ALS Minerals Service Schedule AUD

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2011 AUD

Schedule of Services & Fees


ALS is pleased to announce the acquisition of Ammtec, a leading metallurgical and mineral testing consultancy with global recognition.
Established in 1979 and initially operating within the iron ore sector, Ammtec has since expanded its range of services as well as its commodity testing base. Services include: Bacterial leaching Comminution Cyanide detoxification Floatation Mineralogy Pressure acid leach PSI Ion Exchange resins Resin ion exchange SAG mill design SMC testing Solvent Extraction Pilot plant design and operation

The acquisition of Ammtec brings a depth of experience and knowledge which extends across the globe, for all mineral commodities and is complimented with world class analytical capability. Ammtec and ALS have similar business philosophies founded on the basic principles of providing the best quality service, accurate and timely delivery of results and a highly professional approach to business and problem solving. This alignment of core values ensures that you will continue to receive service of the highest standard.

Quality Assurance ..........................................................................................................3 Webtrieve ...................................................................................................................3 Sample Preparation .......................................................................................................4
Sample Submission ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Sample Preparation Packages ............................................................................................................................... 5 Individual Sample Preparation Procedures .......................................................................................................... 6 Specific Gravity & Bulk Density ............................................................................................................................. 7

Precious Metals Analysis ...............................................................................................8

Gold .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Silver .......................................................................................................................................................................11 Platinum, Palladium & Other Precious Metals .....................................................................................................11

Exploration Geochemistry ...........................................................................................12

Ultra-Trace Level Methods Using ICP-MS & ICP-AES ........................................................................................... 12 Trace Level Methods using Conventional ICP-AES .............................................................................................. 14 Intermediate Grade Mineralised Materials ......................................................................................................... 15

Specific Ores & Commodities .......................................................................................16

Ore Grade Materials .............................................................................................................................................. 16 XRF Methods.......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Iron Ore .................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Bauxite ................................................................................................................................................................... 19 Copper .................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Nickel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Uranium ................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Lithium ................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Acid Base Accounting ........................................................................................................................................... 23

Rare Earth Elements and Lithogeochemistry...............................................................24

Rare Earth Elements ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Lithogeochemistry ................................................................................................................................................ 25

Specialty Exploration Geochemistry ............................................................................26

Single Element Geochemistry.............................................................................................................................. 26 Miscellaneous Methods ........................................................................................................................................ 27 Selective Leach Geochemistry ............................................................................................................................. 28 Biogeochemistry ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Hydrogeochemistry .............................................................................................................................................. 30 Isotopes ................................................................................................................................................................. 31

Concentrates and Mineralogy ......................................................................................32

Concentrates, Metallurgical and Bullion Analysis .............................................................................................. 32 Industrial Minerals ................................................................................................................................................ 33 Mineralogy ............................................................................................................................................................ 34

Other Services..............................................................................................................36
Drill Core Services ................................................................................................................................................. 36 Mobile Sample Preparation Facilities .................................................................................................................. 38 Mine Site Laboratories.......................................................................................................................................... 39

ALS Terms & Conditions ...............................................................................................40


ALS Minerals is the leading full-service provider of analytical geochemistry services to the Mining Industry the world over. Our integrated network of over 60 laboratories around the world ensures consistent quality and dependable client service wherever we might meet you. Our services are available through any one of the many general service laboratories listed on the back page of this schedule. However, we also provide custom services for on-site laboratory and sample preparation facilities as well as mobile laboratories and sample preparation installations. Consistent quality standards that can be continually tested and proven are essential to provide the secure knowledge that shareholders are given accurate information as a new resource is developed. Our analytical laboratory processes are controlled and constantly monitored in real-time so you can be sure of the integrity of your results. Our analytical laboratories in each region are also certified and registered with appropriate independent quality organizations. Our global network is linked together for our clients using our industry-leading Webtrieve system which allows you to see location and status data for your samples as well as access your data and review quality information. This edition of our Schedule of Services and Fees describes a broad selection of our global services but it is by no means a comprehensive list. For specific questions please contact our client services team or the lab nearest to you and we will be glad to help. Prices listed here do not contain locally applicable taxes. ALS Minerals reserves the right to alter listed prices at any time.

ALS Minerals is a division of ALS Group, providing services to the coal, environmental, food & pharmaceutical, industrial and petroleum industries. ALS Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Campbell Brothers Limited, a publicly listed Australian Company (ASX code CPB).

NATA registration, Brisbane, Australia

ISO 9001:2008 registration & ISO 17025 accredited methods in North America

ISO 9001:2008 ISO 17025 accredited methods in Peru

ISO 9001:2008 registration in Chile & Argentina

ISO 17025 accredited methods in South Africa

Please contact us for details regarding the scope of registration.





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rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

Our custom LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) has been designed to enhance laboratory quality assurance protocols and to provide traceability necessary for todays stringent reporting requirements.

A world class quality management system combines a program of honest and transparent internal monitoring with a program of external laboratory accreditation and certification. ALS Minerals Webtrieve system allows transparent access to laboratory quality performance for our managers and clients alike. Our laboratories on each continent are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards to provide complete assurance regarding quality performance in every aspect of our network. Accreditations are being continuously expanded and now apply to our Reno and Val dOr regional laboratories. Of course, all ALS Minerals operations, accredited or not, employ exactly the same operating and quality performance processes and all follow the best practice guidelines required for qualification under ISO standards. This year our standard QC protocols have been expanded to include monitoring of sample preparation duplicates. Using Webtrieve, it is now possible to review the performance of these duplicates for your project and the specific contribution that the preparation and analytical processes have made to analytical variance in your dataset.


Webtrieve continues to be a key part of ALS Minerals services. Data retrieval, job progress, along with unprecedented access to laboratory details continues to be a standard part of the service. As services expand into new areas, Webtrieve functionality expands. Core cutting and core photography are now offered at a number of our laboratories. Core photos are provided on discs but are also available for viewing with our on-line Core Photo Album in Webtrieve.




OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

Accurate results begin with representative samples. Meticulous care is taken in the collection of geological or other samples to provide representative samples to the laboratory. Following sample collection, appropriate laboratory sample preparation protocols must be selected with care to produce the desired homogeneous subsample for analysis. ALS Minerals approaches sample preparation with the same rigorous quality control procedures and careful attention to detail as any other stage of analysis.

The preparation process is designed to produce a small, representative and homogeneous sub-sample from the material you submit to the laboratory. Sample preparation schemes are available to suit most purposes but can also be readily customised to suit any particular project requirement. ALS Minerals staff are accustomed to adapting to specialised procedures and are very aware of the significance that variations in certain steps can have on analytical outcomes. In particular, it is helpful to advise us of mineralised samples that require special handling or special equipment cleaning cycles to eliminate contamination of other samples that might follow in a batch.


Sample Pick-up Services

Sample transportation /pick-up services can be arranged from any of our locations. Please contact your nearest ALS office for details.
Sample pick-up service.

All sample types.


Price ($)
By quotation

Sample Submission
Please send your samples to any of the addresses on our website and those listed on the back cover page of this document. Preaddressed adhesive labels and sample submission forms are available on our website and can be sent to you on request as well. We can also offer advice on shipping your samples to any of our laboratories by surface carrier, air cargo and air express. Detailed information on requirements and regulations for each jurisdiction are on the website.

Sample Tracking
ALS Minerals is very aware of the value of your samples. Confidence and security in the chain of custody for your samples as they pass through our system is obviously very important. To provide complete traceability your samples are logged into our proprietary world-wide laboratory information management system and given a barcode at log-in. A per sample fee is applicable and is included in the Sample Preparation Packages quoted on the following page. We encourage clients to barcode samples prior to sending them to our laboratories. In such cases we will work with your barcodes. Alternatively, we can attach an ALS Minerals system barcode as your samples are received.
Log sample in tracking system and weigh. Samples received with barcode labels attached to sample bag. Samples received without barcode labels attached. Workorder /administration fee applied per submittal. Waste disposal levy One-time charge for each group of samples submitted All Samples. All Samples. LOG-21 LOG-22 BAT-01 LEV-01 no charge 0.60 31.50 0.75



Price Per SAmPle ($)




OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



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Sample Preparation Packages

The packages described below illustrate the most common procedures used to produce representative sub-samples. Please contact our client service staff or your local laboratory manager to discuss your specific sample preparation and analytical requirements. We have a wide range of expertise available within the ALS Group to help you with most questions you might have.

Commonly used rock, drill and Chip Sample Procedures internationally

All packages listed below include a login of samples to our laboratory tracking system, weighing, standard drying and fine crushing of the entire sample to produce a crush product with 70% of material less than 2mm diameter. Excessively wet samples may require additional drying which can result in the application of a surcharge.
Split off 250g and pulverise split to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Split off 1kg and pulverise split to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Split off 1.5kg and pulverise split to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Rock, drill and chip samples.


PREP-31 PREP-31b PREP-32

Price Per SAmPle ($)

6.85 plus 0.60/kg 7.90 plus 0.55/kg 6.30 plus 1.05/kg


Commonly used rock, drill and Chip Procedures in Australia

All packages include the same login, weighing and drying treatment as international samples. Excessively wet samples may require additional drying which can result in the application of a surcharge.
Pulverise entire sample in multiple stages to 85% passing 75 microns or better. Recombine and homogenise by riffling and/or re-pulverising. Riffle split sample to a maximum of 3kg and pulverise split to 85% passing 75 microns or better. Retain and bag unpulverised reject. Riffle split sample to a maximum of 3kg and pulverise split to 85% passing 75 microns or better. Dispose of unpulverised reject.

For rock or drill samples with a nominal particle size of <10 mm. (Samples that are coarser will require crushing prior to processing. See page 6 for available options).

PUL-22 PUL-23 PUL-24

Price Per SAmPle ($)

6.95/3kg plus 4.35 to homogenise 6.95 plus 0.45/kg 6.95 plus 0.45/kg

* Splitting charges will only apply to samples >3kg. ** Bagging charges only apply to samples >3kg where both fine pulverised bulk residue and crushed residue are to be retained. ***PUL-23 is the default sample preparation method and will apply in all cases where specific codes are not requested for samples exceeding 1kg in weight.

Soil and Sediment Samples

Soil samples submitted for processing are dried at low temperature. This package includes login of samples to our laboratory tracking system, weighing and drying. Excessively wet samples may require additional drying which may result in application of a surcharge.
Sieve sample to -180 micron (80 mesh). Retain both fractions.

Soil or sediment samples.


Price Per SAmPle ($)


Sample Storage
Materials submitted for analysis are retained free of charge at our laboratories for a limited time. Prepared master pulps are stored for 90 days from the time we issue the final Certificate of Analysis. Coarse and fine reject (residue) fractions are stored for 45 days from the time we issue the final Certificate of Analysis. Reasonable monthly charges will apply to samples stored for longer periods in our facilities. ALS Minerals storage facilities provide a secure and organised environment protected from the elements and the sun. ALS Minerals also provides climate controlled storage environments where required, including freezer storage for unstable samples. All sample storage locations are included in the laboratory tracking system so that all your samples for all your projects can be located to the rack and shelf location in any of our facilities world-wide at all times.
Monthly storage of bulk residues (<3kg of coarse reject or finely pulverised material) after the first 45 days. Monthly storage of master pulps after the first 90 days. Monthly storage of screening reject fractions after the first 45 days. Handling and retrieval of stored samples. Disposal of pulps and coarse fractions. Return of samples to client.

Storage of remaining sample after the first 45 days from the issue date of the final certificate of analysis. Longer term storage of pulps. Longer term storage of screening reject fractions. Stored samples. Pulps and coarse fractions. Returned samples.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

0.65 0.15 0.15 78.75/hr By Quotation By Quotation




OreS & COMMOdiTieS

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individual Sample Preparation Procedures

The following procedures are used either separately or combined in a package in order to meet specific needs. Most of these procedures are charged at a rate that is based on sample weight.

Drying charges are only applied to samples that are excessively wet. Local laboratory managers will determine the applicability of such charges in consultation with the client, when the samples are received.
Drying of excessively wet samples in drying ovens. Drying of excessively wet samples in drying ovens that are controlled to a maximum temperature of 60C Air-drying of samples.

Default drying procedure for most rock chip and drill samples. Most soil and sediment samples that are analysed for volatile elements. Selective Leach procedures and others.

DRY-21 DRY-22 DRY-23

Price Per SAmPle ($)

0.60/kg 0.90/kg 0.90/kg

Jaw crushers may be used where samples are too coarse to be put directly into a large pulverising mill, or where particle size must be reduced prior to splitting.
Coarse crushing of rock chip and drill samples to 70% nominal -6mm.


Used if the material is too coarse for introduction into the pulverising mill and as a preliminary step before fine crushing of larger samples. Standard preparation procedure for samples where a representative split will be pulverised.

CRU-21 CRU-31

Price Per SAmPle ($)

0.65/kg 0.90/kg

Fine crushing of rock chip and drill samples to 70% -2mm or better.

Some samples may require splitting into representative subsamples. In many locations automated rotary splitters can be attached to crushers to produce demonstrably superior precision in sub-sample analyses. The addition of rotary splitting eliminates one of the largest systemic sources of error in the production of a sub-sample for analysis.
Split sample using a riffle splitter. Split sample using a rotary splitter.

Standard splitting procedure. Premium splitting procedure.

SPL-21 SPL-22

Price Per SAmPle ($)

0.40/kg 0.50/kg

All pulverising procedures make use of flying disk or ring and puck style grinding mills unless otherwise specified. Grinding procedures guarantee that, for most sample types, at least 85 percent of the sample material will be pulverised to 75 micron (200 mesh) or better.
Pulverise a split or total sample of up to 250g to 85% passing 75 micron or better. Pulverise a 1,000g split to 85% passing 75 micron or better. Pulverise the entire sample to 85% passing 75 micron or better.

Default procedure for samples that are finely crushed and split prior to pulverising or for total samples up to 250g. Pulverising of a 1kg split or total sample up to 1kg. Appropriate for samples up to 3kg.

PUL-31 PUL-32 PUL-21

Price Per SAmPle ($)

5.20 6.05 6.95

Pulverising bowls are made from a low chrome steel. Other bowls are also available for non-metallic sample preparation (i.e. tungsten carbide, agate , zirconia etc.). Please enquire if interested in non-metallic pulverisation media.

Screening is performed where a sample needs to be separated into size fractions. Mesh sizes can be specified and custom multiplescreening procedures are available.
Sieve sample to -180 micron(80 mesh). Retain both fractions.

Soil or sediment samples.


Price Per SAmPle ($)





OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



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Specific Gravity & Bulk Density

Specific Gravity and Bulk Density of ores is often under-characterised in the determination of tonnage and grade of a deposit. Incorrect assumptions or inadequate characterisation of this basic rock property has lead to gross errors in the estimation of deposit tonnage and grade in several instances. Specific gravity on solid objects is calculated by the difference in weight of the object in air and in water. Depending on the fractured or porous nature of the sample, a wax coating may be necessary. The result is expressed as a ratio of the samples weight with respect to an equal volume of water. Common rock samples are typically about SG 2.6. SG analysis on pulps is carried out by placing 3g of pulp into a pycnometer, which is then filled with a solvent. The calculation is made using the weight of the sample and the weight of the displaced solvent. Bulk Density analysis on solid objects is carried out by weighing the object, then slowly placing it into a bulk density apparatus which is filled with water. The displaced water is collected into a graduated cylinder and measured. The BD calculation takes into account the weight of the sample and the volume of water displaced; the result is expressed as g/cm3. BD may alternatively be calculated from SG data. Calculations for SG and BD are corrected for air temperature and the density of the wax coating, if a wax coating is used.


Specific Gravity on solid objects Specific Gravity on solid objects after wax coating Specific Gravity on pulps Bulk Density Bulk Density after wax coating

0.01 20g/cm3 0.01 20g/cm3


Price Per SAmPle ($)

15.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 25.00

Miscellaneous Procedures
Compositing of two or more pulp samples, including homogenising the composite pulp. Volumetric procedure. Compositing of two or more pulp samples, including homogenising the composite pulp. Gravimetric procedure. Clean crushers with barren material after every sample.

The volumetric is the standard procedure. The gravimetric is used when the densities of the samples vary greatly. As required. (The standard procedure uses compressed air cleaning between samples and barren material between each batch). As required. (The standard procedure uses compressed air cleaning between samples and barren material between each batch). Tray drying of samples submitted in plastic bags. For samples submitted in plastic bags or damaged bags. Re-homogenisation of samples including samples from long term storage.

CMP-21 CMP-22 WSH-21

Price Per SAmPle ($)

1.45 2.30 1.65

Clean pulverisers with barren material after every sample.

WSH-22 TRA-21 BAG-01 HOM-01 QAR-01

3.15 1.60 1.60 6.05 0.75

Transfer sample to drying tray or new sample bag, applicable to samples requiring tray drying. Re-bagging sample in new bag. Homogenise stored or composite sample by light pulverising.

Quarantine (heat treatment, storage). Required for relevant samples AQIS approved heat treatment and storage. imported into Australia.




OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

Gold and other precious metals continue to be highly sought after by mining and exploration companies worldwide as a result of their strong prices in recent years. ALS Minerals has the analytical tools and years of experience to help you with this potentially valuable search.

Selection of the best method for the accurate determination of precious metal content in a sample is highly dependent on the nature of the sample matrix, the grain size and distribution of the precious metals of interest and the objective of the analytical result.



Fire Assay Fusion
For quantitative analysis of gold, the fire assay procedure is still the preferred choice globally. However, it should also be recognised that a wide variety of minerals and metals such as chromite, base metal sulfides and oxides, selenides and tellurides in moderate to high concentrations, can interfere with the fire assay process, generally leading to low precious metal recoveries. With prior knowledge of the presence of these minerals and metals, ALS Minerals can modify flux constituents and increase flux to sample ratios to improve recoveries. In most cases, a reduction in sample weight will yield higher precious metal recoveries, particularly in the presence of the interfering species mentioned above. For optimum gold and PGE recoveries for most sample matrices, ALS Minerals recommends a 30g maximum charge weight.

ranGe (ppm)**

Au by fire assay and ICP-AES. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au by fire assay and AAS. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au by fire assay and AAS. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au by fire assay and AAS. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au by fire assay and gravimetric finish. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au and Ag by fire assay and gravimetric finish. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight 1 kg.screen fire assay. Screen to 100 micron. Duplicate assay on screen undersize. Assay of entire oversize fraction. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight


Price Per SAmPle ($)

trace Level
Au-ICP21 Au-ICP22 Au-AA21 Au-AA22 Au-AA23 Au-AA24 14.20 15.25 14.20 15.25 12.60 13.15





Ore Grade
Au 0.01-100 Au-AA25 Au-AA26 Au-GRA21 Au-GRA22 ME-GRA21 ME-GRA22 11.55 12.10 23.10 25.20 28.90 31.50



Au Ag Au

0.05-1,000 5-10,000 0.05-1,000

Au-SCR21* Au-SCR24*

90.30 102.95

* Other screen sizes may be available - please contact your local office for details. ** 1 oz/ton = 34.2857 ppm




OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS


ranGe (ppm)*

Au by fire assay and gravimetric finish. 30g nominal sample weight Routine bullion assays by fire assay with gravimetric finish. Au umpire assay in bullion samples by fire assay with gravimetric finish.


Price Per SAmPle ($)


Au Au Fineness 0.1-1,000 Fineness 1-1,000 Au-GRA24 Au-UMP20 200.00 395.00

*At your request, precious metals reporting units can be specified as ppb, ppm, g/t or oz/t (except for bullion assays).

Aqua Regia Gold Digestions and Multi-Elements Determinations

Aqua regia digestion is generally suitable for the determination of gold in soil and stream sediment samples. Where this digestion procedure is used to measure the acid extractable gold content of rock chips and other more mineralised materials, roasting of samples containing sulfides and/or carbon prior to analysis is recommended. A 15g sample is often sufficient for soils. For stream sediments, the large 50g nominal weight and lower detection limit is recommended.


ranGe (ppm)

Au by aqua regia, ICP-MS (MARG). 25g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au by aqua regia extraction with ICP-MS finish. 25g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight 15g nominal sample weight Au by aqua regia extraction with AAS or ICP-MS finish. 25g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Samples containing sulfidic, calcareous or organic material


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Super trace Level

Au-ST43 Au-ST44 16.80 17.85

trace Level
Au 0.001-1 Au-TL43 Au-TL44 Au-TL42 12.10 13.15 11.00

Ore Grade
Au 0.01-100 Au-OG43 Au-OG44 RST-21 8.65 9.70 2.90


* Additional acid leachable elements by ICP-AES can be added at a competitive price. See pages 13 and 14 for details.

Adding ME-MS41 to an Aqua Regia Gold Digestion

Many projects require the full multi-element suite from the ME-MS41 (page 13) plus a larger sample size for Au to reduce potential nugget effects and provide the lowest possible detection limit. ME-MS41 can be combined with our Trace Level and Super Trace Level aqua regia gold digestions to provide a larger sample size and the full multi-element information. A 15g sample is often sufficient for soils. For stream sediments the large 50g nominal weight and lower detection limit is recommended.
Au + ME-MS41

ranGe (ppm)

Au by Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish + MS-MS41 25g nominal weight 50g nominal weight Au by Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish + ME-MS41 15g nominal weight 25g nominal weight 50g nominal weight


Price Per SAmPle ($)

44.65 45.70 39.40 40.45 41.50





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Cyanide Leach
Cyanide leach procedures are used in grassroots exploration where cyanide extraction from a very large sample can sometimes detect small gold anomalies that otherwise would go unnoticed. In mine development and exploration, this procedure can be used to establish the potential gold cyanide extraction efficiency.
Au Au

ranGe (ppm)
0.0001-10 0.0001-10

BLEG Au-cyanide leach with ICP-MS finish. 1,000g nominal sample weight BLEG Au-cyanide leach with extraction AA finish. 1,000g nominal sample weight BLEG Au-cyanide leach with ICP-MS finish. 500g nominal sample weight BLEG Au-cyanide leach with extraction AA finish. 500g nominal sample weight Au by cyanide leach with AAS finish. 30g nominal sample weight Au by cyanide leach with AAS finish. 1,000g nominal sample weight Au by accelerated cyanide leach using LeachWELL reagent with AAS finish. 500-3,000g nominal sample weight


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Super trace Level

Au-CN12* Au-AA12* 28.90 28.90

trace Level
Au Au 0.001-10 0.001-10 Au-CN11* Au-AA11* 25.40 25.40



Ore Grade
Au Au Au 0.03-50 0.01-200 0.01-300 Au-AA13* Au-AA14* Au-AA15 15.60 25.40 32.90

*The following additional elements can be reported on request at additional cost. Ag (0.001), Cu (0.01), Pd (0.001) on method Au-CN12 Ag (0.001), Cu (0.01), Pd (0.001) on method Au-CN11 Ag (0.03), Cu (0.1) on method Au-AA13 1.75/element 1.75/element 1.75/element

Note: Cyanide disposal fees applicable in some countries

Metallurgical Samples

ranGe (ppm)

Au in cyanide liquor by extraction with AA finish.


Price Per SAmPle ($)


Note: A full range of minor and trace elements can be determined on cyanide liquors by ICP-AES/ICP-MS. Please enquire for details. Au 1-10,000 Au on carbon by ashing, aqua regia digestion and AAS. Duplicate analysis. Au-AA44 43.90

Note: A range of elements can be determined on the ashed carbon by ICP-AES/ICP-MS. Please enquire for full details.




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rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



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AnAlyTe ranGe (ppm)
0.2-100 0.5-100

Ag by aqua regia digestion and AAS. Ag by HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion, HCl leach and AAS.

Ag-AA45 Ag-AA61

Price Per SAmPle ($)

9.75 13.15

trace Level
Ag Ag

Note: See also multi-element methods that include Ag under Exploration Geochemistry (pages 12-15).

Ore Grade
Ag Ag Ag 1-1,500 1-1,500 5-10,000 Ag by aqua regia digestion, ICP-AES or AAS finish. Ag by HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion with HCl leach, ICP-AES or AAS finish. Ag by fire assay and gravimetric finish. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Au and Ag by fire assay and gravimetric finish. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Ag by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Routine bullion assays by fire assay with gravimetric finish. Ag umpire assay in bullion samples by fire assay with gravimetric finish. Ag-OG46* (Ag-AA46) Ag-OG62* (Ag-AA62) Ag-GRA21 Ag-GRA22 ME-GRA21 ME-GRA22 Ag-CON01 11.55 15.35 25.00 30.00


Au Ag

0.05-1,000 5-10,000

28.90 31.50 85.00

Ag 0.7-995,000 Fineness 1-1,000 Fineness 1-1,000

Ag Ag Ag-GRA24 Ag-UMP20 200.00 395.00

*Can be packaged with base metal analysis at a discounted price.

Platinum, Palladium & Other Precious Metals

AnAlyTe ranGe (ppm)
0.005-10 0.001-10 0.001-10 0.0005-1 0.001-1 0.001-1 0.02-10 0.02-10 0.001-10 0.01-10 0.005-10 0.05-10 0.001-10 0.03-100 0.03-100 0.03-100

Pt, Pd and Au by fire assay and ICP-AES finish. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Pt, Pd and Au by fire assay and ICP-MS finish. 30g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight Pt, Pd, Ir, Os, Rh, Ru and Au by fire assay with nickel sulfide collection and neutron activation analysis. 30g nominal sample weight Note: Au is not quantitative by this method. Pt, Pd and Au by fire assay and ICP-AES (or ICP-MS) finish. 30g nominal sample weight


Price Per SAmPle ($)

trace Level
Pt Pd Au Pt Pd Au Pt Pd Ir Os Rh Ru Au PGM-ICP23 PGM-ICP24 PGM-MS23 PGM-MS24 19.05 21.35 23.10 25.40



Ore Grade
Pt Pd Au PGM-ICP27 21.35

At your request, precious metals units can be reported as ppb, ppm, g/t or oz/t (except for bullion assays). To achieve optimum PGE recovery for most sample matrices, ALS Minerals recommends a 30g charge weight.





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OTher ServiCeS

Exploration geochemistry utilises trends and patterns in trace elements as indicators of what may lie deep below the surface or at great distance from the current location. More and more often, todays explorers require lower detection limits and a wider range of elements to identify prospective targets.

The effectiveness of a geochemical exploration program is largely dependent on the availability of analytical methods that properly meet the requirements of the problems at hand. Element coverage, detection limits, reliability and cost are often the main factors considered by explorers when choosing an analytical method for a given sample type. ALS Minerals offers a wide range of multi-element and single-element methods that can satisfy the requirements of todays exploration geochemists, both technically and economically. The analytical methods described in this section include different sample decomposition procedures, such as aqua regia and multi-acid digestions, fusions and selective leaches. The instrumental analytical techniques include inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectroscopy or mass spectroscopy, atomic absorption, x-ray fluorescence and infrared spectroscopy.



Ultra-Trace Level Methods Using ICP-MS & ICP-aeS

Aqua Regia Digestion with Ultra Low Detection Limits for Soil and Sediment Analysis
The aqua regia digestion and a combination of ICP-AES and ICP-MS, with sophisticated software and careful analysis, allows a low detection limit, multi-element package useful for exploration in areas requiring ultra-trace analytical sensitivity, such as soil or sediment surveys. The recovery for many analytes from more resistive minerals may be low. The method uses a sample size of 0.5 grams. Coarse and malleable minerals such as native gold and silver are not representatively characterised by such a small sample. In these cases fire assay or the super-trace aqua regia methods described on pages 8 and 9 may be preferable. Super trace 51 elements by aqua regia, iCP-MS and iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Au B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr 0.002-100 0.01%-25% 0.1-10,000 0.0002-25 10-10,000 0.5-10,000 0.05-1,000 0.01-10,000 0.01%-25% 0.01-1,000 0.02-500 0.1-10,000 0.5-10,000 Cs Cu Fe Ga Ge Hf Hg In K La Li Mg Mn 0.05-500 0.01-10,000 0.01%-50% 0.05-10,000 0.05-500 0.02-500 0.005-10,000 0.005-500 0.01%-10% 0.2-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.01%-25% 1-50,000 Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re S Sb Sc Se Sn 0.01-10,000 0.01%-10% 0.05-500 0.1-10,000 10-10,000 0.01-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.001-50 0.01%-10% 0.02-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.1-1,000 0.2-500 Sr Ta Te Th Ti Tl U V W Y Zn Zr 0.2-10,000 0.01-500 0.01-500 0.1-10,000 0.001%-10% 0.02-10,000 0.05-10,000 1-10,000 0.0001-10,000 0.05-500 0.1-10,000 0.5-500 ME-MS41L 42.00


Price Per SAmPle ($)




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Aqua Regia Digestion

Although some base metals may dissolve quantitatively, in the majority of geological matrices, data reported from an aqua regia leach should be considered as representing only the leachable portion of the particular analyte. The recovery percentages for many analytes from more resistive minerals can be very low, but the acid leachable portion can also be an excellent exploration tool. In order to report the widest possible concentration range, this method uses both the ICP-MS and the ICP-AES techniques. Minimum sample size is 1g. 51 elements by aqua regia, iCP-MS and iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Au B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr 0.01-100 0.01-25% 0.1-10,000 0.2-25 10-10,000 10-10,000 0.05-1,000 0.01-10,000 0.01%-25% 0.01-1,000 0.02-500 0.1-10,000 1-10,000 Cs Cu Fe Ga Ge Hf Hg In K La Li Mg Mn 0.05-500 0.2-10,000 0.01%-50% 0.05-10,000 0.05-500 0.02-500 0.01-10,000 0.005-500 0.01%-10% 0.2-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.01%-25% 5-50,000 Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re S Sb Sc Se Sn 0.05-10,000 0.01%-10% 0.05-500 0.2-10,000 10-10,000 0.2-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.001-50 0.01%-10% 0.05-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.2-1,000 0.2-500 Sr Ta Te Th Ti Tl U V W Y Zn Zr 0.2-10,000 0.01-500 0.01-500 0.2-10,000 0.005%-10% 0.02-10,000 0.05-10,000 1-10,000 0.05-10,000 0.05-500 2-10,000 0.5-500 ME-MS41 32.90 (Sold only as a complete package).


Price Per SAmPle ($)


Four Acid near-Total digestion

Although the four acid digestion is able to dissolve most minerals, it may sometimes be necessary to use even stronger dissolution techniques such as fusions in order to get fully quantitative results. However, in most cases this procedure quantitatively dissolves nearly all elements for the majority of geological materials. In order to report the widest possible concentration range, this method uses both the ICP-MS and ICP-AES techniques. Minimum sample size is 1g. 48 elements by 4-acid, iCP-MS and iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr Cu 0.01-100 0.01%-50% 0.2-10,000 10-10,000 0.05-1,000 0.01-10,000 0.01%-50% 0.02-1,000 0.01-500 0.1-10,000 1-10,000 0.2-10,000 Cs Fe Ga Ge Hf In K La Li Mg Mn Mo 0.05-500 0.01%-50% 0.05-10,000 0.05-500 0.1-500 0.005-500 0.01%-10% 0.5-10,000 0.2-10,000 0.01%-50% 5-100,000 0.05-10,000 Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re S Sb Sc Se Sn 0.01%-10% 0.1-500 0.2-10,000 10-10,000 0.5-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.002-50 0.01%-10% 0.05-10,000 0.1-10,000 1-1,000 0.2-500 Sr Ta Te Th Ti Tl U V W Y Zn Zr 0.2-10,000 0.05-100 0.05-500 0.2-10,000 0.005%-10% 0.02-10,000 0.1-10,000 1-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.1-500 2-10,000 0.5-500 ME-MS61m ME-MS61 39.25 (Sold only as a complete package). 49.75


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Note: To include Hg by a separate procedure in the suite of elements above, please request ME-MS61m instead of ME-MS61.





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Trace Level Methods Using Conventional ICP-aeS analysis

Aqua Regia Digestion
An economical tool for first pass exploration geochemistry. Again, although some base metals may dissolve quantitatively in the majority of geological matrices, data reported from an aqua regia leach should be considered as representing only the leachable portion of the particular analyte. Minimum sample size is 1g. 35 elements by aqua regia-iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd 0.2-100 0.01%-25% 2-10,000 10-10,000 10-10,000 0.5-1,000 2-10,000 0.01%-25% 0.5-1,000 Co Cr Cu Fe Ga Hg K La Mg 1-10,000 1-10,000 1-10,000 0.01%-50% 10-10,000 1-10,000 0.01%-10% 10-10,000 0.01%-25% Mn Mo Na Ni P Pb S Sb Sc 5-50,000 1-10,000 0.01%-10% 1-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 0.01%-10% 2-10,000 1-10,000 Sr Th Ti Tl U V W Zn 1-10,000 20-10,000 0.01%-10% 10-10,000 10-10,000 1-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 ME-ICP41m 27.00 ME-ICP41 16.50 complete package or 9.25 plus 0.55/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)



Note: To include Hg to a lower detection limit of 0.01ppm in the suite of elements above, please request method ME-ICP41m instead of ME-ICP41.

Add-on Elements to a larger (25g or 50g) Aqua Regia Gold Digestion

Following an aqua regia gold digestion (method Au-ST43 or Au-ST44 - see page 9), an aliquot can be analysed by ICP-AES to give additional information for acid leachable elements. The method below is an alternative way of obtaining additional multi-element data in conjunction with gold when ultra-low detection limits are not crucial.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag As Ba Bi Ca 0.2-40 1-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 0.01%-15% Cd Co Cu Fe Mg 1-5,000 1-10,000 1-10,000 0.01%-20% 0.01%-15% Mn Mo Ni P Pb 5-10,000 1-5,000 1-10,000 10-10,000 1-4,000 ME-ICP43 ME-ICP44 12.70 complete package or 6.95 plus 0.55/element 12.70 complete package or 6.95 plus 0.55/element Sb Zn 2-10,000 1-10,000


Price Per SAmPle ($)

25g nominal sample weight 50g nominal sample weight

Four Acid near-Total digestion

Four acid digestions are able to dissolve most minerals and although the term near-total is used, not all elements are quantitatively extracted in some sample matrices. Minimum sample size is 1g. 33 elements by 4-acid iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co 0.5-100 0.01%-50% 5-10,000 10-10,000 0.5-1,000 2-10,000 0.01%-50% 0.5-1,000 1-10,000 Cr Cu Fe Ga K La Mg Mn Mo 1-10,000 1-10,000 0.01%-50% 10-10,000 0.01%-10% 10-10,000 0.01%-50% 5-100,000 1-10,000 Na Ni P Pb S Sb Sc Sr Th 0.01%-10% 1-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 0.01%-10% 5-10,000 1-10,000 1-10,000 20-10,000 Ti Tl U V W Zn 0.01%-10% 10-10,000 10-10,000 1-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 ME-ICP61m 30.70 ME-ICP61 20.20 complete package or 12.60 plus 0.55/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Note: To include Hg in the suite of elements above, please request method ME-ICP61m instead of ME-ICP61.




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Intermediate Grade Mineralised Materials

These packages can be used as an economical alternative to analysing low grade ore samples, or rock samples with some mineralisation. The method precision is intermediate between geochemical and an assay procedure.

Aqua Regia Digestion

The aqua regia digestion package is limited to determining the acid leachable portion of elements. Minimum sample size is 1g. intermediate Geochemistry, 34 elements by aqua regia,iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co 1-200 0.05%-50% 10-100,000 50-50,000 5-500 10-50,000 0.05%-50% 5-2,500 5-50,000 Cr Cu Fe Ga Hg K La Mg Mn 5-50,000 5-50,000 0.05%-50% 50-50,000 5-50,000 0.05%-50% 50-50,000 0.05%-50% 25-50,000 Mo Na Ni P Pb S Sb Sc Sr 5-50,000 0.05%-50% 5-50,000 50-50,000 10-50,000 0.05%-10% 10-50,000 5-50,000 5-50,000 Th Ti Tl U V W Zn 100-50,000 0.05%-50%


Price Per SAmPle ($)


50-50,000 50-50,000 5-50,000 50-50,000 10-50,000 ME-ICP41a 24.15 complete package or 11.25 plus 2.50/element

Four Acid near-Total digestion

The four acid digestion package is suitable for low grade mineralised materials and provides improved accuracy and precision levels over geochemical method ME-ICP61. Minimum sample size is 1g. intermediate Geochemistry, 33 elements by 4-acid, iCP-AeS
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Co 1-200 0.05%-30% 50-100,000 50-50,000 10-10,000 20-50,000 0.05%-50% 10-10,000 10-50,000 Cr Cu Fe Ga K La Mg Mn Mo 10-100,000 10-100,000 0.05%-50% 50-50,000 0.1%-30% 50-50,000 0.05%-50% 10-100,000 10-50,000 Na Ni P Pb S Sb Sc Sr Th 0.05%-30% 10-100,000 50-100,000 20-100,000 0.05%-10% 50-50,000 10-50,000 10-100,000 50-50,000 Ti Tl U V W Zn 0.05%-30% 50-50,000 50-50,000 10-100,000 50-50,000 20-100,000 ME-ICP61a 28.35 complete package or 12.30 plus 2.50/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

elemental analysis by Pressed Pellet XrF

Pressed pellet XRF is a suitable method for determining several elements that are not easily solubilised by acid digestion techniques. A finely ground sample powder (20g minimum) is mixed with a few drops of liquid binder, compressed in a pellet press then analysed by XRF spectrometry.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
As Ba Bi Cr Ga 5-5,000 10-10,000 4-10,000 5-10,000 4-10,000 Mo Nb Rb Sb Se 4-10,000 2-10,000 2-10,000 4-10,000 2-10,000 Sn Sr Ta Th Ti 5-10,000 2-10,000 10-10,000 4-10,000 5-10,000 U W Y Zr 4-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 2-10,000 (+)-XRF05 10.00 plus 2.65/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.





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OTher ServiCeS

The procedures listed below are designed to provide optimum results for each While analytical methods for geochemical exploration are optimised for low ore type or product. assays for evaluation of ores and high grade materials are detection limits, the This includes the specific digestion procedure, calibration protocols and accuracy and precision atCertified Reference Materials for each optimised for the use of appropriate high concentrations. sample type. For large projects or regular submissions of certain products, where a broader element suite or lower detection limits are required, ALS will consider of Ores & High Grade Materials evaluation customising methods to suit individual needs.
The methods described in this section are suitable for most ores and high grade materials. Depending on the purpose of the analytical results, concentrations greater than 15%-20% may require the use of more expensive methods, such as titrimetric and gravimetric analysis, in order to achieve the maximum accuracy. Please contact your nearest ALS laboratory should you require this type of analysis. For characterisation of ores, recommended procedures include; the aqua regia digestion (OG46) primarily for lead/silver/zinc rich ores and four acid digestion method (OG62) for copper and zinc ores with low lead and silver and nickel laterite ores. Samples expected to contain significant amounts of sulfides of copper, nickel and/or cobalt are fused with sodium peroxide and then leached with dilute hydrochloric acid using procedure ICP81. High grades of elements difficult to solubilise or maintain in solution, such as barium, tungsten, are best done by XRF. The mineralogy of the sample as well the elements to be determined should be considered when selecting an assay procedure.



Acid Digestions
Aqua regia digestion is a powerful solvent for sulfides, which dissolves Ag and the base metals but the resistive mineral forms are not completely dissolved. Aqua regia digestion with iCP-AeS or AAS Finish
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Ag As Cd 1-1,500ppm 0.01-60 0.0005-10 Co Cu Fe 0.001-20 0.001-40 0.01-100 Mn Mo Ni 0.01-50 0.001-10 0.001-10 Pb S Zn 0.001-20 0.01-10 0.001-30

(+)-OG46 (+)-AA46

Price Per SAmPle ($)

8.40 plus 3.15/element 8.40 plus 3.15/element

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.

Four Acid Digestion, using HF, is a very strong digestion method which almost completely breaks down silicates which are volatised as SiF4. The digestion will decompose all but the most resistive minerals. Four Acid digestion with iCP-AeS or AAS Finish
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Ag As Bi Cd 1-1,500ppm 0.001-30 0.001-30 0.0005-10 Co Cr Cu Fe 0.001-20 0.002-30 0.001-40 0.01-100 Mg Mn Mo Ni 0.01-50 0.01-50 0.001-10 0.001-30 Pb S Zn 0.001-20 0.01-10 0.001-30 (+)-OG62 (+)-AA62 12.20 plus 3.15/element 12.20 plus 3.15/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.




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Sodium peroxide fusions are effective for the decomposition of sulfides, arsenides and many refractory minerals such as chromite, rutile, ilmenite and titanite. It is the method of choice for nickel sulfide deposits. Sodium Peroxide Fusion with iCP-AeS Finish
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Al As Ca Co 0.01-50 0.01-10 0.05-50 0.002-30 Cr Cu Fe K 0.01-30 0.005-30 0.05-100 0.1-30 Mg Mn Ni Pb 0.01-30 0.01-50 0.005-30 0.01-30 S Si Ti Zn 0.01-60 0.1-50 0.01-30 0.01-30 (+)-ICP81 35.00 complete package or 20.00 plus 3.15/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.


XRF analysis is the preferred method for highly resistive elements. A homogenous glass disc is prepared by fusion, eliminating mineralogical effects. It has particular applications for resistive minerals and the determination of elements that are difficult to decompose and retain in stable solutions at high concentrations Lithium Borate Fusion with XrF Finish
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Ba Nb Sb 0.01-50 0.01-10 0.01-50 Sn Ta Th 0.01-60 0.01-50 0.01-15 U W Zr 0.01-15 0.01-50 0.01-50 (+)-XRF10 25.00 plus 3.15/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.

Base Metal Sulfide Ores by Fusion XrF

anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Al2O3 As Ba Bi CaO CeO2 Co Cr Cu Fe HfO2 0.01-100 0.01-10 0.01-50 0.008-5 0.01-40 0.01-50 0.01-7 0.01-10 0.001-20 0.01-75 0.01-10 K 2O La2O3 MgO Mn Mo Nb Ni P Pb Rb S 0.01-6.3 0.01-50 0.01-40 0.01-30 0.01-20 0.001-14 0.001-20 0.01-10 0.005-16 0.005-5 0.01-20 Sb SiO2 Sn Sr TiO2 V W Y 2O3 Zn Zr 0.005-20 0.01-100 0.005-20 0.005-5 0.01-30 0.01-5.6 0.001-79 0.005-10.5 0.001-20 0.01-20 ME-XRF15b 30.00 plus 3.15/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)





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OTher ServiCeS

Iron Ore represents a large proportion of the worlds bulk mining and exploration activity. In its metal form, iron constitutes 95% of all metals used by modern industrialised society. Common mineral forms which are amenable to bulk mining include hematite, magnetite, goethite/limonite, siderite, chamosite, pyrite and ilmenite. The oxide mineral forms contribute the largest percentage of iron ore to global production.

iron Ore Procedures

X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) is the method of choice for analysis of oxide iron ores throughout the industry. The lithium borate fusion technique coupled with XRF, offers a robust and repeatable method, consistent with industry requirements. The relatively low flux to sample ratio offers good sensitivity for the majority of elements and creates a matrix which is not subject to particle size effects. With very few spectral interferences and high instrument stability, the XRF method delivers highly accurate and precise results across the full range of iron oxide ore types. Loss on Ignition (LOI) is a critical component of iron ore analysis, providing a better understanding of mineral composition of the ore and how it will behave during processing. Single temperature or multi temperature LOI determinations are available. Temperatures can be customised as required.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Al2O3 As Ba CaO Cl Co Cr203 Cu Fe 0.01-100 0.001-1.5 0.001-10 0.01-40 0.001-6 0.001-5 0.001-10 0.001-1.5 0.01-75 K 2O MgO Mn Na2O Ni P Pb S SiO2 0.01-6.3 0.01-40 0.001-25 0.005-8 0.001-8 0.001-10 0.001-2 0.001-5 0.05-100 LOI (1000C) 0.01-100 Furnace Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) OA-GRA05 OA-GRA05t/ ME-GRA05 5.00 plus 3.00/temperature 3.00 plus 3.00/temperature Sn Sr TiO2 V Zn Zr 0.001-1.5 0.001-1.5 0.01-30 0.001-5 0.001-1.5 0.001-1 Fused disc XRF ME-XRF21n (normalised) ME-XRF21u (un-normalised) 37.50 37.50





Price Per SAmPle ($)

Loss on Ignition LOI (0.01%) at 371C, 425C, 550C, 650C and 1000C Moisture @ 110 C

Magnetite Analysis Davis tube Recovery (DtR)

The preparation of magnetite rich ores requires a rigid and complex protocol involving a staged wet sieving process and the use of a Davis Tube to provide a beneficiated sample that represents the large scale metallurgical process. This procedure is often very specific to the individual ore types encountered. Prior to commencement of any project it is highly recommended that clients discuss their requirements with ALS staff, to determine the optimum protocol for their particular ore type.
Customised sample preparation protocol. Includes drying, crushing, homogenising (mat rolling), multi-stage wet sieving and pulverising followed by Davis Tube Recovery (DTR) FeO (0.01%) - Ferrous Iron by titration Magnetic Susceptibility


Price Per SAmPle ($)

By Quotation 47.25 16.50




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Aluminium is the most abundant metal element in the earths crust. Bauxite is the most common ore from which alumina is commercially extracted. Gibbsite, boehmite and diaspore are the predominant aluminium rich minerals which co-exist with goethite, hematite and kaolinite in bauxite ore.

Aluminium Ore (Bauxite) Procedures

The internationally recognised method for the analysis of major and minor elements in bauxite is X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Finely pulverised samples are decomposed using a lithium borate fusion technique and the resultant glass disc is analysed by wavelength dispersive XRF. XRF instrumentation is extremely stable and provides high accuracy and precision. Bauxite ore is typically very hygroscopic and therefore Loss on Ignition (LOI) determination and moisture correction is an important part of the analysis. Results are reported on a dry weight (110C) basis by default.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Al2O3 BaO CaO Cr203 Fe2O3 K 2O MgO MnO Na2O Loss on Ignition Loss on Ignition 0.01-100 0.01-10 0.01-40 0.01-10 0.01-100 0.01-6.3 0.01-40 0.01-31 0.01-5.3 P 2O 5 SiO2 SO3 SrO TiO2 V 2O 5 Zn ZrO2 LOI (1000C) 0.01-23 0.05-100 0.01-12.5 0.01-1.5 0.01-30 0.01-8 0.01-1.6 0.01-1.5 0.01-100 Furnace Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA) OA-GRA05 OA-GRA05t 5.00 plus 3.00/temperature 3.00 plus 3.00/temperature Fused disc XRF ME-XRF13n (normalised) ME-XRF13u (un-normalised) 37.50 37.50




Price Per SAmPle ($)

Reactive Silica and Available Alumina

The reactive silica and available alumina, determined using pressure controlled caustic leach at elevated temperature, provide important information on the economic extractability of the ore using the Bayer process.
anaLyTeS (%)
Total Organic Carbon (Non Carbonate Carbon) Reactive Silica Available Alumina

TOC by LECO. Microwave digestion, chemical separation/ICP-AES analysis.*

C-IR17 Si-LICP01 Al-LICP01

Price Per SAmPle ($)

24.00 21.00 15.75

*Digestion temperature, caustic strength and sample weight/caustic strength ratio to be specified by client.

Screening and Benefication

ALS Minerals can conduct multi screen sizing and subsequent analysis of the size fractions to determine the optimum screen size for bauxite recovery. ALS Minerals can also conduct the subsequent wet beneficiation using the selected single screen.
SAmPle PrePArATion
Attrition Testing Wet Beneficiation using a single screen

Client specific procedure. Wet screening using 600mm diameter Kason Screen

n/a Various depending on screen size requested

Price Per SAmPle ($)

By Quotation 12.60*

Multiple Screen Analysis Screens available: 300m 1200m 2500m 600m 1700m 7000m 900m 1900m 9600m Moisture Content (%) Pulverise sub-sample

Wet screening using multiple 600mm diameter Kason Screens.


12.60* /screen

Gravimetric determination. Prepare <1kg sub-sample for analysis.

OA-GRA05g PUL-32

5.25 6.05

*Additional costs apply to recovery of fines from beneficiated sample. Percentage recovery reported under relevant screen code.





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OTher ServiCeS

Evaluation of copper prospects may involve the need to know more about copper mineralogy and mineral solubility for metallurgical considerations. The separation of oxide/carbonate, secondary chalcocite and primary sulfide minerals compared to the total copper are useful in determining leachability of copper in a deposit. This information can be obtained by sequential leaching of the sample and may be augmented by direct mineralogical determination using MLA applied mineralogy.

copper Procedures
Copper oxide minerals such as malachite, azurite, chrysocolla and portions of cuprite and tenorite can be leached using sulfuric acid, referred to as acid soluble copper. Cyanide leach will dissolve the secondary chalcocite, bornite and a portion of the chalcopyrite content of the sample, while the majority of the sulfide minerals will remain in the residue analysed at the end of a sequential leach. The mineral dissolution in each leach may vary depending on the sample matrix and specific mineralogy. ALS Minerals provides custom methods using different leach conditions upon request.
AnAlyTe coDe
Cu-AA45 Cu-AA61 Cu-AA46 Cu-OG46 Cu-AA62 Cu-OG62 Cu-CON02 Cu-VOL61 Cu-AA04 Cu-AA05 Cu-AA07n Cu-AA08n Cu-AA17a Cu-PKG06LI



Price Per SAmPle ($)

9.75 13.15

Trace Cu Methods
Trace Cu method, aqua regia digestion and ICP or AAS finish, 1-10,000 ppm. Trace Cu method, 4 acid near total digestion and ICP or AAS finish, 1-10,000 ppm.

Assay Cu Methods
Assay Cu method, aqua regia digestion and ICP finish, 0.01-40%. Assay Cu method, 4 acid near-total digestion and ICP finish, 0.01-40%. 11.55 15.35

Concentrate Cu Method
HNO3-HCl-H2SO4 acid digestion followed by potentiometric titration, done in duplicate, 0.01-100%. HNO3-HCl-HF-H2SO4 acid digestion followed by volumetric finish, done in duplicate, 0.01 to100% 84.00 63.00 11.35 11.35 11.35 11.35 13.60 42.00

Mineral Selective Cu Methods

Cu Oxide method, citric acid leach and AAS finish. 0.25 gram sample. 0.01-10% Cu. Cu Non-Sulfide method, dilute sulfuric acid /AAS finish. 1 gram sample. 0.001-10% Cu. Cu Oxide method, dilute sulfuric acid with sulfur dioxide leach and AAS determination. 1 gram sample. 0.001-100% Cu. Cu Quick Leach, 1g sample. 0.01-100%. Cu Cyanide Soluble, 2g. 0.001-10% Cu. Cu Sequential Analysis: Cu results are reported for sulfuric acid soluble, cyanide soluble and total Cu. Sequential analysis; first dilute sulfuric, then cyanide and total performed on residue from prior leach.




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OTher ServiCeS

ALS Minerals has developed a variety of analytical methods suitable for the analysis of nickel in laterite and sulfides. These methods have been tailored to suit the mineralisation style and the specific sample type, whether exploration, resource definition or mine grade control.

nickel Procedures
Acid Digestion techniques
First pass exploration samples are often analysed using method ME-ICP61 which is a four acid digestion technique with ICPAES finish. While the method has an upper detection limit of 1% for nickel, it is recommended that an ore grade method (ie method Ni-OG62) is used to re-assay nickel concentrations exceeding 0.5%, which is a typical lower cut-off grade.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%) coDe


Price Per SAmPle ($)


Trace ni Method
Ni Ni Al As 1-10,000ppm 0.01-30 0.01-50 0.01-30 Ni by HF-HNO3-HClO4 digestion, HCl leach and ICP-AES/AAS. Bi Ca Co 0.01-30 0.01-50 0.001-20 Cr Cu Fe 0.002-30 0.001-40 0.01-100 Mg Mn S 0.01-50 0.01-50 0.01-50 ME-OG62 12.20 plus 3.15/element

Assay ni Method

* Additional elements are available on these methods. Refer to Exploration & Ore Grade pages.

Fusion techniques
The industry preferred technique for resource definition of lateritic ore deposits is X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). A finely pulverised sample is fused with lithium borate to produce a uniformly sized glass disc suitable for presentation to the XRF Spectrometer. The comprehensive analysis of laterite ores for major and minor elements is critical in evaluating project economics and for metallurgical process control. Loss On Ignition (LOI) determination using a Thermo Gravimetric Analyser (TGA) is also an important component of the total analysis. For nickel sulfide ores, a sodium peroxide fusion technique with ICPAES finish (method ME-ICP81) is recommended to replace the borate fusions typically used for lateritic ores. Fusion XrF for Laterite Ore
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Al2O3 CaO Co Cr2O3 Cu 0.01-100 0.01-40 0.001-7 0.005-10 0.001-1.6 Fe2O3 K 2O MgO MnO Na2O 0.01-100 0.01-6.3 0.01-50 0.005-30 0.01-5.3 Ni P 2O 5 Pb SiO2 TiO2 0.005-7.8 0.005-23 0.005-1.8 0.05-100 0.01-30 LOI 1000C Zn 0.001-1.6

Fused disc XRF and TGA for Loss on Ignition

ME-XRF12n (normalised) ME-XRF12u (unnormalised)

Price Per SAmPle ($)

37.50 37.50

Fusion iCP for Sulphide Ore

anaLyTeS & ranGeS (%)
Al2O3 As CaO Co Cu 0.01-100 0.01-10 0.05-70 0.002-30 0.001-1.6 Cr Cu Fe K Na2O 0.01-30 0.005-30 0.05-70 0.1-30 0.01-11 MgO MnO Ni Pb TiO2 0.01-50 0.01-65 0.005-30 0.01-30 0.01-30 S SiO2 TiO2 Zn 0.01-60 0.01-100 0.01-50 0.01-30

Sodium Peroxide fusion/ICPAES finish


Price Per SAmPle ($)


35.00 complete package or 20.00 plus 3.15/element





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In addition to an understanding of deposit occurrence, uranium exploration now also requires an awareness of the issues and hazards that might be associated with Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) so that these materials are dealt with in a responsible manner.

Uranium Procedures
ALS has standardised screening and handling protocols throughout its network of laboratories to ensure that any NORM samples received can be rapidly identified and are handled in a manner meeting all appropriate regulations with respect to transportation, workplace safety and environmental regulations. uranium in non-resistate Minerals & Soils by Aqua regia digestion
anaLyTe & ranGeS
51 elements including U (0.05 - 10,000 ppm). Elements and ranges are summarised in the table for method ME-MS41 on page 13.


Price Per SAmPle ($)




Note: 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb isotopes available on request.

uranium in Semi-resistate Mineral Forms by Four Acid near-Total digestion

anaLyTe & ranGeS
48 elements including U (0.1 - 10,000 ppm). Elements and ranges are summarised in the table for method ME-MS61 on page 13.


Price Per SAmPle ($)


X-ray Fluorescence & nAA


ranGe (ppm)
4-10,000 0.01%-15% 0.2-10,000

U by pressed pellet, XRF. U by lithium borate fusion, XRF. U by neutron activation.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

12.65 28.15 POA

Use of lithium has migrated from the classical use in glass and ceramics to batteries for portable electronics and cars. This has led to a renewed interest in lithium as a target for exploration.

Lithium Procedures
Lithium may occur with salt, carbonates, phosphates or sulfates in brines and clay sequences in evaporate deposits. It occurs within the mica pelidolite and within spodumene and clays such as hectorite, most easily substituting in many minerals for Mg. Pathfinder elements of interest may include K, Mg, B, F, Na and Ca. Lithium Mineral Analysis
anaLyTe & ranGeS
Four acid sample digestion with determination by ICP-AES and ICP-MS for 48 elements (see page 13). Li range of 0.2 - 10,000 ppm. Li by four acid digestion/ICP-AES analysis, Li range 10-10,000 ppm. Assay method for Li by specialised 4-acid digestion, range 0.01-10% Li.

ME-MS61 Li-ICP61 Li-OG63

Price Per SAmPle ($)

39.25 13.15 15.75

Brine Analysis
anaLyTe & ranGeS
Lithium Brine Analysis by ICP-AES. 27 elements including Li (50 mg/L to 3000 mg/L). Trace Brine Analysis by ICP-MS, 36 elements, Li range 10 ug/L to 500 mg/L. Brine determination of for pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, total alkalinity.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

52.50 42.00 42.00




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The storage of overburden, waste rock and mine waste materials at mine sites must be carefully planned to minimise the environmental impact of mining operations. Samples may be tested to predict their acid producing or neutralising potential, thus allowing responsible mine planning.

acid-Base accounting (aBa) Procedures

The balance between the potential of a rock to produce versus consume acid, is measured using ABA procedures. Our static acid rock drainage tests are designed to measure the balance between potentially acid-generating or acid-neutralising minerals in a sample. Sulfide minerals such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite in mine waste material react with water and oxygen to produce sulfuric acid which may in turn leach metals from the same and introduce them into the environment. Samples with abundant neutralising minerals such as carbonate minerals calcite and dolomite may act to increase natural pH in waters and prevent any acid and metal contribution to the environment. The calculated Net Neutralisation Potential (NNP) is a predictor of whether a particular sample will generate acid over time. A number of methods have been developed with each modification an attempt to improve prediction of the acid-or neutralising- potential of samples. The original methods described by Sobek define the amount of CaCO3, in a sample required to neutralise acid mainly generated by sulfide sulfur. The measurement introduces acid to the sample, then adds NaOH to back titrate to neutral. The Modified Sobek method evaluates the neutralisation potential at ambient temperature, using a higher pH titration end point. The third method introduces hydrogen peroxide as a correction for the erroneously high neutralising values a regular Sobek method may produce in the presence of siderite (iron carbonate), known as the Siderite Correction procedure.
Net Neutralisation Potential (NNP) Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA) Neutralisation Potential (NP) & Fizz Ratio (NP : MPA) Paste pH Total Sulfur HCl-leachable Sulfate Sulfide Total Sulfate (Carbonate Leach) Inorganic Carbon (CO2) Sobek Package M Modified Sobek Package S Siderite Correction Package POA POA POA POA POA


SOBek MeTHOD PaCkaGe CODe aBa-PkG01 (M/S) aBa-PkG02 (M/S) aBa-PkG03 aBa-PkG04 aBa-PkG05

**The standard package uses the Sobek, EPA Neutralisation Potential Method Add the (M) to the package for the Modified Neutralisation Potential Method of Lawrence Add a (S) to the package name for the Siderite Correction of Skousen

Mineralogy of the sample will affect the accuracy of the ABA prediction. The presence of siderite (iron carbonate) may overestimate neutralising potential of a sample if acid is introduced. Sulfates such as gypsum and barite will cause overestimation of the sulfur if a total sulfur measurement is used. Some samples may contain minerals which are not sulfide but which are acid-producing. There are carbonate minerals that do not neutralise the sample, as well as non-carbonate buffering minerals such as biotite and chlorite. Mineralogical knowledge of the sample is an important augmentation to the static ABA tests.
Net Acid Generation (NAG) - Hydrogen peroxide is used to facilitate the rapid oxidation of sulfide. NAG is reported in kg H2SO4/tonne at pH 4.5 and pH 7.0.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

By Quotation





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Exploration for deposits of rare earth elements (REEs) is booming. Due to the REEs unique ability to retain their physical properties at high temperatures, they are critical components of materials used in electronics, hybrid batteries, wind turbines and other key industries. Demand for these products will only increase the demand for REEs.

Exploration now requires methods that cover a range of concentrations from the lowest detectable levels up to percentage level concentrations.

rare earth element and Trace elements Using ICP-MS

A lithium borate fusion of the sample prior to acid dissolution and ICP-MS analysis provides the most quantitative analysis for a broad suite of elements. This technique solubilises most mineral species, including those that are highly refractory.
AnAlyTeS (ppm)
Ba Ce Co Cr Cs Dy Er Eu Ga 0.5-10,000 0.5-10,000 0.5-10,000 10-10,000 0.01-10,000 0.05-1,000 0.03-1,000 0.03-1,000 0.1-1,000 Gd Hf Ho La Lu Mo Nb Nd Pr 0.05-1,000 0.2-10,000 0.01-1,000 0.5-10,000 0.01-1,000 2-10,000 0.2-2,500 0.1-10,000 0.03-1,000 ME-MS81d 65.00 (Sold only as a complete package). Rb Sm Sn Sr Ta Tb Th Tl 0.2-10,000 0.03-1,000 1-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.1-2,500 0.01-1,000 0.05-1,000 0.5-1,000 Tm U V W Y Yb Zr 0.01-1,000 0.05-1,000 5-10,000 1-10,000 0.5-10,000 0.03-1,000 2-10,000 ME-MS81 29.95 (Sold only as a complete package).




Price Per SAmPle ($)

Combination of Rare Earth & Trace Elements from method ME-MS81 plus whole rock package by method ME-ICP06.

Mineralised rare earth Samples using iCP-MS

A lithium borate fusion is used prior to acid dissolution. High sample to volume ratios are utilised in addition to Class A volumetric glassware. Certified high grade rare earth reference materials are part of the standard protocol.
AnAlyTeS (ppm)
Ce Dy Er Eu Gd Hf 3-50000 2-5000 1-5000 1-5000 2-5000 1-50000 Nb Nd Pr Ho La Lu 1-5000 1-50000 1-5000 1-5000 3-50000 1-5000 Rb Sm Sn Ta Tb Th 1-50000 1-5000 5-50000 1-5000 1-5000 1-5000 Tm U W Y Yb Zr 1-5000 1-5000 5-50000 3-50000 1-5000 10-20000 ME-MS81h 55.00


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Ore Grade rare earth determinations by iCP-AeS

High grades of REEs are being encountered in many projects. There is a requirement for better precision and accuracy at these levels than is generally achievable by multiple dilutions and ICP-MS finish. After a lithium borate fusion and acid dissolution, the sample is taken to volume and analysed by ICP-AES. Protocols for assay determination are used to ensure suitable precision.
AnAlyTeS (%)
Ce Dy 0.01-30 0.01-30 Gd La 0.01-30 0.01-30 Nd Pr 0.01-30 0.01-30 Sm Tb 0.01-30 0.01-30


Price Per SAmPle ($)

25.00 plus 7.00/element




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OTher ServiCeS

Analysis related to lithogeochemistry, alteration minerals and trace element mobility are important tools in understanding geological environments. The selections of analytical packages on this page are designed to offer comprehensive information for these studies.

The nature of lithophile elements and the matrices in which they occur require stronger dissolution procedures to separate them from the bulk matter. The most accurate results will therefore be obtained using fusion as the separation procedure or through direct analysis. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the preferred technique; however, ICP-AES can also be effectively used following a fusion.

Lithogeochemistry analysis Using XrF or ICP-aeS

Lithium Borate Fusion
Major element analysis can be performed by either XRF or ICP-AES. A minimum of 2g sample pulp is required. If LOI is not required, a minimum sample quantity of 0.5g is sufficient for ME-ICP06.
AnAlyTeS (%) coDe Price Per SAmPle ($)
37.50 (Sold only as a complete package) 37.50 SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 MgO Na2O K 2O Cr2O3 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 TiO2 MnO P 2O 5 SrO 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 ME-ICP06 BaO LOI 0.01-100 0.01-100 ME-XRF06


Complete Characterisation Package

By combining a number of methods into one cost effective package, a complete sample characterisation can be obtained. This package uses the whole rock package ME-ICP06 plus carbon and sulfur by Leco to quantify the major elements in the sample. Trace elements, including the full rare earth element suite, are reported using ME-MS81 and from a separate aqua regia digestion, the volatile gold related trace elements are added using method ME-MS42 (page 26).
Major Elements: Si, Al, Fe, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Ti, Mn, P, LOI C, S Base Metals: Ag, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd Trace Elements and REEs: Ba, Ce, Cr, Cs, Dy, Er, Eu, Ga, Gd, Hf, Ho, La, Lu, Nb, Nd, Pr, Rb, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Tl, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zr Volatiles: As, Bi, Hg, Sb, Se, Te

Lithium metaborate fusion, ICP-AES By Leco Four Acid, ICP-AES Lithium borate fusion, ICP-MS Aqua regia, ICP-MS


Price Per SAmPle ($)


145.00 (Sold only as a complete package)





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Single element Methods

These methods are effective options when analytical results for one or only a few elements are required. You can create your own package of elements specific to your exploration program.

Aqua Regia Digestion



Aqua regia digestion is a cost effective method for determining the acid leachable portion of elements. Sample minimum size is 1 g.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm) coDe Price Per SAmPle ($)

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)

Ag As 0.2-100 5-10,000 Co Cu 1-10,000 1-10,000 Mo Ni 1-10,000 1-10,000 Pb Zn 1-10,000 1-10,000 (+)-AA45 7.65 plus 2.10/element

iCP Atomic emission Spectrometry (iCP-AeS)

Elements and detection limits listed on page 14. (+)-ICP41 9.25 plus 0.55/element

iCP Mass Spectrometry (iCP-MS)

Ag As Bi 0.01-25 0.1-250 0.01-250 Hg Mo Sb 0.005-25 0.05-250 0.05-250 Se Te Tl 0.2-250 0.01-250 0.02-250 U 0.05-250 (+)-MS42 12.70 plus 1.25/element

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.

Four Acid near-Total digestion

In most cases, this digestion dissolves nearly all elements for the majority of geological materials. Resistive minerals may require fusion or XRF determination for fully quantitative results.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm) coDe Price Per SAmPle ($)

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)

Ag As 0.5-100 10-10,000 Co Cu 5-10,000 2-10,000 Mo Ni 2-10,000 5-10,000 Pb Zn 5-10,000 5-10,000 (+)-AA61 11.05 plus 2.10/element

iCP Atomic emission Spectrometry (iCP-AeS)

Elements and detection limits listed on page 14. (+)-ICP61 12.60 plus 0.55/element

iCP Mass Spectrometry (iCP-MS)

Ag As Bi Cd 0.02-100 0.2-500 0.01-500 0.02-500 Ga Mo Re Sb 0.05-500 0.05-500 0.002-50 0.05-500 Se Sn Te Th 0.5-500 0.2-500 0.05-500 0.2-500 Tl U W 0.02-500 0.1-500 0.1-500 (+)-MS62 16.30 plus 1.25/element

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.

elemental Analysis by Pressed Pellet XrF

Pressed pellet XRF is a suitable method for determining several elements that are not easily solubilised by acid digestion techniques. A finely ground sample powder (20g minimum) is mixed with a few drops of liquid binder, compressed in a pellet press then analysed by XRF spectrometry.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
As Ba Bi Cr Ga 5-5,000 10-10,000 4-10,000 5-10,000 4-10,000 Mo Nb Rb Sb Se 4-10,000 2-10,000 2-10,000 4-10,000 2-10,000 Sn Sr Ta Th Ti 5-10,000 2-10,000 10-10,000 4-10,000 5-10,000 U W Y Zr 4-10,000 10-10,000 2-10,000 2-10,000 (+)-XRF05 10.00 plus 2.65/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)

+ Add element symbol as prefix to method code.




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Individual Methods Miscellaneous Methods

Unless otherwise noted, these procedures require 1 g of sample pulp. Carbon & Sulfur
C (Total) C (Non-Carbonate) C (Carbonate) C (Total) S (Total) S (Total) S (Sulfate)* S (Sulfide)*

ranGe (ppm)
0.01%-50% 0.02%-50% 0.02%-50% 0.01%-50% 0.01%-50% 0.01%-50% 0.01%-50% 0.01%-50%

Total carbon by Leco furnace. Dilute acid digestion followed by Leco furnace. Carbonate carbon by difference. Total Carbon and total Sulfur by Leco furnace. Total sulfur by Leco furnace. Sulfate Sulfur by dilute Hydrochloric acid digestion and ICP-AES analysis. Sulfide Sulfur calculated by difference between total and sulfate sulfur.

C-IR07 C-IR17 C-CAL15 ME-IR08 S-IR08 S-ICP16 S-CAL07

Price Per SAmPle ($)

15.00 24.00 39.00 25.00 15.00 20.00 35.00


Br** Cl Cl Cl F F I**

ranGe (ppm)
0.5-10,000 100-10,000 10-40,000 0.01-80% 20-20,000 0.01%-100% 0.5-10,000

Neutron activation. Neutron activation. Fusion - XRF. Acid Digestion titrimetric finish Fusion - S.I.E. Fusion - S.I.E. Neutron activation.

Br-NAA05 Cl-NAA06 Cl-XRF11 Cl-VOL66 F-ELE81a F-ELE82 I-NAA07

Price Per SAmPle ($)

POA POA 28.15 31.50 31.50 34.65 POA

FeO Hg pH Conductivity H2O- (Moisture) H2O+ (Water of Crystallisation) LOI

ranGe (ppm)
0.01%-100% 0.01-100 1-100,000 s/cm 0.01%-100% 0.01%-100% 0.01%-100%

Ferrous iron by H2SO4-HF acid digestion and titrimetric finish. Aqua regia digestion, ICP-MS. Soil pH (1:1 ratio). 5g minimum. Conductivity of soil extract. 5g minimum. Gravimetric procedure after drying at 105C. By Leco. LOI at 1000C.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

47.25 13.95 9.45 9.45 12.60 18.90 18.90

* Sulfur may be understated if BaSO4 or SrSO4 present. ** A surcharge may apply for batches of less than 20 samples.





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Selective Leach Geochemistry

Mineral exploration has moved into mature terrains with the best potential often beneath deep overburden. Subtle anomalies can be detected using conventional analytical methods; however, these types of strong acid digestions are less selective and the bulk chemistry of the overburden may mask the presence of trace elements. There are a variety of partial leaches which are effective in selectively dissolving specific components of the sample, enhancing a geochemical response to buried mineralisation. ALS Minerals offers a wide variety of partial leaches to enable its clients to select the leach which is most applicable to the geochemical environment being sampled. Methods offered include, but are not limited to, Ionic Leach, modified cold and hot hydroxylamine hydrochloride and sodium pyrophosphate leaches. Leaches using other concentrations, other reagents, leach times and conditions as specified to meet particular project requirements are available upon request. Instrumental analysis is carried out using ICP-Mass Spectrometry. Please contact an ALS representative to discuss your specific project requirements.

Ionic Leach
This sodium cyanide leach is buffered to pH 8.5 using the chelating agents ammonium chloride, citric acid and EDTA. Ionic Leach enables the detection of buried mineralisation using a surface regolith or soil, through the dissolution and subsequent measurement of weakly bound ions loosely attached to surface particles. The ability of this innovative leach to give close to true background detection limits makes it effective in providing geochemical contrast and targeting buried mineralisation. The method requires 50 grams of sample. Selective, ph controlled leach with iCP-MS analysis and final ph measurement
AnAlyTeS (ppm)
Ag As Au Ba Be Bi Br Ca Cd Ce Co Cr Cs Pb 206 0.0001 0.002 0.00002 0.01 0.0002 0.003 0.05 0.2 0.001 0.0001 0.0003 0.001 0.0001 0.001 Cu Dy Er Eu Fe Ga Gd Ge Hf Hg Ho I In Pb 207 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.1 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.01 0.0001 0.001 La Li Lu Mg Mn Mo Nb Nd Ni Pb Pd Pr Pt Pb208 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.01 0.01 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 Rb Re Sb Sc Se Sm Sn Sr Ta Tb Te Th Ti 0.0001 0.0001 0.0005 0.001 0.002 0.0001 0.0002 0.001 0.001 0.0001 0.001 0.00002 0.005 ME-MS22 30.00 plus 1.40/element Tl Tm U W Y Yb Zn Zr 0.0005 0.0001 0.0001 0.001 0.0001 0.0001 0.01 0.0001 pH controlled ionic leach with analysis by ICP-MS including final pH ME-MS23 50.00 Complete package





Price Per SAmPle ($)

Add-on elements by iCP-AeS (using Me-MS23/Me-MS22 leach liquor)

anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Al Ba Cu 1-10000 0.05-500 0.05-2000 Ni P S 0.05-1000 0.1-1000 0.1-20000 Si Sr Ti 0.5-1000 0.05-500 0.5-5000 ME-ICP23 15.00 plus 1.00/element


Price Per SAmPle ($)




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Ammonium Acetate
A buffered ammonium acetate leach is used to extract exchangeable ions and carbonates. Slightly stronger than a water wash, this very weak leach targets the most weakly bound ions and may be used in sequential extractions prior to stronger leaches.

Cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride

The cold hydroxylamine leach has been used extensively by exploration geologists because it is selective for manganese oxides, long known to be powerful scavengers of heavy metals of geochemical significance. Manganese forms several oxidation states and exists in a variety of amorphous and crystalline forms. As a result, manganese oxide has an extraordinarily high cation exchange capacity, accommodating many different trace elements on its surfaces. This leach does not dissolve crystalline iron oxides but does dissolve very small amounts of amorphous hydrous iron oxide.

hot hydroxylamine hydrochloride

The hot hydroxylamine leach, which combines a higher concentration of hydroxylamine with elevated temperature (60C) and a reducing acid environment, is capable of effectively dissolving amorphous hydrous iron oxide while leaving crystalline iron oxide substantially intact (typically <1% dissolution). As amorphous hydrous iron oxide is a much more effective scavenger than crystalline forms of iron oxide, this leach can be quite informative about metal ion mobility.


Sodium Pyrophosphate
Organic matter in soils and sediments is capable of forming chelation complexes with metals. A solution of neutral (pH 7) sodium pyrophosphate liberates these organically-bound heavy metals. Variations in the concentrations of organically-bound metals such as copper, zinc, cobalt, nickel, iron and aluminium have been used as indications of buried mineral deposits. Extraction with pyrophosphate does not attack sulfides, nor does it dissolve significant amounts of amorphous iron oxides
anaLyTe & LOwer rePOrTInG LIMITS (ppm)
Ag Al As Au B Ba Be Bi Br Ca Cd Ce Co Cr Cs Cu Dy Er Eu Fe Ga 0.002 1 0.1 0.05 2 0.05 0.05 0.005 2 10 0.01 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.005 0.05 0.005 0.005 0.005 5 0.05 Gd Ge Hf Hg Ho I In K La Li Lu Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Nd Ni P Pb Pr 0.005 0.1 0.01 0.1 0.005 0.1 0.005 5 0.005 0.05 0.005 1 0.1 0.01 10 0.01 0.005 0.05 5 0.1 0.005 Rb Re Sb Se Sm Sn Sr Ta Tb Te Th Ti Tl Tm U V W Y Yb Zn Zr 0.01 0.001 0.005 0.5 0.005 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.05 0.01 1 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.2 0.05 Sodium pyrophosphate leach with ICP-MS. ME-MS07 47.25 Hot hydroxylamine hydrochloride leach with ICP-MS. ME-MS06 47.25 Cold hydroxylamine hydrochloride leach with ICP-MS. ME-MS05 47.25 Ammonium acetate. ME-MS04 47.25



Price Per SAmPle ($)

Final pH of leach solution.





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Sample media such as vegetation and waters have been shown to provide valuable information for exploration programs. Trace element levels in these sample types are often at extremely low levels. Effective analytical procedures require the utmost care in sample preparation and analysis to ensure suitable data quality.



Biogeochemistry Procedures
Results are reported on vegetation samples following a nitric/hydrochloric acid digestion on 1g of sample. Custom designed tubes are used to provide maximum reflux of acids. Certified reference materials are included in the analysis of each group to validate accuracy. ALS offers customised preparation of vegetation samples out-sourced to a specialty laboratory. Preparation price varies according to type of sample. Due to permit requirements, vegetation samples will be held for 45 days and are not available for return to the client.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As Au B Ba Bi Ca Cd Co 0.002-100 0.01%-25% 0.1-10,000 0.0002-100 10-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.01-10,000 0.01%-40% 0.01-2,000 0.01-10,000 Cr Cu Fe Ga Hg K La Mg Mn Mo 0.1-10,000 0.01-10,000 0.01%-50% 0.05-10,000 0.001-100 0.01%-10% 0.01-10,000 0.001%-30% 1-50,000 0.01-10,000 Na Ni P Pb Pd Pt S Sb Sc Se 0.001%-10% 0.1-10,000 0.001%-5% 0.01-10,000 0.002-100 0.001-100 0.01%-10% 0.02-10,000 0.1-10,000 0.1-1,000 Sr Te Th Ti Tl U V W Zn 0.2-10,000 0.02-500 0.01-10,000 0.001%-10% 0.02-10,000 0.01-10,000 1-10,000 0.05-10,000 0.1-10,000 ME-VEG41 42.00 Sold only as a complete package.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Hydrogeochemistry Procedures
Geochemical Analysis of Ground Water Samples is available using ICP-MS. Water samples are analysed directly as submitted by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppb)
Ag Al As Ba B Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr 0.06-1,000 50-10,000 10-1,000 0.01-1,000 10-1,000 0.3-1,000 0.1-1,000 200-10,000 0.1-1,000 0.02-1,000 0.1-1,000 1-1,000 Cs Cu Fe Ga Hf Hg In K La Li Mg Mn 0.01-1,000 0.3-1,000 20-10,000 0.05-1,000 0.05-1,000 0.2-1,000 0.04-1,000 60-10,000 0.02-1,000 10-1,000 4-10,000 0.1-1,000 Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Sb Se Sn Sr Ta 1-1,000 300-10,000 0.02-1,000 0.5-1,000 100-10,000 0.2-1,000 0.1-1,000 0.1-1,000 10-1,000 0.3-1,000 0.1-1,000 0.01-1,000 Te Th Tl U V W Y Zn Zr 10-1,000 0.01-1,000 0.04-1,000 0.01-1,000 1-1,000 0.2-1,000 0.03-1,000 2-1,000 0.05-1,000 ME-MS14PKG POA Complete package


Price Per SAmPle ($)

Note: Samples with high metal content or brines should be analysed by ME-ICP14.




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OTher ServiCeS

Isotope geochemistry is useful to determine the source and age of geological materials. Improvements in instrument technology now allow the detection limits required to measure a variety of element isotopes, providing a deeper level of understanding of the composition of geological materials. Isotope determinations are increasingly documented to provide unique signatures that relate to specific styles of mineralisation and alteration. Improved technology continues to increase the number of elements for which isotopic abundances may be measured.


Isotopic determinations are made using the Sector Field ICP-MS (ICP-SFMS), providing precision of 0.05% relative standard deviation. Even greater precision can be provided by the multi-collector ICP-MS in which simultaneous measurement of the isotopes is made by individual detectors. The MC-ICP-MS can measure precision to 0.001% relative standard deviation.
AnAlyTeS DeScriPTion coDe Price Per SAmPle ($)

Sector Field iCP-MS (SF-iCP-MS)

10 B, 11B 206Pb, 207Pb, 208Pb (204Pb) 235U, 238U (234U)

Boron Isotopes. Lead Isotopes for origin determinations. Uranium Isotopes. Re/Os dating of sulfide minerals done on molybdenite mineral separates.


231.00 231.00 346.50 5000.00

Re/Os Dating

Multi-collector Mass Spectrometry (MC-iCP-MS)

54Fe, 56Fe, 57Fe (58Fe) 86Sr, 87Sr, 88Sr (84Sr) 64Zn, 66Zn, 67 Zn, 68Zn (70Zn)

Fe isotopes. Sr isotopes. Zn isotopes.


800.00 600.00 800.00





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rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

Analysis of mine concentrate and metallurgical samples is critical for the purchase and sale of commodities as well as the optimisation of the recovery process. With so much riding on a correct result, control assays require meticulous work by highly trained technicians. The results must be of the highest calibre for reliability, accuracy and precision.

Concentrates, Metallurgical Materials and Bullion analysis

Wherever ALS Minerals performs work on commercial grade materials the facilities are carefully separated and dedicated for such work. ALS Minerals employ highly trained and experienced registered assayers to oversee the work. All such work is performed using classical techniques, analysed in duplicate as a minimum to assure quality. ALS Minerals will also perform umpire analyses in cases of buyer/seller dispute. Umpire work is conducted with the same degree of attention but is performed to an even higher degree of precision. In addition to concentrate work, our specialty assay facilities are available for the analysis of precious metal bullions and other metallurgical materials such as carbon from leach circuits. Precious Metal Concentrates and Bullions
Au Ag Au Ag



ranGe (ppm)*
0.07-999,985 0.7-995,000 Fineness 1-1,000 Fineness 1-1,000

Au by fire assay and gravimetric finish. 30g nominal sample weight Ag by fire assay and gravimetric finish. Routine bullion assays by fire assay with gravimetric finish. Au umpire assay in bullion samples by fire assay with gravimetric finish. Routine bullion assays by fire assay with gravimetric finish. Ag umpire assay in bullion samples by fire assay with gravimetric finish.

Au-CON01 Ag-CON01 Au-GRA24 Au-UMP20 Ag-GRA24 Ag-UMP20

Price Per SAmPle ($)

POA POA 200.00 395.00 200.00 395.00

*At your request, precious metals reporting units can be specified as ppb, ppm, g/t or oz/t (except for bullion assays).

volumetric Methods high-Precision Classical Titration

Cu Zn Pb Fe FeO

ranGe (%)
0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100 0.01-100

Cu Concentrate - Volumetric. Zn by Titration. Pb by Titration. Total Fe in Concentrates. FeO (Ferrous Iron).

Cu-VOL61 Zn-VOL50 Pb-VOL70 Fe-VOL51 Fe-VOL05

Price Per SAmPle ($)

63.00 63.00 63.00 63.00 47.25

Major Minor and Trace elements in Concentrates

ALS Minerals has multi-element procedures specifically designed for this application. If desired, an analysis of this type can be combined with automated mineralogy using our in-house Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA) for a full mineralogical characterisation. Please keep in mind that matrix and concentrate elements may create interferences that may prevent some analytes from being available for reporting. Major, Minor and Trace elements in Concentrates
anaLyTeS & ranGeS (ppm)
Ag Al As B Ba Be Bi Ca Cd Ce Co Cr Cs 0.1-1,000 0.02%-100% 1-100,000 100-100,000 50-100,000 0.5-1,000 0.1-100,000 0.05%-100% 0.1-5,000 0.2-5,000 1-100,000 10-100,000 0.5-5,000 Cu Fe Ga Ge Hf Hg In K La Li Mg Mn Mo 2-100,000 0.02%-100% 0.5-100,000 0.5-5,000 0.2-5,000 0.1-100,000 0.05-5,000 0.02%-100% 2-100,000 1-5,000 0.02%-100% 10-100,000 0.5-100,000 Na Nb Ni P Pb Rb Re S Sb Sc Se Sn Sr 0.02%-100% 0.5-5,000 2-100,000 100-100,000 2-100,000 1-5,000 0.01-500 0.05%-100% 0.5-100,000 1-100,000 2-10,000 2-5,000 2-100,000 Ta Te Th Ti Tl U V W Y Zn Zr 0.1-5,000 0.1-5,000 2-5,000 0.01%-100% 0.2-100,000 0.5-10,000 5-100,000 0.5-100,000 0.5-5,000 20-100,000 5-5,000 ME-MS41c 220.00


Price Per SAmPle ($)

*A four acid option, ME-MS61c, is also available.




OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

Industrial minerals are those whose commercial value does not rely on the production of a metal or fuel from the mineral source. Typical examples include limestone, clay, silica, gypsum and talc. Metallic compounds where used in nonmetallic form such as rutile or titanium dioxide are also included in this group.

industrial minerals
Industrial mineral analysis commonly includes analyses that deal with unusual matrices and highly refractory components. As a result, aggressive digestions are selected to ensure complete homogeneity of the analytical sub-sample leaving no residual sample. We have extensive experience analysing industrial mineral products such as phosphates, beach sands, ilmenites, raw building materials such as limestone and dolomite right through to intermediate processing plant flows and product streams. Typically these analyses are used to characterise the commercial material, identify contaminants and quality variations, and to provide legislative checks for waste acceptance and occupational hygiene purposes. The procedures listed below are designed to provide optimum results for each material type or product. This includes the specific digestion procedure, calibration protocols and the use of appropriate Certified Reference Materials for each sample type. Where a more inclusive element suite or lower detections limits are required, ALS Minerals can customise methods or develop new procedures to suit individual needs.
Cementitious Materials Glass Sand Products Limestone, Dolomite, Magnesite, Magnesia Manganese Ore Phosphate Rock Silicates Rutile Product


CaO, SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, Mn2O3, Na2O, K 2O, SO3, MgO, TiO2, Cr2O3, P2O5, SrO, LOI SiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, Cr2O3, TiO2 CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2, LOI MnO, Fe2O3, SiO2, Al2O3, P2O5, LOI P2O5, Fe2O3, Al2O3, SiO2, CaO, MgO, TiO2, Na2O, K 2O, MnO, LOI. Al2O3, BaO, CaO, Cr2O3, Fe2O3, K 2O, MgO, MnO, Na2O, P2O5, SiO2, SrO, TiO2, LOI

Fusion, ICP-AES Fusion, ICP-AES/ICP-MS Fusion, ICP-AES Fused bead XRF Fused bead, XRF Fused bead, XRF


Price Per SAmPle ($)

37.50 80.00 40.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 35.00 plus 20.00/element

TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, MgO, MnO, Nb2O5, P2O5, Fusion, ICP-AES SiO2, V 2O5, ZrO2, LOI (Other elements available on request) TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, MgO, MnO, Nb2O5, P2O5, Fusion, ICP-AES SiO2, V 2O5, ZrO2, LOI (Other elements available on request) TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, MgO, MnO, Nb2O5, P2O5, Fusion, ICP-AES SiO2, V 2O5, ZrO2, LOI (Other elements available on request) TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, CaO, Cr2O3, MgO, MnO, Nb2O5, P2O5, Fusion, ICP-AES SiO2, V 2O5, ZrO2, LOI (Other elements available on request)

Zircon Product


35.00 plus 20.00/element

Ilmenite Product


35.00 plus 20.00/element

Intermediate Plant Flows


35.00 plus 20.00/element





OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

ALS Minerals provides quantitative mineralogical determinations for exploration, mining, metallurgical and environmental industries. Mineralogical analyses are carried out using the MLA (Mineral Liberation Analyser) system which is a scanning-electron microscope system equipped with advanced software and energy dispersive x-ray detectors.

applied Mineralogy & Geometallurgy

Specialised mineralogical analyses are conducted on exploration drill core, RC drill chips, processing plant samples, tailings, or smelter slags for a range of commodities. Projects supported include Au, Ag, PGE, Cu, Ni, Zn, Mo, Ta/Nb, Pb, Sn, Sb, U, Cr, Fe, Mn, W and Mineral Sands. Mineralogical data include: Mineral identities and compositions Mineral abundances and associations Mineral grain size distributions Elemental distributions of key minerals Liberation and textural data Limiting grade recovery graphs Colour coded particle images Mineralogy reports MS Access Database Quantitative Mineralogy



Collection of Mineral Standards & Sample Preparation*

Batch Fee Crushing/Milling Sizing Polished Section Preparation

Batch fee irrespective of number of samples (new ores). Crushing/milling of bore core and uncrushed ore for mineralogical analysis. Price determined by mass of sample. Sizing/cyclosizing into different size fractions. Preparation of 30mm epoxy polished sections for analysis.


Price Per SAmPle ($)

1500.00 POA POA 85.00

Specialised Mineralogical Analysis Packages*

Precious Metals Mineralogy Uranium Mineralogy Mineral Sands Mineralogy Base Metals Mineralogy

Determination of the mineralogy of Au/Ag/PGM in ore and process samples. Multiple polished sections need to be analysed. Determination of the mineralogy of uranium in ore and process samples. Multiple polished sections need to be analysed. Determination of the mineralogy of Mineral Sands Deposits. Determination of the deportment of Cu-, Ni-, Zn-, Pb-, Mo-, Co-, Ta/Nb-, Sn-, U-, Cr-, Mn- and W-bearing minerals in ore and process samples. Price is determined by grade and multiple polished sections need to be analysed for low grade samples. High Level analysis (textural data included). Low Level analysis (textural data excluded). Determination of the mineralogy of Fe ores and process samples including full quantification of magnetite,hematite and goethite as separate minerals. Determination of the mineralogy of inorganic phases in coal/fly ash. Ore characterisation Mineralogy of coarse particles. Reporting of mineralogical results in basic or interpretive format.


Price Per POLISHeD SeCTIOn ($)

600.00 600.00 800-1000


700-1000 300-450 850.00 500.00 800-1000 POA

Iron Ore Mineralogy

Coal Mineralogy Geometallurgy Reporting

* All work subject to formal quotation being issued to Client. ** All prices are indicative only and exclude sizing, polished section preparation and reporting costs.




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OTher ServiCeS

applied Mineralogy with Lithogeochemistry

Exploration success can be significantly enhanced by combining state of the art Mineralogical analysis (using Mineral Liberation Analysers MLA) with comprehensive, low detection multi-element geochemistry (using ICP-MS, ICP-AES and XRF instruments). ALS Minerals now offers competitively priced packages which provide both percentage mineral abundance and quantitative elemental distributions as Applied Mineralogy-Geochemistry packages. These comprehensive analysis packages are ideally suited for regional rock chip sampling programs and bottom of hole/basement samples from exploration drilling under deep cover. Mineralogy - Geochemistry Packages
Assay Applied Mineralogy Package

Mineral Abundance (MIN-BMS1) 4-acid Digestion, ICP-MS (ME-MS61) Fire Assay PGM Analysis (PGM-MS23)


Price Per SAmPle ($)


Lithogeochemistry Applied Mineralogy Package

Mineral Abundance (MIN-GEOM) Whole Rock major elements with LOI (ME-XRF06) 30 elements, Lithium Borate Fusion-ICP-MS including rare earth elements (ME-MS81) Volatiles: As-Sb-Hg-Bi-Se-Te by aqua regia-ICP-MS C, S Total Carbon and Sulfur (ME-IR08) Au-Pt-Pd Fire Assay-ICP-MS (PGM-MS23) LithMIN-PKG02 550.00


*Minimum sample weight required is 100g of 75 micron pulp. **A minimum of 20 samples per batch submission is required. ***Mineralogy excludes data on trace minerals.





OreS & COMMOdiTieS

rAre eArTh eLeMenTS LiThOGeOCheMiSTry



OTher ServiCeS

In many instances geologists are forced to operate in new geographies with little logistical support and yet are still expected to collect data that is meaningful and insightful. To support such efforts, many ALS facilities now offer a variety of services to help collect and analyse drill samples in a highly-secure and controlled environment. Together these services can provide a streamlined and easy way to collect, store, and retrieve a wealth of information very soon after core is provided to the laboratory.

Core Cutting and Other Services

In the past year, ALS Minerals has introduced a group of services called the ALS Core Shed in which we provide services to help you manage your core samples in the field with greater ease and less expense. ALS Core Shed services can be bundled in any combination and cover the full range of handling and management that clients are typically engaged in at a remote drill site. Clients who ship core directly to the nearest ALS facility will find a comfortable, dedicated, secure and safe space in which to lay-out and log core, lighting and infrastructure to support core photography, equipment to scan core using portable x-ray equipment and in selected locations, equipment to provide infra-red and hyperspectral scans for mineralogical information prior to chemical analysis. As with all our services, all information can be readily uploaded to our Webtreive system for easy distribution and access from anywhere in the world. ALS Core Shed services include: Secure and dedicated rental space for layout and logging of core or other materials Core cutting services High resolution core photography linked to Webtreive for online viewing Hand-held portable XRF equipment and analysis for quick point determinations Specific gravity and/or bulk density testing Secure, barcoded on-site storage that can be seen and monitored via Webtrieve Complete sample preparation and multi-element analysis of core samples as required






OreS & COMMOdiTieS

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OTher ServiCeS

ALS Minerals now offers a ground-breaking and unique core photography service. This service allows high quality photographic images of core to be collected on our web-based service for secure sharing and ready pairing with analytical data to aid geological interpretation and communication without return to the core box.

Virtual Down-hole Core Photographs

Our exclusive image processing software allows ALS Minerals locations to offer a unique, high quality core photography service that will help enhance geologic interpretation, as well as the communication of findings within your company. High quality, parallax corrected photos of core in normal core boxes are rendered into continuous downhole images that allow close-in zoom capability to aid identification of micro geologic features, as well as appreciation for the larger-scale elements of lithology and structure. Our process uses an automated image registration that combines each row of core in a series of core boxes into one continuous visual image. At a clients request, this photographic information can be combined with security-encrypted down-hole depth registration that allows geochemical information to be viewed graphically in conjunction with the actual core images. Down-hole depth information is securely encrypted such that it is only viewable by the client and not accessible by unauthorised users, or even ALS Minerals personnel. Best of all, this information can be retrieved or shared with other authorised users anywhere and anytime around the globe using Webtreive. This new service aids the interpretation and understanding of geology and the geochemical characteristics of a project and allows the cataloguing and secure archiving of data related to drill holes. Our service includes: Exclusive software to acquire high resolution, parallax corrected core images Image processing to produce strip-log style, continuous down-hole display of core Down-hole depth registration Image zoom capability Easy image archiving and retrieval Simplified geologic and geochemical interpretation


Method Codes, descriptions and Prices

Rental space for Secure Core Logging at ALS facilities with full spectrum lights, desk space, access to internet, etc. High Resolution, Continuous Core Photo with down-hole depth linked to Webtrieve for online viewing Rapid analysis using Webtrieve-linked portable XRF Specific Gravity of drill core, see page 7 for more details Core sawing using automated core saws Secure Core Storage at an ALS facility


Price ($)

Price on Request





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OTher ServiCeS

Truly remote projects require a higher degree of support. Each project has particular demands and no two circumstances are exactly alike. The logistics and expense of sample shipment often drives a need for carefully designed on-site sample preparation. In some situations, on-site analytical capability is required.

Custom Mobile Sample Preparation Facilities

ALS Minerals offers clients a MOBILE PREPARATION LAB option for setting up on-site facilities. Mobile preparation labs have been manufactured for years exclusively by ALS Minerals for ALS clients. We have many in operation at any time around the globe. We have two standard sample preparation configurations and we have extensive experience manufacturing more customised solutions for clients whose requirements are more demanding. A mobile sample preparation module consists of either a 10 by 20 foot, or a 10 by 40 foot standard shipping container, which is converted into a sample preparation area housing: one/two heavy duty crushers one/two large bowl ring pulverisers (2 kg capacity bowls) working stations dust collector electric drying oven including carts heavy duty air-compressor a nominal diesel powered generator package 100 kVA (optional)



Complete labs can be manufactured in 6 to 8 weeks.

ALS On-site Support

An ALS Minerals supervisor will be on-site for the installation of the facility. ALS Minerals can also be contracted to provide on-site training in most languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian and others). You can also have one or more of your staff trained at an ALS Minerals facility. Under certain conditions and given enough lead time, ALS Minerals is also able to operate such facilities on a contract basis.




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OTher ServiCeS

ALS Minerals offers expert construction, supply, management and advice when establishing an on-site laboratory facility at your location. When partnering with ALS Minerals you will have the peace of mind that your design, establishment, commissioning and daily laboratory management will be accomplished to the same high standard that characterises all ALS Minerals facilities.

mine Site laboratories

Mine site laboratories have been designed, installed and operated by ALS Minerals for mines in many regions. Construction and installation of sample preparation or analytical facilities may be within existing buildings, in pre-fabricated buildings, or within standard sea containers according to the requirements for each specific project. These facilities include proper environmental control systems for dust collection and fume extraction. The provision of such laboratory services is based on the installation of local facilities to enable rapid return of analytical data. Access to ALS management experience and sufficient staffing and equipment levels ensure high quality data and rapid return of analytical data. ALS Minerals has experience establishing and operating a wide variety of analytical services in on-site client hosted environments. Capabilities ranging from fire assay to atomic absorption determinations, ICP-AES capabilities, x-ray analyses, as well as metallurgical testing, bullion determinations, grade control, and environmental sampling and testing are all normal parts of what we see our clients demand from on-site facilities. The management systems implemented on-site comply with the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025 standards and use the same methodologies as those in the certified ALS Minerals Laboratories.


Mine-Site Laboratory Services include:

Mineral Sample Preparation Physical Testing Fire Assay Wet Chemistry Instrumentation (AAS, XRF, ICP-AES/MS) BLEG, LeachWELL Data Management - LIMS Laboratory Audits Inventory Management (Consumables, Purchasing)

Once a mineral lab is installed at the mine site, the client will have access to an array of additional services : Consulting Mineralogy Environmental Metallurgical Research and Development Oil Condition Monitoring for the Mining Fleet





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OTher ServiCeS

Terms & Conditions

1. ALS will provide the services described in the accompanying tender, quotation, letter, fax or email, hereafter called the Agreement to the client. often in a unique geological or metallurgical context, it is the clients responsibility to inform him or herself fully as to ALS detection limits and confidence intervals relevant to that particular set of assay results. 12. The Client will give written notice of all known safety or health hazards and special procedures applicable to the safe handling, testing, storage, transport and disposal of samples submitted. ALS may in its absolute discretion, refuse to provide services where it determines the provision of such services may pose a health or safety hazard. 13. The Client acknowledges that during the performance of the services the samples or parts thereof may be altered, lost, damaged or destroyed. ALS shall not be liable to the Client or any third party for any samples so altered, lost, damaged or destroyed. 14. Subject to the Clients approval and if ALS considers it appropriate, then ALS may engage a third party service provider. The Client shall not unreasonably withhold such approval. 15. ALS may suspend or terminate its obligations under this Agreement if (a) monies payable to ALS by the client are outstanding 60 days or more (unless otherwise agreed), (b) other substantial breach by the client of their obligations hereunder, which breach is not remedied within 30 days of written notice from ALS requiring the breach to be remedied, (c) by giving the Client 60 days written notice of their intention to do so. 16. The Client may terminate its obligations under this Agreement in the event of a substantial breach by ALS in its obligations hereunder, which breach has not been remedied within 30 days of written notice from the client requiring the breach to be remedied. 17. ALS will retain client data for 3 years only from date of final report. 18. Unless otherwise agreed, sample disposal is the responsibility of the client. Samples may be collected within 90 days of receiving the report. Uncollected samples may incur a storage or disposal charge. 19. For samples, pulps and rejects that are in storage at an ALS facility, warehouse, or at a third party storage facility subcontracted by ALS, the Client should obtain coverage for fire and theft. The responsibility of ALS for clients goods is strictly limited to exercising the reasonable care and diligence as required by statute. All of ALS other obligations, undertakings, covenants, representations, warranties and conditions, are excluded, unless they are expressly agreed to in writing by an authorised representative of ALS. 20. Except as provided in clause 19 above, clients goods are stored at the clients exclusive risk of loss, damage or delay in delivery whatsoever, including, without limitation, loss, damage or delay caused through (a) any action or failure to act beyond the reasonable control of ALS, (b) ordinary wear and tear in handling, (c) natural deterioration of packing material over time, (d) theft, (e) sprinkler or other water damage, (f) fire. 21. ALS may assign or subcontract the storage and handling of pulps and rejects under this agreement without prior written approval of the client.

2. ALS will provide the services by exercising the same degree of skill, care and diligence that would be exercised by professional service providers in similar circumstances. 3. The placement of an order for or receipt of samples for analysis based on this Agreement will constitute acceptance of these Terms & Conditions by the client. 4. This Agreement is valid for 30 days from the issue date unless specifically indicated otherwise. 5. ALS reserves the right to review prices at any time if significant changes to our costs are incurred that are beyond our control eg changes in legislative requirements or Client variations to sample numbers, analytes requested, turnaround required, reporting requirements and such. 6. Payment terms are 30 days from invoice date, subject to credit approval, unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to sample submission. To ensure timely release of results, you may wish to contact our credit department prior to submitting samples to check the status of your existing trade account, submit a credit application (available at aspx under Minerals Forms) or arrange for payment prior to our release of results. 7. To the full extent permitted by law ALS excludes all warranties, terms, conditions or undertakings, (terms) whether expressed or implied, in relation to the services, the report, or its contents. Where any legislation implies any terms in this Agreement that cannot be modified or excluded then such terms shall deem to be included. However, to the full extent permitted by law, ALS liability to the Client is limited at ALS option to the reperformance of the service or the refund of the service fee.



8. Without limiting the generality of clause 7, it is agreed that, to the full extent permitted by any applicable laws having jurisdiction, ALS will not be liable to the Client or any other person for any special, indirect or consequential damages arising from the Clients use of ALS services or reports. 9. The Client hereby releases and indemnifies and shall continue to release and indemnify ALS, its officers, employees and agents from and against all actions, claims, proceedings or demands (including any costs and expenses in defending or servicing same) which may be brought against it or them, in respect of any loss, death, injury, illness or damage to persons or property and whether direct or indirect and in respect of any breach of any industrial or intellectual property rights, howsoever arising out of the use of the services or report of ALS.

10. The Client acknowledges that it is the clients sole responsibility to make its own assessment of the suitability for any purpose of the service, report and its contents. 11. The service provided is subject to detection limits and confidence intervals inherent in our current methodology. Because each client is reliant upon assay results for a particular purpose and


1315 Kelly Lake Road Sudbury Ontario P3E 5P5 Tel: 1 705 560 7225 Email: [email protected]

GHANA Kumasi



2912 Molitor Street, Terrace, BC V8G 3A4 Tel: 1 250 635 3309 Email:[email protected]

Plot 1-4, Block A New Brofoyedu North East Kumasi Tel: 27 11 461 3237 Email:[email protected]

Av. Los Pinos H-1 Distrito de Wanchaq, Cusco Tel: 51 84 23 3406 Email:[email protected]




Thunder Bay

Altos Homos Zapla 1605 Godoy Cruz, Mendoza Tel: 54 261 431 9880 Email:[email protected]

1160 Commerce Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 6E9 Tel:1 807 475 3329 Email:[email protected]

Athenry Road Loughrea, Ireland Tel: 353 91 841 741 Email: [email protected]

Calle 1 LT-1A Mz-D Esq. Calle A Urb. Industrial Bocanegra Callao 1 Tel: 51 1 574 5700 Email:[email protected]




LAOS Vientiane

Av. Los Cisnes 109, Urb. Los Pinos Trujillo, La Libertad Tel: 51 44 28 0351 Email:[email protected]

Unit 1, 1 Burma Road, Pooraka Adelaide, South Australia 5095 Tel: 61 8 8359 0890 Email:[email protected]

2090 Riverside Drive, Unit 10 Timmins, Ontario P4R 0A2 Tel: 1 705 360 1987 Email:[email protected]

297 Saphanthong Neua Road PO Box 11289, Vientiane Tel: 856 21 31 3438 Email:[email protected]

ROMANIA Rosia Montana


Alice Springs

13 Price Street, Alice Springs, NT 0870 Tel: 61 8 8952 6020 Email:[email protected]

1324 Rue Turcotte, Val-dOr, Quebec J9P 3X6 Tel: 1 819 825 0178 Email:[email protected]

LIBERIA Monrovia

Loc.Gura Rosiei, Comuna Rosia Montana Jud Alba, 517619 Tel: 40 258 780 395 Email:[email protected]

Liberia Tel: +233 244 314509 Email: [email protected]




32 Shand Street, Stafford Brisbane, Queensland 4053 Tel: 61 7 3243 7222 Email:[email protected]

2103 Dollarton Hwy North Vancouver, BC V7H 0A7 Tel: 1 604 984 0221 Email:[email protected]

MALI Bamako

35a, Tractovaya St Chita 672027 Tel: 7 3022 368 038


Koulouba-Sogonafing B.P.E 2670 Tel: 223 20 213137 Email:[email protected]



5 Keogh Way, Kalgoorlie, WA 6430 Tel: 61 8 9021 1457 Email:[email protected]

78 Mt Sima Road Whitehorse Yukon Y1A 0A8 Tel: 1 867 633 4746 Email:[email protected]


[email protected]


P.O. Box 54605 Anakheel Area (1), Saleh Atawageri (57) Street Jeddah, 21254 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: 966 2 251 1911 Email:[email protected]



1535 Pyramid Road, Karratha, WA 6714 Tel: 61 8 9144 2577 Email:[email protected]

Sample Delivery: #3 Coronation Drive Mail: PO Box 1919, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P4 Tel: 1 867 873 5159 Email:[email protected]

Avenida de las Industias No 6500 Col. Zona Industrial Nombre de dios Chihuahua, C.P. 31156 Tel: 52 614 417 9728 Email:[email protected]

SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg

[email protected] 61 Brunton Circle Founders View South Modderfontein Johannesburg 1645 Tel: 27 11 608 0555 Email:[email protected]

Mount Isa

Unit 4, 16 Enterprise Road Mt. Isa, Queensland 4825 Tel: 61 7 4740 1700 Email:[email protected]

CHILE Antofagasta



Calle Juan Gutemberg 452 Galpon 17 y 18, Antofagasta Tel: 56 2 654 6170 Email:[email protected]

10 Leewood Drive, Orange, NSW 2800 Tel: 61 2 6393 1100 Email:[email protected]

La Serena

FCO. Silva Romero (Antes Jazmn) # 1140 E/R. Michel y Amapola Sector Reforma Colonia San Carlos CP 44460 Guadalajara, Jalisco Mexico Tel: 52 33 3619 7438 Email:[email protected]

SPAIN Seville


31 Denninup Way, Malaga Perth, Western Australia 6090 Tel: 61 8 9347 3222 Email:[email protected]

Avenida La Fragua 1130 Barrio Industrial Chanar Alto Penuelas, Coquimbo Tel: 56 2 654 6135 Email:[email protected]


CHINA Guangzhou

Magnolia #16, Esq. Laureles Col. Libertad, Hermosillo Sonora 83130 Tel: 52 662 260 7586 Office: 52 662 218 4403 Email:[email protected]

Poligono Industrial Parque Plata Calle Camino Mozarabe Naves 13 y 15, Camas (Seville) 41900 Tel: 34 955 981 491 Email:[email protected]



14-15 Desma Court, Bohle Townsville, Queensland 4818 Tel: 61 7 4796 0600 Email:[email protected]

Building 12, American Industrial Park 48 Hongmian Avenue, Huadu District Guangzhou, Guangdong,China 510800 Tel: 86 203 687 5966 Email:[email protected]




Avenida Circunvalacin y Final Campo Jordn s/n. Oruro Tel: 591 2 527 8235 Email:[email protected]

30m West of Hu-Bao Speedway Exit Jinchuang, Hohhot, Inner Mangolia, China Tel: 86 471 360 0886 Email:[email protected]

Transito Pesado S/n Bodega 100, 200, 300 y 400 Frente a Central Camionera Col. Lomas de la Isabelica C.P. 98099, Zacatecas, Zacatecas Tel: 52 492 768 1474 Tel: 52 492 768 1616 Email:[email protected]

Hammarvgen 22 SE-943 36, jebyn Tel: 46 911 65 800 Email:[email protected]


Plot No. 28 New Industrial Area Mkuyuni, Mwanza Tel: 255 28 255 0486 Email:[email protected]

MONGOLIA Ulaanbattar


BR A ZIL Belo Horizonte


Rua So Paulo 685 Vespasiano MG 33.200-000 Tel:55 31 3621 3907 Email:[email protected]

Backside of Mengxi Logistics Park Hailar District, Inner Mongolia, China Tel: 86 470 828 1702 Email:[email protected]

210136 Amono Corporation Building Chingis Avenue, Khan-Uul District Ulaanbaatar Tel: 976 11 343882 Email: info.mongolia@stewartgroupglobal. com

Fatih Mahallesi Ege Caddesi No: 7/B Sarnic Gaziemir Izmir, 35414 Turkey Tel: 90 232 281 7110 Email:[email protected]




[email protected]

Avenida Anhanguera Qd 25 Lt 11E, No. 15.060 Setor Santos Dumont Goiania, GO 74.463-350 Tel: 55 62 3088 4800 Email:[email protected]

Parque Agroindustrial Peru, Bodega 4 Funza (Km 2 via Siberia), Bogota - Colombia Tel: 57 1 826 1635 Email:[email protected]

NAMIBIA Swakopmund



P.O. Box 8514 Swakopmund Tel: 264 81 4334265 Email:[email protected]

7011 Old Seward Highway Anchorage, Alaska 99518 Tel: 1 907 349 1789 Email: [email protected]

BURKINA FASO Ouagadougou

Porte 629, Blvd Tansoba Tabkom Zone Kossodo, Secteur 25, 11 BP 235 CMS Tel: 226 5035 6077 Email:[email protected]

Bodegas San Bartolome Bodega 3, Carrera 48B No 99 Sur - 59, La Estrella Medellin, Colombia Tel: 57 1 306 9122 Email:[email protected]





75, Group 5, Sangkat Chom Chao Khan Dangkor, Cambodia Email:[email protected]

Ave. Eloy Alfaro N73-93 y Antonio Basantes Tel: 59 32 247 6475 | Fax: 593 2 247 0968

16 Rue Georgette Mourin Parc Deenterprise de la Yahoue Noumea Cedex Normandie BP 30520,988895 New Caledonia Tel: 687 44 1580 Email:[email protected]

2056 Last Chance Road Elko, Nevada 89801 Tel: 1 775 738 2054 Email:[email protected]


NORWAY Kirkenes

1060 Bush Street Fairbanks, Alaska 99709 Tel: 1 907 452 2188 Email:[email protected]



[email protected] [email protected]

1 Lami St, Suva, Fiji Tel: 67 9336 4288 Email:[email protected]

Sydvaranger Industriomrde NO-9900, Kirkenes Tel: 47 91 306 911 Email:[email protected]


4977 Energy Way Reno, Nevada 89502 Tel: 1 775 356 5395 Email:[email protected]


10041 Dallas Drive Kamloops, British Columbia V2C 6T4 Tel: 1 250 573 5700 Email: [email protected]

FINLAND Outokumpu

PERU Arequipa


Karjalankatu 1, FI-835 00, Outokumpu Tel: 358 50 401 28 22 Email:[email protected]

Urb. Industrial El Cayro Manzana A, Lote 3, Distrito Paucarpata, Arequipa Tel: 51 54 46 3649 Email:[email protected]

3275 Fountain Way Winnemucca, Nevada 89445 Tel: 1 775 625 4192 Email:[email protected]


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