to four pay attention to any possible signs of exhaustion or depletion
acupuncture treatments utilised LI4 Hegu and LR3 Taichong before delivering treatment. If there is a state of exhaustion or
as primary acupoints to restore and invigorate qi and blood confusion, we should first regulate the entire channel system
flow. During subsequent clinical visits, I noticed a gradual and only then address the original problem.
increase in sensitivity (deqi) at the acupuncture points which
had previously been used for treating sciatica. For instance,

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 47
Current Research and
Clinical Applications
Chinese Herbal Formula (PHY906) for Modulation of
Chemotherapeutic Agents in Cancer Therapy
Ye Shen PhD
RMIT University

BACKGROUND of multi-drug resistance mechanisms; CONCLUSION

Cancer has been one of the leading (2) modulation of nuclear factor-κB, PHY906 not only meets the rigorous
causes of death for the past ten years cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric quality-control standards, but also has
in Australia.1 Side-effects from the oxide synthase activity; (3) inhibition of been shown in preclinical and clinical
approved chemotherapeutics for treating matrix metalloproteinase activity; and (4) studies to have the dual effects of reducing
cancer, including 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), inhibition of angiogenesis.3 the side-effects of chemotherapy as well
capecitabine, CPT-11 (irinotecan), as potentiating its antitumor actions.
oxaliplatin, cetuximab and bevacizumab, With the compelling outcomes from The company is actively pursuing
not only prevent a patient from receiving the laboratory studies, PhytoCeutica FDA approval for PHY906 to become
the most effective therapeutic dose, but is working closely with the US Food a botanical prescription medicine for
also significantly impact on the quality of and Drug Administration through treating serious, life-threatening diseases as
a patient’s life. various clinical phases. Since the New an adjunct therapy.
Drug Application filed in 2001, two
METHODS AND RESULTS clinical trials (Phase I/II) in colorectal
1. Australian Bureau of Statistics. Causes of
Using modern technologies, PhytoCeutica and primary liver cancers have been death, Australia, 2006. Australian Bureau
Inc. and a research team from Yale initiated.4,5 A phase I/IIA double- of Statistics, 2008.
University developed a Chinese formula blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, 2. Eng C. Are herbal medicines ripe
(PHY906) containing four traditional cross-over, dose escalation clinical for the cancer clinic? Sci Transl Med
Chinese herbs: Huangqin (Scutellaria study of PHY906 as a modulator of 2010;2(45):45ps41.
baicalensis), Gancao (Glycyrrhiza uralensis), irinotecan-based chemotherapy with 3. PhytoCeutica, Inc. PHY906 preclinical
Dazao (Ziziphus jujube) and Shaoyao advanced colorectal cancer has been scientific abstracts [online]. 2010 [cited 20
Sept 2010]. Available from: http://www.
(Paeonia lactiflora) in the ratio of 3:2:2:2.2 carried out.6 Pharmacokinetic analysis
The candidate herbs are traditionally used indicated that PHY906 neither altered page0007.htm.
for the management of gastrointestinal significantly the therapeutic effects 4. Saif MW, Lansigan F, Ruta S, Lamb L,
ailments including diarrhoea, nausea and of the CPT-11 nor its active SN-38 Mezes M, Elligers K, et al. Phase I study
vomiting, which are common side-effects metabolite. In addition, the group of the botanical formulation PHY906
of chemotherapies. Their studies have receiving PHY and chemotherapies with capecitabine in advanced pancreatic
and other gastrointestinal malignancies.
been recently featured in a few major experienced significantly less diarrhoea
Phytomedicine 2010;17(3–4):161–9.
Australian newspapers. and vomiting than those receiving
5. Yen Y, So S, Rose M, Saif MW, Chu
chemotherapy alone. A second phase E, Liu SH, et al. Phase I/II study of
The pre-clinical results demonstrated I/II clinical study evaluating the effect PHY906/capecitabine in advanced
that in a mice cancer model, PHY906 of PHY906 on the enhancement of hepatocellular carcinoma. Anticancer Res
increased the antitumor activity of the the therapeutic efficacy of capecitabine 2009;29(10):4083–92.
chemotherapy agents, as well as decreased chemotherapy in patients with 6. Farrell MP, Kummar S. Phase I/
weight loss of the animal. Based on advanced unresectable hepatocellular IIA randomized study of PHY906, a
novel herbal agent, as a modulator of
evidence from the pharmocodynamic carcinoma was launched between 2003
chemotherapy in patients with advanced
and pharmacokinetic studies, the research and 2007. The outcomes suggest that colorectal cancer. Clin Colorectal Cancer
team elucidated that the potential PHY906 can increase the therapeutic 2003;2(4):253–6.
mechanisms of actions of PHY906 may index of capecitabine by reducing side-
include (1) enhancement of cellular uptake effects such as diarrhoea. In addition,
of chemotherapeutic agent via inhibition four phase II trials are upcoming.

Australian Journal
48 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Current Research and
Clinical Applications

Cost Effectiveness of Complementary Medicines:

Report by Access Economics for the National Institute of
Complementary Medicine, August 2010
Johannah Shergis BAppSc
RMIT University

BACKGROUND line with the Department of Health and FISH OILS FOR RHEUMATOID
There is a growing body of scientific Ageing and the Department of Finance ARTHRITIS as adjunctive therapy
evidence supporting the efficacy and and Deregulation. were compared with routine care alone.
safety of complementary medicines. Studies indicated fish oils could reduce
With Australians spending over $3.5 The report included direct health costs patient reliance on non‐steroidal anti‐
billion each year on complementary only; indirect costs such as productivity inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) without
medicines and therapies, evaluation of losses were excluded. The literature was deleterious change in the disease process.
costs will assist in future directions for comprehensively reviewed to identify From the evidence, fish oils were not
disease management and healthcare. the effectiveness of complementary considered to be cost effective.
medicine therapies compared with usual
METHODS treatment, best-practice standard care or PHYTODOLOR (a proprietary herbal
The National Institute of placebo, with a preference for double- medicine) FOR OSTEOARTHRITIS
Complementary Medicine (NICM) blind randomised controlled trials. To was compared with Diclofenac (an
commissioned Access Economics to evaluate cost effectiveness, the economic NSAID). Limited quality evidence
analyse the cost effectiveness of select analysis brought together relative was available on the safety and efficacy
complementary medicine interventions expenditure (costs) with outcome of Phytodolor. Cost of product was
for some of the most common and costly measures (effects). therefore the major determinant of cost
chronic health concerns. Due to the effectiveness. It was estimated that using
varying heterogeneous modalities that RESULTS Phytodolor could have a potential cost-
the complementary medicine umbrella ACUPUNCTURE for chronic low saving of up to $178 million per annum
represents, the report focused on those back pain used as an adjunct therapy to compared with Diclofenac; however,
interventions selected by a reference standard care significantly increases pain the report encourages more research in
group ‘where a reasonable body of outcomes and overall cost effectiveness this area.
evidence for safety and efficacy was of treatment when compared with
available’, reporting on five key areas: standard care alone. In individuals with CONCLUSION
co-morbid depression, an even greater The report provides evidence of cost
1. Acupuncture for chronic low back cost benefit would be seen. If indirect effectiveness in four out of the five
pain; costs, e.g. absenteeism from work evaluated interventions. Except fish
2. St John’s wort for depression; and reduced work effectiveness, were oils for rheumatoid arthritis, the
3. Fish oils for prevention of heart disease factored in, the true cost benefits from report highlights that complementary
among those who have experienced acupuncture could be up to double the medicines could save millions in
myocardial infarction; estimated value. healthcare without compromising on
4. Fish oils for rheumatoid arthritis; and patient outcomes, with added promise if
5. Phytodolor (a proprietary herbal ST JOHN’S WORT for mild to indirect costs are added on.
anti-inflammatory and analgesic) for moderate depression, compared with
osteoarthritis. standard treatment was shown to be The report fosters the idea of ongoing
cost effective. It could potentially save research and sets up discussion
Access Economics is one of Australia’s up to $50 million per annum across the for complementary medicines in
leading economic forecasting consultancy affected population in Australia. an integrated healthcare practice
firms. They presented a highly detailed environment. This report will be an
report using a number of benchmarks FISH OILS were found to be highly essential tool for assisting governments
to determine cost effectiveness of the cost effective for prevention of and researchers to further evaluate the
selected complementary medicines. heart disease among those who have role of complementary medicines in
These included gross domestic product experienced a myocardial infarction, future clinical investigations.
(GDP) per capita per quality adjusted and as an intervention to prevent future
life year (QALY) and disability adjusted cardiovascular mortality in Australia. h t t p : / / w w w. n i c m . e d u . a u / c o n t e n t /
life year (DALY), and reference points in view/159/276/

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 49
Research Snapshots
Debra Betts RN, BHSc(Acu) Shao-chen Lu MAppSc(CM) Yanyi Wang PhD
University of Western Sydney, Australia RMIT University, Australia RMIT University, Australia

COST-EFFECTIVENESS that women would accept treatment and COMMENT: The lead researcher of
OF BREECH VERSION BY that babies would remain in a persistent this study has published a previous
ACUPUNCTURE-TYPE breech presentation were retrieved from systematic review on the safety and
INTERVENTIONS ON BL 67, a systematic review and meta-analysis effectiveness of using acupuncture-type
INCLUDING MOXIBUSTION, of six randomised controlled trials interventions on BL 67 for women
BREECH FOETUS AT 33 WEEKS (RCTs) reporting on the effectiveness with breech presentation. This recent
GESTATION: A MODELLING of acupuncture-type interventions on research approach is timely, enabling
APPROACH BL67 versus expectant management. acupuncturists to engage in discussions
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was These trials consisted of three RCTs using with medical, midwifery and hospital
to evaluate the effectiveness and costs of moxibustion. The remaining three used clinic management staff about the
using acupuncture-type interventions acupuncture, electroacupuncture and a cost effectiveness of implementing
on BL67 Zhiyin compared to usual care mixture of moxibustion and acupuncture. acupuncture-type interventions for
for women presenting with a baby in a breech presentation. Being able to enter
breech position at 33 weeks gestation. RESULTS: Two data analyses were into such discussions may well be an
preformed for the women receiving important factor for acupuncturists to
STUDY DESIGN: A modelling acupuncture-type intervention: one with facilitate the integration of acupuncture
approach was used; therefore a decision and one without ECV. Both resulted in services within mainstream medical care.
tree was developed to predict the a decreased breech presentation at term.
number of caesarean sections that could To prevent one caesarean section, seven van den Berg I, Kaandorp G, Bosch
be prevented. There were two strategies women with breech presentation at 33 J, Duvekot J, Arends L, Hununk M.
for women presenting with breech weeks gestation would need to be treated Cost-effectiveness of breech version by
presentation at 33 weeks gestation: with acupuncture-type interventions on acupuncture-type interventions on BL 67,
expectant management (a wait-and-see BL67. Sensitivity analysis showed that including moxibustion, for women with
approach with external cephalic version if 16% or more of the women offered a breech foetus at 33 weeks gestation: a
(ECV) offered if required), and the use of moxibustion treatment complied, modelling approach. Complement Ther
acupuncture-type interventions on BL67. it was more effective and less costly Med 2010;18:67–77.
Ten thousand women were accounted than expectant management. The cost Debra Betts
for in this model. Also included were the difference per woman with a baby in
medical costs of two ultrasounds for every breech position at 33 weeks gestation TRANSCUTANEOUS
woman, ECV treatment if required, and using the moxa around 33 weeks versus ELECTRIC ACUPOINT
costs for pre- and post-natal care until no additional treatment was €451 (95% STIMULATION HELPS OPIOID
eight days after delivery. The acupuncture CI €109, €775; p = 0.005) eight days DETOXIFICATION
treatment included extra costings for after delivery. Opioid dependence, as one of the biggest
two visits with an acupuncturist and the drug problems in the United States, has
moxibustion sticks supplied for home CONCLUSION: The authors increased significantly and become a
treatment. Both strategies of this decision concluded that offering acupuncture heavy burden on the sufferers and society.
tree included an option for women type interventions at BL67 to women The commonly used pharmacological
to receive an ECV at 36 gestational with a breech foetus at 33 weeks treatment is sublingual buprenorphine
weeks and for all births to occur in gestation reduced the number of breech combined with naloxone (bup-nx);
hospital. Women refusing the option of presentations at term, the number of however, relapse often occurs due to
acupuncture-type interventions on BL67 caesarean sections required, and was cost severe withdrawal symptoms. In the
or not using the moxa treatment at home effective when compared to expectant 1970s acupuncture was proposed to treat
were also accounted for. The probability management. opioid withdrawal. Unfortunately, to

Australian Journal
50 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Research Snapshots

date, its effectiveness has not been fully self-administered by patients. It could be volume, beta amyloid, and mini-mental
evaluated in high-quality studies. a beneficial adjunct to pharmacological state examination (MMSE). CHM was
opioid detoxification. better than hydergine in improving
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether results of cognitive capacity screening
transcutaneous electric acupoint Meade CS, Lukas SE, McDonald examination (CCSE) and functional
stimulation (TEAS) as an adjunct LJ, Fitzmaurice GM, Eldridge JA, activity questionnaire (FAQ). Hydergine
treatment to bup-nx could (1) help Merrill N, Weiss RD. A randomized is a nootropic drug used to improve
patients with opioid dependence trial of transcutaneous electric acupoint dementia and age-related cognitive
maintain abstinence from drug use; or (2) stimulation as adjunctive treatment for impairment. CHM was better than no
improve withdrawal symptoms, physical opioid detoxification. J Subst Abuse Treat treatment in improving six or ten subscales
pain and health status. 2010;38(1):12–21. of Wechsler’s memory scale (depending
Yanyi Wang on whether CHM was low or high dose
STUDY DESIGN: Participants respectively), and MQ. Compared with
aged from 18 to 59 years old were CHINESE HERBAL MEDICINE Ginkgo biloba, CHM was either no
recruited from inpatients admitted to (CHM) MAY PROVIDE different when assessed with MQ and a
the McLean Hospital (Belmont, MA) THERAPEUTIC EFFECT range of biomedical markers or slightly
for opioid detoxification. Participants FOR MILD COGNITIVE better than Ginkgo biloba when assessed
were randomly assigned to receive three IMPAIRMENT (MCI) AND using the clinical memory scale (CMS).
30-minute real or sham TEAS sessions AGE ASSOCIATED MEMORY Meta-analysis of three studies showed
per day for four days. Apart from standard IMPAIRMENT (AAMI) that, in comparison to piracetam, CHM
treatment of bup-nx, TEAS (2 and 100 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate both the was as effective as piracetam (WMD:
Hz) was delivered via skin electrodes therapeutic and adverse effects of CHM 0.37, 95% CI: -0.21–0.95) in improving
on the palmar and ventral sides of LI 4 formulae for MCI and AAMI. MMSE. Compared with a combination
Hegu and dorsal and ventral surfaces of of piracetam and donepezil, CHM was
PC6 Neiguan. In the real TEAS group, METHODS: The Cochrane Central better in MMSE assessment. Piracetam
the intensity of stimulation was adjusted Register of Controlled Trials in the is a nootropic drug and donepezil is
gradually to strong but comfortable level. Cochrane Library, Pubmed, EMBASE, an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Both
In the sham TEAS group, the intensity Elsevier BIOBASE and CQVIP were medications have been shown to improve
was set at 1 mA, which was undetectable electronically searched to February cognitive impairment. No serious adverse
by the participants. 2007, and relevant journals in the events were reported in four out of ten
library of Guangzhou University of studies; the other six studies did not
RESULTS: Of 177 patients admitted to Chinese Medicine were hand searched record adverse events. The categories of
the hospital, 55 were randomised; 48 of in September 2007. Studies considered the CHM formulae were tonifying qi and
these 55 participants (33 males and 15 were randomised controlled trials blood, tonifying yin and yang, moving
females), with an average of 24 days of (RCTs), quasi-RCTs in English, Japanese, blood, clearing deficient heat and calming
opioid use in the past 30 days, completed Chinese or German on memory or other the mind. No particular formula was used
the study. The baseline data was impairments consistent with MCI and/ more often than others.
comparable between the two groups. In or AAMI comparing CHM (excluding
the first two weeks after being discharged Ginkgo biloba alone) with placebo, using CONCLUSION: This review provides
from the hospital, the real TEAS group no intervention or active intervention. preliminary evidence on the effect of
(1) were more than twice as likely to CHM on MCI and AAMI. Further
maintain abstinence from any drugs RESULTS: 2638 potential titles and investigation through larger, longer-term
and opioids (p < 0.05); (2) had greater abstracts were identified and ten multi-centre, placebo controlled RCTs is
decreases in pain interference between studies, involving 754 participants, were warranted.
baseline and discharge (p = 0.01); and included. Jadad score of the included
(3) had more improvement in physical studies ranged from 1 to 5 with a May BH, Yang WH, Zhang AL, Owens MD,
health (p = 0.01) than the sham TEAS mean of 2.6; all studies mentioned Bennett L, Head R, et al. Chinese herbal
group did. randomisation in their methods but not medicine for mild cognitive impairment
all provided the appropriate description and age associated memory impairment:
CONCLUSION: TEAS, as a simple, of the randomisation method. Sample a review of randomised controlled trials.
inexpensive adjunct treatment size ranged from 44 to 126. CHM Biogerontology 2009;10(2):109–23.
with minimal side effects, can be was better than placebo on improving
implemented in an inpatient unit or memory quotient (MQ), hippocampal Shao-chen Lu

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 51
Book Review
An Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels
By Charles Chase and Mika Shima
Eastland Press, 2010
ISBN 9780939616695

The understanding and use of the text in its historical context and includes reader. Section four, titled ‘Legacy of the
extraordinary vessels (EV) in Chinese information on the role that internal Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary
medicine has always been shrouded in a alchemy played in the development of Vessels’, looks at how these writings
cloak of mystery and has at times been the EVs, as well as pivotal ideas on pulse affected the development of EV concepts
the subject of ignorance in English- diagnostics associated with their use. in the practice of herbal medicine,
speaking countries. Very little has been Indeed, the information in these initial acupuncture and internal cultivation.
published in English concerning their chapters is thought provoking and the Consisting of six chapters (33–38),
use and function, and where this has authors do well to raise many interesting this section introduces the reader to
occurred it has often been speculative questions which they often attempt to the evolution of Li’s ideas and how they
and not based in classical readings. answer and explain. The second section have been applied. Several clinical case
Most acupuncture texts, including is a translation of the text. Each of the studies have been included to allow
Chinese published books, have few EVs is introduced individually and is readers to see how later physicians such
pages dedicated to them. They often followed by a subsequent chapter on the as Ye Tian Shi incorporated Li’s concepts
include several channel diagrams and diseases associated with the particular into their own theories and practices.
cursory information associated with EV. Each chapter includes both the The fifth and final section includes
their use. The exception is Birch and original Chinese (for those interested several appendices. These include the
Matsumoto’s Extraordinary Vessels, in contrasting the translation with their acupuncture holes of the EVs, EV herbal
published in 1986, which did attempt own interpretation) and the English formulae, single medicinals entering the
to ground the information from reliable translation. The translation also includes EVs, Li Shi Zhen’s synopsis of EV pulses
classical sources. It is with this in mind the two chapters on ‘The Pulses of the from the Pulse Studies of the Lakeside
that I was keen to read the translation Nine Pathways of the Qi Opening’ Master, a listing of editions of the text (in
by Chase and Shima of Li Shi-Zhen’s and ‘An Explanation of Pronunciation’ Chinese) and finally a table of the people
An Exposition on the Eight Extraordinary (chapters 17 and 18). The third and texts cited in the original. Add to
Vessels. section gives the authors’ scholarly these copious notes for each chapter and
interpretations and commentaries on a bibliography and index and you have
This 500-page text not only includes each of the translated chapters. In doing a highly readable and informative book.
the translation but has a wealth of so Chase and Shima give the reader
additional information inserted by the an insight into the thinking and ideas This text is a definitive English
authors to assist the reader and expand underlying the concepts expounded in translation and will have much to offer
on many of the concepts associated the text. The authors often compare both the practitioner and the historian.
with Li Shi-Zhen’s understanding sections of the text with other classical It makes an important addition to the
and clinical use of the EVs. While the sources and ideas from other Chinese growing list of professional translations
translated text itself focuses on the use physicians and scholars. This allows a of key Chinese texts available in English
of the EVs in herbal medicine, much very rich and detailed understanding and will greatly contribute to a deeper
relevant information associated with which would have been impossible understanding of the EVs by TCM
their use in acupuncture has also been had the translation been published as a practitioners in the western world.
included by the authors. The text is stand-alone piece. This section for me is
divided into five main sections. The the centrepiece of the text and deserves Reviewed by Chris Zaslawski
first section (chapters A–G) places the close reading and reflection by the

Australian Journal
52 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Book Reviews

Essentials of Chinese Medicine

Edited by Liu Zhanwen and Liu Liang
Springer, 2009 ; 3 volumes
ISBN 978848825895

This three volume set represents a treatment principles of CM. As a textbook Grouped under the six CM speciality
systematic and structured attempt to for students, each chapter identifies the categories of internal medicine,
present the basic concepts of Chinese aim and objectives for study for that gynaecology, paediatrics, dermatology,
medicine (CM). Edited by two Chinese chapter as well as exercises for student ear-eyes-nose-throat, and emergency
researchers and educators – Liu review. Covered are yin/yang theory, five conditions, each of the 69 diseases
Zhangwen from the Beijing University phases, the vital substances, concepts of are differentiated according to CM
of Chinese Medicine and Liu Liang from illness and the zangfu manifestation theory. principles and treatments using both
Hong Kong Baptist University – and Supported by line drawings, theoretical herbal medicine prescriptions and
supported by a large team of international concepts are exemplified and presented acupuncture methods are presented.
advisors and two English language visually. The second section focuses on the The clinical manifestations and key
consultants, the texts survey a large diagnostic methods, as presented through points of differentiation are documented
swath of information ranging from basic the four methods and the eight principles. and each disease also has one or more
theory and diagnostics to acupuncture The different zangfu patterns are then case studies which facilitates student
and herbal medicine therapies and their highlighted and herbal medicine treatment understanding of the clinical application
clinical application. The aim of the book principles applicable for common eight of the prescriptions. There are several
project was to produce a set of high- principle methods are detailed. appendices to this volume, including
quality text books in English for the study a listing of the acupoints and herbal
of CM. What makes this set of books Volume 2 consists of three sections. substances. This allows cross referencing
unusual is the process used to produce Section 1 concerns the theory and between the Latin, pinyin, English and
the three volumes. On initiation of the application of acupuncture. Both Chinese names of herbs as well as the
writing project, a consortium of CM meridian theory and point location alphanumerical listing and Chinese
institutions, primarily from China but for all the major acupoints are listed. names for the acupoints. Also included
including also one American university Specific properties of acupoints are as an appendix are glossy colour
(Ohio University), was charged with discussed as are the different applications photographs of the plant and processed
identifying a key member to write a of electroacupuncture, scalp and herb for many major herbal substances.
chapter based on their field of speciality. auricular acupuncture and moxibustion
The author was then required to submit and cupping. Section 2 introduces the The three volumes are well laid out
a Chinese and English version of the Chinese herbal materia medica and and easy to read. The hardcovers will
chapter which was then evaluated and gives a detailed description of 174 herbs ensure longevity of use and an index
revised by experts who were competent commonly used in clinical practice. in each volume allows searching within
in both Chinese and English language Both pharmaceutical and Chinese name each text. These three volumes are well
as well as CM. This process took nine are given as are the Chinese characters. suited for the student and cover all
years and as noted in the foreword ‘the Listed for each herb are the flavour/ the essential information for student
execution of the entire process was nature, meridian affinity, actions, learning, from introductory concepts
extremely time consuming and tedious. indications, dosage, and cautions and to later stage clinical application. While
It has proven to be a very meaningful, if contraindications. Section 3 introduces focusing on the undergraduate student,
not ground breaking move, which makes the principles of constructing a herbal the texts would also suit the beginning
the text truly different from publications prescription and a detailed analysis of practitioner, especially volume three,
of a similar nature.’ This has meant the 84 frequently used herbal formulae are which is suitable for self-directed study.
production of a detailed and clearly presented. Good use is made of case The editors have done a skilful job in
written set of textbooks that can be histories drawn from Chinese medical covering a large amount of information
accessed by English language students. journals for many of the herbal formulae. in a systematic and clear manner that
will facilitate student learning and set
Volume 1 consists of 11 chapters separated Volume 3 revolves around the clinical the standard for English language CM
into two sections, one on basic theories application of acupuncture and herbal textbooks in the future.
and the other on the diagnostics and medicine for 69 common diseases. Reviewed by Chris Zaslawski

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 53
Book Reviews

Acupuncture in the Treatment of Pain: An Integrative Approach

Edited by Marcus Bäcker and Michael G Hammes
Translated by Velia Wortman
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010
ISBN 9780443068690

First published in 2005 in German differential diagnosis, guidelines for the authors document the treatment
under the title Akupunktur in der TCM treatment, acupuncture, channels protocols with acupuncture, TCM
Schmerztherapie: Ein integrativer Ansatz and important acupuncture points and pattern differentiation and additional
this new English text is an excellent further treatment options in TCM TCM treatment options.
introduction to the area of integrative (Chinese herbal medicine, dietetics,
medicine and the treatment of pain. tuina, qigong). Part 2 contains chapters What I found useful about this book is
Suitable for both the student and the on clinical pain syndromes and included the integration of WM and TCM. You
experienced practitioner, the layout of content areas such as head and face pain, never hear a patient in pain present at the
the text makes it easy to use, with clear locomotor system pain, fibromyalgia, clinic saying I have ‘damp obstructing
diagrams, table summaries and ample visceral, neuropathic, vascular disease, the channels’. Rather they present with
referencing throughout the text. palliative care, psycho-vegetative a diagnosis in WM terms. This book is
complaints and psychosomatic aspects good for updating clinical knowledge
The text is divided into two main sections. of pain. about pain conditions, the potential
Part 1 contains chapters on the basic range of treatments (e.g. counselling,
concepts and gives a good explanation of Each chapter begins with a very physiotherapy, medication), while
pain from the western medicinal (WM) clear statement on general principles at the same time offering the TCM
perspective. Those interested in gaining or guidelines and a definition or perspective and treatment principles
a good understanding of the different introduction to the pain syndrome. This of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, tuina
types of pain and their neural and is followed by the editors’ or contributing and qigong. Overall, an excellent book,
physiological mechanisms underlying authors’ personal opinion on the value worthy of a place on your desk, and one
pain modulation will appreciate this of acupuncture for the treatment of the that I do not think will be left to gather
section. Following this are chapters condition. Further information is then dust on the bookshelf!
on the understanding of pain within given concerning WM epidemiology,
the traditional Chinese medicine clinical presentation, pathophysiology, Reviewed by John Deare
(TCM) paradigm, while subsequent differential diagnosis, potential
chapters contain information on TCM treatment options and prognosis. Finally

Australian Journal
54 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Conference Reports
Australasian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Annual
Conference (AACMAC)
Adelaide, Australia
21–23 May 2010

Peter Ferrigno

This year AACMA held its twelfth annual profession has collaborated with other fine South Australian wine and food,
conference in Adelaide. In welcoming healthcare providers with a view to and dance the night away. A highlight
participants, the AACMA president, situating acupuncture in particular as on the evening was the launch of the
John Deare, noted that more than two part of primary healthcare provision third and final volume of Will Maclean
hundred delegates would be attending for people with pain. It is worth noting and Jane Lyttleton’s Clinical Handbook
the conference. A small contingent of that the nexus between acupuncture and of Internal Medicine, Volume 3: Qi
overseas participants also attended: from pain has been receiving increasing media Blood Fluid Channels.
Germany, Korea and New Zealand. As attention.
in previous years, the main conference Repeated again this year was a panel
was preceded by the cocktail party on One of the keynote speakers this year discussion where several well-known
Friday evening, which allowed most was Gunter Neeb, well known for practitioner and academics were asked
participants the opportunity to catch up his translation of the text Blood Stasis to give a short presentation and then
with colleagues from past conferences (reviewed in AJACM Vol 3, issue 1). respond to audience questions. Of
and to make new friends as well. Friday Dr Neeb presented on the topic of Huo particular interest was the discussion
was also the time to attend one of the Shen Pai (the fire-sprit school), a Chinese among practitioners of significant
many scheduled practical workshops (in herbal tradition of using very hot natured changes occurring in the profession,
distinction to the short presentations herbs to treat hot symptoms due to which will quite likely have profound
on Saturday and Sunday), where the flaring of ministerial fire. Another effects on the future practice of CM
practitioners could listen and learn some interesting presentation (Judy James) Australia-wide. Foremost among these
new techniques or different treatment was on the Traditional Chinese Medicine changes is the move to a national
approaches to some difficult-to-treat Endangered Species Certification licensing system for practitioners of
conditions from their colleagues. Scheme (ESCS), which is an innovative Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
program funded by the Commonwealth As an organisation that has been in
We witnessed around fifty offerings Department of the Environment, Water, existence from the very beginnings
at the conference, covering a broad Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA) and of acupuncture practice in Australia,
range of interesting topics: techniques administered by AACMA. Ms James AACMA (and its forebear Acupuncture
in clinical practice, research findings outlined the practitioner benefits of being Ethics and Standards Organisation
(both quantitative and qualitative), accredited by such a scheme as well as the Limited) has essentially taken on a dual
professional issues and implications need for the TCM profession to raise the role: accrediting/registering practitioners
for the future of Chinese medicine profile of the initiative by informing the and functioning as a professional
(CM) practice. Of significance is that public of the responsible role AACMA association, hosting such activities as
the AJACM is intending to publish members take in dealing with this serious conferences, workshops, seminars, etc.
some of the conference offerings in threat to endangered species. For AACMA in particular, given that its
the foreseeable future, which will add accrediting role will be formally taken
to a more global profile of CM as it is Saturday evening saw the gala dinner, over by a national authority, a significant
practised in Australia. Zhen Zheng which was held at the Adelaide Wine challenge will be how it (re)defines its
reported on the National Pain Strategy, a Centre. This gave all participants and role as an association representing its
project on which the Chinese medicine their partners an opportunity to sample members and profession.

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 55
Conference Reports

Paralleling this challenge is what we argued that we should resist the structural paper on a ‘Randomised, controlled pilot
could refer to as ‘boundary disputes’ and cultural pull towards what he refers trial of electroacupuncture for nausea,
and ‘ownership’ of ideas and practices. to as ‘technique and standardisation’ and vomiting and myelosupression in women
Specifically, this challenge refers to the more importantly we should take a firm receiving adjuvant chemotherapy for early
controversial practice now identified hold of the ideals implicit in the scholarly breast cancer’. Clare Pyers was awarded
as ‘dry needling’: a way of practising Chinese medical tradition. The possible the best paper on clinical practice for
acupuncture without using the word consequence is if we do not, Chinese ‘Disambiguating psoriasis: a closer look
itself, a term proscribed, at least in medicine may become so transformed at the role of the heart, small intestine
Victoria, by the CMRB. Presumably, that its theoretical foundations will be and kidneys’. The best poster prize was
when the national registration comes into lost or made unrecognisable. Again, as presented to Johannah Shergis for her
existence the new registration board will a professional association, AACMA’s poster on ‘The role of Chinese herbal
take a similar view and proscribe the term. role will be a critical one. At the same medicine in the management of chronic
The new board’s attitude and action on time, individual practitioners are being obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)’
the practice of dry needling will indeed be exhorted to contribute more and and an honourable mention for first
watched with interest. AACMA’s presence become published. Participants at the presentation at a conference was given
and influence in this boundary dispute is 2011 conference to be held in Perth to Dan Hall for his paper ‘Acupuncture
likely to be a crucial one. may provide us with further responses to point injection therapy in Australia’.
these questions.
The other area of continuing debate The TCM industry was also well
alluded to by some conference presenters Participants also had the opportunity represented with suppliers and
was similar in nature to the question to view academic posters across the two manufactures making up a diverse trade
which Heiner Fruehauf has posed: where days and as in past years presenters were display incorporating acupuncture
is Chinese medicine going? To what awarded prizes across several categories. needles, herbs, lasers and other clinical
extent are its medical ideas, especially The prize for over-all best paper went supplies.
those relating to its classical origins, to two joint winners this year. These
being weakened and will Chinese were Stephen Janz for his paper ‘Plantar Again the conference gave the
medicine become ‘biomedicalised’ in fasciitis: an update on acupuncture and opportunity to promote academic
research approaches and in its theoretical conventional treatment methods’, and exchange and to encourage debate
bases? As John Deare cogently argues, Paul Movsessian for his paper ‘Abdominal and dialogue within the profession
one response would be to increase diagnosis and point selection: bridging but also for the renewal of friendships
publications with a more classical TCM with Japanese style acupuncture’. and networks between individual
Chinese medicine perspective. Similarly, The best research/scientific paper was practitioners, academics and researchers.
in a recent interview Volker Scheid awarded to Byeong Sang Oh for his

Australian Journal
56 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Conference Reports

International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research:

Complementary Medicine for the Chronically Ill
Tromsø, Norway
18–21 May 2010

Ben Colaguri and Suzanne Grant

The fifth International Congress on programs. With four to five sessions While not strictly within the realm
Complementary Medicine Research running at any one time, it was often a of ‘chronic disease’, several papers
(ICCMR) was hosted by the National challenge to decide which one to attend. reported on research on hot flashes
Institute of Complementary Medicine, Parallel sessions that ran over the course of in menopause. Results from a trial
University of Tromsø, Norway. Tromsø the conference were thematically grouped of 267 postmenopausal women in
lies a mere 2000 kilometres from the to cover areas including paediatrics, the Norwegian ACUFLASH study
North Pole, with a latitude of 70 degrees cardiovascular disease, diabetes, showed that individualised acupuncture
north: luckily for the delegates it was fibromyalgia, and economic issues. treatment and self-care contributed to
summer! Tromsø was an absolutely a clinically significant reduction of hot
beautiful setting for the conference. Several papers were presented flashes at 12 weeks, but that there was
Although the constant daylight took a examining the use of acupuncture in no difference after treatment ceased at 6
little adjusting to, it created a somewhat the treatment of fibromyalgia (FM). months or 12 months.
mystical atmosphere to explore the polar In a systematic review presented by
museum, eat delicious seafood and hear Huijuan Cao (Beijing University of Another paper of interest to fellow
about the latest in complementary and Chinese Medicine), it was reported that acupuncturists was ‘Does needling
alternative medicine (CAM) research. TCM therapies appear to be effective in sensation (deqi) affect treatment outcome
treating FM, especially when combined in pain?’ presented by Peter White
The Congress is organised annually with conventional medications. The (University of Southampton, UK). This
by the International Society for conclusion, however, echoes many question about acupuncture seems to
Complementary Medicine Research, systematic reviews of acupuncture be about as old as acupuncture itself. In
ISCMR. ISCMR is an international interventions, that is, that due to the this study the importance of the strength
scientific organisation of researchers, methodological flaws in the included of deqi was assessed in relation to the
practitioners and policy makers that trials, further large, rigorous trials are clinical outcome in osteoarthritic pain.
fosters complementary and integrative required to strengthen the evidence. Interestingly, there were no significant
medicine research and provides a correlations between strength of deqi and
platform for knowledge and information A number of papers were delivered on improvement in pain. There was also no
exchange to enhance international clinical research in diabetes, including significant difference between those who
communication and collaboration. my (SG) own paper. This paper reported felt deqi and those who felt no deqi in
on a randomised controlled trial relation to pain relief. This led researchers
Around 400 researchers from 35 (RCT) of a Chinese herbal medicine to conclude that the presence and intensity
countries gathered for ICCMR 2010. (CHM) in the treatment of impaired of deqi has no effect on the amount of
The conference was an exciting blend of glucose tolerance (IGT) and insulin pain relief experienced by patients with
the latest research findings (both clinical resistance. This trial found that CHM OA. This robust result would appear
and basic research) in CAM and a forum increases insulin sensitivity compared to have implications for acupuncture
for discussing basic evaluative concepts, with placebo. In another RCT, Nerida treatment or at least will spark further
methodologies, and strategies appropriate Klupp (University of Western Sydney) debate over this controversial topic.
to CAM. This year’s Congress focused reported on Ganoderma lucidum for the
on exploring research on complementary treatment of hyperglycaemia in persons There were two sessions dedicated to
medicine for the chronically ill. Topics with type II diabetes and metabolic complementary medicine in cancer.
covered many different CAM modalities, syndrome. The study failed to find any Marja Verhoef (University of Calgary,
including Chinese herbal medicine, significant difference between placebo Canada) presented a pilot study aiming
acupuncture, homoeopathy, meditation, and active interventions. to better understand cancer patient’s
osteopathy, yoga and integrated care pathways of care using both qualitative

Australian Journal
of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
2010 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 57
Conference Reports

and quantitative methods. Shea discussed the relative advantages and leads to disparities between how CAM
Buckman (National Cancer Institute/ disadvantages of N-of-1 trials, in which is delivered in practice and how it is
Office of Cancer Complementary and only one patient is recruited and studied. delivered in a clinical trial. Several sessions
Alternative Medicine, USA) discussed the Clare Renton (University of Leeds, (including a full-day workshop) explored
limited number of evidence-based patient UK) also presented a new approach to whole-system research models so as to
education materials available to cancer pragmatic RCTs in which patients are establish models for evaluating complex
patients on CAM and highlighted the recruited to an observational study with CAM interventions, both qualitatively
need for developing and evaluating both random samples being taken from this and quantitatively, and develop program
print and online publications to facilitate cohort to form intervention groups, theory to assess integrated CAM
cancer patients making informed thereby providing a more naturalistic treatments. This exploration of alternative
decisions. Puladan-Müller (Danish control group than either waitlist controls methods of assessment to standard RCTs
Cancer Society) presented a systematic or no treatment controls groups. It is important for evaluating CAM as it is
review of reviews and meta-analyses was great to see a large audience in this delivered in practice.
of biologically based complementary session and an enthusiastic discussion
medicine practices for cancer patients and about such an important issue facing not Next year’s ICCMR will be held in
raised some interesting question regarding just complementary medicine but also Chengdu in the beautiful Sichuan
how best to communicate evidence to medical research in general. province, 7–9 May 2011. The theme is
cancer and other patients considering evidence-based medicine in CAM, a topic
using complementary medicine. One of the most interesting general that is bound to stimulate further debate
themes that emerged over the three-day on what are appropriate models for
There was a very interesting session on conference was the dialogue on appropriate researching CAM that accurately reflect
trial design for complementary medicine models for CAM research. An example is clinical practice.
research with some alternatives to the the aptly title paper presented by Claire
traditional parallel randomised placebo- Cassidy from the United States on ‘How If readers wish to learn more about some
controlled trial being presented. Reiner acupuncture is actually practised and why of the papers that were presented, the
Kaschel (Centre for Neuropsychology, this matters to clinical research design’. book of abstracts is freely available from
Germany) and Sunita Vohra (Children’s CAM researchers often find conducting the conference website: http://www.
Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Canada) research within a biomedical framework

Australian Journal
58 of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
I n t e r n at i o n a l

7–9 May Chengdu, China
6th International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research
(International Society for Complementary Medicine Research)
20–22 May Perth, Australia
(Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Annual Conference)
31 May–5 June Rothenburg, Germany
42nd TCM Kongress
(Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Klassische Akupunktur und TCM e. V)
24–26 June Wellington, New Zealand
NZRA Annual Conference
(New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists)
1–4 September 3rd Scandinavian TCM Kongress
Slettestrand, Denmark
2–3 September London, United Kingdom
WFCMS 8th World Congress on Chinese Medicine
(World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies)
5–6 November Sao Paulo, Brazil
WFAS International Symposium on Acupuncture 2011
(World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies)

18–20 May Brisbane, Australia
(Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association Annual Conference)

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