Charlotte's Web

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Chapter 1.
Before breakfast
In this chapter, the girl realizes that her father wants to kill the piglet, she asked her
mother where her father was going, the mother tried to lie to her but she was smarter.

The girl seems to be the daughter of daddy who gets everything, because he
manages that his father does not kill the piglet and lets his daughter take care of him
like a baby.

She goes to school that morning and all she can think of on her way is her little pig.

In this same chapter, Fern decides to call the pig Wilbur.

Chapter 2.
In this chapter, Fern follows with all the love of the world towards Wilbur, he loves to
take care of it every time he can.

In this chapter, Fern tries to find a place to live, when we finally find one, the routine
of the two of them starting to be a little better and very cheerful. The routine was that
every morning Fern before going to school passed through a bottle of hot milk.

Although something bad happens, Fern's father decides that he must sell the pig,
but soon he will have found a solution so that Fern would not lose his pet, sell it in
turn, the life of the house, so Fernandez could visit him every day.
Chapter 3.
Every day, Fern comes to visit Wilbur. In fact, she comes so often that all the
animals get used to her and start to trust her.

During her visits, Fern sits on a milk stool and looks into Wilbur's pen. She's not
allowed to take Wilbur out of his pen or climb in there with him.

This means Wilbur doesn't get to go on stroller rides or go swimming anymore. But
at least he and Fern still get to see each other every single day.

Wilbur in a moment of boredom, escaped from that stable, but the wife of Fern's
uncle managed to notice in time, so Homer left immediately to find Wilbur managing
to catch him.

When Wilbur returns to the barn with the other animals, and they give him food and
milk, inside his head he only thinks that even though Fern is not with him, that place
is not so bad.
Chapter 4.
In this chapter Wilbur feels very lonely, because no one in the barn wants to play
with him, he tries again and again with different animals and no one pays attention
to him.

Fern's uncle, what he does to encourage him is to give medicine or food, but Wilbur
did not need either of them, the little pig just wanted love.
Chapter 5.
In this chapter Wilbur finally knows the voice that spoke to him at night wanting to be
his friend, but still can’t see it until that animal told him to turn up the barn, Wilbur
turned around and saw that it was a spider.

The spider was named Charlotte, she was very nice and Wilbur was very happy.
Chapter 6.
Summer days
In simple words, this chapter is summarized in the happiness that Wilbur and Fern
feel when they know that summer has arrived, because Wilbur knows that Fern will
be able to visit him more.
Chapter 7.
Bad news
In this chapter, everything seems to go very well with Wilbur and Charlotte, the
spider. Both are eating, having a great time, in fact Wilbur is very happy with his
physique, he is getting prettier and fatter ... and that only means one thing according
to a sheep.
They will kill Wilbur!

Wilbur scared is afraid that this will come true, because the rumors say that every
year they do the same with the pigs, fatten them and then kill them.

Charlotte, when she sees that her friend is in danger, tries to calm him down, she
tells him to help him so that nothing happens to him. It will not leave you alone.

Chapter 8.
A talk at home
In this chapter Fern has a breakfast with her mother, she talks to him about
everything that has happened in her uncle's house with the animals, she even told
her that she has talked with a rat, what her mother has left her confused, to talk to
the animals? it's possible?

The parents of Fern talk worried about their daughter, the father is calmer, because
he thinks that if that is possible, his daughter may be a very good listener.
Chapter 9.
Wilbur’s boast

In this chapter are Wilbur, Charlotte and Fern. Charlotte is weaving a cloth, Wilbur
looks at her impressed of the work she is doing.

He tells her that he wants to learn how to weave, and Charlotte does not deny him,
he tells her that she will be his sewing structure to teach him how to weave, and all
Fern does is enjoy what the two of them are doing together.
Chapter 10.
An explosion
This chapter is totally about how Charlotte is creating and thinking about a way to
save her friend Wilbur, she stays up all night thinking about what she will do so that
nothing happens to the piglet.
Chapter 11.
The miracle
Thanks to the web that Charlotte has woven, a miracle happened in the stable, it
was such a beautiful fabric that it has caused a lot to talk about on the farm, the
family and the whole town.

All people are impressed with Wilbur and Charlotte, they say they never saw a fence
like Wilbur, they love attention. Well that indicates that in this way nobody will want
to kill any pig.
Chapter 12.
A meeting
This chapter is only about the spider Charlotte wanting to make more messages in
her web, they saw that they caused a lot of attention in the town so Charlotte wants
to continue making more signs.

Only that some words they want to write do not know how they are written, so a
sheep will be working collecting paper trash to work on the words and see how they
are written.
Chapter 13.
Good progress
Charlotte gets to work on the new web design. She clears out the center of the web
to give herself a blank canvas, and then sets to work on the letters.

This spider is not only clever at campaigning, but she's also quite the engineer.

She thinks about which types of thread she'll use for different parts of the web.

Charlotte works on her web all night and stays cheery the whole time. The girl's a
mighty hard worker.
Chapter 14.
Dr. Dorian
In this chapter Fern's aunt is looking for Dr. Dorian to ask her if she believes in the
possibility that the animals can really communicate, because the aunt has problems
with Fern thanks to everything she talks, they think that Fern is really crazy.

What they did not expect was that the doctor would join Fern and his idea of the
animals, so the aunt has nothing left but to unite Fern in this.

Chapter 15.
The crickets
Unfortunately, summer is coming to an end. Everyone knows it, but nobody knows
it better than the crickets who sing it over and over again.

These crunchy crickets let everyone around know that summer is over and that
autumn is on the way.

This means Wilbur now spends his days trying to look as radiant as possible. So he
has bats his eyelashes and does back flips. We have to admit, that would be one
radiant pig.

But amid all this radiance, Wilbur worries about his future. What if Mr. Zuckerman
still wants to kill him one day? That would totally stink.

But Wilbur has one hope left: if he does well at the County Fair, he'll have a decent
chance of staying alive.

Chapter 16.
Off to the fair
In this chapter, you can notice how Wilbur and everyone in that house are excited to
see Wilbur compete, even he is very happy, until he hears other terrible words, could
kill him.

Charlotte is scared because she believes that the strategy she is developing to keep
Wilbur alive may not work.

And Wilbur has that fear again.

Chapter 17.
At the fair, Charlotte meets another great, big pig named uncle, it's so weird for her.

And even more so when she sees that pig is much bigger than Wilbur, and that
worries her.

Beyond those, the whole family together with Wilbur are having breakfast, for now it
seems to be a good time for the pig.
Chapter 18.
The cool of the evening
Everything seems to go well, until now.

Charlotte is only working on one more message for the web she is creating.

Wilbur is excited to know what his best friend is doing, but she just tells him he has
to wait a little longer.

When night falls, Fern says that this day has been very good.
Chapter 19.
The egg sac

The next day, Wilbur gets to find out what this "something" is that Charlotte was
making. When he looks up into the corner of the pen, he sees a peachy-looking sac
next to his spider friend.

Charlotte tells Wilbur that this is her greatest work. She's super proud of her egg sac.
And why wouldn't she be when there are five hundred and fourteen eggs in there?
Yep, 514. That's a lot of spiders.

Wilbur is amazed at this jam-packed egg sac. He can't quite believe that Charlotte
is going to have five hundred and fourteen little kiddos. She's going to be one busy

But according to Charlotte, the spiders won't arrive until next spring. And this is bad
news for Charlotte because she doesn't feel too great. Actually, she feels like she
might not be around for much longer.
Chapter 20.
The hour of thriumph

Wilbur finally participates in the fair and her main admirer is her best friend Charlotte.

Wilbur earns a medal of 25 dollars, nobody feels happier than Fern's uncle with his
triumphant pig.

Chapter 21.
Last day
After such a long day, it's nice for Wilbur and Charlotte to have some quiet time
alone in the pigpen. Charlotte tells Wilbur how happy she is that his life is saved.
She's so glad to have helped out his friend.

Wilbur can't understand why Charlotte would be so nice to him when he hasn't
done anything for her. But according to Charlotte, that's just what friends do. Plus,
it made her life a little more entertaining.

You know how Charlotte kept making comments about being tired or not being
around for much longer? We’ll all that ominous talk turns really dark, because
Charlotte tells Wilbur that she's going to die soon. In a few days, in fact. She won't
even be able to make it back home.

Wilbur is upset, so upset that he starts to throw a tantrum. Can you blame him?
The poor guy is about to lose his best friend in the entire world.
Wilbur doesn't want Charlotte to be alone, so he declares that he will stay with her.
But Charlotte tells Wilbur that he has to go home.

When Wilbur returns home, manages with the rat to carry the charlotte egg sack
safe with them, all those 514 spiders were the daughters of Charlotte, which
Charlotte would leave ...

It was necessary to prepare, because the next day, Wilbur loses his best friend.

Charlotte dies. 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔
Chapter 22.
A warm wind

Wilbur is back at the barn and it's like old times again. The animals are happy to
see him and Wilbur is happy to get back to his manure pile. Plus, now there's a
shiny medal hanging over the pigpen.

Everything is swell except for one tiny important detail: Charlotte. Wilbur is sad
that Charlotte isn't around anymore. There are a few strands of her web left and
when he looks at them he seriously misses his friend.

After the bittersweet homecoming, the seasons start to change. First fall arrives
and then winter. Wilbur survives through Christmas, so looks like Charlotte was
right: his life is now safe.

Over the years, Wilbur has lots and lots of new friends. This means that each
year when his friends die, new friends are born.

Wilbur is one happy pig. He has his barn animal friends and his new spider
friends. Plus, he gets to live through the winter each year instead of being
killed, so that's good.

And he never forgets Charlotte, the best friend and best writer that Wilbur could
ever ask for.


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